Poirot S13E03 - Dead Man's Folly [FULL EPISODE] Agatha Christie's Poirot

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] welcome sir george lady stumps good evening sir george i'm so thankful you're here at last shocking night how did you get straight to bed or she'll catch a chill come on my dear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come at once nice house devon need help urgent ariana you've been here before sir no take the scenery along the river shallow no mercy afternoon ladies you don't mind you sir [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you it is most kind speaks english we meet first time this morning on the platform at exeter and now we are big friends we explore devon together i could show you a few beauty spots if you like the hostels that way don't cross the george's land though you don't like it thank you stan if you please maybe hurry [Music] [Music] welcome to nice museum [Music] i believe mrs oliver to be down by the battery sir that way [Music] um uh [Music] oh [Music] oh hello what is wrong mother nothing's wrong i just wanted to see if someone would come how loudly one might have to shout these woods are frankfurt i thought you were in danger certainly not how are you emperor nrv you telegram to me that you need help for this reason i come by the express from london i do need help i'm most awfully worried there are some very strange people here very strange indeed they're holding a fate tomorrow and they thought they'd have a treasure hunt and they thought no that's been done to death so they thought they'd have a murder hunt instead and they offered me a tidy sum to come and dream it up well anything's better than writing so i've been busy inventing motives and suspects and victims and so forth and it costs a bob to enter and all you get for that is the first glue good fun come on paro he has arrived to devon me porqua because there's something amiss i think someone's going to die if there were to be a real murder tomorrow instead of a fake one i shouldn't be in the least surprised whose idea was it this mother hunter uh the wobertons i think you were the owners of the property no no that's george stubbs awfully rich and awfully common bought the place a year or so ago along with his wife who's outrageously beautiful but as dumb as a fish the corpse will be in here sally leg was going to do it but now they want her to dress up in a turban and tell fortunes so it's a girl guide called marlene tucker hideous child just has to sit here and read comics i've written a clue on one of them and flopped down when she hears someone coming with the with this around her neck hello i've brought lemonade oh that is most coming miss bruce good afternoon sir no no lady stubs must be rushed off her feet with all the preparations do thank her for the drinks lady stubbs has one of her headaches she's not yet up i've planned every detail and it all dovetails nicely but things keep changing so fortune telling's a good example i feel i'm being jocketed along jockey de long manipulated so someone is making the suggestion writers can't stand suggestions if you suggest something we'd do exactly the opposite but i am being jockeyed along and i can't figure out how to tell the truth i'm i'm worried perhaps the big suggestion that he's put on to which you of course say no because it is preposterous but then an idea most trevor may be found to have been smuggled in yes yes something like that yes who is making these alterations different people it would be easier if it were just one wouldn't it and you have told to them that their cute boy he is coming yes i said you'd be giving away the prizes for the murder hunt everyone's thrilled mrs oliver hello i'll walk up with you all safe show this is michael bayman an architect i'm meant to be designing a tennis pavilion do you know what he's asked for a chinese pagoda self-made men stinking with money but with no taste whatsoever for instance look at this it's quite nice of its kind well keeping with the house but these things are meant to be oh that's the phrase situated on an eminence and here's this poor little devil tucked away in the woods perhaps there wasn't anywhere else what about the grassy bank by the house it's perfect but no a tree comes down in a gale right since the self-made twerk will put the folly there tidy up the place look it's only on a yard of concrete subsiding already these people are extraordinary that's amy foliad her people own us originally then she lost both her sons had to sell up and yet she lives here still precisely odd or what is this the great monsieur faro on short day madame foliate it is kind of you to help out with our prizes this clever lady has contrived the most intricate problem i have been admiring the house i thank you it was built by my husband's great grandfather there was an elizabethan manner before but it burned down it must be hard for you to have strangers living in residence now but so many things are hard miss you now if you'll excuse me i'll see if they have your rule ready what do you think come on it is only one instance since i have arrived well i've been here three days and every time someone says something i get the strongest impression they're lying my intuition tells me something is wrong i'm well aware you think me a rational madam one calls things by different name son it may indeed be that you have seen something it may indeed be that you have heard something and it may be if i may so put it that you do not know what it is that you know you are aware only of the result and that mother it is your intuition whatever it is i feel certain someone is going to die we must do something about it [Music] furrow is it me welcome welcome up there oh mercy museum yes george stubbs ah it's a pleasure to meet you i'm delighted you could come uh yes let me introduce you to some people the fortune telling over by the magnolia or the far end of the lawn by the rhododendrons what do you think by the magnolia might cargo by the magnolia it will cause a bottleneck rubbish down at the end please captain what about the