PMP exam prep - PMP 6th edition - Direct and Manage Project Work (2019) - Video 3

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Hello everyone, so now let's talk about the third process of integration management knowledge area which is direct and manage project work, one of the important process I would say and basically why I am saying one of the important, it's basically because the deliverables are created here. So the process which is giving you the deliverables, so let's go back to our example of buying the car, this is where I will get my car, so I went to the showroom, I bought the car and like it's an important deliverable for me, Right? This is why I was doing that project, my main aim of that project was to get a car and today's the day to get that car. So that is the deliverable for me, so this is direct and manage project work, process of leading and performing the work defined in the project management plan. So first of all, your project management plan defined that how I will do it, it will tell me what all research analysis I would have done to get that car. Now based upon my the experts judgement, my friend told me all those good things about the car and then I took a decision but when I'm doing it, where I am buying it and like all of those things are important. So today's the day I will have my car which is my first deliverable ,which is direct and manage project work. Directing and managing project work is a process that creates the project deliverables by performing on the work packages. So of course work packages as I told you, this is something which we will be discussing in the scope management knowledge area but think of work packages as deliverables, because work packages are also deliverable based. They are when you convert the requirements into much more manageable components which are basically deliverables and you assign those deliverables to your individual team members or some other folks who are responsible for those deliverables. The objectives of this project are realized in this process, so that's why I say it is very important because you will get maximum number of resources, maximum number of time, yeah like most time all of those things would actually be spent in this particular process, most of the projects time, cost and resources are consumed in this process, that's what I was talking about. This process is very important as deliverables are created here, I am really interested in it. If you're preparing for it I would say this is more like a execution stage where you are actually working towards it, your initiation stage would be when the first time you actually thought that I wan to give PMP, that was more like an initiation stage, then when you let's say if you have been funded by your organization, then discussing with your managers and all those things, getting the approval of funding , that was more like your Project Charter. Then how do we do it, like I'm pretty sure you might have searched on Google many different companies, videos, questions, and then you probably selected this one, because this is what where I want to go. so that was more like a planning, that how you would do it, but when you are actually doing it, when you are actually listening to these videos, when you are actually practicing those questions, that means you are doing this direct and manage project work. Management, it provides overall management of the project work and deliverables, so basically I would say this is where you are creating the deliverables, the most important concept in this particular process. So you are actually managing those as well. Next, we will be discussing the input tools and techniques. In inputs you will see, we have the project management plan, this was actually one of the output from the previous process, so one thing you would notice heavily in these processes is actually that output of the previous process will most probably become the input to the next process and for this, why you will have project management plan as an input here, because project management plan will tell you how you would do it. And in order to create for example, for your PMP preparation, you would have discussed about that I want to research online, I want to read the reviews, so all those things , you were doing those research in order to select the best package for you. So those, but now when you purchase that package, when you are actually going towards it, working towards it, that's your direct and ā€“ manage project work, In the project documents you will have the changelog, change log is once your change request is approved or rejected, you have a document, which we call it as a change log, which it gets updated. Basically who requested that change, what was the decision of that change, all of those things are actually updated in that change log. So if you're doing work and if let's say it's approved change request then you need to know, Right? this was approved, then only you have to do it. Then you will also have the lessons learned register, lessons learned register as the name suggests, lessons learn register which means it talks about all the previous lessons lists, whatever you have learned like for example, I talk to my students, I try to get much feedback from them and then accordingly when I create a new video, I make sure that ,I'm creating, I'm improving based upon those feedback, that's a lesson register for me. So same case like let's say, I have a black car of brand A, I did not like it, it was pretty expensive, the maintenance was pretty high, based upon those things that was a lesson. Now I'm not buying that brand, I'm probably going for another brand, Right? This was an example of lesson learnt register for me. Then you also need milestone list, I need to know when is the date when I will actually go and purchase that car, Right? That's milestone list, is the dates of all the important milestones or my project and one of the biggest milestone is the day when I buy my car, so you need to know that as well in order to buy the car. Then you need project communications, everything is related to communications, I will probably now go and tell my family that I am going and buying this car, so if I do that that, that's project communications for me. So I want to communicate, then only I'll go and buy a car, it depends upon the culture also, like when we get a new car, we probably try to take it to a