Pokemon Legends Arceus: 10 Things You NEED To Know Before You Play

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well hello you wonderful humans and welcome back to pokemon legends arceus with the game officially released now i figured it would be best to go over my top 10 tips and tricks for new players to the game and these tips will also help those of you that may have already been playing the game already the pokemon company has finally decided to start changing up the tried and true method for their pokemon games and really started to innovate with pokemon legends arceus so if you thought you knew everything you needed to know about pokemon when getting into this game trust me there is a ton of new mechanics and the first thing we're going to cover today is actually this new farming system so you can actually farm the majority of the items that you need in the game for crafting and crafting is going to play a very large role in your gameplay so we've got our crops here i think they're not quite ready to harvest which is okay but you can see quite a few things here but if we head over to this left area on the farm in juba life village we can talk to good old miller here and you get to actually upgrade your farm we've got it to three crop plots but he's got another quest for us right now and let's see if we can actually complete this so first thing you're going to need to do is make sure you start upgrading your farm so that way you can get more items now for this fourth quest which i believe is the final quest to unlock all four plots we need to provide another pokemon that can use rock smash for each three of these particular quests you'll need to provide a different type of pokemon one that can dig one that can use water and one that can use rock smash to smash those rocks in that last little crop plot perfect now we have all four crop plots for our farm and really the important thing here is to make sure that you're constantly farming up new items and collecting all of your resources is really going to help you with your crafting now our next tip really meshes well with the previous one of farming because in this game you can feed wild pokemon and it does a couple of different things one of the major focuses in the game is actually researching pokemon now luxio here doesn't have a research test to be able to feed it but many other pokemon will and you can use this to level up your research levels but not only can you fulfill your research tasks but different types of berries will have different bonuses like the oranberry you can use to draw their attention so you can can get it to like look away from you so then you can sneak up on a pokemon uh each berry has its own little bonus like increased xp or doling reactions or being able to calm pokemon and if you just want to catch them easier you can use the raspberries so stockpiling these berries will come in pretty handy for fulfilling research tasks and just quickly catching pokemon that you want so we threw out that raspberry there it distracts the pokemon and lures it in and then we can sneak up on it and just slap it with a pokeball and maybe we'll have an increased chance of catching it wham bam thank you ma'am we didn't have to go into combat it's super nice a tip number three i know a lot of people like to start off their game by shiny hunting this starters now it does appear after exhaustive testing that the starting pokemon choice are in fact shiny locked and you can actually get all three starting pokemon in this game without having to trade because you can get them in the post game either as a gift from the professor or by catching them in the wild in distortions tip number four evs and ivs are gone and have now been replaced with something called grit and if we go into typhlosion summary here we can scroll over to this tab and we can see that there is a different level next to hp attack defense speed special defense and special attack all of these stats can be increased so you can drastically increase the power of your pokemon across all of your stats and the way you do this is with an item called grit we've got grit dust gravel and pebbles now each of these allow us to level up our grit to a certain level with the dust we can level it up to level three so we can use it on typhlosion and we can increase hp to effort level one and we can continuously doing this for all stats up to level three which is pretty awesome but obviously you're going to need to collect a lot of this dust now you can collect the dust by defeating pokemon catching pokemon going into the dimensional rifts and things like that they'll be on the ground so there's quite a few ways to be able to acquire these uh grits and you're gonna need all different tiers of them to be able to fully level up your grit so if we go up to the grit gravel we can level up then to level five so we can increase our hp to level five if we so desire and so now we're at 199 hp then we're at 203 and then we're going to get to 206 and if we use our grit pebble we can get up to 223 hp so quite a big boost at these higher levels so you can really make your power our pokemon powerful and it's just a matter of farming up all those different grit items the vast majority of craftable items do use materials that you can farm up on the farm in jubalife village but you might run into items like wood here that you have to find out in the wild you can also find all of these items out in the wild as well but wood being one of the ones that you cannot farm up now wood can be found you guessed it next to trees so there's big patches of like forest and stuff like that and you might be able to find a piece of wood lying on the ground so just keep an eye out when you're traveling through the world for pieces of wood around the trees because you'll need them for various items and you can actually make quite a bit of money from the wood by crafting those dolls for the next tip there's actually quite a few different ways to go about catching pokemon you can battle them and lower their health to be able to catch them in battle you can do status effects to help you catch them or you can sneak up on them my favorite pokeball in the game right now is the wing ball because you can throw them from very far away before a pokemon recognizes you're even there and if you hit them you have a pretty high chance of catching them with the wing balls so they're really my favorite pokeball in the game the laden balls are really what's supposed to be meant for doing this kind of catching at a higher rate of unsuspecting pokemon but it seems like the uh the other ones the wing balls work really well too but the problem about the heavy balls is they are freaking heavy and you have to get really really really really close to be able to hit them with one but they definitely work quite well and we should be able to catch this bird there we go so yeah my favorite set of pokeballs are definitely the three different versions of the error wing ball and the heavy balls i seem to be using these more often than not i still do craft great balls and keep them with me for if i'm in battle but for the most part i'm using these now on note of the air ball or wing bar or whatever tier you're using they don't fly to the center center reticle on your aiming so you need to aim like a little bit lower because they fly high and if you do that you should be able to be right on target so you kind of put like aim center mass really can i do it just like that and wham bam thank you ma'am you're gonna be catching pokemon all day every day next up is going to be gathering there's some tips here that we can go over that are going to be helpful for getting rare resources but you're going