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[Music] [Music] welcome back to the channel in this video I want to touch on a really important point which is your details and your data but also your property specifically your phone that carries all of your personal details and your private things on that phone and what happens when the police try to seize your phone H done can I help no you're okay thank you you have to have permission to take photographs or film I have permission thank you yeah who do you have permission from paron who do you have permission from uh the person I need to get permission from okay can you tell me their details sure uh the starts with article 10 finishes with the Human Rights Act no okay we have to ask you to leave for I'm on a publicly accessible area no have you seen all the signs that say yeah Beyond this point and do you know what the other sign says it's publicly accessible up to the reception so this is actually part of the publicly accessible area so if you want to follow your own signs we'll follow your signs and that's fine and I'll stand here and carry on doing what I'm doing who are you me yeah yeah don't want to tell you exactly there you go you're going to try and give me orders you don't even want to identify who you are come come with me good I'm good you can go have a look okay enjoy your uh enjoy taking pictures I will thank you in fact because you don't want to give me details I think you possibly POS a terrorist wrist oh is that right yeah is that right if I seize that then you're going to seize this yeah and then why so this PC and I'm guessing is a PC is willing to abuse legislation in order to get his own way in order to stamp on ptp's rights to film he's willing to do that because he doesn't want to be told no he Heights being challenged and he doesn't like the fact that PTP is standing up for his and he's threatening to seize his phone as well a threat of theft essentially it's shocking let's keep watching because I think you might be doing something like ter so do do you know the memo by the National Police Chiefs Council what I do if I take that and then I'll review that and then if there's anything how about I show you the footage now I've been here 5 minutes all right CU I don't want you to see this it's my only phone uh terrorism to for for public photography hang on I spoke to you you I've got the mission and I said who from and then you didn't give me the detail so I immed I didn't give you details you no you didn't you said article 10 of the Human Rights Act yes freedom of expression freedom of the press so so then I think you know what that means what that guy doing do you know the oath that you took to uphold your oath what's that guy doing that's a bit odd so you're incriminating my right to silence and my right to privacy is what you're saying I'm making sure that you're up to no good you making sure that I'm up to no good you mean you're Mak sure that I'm not up to no good yeah yeah or you trying to you're trying to find something you're trying to make sure that I'm up to no good so you're trying to find anything that you can because I didn't like to want to answer your questions I'm making sure that you're here and you don't not POS a threat to anyone okay so you hang on hang on stop right so you're right those signs there so there's no access beyond the public at this point am I being detained hey am I detained at the moment no okay so I'm not detained all right not the minute so you said haven't identified yourself as you said you threaten to se identify yourself cuz you threatened to seize my phone so let's let's go through the identification prove that you are you have the power to do so Andy McDonald 2249 is that is that conable is that Sergeant uh Constable Constable so I want to know so I know how to make a complaint and you are I'm detective Constable dogs you're detective Constable dogs with my col listen so because have you got have you got your um warrant card with you pleas as your plain clothes can I see it please we're talking to you right now yes and if you're talking to me in your capacity then you need to show me your warrant card did you guys learn nothing after Wayne cousins nothing at all just can't no because he's just threatened to seize my phone and accused me of being a terrorist no I said under the terrorist legislation I might take the device cuz you were being if you to suspect me of being a terrorist yeah so you suspect me of being a terrorist the recording the police buildings at that time I was thinking he's gone past the signs that say no filming now actually that thing at the sign at the start says you can film so Happy Days yeah so I engage with you and you say you got permission would tell me who from right I didn't think you allowed to be here but actually does say pass this point that's good but at that time I'm thinking hm what's he using the footage for cuz we've had people before like filming the doors the accesses and all that which obviously is worrying again are you aware of the mammo that was circula December by the National Police Chief's Council so I've to see the footage so I've asked to see the footage and you show I don't have to let you finish that's the problem so you've asked does this kind of thing frustrate you as much as it frustrates me I mean this guy just does not want to listen he's on transmit all the time and his colleague is now backing him up you couldn't write this you couldn't make it up if you were someone who was in charge of training for the police and watch this interaction what would you think if you was in charge of the interaction section between the police and the public for the training of new constables would you show this and say this is how it's done guys this is how you deal with the public you wouldn't would you you wouldn't show this is something to be copied and a blueprint for good policing this is terrible this is a guy that's threatened to seize a pH all because he got challenged that's the only reason it's disgusting PTP is excellent and this is one of his most important videos I know it's not the one with the sergeant where he really gives him a dressing down and tells him what's what this is a really important video let's keep watching yeah I've asked you a question do you know of the memo from the National Police Chief's Council then you then you should there is absolutely no excuse there is every consal every member of consal in the country is supposed to be fully briefed on this issue had look at the footage it looks like you've just come here to film in the public access public areas if you stay in the public areas happy day and what if I don't what if I go down there or down there then what down there yeah then I expect you that you'll be trespassing sure and then you'll have to leave okay and what I refuse to leave then I'll remove your device cuz I think you're probably doing something so you're you're going to remove my device for engaging in a civil trespass although you've just seen the footage because well I don't know what you're the only well one of the reasons I think you may be going on that I suspect that you want to sort of look up access and things like that so that would worry me so I'd remove that and check the footage and then see what's on there if there's anything on there that could sort of give away I know you put it on YouTube and it shows you access routs and all that lot take it to the court and they might decide you really think that would go to the courts mate you would find yourself in civil litigation before you could say [ __ ] so so we'd have a look at that if there's nothing on there then Happy Days yeah you'll be the one up in caught on civil litigation if you take my phone Happy Days you get returned to you go for it but if not then we just then you'd be trespassed and you'd be ejected from the site for trespass but if you're staying in the public areas have you need to jog on you need to go home I you you haven't even shown your warrant car so you can keep your mouth shut keep your mouth shut you're not even going to ident your I don't know you Iden you're another Wayne cousins aren't you you have a have a nice day in the yeah try not to murder anyone try not to rape anyone try not to take pictures of anybody uh in your care try not to STP search any 14y old girls is what you police like to do especially ones like you refused to identify oh really yeah you won't even show your warrant card pictures right you're going to get you're going to get an iopc complaint okay no problem that's fine trying to abuse uh terrorism Act considering there's considering there's a memo from the chief counsil mdon yeah I've got it all on camera that's fine the yeah that's fine I will show them footage you're going to abuse your powers despite the memo that you're all supposed to be briefed on absolute idiots he didn't care did he when pttp said I'm going to report it to the ilpc he just didn't care because he knows that nothing will come of it he knows that the complaint will get batted straight back to the person who was the victim it's disgusting using legislation that's meant to be for really important purposes for something like this to abuse the public I won't trust this guy personally I would never give him any data ever won't give him more details he doesn't deserve it you've got no respect for people like this and his colleague who won't even identify I mean beggar belief doesn't it I've got a question for you guys in the comments would you trust your data with these two individuals would you have handed over any kind of personal information let me know in the comments I really enjoy reading them thank you for joining me I'll be Mr between and I'll see you on the next one [Music] a
Channel: Mr In-between Channel
Views: 6,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P-IQypIZktM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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