Poirot S06E03 - Murder on the Links [FULL EPISODE] Agatha Christie's Poirot

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[Music] foreign [Music] narrator q in five seconds mr hawksworth the jury is out and all london holds its breath for the verdict in the infamous beralde trial accusations against the beautiful madame baroldi over the brutal murder of her husband arnold have shocked the entire nation after their wedding ten years ago messiah and madame beraldi took a prominent place in london society with the couple setting up permanent home here 12 months ago and it was good news for the capital too as mr baraldi established his headquarters in the port of london together with his english partner mr george connor seen here with mr baraldi they brought valuable income to britain then tragedy most intruders break into the baroldi home jean barraldi is found tied up her husband is stabbed in the heart and at the memorial service afterwards mr connor comforts the grieving widow two months later a sensation a sean beraldi is taken into custody and charged with her husband's murder the story of the intruders was they say a clever concoction to divert suspicion evidence comes to light of a secret assignation between madame beraldi and mercier beralde's partner george connor but before the police can apprehend him george connor flees the country and so as jean baraldi faces the future alone her nine-year-old daughter martha fights to hold back the tears all right hold it 85 seconds mr let's um i think we should come back to the baroldi woman at the end that's all the footage we've got mr latz uh okay uh then let's see those last shots again ah good story george connor commits the crime then runs off and abandons chamberlain no from what i've heard they were in it together he may have held the knife but it was madame baroldi who guided his hand when's the verdict tomorrow maybe you can get some more footage later i doubt it if madden baroldi really did kill her husband she won't be making any more appearances ready mr lance run it poor little girl her mummy's going to [Music] hang [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] ah hastings to come again of france say magnifique it will be the experience gastronomic i'm sure dobie will be perfect for you pyro so you said nominee when you choose for us our destination well it's famous for its comfortable hotels excellent food sophisticated crowd yes but it seems to me hastings that these sophisticated people they interest themselves mainly in these activities for teeth yes well some people come to derby or for that but uh not everyone not for me hastings i interest myself in cuisine absolutely hastings this hotel that you have reserved for us it has a chef of the first order oh top notch and the name of this hotel hastings you neglected i think to mention it to me [Music] pure coincidence a lot of golfers are very gastronomic you know nothing like 18 holes to build up an appetite you really ought to try it you might find you actually enjoy it to hit a little ball into the little hole in the middle of a large open field i think it is not the taste of purple [Music] you have the options on the land enjoying the golf course but when the architect asked me if he could see you tomorrow afternoon before he wants to know wait a minute that man what the little one was in the start that's her the detective staying here [Music] where's laurence damn him he's just coming now you don't need a private detective do you paul no why do you ask well you've been very preoccupied recently i just i don't need a private detective but it's none of your damn business anyway you're my secretary stoner not my confidant i'm sorry it doesn't matter [Applause] lawrence you're taking my son to the station this afternoon we miss you then you've got your holiday is that right we miss you good [Music] that's my stepfather i have to go now jack darling i have to pack ship leaves tonight it's so far away santiago is the other side of the world i can't bear it i have no choice a whole year training for the most important cycling event of the region and a week before the office brings this on me why not refuse you don't even like him why don't you just tell him no it's only three months i'll be back now i know what she felt like who you know who isabelle she lost you to me and now i'm losing you to your stupid business it's not the same i love you martha you loved her until i met you [Music] masa mother i understand you're leaving us jack yes madame debray i i have to go now i shall miss you we both will write to me every day [Music] uh [Music] your case is ready jack yes mother they're in the hall i told lawrence to put them in the car i wish you'd tell me what this trip is all about ten days crossing to buenos aires and then overland to santiago seems like a hell of a long way to go just on your say-so you don't want to be part of my business i think you're getting me out of the way because you don't want me to see martha that's a ridiculous suggestion then why all this secrecy you'll be met at santiago everything will be explained to you thank you lenny that'll be all yes madame you know separating martha and me will not change my feelings towards her that's enough you are only my stepfather i cannot rule my life chad no i wish you were dead sometimes it's once in my life i could do as i pleased [Music] [Music] [Music] yes thank you hastings [Music] it is indeed fortunate for you that this is a hotel of great comfort and the cuisine most excellent thank goodness for that it's a marvelous golf course they say it'll be the best in france when they finished it also this golf course he does not have the necessary number of holes oh no it's got 18 holes but they're extending it adding a few more bunkers that's something he thinks what is it a bunker oh you know a sand trap i'm afraid that's where i usually end up ah it is the same in french love banker and tomorrow you play how you say the circle