coconut shy uh yes not too near the house jim i've just just replaced the windows now may i introduce famous gent hercule poira yes indeed mr farah captain and mrs warburton hello the captain delighted mother yes and alec and sally leg oh that's you mother we'll find you a job later on watch out para santa can make a man do anything what yes so come and meet the wife excuse me patty this is mr porro it's our guest about that now you chat nicely why i go and locate some coconuts off all right do you mind if i sit down madame so much walking you see [Music] it's pretty isn't it it's an emerald george gave it to me he gives me lots of things [Music] [Music] devonshire is a county most pleasant espa it is when it isn't raining but there aren't any nightclubs i won't you like the nightclub oh yes i love music and dancing and champagne and wearing my nicest clothes and all my jewels it's best to be rich isn't it perhaps if i was not rich i should look like her imagine t my lady oh t is stupid perhaps our guest would like some hattie shall i be mother uh is it going to be like oscar tomorrow i can wear a very big hat not quite a gasket dear there's so much to do you really should be helping out instead of staying in bed after lunch i've got a new dress oh come and see we're just having a cup of tea come with me come now oh very well please excuse us beautiful creature isn't she see that ring george water whether he's spotted she's away with the fairies couldn't say but then he's hardly an intellectual himself is he is inside the stocks and shares i believe yes not exactly a gentleman's game what but still you are the friends good grief no choice not with an election coming up jim you've got to settle this we agreed my attention being found by the rhododendrons it's the only place yeah my wife doesn't think so you're the member of parliament show her who's boss you're out of your mind all right see what i can do have you seen amy foliar i believe that madame foliate is inside with the lady stubs she seems to be more solicitous towards her oh yes while she was at his guardian before i i walked her off the aisle of course her people were in sugar in the caribbean but there was a typhus epidemic and both her mother and her father lost their lives rotten bloody luck actually but amy follett was a friend of the family and took young hat him from the wing i think she's commendable she's a damn good eric actually ah amanda there you are i want you to go and order some wild fencing straight away please i don't think you're allowed to pen people in the tea tent sir not not the t10 dear no no over there in the woods where they're coming through they just keep wandering in who are trespassers foreigners cutting through you see pyro through to the ferry girls in little short trousers the trousers of the girl exactly i have a gentleman on the telephone with coconuts right the coconuts yeah right so as many as you like look at them all buzzing around busy busy bees the world's going to pot and they're holding a garden party in fedor gender but that is an activity honored by time the apathy of these people they're all feeble-minded do you know what i should see done in this country i'd like to see every feeble-minded person put out don't let them breathe finish them off all the simpletons how would you do that monsieur leg oh i'm a chemist i could do it easily any theories uh everybody seems to me to be completely normal you're trying to be amusing perhaps that he's not the right word lady stops it appears his subnormal alec leg abnormal oh he's all right he's just having a nervous breakdown but everyone seems in a state of agitation which i believe is characteristic of the preparations for a fate in england mrs oliver your corpse is here ah hello marlene remember a guide is honest reliable and can be trusted can you come and have a look at her costume oh he was going to be stabbed now she says i'm going to be strangled that's not fair this gentleman knows all about murder why don't you ask him i've seen a lot of killings have you one or two members anyway any sex maniacs i like sex maniacs i've read about them i do not think you would like to meet one if someone leaves a woman's body in the woods with no clothes on dead like he's liable to be a sex maniac any that would be an assumption most reasonable way that's what my granddad said but he's daft so no one believes him marlene come and try your costume [Music] come back [Music] so i'm so sorry hatty dragged me off earlier it was rude of her lady stubs is a little common on the capricious hattie is a dear good child i know her very well in this week because she was once your ward my husband died in flanders my eldest son was killed on active service against the pashton and to cap a sorry tale my youngest son took up aviation and crashed trying to break the record to nairobi that meant three lots of death duties well ness had to be sold i was very unhappy and i was glad of the distraction of having a young person to look after for a time he lived in paris my we had fun i became very fond of hattie all the more so when i realized that she was not terribly capable thank heaven there was no money to speak off had she been an error so i don't think how vulnerable she might have been but her father died bankrupt and we felt ourselves fortunate when george stubbs came along it was most fortunate george stubbs is a good man oh i know he's a complete bulgarian but he is fundamentally decent wait i think that you have made the arrangement most prudent i am not like the english or romantic about these matters if was he here you are still at nas house it's george lets me live in the lodge and i can't myself very lucky indeed you have found for yourself a haven most peaceful madam a haven from the storm yes the world is a wicked place that's your horror there are very wicked people in it thank you [Music] what do you want me to put on this poster madames who like her or romani lee gypsy queen no one likes gypsies around here better make it madame zulaka with that snake around her neck snake in the grass i had a snake once