Pokimane: Criticism Not Welcome

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[Music] pokey main or that name I'm not even going to try to pronounce is the sixth most popular twitch streamer in the world she also can't take criticism but first an introduction pokey main or well that name again is a 24 year old Moroccan Canadian twitch personality she started to really hit her stride in popularity in 2017 at which time she dropped out of her University to pursue twitch streaming full-time and has been doing it ever since she currently is clocking in at an astonishing 5 million followers on Twitch and has gotten more than 70,000 viewers at one time and on the surface it's not hard to see why she's charming and interesting to watch in front of a camera she's attractive and to my knowledge she's pretty good at the games she plays apart from playing video games she also spends time on her channel reacting to content from across the web giving her thoughts on a number of different subjects including twitch drama and internet trends pokey is generally more respected than a lot of other female twitch streamers because she unlike illinit II doesn't flaunt her body as much or try to pose in an intentionally provocative way in short people watch a linen tea to rub a quick one out and while some people still do watch pokey to rub a quick one out the people who are rubbing a quick one out are doing it to a girl casually sitting in her chair playing video games as opposed to a girl bending over and shaking their behind at the camera everything needed for the popular twitch streamer formula is here with pokey including an extremely vindictive personality and hatred for anyone who says something remotely negative about her let's talk about it [Music] beau blacks is a youtuber who I'm sure you've heard of a lot recently if you spend any time watching YouTube drama related videos for the most part what he does is put together large summaries of feuds between different internet personalities into these very large and convenient videos that give you a pretty good summary of everything that happened over a year ago keemstar and pokey Maine had a bit of a spat where they were arguing back and forth on Twitter and typical selfie video fashion and I'm sorry but I think I'm being very legitimate by not encouraging your kind of behavior because imagine all content creators just ran around picking on and attacking other people's fans like I understand that we can put up with a lot of [ __ ] but most people don't know how to deal with that kind of thing and you never really know what someone's going through or what they might do as a result of that so again Keane do better have a good day beau Bucks created a compilation video of these tweets and videos in his typical style and it accumulated a pretty sizable amount of views certainly above average for what his typical viewership was at the time pokey having seen this video decided to use YouTube's copyright system to take the video down giving boback's a strike on his channel and I had spoken to my MC and I was like is this something that I can take down because like I was getting like a lot of annoying [ __ ] from it at the time and I mean understandably so something that we put out on the internet so I get that but I was like maybe if we like kill this because Kim had deleted his tweets already and I was like I just want this whole drama to be over yeah yeah and I made not the right call in hindsight to have that video removed because I was also told it was within my rights to do something because it wasn't like transformative per se yeah yeah yeah but it was more so like I just didn't want to be in like all this drama and I wanted it to like pass an extremely similar incident would happen again when a youtuber by the name of Dave supposted videos that were your typical Thicke twitch streamer compilations where he had videos of pokey Mane's and images of her in the thumbnail pokey managed to get dab on a stream with her where she would threaten to take his video down simply because he was click baiting her this is not my life hashtag not my hashtag not like poke me yes here what's wrong in this world a liar looks up my butt lies about gifting clothes why would you title this video pokey main twerk live on stream just tell me it wasn't actually me it was my friend Sean oh yeah yo bro hey you ought to know that I'm gonna take down your video does it hurt keep in mind she had done collaborations with other youtubers who had also done plenty of clickbait not to mention that pokey spends a lot of time on her stream watching other people's videos and I would say that her reactions on average are barely more transformative than a clip Channel [Music] [Music] there are plenty of streams where she is simply eating lunch or staring wide-eyed to the screen while tick-tock compilations plate in full but it doesn't seem to bother her unless the compilations are of her in which case she can't directly benefit from them and has to use her position as a popular streamer with connections to take them down I just got to show up for school all of these clips put together made here look pretty hypocritical and like she was only using these points against Daffy stuff because they were convenient for her at the time not because she actually stood behind any of what she was saying it certainly didn't help that she went on to mock him on a stream and encourage your viewers to report his content and have it taken down wasn't a good look at all and a lot of people felt that way all of this came to a head with a video released by YouTube commentator fainted someone who had a very small channel at the time of the release