POCO X6 Pro Vs POCO F6 Charging Test After HyperOS Update - 67w Vs 90W ⚡
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Channel: Sumit Obroy
Views: 7,245
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Keywords: poco x6 pro charging test after update, hyperos poco x6 pro charging test, poco f6 charging test after update, poco f6 charging test 120w charger, poco x6 pro vs poco f6 charging test, poco f6 charging test after hyperos update, poco f6 hyperos update, poco x6 pro charging test, poco f6 5g charging speed test, battery drain test, poco x6 pro vs poco f6 battery drain test, x6 pro, f6
Id: 8d0g3ue61qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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