go around yes yes they're lining me up at some people middle miss ladies and gentlemen isabel divine [Music] my name is paul renau may i join you [Music] it was a piece of remarkable fortune because mr para i will pay you anything to help me in what where miss you i believe i am in danger of my life what makes you think that i'm a rich man i have enemies may i ask what work is it that you do i own properties hotels this hotel and the golf course are mine but i have another business in precious stones i export them out of santiago in chile that's where the trouble began fraud on a massive scale i can't talk to you here it's too dangerous will you come to my villa tomorrow it's the village envy of just past the villa margarite on the other side of the links with thank you he says to me so much [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] be brave [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] help me [Music] heads tails i think [Music] i have an appointment with mr paul renault my name is i know who you are you better come in mercy my name is lucian dex i'm commissary of the police here in davin something has occurred to the showroom what's going on dicks what is uh your business with mr renault that he's a matter confidential miss you is you're a no he's not here i'm jiro of the serenity that is a name that is known to me it is a name known to many and you miss you mrs giro this it's remarkable wait a minute commercial becks renault asked you to come here today wait why he told me that he considered his life to be in danger well it looks like he went to the wrong man mercier renault was abducted last night [Music] i would comfort him yes i'm there every year and so as you were in the bar last night there was a singer loving voice do you mind sorry lovely i don't know what woke me up but when i opened my eyes there were two men in the room both wearing masks so you cannot describe them at all it was too dark obviously it was the middle of the night it was two o'clock i heard the clock strike on the mantelpiece fortunate yes indeed go on one of them forced a gag into my mouth and tied me up the other one was standing over paul he'd taken a knife from my dressing table here it was a gift from my son jack anyway he was threatening paul with it did he speak yes in south american spanish he was from chile i'm sure of it that's where paul and i met we lived here for many years what did he say you know what we want those were his first words the other one the papers where are they i asked monsieur no he spoke to me of a fraud what happened then well i i don't remember anything else i i think i must have fainted oh god no no no no no man console yourself puerto will find him you permit mana [Music] they must have caused you great pain [Music] i don't think my partner's got his mind on the game i'll be digging one of those new bunkers through there come on i'll help you find the ball it's my fault sir every night i lock the doors but last night i was so tired you failed in your duty tell me at what hour did you retire to bed at nine o'clock uh-huh and you heard nothing no sir i didn't hear a sound and this that's mine sir i always have coco in the evening tell me do you mind mr poirot this is my investigation there were just the three of you in the house last night yes sir isn't there a son master jack is miss urina's stepson sir he left yesterday for south america oh to chile yes sir to santiago do you know why no sir i believe it's to do with his father's business he didn't want to go no no sir as a matter of fact they argued about it quite violently and jack was very upset to mr trophy de doville the cycle race he'd been training very hard tell me mama's health did not know any steps and argue together very often yes sir i'm afraid they did oh for heaven's sake farrow do you think jack renault kidnapped his stepfather i think the thoughts of hercule puerto must you are far beyond your comprehension was there anyone else in the house no gardener or handyman lawrence a chauffeur should have been here sir but he's on holiday when did he leave yesterday sir he also secure you [Music] no sign of it no [Music] [Music] thank you miss yogiro i've circulated paul reynolds description across france and i have men making inquiries at the station and the airport will find him of that i am not so sure mr what's going on who are you my name is gabriel stoner mr reynolds private secretary is there something wrong mr reno has disappeared abducted by agents from chile that's my god i thought something was up what do you mean well he's been very i don't know nervous recently how recently mr slender well in the past couple of weeks he only came to france a couple of years ago you know and before that he had a business in precious stones in chile that's where he made his fortune but he's a very private manager much more than that i see where's louise madame upstairs i must go to her yes of course you can go now mr pardo do you really think you can just walk in here and take over this investigation this is my case and if anyone is going to find mr paul i can assure you it's going to be me still no luck no i'll look over here [Music] find anything good lord [Music] killed at about two o'clock in the morning i'd say stabbed in the back unusual weapon it's just a paper knife i'd say the stone in the hilt was a suffer renault's wife said they took a knife from her room a prison from her son has anyone informed madam brenner no hastings and it is a duty i would not wish to perform there's a set of footprints in there you didn't jump in did you of course not it looks as if someone did you can take him away now poor devil marched out here and nothing but that coat and he's under clothes and then killed there's no way to go this is yours i believe captain hastings thank you hastings what is it this white line that i see oh they were going to dig a new bunker here poirot this is where it was going to be this was by the grave brand