PoCv11 Made Simple

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hey folks i'm nick hawks with gristle king i'm going to walk you through what you should do for poc v11 if you don't want to watch the video i get it all you have to do is correctly assert your antenna gain so make sure you go to your app put in whatever the gain is of your antenna subtract out your cable loss so if you've got 100 feet of lmr 400 subtract 3.9 from your antenna gain enter that in and go do something else productive for those of you that want to get into the details in the weeds i will i'm going to go through it i'll tell you right now this is probably not how a radio engineer would explain it but this makes the math really simple and the whole thing easy to understand so let's start at the beginning which was what was happening before pocv 11. you could take your miner i'll talk just us miners right now i know different miners output different powers in different regions but in the us a minor output's 27 dbm decibel milliwatts so if you just plugged in your miner and it came with a stock antenna the stock antenna is 1.2 db so your output was 27 which is what the miner is putting out plus 1.2 which is the gain from the stock antenna so 28.2 dbm is what your miner is putting out right so so far so good what happens though is that not everyone uses the stock antenna so you might have someone either receiving or transmitting on a higher gain antenna that gain i've talked about this in other things but it basically it shapes the pattern of energy so that the energy is focused so that in some certain direction whether it's off to the side or it's wide out or whatever it is the gain that the numbers reported are higher or lower really the numbers actually existing or higher or lower so let's say you have someone or let's say you decided to use a 9 dbi gain antenna you've got your 27 i'm just going to stop with the dbms and dbi's because it's going to confuse you you got your 20 your miner pushing out 27 right on top of that you stacked a 9 antenna 27 plus nine is 36. so now your miner is pushing out 36. all well and good right you would think that 36 is bigger than 27 so it's going to go further it's going to go better i've talked about in other other videos how that doesn't really matter but for right now we'll just assume okay you're at 36. if another miner around you hasn't upgraded they're at 28.2 right which is the st the miner is 27 the stock antenna is 1.2 so they're at 28.2 so think of it this way is you're pushing out here's on the transmit side you're pushing out 36 okay and then on the receive side they are receiving at 28.2 remember we got to these so this is 27 plus 1.2 and this is 27 plus 9. okay here's where i'm going in the land that the rf engineers will be like dude you can't say it that way but this makes it really easy to understand what should happen in a perfect world as i'm going to draw a line here for the the should part is that this should a stock antenna is going out at 28.2 and the stock antenna receiving is at 28.2 and so think of this side as the plus side and this side as the minus side okay what you should get for the reported receipts right is minor a transmitted minor b received um it transmitted at this power it received at this power what should happen and i know this is not the way our engineer would um explain it but and you may not be able to see it i'm sorry i'm just setting up this whiteboard or this this video set up now is we should have a zero in the middle right is that there was plus 28.2 on one side there was minus 28.2 on the other side so in the middle is a zero that's not how they do it but that's that would indicate a a good transmission right the correct amount of power sent out the correct amount of power received we're good what happens in the top case where one side has upgraded their antenna is this number isn't zero all right this number is 36 minus 28.2 okay so that ends up being what is that um oh geez carry the one um good price you'd think i could do this in my head but no all right it's going to be 7.8 okay embarrassing but there it is there's my public math so 7.8 is the gain now it's supposed to be zero remember that with decibels every three decibels is a doubling in power so 7.8 is not just double the power it's not even quadruple power it's more than quadruple the power so that can look like an invalid witness it looks like something happened maybe it looks like someone was cheating maybe it looks like someone was overpowering or pushing out too much power whatever it is many times that will be an invalid witness because it's not what's supposed to be happening pocv11 is what's supposed to solve this whole thing right so with pocv11 what should happen is all of the the receipts for any transaction for the witness in the transit side should be at zero how is helium making that happen they're saying look you correctly assert your antenna gain and we will make it so that your radio is outputting the correct amount of power so that all radios are both um outputting or transmitting and receiving the correct amount of power all right so how how would that look here is that the same person says like hey i want a higher gain antenna i want my nine so these sides both start out with 27 right because that's what the radio puts out this person decides they're going