PMP® Certification Full Course - Learn PMP Fundamentals in 12 Hours | PMP® Training Videos | Edureka

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Hey everyone. This is Upasana and I welcome you all to Edureka's YouTube channel. At Edureka, We provide online training on trending Technologies with the world's best instructors and 24/7 support. So today I'm here to give you a quick overview of the PMP certification full course. PMP certification is known as the golden standard in the field of project management. It is one of the most most sought-after certifications by mid-level professionals who are looking for a major boost in their stagnant careers. Thus we bring you this PMP full course, which is composed of eight modules module 1 will give you a brief introduction to PMP certification and we'll talk about the reasons. Why one should go for it in module 2. We will be talking about p.m. Bock guide which lays down the foundation of PMP certification exam moving on to module 3 here you will briefly Be introduced to project management and its various fundamental concepts in module 4, you will learn about the complete project management framework along with all the stages involved in its life cycle module 5 will cover all the 10 knowledge areas in which 49 processes are mapped along with their inputs tools and techniques and outputs in module 6, we will focus on the various project management methodologies and the tools used to implement them moving ahead module seven. And we'll help you in preparing for your PMP certification exam and finally module number 8 will give you a complete insight into the career in the field of project management. So that was all about the agenda of the session. But before we get started with the session do not forget to subscribe to our Channel and hit the Bell icon to stay updated. Also one thing I would like to mention here is this full course will not help you in gaining any pdus, but it will definitely provide value. Able information regarding project management and prepare you for your exam thus in case you're looking for an online training for PMP certification examination. Check out the link in the description box below at Eureka is a registered education provider of the PMI. And after the completion of the formal training, you will be awarded with 35 pdus which are mandatory for applying for PMP certification exam. So without Much Ado, let's get started. Welcome to the PMP certification training program in today's session. We are going to talk about few agenda items here. So I welcome you all to the session in today's session specifically we are going to spend time about what is PMP. What is this certification is all about why we should be doing this certification excetera. So if you take a look at the topic that we are going to cover as part of today's session is first, we will understand. What is PMP certification why we To PMP certification. I'm sure you must have these kind of questions on your mind. So we'll try and answer those question in today's session. What are the advantages when you will do PMP certification over the people who have not done the PMP certification project management framework. We will talk a bit about project management framework as well and most importantly since you all have decided to appear for the PMP certification examination then what is this exam is all about. What is the nature of the exam and bit more on the PMP? Examination we will cover as a part of today's session as well. So let's get started with this first. We'll talk about what is PMP certification? So if you see PMP certification PMP is introduced by PMI, which is project management Institute. It's a very very old Institute and it's globally recognized Institute. We will talk about PMI a bit more on the next slide. But when you appear for the PMP certification, you will definitely need to refer to one book, which is Project management book of knowledge and Kim Bak in short we call it as pmbok. The current edition of the pmbok that is being used for the examination preparation is embarked 6th edition, which was already introduced last year and the new examination is based on the 6th edition of the pmbok. Now pmbok is basically the Book of Knowledge. So it comprises of various processes based practices terminologies guidelines in the area of project management, so there are 49 processes there are certain based practices. When you perform certain processes, there are tools and techniques that are recommended at the same time. There are certain terminologies that we need to understand as well. So what is that book which we can refer to when we come across any term within the area of project management or where will I find certain guidelines when I'm working in the project management area? So this is the book which we can refer to and I have seen that when we were working on in our organization when Project management process was we supposed to set up the project management process. One of the guide that we refer to was pmbok. So pmbok is very very well recognized and it contains standards in the area project management and you will find all the organization's most of the organization's I would say who are into project management. And of course I have seen that project management is there in all the organization because there are project some projects on the other hand and we have to undertake any number of projects and programs and those are basically part of the portfolio under which you are working. So it's important that we need to refer to certain standards which we can refer to and create the organization specific project management process, which could be customized but most of it will come from the project management book of knowledge. So this is the globally recognized best practices across project management Industries and domains when you appear for the PMP certification exam, I would strongly recommend you to go through the Bach guide at least twice a possible. If not then at least once and once you read this, you will understand the fundamentals in the area project management. So starting with that now I did mention about PMI a while ago. So project management Institute is basically a knot or non-profit professional membership Association. Now, this is basically for all the project management professionals across different countries and continents. And therefore you'll find project management Institute it globally Sized and it's very very active Institute. You will find PMI conducts and does lots of things in the area of project management right from the competition into project and programs to organizing the seminars and conferences and lots of research work that is done in the area of project management and PMI is such Institute, which keeps on continuously upgrading the whatever the knowledge whatever the best practices in the area project management at the same time PMI such. Which also conducts lot of research and surveys in the area from the point of view of career paths, for example, if you are into project management and you want to develop a career path in this area then how you should be going about doing that at the same time setting standards for the project management. All these things are done by the project management Institute and pmbok is the guide which is published by PMI, which is referred to when you appear for the PMP certification. So that's bit on PMI. And the pmbok guide which is definitely important from the PMP certification point of view. Now, you might have questions. Like I see here John ask this question that what else could I do as a part of the certification in project management world. So let me answer John says you can see on the screen there is a time. In fact, I should answer this question. So I was kind of holding on to it as you can see PMP is one of the certifications but if you are keen and if you are working exclusively in this area, you can even think of doing other For the people who are beginners in the project management area, you can start with the capm which is certified associate in project management. Once you gain sufficient experience and knowledge, you can certainly Aspire for PMP which is project management professional and once you start working on project and when you start handling multiple projects, that means you're actually getting an experience of working on program, then you can certainly move on and complete your program management professional certification that will definitely Really give you a lot of value added and weight age to your credentials as a whole and when you are working on various programs and gain experience into working and managing various programs. Then the next level would be your portfolio management professional so you can actually get an knowledge in the area of portfolio management by completing this certification nowadays. We also talk about agile a lot and PMI is definitely not behind in this area as well PMI has Pmi-acp certification few years ago and you will also find a lot of people are aspiring to become pmi-acp which is project management agile, certified practitioner certification. So if you are working in agile again, this is certification not for the people who are fissures, but for people who have experienced project management and agile, we have working can certainly go for pmi-acp as well. Now those of you who are interested in to doing deep dive into areas like scheduling Or areas, like Risk Management for you. There are certain additional certifications also, which we can definitely aspire to get this credentials. So one of the certification is PMI scheduling professional and the another one is risk management professional. In fact, all of us who have been working in the project management area for quite some time. We can definitely Aspire for the certifications like scheduling professional and risk management professional because these two areas are very very important in the project management. So there are quite a few options. Is here as you see and good that you have started your journey with PMP and I'm sure once you complete your PMP successfully you will also move on to the other certifications and these certifications how they will help you and how they will enhance your overall credential and most importantly the trust when you go out and look out for the job. Let's talk about more on in fact how this will help we are going to specifically talk more on the PMP certification because this training is on PMP certification training. So hence Less Talk More. Moron PM P. So P MP stands for project management professional. So PMP is globally acknowledged professional certification. Now, this is a program in the project management. I would say because when you decide to go for PMP, first of all, you have to prove yourself that you have the relevant experience and you have the relevant education. So once you have the relevant education and experience the professional education and experience, they don't lie you are qualified to appear for the PMP certification examination. So That is one of the reason also why PMP is globally recognized across Industries and domains now why you should be doing PMP certification. Let's just talk about few reasons here. First reason is definitely about it's crucial and prestigious for employment. So be it in the company you are working in the moment you do PMP certification. I have seen you can actually negotiate your salary hikes. You can actually think about getting into some job where project management skills and knowledge. It is required and that may be a next level that maybe elevation for you. So it is definitely prestigious for the employment part from that. It's a golden standard for project management certification. As I mentioned. This is going to be one of the most prestigious certification. So it's a golden standard in the area project management. If you are working definitely I have seen many job descriptions mentioning that PMP certified so they are looking out for project manager who is certified PMP apart from that portent lie. Also gives you freedom to work in any industry across the globe. Now when you work in project management area, so even if you belong to any domain or belong to any technology the most importantly you get an opportunity to work across domains and across technology because we are talking about project management skills and the knowledge over here, which is irrespective of the domain knowledge and the technology knowledge. Of course, if you have the domain and Technology knowledge in the respective area, that will give you more Advantage, but even if it Is not definitely the project management skills and knowledge will help you in working across globe and in the any industry that you aspire to work. So these are some of the benefits that I have experienced myself at the same time. I'm sure you can look forward to some of these benefits as well of the PMP certification. Let's talk about some specific advantages that we can look out for the first thing that have already mentioned is definitely the salary hike when you complete your PMP certification first thing I have seen is many companies. Remember the cost. So anyway, that in itself is like companies investing on you and when you complete the certification successfully you can not only reimburse the cost of the certifications in many organization. But also I have seen people negotiating for good salary hikes during their appraisals. It also improves performance. This is very very important from your career point of view as well. So if you are working in project management, not necessary as a project manager, you could be working into any of the domains. As within the project management, which is absolutely fine. But the moment you complete your PMP certification, it will give you width of knowledge at the same time depth of knowledge into specific areas and domains as a result of which when you start applying some of those tools and techniques that you have learned out of the study that you have done for PMP. Let's take example of the estimation. So we talked about different estimation techniques as a part of the MP training and the PMP certification. You will study some of those estimation. As well, so B8 parametric estimation or bottom-up estimation. When you go back or when you complete the certification while studying even for the certification one of the things that I would also recommend is go back and start applying some of these techniques and tools that you have learned in the PMP training on your project. So that will also improve your performance that will also make you smarter than the other associates with whom you're working or your peers or your colleagues and that will definitely give you you edge over them as well apart from that. This will also give you an opportunity to expand market reach. So as I mentioned you can actually once you complete your PMP certification, you can go beyond your industry and domain and location is not a constraint at the same time because this is globally recognized certification. So even if you wanted to work in a specific area, you always want to do work or you are aspired to work in this specific area of your choice. I'm sure you can certainly try and look out. Applying and trying out in that area and I'm sure there are very high chances of you getting through the interview process. For example, when you're applying for the specific area that you want to get into this is globally acknowledged. So as I mentioned that there is no constraint with respect to the location. So whichever the location