but it swallowed the rabbit had to chop it up quite good fun do you still paint michael like he used to sold out sally 30 pieces of silver everyone has to earn a living what in parliament jim that's not really an honest living now is it what waste of time parliament don't be such a rotten old soak why alec has a point what do you think this is all about should all politicians be eliminated eliminated i don't know they make ever such good suspects as a rule they certainly do i mean just look at my husband you couldn't get more shifty if you tried [Laughter] excuse me i'm going to bed patty i feel strange darling darling we're at dinner what [Music] oh lady stubbs has gone early to bed hello she suffers perhaps from the mental confusion oh no she knows exactly what she's doing what do you think i think madame that i take a little walk [Music] you do you want the ferry sir oh no no mercier i stay at nas oh it's up at nashua i work for the folly outs many a year none of them left now of course sap told mom up at the lodge better have he made them full yet bad luck or that trouble with her husband trouble with her sons they were all right when they were boys always down here crabbing but when they grows up master henry died for his country fair dues but master james he was wild one of they just couldn't go straight why was that said master james airplanes flying that's the way to die no 90 hello what is your opinion of sir george apart john myrtle with your mother oh no no mercy gentleman be powerful rich wife's a fine lady from london there i remember the night they arrived worst kale we ever had big tree down in the woods made a rare mess where the folly it now stands yeah damn silly place for it too never happened in squire's day london nonsense it is sad is it not for the time for the follied family it is finished always be folly outside us monster oh mom shall be here by a nice hair [Music] bunny [Music] so [Music] now here are some new ideas for the pagoda what do you think see oh no what is it darling it's from my cousin etienne he's coming here he's coming in his yacht oh no oh i see is this etienne de souza a distant cousin he says he's coming here today well it's a pity he's dropping by in the afternoon of the fake but never mind we shall make him welcome no we can't i can oh i need to lie down i have a headache take some aspirin and then it will go away shall i bring you some no sweetheart excuse me i had it darling i don't want to see eddie i don't like him he's wicked he does perfect [Music] no rogers put the urn on the left the left hello bonjour of mother what a beautiful day yes and isn't it nice to have last lived in again we were all so afraid it would become a hotel so many houses have aa3 stars and what have you ghastly i must say george stux has done wonders for the place he's got good blood in somewhere father a gentleman mother of barmaid that's my guess i see she got her way with the fortune teller's tent [Music] no no no no no you're trespassing you can't come through here do you understand the youth hostel is that way this is private land hop it this won't do [Music] might i meet you in the study what's a hattie yes i've shut it well i put a padlock on the gate they come through the wood they don't seem to understand the word i'm talking about they just jabber on in dutch or french or that whatever one of them was i think italian well precisely yes foreign he wants me a question with the benefit of all your experience most certainly miss you i will try is michael wayman after my [Music] oh she's behaving down oddly all these headaches and this constantly lying down and every time i i look at her there's michael bloody wayman hovering nearby sorry i'm just being pathetic but um [Music] if you should see i'm getting up to anything i mean anything at all you will let me know [Music] you look ridiculous bro mother let us separate we shall watch with appeal died this is just like old times isn't it the greatest success i've restocked with floor abundance just one small bomb would do it [Music] yes sir it's for charity you've won well done congratulations sir here's the first clue it's a photograph work out what it is and you'll get the second clue [Music] i see you're enjoying yourself it is most horrible is it not ladies and gentlemen we have a new champion [Applause] as far as i can tell they're all just enjoying themselves which is a little calling good to see my friend comes later and then we go by bush to turkey you remember my friend okay i saw it this morning oh yes the man was rude now he is polite [Music] when was her voice someone's made a speedy recovery [Music] that would you wear on your head it is a creation most beautiful like something from the royal ascot huh [Music] together you will make a long journey possibly by train i see a luxurious train and great riches will be yours at the end of your quest mother mulva told me that originally you were to be the victim but that you had been snatched from her by the occult i wish i was the body oh this is exhausting is it four o'clock yet i want my tea [Music] what do you think there is something that is uncomfortable yes and a murder hunt would be awfully convenient if you wanted to conceal a murder wouldn't it but the mother madame requires a victim so who is this victim this is what we must discover okay teenagers stopped just meant to be judging the fancy dress wasn't one playing out i should have to get someone else has anyone seen ladies stops sally [Music] thank you excuse me [Music] is this the house of sir george stubbs i am etienne de souza oh george stops good day it's you yes a jolly busy one actually you know welcome to nice and delighted delighted to meet you my cousin hattie is here yes yes yes she is you you will dine with us this evening i hope can we put you up i will sleep on my yacht the esperance now with the devil is my wife you you hang on here and i'll be straight back so it is some time since last you saw your cousin i have not seen her since she was 14 years old then her parents sadly died and she was sent abroad as a child she promised