Pokemon Quiz but answers get progressively DUMBER (with ZaneGames)

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I made a Pokémon quiz where the answers get progressively worse based on a template from Zan games so which of these YouTubers will come out on top okay guys we have riddles poke celebrities who's that Pokémon Partners translated Pokédex entries and what are they doing so Peter you're up first what do you want all right I I just need to know what are they doing Peter what is he doing uh I'm going to say he is trying to breed Le chunk that is not correct sheepy dad you get a guess oink alone that is not correct Zane what do you think oh gosh is he does he like does he like the T pigs is this T pig that's good but it's not correct he watch hog oh no oh my goodness oh goodness hog was doing all right ship what do you want uh let's just go straight into riddles for one point riddles for one point what comes after Pikachu I there's an obvious answer I guess I have to say it Raichu that is not correct Zane what do you think I'm seeing an ash hat so I'm thinking it's Ash and that it's like an anamorph situation that is not that's not t I'm not it's not true or correct gosh dang I'm going to have to go with a lan Raichu with a surfboard goes on his head sorry you're not correct a question mark that is what comes Shannon Shannon okay Zane I'm going to go I'm going to go kind of in the middle I want who's that Pokemon for three oh jeez who's that Pokémon okay so it looks like a really hairy stun fist it's a regular stunfisk in the mouth of a Garian stun fist that would be great but it's not Peter what do you think I think you might have like messed with a mwtw somehow am I right no I know I shouldn't but I actually feel kind of confident in this is it a squished go oh my God someone on I remembered it from our video deep cut from last video we did Shan good on you pokey celebrities please hurt catchphrases that's hot which in some cases is eight times effective I'm going to go with gwenneth ptro no Chef oh I'm pulling into the lead even further with this one uh what is Paris Hilton it is Paris Hilton oh my God my God that's well riddles went so well last time so let's go with riddles for two I'm water I'm air I'm rock what goes in the blanks Dwayne The Rock Johnson no Earth good guess but no Peter okay what if I try a pun is it landeras good try but note I'm water says ocean I'm air says Sky I'm rock says or S oh wow that's a deep one I'm going to I'm going to face my fears and do what I hate the most and that is the translated Pokedex entries when you think disaster is about to happen it happens that's why sin hurts the first Pokemon that comes to mind when I think about disaster going to happen going to happen is Absol you are absolutely right wow there's nothing I've never felt this kind of satisfaction okay I'm going to go partners for five wow partners for five who would Joey from Friends have as a Pokemon triani wait no he he wouldn't have a partner because because uh he's in friends which is a different reality that's a little too deep for us that is not correct what about you shef um the first thing that comes to mind is Joey doesn't share food but I don't know who doesn't share food Snorlax nope uh for the only thing I know about friends for sure is that he rooms with Chandler and the only person I can think of that sounds like Chandler is Chandelure that's a good guess but unfortunately it's auman because he got confused by the question oh my God yeah accurate let's just go what are they doing for six what are they doing I have literally nothing um he's complimenting Beedrill on his beautiful eyes nope that's not true I mean I it could be true it's just it's not the right answer oh goodness I can't think of a different be Pokemon my gut just says it's got to be Romi I don't know how he's re bombing Beedrill but he's re bombing Beedrill that sounds awful and it's also not correct Peter he's staring deep into his eyes and asking him if he would like the uh the meats bagged he charge a bug go oh oh it wasn't a be at all I me you turn around the back Sprite and it's just a different Pokemon like we couldn't see that let's do Pokey celebrities for six this singer's hit song has been watered down to say forget you I know I believe I know the well okay no okay I think I get the pun I think I get the pun is it seal o green ding ding ding yes I didn't think music knowledge would help me in this game but awesome that's the only game where Pokemon and music combines I mean that's not true but that's not true Pokemon does that in every game just dead silence you never figured how to turn up the volume all right Peter what do you want Partners again but for one this time who would Eric Cartman have as a Pokémon Eric Cartman Cartman Cartman he's a card man he would have blue- eyes white dragon that is not correct what about you Shep I'm going to just go with Snorlax again nope what about you Zane I mean this is bad logic but like oh Cartman cart kind of sounds like a carton mil tank carton of milk not correct he would have a cosmo M cos I can't do it but I'm put in a clip up here saying it sh was that you I'm staying away from riddles now um oh the next one might be your lucky one well you know what since you said that let's go riddles for three riddles for three whose cry is this I'm sorry no Shannon should be sorry let me play it again F oh that's not bad I could see that but it is not I was thinking Gerra ooh but NOP Peter so you know how everyone's like giraffes don't make any noise that's actually the first time anyone's captured a giraffe's noise I'm going to go giraffe okay I can't I can't deny it because I don't know what a giraffe sounds like correct but but in this case it is two ashes crying god let's do pokedex entry for two this powerful Pokemon thrusts its precious hole into the opponent as a special weapon I almost got through it without laughing I don't the only Pokemon that's