Pokemon's $95 Premium Charizard Box Stole My Money

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dude no oh my God they're not here they're not here oh my God all right I didn't see this color what do we I don't know what to do now are you kidding me Charizard Ultra premium collection box released last summer with an insane amount of hype and peaked at around 300 in value but everything that goes up must eventually come down and that price has leveled off all the way down to around 95 now that the UPC is officially at its lowest point in history today in the year 2023 we're gonna find out if this thing is a steal or if it's still overpriced [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen here it is the infamous Charizard Ultra premium collection box that everybody was going crazy for back in the summer of 2022. I will say this though the presentation of this box is still just as good as it's always been I mean you open this thing up and you just like you have all these really cool um slots inside of here with like really really high quality but all right let's slice it to this box and see exactly what we get inside for 95 and really quickly I wanted to let you guys know that I'm gonna be giving away every single item that we pull inside of this box to one subscriber if you'd like to enter the giveaway all you have to do is number one smash the like button number two make sure you subscribe the Channel with notifications on and then number three leave a comment Down Below in the comment section all right let's get all this rap off I remember opening this thing up before and it takes up so much room because like this thing just opens up and it just looks so impressive all right so we're gonna take that off and then hopefully I'm gonna be open this up and there's gonna be enough room okay it barely fits but it makes it so let's get a refresher here and see exactly what you get inside here because I don't remember everything to be honest with you guys I didn't remember that okay so you get the play mat that's right all right so I'm gonna be calculating everything that we pull out of this just so we can get a really good idea of exactly how much value is in this thing for 95 so the play mat right now is going for around five dollars which I mean makes sense there's so many of these out there but it is Charizard so it still definitely holds some value but I mean that's not bad five bucks for this really nice play mat and just so you guys can see it again I'll show you so let's unroll this and there we go nice check it out we got this massive Charizard V-Max here with a ton of fire and everything so it looks good all right let's continue we'll start on the left side here and inside this let's see what we get I see a bunch of booster packs okay so we have one two we have two lost origin and we get three brilliant Stars that's actually really solid sword and shield sets all right so we'll say these are around four dollars a pop so that's gonna be 25 total in value so far but let's open these up right now and see how we do on the polls as well so first off right link just noticing really good sword and shield sets so far like brilliant Stars lost origin top tier stuff that's really what you want to see especially when you're opening sword and shield sets if you want to get a lot of pulls you want to go for the big hitter ones that were later in the printings chandel warholer you want stuff that has those trainer galleries you want stuff with those Ultra networks this is where the good pull rates are right in sets like these so let's see if we get some nice stuff out here we're not gonna calculate any of the polls into the actual value because obviously that can differ dramatically depending on what you pull out of your Charizard Ultra Premium box yeah we're just basing it off of like steel product that you get out of here but yeah so far 25 in value you can get these all day for 95 you might even be able to get them for Less probably honestly if you if you're really searching maybe you can get them for like 80 to 90 I don't know trap inch Piplup Shroomish Pearl on we got badoof and Napoleon and yeah I don't actually remember everything that's in here I do remember though that there was a ton of different booster packs from a lot of different sorted seal sets inside of this thing so that's always good to see because you want to be able to open up a ton of different sets in here and like yeah just the the display of this whole thing like how it's put together is really really high quality he read oh no come on the Charizard this is the Ultra Premium box okay we should be getting Ultra Premium pulls out here right is that how that works it's not how it works but I just want to think that way so let me get something nice out of this last pack here all right come on burn me if a dip Staryu Riolu Starley bralum oh Torterra three Hollows out of those packs not good that was actually really bad all right actually there's something up here that I forgot about okay so yeah we're not gonna include this in like any kind of pricing but this is just a whole bunch of stuff about all the different sets so this was actually cool when it came out because it did go through like all the different sets throughout the sword and shield era and you could really get like a cool idea of like all like the the cards and the well not