that you're working in the PMP certification is always going to give you an edge over those better job opportunities not only within your current organization. You can apply through the internal job. Listings that are usually posted and that's usually a part of the organization processes and the policies the HR policies that we can apply for the internal jobs when they are open. Usually they're announced within the organization first then when you complete your PMP certification that will give you again a benefit through which you can apply for various job opportunities, and there are high chances that you can get through some of those job opportunities and you would be able to actually move onto up in the career ladder. Or it could get elevated into the same role as well. It will give you an edge over non PMP certified professionals. So as I mentioned earlier as well, so when there are 2 people for the interview in project management if somebody's PMP certified, I'm sure that person always gets an H over somebody who is not certified and you must have also read yourself many times that whenever you appear for the PMP certification or when you want to really get into this area then when you try and apply for These jobs when you read the job description, you will find that many times. They mention specifically explicitly that we are looking out for a project manager with PMP certified so you could see many advantages of PMP certification over here moving on to project management framework. Now, let's talk a bit about project management. Of course in the training. We will talk more about project management. As far as framework is concerned. We will be talking about various things. But for now as this session is more like a High-level introductory session. I'm just going to touch base on the project management framework. So if you see project management, you will find that as far as a PMI is concerned what PMI has done is that there are various process groups that are defined as a part of the pmis pmbok guide. So you'll find there are five process groups, which are there as a part of the framework. So first is as you see initiating process, then we have planning process. Then we have executing process closing process and there is a continuous monitoring and controlling process happen. So whenever we work on any project, you take example of any project typically what happens. So if you if you are into let's say software projects and you want to give customers a digital experience. Okay, so you decided to digitize all the possible opportunities that you would get with in your area. So essentially what you do you actually decide to put or create multiple phases in order to complete this project. So you start right from the feasibility study. So whether it is possible to do it, first of all, and the moment you get a confirmation on that then you get into a sort of maybe you create a business case. You'll create a benefits management plan Etc and all that. Once it is in place on approved. Then you start working with the project phases. So you way come up with various project phases right from initiating a project to Gathering requirements or doing analysis or design then you built it. Then you test it and then you deploy it so there are various phases. Now as for the project management framework, these process groups will fall under each and every phases. So when you enter a phase like for example when you enter a phase let's say called analysis. So you have a list of requirements that you have gathered for digitizing the various things that you could digitize within your area. Then you enter into a phase which is analysis phase then what you do you initiate the analysis phase. That means you basically think about what I need to do as a part of analysis what is going to be my All approach. Okay. So you initiate that you kind of get yourself ready? And once you do that, you start planning. Okay. So what all things are supposed to be doing within the analysis phase so creating the high level design and the low level design Etc could be some of my deliverables that I can think of and then I execute the plan that I have prepared. And once the execution is completed then you close the process but throughout this what I also do is during the analysis phase. I also ensure that whatever the activities that I'm performing. Whether those are as per the plan that I've created or not, so that continuous monitoring has to be done and therefore monitoring and controlling is a part of the analysis phase in this example. Similarly. This is going to be a part of each and every phase. So even if you move on to the next phase which is let's say creating design. All right, so that's where we talked about the high level and the low level design which could be done. Once the analysis is completed. All right or sometimes I have seen people combining that analyzed The new work on the design. So the whole point is then again, you start working on initiating getting yourself ready create a plan. Then you execute that plan. You monitor control. And once that phase is completed you close it. So the exit out of that phase and whenever you exit out of that phase you always have certain output from that phase. So for example high level and the low level design document could be the output of the phase that you have completed. So this is just a quick example, but when we will continue on this training you will we'll find that we have actually taken the examples of the project. I have actually showed various artifacts. So the design documents or the project Charter document or the business case documents of the projects which have been delivered in the past. So that will certainly give you an idea about how those artifacts look like on the project as well. So that's bid on the project management framework. So from pmbok point of view, we have got this process groups. There are five of them then we have 49 processes. Hoosier Again part of these various process groups and there are ten knowledge areas. So this is what is explained in the next slide. So this slide basically talks about the knowledge areas that are part of the pmbok guide. So as you can see here the knowledge areas like stakeholder management or project integration management scope management time management, right or schedule management cost management quality management Human Resource Management Communications management procurement. Management and risk management. So there are total 10 of them and each of these knowledge areas. You will find there are various processes. Let's take a quick one example, let's say project integration management. So when you work on Project you perform various activities. So one of the important function one of the important process should be integration. How are you going to ultimately integrate those activities so that we can show the progress of the project as one project and not different different projects. So for that what do I have to do? First thing that is done as a part of the project integration management is creating a project Charter. So when we start working on the project the project sponsor will hand over the project chart to the project manager. And then that's how the project manager is empowered to kick-start the project work and also authorized to use the resources on the project. The other could be developed project management plan. So once we have a project Charter in place, then we start working on creating a plan so that plan would include lots of other. How are we going to do quality marriage? How are we going to do scope management? How are we going to do schedule management? So these are the subsidiary management plans which then are built into the project management plan. Then we have direct and manage Project work. So this is where we actually start working on the project and then we'll have to also manage the various project activities that we are performing while doing that. We also have to continuously Monitor and control the project work and keep on checking whether what we are doing. Is it as per the plan on Not so if there are any deviations, then we always take corrective and preventive actions. So what are those actions again? We will cover as part of this training. Next thing is we perform the integrated change control because while working on the project is not a smooth selling experience, right? You may have experienced yourself many times change comes even towards late in the project and we need to respond to that change. Otherwise, there could be a customer dissatisfaction. So this is bit sensitive. So how to go about training managing that change effectively, so we need to set up Change control board. So how does that work? Etc is going to be covered as a part of this and once we do that, then we'll have to perform the project closure activities or the face closure activities. So this is how the various processes will fall into this knowledge area, which is integration management. Similarly. All these 49 processes will be covered as a part of this training and under each and every processes. We are actually going to talk about what are the inputs what are the tools and techniques that I'm supposed to be using and what? It's should I expect by the end of that process. So this training covers in a very comprehensive fashion all these processes and we'll be doing deep dive into inputs tools techniques and outputs as well most importantly at the end of each of these modules which are basically arranged by knowledge areas will also be taking lots of quiz and questions. So those questions will give you an idea about what kind of questions are asked in the EMP examination. Let's talk about PMP exam a PMP examination. As I mentioned we have certain things here to be considered first is the education. Another thing is experience. So if you are a high school diploma holder or maybe any Associated degree, which is global equivalent, then the expectation is in it, which is of course going to be around 60 months, right the expectation is you need to have experience of 7,500 hours into project management now that could be from any of the project. Management domains and not necessary from the project manager as a whole. Okay, as far as the rule is concerned you could be playing any role. If you are a bachelor degree holder or any Global equivalent, then with the custody six months of total education, then you are expected to have the experience of 4500 hours to project. So that's the experience required if in case you are the bachelor degree holder now in both the cases what is expected is 35 contact hours and you don't have to worry about that because when Our since you all are attending this training and by the end of this training program, you will be given 35 contact hours and that certificate is given to you and benefit of that is even if your application is identified as a part of the PMI audit process still you do not have to worry about that because you'll be able to provide them with the evidence of attending the training and gaining these 35 contact hours. So that certificate it's very easy then for you to produce that evidence as well. There are few things that we have to remember. Member while filling out the application form when you put down your experience ensure that that experience is non-overlapping if it is for 4500 hours of experience that you are putting it in the application that experience in the project should be during last eight years and that should be non overlap. That's very very important approximately 20% of the applications that I picked up under random audit for the random audit check. And again, even if your application is identified under this random audit still you don't have to worry about because you will get all the Support in order to complete the audit process with PMI whatever the evidence is that they might ask especially from the training point of view for that. You will be also given the support. So for example, the certificate is one of the evidence that you can produce to them in order to satisfy the requirement that you have gained 35 contact hours. The another important question which comes to many people's mind is the that experience of 4500 hours. For example, should it be as a project manager or should it be from any of the project? Judgment work. The answer is that experience can be from any of the project management domain or any of the project management areas that you have worked. So if you take example of a software project, you may be a tester and you are doing only testing but you are part of the projects even that experience is valid or you maybe just a developer and you are not really a project manager but still that experience of as a developer is going to be considered because ultimately you're part of the project. So it's fine even if you don't have experience by the title project manager. Since you participated in the project management by performing the various active days, and of course you were also part of that project and responsible for the deliveries of the project or deliverables, whatever the deliverables that you're working on that experience is also considered under this now exam fees is different for the PMI member and the non-member I would personally recommend you to go for membership because membership would have its own advantages now again in the exam also, there are two options one is computer. Based test and the paper-based again. I would advise you to go for computer-based because then you can see the result immediately after the exam is done. So when you go for a computer-based test, the member fees is 405 USD for non-member distribute 5 USD. If you go for paper based testing, then the fees is 250 USD for non-member. It's 400 USD. If you go for a re-examination by unfortunately if in case if it happens that you have to go for re-examination for computer-based you have to pay USD and for non-member, it is 375 USD for re-examination if it is paper-based then it is hundred 50 USD and for non-members is 300 USD the advantage with membership is because membership fee is just hundred thirty-nine again, there are few countries, which also get some additional discount. So if you put together the PMI membership fee and the member fees for the certification. If you put that together, then you will find that the total comes to more or less the same but the advantage here is Is that you will also get a PMI membership. First of all, that means you can certainly get an access to the professional. First of all to whatever is happening in the area project management and the different things that project PMI keeps doing this you'll get access to that at the same time. You will get the pmbok soft copy which is free of cost. So that is another benefit there. So that's the advantage there for the advice thing would be to go for the PMI membership. Now as far as the PMI number of attempts are concerned. There are only three to be So that within a year, so even if you have to retake exam Max, you can take it within three years. Now when you appear for as I mentioned, I think the renewal part we have already covered so you have to complete 60 pdu. So that is fine. Now. How is the exam pattern? It's a 4 Hour exam. So what are the practice that you have to do is ensuring that you sit at one place for four hours. So I would strongly recommend you before you go for EMP examination at least two times. You complete full time 200 question mock test so that you would at least be able to Practice for sitting for hours because that is something really important exam is