Point Cloud to Revit Model Tips

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hi there my name is johnny a man of machine in this video i'm going to show you a real quick tip when you're working with point clouds to help you better trace over them i'll just have a better standard despoise for tracing over them so we're going to be looking at using view templates in this and also using the orientate to view in 3d to to quickly look at what we've actually created so i've actually got some views that up here so what i want to do at each of these views is i want to set up a slice of 100 millimeters between 700 and 800 so what i've done in here is i've actually created some view templates that are going to allow me to do that so if i go down to my two view templates that i created i've actually turned off all of the settings bar the view range and i've set this view range to between 800 and 700 and then the cut plane in the middle what this allows me then to do is if i'd like to apply that say to all my flaws i can select these two and i actually don't need to set the view template in here i can apply the view template choose the cut plane that i want and what that's then going to do for each of these is it's going to actually take that cut at each of those levels at 700 between 700 and 800 mil now let's say i wanted to see this in 3d i can actually use these views now in 3d as well to see what i've sliced so this is a little known fact that maybe some people don't use but if you right click on the view cube in 3d you can actually orientate to any of the views that you have so if i click on my bit 700 and 800 on my first floor it creates a cut and it will show me my slice between those two floors this really helps me just understand maybe a little bit more detail exactly what i'm seeing on those floors but it just gives you a little bit more context about the project and obviously then i have the same one set for my 1500 to 1600 i can apply the view template grab the other one i've created here apply that and really quickly i've then got those floors ready to go obviously this does mean that you need to have your level set up correctly otherwise those 700 millimeters aren't going to be in the correct place but once you have those uh once you've got the views set up it really increases the speed and also the consistency of which a team might be working to uh different buildups in the wall so you could set tolerances at those particular slices so that you're taking um a sort of a justification uh from each of those or an average of what you're seeing in those slices so i hope this has been helpful if you have any questions please do get in touch with us here at mana machine
Channel: Man and Machine Ltd
Views: 20,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G-lML-Xph_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 44sec (164 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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