to have good looks she is a woman most beautiful miss you and that is her husband lady stops if you see lady stops have you seen my wife lady stops does anyone see lady subs see baby stops having big hats and there's sunglasses [Music] [Music] they look everywhere she is gone so where can she be anyone think of the boathouse it's locked to make sure nobody finds the body by accident it's rather brilliant don't you think marlene it's mrs oliver i'm coming in marlene you can get up it's only me marlene marlene [Music] marlene [Music] marlene tucker local girl with a length of rope doctor so she's still warm dead no more than an hour so the killer isn't far away i dare say we don't want to murder a 14 year old child johnny goes with kate georgie pinches hikers in the wood so george stubbs i'll uh i'll need a room sir and i want to question both yourself and lady stubs i'm afraid yes of course but my wife seems to have disappeared from view i will find her eventually but i doubt she'll she'll be much help i feel awful put that in capital letters awful because you see it's my murder i organized it i don't usually drink but prior gave me this for the shock did you say quarrel i don't suppose you remember me monsieur poiro most assuredly it is the young sergeant bland whom i met by this now since 14 15 years in gloucestershire what a memory i cannot for the life of me remember why i should ever have wanted the yugoslavian wife of a biochemist to be the victim i wasn't expecting a man in a yacht to what man in the yacht he sent a letter to lady stubs and she was frightened frightened of what frightened of him now she's disappeared can you tell me anything about a man and a yacht maybe i'm sure etienne de souza the cousin of lady stumps who was afraid of this etienne de souza do you know why i heard her say he was a batman huh do you think your fear was real right if it was not she is an actress very clever you came ashore in a launch at nasscom key did you see a small wooden boat house on your way yes and had i known it belonged to nas house i should have come ashore there but i didn't did you see any signs of activity in the boathouse no originally the part of the victim was to have been played by sally legg but one evening sally told all our fortunes and she was thought to be strikingly good at it someone suggested one of the girl guides could be the corpse instead so sally became madame zulaika was marlene tucker happy to be the victim oh she was thrilled i noticed a plate and a glass yes she had some jam tarts and a fruit drink i took the tray down myself lady stubbs asked me to all right what time exactly oh let's see i'd say about quarter past four where were you between a quarter past four and five o'clock how do you pin it down sir exactly miss brewers saw marlene at 4 15. ladies and stubs asked her to take down some food and drink to the boathouse lily stubbs asked her to do that hardly think so lady stubs his mind revolves entirely around herself marlene could die of malnutrition for all she can at a quarter past four marlene tucker was alive and well oh yes i called out and she opened the door she was fine moronic but fine do you enjoy working for sir george i can't imagine doing anything else are you listening now you simply got to do something my wife has been missing for two hours i am going half mad with worry i've got men looking into it we do have a murder to deal with sir well let's hope it's not two then this is a murder investigation so would you answer my question please sir where were you this afternoon i went to the pub across the river working for these lunatics has driven me to drink how well do you know your cousin my second cousin i don't know her when and yet you just thought you'd pay her a surprise visit hardly a surprise visit inspector i wrote to her three weeks ago from san marlo i said i hope to arrive in nasscom around about today it is hard to be specific on a sailboat did she reply to be frank with you gentlemen i don't think cousinhati has the mental capacity for writing letters though i understand she has grown into a lovely woman have you seen her no i have not where is she she's probably just gone for a walk she's a grown woman rather helpless one by all accounts yes than she wants to be tell me everything you know about lady stubbs how would you describe her i'd describe her as ornamental like a trefoil or a crocket pretty but useless backward backward no cunning little minks she didn't leave my boat the road was closed all right she's still on the property somewhere sir why i'm going to stop her hopping across the fence and making off across country madame was wearing a bias cut chiffon dress with double roulet straps whatever that is a large red hat and shoes with three inch heels i don't think she'll be doing no cross-country run wish we could have changed your clothes remain says nothing's missing no suitcase pack [Music] nothing [Music] lady stopped stand the man down uh-huh what's up inspector plan for how he should have prevented the murder of marlene tucker the least he can do is to find the killer see what pamete i would like to help anything uh no sir i'm sorry so george there is something i should like to ask you did your wife receive a letter from mr de souza three weeks ago saying he was coming to this country no when he heard the man was arriving this morning why does she dread seeing him so much hi blessed if i know miss you exactly what did she say she said he kills people well she couldn't actually say who de souza was supposed to have killed or where why you know but don't tell me he arrives here off his yacht and immediately strangles a girl in my boat house doesn't make any sense sir george the daughter of the boat's house it has the yell lock we yeah so no one may enter without a key so if you permit me to ask there are how many keys three the one was a clue in the murder hunt and concealed in some foliage at the top of the garden the second key was in the possession of mrs oliver where's the third king ah it's here where it always is now do you see what that means the only people who