conducted in a proper Prometric Center. There are 200 questions out of that 25 are pretest questions. So those will not be considered for the score but hundred seventy-five are the ones that are considered. However, you would not know which are those 25 questions, hence. You will have to bear for all this 200 questions. There is no negative marking as such and this exam is developed by group of individuals who have been working in the project management area for quite some time and they are of course. GMP certified or credential holders as well. So once you clear the PMP examination get the PMP certificate now, these days are soft copy comes so can go to the PMI account and you can download that soft copies each. That's it one sixth edition project management book of knowledge. What are the changes that have been introduced in inbox 6th edition. How is it different from the pmbok 5 so let's get started. Topic of our discussion is going to be about everything that's there in the pmbok in terms of the major changes that have happened within the pmbok Book of Knowledge, which is introduced sometimes in September 2017 will also take a look at how overall the pmbok body of knowledge or Book of Knowledge have evolved over the period of time. When was it launched for the first time and how it evolved so bit of a history bit of a journey of The pmbok is also going to be covered as part of this webinar will also take a look into the differences some of the major differences between the fifth ombak edition and the sixth pmbok edition and we'll highlight bit more about the sixth pmbok edition. So let's get started. So we'll start up a jump into the first topic which is about understanding the pmbok. The pmbok adds many of you must be already aware. That pmbok was released by the PMI now PMI, which is project management Institute. It's a global Institute. It's a nonprofit organization and it offers various certifications. So project management spoke up knowledge was released by the PMI and pmbok actually helps in preparing for these certifications like PMP. Not only that pmbok is also regarded as the Bible of project management because pmbok contains lots of information. Lots of important information which any project manager can refer to and therefore if you want to really learn about the foundations of the project management, you can certainly look up to the pmbok. And as I mentioned most importantly Embark is such a book of knowledge, it contains different processes some of the best practices various terminologies and guidance. So some of the guidelines provided in the pmbok are very very useful practically when we go back and start at applying some of the concepts principles and the best practices mentioned in pink Bach actually helps us in excelling in managing projects effectively. Therefore they say that pmbok is the golden standards in the project management. So these are some of the highlights of the project Management's Book of Knowledge. Let us now understand bit more about Kim Bak. The pmbok is nothing but a guide which is developed by the practitioners like me and the practitioners like all over World who are been practicing project management for many years. So they all are part of the PMI and being a PMI members and PMI active members. We always get an opportunity to participate in different surveys. They different ways through which PMI engages the practitioners. So one of the way through which PMI engages the practitioners is through the role delineation study. So in the rule delineation study, am I understand how the role of the project manager it changing over the period of time and that actually helps PMI in making Necessary changes to the p.m. Bach. Now, there are various people who have been practicing project management for quite some time and many of them are already PMP certified or pmi-acp certified or even for that matter the program management certifications. They have acquired through PMI. Now, these are the subject matter experts who are part of the PMI. Doctor and the PMI body who actually works in the area of the Box enhancement. Not only that Embark is basically a flagship of the PMI. And if you see the various publications of PMI, one of the important publication, which is being referred by many project managers and many aspirins of the various certifications like PMP, which is one of the most valued and the popular certifications, which is globally recognized for that you Need to know Kim bak and therefore one of the flagship publications of the PMI is definitely the pmbok now PMI as I mentioned earlier as well is definitely one of the nonprofit organization which actually helps in putting together. These guidelines is principles, which actually helps many project management people who are working in the project management areas as I mentioned to you about the RDS, which is nothing but the role delineation study and this particular study, which is Every five to seven years and this study actually gives lot of insights to the BMI in order to evolve the p.m. Bock so p.m. Bach evolves every five to seven years and we will take a look into the evolution of the pmbok in the next slide itself. Now if you take a look at the number of additions that were launched earlier and the latest addition the pmbok was first introduced in 1996 and from there the Journey of inbox started and now in September thousand and Seventeen the sixth edition was introduced. So if you take a look at the Timeline since 96 to 2017, there are various surveys various studies, which were conducted by engaging various experts in the area project management across the globe and all these people who are experts in to the project management. They came together PMI engages them effectively for various studies and surveys taking their inputs and all that important. Information actually helps in the evolution of the pmbok. So the Third Edition was introduced in 2004. The fourth edition was introduced was released in 2008. The fifth edition was released in 2013. And now the latest one which is September 2017. So this is the Journey of the pmbok evolution from 1996 to 2017. There are various editions which were released and Now the one that is referred to is the sixth edition and I don't know how many of you really aware but there have been recently also few changes done in the examination in March 2017. So the new examination pattern of the PMP is based on the March 2017 changes in fact, March 2018 changes, not 17 so we can certainly refer to some of those changes that were done in March 2018 in the PMP examination because the new exam with the PMP. based on those changes and it also certainly refers to the latest pmbok guide which is the 6th edition so that was bit of a history that is bit of a background and most importantly bit of on the evolution of the pmbok now also take a look at how ombak 5th edition and the pmbok 6th Edition can be compared if you put this together you would find there are certainly lot of enhancements that were done in fact I must say that the pmbok 6th edition is only one of the Edition which actually contains lots of changes and even if you take a look at the number of pages that were there in the fifth edition there were six hundred and sixteen pages but now the total number of pages have now been enhanced now been increased to 978 Pages which of course includes the agile practice guide as well since there is a lot of focus or agile in the market and companies are preferring the child ways of working as well so PMI has definitely noticed it Stood and this Insight also came from lot of practitioner, which is appreciated and to changes have been Incorporated in the sixth edition. Not only that PMI has also released a separate a child practice guide which is around a hundred and eighty six pages. So putting that together. The total number of pages in 6th edition are now 978. I'm sure this will give you an idea about the kind of changes that have been done in the sixth edition. So definitely, We can say this is one of the major addition in terms of the kind of changes and the number of changes that were done. So some of the statistics and some of the specifics if you look into I'm just going to glance you through this and we'll take some of the specific examples as we go ahead. So pmbok 5th edition. They were 47 processes all together as part of the enhancement. There are now two more processes added and now there are total forty nine processes now since there is also one more process deleted and we'll take a look into some of these actual examples. But very quickly if I have to just mention here, for example manage project knowledge is something that's added or implementing. The risk responses is something which is added newly and we'll take a look at some of the more changes that have been done in the pit box 6th edition apart from that the another important change you will find is in number of chapters. So now number of chapters are just 10 chapters, but you'll find there are not a focus which have been added especially from the rule of the project manager. Because role of the project manager is been added as a separate chapter altogether in the pmbok 6th edition, which is definitely very useful and we will also be talking about another important angle, which is PMI Palin triangle which gives lot of insights into the importance of being aware and importance of being developed as a project manager into areas like business like technology like leadership. So we'll also touch upon that as one of the important changes in the pit. OCH 6th edition moving to the another important change in terms of the change to the naming of the processes. So there are few processes that were renamed. So for example acquired project team now becomes acquire resources. One of the reason is also about it's not just about people in the team when we talk about resources. There are a lot of other resources also which needs to be acquired. It could be machineries. It could be different licenses that are required to run the project Etc. So now Book talks about acquiring the other resources apart from of course people control communication has now become monitor communication because it's about continuous monitoring which is required. Once you have the communication plans in place control risk now becomes monitor risks. So we need to on a regular basis go on monitoring the risk. So once we have a risk register prepared, it's important for us to continuously monitor risks control stakeholder engagement now becomes monitor stakeholder engagement. Aunt again the same principle is applicable here once we identify stakeholder and create the list of stakeholders and there is crisp of the stakeholder strategy. Once we have that in place it's important for us to go on monitoring that develop project team now becomes develop team. Now when we talk about develop team, it's definitely Beyond just the project team because we keep on interacting with lot of teams beyond the project team just manage project team has now become manage team, so Our focus is there from the overall the team management point of view perform quality assurance has now become manage quality. Now, we talk about managing the overall quality on the outcome or the product or service or result that we are producing plan Human Resource Management has now become planned Resource Management. As I mentioned when we talk about resources on the project. It just not about the human resources. It's also about the other resources that we use on the project. It could be the machineries it could Be the other licenses that are required. It could be even the hardware and software that are required. So all that put together becomes the list of resources that are required on the project. So all of those needs to be a part of your resource management plan, so these are some of the specific changes in terms of the processes now since there have been a changes in the number of processes you will find these particular processes have now been renamed accordingly plan stakeholder management has now become And stakeholder engagement because we are talking about engaging the stakeholders effectively. Once we have a stakeholder list in place. So how can we come up with the response strategy to the stakeholders and we can move them from one level to the another level based on the kind of Engagement that we have on the project moving from there. Let's also take a look at some more changes in terms of movements within the processes. So definitely one of the processes that have been moved from the Project time management earlier it was called as the time management in the fifth edition now regarded as project Resource Management. The new name to the time management is the schedule management, but this particular process have completely been moved from the project time management to project Resource Management. So when it comes to estimating activity resources now, it's going to be done as a part of the resource management because a separate attention separate focus is been given to managing the Also related activities and estimating the time required for that. So this is another important change that's been done. Let's move to the next topic now understanding what's new from only the pmbok 6th edition point of view. Let's take a look at that from the new additions point of view. There are certainly few new additions that are done in terms of processes, which are those processes are now been added here. So as I mentioned earlier the process is like control resources is now there as a new Process under project Resource Management knowledge area which of course fits into monitoring and controlling process group apart from that Implement risk response, which is now a part of the project risk management under executing process groups manage project knowledge is now added newly as a part of the project integration management, which is definitely a part of the executing process groups. So these are the three processes which are added completely new as a part of the sixth edition and it definitely makes a lot of This as you would recognize as you would appreciate in terms of why some of these processes are added as a part of these knowledge areas as I mentioned earlier one of the example of the process which is deleted and that process is close procurement. And why does it make sense? If you really take a look project management or project manager is not really involved heavily as a part of closing procurement because most of these activities there are done as a part of the procurement manager or the legal team. Eames responsibility and this has come very clearly from all the exports as well. And if you are working in the organization, I am sure you will also support this change very clearly because if you see from the close procurement point of view closing those contracts and closing those the agreements that are there with various vendors Etc. So all those activities are largely managed independently by the procurement team and the legal team compliance team Etc. So hence now here we will need to really get into much. Once we initiate the closure rest of the activities are done by the procurement team itself. And therefore close procurement is now deleted from the sixth edition of the pmbok. So that's another major change in terms of addition of the new processes. If you see addition of the new chapter all together as I mentioned earlier as well rule of project manager is the new chapter, which is introduced by the PMI in the pmbok 6th edition as I was mentioning about this PMI Talent. Triangle there are