new what does he tell you mr jiro only that our friends from chile came prepared oh so you assume it was theirs of course and what of this it's a piece of lead pipe wait well what of it it also was beside the grave paul renault was stabbed not bludgeoned you'd know that's probably been here for weeks it's of no interest it is of great interest a little spade and put it with the knife you can keep the lead pipe sir i found this in the dead man's pocket sir hastings if you're pleased to read it my dearest one why haven't you written to me for so long i'm beginning to think there's someone else i think i would kill you if i thought i was going to lose you but you do love me i know you do as i love you always your own adoring vd so paul renault had a lover that's what it looks like bd i'm sure madame renault will enlighten us we're not going to ask her are you she doesn't even know her husband's been captain hastings is right with better teller i will tell her but he's not strange is it not these things [Music] sure i know he wore his coat very long [Music] who is he they call him the pipe because he smokes this pipe ridiculous he doesn't seem very fond of you no that is because he believes himself to be the greatest detective in france perhaps he is no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no he is down in france [Music] these things forgot oh let me [Music] [Music] so much for my golf [Music] your own adoring bd i don't know unless mr stone the villain next door the margarite it's rented by madame de bray bernadette de bruyne do you know this woman no but it's a damnedest thing in the last three months mr reno made three large payments from his bank account through this debris yes they added up to a hundred thousand francs i did ask her now about him but he just snapped at me you suspected black members you're standing yes i did but if you sent him this letter maybe they were having no fear seemed self-evident it was so unlike him rena was an odd sword very secretive reclusive even but he adored his wife you wanted to see me gabriel what's happened louise it's bad news what madame renault i'm sorry to have to tell you that your husband has been found murdered oh no he was stabbed last night with the knife that was taken from your room oh god why why ball oh [Music] it's this one here you don't believe it i do not know these things in this case it reminds me of something i just do not know this may be unpleasant just one moment mr hotel the identification it can wait no i'd like to get this overview paul no oh no [Music] no take her back to the village interview i am an imbecile truly if there was ever love and grief in the voice of a woman i heard it now if you are his teens then we must begin again it's quite dreadful really quite dreadful the death of monsieur renault do you have any suspects yet at the present time i was here suspicion is directed towards two persons two south americans from chile two suspects is that why it requires the services of two detectives uh i'm handling this case madame mr parrow is merely observing well i have nothing to tell you my daughter martha and i lead quiet lives how long have you lived here in the villa marguerite madam almost a year my mother needed the sierra for her help so you arrived here after monsieur yes did you know we met a few times you became friends we became acquaintances madame dubray on three occasions paul renau made large payments to you how do you explain that i don't it is no business of yours i'll handle this if you don't mind mr porter need i remind you madame that we are investigating a murder what of it i had nothing to do with it then will you tell me please what was the exact nature of your relationship with paul renau i have nothing to say nothing was there an assignation between you monsieur you insult me in my own house in front of my daughter you will leave now your methods leave something to be desired monsieur my methods work mr porro as if you insist on staying around you'll find out but on that i do insist miss you waste your time if you want to but i will find the murderer of paul renault before you and that is a promise you at stick on that your reputation i would stake anything in fact i'll tell you what how about a wager poaru and what would you wager against me mercier giro name it very well i will tell you that famous pipe of yours my pipe yes it is how do you say your trademark if i solve this case before you i will have the pipe very well and what is your trademark mr puyro how about that famous moustache can't be serious what better way to show the world who was the master here you lose you shave your moustache [Music] i hope you know what you're doing i mean you must not concern yourself with jehovah but tell me his things what is your opinion of the two ladies that we met at the villa margarite well uh i don't know about madame debray but it seems to me that her daughter martha was worried about something [Music] she certainly had the eyes most anxious did she know but the mother hastings where have i seen that face before [Music] i thought i might go for a swim before breakfast tomorrow madness that hastings and suffered only by the english [Music] oh [Music] do you you're the singer from the hotel the other night you must have a good memory for faces no but i i thought you were splendid really wonderful that's kind of you i'm isabel duveen arthur hastings have you been in yes it's freezing you're shivering i was in on fleur last year and paris before that but i like davio best when did you come here at the start of the season devil is so beautiful and i was happy here very happy i thought all went wrong really is that why your songs are so sad oh thank you did you hear about that murder that happened here yesterday from the lynx yes i was the one who discovered the body gosh how thrilling i'm afraid i absolutely dote on crimes now do you as a matter of fact i'm staying here with her kilpoiro the detective yes is he