to play by the rules and they say okay cool i'm going to use a 9 db i gain antenna so there's the 9 27 plus 9 is 36. what helium is going to do let me get my little i don't know if you can even see that but trust me 27 plus 9 is 36. what helium is going to do is say okay you've asserted you you've said that you've got a 9 dbi gain antenna cool we're going to reduce your power output by 9 so that the power leaving your antenna is actually 27. it's the same across the board it should be the same across the board for every minor so they're going to say minus nine right this was a plus nine and this is going to bring you back down to 27 which is what gets pushed out same thing happens on the far side this person is at 27 they're running a stock antenna 1.2 right so that gives us 28.2 and helium says okay you're running the stock antenna at negative 1.2 cool we're going to subtract 1.2 and you're going to be receiving at 27. so we got plus 27 on the transmit side we got minus 27 on the received side our middle number is zero zero is what helium is looking for now that's not how it actually works but this is the easiest way to explain it okay so if zero is what we're looking for what happens if you don't say that you have a high gain antenna but you are running one right you're going to run into the problem we just ran into which is that you are going to be secretly you're not going to have this in here you're going to have the plus 9 you're not going to let helium do the -9 so you're going to be running at 36 the receiver is going to be running it 27 and there is going to be a difference of what's 36 minus 27 yeah it's 9. okay so instead of zero which is what you should have there's going to be a plus nine to that equation and that is going to mean that both your beacon reward and their witness reward will be invalidated because nine is not double right because every three is doubling it's not quadruple because now we're at six um it's not even what is it octuple times eight so two times two is four four times two is eight uh it's actually it is octuple it's way more power than it's supposed to be right so it's going to get invalidated so that is why it's so important to correctly put in the gain of your antenna and include the loss from your cables now the loss from cables freaks people out but if you just google cable loss and put in at your frequency and the number of feet you got and the right number of cable it'll spit out what your cable loss is at 100 feet of lmr400 it's what is it negative 3.9 so just to do that math for you super fast i i actually i think that's the pocv11 stuff done we'll just do this cable loss thing real quick so you know what to input if you're running if in this case you're running a 9 dbi antenna with 100 feet of lmr400 cable so i'll erase all this stuff hopefully this makes a ton of sense all right and we should be pretty darn close to done here i'll just erase this for general purpose so you've got your 27 that your miner is putting out pushing out you've got the nine that you got from the gain from the antenna and then if you're running a hundred feet of lmr 400 it's a negative 3.9 which you can look up on on the googs so negative 3.9 so what we're going to do is we're going to take these two numbers and add them together so 9 in this case minus 3.9 9 minus 4 is 5 so minus 3.9 is going to be 4.1 sorry 5.1 5.1 man my public math is embarrassing is what you're going to enter into your app right that is the gain from the antenna and the loss from the cable and that is what is going to make it so that helium can correctly tune your radio to push out the right amount of db right so in this case it'll be 27 minus 5.1 is what it'll end up putting out i'm not going to do that math in public i've done enough embarrassing math in public hopefully all that makes sense rock and roll if you have any questions put them down in the comments i'm sure i screwed up some math equation but that's basically what it is think about it this way is that there's your minor output there's your antenna gain helium is we're going to going to reduce your minor output by the gain so that everybody is on the same level playing field those of you who don't enter it correctly you're probably going to get dinged what is that fudge right going to be or what is that error rate going to be i'm going to guess and i don't have any information to back this up but this is my guess i bet within one or two db you're probably not going to get dinged for it because that can happen just with attenuation just with like going through trees or maybe it bounces off some metal building i bet one or two db no big deal beyond that i think we're gonna have um you're gonna you're gonna get your your rewards uh clipped they're gonna be invalidated okay thanks time for watching hopefully this helps you rock on have a grisly wing day and make a ton of hnt let's
Channel: Gristle King
Views: 2,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HNT, Helium, HNtenna, helium hotspot, helium mining, helium antenna, earning hnt, helium mining antenna, learn helium mining, HNT mining knowledge, helium miner placement, helium antenna optimization, best helium antenna, pocv11 helium, pocv11 explained, pocv11 antenna
Id: k10M9p-al3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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