How to Create a 3D Revit Model from a Laser Scan (FULL LENGTH TUTORIAL)

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hey guys it's andy and today i'm going to show you how to use revit to model a house from a point cloud this is going to be more of a walk through tutorials type video so that means i'm going to give you the same data that i'm going to be working with so you can download that in the description below and this is going to be more of an in-depth tutorial so if you want to skip to any particular section i'll put the timestamps in the description as well so at the link below you'll find a couple things that you can download first is the stuart house rcp file along with the support folder and then there's the lgs file and i'll explain both of these once we get into the demo all right so i've got everything that i need here here's my rcp file and then here's my lgs file so i'm going to open up revit i'm going to create a new project i always go to architectural and the first thing that i'm going to do is bring in my point cloud and adjust a few settings before i get started modeling so what i'm going to do is go up to the insert tab here and there is a button to import a point cloud so i'm going to click on that and it's going to be looking for an rcp file so right on my desktop here i have this stuart house dot rcp if you have a coordinate system on your point cloud you might want to line it up with the the coordinates but in this case i'm just going to go center to center and i'm going to orient it a little bit differently once i get it into route anyway so i'm going to click open and now i can see my point cloud here it looks a little weird basically what's happening is the point cloud is uh not set in the right position so it's kind of you kind of are seeing it cut the roof off here so we're going to fix that in a second but just to show you that this 3d point cloud is fully in revit i'm going to go to my 3d view by clicking this little bird house up here and now i can see have this fully 3d point cloud right inside of revit so this is this is super nice so the first thing that i'm actually going to do is uh go back to level one and i need to set the levels on this point cloud so if i go to a elevation view you can see my level one is kind of cutting through the middle of the house level two is now up above up above the house and what i can do is just click and drag this point cloud but this isn't very accurate so there are a couple methods to very accurately choosing where to place the point cloud but because there is the exterior of this cloud i need to make sure that i can see the interior so that i can really dial in that line to to set my base level uh so what i'm going to do i'm going to go into level one you can see that the level one already looks different because we we drag the point cloud up and i i already know a little bit about this house so i know that the there's the ground floor and the garage is a little bit below the ground floor so what i'm going to do is create a section using this little section button here so this right here is the garage and then this is the kitchen of the the main floor so i want to create a section that goes through both of these um and i want to flip it to this side just to make things a little easier it doesn't need to be very big but then i can go into my section view here so if i expand this out i see i have this section here now i can see a thin slice of the building so this makes it much more obvious where my different levels are so i can see my uh the ground floor is here and then this is the garage down here so first thing i'm going to do is drag this point cloud up a little bit and this is where i can zoom in and i'm going to line that right up with the ground floor there so that looks really good the level two is above the ceiling and then there's there's no level down here for the garage floor level what i'm going to do is go to my architecture tab and i can set a new level so um set a new level and you can see that i'm has a little uh snap to the point cloud so i can [Music] click right on here drag this out and then i'm going to call it garage floor so this is um below floor one it's a foot and six and a half inches it's actually yeah so this is this is likely i can i'm i would change this to a nominal value uh a foot and a half drop so i can just do that and then it um just makes things a little cleaner so you can see that lines right up at the bottom of the garage floor now the level one the zero zero is lined up with the the ground floor level and then i can move this level too if i wanted to i could create a ceiling [Music] but i might just move this down a couple feet i think you can either drag it or you can just reassign this i think it's probably an eight foot ceiling yep that lines right up okay so now we've set our different levels for our project now i can go back to level one now because i already set this up correctly in register 360 everything is straight and i created a coordinate system to to square this up but you your point cloud might not be perfectly squared up so just in case i'm going to show you how to do this so if i if i highlight the point cloud um i always have a rotation option so there's this little rotation toggle that just by default shows up in the middle and then anywhere around i can click and rotate but one of the things that i do is i can create a a wall straight up and down i'm going to delete it in a second so you don't have to worry about any of the settings