could have got into the boathouse were firstly the person who completed the murder hunt and found the key which didn't happen secondly mrs oliver or someone to whom she gave her a key which she says didn't happen and paro was with her right or thirdly someone who marlene herself admitted to the room ah but that could be anyone out of two or three hundred people couldn't it no sir george because when the girl heard someone to approach she was to lie down and pretend to be dead she was to be discovered by the person who had found the final clue the key therefore the only other people whom she could have admitted when they called her from the outside were those people who had organized this murder hunt yourself lady stubbs miss bruiss mrs oliver who else did marley know sir george all right um alec and sally leg michael raymond the war buttons oh and uh mrs follett sorry it is as you said to me yesterday madame a world that is very wicked well it's true this morning lady stubbs she also spoke of wickedness i shouldn't pay too much attention to the things hattie says so everyone tells to me she has always had the mental age of a child as you know madame such people are not always accountable for their actions in a fit of rage they might even kill no hattie was a gentle warm-hearted girl she would never have killed anyone never then can you think who might have killed marlene tucker no i can't what can you tell me about the local people captain warburson he was working hard at the fate all afternoon mrs warburton enid warburton runs the girl guides and the gymkhana she's clearly beyond approach and the legs what do you know about them they're just holidaying here madame like she is a lady most attractiveness but vivacious why is it possible do you think that at any time sir george stops fell the attractions to madame lake good heavens no so george is extremely fond of his wife was it you or lady stubbs who asked miss brewers to take jam tarts down to the girl in the boathouse goodness all these questions i i remember miss bruce collecting some cakes but i don't recall that anyone asked her to do so you were serving in the tea tent between four o'clock and five o'clock i believe mrs lead came in there at that time for a tea no she didn't she was dressed as madames who like her remember she never set foot in the tea tent sorry it's so late mrs lake please uh tell me when you last saw lady stubs i think when i came out of my tent to go and have tea i remember a hat massive wasn't it uh when did you take your tea four o'clock in the tea tent was it crowded yes awfully coach party from torquay did you see anyone you knew there not a soul good morning sir is there any sign of lady stubbs no i do not believe so much your hand then tell me if you please for how long a time have you been here the butler just over a 12 month sir mercy there's an invitation from the lord lieutenant of the county and hodgson's written about the state of the milking ship time the milking shits to hell where is my wife let me just don't disappear today wouldn't have possessed him to marry her api it has been a marriage unfortunately disastrous all she ever does is spend his money why this year alone she's bought two minks and a russian herman he's such a he's such an innocent and she's a sly skipping clever cat you say is and not what she isn't dead she's gone off with another man she likes men she's already made a fool of michael wayman unless you're women he designs her tennis court dennis she wouldn't know a double fault from a fruitcake wayman tried it on and she gave him the heave-ho because she's found someone else so he has two and i've missed you women no longer pursues lady stubs what is it about her that makes you so suspicious of her she meets someone on the sly porro she slips out of the house and into the woods she was out the night before last all that yawning and saying she's too tired for dinner half an hour later she's slipping out by the kitchen door she's an alley cat hatty stubs it's an unpleasant thing to have to face but i'd say we've some kind of psychological lunatic wandering freely in devon he won't be local somerset perhaps it's a for a question if you please how is it possible for a strange man to have gained access into the bottles easy she came out she got bored girls do trust me the most likely thing is that marlene saw hattie stops being murdered so she had to be disposed of too crush her windpipe drag her back inside flick the yale easy way sir george stubbs believes that his wife she is still alive men will believe anything look i like george stubbs he and his wife have done wonders for nass amy follett has sponsored them of course and she has influence in the county why there have been foliates here since tudor times always been fully at satnav's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] albert loves dorian vitti fox has a secret then she looks and she lands your brain it is so slow [Music] is it hers let me see christ it's a hat where is she where's my wife i don't think we'll find her here i'll tell you where you will find out where you're too bloody stupid to have before and where's that sir on that fellow's that fellow's yacht that it yeti andersouza damn coincidence isn't that he turns up no bloody hell breaks loose [Music] [Music] [Music] like a warrant search or vessel do you think i'm hiding my little cousin on board i don't think anything sir rather as i suspected [Music] you have lost something mother oh he made me jump yes i have or must one rendezvous one one can i don't know what you mean is not a husband alas but he knows that they can be jealous i doubt mine is i hoped when i came down here that everything would get better but it hasn't alex just [Music] wow he's still alec [Music] i don't want to live like this no have a look here sir got something yes sir this is the jacket that gentleman was wearing yesterday and look what i found in the pocket what is it it is the ring worn by lady stubbs at the time of disappearance it matches to george's description how do you come to have this mr de souza i have no idea