as brilliant as they say oh absolutely i must say i'd hate to have him on my trail where is he now i'm still having breakfast i just think actually yeah i want to be going isabelle do you think i could see you again could go out for lunch if you like or could we this is my address why didn't you call for me right rudy it's not very chic i'm afraid thank you bye bye [Music] hastings how very kind of you you arrive at last stereo forever as a matter of fact i just met someone someone a young lady no doubt huh your face is as the open book but there is no time to talk about islam enemy we must go at once monsieur jacques renault has returned to duville and jiro is interrogating him at a prefecture [Music] you have no right to hold me here i have every right i told you i decided not to sail but at the same time i didn't want to go home i just met another argument with my stepfather so on the night of the murder you remained in sherborough yes i stayed in cherbourg all night i only saw the news in the paper this morning and you came straight home that's right but my mother was out and i was waiting for her when he called next thing i know i was dragged here for questioning but if you think you can intimidate me you're wrong i'm sure what was the purpose of your journey to santiago my stepfather wouldn't say he seemed to think there was some some sort of fraud going on something to do with his business and precious stones it couldn't come at a worse time for me in what way it's the race this week the trophy did ovio you're taking part yes i came fifth last year i mean to do better this time that isn't unless you intend to keep me here no no no no you may go if you don't mind mr saguaro that decision is mine to make purdue you wish to arrest monsieur no not yet jack oh darling so you didn't go well it doesn't matter now not not yes sir i took it off in this morning mr pyro asked me to hold it back merci if you please hastings hey you take your orders from me not from mr puerto is that clear yes sir sorry sir what the hell do you think you're doing measuring the curd i can see that [Music] just as i thought what the code it is short [Music] hastings i must leave on the first possible train for london why but why because the face of madame de pre it is known to me i've seen it before also there is something about this case that is familiar to me but why london because that is where the answer is to be found hey things i wish to know at what hour the last train left the wheel from the night of the death of mr horno right and go also to the office of mr bex and tell him where i have gone when shall i say he'll be back when i have discovered the truth hastings [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're not married are you good heavens now have you ever been no i suppose i never found the right girl you're lucky am i the right girl the right man no one can hurt you more how did you come to be hurt isabella forget it i don't want to spoil a nice lunch tell me about the case have you found these mysterious south americans yet no poro seems to think they don't exist it doesn't make sense go on paul renault a multi-millionaire who seems to have no background or history is found stabbed in the back on a golf course yes well if he wasn't abducted and taken there what was he doing out on the links in the middle of the night wearing only a coat and underclothes i see what you mean personally i suspect his wife why well if kwara is right there were no intruders she must have made them up and the only reason she'd do that is if she killed him herself but did she have a motive well it was always money paul renee was a very rich man and it seems he was having an affair with his neighbor bernadette de bray how did you find out that she wrote me a letter she signed it bd but that doesn't necessarily mean she well no but we also discovered that paul renau paid madame debre a large sum of money okay isabel i really shouldn't be telling you any of this my lips are sealed [Music] thank you that was a lovely lunch oh don't thank me i can't remember the last time i enjoyed myself so much where are you off to now oh i have to do something for quarrel he wants me to go and see the commissary of police oh do you mind if i tag along why would you want to do that i enjoy your company and i told you i'm absolutely fascinated by crime [Music] right mr beck said to wait in his office captain hastings and be with you shortly thank you very much [Music] is this where he lived yes and that's where you found him yes stabbed in the back look uh isabel i'm not sure this is a very good idea don't worry i'm all for the horrors what's that uh their footprints from the scene of the crime they took a cast this ah that's the knife that was used the knife yes i say you're right yes are you sure i can sit down [Music] do you think you could get me some water please i'll be back in a minute women and crime captain hastings they don't mix it's all [Music] she's gone was she interested in anything in particular captain hastings what was it that upset her i really no idea what's your next ah mr poirot and how may i help you yes i know exactly what you're talking about i headed to the newsroom myself and i was there at the trial when was this monsieurless oh good ten years ago ah there we are the baroldi case i wonder if you could help me i'm making inquiries for a friend of mine i need to know what time the last train left dovial two nights ago tuesday monsieur that would have been the seven minutes past 12th to paris you didn't have to see two foreigners getting on south americans no miss you how about this man have you seen him well yes but he wasn't getting on the train no no he arrived on the last train from sherburg i noticed him because he appeared to be so nervous and what time was that 11 14. [Music] jack that story about the masked intruders now the ones who supposedly abducted arnold paroly it was all made up and this madame it was our hands was it