but then what i do is i will line up a corner with the edge of this wall i'll highlight the point cloud use the move tool i'll dial it in right on this corner and then i'll snap it the the corner of this wall and then i'm going to rotate this uh to be perfectly lined up with the wall so i highlight the cloud just rotate and instead of rotating from this point i can actually drag this rotation point so i'm going to drag it right to the corner here and then i can choose my rotation azimuth i would i would go as far out as i can on this wall and then now you see as i rotate it i can snap it right to this wall and now my my cloud is going to be as as as straight as it can be on that one on that one wall i'm going to delete that wall um there's no need to keep it it's it's always good to know how to change the settings of your point cloud and you can do that with the visibility and graphics panel so this visibility and graphics button over here you can also you can also type vg and and that'll pop up and then there's this point cloud tab over here and this is where you can see you can turn the point cloud off you just toggle it off toggle it back on and then you can toggle certain scans off and on so that can be sometimes really helpful you can also change the visibility so this is the the actual color of the cloud from the visual images change to a single color intensity is sometimes nice but you have to actually set which colors you want um but i usually just keep it the the rgb colors and the last thing i do before i actually start modeling you can see that as i hover over it it kind of changes colors so what you can do about that is select it so you get this point cloud modification tab and then pin it and then i there's this button where you can select pinned elements and toggle that off so now when you hover over it doesn't do this weird color changing thing which i kind of think is annoying all right so now i'm ready to start modeling my walls first thing i do before i start modeling my walls is i make sure that i can really see the walls cleanly so you can see in this view right now i'm in the level one floor plan view and i can see the floor and a bunch of stuff and it's it's just not really super clear what the walls are uh so basically what i need to do is i adjust the clipping plane so that i'm just seeing a slice of through through the middle of the building so i'm going to go down to my view range here and when you're in a floor plan you can adjust the bottom and the cut plane levels to kind of adjust this slice so you can see i'm i'm right here at zero at my my base level i can change that up to two feet and you can see instantly everything is going to be a little more clear so i can see exactly where all the walls are if i want to make it even thinner i can adjust this i think traditionally you would go four to three that looks pretty good i might stick with that so i have a two foot slice maybe i'll do it even thinner yeah so that's good also i have a one foot slice between four and five feet so you can see that everything is very clear i'm i'm not distracted by everything on the ground or anything like that so this looks really good i can see my windows um so this is this is gonna be i doubt that i'm gonna edit my view range any anymore in this video the only case where you might need to is if you if there was a window that was at a level that where you couldn't see it here so [Music] so let's get started creating these walls so i'm going to use my wall tool and i might not know exactly how thick these walls are so i'm just going to escape out of that really quick and use this measurement tool take a quick measurement that looks like it's about five inches that's interior to exterior so that might not be a a really good value to trust because there might be siding on the exterior that we um want to incorporate or maybe not it's really up to you but um this looks like four inches right there let's check a couple other places looks like four and a half i might do a five inch wall all around just to make things a little easier [Music] so i'm going to do a five inch wall generic and i'm going to go from finished face interior and i'm going to make sure the base constraint is level one and it goes up to uh level two if you had a ceiling set then you would you would choose that um okay all right so now i can go ahead and start um snap to that point right there and then just go as far as i can up to this corner uh i should have uh went directly down to this point and then over but what i can do which is pretty nice trick with revit is that i can ignore that really for right now and i'll show you how to edit that it's really easy to write to edit that and make it correct so this is the right there and if i select that i can first of all i can just change the direction like this or i could use the the down arrow and just nudge it into the correct place so now i've got the exterior of the house of the walls done so now i can go ahead and continue filling in the interior here okay so that looks good i'm gonna finish the garage off and instead of drawing a new wall here i'm gonna do is extend this one out and this is a little bit of an interesting case because the garage level is a little bit lower i'm actually going to split this up into two separate walls so i'm going to continue with the wall on this one and then it's important that this wall is separate from these two walls and i'll show you why in a sec i'll create another wall here and then it's also important that