coming to mind that's like got a hole and attaches to Pokemon that I can think of right now is com no dang I'm thinking like Aaron has holes but they're not precious holes and then like Octillery run of the- Mill holes just normal everyday holes on that Pokemon um I'm going to go with Octillery nope Chef I need to like preface this answer before I give it without context so I am unfortunately saying gav War it's Heracross what where's the hole no don't don't answer that a nasty nasty boy you don't want to know where the hole on Heracross is show us the back Sprite Shannon come on I can't legally I cannot Peter who's that Pokemon one Peter who's that Pokémon oh that is a pineapple that you have stret to look like Gengar honestly I wouldn't put it past me but it is not chip man well everybody knows that uh Gengar is just clefable Shadow so is it a clefable I wish I thought about that but it is not a honestly it looks kind of like quilladin just straight up oh my God I see that man yeah yeah your guys answers are better than my answer it's a gen one executive oh my God help me we need to end his suffering all right ship okay time I'm actually staying away from riddles uh let's do why this number four the four be the you dare do this to me again um I'm going to go poke celebrities for five who's that Pokemon celebrity I forgot what category we were doing Jojo swaddle wow wow get out of here not even any clues except for you know the two pictures of Jojo siwa you know I A wise man once said riddles number four could be your lucky one and so I think I'll go for Riddle's number four who made this oh no the Cheerios bee I mean he could have but not in this case dang um I'm going to go with like a a merchant in like floma Town nope now ship um the PokeMart they did not who made this honey an unknown bee oh my goodness oh oh Peter yes choose a category that one is just dangling under translated Pokedex entries and we got to do it when we get angry we immediately release the energy stored in our legs into our Jaws oh my gosh shoot okay I feel like legs is kind of like an underneath and we have wi which is you know more than one so Doug Trio it is not um I'm just going with my gut reaction on this is it Draco fish it is not dang I'm also going to go with my gut and the only person I can think of having anger that releases is annihilate H all good answers but it is Pikachu wow oh my gosh I'm GNA go back to poke celebrities for four this artist is known for their song telephone which isn't the only thing that buzzes what is Lady in Gaga no dang oh that was really good oh my God I I mean i' I've got to I've just got to do the other one ladyb G it is Lady Baga damn it I had this one oh sorry Peter for what it's worth my answer before you said lean was going to be lady Gord and that was not going to be anywhere on the right track all right Zane lay it on me what what are we what are they doing for three what are they doing I'm my guts just saying wishy-washy right now good guess but nope dang Peter I'm going to go with blue my God how did you get it I'm give you negative one for that no no don't take points away from me Shannon yeah you don't have any to look all right Chef what are they doing I don't know shif gear they clean Clank oh God it was so obvious it was right there let's go with Pokey celebrities for two Walter White is great but Jesse pinkman's actor steals the show is it thievil it is not no it steals I read steel wrong darn it oh too bad ship I don't remember his name so I'll just say s Stila that is not correct there's no way that it's as simple as Aaron right cuz is Aaron Paul Aaron Paul is oh wowz wow you said Aon earlier it was already in your brain well my first yeah yeah the holes in my brain that's the issue I'll leave the last poke celebrities so we'll do uh who's that Pokemon for five who's that Pokémon is it com but all the flowers got ripped off go you know what I'll give it to to you it's a com in Winter hey all right Zane what are they doing five what is he doing oh man and the answer is not he stock image shout out to shutter St I know it's a bit of a stretch on the name but it looks like spaghetti and he's eating so I'm going to say spaghettio for spatio that's a good one H Peter what do you think I'm going to assume he's using the the move or ability eat imposta imposter imposter I'm confused but no Chef is it mukbang uh no I've never heard good what he eat more he eat more he eat look at all his food I thought mukbang was really good mukbang was really good poke celebrities for three let's get it done who's that who just who's that who is that um Melle G Obama I don't know Michelle Obama Snow oh my gosh that's real good that's good but it is not oh it's not that oh no if that's not Michelle this is a big red herring I'm pretty sure that actually is not Michelle Obama I'm pretty sure that that is kalala Harris yes oh the vice president guys I'm not even American these two were never in office at the same time all right uh shf uh well the first four were pretty rough but I feel really confident about Riddle's five first you start coughing then you start wheezing then you die my God you got it oh my God the moment was meant to come you finally got your riddle I thought it was going to be then you start slacking because your cardio is so bad let's do partners for three who would Squidward have as a Pokémon I mean I'm going to got to go with the person that makes the most sense and that's nose pass cuz Squidward's house that's a good idea but it is not dang Squidward loves clarinet and the most musical Pokemon I know of is probably like LD it is not yeah Chef what is Clarin natu I like that but unfortunately it is ditto because there's no one Squidward loves more than Squidward shoot oh my go which is ironic because his like mortal enemy is just a slightly different version of him with a sick house coat ah jeez all right riddles six not six riddles just one please if a sock removes