i've never seen it before well maybe you have maybe you haven't but it's grounds enough for me to arrest you for what may i ask for being foreign for the murder of harriet stubbs for the [Music] you have no proof at all this is meant to be a civilized country we like to think so sir hoskins is this what you are looking for mother oh yes thank you museo poro i must have dropped it [Music] we've got important her ring is in the pocket of his blazer with that and all the here's evidence so i reckon i can get a conviction for the murder of lady stubs whose body is has never been found what was dumped in the river floated out to sea or turn up in time no i'm sure she was killed here at nass if i close the roads put a man at the key checked all the buses and trains there was never a sign of her no she was dumped in the river near where we found her hat and marlene tucker saw it happening so probably the souza fixture too it is not that he into souza why not how did he know where to find out when his boat is it only just arrived no it does not make any sense but you almost your mother do we want the fairy sir no mercy i returned today to london poor fella why must they do that because puerto he has failed because pero is ambassador [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did hattie stubbs ask mouser broist to take the gem touch to marlene tucker in the boathouse if not why does she say that she did is it possible that mama's elbroise found malintaka already dead in which case why does she not report this she is a woman most sensible and that she killed her of course why did eddie anderson lie about writing to his cousin three weeks before his arrival at nasa house is it perhaps an attempt to make his visit to appear natural or expected sothamor sergios receives him amicably although he does not know him but his wife who does know him does not see him so is it conceivable that the etienne de souza who arrives at the fete is not the real etienne de souza when is his trial three weeks now the jury will take one look at the souza and they will convict him this man will hang on usually the villain's the husband wait jose this husband he has the alibi there are 200 people willing to testify the serger she never left the fate but there is someone someone who knows what happened to her he stops you think the body's still there it appears that she's been thrown into the river but it is possible that she is in the grounds there isn't a priest's hole or anything like that is that no i ask this question to mr michael raymond he tells to me that the house is not of the correct period for this all the same there might be something in the structure that only the family know about but the only member of the family who is left is madam folia well she knows everything there is to know about nass doesn't she it is a true thing that you say she knows everything for example she knows straight away that hattie stops is dead she knows even before the death of marlene tucker said the world it is a place most wicked what is there that she does not know [Music] with your leg you are leaving nas house yes sally's cleared out no with that bastard wayman i do not think she will be as happy with him as she would be with you ah you think so do you yes i do miss you and shall i tell you what else i think i think that your opinions so extreme have made you impossible to live with your wife sally leg she is a woman of loyalty but you have pushed her too hard must you you are a man who is very lonely very desperate and if you had told your wife madam sally just how you were so lonely and how you were so desperate she would never have left you from michael wayman you don't know how right you are wait i've been absolutely dummy wait it's politics hey pwara it's hardly worth losing your wife for no i do not think they are miss you no what should i do i think what you should do monsieur is to find madame sally but immediately ask her to forgive you and beggar to come back and their quarrel he is always right miss you do you know i think i will and i'll go to the bloody chelsea arts club and i'll get a hold of michael wayman and i'll throttle the ponce with his ridiculous tie and if you please miss your leg do not actually kill him [Music] foreign i feel very sorry for george the strain has been very great so sir george still believes that his wife she is alive i think he's given up hope he does not say so but of course i've hardly seen him lately he spends most of his time in london he's drinking too much at all i am very tired and super i have not much to live for but you have your home monsieur i am grateful to george stans for renting me the lodge but i do rent it i pay him a yearly sum for it with a right to walk in the grounds the grounds of my ancestral home oh you sweetie madam i do not mean to offend i mean only to say that this is a place so beautiful it is in fact one of the most beautiful places i have seen in england it has about the great peace and the great serenity yes but is there still the same peace and serenity now madam why shouldn't it be because the mother it has gone unavenged and blood it has been spilled and here is the smell of it the reek of it drifting across the lawn on the breeze i think that is quite enough madam until the curse is lifted there will be no peace at night you know this is true and you know a great deal perhaps everything about the mother you know who killed the girl you know why you know who killed hatty stubs and you know perhaps where the body yet now lies i have only my suspicions and to speak out on mere suspicion would be wrong wicked as wicked as what was done here it is now since five weeks as wicked as the killing of a girl who is only 14 years of age don't talk about it it's over and done it's finished no madam it is never finished with a mother sammy mamoazel where is mr madel granddad he's dead miranda some monsieur madel was your grandfather hello your grandfather he was very older he didn't date because he was old he died cause he was drunk he slipped when getting off the boat one night and fell in washed up two