temple and we have the saint who makes sure that the car runs good and it's all about belief. Until and unless I call the saint that I would be visiting you I won't do that. So that's project communications for you. Then you would also have the project schedule, that's very important like it because milestone is this day, the when I'm buying this car is very much important, very much is related to all the other activities like how I'm going there, I'm a taking the bus, is my friend dropping me there , or what about all those things that's part of project schedule. Then requirements traceability matrix, something which we would be discussing in much more detail in the scope management knowledge area, but it's all about all the requirements and how they trace back to their origin. I'll talk about that, you need to know when you are actually doing the work. Then risk register, okay what if the bus I am on to go to buy my car goes bad, what if whatever the dealer is now suddenly charging me extra price and he's saying that it's something which they missed. So all those are actually risk and whenever I do a work, I want to make sure I want to account for those risk as well. Then we have the risk report, I will be discussing this in much more detail when we do the risk management. Approved change request, okay so let's say I'll give you a basic example , let's say I'm a contractor, you want to make sure you want to paint your house, okay you want to paint your house and I'm a contractor, who is coming there and painting your house. I said okay let me start with the living room first and you guys told me that in the living room we wanted let's say, white color on the wall, I said okay, I agreed, I gave you some samples of that white color and you selected a particular white color which you really wanted on the walls. So I started painting, I started doing the work. So I'm now in direct and manage project work. Okay I painted the wall and suddenly your family member , close family member said that decided to you that what white color is not going with the the sofas we have in the living room. So what should we do now so ,now okay you do the impact analysis you do all those things you you follow a change control process and you come up to me and say that what we're on white color is not looking good can we change it to something like let's say yellow. So I said absolutely. So what I will do is ,probably say that okay if you want to change it to yellow color I would have to go to the market and buy the yellow color this would charge, this this would cost extra and you would have to bear at that cost and this would take an extra time because now I have to redo the wall again, are you fine with all those things? So I give the analysis of the of the change request and let's say you guys are fine with that. Now, I want to make sure that you go ahead and paint that wall to yellow. So your approved change request is telling me to change it to yellow, so again I have to go and do the work but until and unless I know that you have approved that change request, that now it is of yellow color, I can't do that. So I need to know that this is a new request which got approved by the change Control Board, that this wall should be of yellow color. Then we have the common inputs which is the EEF and OPA. In tools we have expert judgment, PMIS and meetings. We will be discussing in details. Outputs will get the deliverables, my car, the deliverable which I was waiting for from a long time . That's one of the deliverable. Then I will get the work performance data, if you remember I briefly discussed about the work performance data in the introduction slide , work performance data is all about raw observations. So I got my deliverable I will definitely have some kind of raw observation . I'll say you guys have some raw observation about this course. This is the second chapter, now you have started to develop a kind of trust, I'm assuming that, you have started into another kind of trust that Varun teaches good, he is helping me with some real-life examples which I can relate to and this is really helping me to get the concept. So initially, when you say , let's say for the first time when you watch my video the introduction video and he said that what I am not really sure that Varun would be good or not. So when you're not really sure, when it's just your raw observation, that is your work performance data, but when the time passes when you start to build some trust, that work performance data actually gets converted into information and finally if you remember that information gets converted into the reports. Now, I got my car I will have some raw observation which is like, I love this car, what is the speed like, it has pretty good speed. Mileage is okay but I can I can go for it, that's fine. So okay so these are some of the raw observation which I have when I get my car. that's the work performance data. Then sometimes let's say issue log, I see my car and then I have a problem that issue log states, what I think the mileage is a pretty big problem and I can't deal with it. An issue log also talks about who is the issue owner and who will resolve that issue or what is the time and what is the duration of resolving those issues. So all of those things are also mentioned in the issue log. Then of course let's say we got change requests, I got the car I showed it to my family and my let's say my father told me that what is this Varun? I really don't like it, why did you buy this car, just go and change it. that's a change request. I would say a new project for me but let's say they told me, the the speaker is not good, the audio, the music system is not good. That's a change request, so probably I have to do some analysis, I could see that a new music system if I could afford it or not, All those things are changed request. Then, basically we will get the common output which is the plan updates, any component will be updated, document updates documents also be updated, like activity list, assumption, lessons learned register, requirements, stakeholder, like all of these things would get updated as well. And finally we will have the OPA update, whatever you do you have to go back and update the assets for the future projects because it could be some kind of lesson learned for you , because if you see here your lesson learned register is getting updated. Okay now similarly