this wall separate from this wall something that i like to have open all the time is this 3d view tab and in the 3d view tab i will usually hide the point cloud so i'm going to type vg turn off the point cloud so i can kind of get a feeling for what i'm building in the revit model while i'm doing it so you'll notice that if i turn the point cloud off in the 3d view it doesn't turn it off in the floor plan views [Music] [Music] all right so i've got a i've got all my walls drawn in um and the reason i wanted to have all the garage walls a little bit different is because the garage is lower than the rest of the the house so what i'm going to do is select all the garage walls and instead of the base being level one i'm going to make a garage floor so if i go into 3d view i can see that the garage is a little bit lower than the rest of the house which is which is exactly what's going on in in real life all right so now all my walls look good now it's time to move on to the floor to do the floor i'm going to do the floor in two different steps because the garage floor is different than the rest of the house but i'm going to use the architectural floor here it reminded me to save the project go ahead save the project so i'm going to go ahead and use the architectural floor here by default it's asking me to pick on walls which can be which is what i'm going to use here and this is just a generic 12-inch floor doesn't really matter first i'm going to do the garage floor here and then pick on these walls and it's putting it on the inside of each of these which is what i want i'm going to click finish and then it's put in my floor there so if i just switch really quick to the 3d you can see that there's a floor there so i'm going to do the same thing for the rest of the house but i'm going to do that in one one step so i'm going to do another floor and then this time it is on level one and then before i finish this you can see that some of these walls are a little they're a little long so i can edit these and all these have to be snapped what i can do is i can switch this one to the other side of the wall and then this is another one that i'm going to have to edit and this is when i'm also going to switch to the other side of the wall because i'm not sure if it'll let me make my wall up to this line because this is where the garage floor ends let's see if let's see if it does i'm gonna click okay uh so so it did warn me it said the the floor overlaps um on these walls and then i'm just gonna say yes i wanna i wanna join that geometry together so if i go to 3d you can see i have a floor on my house and a floor on my garage the next thing i'm going to do is all my doors once i have my walls in here you can see that it's a little hard to see the point cloud but i can adjust that visibility so if i go into my visibility and graphics panel in the model categories i can go down to my walls and you can see the i can change the transparency of the surface so i'm going to change that basically to 100 i want to see i want to see fully through it and the lines at some times can be helpful to make these as thin as possible and then hit apply you notice you can now you can see through and you can still see the windows and everything uh through these walls all right the next step here is the doors so um before i start the doors i want to import the the type of doors that i need there are a couple ways that you can can do this if you weren't on site you can go through into your into your point cloud data and measure them kind of like this and kind of get an idea of how big they are the other option you have is that lgs file that's also in the download folder you can use the the free jet stream viewer to open this up and you can you can fly around the cloud and take measurements of certain things that you need and this gives you a good good idea of how how big things are so this type of file can be really helpful if you like if i if i needed to measure this door right here i can take that measurement and this this i i find um this lgs file to be extremely helpful especially if you weren't the one on site and scanning so this can give you a really good idea of which way doors swing because that can be a little bit less obvious once you get into once you get the point cloud into rabbit or autocad i already know what size of doors i need for this project [Music] so in inside of revit i'm going to click on doors i'm going to click edit type here and then i'm going to load what i want to load is the single panel i've already got this loaded but i want you to do this i want all the 80 inch doors [Music] so 30 34 and 36 i do need a 32 but i'm just going to have to edit one of these two to be 32 by 80. next up i'm going to need to load my a couple of double doors so if you go into residential [Music] this door interior double glass wood i'm going to open that up and then i'm going to choose the 72 by 81 right here and import that and you'll notice i have now i have all my single panel doors and my double interior door there's one more that i need to import and then i'm going to need to load in this doors double flush panel and then all i need is the the smallest version of that we're gonna have to edit that one a little later but that's all right all right so now i have all the doors that i need and all these doors are part of the default collection if you're using revit 2020 this is the imperial version so you should have access to all those the specific doors that i'm using you can be a little more