days later at helmuth and how do you call yourself gary tucker a relation to marlene tucker i was my sister so mr madel was her grandfather also he got crusher when she got the makeup the makeup kerti loads of lipstick she had and scent hid him in her nickel jar lovely they was tell to me gertie how did marlene get the money to buy these things hersey on in the woods marlene will promise not to tell and they give her money but who would give her at last at last [Music] he begins to see come at once nice house devon may pukwa because it is important mother i should hope so i was due to give a talk that's why i'm dressed in this ridiculous outfit instead i ran for the express train what was the subject of your talk my writing awfully please don't have to give it as a matter of fact i mean what does one say about how one writes books you just think of an idea and force yourself to write it what am i going to say for the other 59 minutes madame your hat semenifique oh thank you it's totally expensive hats are really a symbol nowadays aren't they they don't keep your head warm or shield you from the sun or hide your face from people you don't want to meet i mean they're just ornamental always you give to me the ideas tell me madam in your murder hunt you have as one of your suspects a biochemist do you know a biochemist personally yes i know alec leg and you also know his wife sally leg but she is not yugoslavian is she so what gives to you the idea of having a wife who is yugoslavian for the victim i don't know all those youth hostelers perhaps all those girls and shorts but malama i am most interested in how you write you are a woman who is most sensitive you are affected by the atmosphere by the personalities that surround you these are the inspirations for your brain that is so fertile so tell me mama when you first designed your mother hunt did you intend for the body to be discovered in the boathouse no i did not i intended it to be found in that pavilion tucked away among the rhododendrons but then someone i can't remember who began insisting it should be found in the folly well that was obviously bonkers i mean anyone could have strolled in there quite casually i couldn't agree to that so you accepted the butters instead and that was the technique that you described to me on that first day them the jockeying along one last thing mother do you remember telling me that there was a final clue on one of the comics that was given to marlene tucker to read was it something like biddy fox has a secret then good gracious me no but nothing city like that oh it was a perfectly straightforward clue look in the hiker's rook sack epito the comic on which that was written would have to be taken away why because immediate morning points to the murderer ah inspector bland you must telephone to scotland you're too sweet why because etienne de souza he is innocent now he is a man of great wealth so what so what is his motive let me put you the facts oh facts what facts the fact that old john model who is the grandfather of marlene tucker the fact that lady stubbs always wore those particular types of floppy hat the fact that marlene tucker had cosmetics hidden in the back of her drawer and the fact that mama's al bruise maintains it was lady stubbs who asked her to take refreshments to the boathouse you call those facts do you in london you prefer the hard evidence such as the body of lady stumps hello i know where it is hidden and who hid it there so if you please to make that telephone call to scotland yard [Music] why did you ask me to come here i think that you know mother [Music] good evening there have now been three mothers hattie stubbs marlene tucker and john madeleine that was an accident he fell from the key side he was drunk no no it was not an accident mother he knew too much he knew all about the foliate family he knew about your husband he knew about your two sons who died abroad only they did not did they henry was indeed killed in action on the northwest frontier but james no he did not die as you said james who was so brilliant so wild james who was also the use of shaming john modell told me of him madam and the records have been checked what did he do to that young dairy maid when he was only 14 years of age and where did you send him mother south africa wait you said you never saw him again you heard that he had died in an airplane crash you mourned you said your prayers were what then has happened mother he came back because your son he made the pretense of his own death and then you learn that he is pursued by the police in several countries and you agree and he must have been so persuasive you agree to give him one more chance just one way i believe that you are a woman most sincere and most moral and i believe that it was from the best of your intentions that you did everything you could to give to your son who was wayward a new life at that time you had in your charge a young girl who was sadly sub-normal but she was richer so rich she was worth of fortune but you gave it out that her parents had lost all their money and you are advising her to marry a man who is wealthy and several years older than herself and who could disbelieve you your lawyers in paris where you were living at that time handled everything and had his stubs when she came of age would sign whatever you put in front of her and so in the end sir george stubbs [Music] the new identity assumed by your son james became a man who was very rich rich enough to buy nas house there your plans they ended hey mother your son he was a wealthy man he had his ancestral home and hattie stubs well you could take care of her samash i never dreamed you never dreamed that your son james he was already married he was married to a girl he met in trieste a girl of the criminal underworld who is determined not to be parted from your son he's a wicked wicked creature but you're happy knew no one in england good evening hatty come along when they arrived back in this house after their marriage all of the servants who were new including the butler barely caught sight of her that