of his video but would pretty quickly blow up because of it titled the dark side of pokey Maine she essentially collapsed with a youtuber who goes by the name of shotgun plays but realistically he should be called I sound like a meeting a chicken legend every time I stand the reason this is a problem is because by playing with this dude she essentially was supporting his content and 90% of the stuff that he uploads is straight-up misleading clickbait so I don't really know what Piggy's doing playing with his dude honestly this video accumulated millions of views for him it garnered him hundreds of thousands of subscribers and became so prevalent in Internet discourse that even PewDiePie talked about it on his channel painting her is a copyright abuser who was using her position very irresponsibly ironic away Alayna T and raywilliamjohnson why do all these people have in common their coffee strike all these people have history of copy striking videos pokeyman basically had to respond and she did respond although I was legally within my right to take down the video morally and as a content creator it wasn't something that I should have done because I mean at the end of the day those were tweets that mean kiemce made publicly and videos that we made publicly she actually owned up to taking down the video and to an extent give a relatively mature response there were parts of it that were less than stellar most people didn't agree with her interpretation of what is and isn't transformative content being what falls under United States copyright law on fair use and while I respect that she stood her ground on some of the points that she made I disagree with her assessment of visiting the Instagram page of dev so just to make fun of him let me show you what actually looked like and then you can probably guess what pokey paintin include that in her video but he finds Stubbs has personal Instagram page and literally starts looking for a laughing at it in front of thousands of viewers some people say for my Instagram why are you and your shorts like that pictures do you feel bad so I'm yeah that was kind of manipulative I'm not gonna lie I don't particularly care if Toki wants to make fun of this guy and I don't think that the audience should either if she wants to make fun of someone for how they look then by all means go ahead but don't be surprised when others do it to you and your fans and don't back down from what you did when you're called out for it you made fun of someone just admit it and move on people would be much less than add with that then you pretending as if it wasn't what happened you collect on his Instagram link you scroll through it you made puke noises and his appearance it it checks every box just own it clearly giving off some great vibes towards this guy and encouraging her fans to send him lots of positive comments right beau black Slater managed to get pokey mane and fainted together in an interview style discussion with beau blacks is the mediator they seemed to hash out a lot of what happened and this video was sort of the resolution to this portion of the drama everyone learned a thing or two pokey explained how she felt fainted said how he felt and gave her some criticisms it was good to see some one-to-one human interaction between these two people who had been going at each other in videos and on Twitter and lessly even if not everyone agreed with pokey main and what she had to say they were willing to respect the response and move on from the situation until it happened again it's a Gundam is a relatively popular commentary channel here on YouTube with nearly half a million subscribers he makes videos about eccentric people twitch personalities youtubers he pretty much checks every box for a successful channel that Garner's an audience simply by sharing his opinion on different topics he's entertaining his videos are interesting to watch it's good stuff on May 13th 2020 kundan posted a video on his channel titled simply lingly goes homeless for pokeyman where he talks about some of the most pathetic donors to pokey main with one man in particular claiming that he actually gave her so much money that he was hundreds of dollars in debt and went homeless oh man so literally the guy was already behind in his rent and went homeless to give pokey main money it was a pretty harmless and inoffensive video as far as commentary videos go there definitely were some demeaning elements to it but it seems to be mostly done in good fun pokey Mane's like pay pace are honestly the most devoted of all pay pigs I used to think Diaz pees pay pace were devoted but I don't think any of them would go homeless to save darkside Phil pokey vane would later react to this video on her stream where she had a pretty negative opinion of Gundams content she seemed to disagree with a decent portion of what Gundam had to say and claimed that the post of the man who supposedly went homeless due to donating to her was actually fate meaning the Gundam would be spreading misinformation if he took it as fact and that was all well and good until she decided to target his sponsors anyone would sponsor these shenanigans like what and I will say for this company to sponsor a video that's literally 20 minutes of talking [ __ ] about me you will never see dude your website so ass it won't even load but if you ever reach out to me if I ever see you in my inbox on site this clip angered quite a few people because while it's fine to disagree with someone's take the general consensus on the Internet is that going after their means of making a living is an extremely low blow now some may say that pokey didn't target his sponsors and was simply questioning