accurate if you want to in import your own families but i'm not going to do that for this tutorial okay so now i can get started placing my doors revit is super nice because you can hop between different doors pretty easily so i can see i'm going to try this 30 inch door i can see right off the bat this door is not 30 inches i'm going to try 34 i probably couldn't even go to 36 on this one um so i'm going to drop that right there and that drops in that door so that's super easy if i go to the garage door going to drop that right there this door goes right about there but it needs to be mirrored over so all i need to do is hit the space bar and put that door right there this is too big for this door so i'm going to drop down to maybe still too big so this is a 30 inch door right there this might be a little bit bigger i'll try 34. [Music] this might have been a 32 inch door so i might need to edit a door to to do that one so we'll come back to that in a minute this one could be a 36-inch door it looks like i could have slid that over a little bit so all i need to do is select it i use the arrow key to make sure that that's in the perfect spot this particular door is two swinging doors so i'll come back to that in a second so i'll continue on to this bedroom it's way too big for this door i'll try 30 inches that looks like it's going to be perfect uh maybe it's 30 this might be another 32 i think 34 is going to be probably too big so we'll come back to that this is a tricky one because it was scanned with a door closed but i can still see the um the edge of the door here but this is one where i i can't really tell which way the door swings from the point cloud in the revit model so i might need to go out and check out this lgs file just jump into the scan really quick and i can see that the the door opens into the bedroom towards this uh bedroom or this bathroom door so it um swings this way so i'm going to create a door let's try 34 inches might be 36. okay that's perfect way too big still too big maybe a little small that might be a 32 inch door we might come back to that to fix it the this bedroom door is a swinging door so we'll come back to that in a second this bathroom door i think is super small i think it's even smaller than this so what i'm going to do i'm actually going to to edit this one so um and edit type instead of uh two foot six i'm going to change it to two foot four click apply let's see what that looks like that looks like it would be perfect this one looks like it needs to be a couple inches bigger two foot ten it's perfect right there the last store i need to do is this door right here for this closet and this wasn't open when i scanned so this is another time when i'm going to go back to the site map and so that opens outward towards the kitchen oh actually it looks like i forgot to draw in this wall um so i'm going to go back to this wall really quick okay now i can place this door might be a bigger door just like that okay so now it looks like i have all my doors uh the last one that i might also consider a door is this garage door i'm gonna have to import that really quick so go to door and then i'm going to load it's in the residential tab i'm going to load this one right here this embossed panel and there are two options this is the bigger one i can see so when i when i put this in you can see it's going to line up right with these two pieces right here right there and just to check things out i'm going to go over here to my 3d view now i can see that the garage door was obviously put onto the ground floor when it should have been the garage floor so i just need to go back um switch that to garage floor and now that looks perfect i can also see in this model so far i've got all my doors they look really good i still need to add a couple double doors here on this wall for the closets um so let's do that right now so i can see that this double door is way too big what i'm going to do is just measure out approximately to here let's call it three and a half feet so three comma six so now when i put this here that's going to line up perfectly for this one this one's a little bit too big that might be three feet exactly so i'm going to edit the same thing this this particular door is isn't exactly this type of swinging door it's one of these doors that crumple up as you open them but in this case i don't i don't have the this kind of door in the the default family so i'm just going to use this as a as a place mark for this particular closet i didn't get enough scan data in this area to know exactly where what kind of door this is so i'm just going to guestimate this and use that as a placeholder okay so everything looks good here i've got all of those type of doors the last thing i need to do is my glass double doors that go outside so i have this this type of door right here and i believe this is the right size i'm not sure if these open in or out this is another time that i would use this jet stream viewer might be easy to see from the inside i'm pretty sure that they open inward i think they actually might be sliding doors i'm not sure if i have those in the families in the default families so i'm going to use these double full glass doors and i'm going to have them going opening inwards and these should the default size should fit well for both of those i'm going to check everything looks good here so this is looking good the next step is the windows ideally you already have a good idea of the type of windows and the dimensions that they are if you