first evening and the following morning the woman that they met was not that he stubs number this italia made her to look like hattie behaving as hattie but hattie the real hatty was dead she was killed the first evening she arrived here by your son great by your son mother james [Music] this plan it was so clever the false hattie stubs over the years would respond to treatment she would get better and better and make the full recovery but this italian did not compensate brews i have a headache who was herself in love with sir george [Music] but then something unforeseen occurs a cousin of hattie etienne de souza writes to her telegram oh no telling her that he is visiting england on a yachting trip listen darling i know he would not be deceived by an imposter may auntie strange is it not that although the thought it he crossed my mind that this etienne de souza may not be yeti and de souza it never occurred to puerto ri stubs was not at his stumps there was a further complication john modell used to chatter to his granddaughter marlene tucker if someone leaves a woman's body in the woods with no clothes on he's liable to be a sex maniac well nobody else would listen to him because they thought he was a little daft but he told his granddaughter marlene that sir george was in fact master james [Music] hello marlene tucker she blackmails the george for her silence but in so doing she signs her death warrant they arrange it so that marlin tucker is killed and had his taps goes missing in such a way the suspicion that he thrown onto her cousin etienne de souza hence the references to him being a man most wicked delighted and sir george he plans the evidence this lady stubs was to disappear permanently after a period of morning sir george would rejoin her in italy where they would again be married all that was necessary for her now was to double the parts for a little more than a period of one 24 hours when hercules he arrives at his tabs takes the bus to exeter and travel back in the company of a youth hosteler she meets on the train you don't mind you sir she books into the hostel with this dutch girl but by tea time she is here back at her window after dinner she retires early to bed i feel strange but mama said bruce sees her to sleep out of the back door [Music] she spends the night in the youth hostel returns to nass for breakfast after which she spends the rest of the morning in her room with her headache she then stages her appearance as a trespasser you can't come through here sir shouts to her from the window of his wife he turns and even pretends to speak to her inside she is not there no one would ever dream that these two women were the same person and no one did and so the final act of this drama it is staged a little before four o'clock on the day of the fate hatty stabs tells the mamasal bruised to take the jam tarts to marlene now she does this because she is afraid that mamasal bruise may do this independently and that would be fatal to their plans she slips into the tent of the fortune teller where saleh giza as she has a secret rendezvous with michael weyman she goes through the back into the pavilion where she changes into the costume of a hiker which he kept in her rucksack [Music] he and that is why the pavilion was not used for other motherhood she then goes down to the boathouse and calls to marlene to let her in and she strangles her [Music] she leaves her big floppy hat by the riverside and hastily joins her dutch friend on the lawn a little before five they take the bus to torquay and a little after five the police they arrive where she is now i do not know but i am convinced of the police they will find her remember madame that before they were not looking for an italian confidence trickster no they were looking for hattie simple subnormal and dead and this you have always known madame you revealed your knowledge to me when you spoke to me in the dining room on the evening of the fate you revealed most clearly although he did not see it at the time that when speaking of hatistabs i shouldn't pay too much attention to the things hattie says you were speaking of two different people hattie was a gentle warm-hearted girl she would never have killed anyone never there remained one problem to be dealt with the man who knew the truth about your son john model his death is made to look like an accident as if he had fallen into the water while he was drunk [Music] but in fact it was murder madame murder committed by your son james [Music] hello if you please to come with me it is a good place to bury a bunny a tree it is uprooted in a storm the soil it is disturbed and very soon a young lady she is covered with concrete and on the concrete folly it is built the folly of the owner of nurse mr poro i will face my punishment i assure you of that but before i do will you give me a few moments with my son as a courtesy to an old lady as a courtesy from an old gentleman mother i will allow it bless you all right let's bring in sir george if you're pleased to wait i have allowed madame follette a few moments you've no authority to do that domage it is done [Music] mother and what are you doing here they're digging up the folly [Music] you know what they will find [Music] write a good scheme almost worked it was like every one of your schemes it was cruel and criminal and it failed [Music] you have brought disgrace to the family name the name of foliate dear god what might do you will do james exactly what i tell you for once just for once you will obey your mother [Music] what put you onto them intuition perhaps the deduction when old john murder told to me there will always be folly hats at nas it was his little private joke and parole he has realized this very late you see mother he knew so now will you release the souza yes all right time's up come on [Music] um [Music] oh um [Music] you
Channel: BritTV
Views: 205,628
Rating: 4.8614483 out of 5
Id: NHYcCo-05to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 38sec (5558 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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