whether or not companies should be putting their ads on commentary channels I would absolutely disagree with that the way that pokey talked about his sponsor on her platform was extremely irresponsible and it's clear to me that she was trying to get his sponsor taken away especially with the way that she was critical of the company for putting an ad on his video not to mention that after the fact she defended her stance on sponsors ever I also think that content that spreads lies misinformation insults people based on their looks shouldn't be sponsored just a month ago Ethan Klein was torn apart by the YouTube community for going after keemstar sponsor it's a very slippery slope that is being created by these large key celebrities using their platforms to go after the financial means of people that they don't like like no company should do that just about ever and many may say that people should just start a patreon and not rely on sponsors I would say that's a smart move but patreon has also been known to take controversial figures off of their platform how hard would it be for someone like pokey main to contact patreon or simply publicly send her fans after them demanding that the page of someone who is critical of her gets taken down the answer is not very hard at all but just because it's easy doesn't make it any less disgusting much like polka means mentality oh uh is this a video where some random dude behind a VR machine calls a girl a thot for 20 minutes really want to put my logo on that one ha ha I'm sure she would be upset with people if they went after her sponsors because she silences criticism about her or because she openly mocked a man for his appearance on a live stream but no one wants that to happen I don't want it to happen but pokey Mei did not like this video at all she reacted this on her stream and she was so upset over this video the chief decided to go after Gundams sponsors here on her stream additionally this was a side of pokey mane that not many had seen where she acted very defensive and angry towards someone who made a pretty tame commentary video about her there's nothing wrong with disagreeing with criticism of course and there's nothing wrong with firing back at me and criticism with well mean criticism but the way that she went about it made her seem very egotistical entitled and petty it's a Gundam posted his own response to pokey titled pokey main is the Carroll Baskin - my Jo exotic where he claimed that he had actually lost a sponsor with a large gaming company due to this situation and the sad thing is I didn't walk away from this unscathed I had a sponsorship kind of lined up with like a big video game company let's just say they're big enough that III they had their own press conference and special presentations yeah that kind of went so I hope you have folks commentators like diesel patches also made videos about this calling out pokey for her behavior and saying that she had a vengeful mindset kooky menstrual cramps and I think it was very funny you might think that this is kind of understandable because you might also believe that she was trying to defend one of her fans if that were the case I would have given her some slack but that's not what this is about in her response video towards this video she wasn't trying to defend the fan she was trying to defend herself why I have no [ __ ] idea the video wasn't even about her is about her stupid-ass fan which I know poppycock has a problem with when people attack her fans or anyone's fans but I mean come on who goes homeless for a twitch thought this actually ended up backfiring on pokey and she turned a good amount of the community against her entirely and unfortunately for her this doesn't seem to be some case of canceled culture or her just being taken out of context it's simply a lot of people not liking her behavior and maybe justifiably so throughout the situation a lot of people seem to feel the pokey never actually learned from what she had done and was just using her platform to once again silence her critics and go after them I am honestly inclined to agree especially when you take a look at her responses after the fact hello everybody I want to come on Turkey Tom's video real quick to kind of give some insight on how pokey Maine acts privately and how her behavior privately manifests into public dramas such as the Gundams situation my situation in a situation I'm going to talk about in regards to her and another twitch streamer called 39 daffy now what I'm talking about here is the extreme disconnect between how she presents herself privately versus publicly as many of you guys know a big part of pokey means brand is over positivity everything is good vibes everything is positive and nice and if there's even a hint of negativity in the air we got to crush it down and bring justice to those who are being bullied it's what she did against it's a Gundam when he made fun of her simps and it's what she did against keemstar when he made fun of sniper wolf simps and I covered it on my channel and then she false copyright strike tit - admittedly sweep any negativity surrounding the situation under the rug but I was like maybe if we like kill this because Kim had deleted his tweets already and I was like I just want this whole drama to be over yeah yeah and I made not the right call in hindsight to have that video removed and this extreme desire to eliminate any negativity as well as our own overall self-centered mindset is what results in these situations where you see her ego coming out where you see her treating people like [ __ ] never giving anyone to benefit of the doubt always assuming the worst intentions of people and just