really want to do things properly you'd make sure that you have the exact families for each particular window type and import them into revit this particular house doesn't have windows that are that match the the the default families that come with revit so we're going to have to edit a few go ahead and go into your window tool and then click on edit type we're going to load in in the windows folder i'm going to load in window single hung and then i'm going to find a couple of windows that are the closest to the dimensions of the windows that i have so i'm going to load a something close to 36 i'm going to do 34 by 36 38 by 36 38 by 56 and 38 by 52 i click okay and then now those are added in here so now i can go start adding these windows i i'll go back to my level one and uh in here i can i can see that there's a window here if i want to get a rough idea of how wide this window is i can use this it's about a three foot window so this might be a uh i'll try this 34 by 36 and i'll place it right there now right away i can go in and check this window out to see if it's in the right place vertically the the easiest way i've found to do this is use the camera tool and i can place it in the living room here and then i have to um drag out the point of view to see how far this camera will see so i can place it this way so now i can see the point cloud data and i can see my revit model here so i can see that things are not quite lining up the window is quite a bit bigger than the window that i placed in there using this little toggle i can move around so i might want to look down a little bit okay so this is obviously not the right window but this this this view makes it really easy to swap out and test different things so i'll try a little bit bigger of a window makes a little wider a little taller so that might be pretty close i'm going to do is uh click on it and then i can use the the down arrow to drop that in the in the right spot so that looks good right there now i'm going to go up to back to my level one and place another one of these windows right there and then just to double check i can go back to this 3d view can look this way i can see i placed it a little high i can just drop that down a little bit okay that looks good back to level one all right so now i'll move on to a different window here um this this one in the kitchen is uh i think pretty small so i'm going to try this one right here i i don't have to be fully committed to it when i place it because other than i'm going to go straight into my new camera view and look at what i'm working with so i can see that this is this is pretty close to the size but i want to might want to move this up a little bit and it's a little might be a little tall so what i can do is go in edit the height down to that's probably right but let's do let's try two foot 10 inches just to kind of show you how you can you can edit these things um so let's call it a good that good right there that lines up pretty well i'm now going to go back to my level one and now i'm just going to repeat this same process for each of my windows all right so now i'm done placing each of my windows i like to jump into my 3d view and just have a look around to make sure that they all look like they're placed correctly pretty good it's really starting to look like the house the next thing i'm going to do which is a little bit more particular to this specific house is if we check out this this is the living room and you can see that there's this big opening in the wall here and then if i go into this room there's also an opening in this wall so uh we can we can model those right into our revit model so uh you'll notice that this opening goes all the way to the ceiling and this one uh only uh there's there's still a bit of wall above it so i'm going to switch back to revit go back to my level one and you can see this in the point cloud here which is it's pretty obvious so i need to create a a wall opening here so i'm going to click on this wall there actually is a wall opening tool here so i'm going to click on that i'm going to click right on the edge of the wall there and then right on the cloud there so now let's just jump into the 3d view and you can see that that opens it right up for some reason it didn't go all the way to the ground so i need to make sure oh yeah the top offset that's zero that's zero base constraint level one up to level two apply um so now in 3d view yep that looks perfect so it's just that space there next is this second one click on that while opening same exact thing [Music] base offset i'm going to set to zero let's see what that looks like let's do -1 for that okay so that looks a little bit like it should but to really dial it in what i'm going to do is set another camera view now i can uh select this in particular so now i can drag this up and down so i want to drag it right up to the edge of that right there and then now this is i know that that's that's really really accurate compared to the point cloud all right so now i've got all my walls in i've got my windows and doors and the floor and that's that's really what i would consider the base of the rabbit model so the next step is really to add all the details to really make this model come alive all right the next quick thing that i'm going to do are put in the two decks so if i if i go over to the the point cloud here you can see i've got a deck on the front here and then on the back there's a little landing right outside the back door so now what i'm going to do is first