three different aspects of the triangle which are covered as part of this chapter covering about the business aspects under strategic business and management, which actually makes a lot of sense because as a project manager, we need to understand the business aspects as well that will give you a lot of insights right from how the business case was initiated. What is the context behind the project Etc Technical and project management knowledge is very very crucial for any project manager whether its software project or That is a construction project or research and development project having the technical knowledge certainly gives you an edge over others. And of course the project management knowledge is must have leadership certainly makes a lot of value add over here because whether people are reporting into you or it's completely a matrix structure. It doesn't really matter. You need to drive things by engaging all the stakeholders and their you need those leadership skills. So leadership skills. Is definitely becomes one of the important aspect of the PMI Stalin triangle going from their continuing the new additions. Definitely. There are few changes that are done from tools and techniques point of view as well. So at the tools and techniques, you will find that totally if you put together there are around a hundred and thirty two recent techniques that are there in this particular Edition what's done differently is that they have grouped some of these tools and techniques together under the areas like communication or data analysis. Our decision-making Sutra which is kind of The Logical grouping of some of these tools and techniques that is been done which definitely makes a lot of sense when we refer to a pimp walk. When we do the study. It actually helps in relating these tools and techniques to the respective groups. So overall there are a hundred thirty two of them under these various groups swap. These groups are mentioned on the slide as well apart from that there have been changes that are done from the agile point of view. So introduction to Agile was done from the the point of view of covering the various aspect related to the agile ways of working and those aspects are focused by addition of the agile and adaptive environments under each of the knowledge areas. So bait Communications management or bead risk management bit schedule management. So if you pick up any of these knowledge areas under these knowledge areas very specifically some of these agile aspects are covered again from the tools and techniques and inputs and the Which point of view as well some of the agile ways of working and the techniques have been specifically highlighted and covered as part of the sixth edition agile, iterative adaptive and hybrid environments. There is a separate section all together under appendix which talks about the iterative ways of working adaptive ways of doing the planning Etc and a separate practice guide as I mentioned earlier as well, which is 186 page separate practice guide is also introduced the another important Point here. To note is this agile practice guide is also very useful when you are appearing for the pmi-acp examination. So if you are into agile and you have relevant experience, and if you are aspiring to become the pmi-acp, which is a child certified practitioner for that. Also, the actual practice guide will be very very useful now continuing from there. Let's also take a look at Small Change in terms of the notations like ongoing processes non ongoing processes. You're fine. This one of the small changes in terms of the notations that is done another good thing. In fact from the point of view of reaching out to more people. The PMI has really taken into consideration some of the changes in terms of making the pmbok 6th edition available into various languages. And as you can see on the screen, there are various languages into which the PMI 6th edition is now available and which is definitely a welcome change because PMI caters to various certifications and And those can be done by people across domain and industries, so irrespective of which domain and irrespective which industry you work in the pmbok knowledge can be very very useful to refer to from taking that guidance taking that, you know principles references from the project management point of view. If BMP training program what we're going to learn today, we're going to learn today about what is project and its importance of the project management. We will also understand the relationship between project program and portfolio and operations management the key components of project management how to go about doing tailoring and the most importantly some of the project management business documentation in this training. What am I going to do? Basically, I will be taking you through various topics that are there. As a part of the pmbok guide 6th Edition at the same time. We will also be going through what it takes to get that PMP certification get that PMP credential why the PMP credential is important at the same time. We're all the PMP credential could help you in Excel in terms of different industries that we see here apart from that we will be also actually going to go through some of the documentation some of the artifacts of the actual projects that were delivered. So those artifacts those documents will definitely give you an idea about how you can go about writing a project Charter or how you can go about writing a project documents like business case. What we will be doing basically is that as part of this training program will be talking about the introduction Force which talks about a little bit about PMP certification and this will kind of help us in getting our journey started as far as a PMP certification. He's concerned. I'm sure some of you may have multiple questions on your mind. Like why I should be going for PMP certification. I remember a lot of people asking me question especially people from it as well as non it now that we also have pmi-acp and we have a PMP certification as well. So why we should go for PMP certification, I strongly believe that for those people who would like to develop their career in the area of project management and if they want to strengthen The foundation of project management PMP certification is definitely the one certification that we should look forward to apart from that there are numerous advantages of doing the PMP certification as you can see here on the screen some of these advantages we have highlighted one of the most important benefit. I see of doing PMP certification is this is the most recognized certification today in the industry and not only in a particular industry, but you go to any industry that you work for. Or this is definitely one certification that the companies are looking into people who are aspiring to become the project managers. This is globally recognized certification by all the industries. As I said apart from that this particular certification PMP not only demonstrate your knowledge, but most importantly it also ensures that you have experienced before you apply for the certification. So it takes care of your experience your education and the competency. So all these Together makes you the PMP certified individual and and that's its strength. And that's precisely why many Industries out there today look for people who are certified into PMP certification. Now this will certainly help you increase your marketability. When you go out looking out for a job or within your organization, when you look out for promotions, one of the things that I have seen certainly gives us H over competition is this credential which is PMP certification. And we also found typically people who are PMP certified people who are PMP professionals. They have got 15 to 20% higher salaries over the non-certified people. So PMP certification will definitely put you on spot and give you a edge over many people out there who are looking out for the job opportunities into the project management, or if you want to develop your career in this area, then you're definitely looking for a right certification. I was just talking about different industry. So we have already listed some of the industries here, but you name the industry and you will find that PMP certification could certainly be a big value add but to name a few Industries as you see on the screen page from the water supply to protection to mobile services education Healthcare apart from that even public transportation. So many of these industries that you see today, they actually look out for professionals who are PMP certified. When they come and work on any projects with it, non IT projects across domains and industries PMP certification is definitely very well recognized in terms of job opportunities. If you see sometimes people keep thinking about would they be any job opportunities by doing the PMP certification? So obviously you have gained some experience into project management on the top of that you have done a PMP certification that will certainly strengthen your case when you go out in the market. And look out for the job as far as the overall opportunities are concerned to the project management role by 2020. They're only going to grow and as you see on the screen, we've got these opportunities as well as growth is concerned as you can see in China us everywhere today. The project management rules are going to go up many folds by 2020 that means there is a huge opportunity for you out there in the market to apply for these roles. Is that will be created as a part of the project management and PMP certification will certainly strengthen your case when you'll go out and apply for some of these rules. Now when you decide to do PMP certification, first of all, I must appreciate your decision that yes, you have taken the right decision and we have just now seen why is it so now when you decide to do PMP certification and when you just commit to yourself? Yes, I want to be a PMP certified person then by when should you get It your journey, you should embark on your journey approximately one and a half to two months before you actually take the examination. So as you can see here, you take the examination sometimes here, right? So from that particular date one and a half to two months before you actually schedule your examination and before that itself you undertake or you undergo a training program. So you attain PMP certification training program and I would encourage you to attend this training program, which is by a do Rekha. And this particular training program will certainly cover everything that it takes for you to become PMP certified not only the certification but also other support you will get here the first and most important support that you will get is once you enroll for the virtual training program by Eddie Rekha lot of things will be covered and when you will Embark this journey for PMP certification, I'm sure lot of questions must be there on your mind and you would always need somebody who can support you who can guide you that me. At the right place, once you enroll for this program, this program will cover not only the codes outline defined by PMI for the PMP certification based on the pmbok guide 6th edition, but also a lot of support you will get from for submitting application. I have seen many people coming to me and asking me guidance on how to write an application a successful application because that's also very important. Your application might get rejected if you do not fill the application Properly so that application how to really go about writing the application how to put your experience how to ensure that you write properly about your project the experience that you're showing in whichever the project that you have done in the past how to ensure that you put down the experience which is non-overlapping within the last eight years, right? So all these things are certainly going to be looked into and then once the application formalities are completed. Let's say before one two, three weeks. Then you can schedule your examination and once the exam is scheduled the advantage here would be that you would get a Target. Now that after two to three weeks my exam is going to be there or maybe after four weeks. I have got my exam coming up. So that means you get a Target Target date and this much of time you would get certainly to prepare yourself. Now by the time you have already attended the training program. That means you have already gone through all the basics and you had gone through various knowledge. Which areas process groups as well as definitely a lot on a lot of questions which we covered as part of training as well. So all that is already covered. So it would be then very easy for you to prepare for your examination during this period or / 4 to 6 weeks after the training is completed after you schedule your examination. So you will get complete support from the edu Rica to fill out your application. Even if your application gets selected for the audit because approximately 20% And may get selected for the audit and many times. They could be a confusion in terms of how to face audit there. Also, you will get a lot of support here and assistance to face the audit from medical team personalized guidance will be provided by the smes like us who actually support delivering the training program throughout this study and most important thing is that you will have access to the course anytime. So even if you want a particular topic to be repeated you can always go back. Repeat that topic attend the topic again. You can sharpen your skills. You can realize a particular question for example, or maybe you want to clarify about understanding on a particular topic or in a particular area. You can always go back and do that. And that's the biggest Advantage with this training. I believe unlike the classroom training. So at times in classroom training what happens if you are not paying attention, that means you're gone. You can't really go back and ask to repeat the same. And after the training is over, then there is no opportunity at all. But here the biggest opportunity that you would get is you can always go back and play the recording play the session as many times as you want over and above there are also thousands more questions. And this is the most important thing. Once you are ready for the examination, especially in the last couple of weeks. You should be only focusing on taking up those more questions. And from where those more questions will come you can certainly refer to the director course for the more questions and thousand is definitely a good number and I always recommend before we appear for the final exam. Once you complete your study. It's important that you should appear for the examination by taking full 200 questions by sitting at once and taking those 200 questions at once at least twice before you appear for the exam that will give you confidence. Not only of facing questions, but most importantly sitting at a place for four hours. Because this exam duration is four hours and all these questions will come from this more questions that are already designed taking into consideration various contents. And of course the new topics the new pmbok guide changes that are happened. So once you clear the examination, once you are PMP certified, obviously, you have to renew your certification every three years and even for Renewal you need 60 pdus and those 60 pdus will come from the courses that you will attend through at Eureka. So enter a car definitely help there as