in general being very antagonistic and defensive against anyone she thinks dislikes her and it creates a scenario that unless you borderline symp for her she's going to dislike you and think you are an immoral piece of [ __ ] just look at the it's a Gundam situation he didn't even necessarily say anything directly negative about pokiman herself in his videos he states multiple times that he actually has nothing against pokey main out of what she did to him and was just critical of her simps yet she still had an extremely visceral reaction to it to the point of describing it as content that spreads lies misinformation and insults people based on their looks pretty extreme words for what that video actually was let's take a look at her response to this tweet to kaavo's calvo's is someone who's always been pretty charitable to pokey Maine back in late 2018 even directly invited her on to his channel in order to explain her drama with dab sev a story and here is what she had to say I'm happy to elaborate on my side of the story and I never take down critiques or plates false copy strikes on transformative content as you can see by me mana G videos still being up obviously I've been I've been basically said so you take down videos are misleading clickbait and an inappropriate and paint you in a bad light she replied with yeah I let people use my clips and it's not inappropriate or misleading / Ally so everything postman is saying right there is absolutely fine I think she's well within her rights if someone is reloading her content on to their channel getting views if you want to copyright it if you want monetization of it that is fine and during this time in private conversations with me she's always cited kaavo's as one of the good drama channels yet cavils makes a simple tweet saying pokey means old pornhub tab popped up in her stream and this has caused her to say it's pretty [ __ ] lame that you would blatantly lie like this and then proceeded to block him on both of her Twitter's now let's take a look at someone who isn't a drama channel someone who is another female streamer just like herself 39 Daffy back in November 2019 she decided to simply unfollow pokiman on Twitter because she already had her muted and wasn't interested in seeing pokey means tweet but this unfollow happened to occur around the same time which she had some drama for unfollowing another streamer on Twitch after she didn't want to see his content anymore and assumes that DAF unfollowed her to give her a taste of her own medicine during that situation and proceeded to act extremely passive-aggressive to her Indians as a result of that I just thought it was crazy that she has her head so far up her own ass that she thinks I unfollowed her because she unfollowed slicker witch slicker talked about on his streams but in reality I unfollowed her months ago because I don't watch her stuff I may have wrongfully assumed her response was in direct connection to what I had told slicker privately unwind followed him so let me explain basically the day before this I spoke with slicker and I said I only unfollowed you on Twitch because I don't watch your content and I know that her and slick are our friends so I figured perhaps they had talked about the situation and so she was doing to me exactly what I said to slicker I've even had similar situations to this in my dams with her where I give her advice on how to handle a particular drama but instead of taking that advice she completely dismisses it acts extremely defensive and then calls me out for making a similar critique publicly accusing me for being disingenuous and two-faced in accusation she gives to quite a few people as she also called Daffy disingenuous for simply unfollowing her on Twitter mm-hmm moving on um I also feel like ultimately she was dishonest with me and the reason I believe that is because of the comment she left on reddit and I mean it's a lot to read so I'll just pull up the part I'm referring to which is just that she said I gave into pettiness because I don't like what she said to me and done to my friends and that everyone has to be so hush what I'm trying to get at here is that if you do anything that pokey man can perceive as something negative against her which turns out to be a lot of things I feel like no matter what I say to her even if it's positive there's a 50/50 chance she will perceive it as a negative slight against her she will completely go ballistic accuse you of all different sorts of things and indirectly paint you as a villain whenever she goes to talk on podcasts like healthy gamer Gigi or misfits in order to paint herself as the victim in reality pokeyman has actually treated a lot nicer than most content creators in her position and of her size the only difference between her and those other people is that she misinterprets multiple interactions of being directly negative against her when that's just simply not the case and what's even more infuriating about this is that ultimately I think it's a projection of herself a lot the time she acts nice to you behind the scenes with smiley faces and stuff like that promising certain things for compensation for the damage she either accidentally or purposely caused you but in reality she really doesn't give a [ __ ] and was just doing that to crush any negativity surrounding her name she's completely out for herself and will demonize anyone who doesn't simper her to the point of calling drama channels less courteous than her she literally thinks that she treats people nicer than most drama channels how she can say that after directly going after Gundam sponsors is just mind-blowing to me and completely infuriating knowing what