you can see that i can't see these decks in the current view that i have so i need to adjust my view range so i'm going to go down adjust the bottom to zero just to see what i can see i can see some of it but i might need to make it minus one and then i might drop this down to about two so now i can see the decks here so i'm gonna just zoom in you can i can see the outline of the deck and then i can see the posts which is which is also important um same thing on this side there it's a little less clear but you can see the individual posts and along with that along with the outline so to create the deck all i do is use the the floor tool i'm going to use the floor and then the key to this is this height offset so you'll notice in the in the point cloud there's a little bit of a drop there's a little bit of a step down from the if you walk out the front door you step down onto the deck we might not know exactly what that is and you you probably didn't measure it out on site so what you could do is come in here to the point cloud and measure down to it um but uh there's another method that i'm going to show you um right here so i'm gonna i'm gonna create a floor and then i'm gonna pick on i can't necessarily pick on walls because there's no walls out here i'm gonna use a boundary um i'm going to use right here all right uh so now i've um drawn in my floor i'm going to click the check mark and you can see that my floor was created here um if i go into my 3d i can see it's going to be automatically put on level 1 because i didn't put that offset in now to put it on the correct plane what i'm going to do is uh go over to my 3d tab and then i'm going to turn on my point cloud so i'm going to hit vg to turn on my visibility and graphics [Music] window right here and i'm going to turn on my point cloud so now i can i can i can obviously see that the the deck is uh way above it where it should be because i can see in the point cloud it's it's really obvious where it should be so what i'm going to do is set my height offset i'm going to do minus 0 space 6 inches that might be too much that looks like it was about right so there's about a six inch drop from the uh the the house floor to the deck here so that looks good right there all right now that i've got my decks created a really nice aesthetic thing to add are the railings to the decks so the first thing that i'm going to do is add my structural beams in here and you can see you can see the outline of these here you can see i've got three beams here four if you count the one against the garage i'm going to choose a structural column and i loaded in a timber column this can be found in structural columns wood timber and then i'm gonna load in uh five by five columns maybe six by six just to be safe and let's see so this five this five inch by five inch should be good let's see here i'll place it right there i'm gonna make it gonna move this up to level one i'm gonna do the base offset as minus six inches and then the top offset or the the top constraint will be level two [Music] and now i'm going to continue with these same columns here [Music] and then i can just highlight all of these make sure that their offset is minus zero six inches and then the top level is level two i'm going to click apply and then just check out my 3d view these look pretty good except that they extend through might want to move these up a little bit just to make sure that they don't come through the front of the deck and their base constraint can be level one i accidentally made it garage floor okay so now that i have my posts in i can go ahead and create my railing so in the architecture tab you'll see this railing tool i can sketch the path here and i can i can see in the point cloud that um each of each of these railing bits so i'm going to set my railing for level one i'm gonna add in my six inch offset and then i'm gonna connect it to the house and then straight into this post that's good i'm going to hit create and then i'm going to create my second one here same exact settings i can make sure i line this up right along the path of this railing um it has that same offset and then click okay i'm gonna go to my 3d tab and this looks pretty good but one thing that's really important is to just show your point cloud really quick to make sure everything is lining up correctly and it is if this wasn't the correct height or something like that you could go in edit type and then change the height so if i wanted to make this six inches higher i can i can see really quickly that's not correct i can see the the line of the point cloud right here um so i can i can really dial this in uh and make this three feet um and i can i can obviously see that that's the that's the correct height the next thing i'm going to put on is the ceiling uh the ceiling is pretty straightforward because um there's the it's the same ceiling throughout the entire house even the garage has the same uh the ceilings on the same level so what i'm going to do i'm going to toggle off my point cloud because it's just getting in the way and i don't need it right now and i'm going to do a ceiling i'm going to sketch it using the walls use this one i will i have to make sure all these line up i do want these to go to the outside of the wall i'm going to swap that to the outside i do need these to line up here so i'm going to snap these just like that outside outside one thing i do need to fill in i do need the ceiling over the deck so i'm going to extend these lines out all right this looks