well. You can get assistance in e-learning for learning different pdus. There are various courses that you can undergo and within three years again, you complete 60 pdus and you can rename your examination successfully the most importantly you will get support from madurai car theme 24 by 7 when you will enroll for this course, so I would strongly encourage you all to look no further than enrolling for the PMP certification codes from a do Rekha. So let's continue this session and let's understand more about the training approach overall. How are we going to deliver this training program for you all so we are going to cover here. The PM is philosopy, which is basically based on the contents that are outlined as part of the ombak guide. So I don't know how many of you got a chance to really see the pmbok guide, but it's definitely the big book which covers five process groups. There are ten knowledge areas and there are 49 processes and these 14 and processes will ensure that you understand various Concepts from project management. For example how to take care of communication with stakeholders how to go about putting everything in the charter and ensured that you are authorized as a project manager to work on the project and take decisions. For example how to do continuous monitoring and controlling of the project activities. So all these concepts are going to be covered as part of this training. And most importantly for each of these processes. There will be inputs tools techniques and outputs. There are these four things that we covered as a part of each and every process. So all these 49 processes will be covered and we'll be doing deep dive into inputs tools and techniques and output for each of these processes and we have taken lots and lots of examples on the top of that. I have also covered some of the actual artifacts of the projects. So which gives you an idea about how a project Charter actually looks like or how a business case actually looks like so we'll of course cover as part of this module business case the benefits realization plan and I will try and also give you an idea about how the project plan typically looks like to continue with. We have so far covered about a little bit about PMP certification a little bit about PMI certification now, we'll talk more about PMI as The Institute. So if you see PMI, it's a very old Institute and established in. 1969 that means if you actually see PMI has completed more than 45 years know and it's a global organization with headquarters in USA pain in Sylvia, and it's a project management Institute, which is based on nonprofit organization. It's a non-profit Association all together most importantly this institute is their worldwide in over a hundred and seventy-one countries and over five lakh members are associated today with this institute now p.m. I actually actively engages lot of professionals across globe and these professionals are engaged through conducting research in the area of project management as well as providing access to wealth and information. So lots of wealth of information and resources are available today with PMI related to project management now under project management again various areas, so that will the of information you will get to access. Once you become the member of PMI PMI also promotes career and professional development and lots of other Patients also it offers and most importantly it offers the opportunity to network and form the communities. So you'll find there are local chapters. There are local PMI chapters where people from the local area they come and participate and they talk about what's going on in the project management space and exchange their knowledge. They share their knowledge so that certainly helps big time as I mentioned that there are certifications from PMI. So as you can see here on the screen, Mean to begin with people with they have just started in the project management or they would like to start for them certified associate in project management is one of the certification for the beginners in the project management, then they can move to the PMP certification. Now people are working in agile or would like to have experience again. They're working at a child. They have experience in a child. They can go for pmi-acp certification apart from that. If you want to do a deep dive then go for scheduling professional. So again you are Project management and for quite some time if you want to strengthen your some of these areas like scheduling so you can certainly do the Deep dive into scheduling per se, you know, and then you also complete the certification same is the case with risk management. So if you have been practicing project management for quite some time, if you want to get into sort of specialization into this case, then I would recommend you the risk management professional. Otherwise also you can certainly jump into this because risk management is definitely one of the important Processes that we talked about as a part of PMP as well apart from that if you want to go for a little Next Level certifications like you have been doing project management for quite some time and now you got promoted into program management. So you can certainly go for PG MP is another certification and from there again from program. You can jump onto the portfolio management professional as well as you go ahead up in the ladder in your career. So as you see here there are lots of different certifications that are available. What I did, I'm moving to the prerequisite now this certification the PMP certification requires you and this is one of the biggest Advantage with PMP unlike some of the other Institute have seen that it ensures that you have experience you have completed enough education at the same time. You have also gained the actual experience of working in the project management. All right. So let's take a look at the prerequisite for appearing for the PMP certification. I'm sure some of you must have already gone. Gone through the PMP certification brochure, which is available on the PMI site. I would always recommend you to go to the PMI Dot o-- r-- g-- and browse the PMP certification brochure because they are you will get the latest information always but as far as the qualification criteria is concerned for PMP certification. You are expected to be high school diploma or Associated degree or anything which is global equivalent, which should be like 60 months plus and the project experience of Was is expected and of course 35 contact hours required for these experience in the project should be with the last eight years is what we need to remember contact hours is fine. So you can add contact a verse from last typically the ask for 35 contact hours anyways, so this particular training will give you 35 contact hours. So that's another benefit of attending this training program. So you will get a certificate and you can claim 35 contact hours out of that. The another way is if you are already a bachelor Degree holder, then it's pretty straightforward. So in terms of you already have 36 plus months of the formal education. And if you have 45 hundred hours of experience. Now, this experience should be non-overlapping experience working in to project not necessary as a project manager. You could have worked in whichever the domain whichever the area within the project management. That should be fine. And even here also, the expectation is 35 contact hours so you don't have to worry about 35. I was in this case and that's the best part because since you all have already enrolled for this program and you are going to get the certification of completion of the training and 35 contact hours. You can claim through that now some of the things that we need to keep in mind that this particular experience should be non-overlapping as I explained. So if your worked on two projects ensure that those two projects start and end date should not be overlapping. Okay. So that is one of the important things then project experience should be only from last eight years. Years and not before that 20% applications as I mentioned are picked up for random audit, so don't worry, even if your application is picked for the audit, we will definitely support you there and apart from that. Once you clear the certification. If you appear for the online examination, you will definitely get the soft copy of the certification and your score you will immediately come to know if you appear for the online examination apart from that from the predict point of view. The designation is not an issue that would there be Specific rule I should have played. So in a project there are multiple roles, right? So if you take example of a software project, you may be a developer or you may be a tester or you maybe just doing the deployment of the code that is written or deployment of the releases. Okay or deployment into other environment Etc. So you are contributing your you're definitely the team member to the project that is running right? So it is not necessary that you need to be project manager to have that experience. Variants of 4500 hours, even if you have this experience of working on any project by any role still you qualify for the PMP certification provided that you have non-overlapping experience of 4500 hours. And of course the other prerequisites as we discussed now, let's get on to the pattern of PMP certification. This is another important thing for us to understand as I mentioned PMP examination is for ours, so it's definitely longer and this is where it sometimes. I've seen people struggle if you do not practice enough, so you have to first of all practice to sit for four hours, right? And therefore I mentioned that you need to at least take two full 200 question mark test before you appear finally for the examination. It's conducted in the Prometric Center. So that means it's properly enemies you later at the same time. There is an environment where in the exam is conducted. So it's an examination environment. You'll find there is a camera and everything. So this examination is Is conducted in a proper Prometric Center and with proper in visualization, there are 200 multiple choice questions and you'll get four hours now top 200 question. What is important to notice is a hundred and seventy five questions are only considered for the final score and there are 25 questions, which are pretest questions or these 25 questions will not be considered for your final score, but you would not know which are those 25 questions hence for you? Wanted question is what you need to look for because you would won't be able to differentiate between which are those 25 questions for pretest and which are those 175 questions. So for you you have to attempt all the 200 questions. There is no negative marking definitely and the examination is developed by individuals or group of individuals. So people who have been working in the project management area for quite some time and they have acquired Knowledge and Skills and expertise. So these are those girls who get to participate in the examination. I remember even p.m. I approached me for pmi-acp examination, but since I delivered training program, hence, I didn't get to participate. But otherwise if you don't deliver the training program and if you want to contribute actively into as a PMI that individual or the group of people you can certainly nominate yourself or sometimes PMI directly approach you as well after clearing the examination as I said you will if it is a soft if use online Mission then you can immediately see the result and you should be able to then even we are soft copy of the certificate immediately after the examination. I guess there are few hours, but that should be available more or less after the examination is completed successfully. All right. So this is about the examination pattern. Now, let's come to the examination fees very quickly will go through the fees that you would be paying. Now. There are two options one is computer based testing and there is a paper based testing also available if you are Are appearing for the paper based testing. Then your score will not come immediately. Right it will take time. But if it is computer base, then your score will definitely come immediately. Now, if you see the p.m. Experience and education we have already covered this part, but what you need to understand is for computer-based exam. The charges are food 0 5 and if it is if we read this as members and non-members. All right, so if you are PMI member the charges for you will be 4:05. If you are not PMI members in triple five. If it is paper-based for PMI members 254 non-p. My members is 400 similarly. We can take a look at the re-examination computer-based and the paper-based. So it's always Wise It's always even if you do any math, you would know that it's always good to do the pay my membership to take P my membership and then appear for the PMB examination. So if first take the membership, of course you first create your account on the PMI Dot o-- r-- g-- site you take the membership and then You go for the PMP certification this way you will land up paying more or less the same amount, but the most importantly you will get membership for one year on the top of that. You will also get a soft copy the latest window guide. So that is the biggest Advantage here right now. We can also go for the PMI local chapter membership. So these membership fees you can check locally. How much are they? And as I mentioned earlier, when you renew your PMP certification after three years, you will have to complete 60 pdus. Professional development unit and for this 60 pdus also you can certainly take up the courses of Eddie Rekha and these courses will help you gain those 60 pdus most important information. I remember I did mention this earlier as well. But again, I would like to emphasize that if you want to appear for PMP examination, and since you have already taken this decision go to PMI dot orgy and refer to the PMP handbook very importantly. MP handbook will give you the latest information about everything that it takes to know about PMP examination. Right right from the prerequisite to the examination fees to exam retakes, everything all the information all the questions that you may have about the exam. You will be able to get those clarified through this PMP certification. Okay, so that was paid at a high level about the examination and about PMI excetera. So that was just the basic information. From that I provided so far about the examination. I just want you to then take you through the basics of the project management. So we'll get started with the basics of the project management and then will gradually get onto bit of a deep dive into some of the areas that I have already told you about. So starting with the pmbok guide so pmbok guide is project management book of knowledge. Now this particular guide which is published by PMI and this is considered as distilled version of project management body of knowledge. And now the sixth edition is available, which is already introduced last year and this particular 6th edition is basically the source of information now, which is referred across these PMP training course is based on the 6th edition. And hence. This course will cover everything in terms of your knowledge areas the process groups as per the sixth edition of pmbok guide. Now Kimber guy, it is structured typically like this. So it will have key Concepts Trends and emerging practices. Tailoring what needs to be done to tailor a process considerations for project adapt to environments