I know anyways that's enough from me I'll give it back to Turkey Tom do I care if she's mad not really uh yeah I wouldn't even be like to be honest I could I could see us being friends in like in in in sometime if she becomes a likeable person Wow [Music] easily one of the most annoying things that an internet personality can do when they get into a controversy is blame other people for criticizing them for the thing that they did this is called playing the victim and it's also something that poky Maine does from time to time like for example this one video that went kind of viral where someone was like talking about like the dark side of pokey maiden saying oh she's actually a really bad person because I'm like this and that and they took a lot of clips from my stream and it's amazing what like ominous music and someone delivering lines very well will say prior to very specific cut up clips with no context not to say that I am perfect or I go about things in a perfect way but it definitely made me look very bad and also just like that in combination with scandals about things that are like not in my opinion like super super important so things like that will occur and then that will make me feel like oh every little thing that I say can be like used against me or clipped out of context or whatever it is and like I am not worthy of any sort of benefit of the doubt perhaps the most annoying thing about this stream clip is that pokey doesn't represent what feinted said in the video at all I can't say for sure whether this was intentional or not but fainted didn't call pokey made a bad person or a terrible person once in his video he criticized her yes but in one of the videos about pokey he even specifically said that he doesn't want to send hate to her but honestly the video can't be that bad because I did check the audience retention and it's very good so hopefully you guys did enjoy that I don't know so guys I don't need to think I've just got this crazy grudge against every single person I make a video on I'm just honestly here to give across my criticisms and hope that the youtuber can take them on board in a positive manner I'm just making videos on YouTube now like it's not that deep honestly mate the video itself was pretty fair and I don't see any real problems with the content in it none of it was taken out of context but she then goes on to explain that the video being deleted will not undo the harassment that she received and that's what fair YouTube commentary videos do cause harassment even when they are explicitly created with the intent of not sending anyone to harass the targeting question there's a disclaimer at the beginning of my videos by the way please don't send hate to anyone but even if I say that people are gonna do it anyway I can't control everyone but I also feel like she's being a bit hypocritical here if Toki was absolutely a saint that I wouldn't care about this clip and I wouldn't be critical of her for it but she's not she's been means adop said her fans have undoubtedly sent hatred towards gundam that is part of internet culture but she then goes on to complain about it and even cry I'm sorry pokey but in a way you're reaping what you sow here if you go after people if you make fun of them you will be made fun of if you take videos down and target their sponsors you will be made fun of your actions have consequences that's how the internet works that's how the world works and in a way I feel bad for pokey because I know how she feels I know how it feels when a mob of Internet people come after you and sometimes you feel like nothing you respond with will be good enough or like some of the people targeting you are being dishonest but I also can't help but feel that she should just be able to ignore those people if they bother her that much don't take down the videos don't be mean to them don't give them ammunition just enjoy making millions of dollars a year as a streamer and everything that comes with that just looking at some of the DMS that boback's is posted about this topic it's clear to me that pokey takes these things pretty seriously and has a very hard time separating a light-hearted joke from serious criticism hopefully some of this changes in pokey main decides to start taking criticism less personally I I hope she matures as a person we all have room to grow but until then she will be mocked and have videos made on her just like this one she'll continue to be criticized endlessly by youtubers and pokes fun at for her foolish behavior it's clear to me that for now - pokey main criticism is anything but welcome [Music] thanks so much for watching this video videos like this are made possible by viewers like you and by today's sponsor Ray Khan I've had my rake on ear buds for a few months now and I use them basically every day whether I'm editing videos talking to my friends on discord checking out the latest episode of some of my favorite podcasts or listening to music my recons work very well and I'm proud to have my content supported by them break on ear buds 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Channel: Turkey Tom
Views: 675,867
Rating: 4.8617883 out of 5
Keywords: Pokimane: Criticism Not Welcome, The Dark Side Of Pokimane, The Truth About Pokimane, What Really Happened To Pokimane, What Happened To Pokimane, The Pokimane Rant With Bowblax and Fainted, Fainted, Bowblax, Pokimane, Turkey Tom, Why I Do Not Like Pokimane, The Problems With Pokimane, The Pokimane Rant, Pokimane twitch, Pokimane YouTube, Everybody Hates Pokimane, Content Nuke: Pokimane
Id: wfgGTV5qoRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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