to find things like this in the world you're probably going to be wondering well how do i actually get these and you get them by just tossing your pokemon at them and they'll actually harvest everything up for you which is pretty sweet and there's another thing like these trees here it's a functions in a very similar way you just kind of toss your pokemon at it and it'll gather up all of the berries and stuff that's in the tree but then you'll also have these things on the ground which you can just pick up manually which is really nice but there are a rare resources that you can find and and things that you wouldn't really suspect at first glance that would be something that you could gather uh but you absolutely can like you'll run into various things in the world that kind of look not necessarily out of place but slightly different like this little bush here i don't even know what to call it i thought maybe a pokemon was hiding in it for the first time but it's actually just something that you can harvest up so you'll find these different types of things like this in in every zone so just make sure to keep an eye out for it's going to be a good way to get resources for crafting and stuff like that and what's great is if you happened ooh that's what i was looking for so let's switch over to our speedy mount that's a bird it's like a speedy mount but not oh don't do that that's a pretty solid tip don't fall out of the sky but you'll find these resources that have this golden glow to them they actually have a potential for having some rare resources in them so we got some stardust uh tumble stone and iron chunks but you can get like evolution items from things like that too like sunstones uh firestones all that fun stuff from those like shining versions of them then you'll see things that are shaking these are gonna have pokemon inside of them you might actually have research things for this but when you attack them the pokemon will come out and you can catch it or murder it or do whatever you want to do so long story short just keep an eye out for all of the available gatherable resources out there and especially go out of your way to gather up the ones that have like that golden sparkle tip number eight and you're going to probably want to start this one relatively early on in your play through you can get a shiny charm in pokemon legends arceus and it gives you a substantial boost to finding a shiny pokemon out in the wild now the downside is you not only need to catch all of the pokemon but you need to complete their research level so you need to get every single pokemon in the pokedex to research level 10. i believe there's like two pokemon that this doesn't count for that you can get in the end game but essentially as you're playing through make sure to complete the research levels for every pokemon you come across if you do care about getting the shiny charm now obviously you can do this in the post game so if you want to rush through the story and just do it in the post game then you can do that but just keep in mind if it's easy you might as well knock it out while you can because you're gonna have to be leveling up your character as you play through anyways to be able to get higher level pokemon so right now i'm a fifth star member on this playthrough and we can get pokemon to level 65 and below to obey us and to be able to level up this star rating you need to complete your research tasks anyways and you're kind of killing two birds with one stone now this leads me to tip number nine the fastest way to level up not only your character star rating but also your research tasks now when you look into the research tasks you're going to see a whole list of things you could actually get the research level 10 without even really catching the pokemon although it'll make it a little bit easier but there's a bunch of different ways to level up these research tests you see number of cot has this red arrow above it so if you continuously complete this you'll be able to increase the amount of research points that you'll get every time you do it or at least when you catch like that 1 3 6 12 and 25 or you could go through and you could defeat them all with electric type moves a whole bunch of them and you could level up research level 10 if you don't want to ever touch a psy duck you could just murder it with your pokemon and get to research level 10 that way so there's quite a few different ways and you can really choose pick and choose which way is going to be fastest for what you're doing because each pokemon will have its own research tasks like this guy right here we can defeat it with a flying type move and we can level it up this way so just kind of keep that in mind you don't have to spam catch the pokemon you don't even really have to catch them at all you could murder them you could feed them there's a bunch of different ways depending on the pokemon to achieve this and once you figure out the path that you would like to do then you can basically max out the pokemon in an area really quickly which will help you also level up your character's star rating to be able to use higher level pokemon now last but certainly not least mass outbreaks this is a new feature in pokemon legends arceus and if you go to your map here or when you go to travel you can see here that there is a mass outbreak in the coronet highlands now anytime you go to travel to a new location you might see a different one of these icons throughout the world and you're going to want to go to these specifically if you're trying to get that specific pokemon as a shiny like i don't know who wants a shiny nose pass but uh we can go here and check it out now when you get to the location it will be shown on the map where the mass outbreak is so you can go pretty much directly to it now there's a couple cool things about these outbreaks so here's our first mass outbreak and essentially it spawns in a bunch of these pokemon here in this spot you don't have to fight all of them you can sneak up on them and capture them if you want now as you capture them they're going to spawn more in which is why it's such a good way oh there's a big one right there too oh and it spawned in alpha so this is gonna be a great way to be able to not only get chinese but maybe you want a larger pokemon or a smaller pokemon and you can use this to spawn alphas as well which is pretty freaking cool now the outbreak won't last forever so you gotta try and catch or take down as many of them as quickly as possible to have a higher chance of spawning like a alpha or a shiny or something like that but hiding in bushes and just continuously throwing pokeballs is a is a pretty good way of dealing with these outbreaks as you can see and i'm hoping that maybe we could get a shiny on camera here but we don't seem to be getting that lucky but that is essentially how the mass outbreaks works it's gonna be really difficult to try and kill them all with just you know really quickly with pokemon so i recommend hiding in a bush and just chucking pokeballs it seems to work pretty well but i really do hope everybody enjoyed today's video we are trying to hit 1 million subscribers this year so a sub would be greatly appreciated and i hope to see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 180,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon legends arceus, arceus, pokemon legends, pla, pokemon arceus, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus tips, pokemon legends arceus guide, pokemon legends arceus tips and tricks, starters guide, pokemon legends arceus starters guide
Id: QjdpQpHEt_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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