Etc. So each knowledge area, you will find these four sections. So the way this course is designed is exactly based on the ombak guide structure will be also talking about the key Concepts from each of these processes that will be talked covering. There are 49 processes that will have and there are ten knowledge areas that we'll be covering. So under each of these knowledge areas and the processes we will touch about key Concepts Trends and emerging practices how to tailor a process and if you are implementing agile, or if it is adaptive environment that you're working in then how to go about considering some of the newer Concepts from agile and adaptive environments pmbok guide these typically structure. It will give you the project environment technology areas role of the project manager. So this is something that is introduced as a part of the sixth edition. It was not their previously do towards their but it was embedded into Different knowledge areas, but now roll up project manager is going to be covered explicitly as a part of the separate structure as a part of the structure structure of the pmbok guide itself apart from the 10 knowledge areas. And of course the project management foundations you is also covered as part of this. So I would strongly recommend you after going through the training program at least once you should go through the pmbok guide. It's always good to know. So the fundamentals of project management and rid at least once even it is slenderizing. The even if it is book bigger book, but reading it once is definitely the Target that you should take. Okay, let's move on the fundamental question. I'm sure you can ask yourself is what is a project now since this particular training PMP certification training and the certification is basically for the project. So it's important for us then to learn about the definition of project. So what is there now think from the examination point of view objective of this training is to make sure that you prepare for the examination. So as per the PMP certification, what is the definition of a project so project is a temporary and river which is undertaken to create unique product service or result. So if you take any project ultimately will get some outcome and that outcome is unique that outcome could be you will undertake a project and at the end of the project what you will get is a product. All right, or at the end of the project what you will get maybe a service or you will get some result but that is going to be unique what you will create at the end of the project. Is unique apart from that project is a temporary Endeavor. So you will always find one thing that project has a start date and the ended so project will be ended when you achieve the objectives of the project or sometimes it may happen that there is no funding available or the project objectives are obsolete or sometimes the project is terminated. There could be various scenarios that you may come across but definitely another attribute, which is also equally true is Project is unique. So you'll always find that even though Buildings that sometimes you see those are identical but at least you will find some attribute which is unique to each building. So that means if you see put together everything here, you'll find that projects are unique they are temporary and they are undertaken to create a unique product service or a result. You can take example of IT project or an on it project. If you are developing a product and that particular product development that you have undertaken is for a Year's period Within that one year you actually go through various phases of the project. You could have undertaken a feasibility phase. Then you have done the analysis. Then you have actually done the development and then you have implemented it. So you have gone through various phases in order to build that product and by the end of the one year what your produce is that product which will take it to the market and then you will sell the product. So that means in this example we have seen that what's unique is basically that product that you're producing that product. Be any product. It could be it product. It could be 90 product that you're producing and the project that we have just said has got a start date and the ended we have got one year in between and within that one year, we're doing all the project phases activities and it's a unique product that you're producing at the end of the day as well. Right which you can take it to the market. So, of course as we go ahead we will take multiple examples of the project as well. But from definition point of view, we need to just remember some of these keywords. That from the pmbok guide and from PMP exam point of view projects are of course unique their temporary nature and what we produce at the end of the project is product service or some result. Now, if you take the examples of like projects Drive change, you will come across project why they are initiated. You must be thinking about why projects are initiated. So sometimes projects are initiated to drive change. I have seen that organizations undertaking big transformation. Those transformation projects are basically to drive change within the organization. I was part of such a transformation project and the transformation project was about the agile transformation within organization. So it was 18 months project and that has a start date and the end date and then lot of activities have were undertaken as part of this project and then with an objective obviously there was objective that they want to shift from the traditional mindset or traditional way of working to the edge. Child way of working so that is completely a project to drive change at the organizational level right now project could be also undertaken to enable business value creation. No value could be tangible or intangible. That's fine. But what is the value how value is going to be generated in the business? It could be by launching a new product altogether or new line of business, whatever that line of business that you would like to enter into and you are undertaking a project basically to enter in to that new. Line of business and that's going to add value and that you can measure it. How can you measure that value obviously value could be measured in the form of the benefits that you're going to realize once the project or that product is in the market. All right. So sometimes that value could be intangible by launching the product service or result. You will be able to achieve the customer satisfaction sometimes not everything is measured in the form of value. Right? So customer satisfaction can be measured in the form of Value, but definitely when you achieve the customer satisfaction, you can generate more business out of the satisfied customers and you can even do the cross selling of the product. So that's the intangible benefit which is difficult to measure but there is definitely a benefit that we can show so sometimes projects are undertaken just so that we achieve those intangible benefits. There are also projects which are initiated sometimes to meet the regulatory requirement. I have worked on many regulatory projects now some of Projects were initiated so that we can fulfill the regulatory requirements of the customers. Alright. So for example, there are certain like if you work in a banking industry, there are certain reports which needs to be furnished which needs to be submitted to The Regulators now an IT project is initiated so that those reports are produced out of the data, which is gathered from all the it systems across Banks it organizations. It's a captive organization typically and you get data from multiple. Apple it systems and then that data is ultimately used to prepare various reports which are then submitted to The Regulators. So that means you initiate a project so that you can fulfill the regulatory requirement or legal or social requirements to satisfy customer requests or need as I said that sometimes we initiate a project outer periphery Quest that we received from the customer. So sometimes product is already there and now you are getting the change requests just so that we can make enhancement to the products that we are using. We also initiate the project so that we implement or change business or sometimes technology technology is another change that I have seen suppose if you want to go for the evergreening project. So that's where you actually demise the old infrastructure and you are upgrading to the new infrastructure. So that's purely because of the technological advancements that have happened in the market and I've seen that companies are investing a lot of money in changing their technology stack, especially with the devops coming in every company wants to to make themselves devops ready so that they can establish the continuous integration continuous delivery pipeline build Pipeline and then deploy more frequently to the customers so that they can capitalize on the deployments that are happening or they could be also created out of the let's say you want to improve a product or release some fixes Etc. So even those could also be the reason why the project gets initiated so projects as you can see here the project could get initiated due to various reasons. Since some of the examples we can take here which are specific to these categories that are listed down. So first could be developing a new product service or a result. So let's say you are working in an automobile industry and there is a strategic Vision that you are owner of the company has to manufacture a car which is priced at least the cheapest car. So that's the Strategic Vision that you are owner of the company has and with that vision. You then start working on a product. So that means you undertake a project which will produce a product to fulfill that Vision. All right, and that vision is to manufacture a car with what I would say the cheapest car in the market so that cheapest car in the market to manufacture that obviously for that product to manufacture. You will undertake a project and that project may run for three years for two years or even four years depending upon the complexity of the project Etc. But ultimately what you get at the end. Of that project is that product which is cheapest right? You may succeed or you may fail in the project. That's a different thing. But ultimately the outcome of the project is some product or it could be some service. All right. So if you are launching a customer care service, let's say you wanted to you are into a call center business and then you are providing services to your customers. So there are various such a services that you could introduce and just launched those Services. You could undertake various projects or they could be see some result immediately that we may get as a result of the project that you have undertaken. It could be affecting a change in structure process Staffing or style of an organization have seen sometimes that a projects are undertaken so that the structure of the organization May undergo a change or for that matter the process Improvement. You must have seen a lot of process Improvement projects. So I gave you example of lean Six Sigma project which are undertaken so that we can make the process lean. We can enhance the productivity. Etc or I have seen even the projects are undertaken to reduce the cost associated with staff. So maybe you undertake a project where in the solution is to put the robotic process Automation rpas and through our PA you are actually cutting down the staff cost. So that's another example of a project. So as to introduce change projects are also undertaken for developing or acquiring a new or modified information system. So you are procuring new hardware or software. And so sometimes those are like infrastructure projects which are undertaken just so that you replace the old Hardware which is no longer supported by the oems of those Hardware's whom you bought that Hardware or for example software so lot of ever grinning as I said, sometimes if the software is not supported you would like to either upgrade that or you would like to change the solution. One of the biggest reason for this could be the security issues. You want to protect yourself from the security threats that These days we see coming through the another opportunity is conducting a research efforts. So we conduct our research efforts and obviously what we get at the end of that research effort is some outcome construction. I think this is pretty straightforward. You are constructing a bridge or your maybe you're setting up an industry or it could be a big turkey project that you're undertaking or for that matter. If you are changing any business process, so lots of these examples that you would see here. I hope with this set of examples now, it must be very clear. R2 you that project is a temporary ND were with start date and end date and what we get is unique and that is product result or some service at the end that we get out of a project. So what is the importance of project management ultimately so why we are doing whatever the efforts that we have been talking about why we're putting in so much of efforts. So project management is all about applying the knowledge skills tools and techniques, but in order to apply this knowledge skills tools and techniques first of all. We need to know which are those knowledge. What is that knowledge? What are those tools and techniques if you don't know how would you apply and that's what exactly we train people on so this training actually talks about knowledge skills tools and techniques skills. Of course you acquire as you go on applying the knowledge, but for that you need to know what kind of skill set are required now, it is also required because there is a Cutthroat competition that's there in the market. So if you want to prove yourself that you are different and that you are char. Sharp and at the same time you have got those skills that are required to be there. So as to be effective so that you can effectively manage the project and not the poor project manager for that matter. So how would you be able to distinguish that so there are there are certain things, you know that are required here actually, so effective manage project which actually helps individuals groups public or private organizations for few things for sure. So one is of course meeting the business objectives. What are the business objectives that you have visualize yourself? For that you have actually drawn so those business objectives will be achieved. So as I said manufacturing of the cheapest car if that's the Strategic Vision with which you have started the project you achieve that business objective by the end of the project satisfy stakeholder expectations. So you deal with n number of stakeholders on the project again, depending on the complexity of the project. So how would you satisfy the needs of the stakeholders the expectations of the stakeholders the changes that they are requesting so you'd be able to do that if you do it effectively and Overall chances of success will go up most importantly managing the constraints of project you'll be able to manage project constraints effectively if you have those skills, and if you have that knowledge and risks is another important key area. How do you manage risks? So you will be able to learn to manage risks through the difference tools and techniques that will be covering as a part of this training delivering product on time is the key to successful project as we always