not they were not um fashioned together tightly that's right that's what gave her away her lover george connor didn't want to hurt her i hear sita comes back to me now madame baroldi she she admitted her story was a lie threw herself on the mercy of the jew the real murderer was the partner george connor she said two months later it was all his plan he killed her husband and forced her to go along with him personally i think there was more too if you're pleased [Music] the money from his coffee business absolutely she but before the police can apprehend him freeze the country a face that is to me most familiar he managed to escape the country to south america yes that's her there with her daughter after the verdict [Music] she left the country later on changed her [Music] with the station masters evidence my case is getting stronger by the minute so jack renault was lying when he said he was in cherbourg the night his stepfather was killed he was actually here in dovie you better tell porro oh i expect he already knows you can wait here i want another word with madame renault [Music] right [Music] so martha calm down calm down it'll be all right you'll be all right this whole horrible about business [Music] ah the knife captain hastings look at the [Music] knife [Music] [Music] hastings you've received my telegram oh sorrow i have succeeded monaemi i have succeeded to the marvel i have to tell you there's been another murder a second mother committed with an identical knife [Music] not an identical knife the same knife that killed paul renault which was stolen from this very office by the woman that captain hastings brought here we can't be sure of that mr zhivo the knight vanishes a knife reappears what more do you want it is a very serious business captain hastings to bring a complete stranger into police headquarters and then to just leave her here i can't believe the incompetence of it and you have not been able to find this young woman we're looking but we only have a description to go on you wait until i get my hands on her you've no idea who she was uh no we met on the beach she didn't tell me her name she must have told you something no not really and you believed this to be the same knife to kill mr paul no a paper knife with a stone set in the hilt it certainly looks the same but why take it too doesn't make sense well the first thing that you ought to know is that this man was stabbed after he died what look at the wound the knife was lodged in his heart but there's no blood then what did he die that's too soon to say but i'd guess an epileptic fit but why stab a man who's already dead to create an impression these things what impression the impression that they very nearly decreed you have no idea who he is no identification nothing look at his hair his fingernails i'd have said he was a trap and yet his clothes were those of a man were to do this for secure we found those in the shed some old clothes they could be the tramps or the gardeners do you think so yes what about the time of death no he's been dead quite a while possibly four or five days and so it would appear that the death of these men occurred before the death of mr paul honor you're just trying to confuse the issue wario you do not find it to be confused mr jerome oh no as a matter of fact i'm ready to make an arrest you are uh it's that racist afternoon isn't it the trophy to dover yes what time is it expected to end four o'clock all right then and what more suitable venue than the finishing line right bad luck party but i told you didn't i you met the better man so you seem under me this is what i found out in london and that is the key to this mystery must be i just can't believe it ten years ago chamberly is accused of murdering her husband and now she's living here in devil under the name of madame de bray exactly shouldn't you confront her or something i think he deserves no use for purpose his things and i forgot to change the name but he's no crap but it must have been she who murdered paul reno and the multitasting well the letter she said she would kill him rather than lose him but that is because you still assume that the bd of the letter refers to bernadette the brain but of that we have no evidence but it's the same crime foiro the fake abduction no no no no no you forget it was ten years ago that madame de breve or jean barandia she was then called invented the story of the masked intruders now it is her name madame runner well that's true there's one other question you should ask her self-hastings what's that what happened to the true killer pardon there's a young lady in reception asking to see you to see me we miss you perhaps it is the young lady of your acquaintance hastings what do you mean ah yes of course her name it is still unknown to you [Music] yes [Music] [Music] i hope you'll forgive me coming here i had to see you mom please i'm afraid mr porro you're terribly afraid i was it that horrible man has just been to see me chiro he's such a bully he's discovered that jack was here on the night of the murder but if that is the case ma'am it was most unwise it was your chakra to conceal i know but that doesn't mean mr burrow shiro is going to arrest him you can't let him please i love him mum was it he's innocent mr pro i know he is and who do you believe the truth i know who it was tell it to me the day before he died i heard someone in paul reno's garden i climbed up and looked over the wall and that was when i saw him who a he was a dreadful looking creature dressed in rags porvano tried to calm him down but he wouldn't listen he was demanding money and you believe that this was a man jack and his stepfather had that different system my mother if i am to save monsieur jack right now it is necessary that i speak with him without delay you're too late the race it'll be starting in a few minutes time the race that jiro mentioned he said he was going to be at the finish wait my mother you and your mother will be there