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[Music] welcome back to the channel you know sometimes when I watch these videos back I do think to myself do these constables and pcsr even go through the same kinds of training as each other do I skip the bits where the public interaction part of the course is taking place it seems to me that the conversations that the police have with the public nowadays is just transmit talking at you not talking to you let's take a look let me just move out the way because you got this officer here so you're right yep don't touch me no no do not touch me go back the do you mind not pushing me I will fall over I'm not pushing you you are sir would you mind standing back sir would you mind standing back sir go back to the private area okay would you mind standing back okay well first of all you're not a police officer so don't tell me what to do sir can you can you actually identify yourself first sir no you identify yourself I don't need to never do I back around here no chance sir you come back around no chance sir right okay so guys as you can see this pcso here just came out and just tried to completely push me out the way you put your arms on me as I no you walk straight up to me sir do not even try that one it's all on camera so don't worry about that sir so and don't worry I'll be requesting a copy of that I'll request a copy of yours too youve got no chance sir you're held by gdpr I'm not so let's verify that you're oniv property let are you the land owner are you the landowner sir no but I represent guys so I'm asking you you're a pcso so do not even attempt to ask you if I and I can decline sir okay so if I walk per would that be okay I can decline sir right so in private if so you got a pcso here refusing to identify I I walk into 2907 well done that's it okay that's what you you got it don't worry yeah but you failed to do it so you will be retrained on that sir well thank you very much all right dear oh dear o dear this pcsl is getting it all wrong and he's making himself look thick all he needs to do is be polite and cous and I'm sure pla would reciprocate this and be exactly the same back but no it's a power struggle because he wants to be seen as something more than a pcsl to all the other constables he wants to be seen as On a par with them unfortunately he hasn't got the powers I've got and plod soon points this out I appreciate customer feedback you are well you got no absolute respect for members of the public no no you have none at all sir you have none at all I don't have to listen to a word you say sir you fail to identify yourself to me I do not speak to you if I walk to your garden would I had to ask and it's a civil matter sir that's right so can you please leave it's a civil matter the answer is no sir ask you're welcome to record the answer is no sir go to the public the answer is no sir this is private the answer is no sir the answer is no to what okay public oh sorry is private it's publicly accessible no no publicly access there's a barrier there not on the pavement sir and there's no sign not come through here that's because you forced me this way sir I didn't force you you you were stood here I down off the steps and you w right the camera don't don't lie sir I have nothing more to say to you yeah I the toilet you are a complete bully boy nothing more you are a complete bully boy number one you ident fail to identify yourself I don't have to explain myself to you yes you do sir yes you do so look do me a favor you don't even have the powers of a traffic warden so do me a favor and like words please go leave me alone to do what I'm lawfully allowed to do you're allowed in this private area that's not lawful yes I am sir if I walked into your garden without purpose would that be reasonable okay it BEC civil matter could I walk into your G becomes you can walk into my garden would you be happy with that there you go and I filmed you through your window it makes no difference what if I filmed you through your windows would that be okay it's a civil matter sir it's not it is a civil matter becomes a privacy issue when when it's when it's private property it is a civil matter of filing through someone's private I don't know about you but when I listen to the waffle that comes out of some of these pcsr mouths I feel thicker I feel more stupid it's like they project stupidity and I'm ingesting it I don't know if you feel the same way this guy hasn't got a clue what he's talking about he's pulling bits of information from his brain and trying to string them together his body Lang language is so off it just screams insecure I don't know what to say about this guy he shouldn't be on the force I'm going to go that far it shouldn't be on any kind of public facing role or any kind of interaction with the public you need to keep this kind of person away from the public because it will only end in issues and problems predominantly caused by the pcso himself I can I can film whatever my eye can see from the public end of story public area do me a favor do me a favor appreciate you got do me a favor do me a favor just go away right look if you want to do something about this then go and get me a real police officer I I don't think that there's any free to come and deal with right well then in other words in other words I'm going to carry on with my business I I know you're trying to provoke a reaction because it you like you came out there was two nice officers that walked in there that said hello to me just around the corner and let me carry on do what I'm I can film whatever I can see so do me a favor I'm going to carry on with my business I'm going to carry on with my business so it's that simple okay so you got a pcso there that thinks he can throw his weight around he was most probably bullied at school and that's why he decided to put on that fake uh police officer's uniform and that's what he's decided to do as you seen from the camera he decided to come right the way out and completely push up in my face so it looks like there is where you've got the cells thank gentlemen good afternoon sir how are you yeah I'm very well how are you good not too bad would you mind ident would you mind identif y my name is PC Wells my warrant number is Echo Alpa 022 thank you very much see on Myer thank you very much for identifying yourself can I ask what you're doing here today please uh yes I'm doing a awful activity and I'm down here to try and engage with some officers like yourself where you came out you've been nice and polite not like this PCS out here came out and was completely in my face and pushing me away okay right uh so I will say thank you very much for that sir okay uh and tell what give us two seconds Bud let's I'll have a chat with him and then I'll do you want to go with car have a chat with car and then we'll get two sides of the same story and we'll go from there okay so yes so I'm just down here because uh recently you've actually got the police Federation for sus that did actually release a statement saying that they believe themselves that there is a complete divide between the public and the police so I'm just down here as you know there aren't many police on the street at the moment a lot of them go around in vehicles the main place you can see the police is at police station okay now as I've come around there's no signs around there saying no public beyond that point that's why I'm allowed to actually access this under section 33 of the criminal justice of 1972 so I'm allowed access around here because there is no sign around the front he came around when I was standing over there and I've got it all on camera and he just completely push up and push me into the corner you can see I W with a stick and he tried to push me over right I will be filing assault charges for that because he should not have done that also he failed to identify who he was right not like yourself when you came out I asked you to identify yourself you've done that it was perfectly fine okay now what I will actually show you just so we can actually clarify this mhm okay so not like what