really all the cards but like you just had like a cool overview I guess I would say of each set but they didn't have every set in these because uh they weren't all released yet where did it leave off astral Radiance lost origin might have been it right no silver Tempest okay silver Tempest was it so there's definitely no Crown Zenith in here all right but continuing 25 so far let's let's see what we get in this next slide in the middle okay B Star marker I'm not I'm not counting that nope sorry I can't I did this swimming pool with the V Star marker things from all the stuff that like Pokemon releases those in those are I'm good but this is cool though okay I forgot about this so yeah you do get this like metal oh okay just gonna fall out that works too but yeah this is probably one of the coolest coins you could get I mean it's like literally looks like it's gold it's high quality and then you have like a really cool Charizard artwork on the uh on heads I guess you could say on there yeah I mean we're gonna add this in this is definitely worth a couple bucks like maybe three dollars or something like that all right so we're at 28 of value but now we do get a ton of booster packs in here but the question is what packs do we get all right so we got some fusion strike that's not too bad so we got three fusion okay there we go yeah that's what we want to see right there how many we get one two three evolving Skies that's pretty big that holds a lot of value um and it's a great set to open up and then is this Vivid and then two Vivid volts all right so in total this is around 36 more dollars in value which means we're sitting around 64 so far we're getting pretty close to the 95 let's open these up next so we're gonna go with Vivid voltage we'll just go left so right here so these are some solid sets too I mean evolving Skies is definitely the best one out of these in my opinion it's definitely the most expensive by far it's like more than double the price of like these sets over here on the other side Fusion strike and uh Vivid voltage stabilize wow but that's a nice lineup of booster packs I don't know if you get any more packs than what's in those first two slots or not I'm not 100 sure I don't remember uh but I think that's I think it's something like I don't know how many packs 12 or 16 or something so you get you get a good amount of packs like that's cool too and they're all different sets which is nice trilbert Jolteon but I'm not getting anything doing incredibly bad on the polls right now which is this is not good but I guess it's fine because we're really trying to see like if this is actually worth uh purchasing basically like in terms of like the actual packs and stuff that you get in here I really could go for some good stuff I mean come on cool fish Skarmory and claddle man I am giving away everything that we pull in today's video so I'd like to pull you guys some stuff at least so please give me something good out of here code car is facing the other way on these ones all right come on these are like extra glossy these uh yeah these ones are kind of weird these Fusion strike packs they're like super glossy uh said this oh my God give me something here maybe we'll just save it all for revolving Skies that would be fine should we look oh finally Something's Gonna Be in this okay four from the back on this one so yeah I think this was like August or September or something that this released uh last summer yeah it was like last summer so it was not too long ago but they were go for so much like I remember pre-orders people were paying some people were paying like up to three hundred dollars for these boxes because they were thinking it was going to be like the celebrations box where they did not print nearly enough of those I think those are still really expensive and I was thinking of doing a video on those as well because we haven't opened up those in a really long time but uh those have gone up a lot in value because there's just not a lot of them in there and you get the gold cards and stuff in there so it'll be cool to see those again I don't understand today oh my God okay now this is actually ridiculously bad I must have opened how many packs how many I don't even know how many packs I've opened I've almost every yes not almost every single pack has not had a pole I'm not counting Hollows we didn't even get to miss our mom today like that's not even not even oh Ludicolo yo talk about some terrible luck we just got destroyed all right I didn't want to look at that I don't want to be disappointed all right well we got one more pack in here I don't think there's any more packs but there are going to be a bunch of other things maybe there are other packs I don't I don't know I can't remember love discs see dot You Gotta Give me something oh that's still a slap in the face all right so we still need around 30 in value for this to be worth the 95 so we'll see I don't know what's in this last slide all right let's reveal let's reveal what do we got and okay let's uh let's just grab one thing at a time here all right so this is these are high quality okay these dice are really heavy like they got some serious weight to them they're pretty cool I mean these are super super heavy you don't want to get hit with these like this is actually like this would hurt continuing we do get to sleep all right so you get