yes these things and i also fear not my mozelle all will be well thank you mr pro thank you i wonder if she knows about her mother's true identity no she was about nine years of age at the time hastings it is possible that the truth it has been shielded from her well she's certainly another jack renau should have seen them come on to me i heard them together over the same garden walls as a matter of fact you did not mention this to me didn't i oh but do you not see her with the significance oh you think paul renau could have overheard them too no no i think the exact opposite [Music] here [Music] foreign [Music] if you please i wish to see the rumor mr jack renault i'm sorry sir but monsieur no is not here i am perhaps all that stands between your master and the guillotine his life it is in your hands [Music] oh [Applause] hey first is coke now his shoes what are you expecting to find you remember the two footprints that were inside the great hastings yes voila so jack was there we money me and i have no doubt that these will match the cast in the office of monsieur picks i thought you were trying to save him not incriminate him i'm trying to comprehend him his things all right i understand hastings you know this girl hastings no no i've never seen her before there is only the signature [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so all right where are the cyclists they should be here anymore no sign of zero why are you here to speak with your son oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] there are certain questions i must ask you concerning your late stepfather but here now yes here and now why did you return to devil on the night of his death i told you the truth was here i wanted to see someone martha dobre yes and did you see her no why not jack bruno i'm arresting you for the murder of your stepfather and also for the murder of your unnamed accomplice take him jerry you've got it all wrong juro is never wrong tell me mr renault do you deny it tell him jack nothing to say you see you'd come here to arrest him yourself didn't you borrow [Music] buy a whisker foreign [Music] hmm [Music] if you please we wish to speak to mother or no come in madam renault i am here in the interests of your son jacques reno is there anything you can do for him maywe but in order to help him the events of the night that his stepfather died must come to light of course all of them the real name of your husband madame was not paul renaud but george connor was it not yes you mean the man wanted 10 years ago for the murder of honourable royalty my god and you met him after he has escaped from england to south america yes but you must believe me mr puerto he wasn't a bad man that woman used him as she calls herself now ten years ago she told paul that she was in love with him but it was all a lie she wanted her husband's money and she used paul to get it and she persuaded him to murder her husband yes then she laughed at him told him she wanted nothing more to do with him and then when the police discovered the truth she betrayed him this george connor he made his fortune in the business of precious stones whilst in santiago and it was there that he met you and your son yes jack worked for him that's how we met and you married and came to live together here how do you know all this miss you borrow the eyes of hercules they see everything ten years after he's escaped from england george connor comes to the wheel he has made for himself a fortune in chile and he now uses this money to establish himself here in france but somehow his old lover jean has managed to track him down and now calling herself bernadette de bruyne taunts him by taking the very house next door the money that she has inherited from the mother of her first husband has long ago been spent but she now sees that her knowledge it can bring her new fortune [Music] she uses this to blackmail paul ronno and then matters already grave they are made worse jacques renault falls in love with the beautiful girl he sees almost daily mother the daughter of the woman that porno hates and feels paul observes them together but he is powerless to prevent the association and thinks now only of escape yes paul was being drained by madame de bray every day was a torment to him he had to get away in the method that worked for him ten years ago he decides to put to use again yes only this time it would seem that he was the one the intruders had killed i would move away and later the two of us would meet and start again what about jack he didn't know i've never told him about paul's past i couldn't and so the plan it was made but then a few weeks later a comes to the village genevieve that is the way out he is violent abusive and dangerously ill they struggle together and the suffers a seizure that is fatal if it is to be believed that poor renault is dead then a body it has to be found and now as if by providence a body it has been sent in the form of the paul dresses that ramp with a suit of his own clothes but there is worse to make this deception convincing the body must look as though it has been murdered most brutally is how dreadful did that to make a semblance of murder [Music] sometimes i wish you were dead and so did the day itself once in my life i could do as i jacques the stepson of paul ranoi sent away to chile simply to remove him from the scene in the same manner lawrence the chauffeur is given a holiday and so the preparations they are complete but paul know he uses every opportunity and when he sees me he decides to draw me into his plan it is a pretty little charade that he plays at the hotel he tells us nothing only that there is a fraud and pretends to be afraid but this is all a performance designed to give credence to his plan [Applause] nightfalls and all is in readiness the maid leonie is sound asleep for the cup of cocoa that she takes each night it has been dropped and now at last poor renault puts into action his plan repeating the events of