say we have project constraints. Of course, we'll be talking about those and those Constraints we need to keep on mind and ensure that we are delivering the project within those constraints of the project when you begin working on the project, you will come across multiple changes from the stakeholders. So if you dont know how to ban a change effectively, you will struggle to accommodate that change within the project that you're working on and therefore in order to effectively manage project. You need to have the skills and tools and techniques poorly managed project would certainly lead to multiple. Age here, there could be a failure in achieving the objectives Miss deadlines cost overruns. We come across the situations, right? Whatever the project budget that is given I have seen sometimes project manager land up paying more or land up spending more than how much is the budget given or they could be a compromising the quality of the outcome that that is being produced or they may land up in doing lot of pre-work and rework is a vest and that requires a lot of money and all these lead to unsatisfied stakeholders for that matter. So therefore project management is definitely very important. And hence. We need to learn the associated knowledge and the skills that are required to manage project effectively. And obviously we need to also know what are the tools and techniques that are required and most importantly we need to be using the right tool and right technique at right time. So that's what is going to be covered as part of this training. So we'll be covering each and every processes and we'll be covering the each and every tool and technique that is required. Now if you see project manager meant as a methodology of each organization, I have seen they have done some sort of customization. It's not like they may follow whatever we are going to talk about as it is. So this is going to be always customization. So templates I have seen every organization will have their formats if will have their own templates. There will be a policies around how to manage vendors they'll be policies around how to go about doing the human resource management Etc. There will be certain processes over and above what we are going to covered which are Specific to the organization as well and there are a lot of guidelines that are available as well. But most important thing is when we talk about a methodology we're talking about we should be able to plan project properly monitor it properly and control the project properly within the organization and to do that what is required is going to be covered as a part of this training. So PMP certification training will actually cover the project methodology as a whole and that will give you an idea about what kind of Late, I should be using when I put or when I start working on the project Charter or when I create a business case how I should be going about doing that or what policies I should be no bare minimum policy. I should be having right what kind of a guidelines I need to follow when I am doing a particular thing. So from project management methodology point of view. These are some of the areas that are needs to be looked into now. Let's move on to one of the most important points, which is about constraints of the project. So we called as compensating. our project constrains if you ask me how the project managers performance is revived or performances judged I would say it's based on how that project manager is overall managing the constraints of project because every project will have these constraints when I'm saying constraints, what does that mean actually, so there are these six constraints that we talked about scope time cost quality risk and resources now there are constraints because If you change one at least one other will get affected. If you increase the scope of the project obviously cost might go up right if you don't increase the cost, and if you're just increasing the scope risk might go up and quality might go down right at the same time if you reduce the time, if you want something to be deployed early or finished early. They're obviously we need to increase number of resources. If you don't increase number of resources, then it's going to cost you either you're not be able to complete. All the scope or you will not be able to achieve the quality that is expected to be there. So you have to play around with these constraints. So effective project manager would know how to deal with these constraints and most importantly if there is change to any of these constraint. It's important to go back and update the relevant documents that are being created. So could be a scope management plan risk management plan or Resource Management plan. So we need to go back and update these documents as well. If there is any change to the constraints, right, so from that point of view, these constraints are very very important to manage and this constraint is to be managed from the point of view of the stakeholders. They should also be satisfied because if the scope is not fulfilled your stakeholders might not be then satisfied. So, how can you deal with the scenario wherein you are behind the schedule that means either you have to reduce the scope or you have to delay your project by maybe a couple of weeks, so you Are in such a situation then how would you handle this situation? And that's where the project managers skills and knowledge will come into picture. So how can you go back to the stakeholders and understand the importance is it scope delivering is important as it is or is it the schedule that is important? Like when I was working on a regulatory project. So from The Regulators point of view most important was delivering it within the time because that timing is most important. Otherwise your company might be find you will have to pay the regular. Finds so from the school point of view. We had to go back and reprioritize the scope items. So they were certain scope items which were just good to have so we had to really drop them off and whatever rest of the scope items we have then taken them ahead within the available schedule. So what's important here is to understand how you can make use of this constraints to the best of your knowledge and to go back and negotiate with the stakeholders. All right. So I have now I have made it clear the most important thing how to deal with project constraints and we'll talk about now the project program portfolio and then OPM as well. So talking about project and strategic planning. So let's get started with the project and strategy planning forced. So typically what happens if you talk about a program, it's always made up of multiple projects and a portfolio would have projects and programs put together and then that's how Lately, everything is aligned with the organizational goals objectives or whatever the Strategic plan that is created. So I gave you this example of if you want to manufacture a cheapest car if that is a vision high-level strategic plan that is created then probably you might need to run multiple such a programs and the projects because it is a complex project altogether, right? You will have to learn run multiple projects and this program would include lot of components in it. It okay. So component would be there could be a vendor management activities that needs to be separately handled they could be active days. We're in establishing a plan where this assembly line. For example where this car would be manufactured or for that matter. There could be another component all together in order to Source the material that is required in the cost that we're looking out for that's another component altogether. So based on these components, then you would form various projects Within These itself. What setting up the assembly line could be a project in itself? All right, so procuring the material right or sourcing the windows to procure the material just in time could be another project in itself. So that's or typically happens. You have some strategy guide line. You have a some strategic Vision or a plan for that matter that triggers various projects and programs and then all those becomes a part of the ultimate portfolio at that level the overall government. Science is managed. So program and the project management will ensure that the programs and the projects are managed in a right way. So that is very very important. The most important thing is you need to categorize these programs. So for example, you have the programs which are similar kind of a project should be part of that program. Of course, we'll take example as we go ahead but portfolio management alliance with portfolios. So what we can do is that probably we can take example and then you would be in a position and then we can come back. I can also see what exactly we mean to say. So this particular example is to understand the difference between project programs and a portfolio. So at a portfolio level what you're basically deciding is so that's your maybe strategic plan. You're planning to put up a new line of business in the organization. So strategically, that's what you have decided so you could run a market research project for that. Okay, so would it be really feasible to go ahead and set up a new line? Of business altogether so you're doing a market research activity, which is a separate project in itself. Now if you see the kind of programs that I might need to create under this portfolio would be marketing. Okay. So here I am setting up a new line of business. I need to think about how am I going to Market that then I would also need to think about the application development as a separate component altogether then content development would be there. So I would run these three different programs and under these three different. Grams, there could be multiple projects running like under marketing. I would have a product launch as a separate project altogether. So all the activities that are pertaining to product launch would then be carried out under this project or New Market development would be another project in itself. So these couple of projects which are related projects which are in a link project would then be clubbed with this component which is marketing as a program similarly for the application development. I would look into Various things as well. Like for example, I would think about a web application Android and the iOS based application as well. So there I would Club these related projects under this program, which is application development. So this will actually ensure when I complete all these three projects, I'll be able to complete the application development program as a whole similarly in case of content development. So I would need to look for the content now my project could be classified based on. We class 1 Class 2 class 3 class for contents. Okay. So this is just one example one representation. You could do it multiple ways as well. There are multiple ways to do that. But this is one way which will give me a better visibility better opportunity to establish a proper governance at the portfolio level and thereby control what's going on in each of these projects and programs if we talk about operations operations will focus more on the ongoing activities and operations will come into picture. Once we launch the for example, once the application is built and it is launched. Then the operations will come into picture until then you are actually working within the project itself or program. So project in operations May intersect. This is very important to understand actually so we have seen a project now, we have seen operations as well operation will come into picture once you launch the product or a service into market and then you start supporting that then you start making enhancements or then you start supporting the customers Etc. So what is important here is that though? Operations team will take the full control. Once the product is in the market but that intersection happens at multiple points. And which are those points where the intersection happens. When is of course When developing a new service or product you need to involve the operations team as well so that they would know that something like let's say the web application is coming on their way for support you could also do that when you improve the operation so sometimes what ins when there is an existing application and then you're enhancing. So again, you engage the operations team as well most importantly at the end of the product life cycle. There would be a proper hand over between the project team and the operations team so that Handover has to happen properly and we need to pass on all the relevant documents to them and at the end of each phase closure we need to also invite the operations team so that there is a proper handshape happening and they are not engaged only towards It in the project. So some of these things is to be taken into consideration. So I hope this example must have given you a fair idea about program project and how a typical strategic plan initiate the launch of a program and a project so project program and portfolio is clarified. So portfolio, which is typically at a strategic level. So this is where the collection of projects or programs happen. We have just taken one example here and they are basically grouped together so that we Can facilitate them effectively from overall governance and management point of view which will ultimately help in achieving the Strategic objective. So in earlier example, the Strategic objective was to launch a new line of business. So that's how it is program is where we collect projects together and they're definitely interrelated or sometimes they are interdependent as well. But most importantly the obtain benefits which are not available from individual components. So if you see only the web application will not give as Much benefit as even when you add the Android app or iOS, so when they put together then application development as a program will deliver much more benefits multiple interrelated projects needs to be run parallel. So sometimes they are done parallelism times. They are also dependent right so they could be run in series or they could also be run in parallel now projects. They are generally dependent on each other and serve a common outcome. So if you see typically is that lets say class 1 and Class 2 You could be a bit of a dependency as well in terms of content. Okay, baselining or all delivery for that matter or they could be a bit of a dependency between what you are developing as a web application and then Android and iOS, so generally that's what is observed within the project. So we need to ascertain what's that dependency level and we need to manage that dependency level effectively as well when you are working on project and programs. All right, so moving from there all together. So we just covered up what is a project program and portfolio and we have taken one good example to classify this to differentiate this and as we progress we're going to take more examples as well. So organizational project management. So if you see the Opium, so this is specific to the organization now we are talking about now. This is a framework where we talk about project program and portfolio management. All this is integrated so that we can achieve Leave the organizational objectives ultimately and for that reason it's basically integrated. How does this work? If you think from the application point of view now, so you have project program and portfolio management knowledge and now