Pocket Anime is CRAZY! | Catch and Tame ANIME CHARACTERS!

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[Music] all right what's going on guys and welcome back today we're going to be checking out pocket anime which is basically an anime taming game uh on Roblox it's basically Pokemon but instead of catching Pokemon you could catch like Majin Buu and like Naruto and stuff like that I I I've seen people say oh it's not really a monster Tamer cuz they're not all monsters whatever it's a taming game it looks funny we're going to check it out I wanted to say special thanks to the devs for uh you know hooking Me Up Wait wh why oh I can completely customize my character I was just about to use my gym leader Ed [Music] dude uh we'll be mysterious I suppose yeah okay I guess they even have like full customization in this game too um okay we'll just we'll just play as the we'll just random we can yeah we we'll just keep randomizing till we find something these guys are so blocky [Music] bro maybe I should have just reset yeah we'll just play as this dude this dude looked cool all right let's see what's going down so this right now as of the time I'm putting this video together it's the last day of the um Early Access sort of testing period you won't be able to play this unfortunately when this video goes live that being said uh I hope you guys enjoy and let me know if you like this game cuz I don't know I saw the trailer and I was like I I I got to play this this looks pretty funny okay so what is going on here exit the house why why though yeah only on the gym leader Ed channel will you have uh me covering the thge and then a a freaking Roblox game cuz why not where the heck's he exit bro who this is zit blocked or am I just going crazy oh yeah there is an exit okay it wasn't it wasn't showing up let me out let me out this is why the game is in a testing State okay oh I got to like like angle it like perfectly there we go wasn't letting me out of the house all right what's going on here stop I finally cornered you this ends now did you not feel that it was a warning I must leave you there this is pretty dangerous but I need your help grab an animon yeah see they they're anime monsters okay choose an animon from one of these C capsules look we got Luffy from One Piece Majin Buu Ichigo from bleach and SASE I'll take Majin Buu cuz you know we're a monster taming Channel Majin Buu is a monster do you really want uh Mystic bojan to be your I I I guess they got to change the names for copyright reasons yeah let's do it I I I H I want to know why it doesn't just use my default Roblox character for this game I'd honestly prefer if it did that oh he's sending out Naruto Ramen all right uh energy charge raises special attack or Attack by One Stage depending on which is higher uh energy blast fire a blast energy dealing okay well let's do energy charge first [Music] yeah I saw comments saying this game was just an an anime RPG G like no it's not you literally catch and use the mons and you throw them out just like just like uh you would have it's literally just Pokemon but with anime characters it's kind of funny oh Ramen got knocked out I barely did any damage what the oh I'm a really low level compared to him am I supposed to lose this fight Yoshi uses bomb transmutation I don't even know who the heck Yoshi is you were knocked out by Kira losses are a part okay all right well let's go meet the professor outside come back you can't be going that way it's your first time let me explain some things these stations created by high star and they're essential for trainers the machines to the left H machines are used to heal your anons uh the machines in the Middle Sea machine are used to uh store extra ones okay then there's me you can come purchase okay uh I don't have anything to sell what am I what am I saying Okay okay then we got the PC box here uh then we got the healing machine do I need to heal I'm pretty sure my guy is probably better now oh I Zooms in ah how do I zoom back out okay Mouse wheel okay all right let's go let's get out of here m is menu okay bul may seems we were no match for him H very unusual for someone as strong as him to be running around here off to report this incident you fought well uh we're in town here's your ID card meet me at capsule City we'll discuss more then I've been looking all over for you Professor Victor my rival he's got Luscious Hair you're tad late to the party Victor I kept hearing explosions but it looks like you got the situation handled all right let's get to the important stuff I need my St you're still quite the show up here take this hopefully it doesn't run like the last way funny by the way who's this he's giving me the old stink eye we got more pressing matters you two Rond with me a capsule I'll meet you there okay okay I got a bunch of stuff capsules the identification cards stuff's complete all right let's go the heck was that tur get back here those are my only clean shoes shorts I should probably what hey I know you you're the hero of Sunburst Valley thank goodness