a pack of sleeves this is the Charizard V-Max same artwork as the matte and stuff so yeah these are probably about six bucks so what do we have we're 75 right now kind of surprising not looking to be like an insanely good deal for these boxes yet but let's I mean let's keep going um dude no oh my God no oh my God you kidding me oh my God [Music] I didn't see this coming what do we I don't know what to do now I actually I genuinely don't know what to do with that are you kidding me like I know we didn't get scammed because this was there's no way we got scammed right this was from a factory case like I opened the factory case myself this thing was sealed and it came from a distributor so it sounds like we got scammed but they literally dude they messed this whole thing up now like I don't know what to do now it's it's generally messed everything up because they forgot they forgot to put them in is this like the fusion strike Heist or something did we just get like everything taken from us oh my god um okay that kind of changed up all right hold on hold on let me let me think for a second so okay what oh okay we got this is literally the last thing that's like not in there they're not in all right well we have like three dollars on these but so right now we're at 78 but there's three things in here that we were supposed to get that weren't in here if you don't know what they are I'm gonna show you what they are because that's a huge like value that's lost on here we got 78 dollars out of ours which is definitely a lot less than 95 but that wasn't supposed to happen here's what was was supposed to happen we were supposed to get three really beautiful Charizard cards like really nice Charizard cards this is the first one that's supposed to be in there the Charizard V alternate artwork like sitting in this Forest burning down trees with like a Venusaur in the background just chilling looking like like not wanting to mess with that Charizard this right here goes around six dollars near Mid so that's 84 we're 11 off of 95 but that's not the only car we also get this car which is actually more than that it's almost eleven dollars in value 10.62 cents so we'll put 11 on that and that's going to bring us to 95 which is exactly the value on these things right now but you still get more and I can't I like I literally didn't get these uh unbelievable finally the last card that you get in here probably my favorite for sure uh oh maybe the Charizard maybe the first one either this or the first one the Charizard V-Star uh with Charizard battling Mewtwo is worth around almost exactly ten dollars as you can see even these cards have been going down in value we go to the one year oh my God what these were like 100 bucks out the gate for a minute and then just tanked this is why you don't want to buy stuff right when it releases because there's so much hype and like it just drops like crazy once they get out there but anyway this is ten dollars so we're gonna add ten dollars onto the total and we're looking at about a hundred and five dollars in value now I will say this is probably worth a little bit too because it's pretty cool I mean you can actually use this you could store stuff in here I don't really know what this is worth empty but I put like five bucks on it maybe so we'll throw five on so in total we're looking at about 110 dollars in value for this thing there's definitely gonna be stuff that you might not want I mean like I don't know if everybody wants to know this is pretty cool I think I'd want that definitely 100 don't want that these are pretty cool uh so you have that but some people might not want those and these are pretty cool too but some people might not want these either but I mean you take that stuff off and the play mat's cool I would want the play mat though um so I would say it's not like a crazy steal at all like it's not like a it's not like a really crazy steal like there was some products back when they were like price discrepancies where you would get like so much more out of it versus what you paid I don't think this is a crazy steal I thought it might have been going into this I was like oh 95 there's probably a ton of stuff in here that you get sure maybe you could grade like the Charizard cards that you get and they'd be worth more but like you don't know if they're gonna be nines or tens or what um so yeah I would say it's like it it's worth 95 I think that's like fair market I don't think it's like a crazy steal it's a cool product for 95 though you can get this or you could get like a lower tier booster box but yeah guys I think that's gonna do it let me know what you think about that let me know what you think about me not getting those three Charizard cards in here like they're literally not in that um but yeah guys that's gonna do it uh if you enjoyed the video make sure to smash the like button on your way out if you want more content click on one of the two videos at the top there hit that subscribe Button as well and as always I hope you have a great day and I will see you on the next one
Channel: PokeRev
Views: 203,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon cards, charizard upc, pokemon tcg, pokemon cards opening, pokemon, pokemon cards unboxing, pokerev
Id: q1HbH6vSsvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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