this one doesn't understand as you can see that is from the nspcc thank you very much okay now you must know who the nspcc are the npcc npcc I do yeah yeah so you give me two seconds no worries no worries carry on good afternoon my Dar sorry I won't call you my darling because I know some people don't like that would you mind just identifying yourself for me if you don't Mindy okay and your calling number please Al 334 thank you very much you're welcome so you can see clearly from that okay what's come out I'm completely well within my rights to do so and it says that we are allowed to do so so just to clarify what plot has given to this Constable it's a document that was made by the npcc the National Police Chief's Council now what this document is is basic guidelines for the police when dealing with someone with a camera maybe outside the station or if they're being filmed outside doing their duties and it basically says leave them alone don't use terrorist legislation unless you absolutely think this is a terrorist and he's doing something with terrorist motives and that is very specific now what they've had to do with this document is they've had to republish it because it was still being ignored and they were getting sued quite a lot into the hundreds of thousands with a met um maybe even Millions now um with the amount of money that was going out in settlement so it wouldn't go to court and what plot has given to him is the latest version of this guidance so to say that the guidance is there and other parts of guidance aren't being listened to or aren't being read is still a major problem today unfortunately so and once I've done my story then I will make my way and I'll be off now there were two officers that came out to get their lunch they said good afternoon and everything else and and they were really Pleasant and that's how it should be and they wonder why they're to divide now the way that you've come out if you were on the street that would be a fantastic interaction with any member of the public and that's what the public want to see of course it's when you get somebody like this gentleman here and the way that he went that is what gives good officers a bad name and that's what we have to come away from and that's why I just come down to see what officers views were on whether or not they believe they're is a divide it's something that I'm not going to comment on and for the simple reason of we have our media departments that speak on behalf of the police I'm very conscious that we are all stood here in a uniform and that my my personal comments on the matter could then be construed as being the views of Sussex police and that is that's not the case My Views are my own but when I wear this uniform I I represent Sussex police as as do my colleagues here okay so with respect to you sir I'm going to uh refrain from that's not a problem sir if you were if you wanted to comment from the Police Service in relation to the Divide between us and public I've contacted the Press office a number of times but they only ever seem to get back to me when there's something good to actually be said and that is a sad thing because this is what creates The Divide when something goes wrong right it's good officers that do need to stand up and say look this is what's happening and they do need to go forward you know it's really cowardly this this answer is really cowardly from this Constable it's polite fair play but he's a coward the issue is here he does have a personal opinion and he's willing to give his personal opinion when it suits him you've seen these interactions Lo I've seen these interactions where they will happily tell you what they think of you get a job have you not got a job to do are you bored these kind of rude vile things to say to the public granted this guy has not said it but we've we've heard it before they're quite happy to give that kind of personal opinion and be rude but when they're asked a specific question about something as important as the Public's relationship with the police say the Press office I can't possibly comment such a coward yeah this conable orou polite useless and as I said you've been really polite you've been really professional and it's been really really good as I said if you don't have want to answer the question you don't need to answer the question and that's perfectly fine that's well within your rights to do so but what is not acceptable is what this actual pcso did that's not in any way I can't comment on that because obviously I didn't witness that again uh and like you said you're well within your rights to make any sort of complaint that you wish to do so and if you need to know how the process works in relation to making you know an internal complaint about a member of Sussex police staff we can go through that that's not a problem in the interest of like you said I've been polite with you and been absolutely fine with you and I appreciate what you've said about the signage uh and that is obviously something that we we will have to address if that is the case but can I ask there to be some sort of compromise between the two of us I'm happy to continue having a conversation with you you know for the time being but this is a private car par whether it's signed or not like I said you you've C you quoted the uh the act of parliament to me however I'm going to ask for some sort of compromise between the two of us considering that you know I've been ABS perfectly polite with you and therefore I see no reason for you to you know to sort of not want to engage with me and to come to some sort of agreement okay I cannot stop you doing well you're doing in terms of your filming and things like that the only thing I'm going to ask politely is that you don't do it in our private car park because we do we and we should be challenging people to see whether they have police ID when they are in this particular area that's perfectly fine sir it's perfectly fine what I'm going to ask is that if you want to continue filming the police station here today and and doing whatever it is for your YouTube channel or whatever social media platform you're doing this for that's fine but could I ask you to do it the other side of the barrier where you've entered from I will do as soon as I finished here okay then I will actually move around and so and what is it that you are hoping to gain from being in this car well no I'm walking around and I'm looking at the whole building okay the cars that are in here they don't bother me at all okay they're over there I'm focused on the building you know it's actually a shame that we're back to this we're back to having to look at these police constables and pcsos and the way they behave earlier on I put on a video my last video was of yardly ski with a fantastic interaction with a police Constable that knew the law was polite was humble articulate wanting to engage as a human to a human not to someone who he thought he was Superior ala um this interaction for me is a really good one from pla because he's always polite and he always makes a bad situation better I feel um I don't think much of the comforable I do think he's trying to negotiate pla rights downwards the pcsl not fit for purpose um very rude very arrogant and just probably obsessed with trying to be a proper copper unfortunately and chances are this was about two years ago I think so chances are he's trying to get into that uh situation now trying to get into that role maybe he's a coper who knows if you've enjoyed this video give me a sub um give me a like give me a share really appreciate it I appreciate all the subscriptions now it just goes up and every day which is fantastic uh I hope you enjoy the reviews that I do with these videos and please go to PLS YouTube channel to PL or not to PL go and give me a sub tell him mystery in between senent you and I'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Mr In-between Channel
Views: 16,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DPh_JqAxAE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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