you're here what happened here you got to help me my friend Terry ran out with my shorts can you go get them sure why not his face okay so we got little quests and stuff like that what I want to do though is I want to I want to do some more the doors are kind of glitchy in this game I'm not going to lie okay what I want to do to be honest is uh okay you can turn the camera okay you don't have a lot of control over the camera by the looks of it I can only turn it like side to side but good enough I guess oh there's the the dog [Music] trying to scrap right now I got the shorts okay where's the uh I got to exit at the gate but it's not letting me move the camera too much so I can't really see where the the gate is Le Ardo wait a second hold I got to talk to this NPC hey can answer how many rooms does your house have uh three you serious ha here I thought I was coming here with a waste time thanks K you really cheered me up let me check my pockets yeah I got some change here thanks [Music] man and Naruto is just chilling here he's an animon he doesn't have any uh yo can't see a meeting here scram before Naruto naruko sorry shows you what's up legal legally ambiguous Naruto I wonder wonder if it falls under parody since they're like block versions of the character stop right there you can't continue on your adventure you're the hero of Sunset Valley there are way more things for you to do come back after you've spoken to everyone everyone am I I thought I was stuck for a second there talk to everybody there's too many people man can we talk to him oh I don't like the camera I'm not a big fan of the camera I think they should go for a fully fully moving one not not just a top down one one armed what one armed Frank I'm in no mood to talk get lost oh well good enough for me you talked do I they go in all the houses too oh door is locked all right cool Sun verse Library joyful and animon yet happy oh the mess what's become of this Library every book every shelf uh once ah those shelves once brimming with knowledge now reduced to chaos a reflection of my own [Music] despair I believe you're newcomer I couldn't help but notice your familiar with anons during your battle I must inquire would you be interested in little quiz sure let's do it descri an on type I want you to let the book know okay number one an animon with a brown bandan with an eye out of gold they like to roam around wild areas mostly are not usually that big of talent however they prefer to stay in a group so you must stay vigilant the animon is a neutral type which move would defeat it I don't need your help I feel sufficiently informed I don't need to read these books psychic blast okay yes wrong that's not the answer try again okay I'm guessing it's weak to fighting I just don't know where these things are [Music] I like how Majin Boo is like mini it's not weak to fire Fireball JSU I know that's not the answer I just okay water yeah no it's not okay there's got to be like a fighting book we got to look for the books with ah with with the symbols on them maybe moving there we go there it is that's why I couldn't see it Yep this is it awesome you're doing great question two animon with the okay uh formidable fire to Bears an or okay uh which move would defeated the water [Music] move yep okay is there like a grass one there's water there's fire oh electric Riri hell yeah question four animon possessing a body comprised of rubber uh the animon falls under fighting type which move would defeat it the psychic one and nature type okay it's weak to Fire come on Child's Play yep one last test for me listen here back in the day I was quite the trainer let's see if you got what it takes all right let's do it fight happy we sorry sorry joyful the wind type I was quite the trainer back in my day I have a level two come on bro I like the UI they have though like having it kind of like stick out of the mon it's kind of cool energy blast let's go Mystic Bion oh I can't [Music] every loss teaches us something new you're quite the trainer okay but I never claimed to be a strong one well I appreciate that thank you for your time okay so my gratitud I have something for you happy pajamas oh god there you go okay all right well that's that's a quest [Music] completed how the heck do I get out oh here it is get me out of here I want to know what made me these people decide that I'm the I'm the Savior okay we just came from here that guy's not going to let me pass where the heck did I come from oh there's an item there give me that you know one thing I want to I want to point out cuz like sometimes I'll get comments people be like you know oh it's a game it's on Roblox it's cringy the thing is like a lot of the I've covered maybe over a hundred different monster tment games and like while I'm not really I don't really care for the Roblox platform or like those people that are in charge of it like some of these Roblox monster taming games are are like good like they're fun like some of them I'd even say are like more fun than some of the non Roblox monstering games I've covered