good here i don't need any offset these are all set on level one with an eight foot um height which is uh how high our our walls are i'm going to click accept there so now i'm going to check out my 3d so now i have the ceiling over top of the entire house so that's exactly what i wanted all right the the next step i'm going to do is the roof so i'm going to go into my actually i'm going to go into my ceiling plan and i can see [Music] a little so i can i can definitely see the ceiling i can see a little outline of the roof in some places but not everywhere so i'm definitely going to want to adjust this view range when you're in the ceiling plan this is where the top comes into play the top constraint this view depth i'm gonna say unlimited and i'm gonna change this to uh maybe like 11 feet let's see what that looks like so this is this is what i wanted to happen now i can see the the roof overhang on each side of the of the wall so that's that's really going to help me in figuring out how far the the roof overhangs it is important to kind of get an idea of how the roof is shaped so if we go into our 3d view i'm going to turn on my point cloud really quick so you can see that there's kind of two different roofs going on there's uh this i would call it this roof right here and then a separate roof there is a there is a way to do this roof all in one step but i prefer to do it in two steps and then connect the two roofs together so the first i'm going to create the the first roof [Music] and then do it by footprint i don't want to do this in my floor plan i want to do it in the ceiling plan i can see that these might these these aren't the same um it's the overhang is not equal on all sides so uh what i what i actually did is i wanted to [Music] the jet stream viewer and measured this out so i i just took a couple of quick measurements here i saw that that's about a two foot overhang and then on this side it's about two and a half feet so i really need to keep that in mind when i'm when i'm creating this so let's say that the overhang on this side is two 6 and then when you when you scroll in here if i if i'm on this side i don't know if you can see this really light dotted line it'll show up about here when i'm hovered on here if i hover on the other side it'll move to the other side of the wall you can't really see it because it's lining right up with this line but i'm going to put that there and you can see that the line drops almost perfectly onto this point cloud so you know that this is the right side and then i'm going to do the same thing over here so you can see the the blue line on the bottom here if i hover over the top it lines up almost perfectly that's exactly what i want and then these are defining the slope so you see i have this checked here and that means that on these sides of the wall it's going to slope on the other side this is this is not true so these the wall is flush on on these sides if i hover over here you can see this blue line on the on the outer side past the wall that means that the overhang is a little too big so this is where the wall is has a two foot overhang so i'm going to change that drop that one on and then the same thing on this one um next thing i need to do is make sure these all line up together all right so that looks good right there and another thing we need to do is define the the angle of the slope but i might not know that right away so i'm just going to create the roof i'm going to quickly go into 3d and i must have been yeah i actually created this roof on level one let me just move that up to level two and so now i can see that this roof is um closely pretty pretty close to lined up but you can see it's it's definitely the wrong angle but this is really easy especially with the point cloud because i can look at this from the side and just drag this down until it matches so that makes that makes things super easy if i want to try bumping this up a little bit that looks good i also this particular house cuts off flush here so you can change this to a square cut all right so that that looks good the next step is to create this secondary roof and then just attach it into the first roof so now i'm going to go into my ceiling plan and do the exact same thing so i'm going to go to my roof choose my two slopes that are overhanging by two and a half feet and just like that and then i'm going to do my one that goes right there and then this roof is going to intersect with the other roof so i'm going to initially make it short so i'm going to just connect these two lines and then i'm going to trim these lines just to make sure everything's connected then i'm going to um make sure this is set at level two and then i'm gonna click ok let's see what this looks like okay it's obviously going to be two steep just like the last one is what just like the last one was by default but i can just drag this down like that i might want to raise it up a little bit okay so then the next step is to connect this roof with the other roof i'm going to toggle off my point cloud in this 3d view and in the modify tab for the roofs there actually is a connect button so i can join this roof i can join this line with this face and then it automatically just joins these two rooves together
Channel: Leica BLK Original
Views: 129,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hx6BK3sRLrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 33sec (3753 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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