his ghee what's the first thing you see his ball toy oh my God that's pretty good oh I wish I could give you points for that now the brains are off his uh his Machamp sorry nope I'm I'm not going to lie the only thing that's coming to mind is an answer I heard earlier in the quiz and and that is blue cuz he is blue wait wait wait Shannon Shannon I know I can't get this point but is it his oh my freaking ears when a sock removes his ghee the first thing you see is sock before he removes the ghee shoot W all right Chef let's go who's that Pokemon for four who's that Pokemon this is probably very wrong is it an upside down clobbopus is it an exploding Gulpin it's a Miler this one's a red hair incorrect this is cfish for dinner it's beautiful soet I'm gonna go with Pokedex entries for six as he was not married his hair was long but his followers cut it off I'm going to go with tan growth tan growth is happily married I'm sorry I mean good for him so you know you know how like sometimes when they get Mega Evolutions they get like long hair that doesn't change your descriptions it's just all I can think of your answer is the concept of Mega Evolution sure yeah that sounds about right so no you mean I didn't get the point and when I see singles and when I see followers the first thing that comes to mind is failinks wow o oo it's for FR dang it ah dang he does have great hair I'm the dog guy I should get this uh who's that Pokemon for six who's that Pokemon is it three plates in a pile of mud it's pretty good in a different world yes but in this one no my gut reaction is execute but a couple of the eggs broke oh oo I'm going to give you half points for that that is execute after strength flation you get half now for the same price wow I mean there's only one question on my mind what are they doing for four what is he doing stons wait let let let stons let stons sorry that is not correct I mean maybe he is piling stocks maybe it is just the move stockpile it is not stockpile dang Peter my guys payday no he he is doing the stocks damn it wow I really want a chance of getting what the heck they're doing so I'm going to go back and go for what are they doing too what are they doing uh they are accepting tile that is septile they accept tile wow beautiful I'm going to go with partners for two who would Shrek have as a Pokemon mudre that's good that's good that is good honestly I don't even remember what the answer is but I don't think it was mudre oh my go let's see he's an ogre ogres have and the closest thing to an onion is celby that's pretty good that one's really good I like your logic but it is not celby I'm going to I'm going to I'm I'm genuinely just going to back out and say Lunatone because of the DreamWorks logo it is chair him cuz give him the chair let's go translated Pokédex entries 4 three It Happened One morning the boy wakes up with telepathic powers and be becomes his father that's a that's a good translation i' watch that anime yeah that sounds really good is that that new isekai uh is it Kadabra yeah it is Kadabra yeah let's go for partners for six who would Gerald of Rivia have as a Pokemon oh the first thing I could think of is um pooie yennefer oh that's good that's better than my answer good I'm going to go with mudre again it is not mudre ah CHP well with this uh foot forward picture all that comes to mind is drowsy Gerald of Rivia would have none because he works alone ah all right Peter you got three choices well I've done really well with the uh none of it so far so I'm going to go with who's that Pokemon who's that Pokemon like a stun fist but like seen from like its butt it's good just like looking at it on the ground laying down you know that is incorrect Shep is it bronzor from the top down it is not I don't know if this is right but I'd be so happy if it was just because the background's green is it kleon oh no I wish it is Jigglypuff as seen from above as seen from above oh my gosh God that's beautiful Partners has not been going well for me so I'm going to go translated Pokedex entries for five global warming causes people to wear underwear that's why okay I've noticed an uptick lately I've got got three pairs on Volby nay cast form I'm pretty sure he is part of the reason for global warming incorrect D Daval it is Darumaka ah all right Zane you have a a lot of choice ahead of you I would like the points button please the points can't believe you guys didn't didn't get the free points button this whole time that's not that doesn't lead to the points cheat that just is points who would Lionel Messi have as a Pokemon oh my gosh I got I got yeah I was about to say I just got to go with shell gon cuz he's soccer ball sorry so Peter let me remind you you currently have zero points this is your last chance to get a point Garbodor cuz he's messy sorry actually I'm not sorry failure all right Chef you get the last guess of the game colossal golden go cuz he gets a goal and then he goes oh my gosh gold then go he does go huh here are the standings in third place with zero points we have Peter I have I have nothing to say you know it's just nice to make the podium in second place with 21 points is Zane games with 25 points Shep dad is the grand winner do you want your your prize Shep oh boy do I ever you win our Channel uh any other prizes thank you for watching And subscribe for more ridiculous Pokémon videos
Channel: DeliciousJames
Views: 86,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon quiz, pokemon quiz but all answers are wrong, impossible pokemon quiz, funny pokemon quiz, zanegames pokemon quiz, guess the pokemon, pokemon quiz but every answer gets worse, delicious james pokemon quiz, pokemon wrong answers only, pokemon trivia, pokemon jeopardy, pokemon quiz challenge, pokemon impossible quiz, pokemon quiz but the answers are dumb, pokemon hard trivia
Id: RB3pscKt4uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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