uh I wish one day okay cool monster what monster see Valley was okay that's interesting everyone was scared of the Beast everyone but my dad was brave enough I he lost his arm in the process not only that the incident oh now he's going to feed the beast okay head over to the bait shop my dad's usually around there oh he was the was he the guy that was mad I got to talk to everybody right no that's not I'm talking about your trainer right what I'm talking about eventually who this good job protecting the town you have my gratitude the way you battle cure with your Enon I see great potential strange though enmons usually don't get aggressive enough to invade Town something's happening we probably don't need to worry about it okay true was this a house that I was in earlier with the guy with the shorts yeah it is here too much work oh I wanted to see if that did anything okay maybe I can C oh yeah okay if I use the camera I can circum circumvent the uh the door issue a little bit what's up boys why am I Su at this kid gaming for does give him a couple years he won't be so Yoshi it's time Yoshi Yosh it's time to get to work there's nothing better than SP good little hard work yes sir the spirit let's do this okay okay okay this is the lab right oh this is my house with a random alarm that's just never going to go off now never going to stop I want to catch something you say the town of Li she would have easily dealt with that despicable woman all powerful animon trainer okay incredibly dark demon has pass possessed my daughter take refuge in her uh she covers an eye patch to prevent her from destroying the entire Valley interesting what's up here I'm guessing that this is some sort of foreshadowing okay let's go talk to the bait guy I guess what is this [Music] shops closed go bother someone else are you mood his dad the boy sent you I'm guessing he hasn't given up on feeding he's too young he doesn't understand the threat of the Beast every few months it shows up in the valley someone has defeated I'm not the man I used to be perhaps you could perhaps like a what you never gave me the Beast you never gave me the stuff wasn't oh all right so can I grab a chunk of meat what give me the meat bro [Music] it it it it might be bugged very possible that's bugged will this guy let me go now oh yeah also I wanted to check [Music] out got our little Majin Buu here stats energy absorption uh the chance to absorb energy when damage by a special attack increasing their own special attack that's kind of crazy okay they got SVS and TVs kind of like temp okay we oh the the game's going to have mounts that's kind of [Music] cool we just have a side quest but I can't it doesn't seem to want to let me grab the maybe I got to talk to the kid again do I go [Music] back okay try talking to that kid again I tried to get the bait from your dad he's being a jerk [Music] yeah I don't know what what's going on there yeah I've pretty much talked to everybody are they going to let me out of here or do I have to complete all the side quests I feel like that's probably not the [Music] case oh he's still here didn't I tell you not to come back till you done T there's a boy you need to meet on the first bridge I did oh okay they let me go anyway that's fine [Music] oh we're all going to die don't you understand the aliens are coming yes purple red blue green they're all sorts of colors don't you get it pully we're not alone aliens out there where are they up there look at the sky as you can go see them smoke in the air oh I can't really do anything [Music] so all right let's leave this scary this looks like tempte bro this is basically temptem with anime characters is that the it looks like the forest of death over there oh my God is this a this is a grave that Kakashi's always hanging out at all right let's catch something a bandit I'm not man you know who they should have the ramen guy from Naruto and have him be a a legendary that's what they need to do screw this guy I train up the Majin Buu a little bit see [Music] you okay let's uh heal this literally just like the temptem things I just noticed this is the guy from Dragon Ball GT thank you it's gar she want to fight I don't want to battle but I will okay Cadet I don't know who that is [Music] let's use fight it's only level one Z says level oh level two okay am I the only one who thinks he's level twos are a little too tanky get out of here honestly the animations in VFX are pretty pretty good what do you got [Music] next what is this guy from Battle wolf he looks familiar but I don't know what he's from fight energy blast Bo almost dead what Mystic bjan fainted oh that's okay I have to get sent all the way back here though it's kind of messed up man I just want to catch something that's a we end to this by catching something yeah I I I'll be honest like I I'm I like I like there's a lot of anime that I like so the fact that there's like a like a almost like this is almost like a a parody monster Tamer game right it's like haha if you're not catching Pokemon you're catching anime Manon right