whenever you buy something not only buy but whenever you do something you always get associated with risk, what if like my father told me I don't like the music system that's a risk for my project. So I have to go back and update the risk register as well . Similarly sometimes a new stakeholder might come in, so I would have to update my stakeholders . Same example I need to get a new music system but the dealer is not offering me a upgraded version of the music system, so might be I have to go outside the Dealer, outside the city and I would have to get from somewhere else if I have to get it from somewhere else, that's a new person that's, a new stakeholder on the project , so my stakeholder list is also updated. So next is our input explanation, so I basically explained you why all of these , I actually covered this slide, so first is the your project management plan, a common one. Output of the previous became the input, like similarly if you remember for the develop project management plan, Project Charter was the output of the previous one and it became the input. Then approved change request, I told you why approved change request, the example which I gave you was changing the wall from white to yellow color. That was approved change request. Project documents, I explained all the project documents which were the input and EEF and OPA are the common ones. Tools and technique, expert judgment if we start with expert judgment you can say my friend was guiding me to buy that car, was giving me all his expertise, he's a he drives a lot of cars and he has pretty good knowledge of those cars so he is more like an expert. Then you can also talk about the PMIS, project management information system, so PMIS is a repository which contains which contain very scheduling tools, work authorization system, configuration management system, corporate knowledge. So it has many many things which are part of it, just make sure when you read this read all the bullet points which are specifically mentioned in PMIS. If I have to describe PMIS in one word, I would probably say Repository, something which is storing some kind of information. So if you're creating a deliverable, you're storing it also. For example my garage would be one of the example of PMIS, because this is where I'm storing my car. And of course if you want to buy ,if you want to do something you're doing the work, you want some kind of meetings, like for example, for your PMP study, you might have some kind of study group, that's meetings. I see a lot of people on our Facebook group, they don't know each other but based upon the discussions on the group, they build some kind of trust and because of that they go ahead and form a group. So and they start meeting and start discussing, start preparing together, that's when they are really preparing for it. Okay next on the output explanation I have already discussed, this was where or deliverable is created and remember the definition of deliverable. It should be a unique product,result or service. Because if you remember the definition of a project is a time limited, for that was a key word, so it has to end project,t is not it's not like an operation which never ends. It's a time limited and it makes sure that it creates a unique deliverable. So this deliverable should be unique, for example for this course is unique for you. You might have seen some other courses, but now you are seeing a different course with different content, with different person, who is teaching you. All those are a unique service for you, it's a deliverable. Then issue log, I already discussed I bought a car my father do not like that stereo system, that's an issue. Then work performance data, like some kind of raw observation, I'm like oh my god, that the color is so good, the color is so flashy, the tires are so good. All those are my raw observation, like the first time but when I actually drive then I would come to know more about it. Change requests of course, the music system was something which I did not like. Then project document updates, project plan updates, you will make sure that all of these things get updated. That's the real part of it. Okay so finally, let's do a quick revision, so first of all know the key outputs; deliverables and work performance data. Right from the start of this video I have been constantly talking about deliverables deliverables and deliverables, why? because this is the most important output of this process and with deliverables the first time you see something it always comes with the raw observation and when I talk about raw observation , this is actually the work performance data that I was talking about. Then know that that this process does not occur once but many times in the cycle of planning, executing and monitoring and control. So again this is until unless my last deliverable is created, I will keep on doing it. I want to make sure, for me my deliverable was buying a car then for me my next deliverable is getting some heavy tires, my third deliverable is probably a new brand new music system and upgraded version, fourth, I don't know some fashionable lights or something. FYI I'm fine with cars but I am not that much interested. I am just trying to give you an example which you can relate to more. Know that this process is guided by project plan with updates by outputs of the perform integrated change control process to be discussed, so again, we saw that the approved change request was an input here and that input actually came from the perform integrated change control process so from that process we got the approval that this is the change request that now it's the time to change the color of the wall to yellow and we will go back and change the color. Okay, and in this is where we will actually change the color. It implements approve changes to achieve the project objective, so if your project objective has changed from white to yellow color and you are fine with the time, cost and everything. I'm fine too okay so I can do the same thing.
Channel: EduHubSpot
Views: 19,419
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Keywords: PMP exam Prep, PMP 6th edition training videos, PMP certification, pmp, PMP Training Videos, PMP videos, PMP exam, PMP certification training videos, Project Management
Id: Ned8W3fPSio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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