Police Chases. Pit Maneuvers & Spike Strips.

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Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god let everybody be okay in the name of Jesus everybody be okay [Music] [Music] saint-saëns let's go let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] should have had successful deployment successful employment is continuing westbound [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] mm for help [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on the roads right now you see some cars behind it clearly they are giving chase to this van we're gonna bring you live pictures throughout this noon newscast and also try to determine why exactly they were chasing after this vehicle here in the first place again this happening right now in Clay County in the Northland we're gonna wait to hear from our chopper five pilot to get some locators exactly here as we're in pretty tight on this van here I want to make sure that we are giving a better understanding of where exactly this van is right now again on 435 is all I'm hearing my understanding is is that is now heading in a southbound direction but it seems to be heading off the road now trying to get away from authorities and where exactly we are looking at this man now but as you can see police are are coming up on it quite quickly here trying to at least get around it get in front of it maybe drop some stop sticks to get a hold of this van which unbelievably has continued now as for several miles vantage point here for you from our chopper five pilots needing to hear from our control room here where you think this is and okay so these are this is now apparently southbound i-35 now in the Northland coming off of 435 these are the southbound lanes of 35 thankfully at the very least what we're seeing now is a van heading at least in the right direction down the highway just now spinning out that back tire in deed that the passenger-side did blow out the van there's a second individual second individuals seem to have come out of the driver's seat as well may have been in the back of that van initially but way they're not taking any chances with this hovering behind those police cars here as they wait for this person to come out now he's trying to be just he just hit a car he's trying to go eastbound on Kent Kang Lane just truck a car there it looks like state might have somebody he's backing up he's trying to go back now on 116th Avenue he just did a j-turn I was headed back on 116th Avenue southbound looks like we got a pit there was not successful all right States trying to pit again a successful pit the vehicle stopped officers we begin with the first time police tried to stop this guy Near i-40 and 4th Street a squad car bumps the suspect the bumper comes off later he races down Mountain past Explorer and takes a right on to Rio Grande he speeds through this busy part of town passing other drivers and even going into oncoming traffic the suspect runs into a big construction project near Candelaria and takes a right here he comes up to two trucks and goes around them but look there was a man in the road he drives again into oncoming traffic and narrowly misses a car in the opposite lane here he actually Nick's one vehicle the suspect keeps racing down kondal area zooming past other vehicles and near 3rd Street he slows down and an officer does a pit maneuver and while his SUV is still spinning out the suspect opens the door jumps out and jumps over a fence he keeps running and hops an even bigger fence but cops are close behind and as sky 7 shows you officers are moving in on him he's trapped and an officer slams him to the ground minutes later they walk him back to a squad car in cuffs
Channel: Sergey322
Views: 1,588,895
Rating: 4.8019204 out of 5
Keywords: Sergey322, PoliceActivity, Police (Film Genre), Reality Television (TV Genre), Полиция США, полиция сша перестрелка, полиция погоня, полиция сша погоня, полиция погоня стрельба смерть, US police, US p, US police chase, Police chase, Hard Police Chase Crashes, погони, погони в сша, лучшие погони дпс, Police Justice, Police Activity, Pit Maneuver, Arrest, Win & Fail., 危険な警察が追いかける, Spike Strips, Politiets jagt
Id: 7sznkfD-LZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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