ten years before he ensures that the ropes they cut into the wrists of his wife for this time there must be no mistake [Music] the hour it is 10 o'clock and not two o'clock as you later tell me madame for poor renault intends to live on the last train from david which leaves at 7 minutes past 12. he slips on an overcoat for it is his intention to make his escape dressed in the clothes of the trap and then both george connor and paul renault will once again no longer exist paul renault plans to bury the where he is bound to be discovered the new bunker it is ideal [Music] he also has with him the pipe made of lead with which he intends to disfigure the face of the dead man only then the justice which he has for so long alluded overtakes him fantasy is made reality an unknown hand stabs [Music] so someone learned of the plan to fake his death and used it to kill him women i mean and if i may say somadam when you heard of his death from mr bex your performance it was superb but you weren't convinced no but then when you saw his body in the mortuary but it was horrible horrible it shouldn't have been poor it shouldn't you have suffered an ideal madan i salute your courage my god you knew nothing of this mishustana no of course not nothing at all you never even suspected that your employer he was in hiding from the british authorities no why should i have mr puerto i don't care what happens to me but can you help jack they are the preliminary hearing it is set for tomorrow is it not yes jiro is certain that he'll be committed for full trial but i know that jack had nothing to do with his stepfather's death i do know it madam and it is something also i can prove how can you prove that jack didn't murder paul renner if you're that simple man of me on that night there was a witness a witness who has yet to come forward [Music] he thinks it is for you at the lamar is it not you search for the truth and you talk that you are always afraid what do you mean i speak among the belo divine mona me you can protect her no longer i must speak with her at once her name isn't bella it's isabelle isabel but bella de vinto jacques renault remember the bd that we found in the letter that letter was written to paul reno no no no hastings it was addressed to my dearest one why do you assume it was his it was in his code pocket it was in the pocket of the cut he was wearing but that coat it was not his do you not see hastings when jacques renault he left for sherborg by accident he took the coat of his stepfather and so that night exactly paul renault he was wearing the coat of his stepson so isabel was in love with jack renner wait why have you been torturing yourself one of me the photograph you have not seen the name you do not know why must you protect this girl i don't know i suppose i've fallen in love with her [Music] then for you mon ami i am most sad bonjour madame bella de beans mr veen why do you want her she is required most urgently in a court of law madam it is a testimony that would establish the innocence of a young man well i'm sorry she's not here what she went out yesterday and did not return oh there's uh something you owe me i think the game is not over yet miss usual no no the judge has still to make his recommendations hanging on to the bitter elderly quarrel well i can wait i have examined the papers set before me by lawyers for the prosecution and defense and i have just a few questions i wish to ask mr reno do you deny that you were in devil on the night of the crime no i was here and did you say to your stepfather that same day i wish you were dead then i could do as i pleased your honor my client has been under considerable nervous strength i wish to place it on record yes yes mr grossier do you understand merciano that on the answers you have given me i have no alternative but to commit you for trial yes [Music] my name is bella duveen i wish to give myself up for the murder of paul renu [Music] you knew about this you tricked me [Music] so mr poirot we meet at last isn't that what i meant to say why did you murder mr paul renault why do you think i think it was because you were in love with your stepson jacques ronaldo yes but he had left you for martha debre and it was jacques renaud that you threatened to kill in your letter you got the wrong man you thought paul renau was his stepson it was dark and he was wearing the wrong coat i don't want to talk about it then tell me mama levine why did you take the knife from the office of mrbex to protect myself and this knife it was yours yes mercedes all right i should be outside i owe you an apology no yes i saw you at your hotel you recognized porno [Music] yes that's when i decided to use you to find out what you knew but the things i said arthur i wasn't just pretending you said you were in love with jack brenner i was once and now [Music] just forget about me arthur you're a kind man if only we had met before maybe ladies and gentlemen i have to propose a toast to freedom freedom and to us jack to a new life together the wedding it is to be soon oh yes we want to put this very much behind us start again bella i treated her shamefully mr borough at least that awful jiro lost his wager with you wait but it is always the purpose out of my way let me through i know i could say how can you jack how can you celebrate mother you may be free but paul's death is on your hands that's not fair sit down mother no jack you never understood him you defied him mistrusted him and by your heartless treatment of another woman you killed him i didn't well you'll never have his money tomorrow i intend to take steps to disinherit you and that girl oh mother you're no son of mine [Music] take me home leonie [Music] jack she didn't know what she was saying she did jack darling you can stay with us tonight yes i think that would be best [Music] paro i should explain to me what we're doing here we're watching the house well i know that but why there's only madame renault in there [Music] but then who was [Music] [Music] this way [Music] she came just as you said she would miss your poirot she tried to smother me i was waiting just like you told me to but when she saw me she took out a gun there was a struggle and it went off i'm afraid she's dead [Music] who is it poirot the true killer of paul renomonemi [Music] martha the brain no you cannot arrest me i have done nothing adam do bro you are being held as an accomplice to murder no i i need to speak tomorrow [Music] this crime yes it has indeed challenged the little gray cells of a few puerto to the extreme and yet from the start i knew that this was a crime of the cold blood and so it was martha dobre knew of the plans of mr paul renaud to create his fake death and with great cunning she set out to use those plans for the purposes of our own but merci puerto how could she have known we told no one so you believed madame but when you made the plans it was by the garden wall was it not yes paul and i we did talk there i'll dig the grave at 10 o'clock i'll be on the train out of here seven minutes past 12 you'll have to identify the body it won't be pleasant but you'll have to be convincing i'll do my best if it's really the only way to rid you of bernadette to brave forever then so be and that was how martha dubrev she overheard [Music] later hastings would hear martha talking with jack over the same wall and that is what alerted me to the possibility [Music] why did she do it always it was for money mr paul renault planned to escape from the blackmail of madame dobre by pretending to be dead but what if he were really dead what would happen then paul's money would come to me exactly but what if a short while later you were also to die madan jack would have everything and martha would have jacob know but this marriage it could only take place if poor renault no longer stood in the way oh yes martha and her mother certainly planned for the long term however last night they discovered that madame renault intended to change a will and that forced them to act at once my god what devils my hello madame renault played the part i suggested to her and that was to force the hand of madame labrie oh bella will you ever forgive me yes jack of course but this is what i don't understand mr puero so these two were protecting each other we must rebex never before have i seen so many misconceptions and that was because each thought the other guilty of the murder but why let me describe it to you as i see it on the night of the mother jacques renault returns from shadow he plans to visit martha dobre in secrecy but he is seen by the station master meanwhile mamoazel belo duveen tortured by her love for zachrono decides to visit him one last time to plead with him unaware that he's supposed to have departed for santiago paul it will take her across the gulflings in the meantime monsieur paul renault has completed his task and he's now ready to recover the body of the which lies nearby in the shed with a knife he has placed in the chest he plans of course to bury the in the grave and that is when mother dobre strikes [Music] however at this moment a figure approaches martha dobre flees from the sea [Music] the root of mr jack renault it has taken him also across the gulf links where he makes a discovery most terrible the body of his stepfather can it be true he climbs into the grave just as mama's elbe duveen arrives cutting her hand and tearing her sleeve on some sharp briars which are near to the side of the new bunker and so to the moment of truth jacques renault looks up and what does he see mamuezel bella duveen with blood on her clothes it must be the blood of his stepfather of that he is sure she has mistaken the coat and has killed our wrong man and that was her belladoo she sees yakurano in the grave with the body of his stepfather [Music] what is she to believe and from that moment each thought the other the perpetrator of the crime and that must your backs is why they were protecting each other it's true that's had happened but what about the knife why take the knife from my office mum was that i thought it was jax you see he had given me one that was exactly the same it's true i had the maid when i was working for my stepfather the sapphires were from santiago there were souvenirs of my time there exactly but monsieur i know there were more than two nights where they're not oh yes three sapphires and three knives the first knife you gave to your mother [Music] this was the knife that was used by paul renau by plunging it in the chest of the dead the second knife you gave to mama was el bello duvine but this knife it played no part in the events that followed because it was the third knife that mamrozel bella duveen took from the office of monsieur bex this was the knife that was used to kill mr paul renault this third knife to whom did he belong i gave the third knife to martha debre excuse me entree this is yours i think notice you you may keep your pipe but from this moment each time that you let it you will think of hercup yes i will [Music] actually quarrel i thought i might stay out here a little while longer but of course hastings you wish to improve your disability other lives what oh my handicap no no no it's not that i i just don't feel ready to come home yet are you speaking momentum a girl who could do what she did for jack renner she must really love and yet he thinks there are men who do not deserve such love from a woman then return home only when you are ready until then [Applause] mercy [Music] if you please monsieur i wish to make the little detour [Music] way [Music] my [Music] arthur [Music] isabelle [Music] [Applause] [Music] me you [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: BritTV
Views: 537,538
Rating: 4.8598289 out of 5
Id: _a_n3Sq4J3w
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Length: 107min 4sec (6424 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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