like it's kind of like a like it's not going to it's type of game that's not going to take itself too seriously and like I think that's really cool like I think that's jokes reminds me of those like ROM hacks where they'd like replace the Pokemon with like Dragon Ball characters and stuff I'm always down for fan games like this all right what do we got I don't know who Bandit is okay I'm running I want an anime character that I [Music] know let me catch a Naruto or something oh the camera changed that was weird okay oh God I forgot this girl's here I got I got potions this time I won't let her just beat me we need to get into that second patch of grass I battle but I will yeah shut up [Music] okay uh raises yeah you know what let's just let's just raise ourselves I'll do it again okay now I use energy blast after two stages it only did nine damage instead of seven that's kind of trash all right level seven I learned psychic blast let's see how how that does I use an item though first this little dog wants is going to try to kick my ass let's go bag C potion use it on my boy here yeah see good call okay let's go wait he learned psychic blast where is it do I have to like swap it out Rel these energy blast I guess all right 10 damage they only get two attacks each is that is is that what's going on here or do I got to like equip it almost had it let's tweak our Strat you're not tweaking anything okay um I can't see my field division okay okay hold on let's let's go um animon [Music] Squad yeah he psychic blast is here Why didn't it Why didn't it show up I'm going to put it the top see what happens oh he's got lower speed plus special attack that seems like it would be good for Buu seems like he would be a slow hard hitter okay uh wait we're going to go back back there backpack C potion I I'm pretty sure the server is going to reset so I'm not too worried about like doing anything too crazy I want to catch something man who we got another Cadet I don't want to get I don't I don't know who you people are [Music] oh now they're all here okay maybe that was just a bug all right let's fight this next trainer see what they got oh never mind I walked right past them what do you guys think you're doing you picked a bad time to get lost he he what's in the bag I wonder we'll be taking your stuff Mister quick into the woods [Music] boys robbed I've been robbed if only I didn't leave my anons at home thanks for scaring them off say do you think you can get the back for me they took my wallet a bag for some reason my glasses I can't even see sure is that a main quest no yeah it's kind of unfortunate for me that the uh play test is ending because uh I would have liked to I would have liked to play some more of this uh like I could have easily seen myself recording another episode oh does this G wait this game got two 2v one what's going on [Music] here all right that's stronger I'm pretty sure I'm going to die though considering the fact that I got to fight both of these guys [Music] ah okay I stand a chance if I kill [Music] one okay yes level me up why do you have another one are you serious wait is it Yamcha it is it's OG hcha that's jokes it's Dragon Ball Yamcha back when he was slightly more useful wonder if he has wolf Fang fist he he has a fighting type so let's see if I can't [Music] nice bag use come on Yamcha can't take Majin Buu where's the power skill faing [Music] guys get out of here psychic blast pretty sure I'm running out of heals here oh no I'm out of Medicine [Music] well boys it was nice knowing you it looks like we're about to die again looks like I got a crit no crit yeah we we we Dead We Dead I will say the game seems to be a little a little heavy on the on the level scaling but other than that I don't know man yeah whatever I don't care if I died okay so I'm going to call the video from here honestly this game's pretty cool man the VFX look nice the Aesthetics pretty cool the sort of like parody aspect of them being called animon is also kind of funny and um yeah I don't know I feel like this could be a fun fan game to cover uh here and there on the channel as we get like updates and stuff like that um but yeah guys uh let me know what you guys think in the comments down below and uh we just want to say thank you thank you so much for watching and make sure to subscribe for daily monster taming videos I'll see you guys next time [Music] peace
Channel: Gym Leader Ed
Views: 5,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon like games, monster taming, pocket anime, anime game, catch anime characters, pocket anime guide, pocket anime review, roblox games, new roblox games, pocket anime starters, new pocket anime, creature capture games roblox, monster taming games, creature collector games, rpg, roblox rpg, best roblox games, let's try, gaming news, jrpg, game, roblox games like pokemon, new games like pokemon, let's play pocket anime, pocket anime news, pocket anime gameplay, pc
Id: 6LHmqdy3b0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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