you're applying it and that's where the organizational objectives will come into picture. So you have a strategy right. So we have taken example here that we have some strategy which is launched a new line of business. All right, and then you decide the portfolio value decisions, okay. And we have the business impact analysis is done program and project results are delivered operations will start here. Okay, the value performance analysis is carried out right from identifying the strategy because value will start coming in only once you launch that line of business, so programs and projects will be a part of this section and then there's a portfolio here. Okay. So what we need to understand is that same example, you can apply here as well. So in order to achieve the strategy objectives of Lon Launching a new line of business then obviously you are aligning with the portfolio which are the portfolio that you working in there are multiple projects and programs that you are running here. Okay, and once you complete those programs, you will be able to then deploy that to the production team or to the operations and support team. And once they are out in the market then only the value will start coming in. Then you start measuring that value. So in the beginning itself, you create a sort of the business realization plan. Are the business Benefit Management plan and you try to measure the business benefit against that business benefit measurement plan. So this is more or less the same thing as what we covered earlier here. We are just trying to put it in the form of oh PS. All right. So let's just move on to Embark guide now since we are just talking about PMP certification training here. So we need to also know a bit more about pmbok guide and how the pmbok guide is structured so weak. We did Cover the high level structure but there are a few more things that we need to know about pmbok guide specially at the component level and at the same time how these process groups the knowledge areas the processes how they are aligned how they are interlinked. So let's talk a bit more on these quickly. So I'm just going to take you through each and every component very quickly. So Project Life and phase. So what is Project Life Cycle? Ultimately Project Life Cycle is nothing but contains series of phases. You must have seen For example sdlc so Project Life Cycle, which is software development lifecycle. Alright, so when the software development life 7 the software is built we go through various phases. Alright, so those phases they happens in series. So we have got a phase called maybe the initial assessment that is turn feasibility. We called as so initiation we can call them as so then we have requirement and then we have was you analyze them create design, right? So you built you test it deploys all these are nothing but your lifecycle phases then the project phase so project phases collection of logical related project activities. So you could differentiate between the Project Life Cycle and the project phase as well. So Project Life Cycle is a very general quick at a high level. So for example feasibility is one thing or analysis is another phase or implementation is another phase. So from the Project Life Cycle point of view, the project phase could be requirements Gathering so you have gathered requirements, which is, you know, logically based on the activities that you're performing. Or design which is again activity of Designing that you're performing. So we just we can differentiate here in line difference that we see then these are specific to project. These are very generic then we have a face Kate so which is a raviv that happens typically at the end of the phase. So once the requirement Gathering is completed as a phase then we produce a document called as requirement specification document and that is revived. So that is my sort of a milestone that I can say that I achieved by the end of the requirements. Face and that needs to be relieved then which of course may get modified later if acquired that's fine project management process. So this is now if it is a process they're obviously typically process has series of activities which are you know, interdependent and then which you perform to achieve a specific objectives. So here also for example, if you take example of let's say a communication management plan. So when we work on the communication management plan, ultimately our objective is to create an approach. How are we going to communicate to all my stakeholders in the project that I'm working on? So that's how to be great happens the project management process group. So again, when logically the grouping of project management inputs tools techniques and output happens, you know, so that particular group you can Define it as a project management process group. So in PMP here we have these five groups initiating planning executing monitoring and controlling and closing. So these are the five process groups. That we have. All right. So, of course, they cut across all the phases of the project and they are going to be a going to be there actually. So when you are starting right from the feasibility of the project you would again you would have to initiate the feasibility you would have to do planning for the feasibility. You would have to execute the tasks with invisibility. So that means these are not phases what I mean to communicate here is that initiating planning executing are not the phases of the project but these are the process groups and Process groups would fall in each and every faces now, what are the knowledge areas. Now, these are the basically ones that are identified areas of project management. And these are the areas of project management where we basically learn about the different processes, right? We understand the different inputs outputs tools techniques from each of these knowledge areas. So if you talk about any knowledge area if you pick up, okay, so you would need to then understand what are some of the tools techniques X and the inputs and outputs. So let's take an example here. So I'm also going to give you the idea about some of these examples wherever possible. So I use this as a supporting material. Okay, so that we can you know, take some examples. Alright, so starting with Let's say the plan scope management is one of the processes that we talked about here. Right? So plan scope management is basically one of the knowledge areas that we talked about and under that there are inputs tools techniques and output as you can see on the screen. So these could be the inputs for planning a project Charter then various plans like quality management plan project lifecycle description development approach excetera. So these are my inputs to the scope management plan what tools and techniques can I use when I do the scope management one is of course, I is expert judgement as well as I will do alternative analysis. So as part of this training, we actually cover we take a deep dive and actually come up with examples in terms of how to do the alternative analysis. So we try and cover some of these examples. We actually cover the scope management plan and I will be telling you guys, you know, how the scope management plan looks like and what role should be what are the components of the plan and what needs to be added into the plan as well? Similarly. What do we expect out of this process? So By the end of this particular process we should get the scope management plan in itself and we should also get requirements management plan. Right? So this is just one example of the project management knowledge area. So scope management is one of the knowledge areas. So this entire training PMP training is based out of these knowledge area. So we're going to cover all this technology areas and under each and every knowledge area will be talking about tools and techniques and inputs and outputs, right? One example, I just now gave you okay. So this covers all the components. No talking about life cycle as you can see here Project Life Cycle. It would have like start the project you do a bit of a planning then you actually execute the activities and then you end the project now this process group as I said earlier will be a part of all these phases of the project. Okay, because for planning will have to gain initiate the planning activity will have to actually do the planning then we have to execute that plan Etc. Right. So that means this is going to be Flatly a part of this there are ten knowledge areas, right? So for example Communications management stakeholder management scope management, right risk management Etc. There are 10 of these and these 10 knowledge areas. We will cover each and every of this knowledge area with many examples and actual artifacts as a set. Okay, then there will be a phase gate like we took one example here project phase Etc timeline. Okay. So this covers everything that I supposed to be covering as a part of pmbok. guide Okay, so let's proceed for now. So we have project lifecycle and product life cycle will just quickly take a look at this. So Project Life Cycle will have this phases as we already spoke about so we have a feasibility analysis design implementation Etc. This phase is you could name them based on the industry that you're working on and this phase is the whole idea of working in this phase is basically that I can certainly look forward to some Milestone at the end of the phase. So when I complete visibility I would know that whether it is possible to continue working on this project or not. For example, the product that I will be working on whether there would be Market available or not know as about of the feasibility study, whether the solution that I will building would it feasible to build the solution or not? So all this feasibility study, I would do from the point of view of whether it is at all possible to make that product or not. Okay. So all that I would do again technical feasibility business feasibility. So all these aspects will be covered as part of that. As I said that Project Life Cycle is based on the industry that you working in if it is just an example. If it is it software industry then typically your Project Life Cycle would be like requirements Gathering phase analysis design development testing implementation. These are the phases that we go through. Okay similarly in Pharmaceuticals. It will be different in construction will be different in Industry that you are working on with could be different. But ultimately at a high level these phases will Give us some framework to work through and we go on achieving the milestones and most importantly these phases will help us in establishing the project governance as well. Now these phases could be done sequentially or they could be overlapping so it depends on the phase that you're working on. So face-to-face relationship cushion ship could be as you can see and if we are doing the overlapping then it's also called as fast-tracking. So there are Concepts like fast-tracking and crashing. So we'll be covering this concept as part of the Your training and stay tuned. I'm sure it would be happy to know that there are two different ways through which we can actually move the project term little bit faster. So by doing the fast tracking or crashing, so what is fast tracking and what is crashing the project is what we will be covering as we proceed now you have to stay tuned for that, right? Okay. So we just covered about the project. Now. Let's also quickly talk about the product life cycle and try to understand what is project and the product. Life cycle very quickly Now understand one thing the Project Life Cycle could be a multiple Project Life Cycle within the product life cycle. So once you have a product, right, this is a product life cycle, you can undertake multiple projects, but when you create a product for the first time, so you have one such project that you have undertaken right to launch that product right? So the same example if we have to continue, right? So let's say you have launched or you have kick started that project to come up with a cheaper. His car in the market. So that was your idea. Right? And then you start your project you had gone through different phases of the project and then you introduce that car here. So you have taken up one project here and then your outcome is of course the product that you're launching and then the product life cycle starts here. So products type cycle typically goes through these various phases, right? So you have introduction phase so car is there in the market and then this is cheapest car. So of course, he's got a sales then you are in a Growth phase and then after a few years you realize that because there is a competition or other cars are also coming up and because even others have started realizing this market, so then the maturity level is what slowly the product starts achieving. This is where you are selling at Peak and then because of the competition Etc yourself start declining right and then gradually you stop enhancement on that product and then you just sell whatever is selling and then that's how that product ends. But during this entire product life. You might do multiple projects. So for example, you are enhancing the car by doing the multiple project. So you are doing the face-lifting of the car, right or you're doing complete makeover, you know, we're in you're actually doing changes you're doing in the engines when you're at a growth phase. You are actually undertaking a project wherein you would like that car to maybe do some sort of changes so that it will appeal to young crowd Young Generation, depending on your marketing strategy. Depending upon what's driving this growth, you would undertake multiple projects. So you have taken up a project and the outcome is the cheapest car that you launched in the market. And now we have product life cycle started and within that product life cycle. There are number of phases that you have going through and then you are undertaking multiple projects within the product life cycle in order to ensure that you keep up the sale of the product as much as possible. So that's typically the difference between the product and the Project Life Cycle. All right. Now let's move on to the next topic which is about understanding the types of development Cycles. Now, I'm sure some of you may have already read about these life cycles. Some of you may have worked on different life cycles. So we'll just touch about all these different types of life cycles and I'll also try to give you some generic examples and we'll try to also take some specific examples. So you may have come across various life cycles, like predictive life cycle or adapt to life cycle. All and in fact, there are combinations. So sometimes predictive and adaptive way of working is combined and then it becomes a hybrid life cycle apart from that. We also built in an iterative way and incremental way. So we have iterative and incremental life cycles as well. So let's start with the predictive life cycle. Typically what happens in a predictive life cycle. Now, you will agree that the best example of predictive life cycle is waterfall because in water for life cycle, what happens is that @v to affront planning and water for life cycle as you may be aware already and you may have worked on waterfall way while working on software project specifically and if in case you are not working in software projects, then also in the traditional way of working. Typically, we always do The Upfront planning. So we spend good amount of time in gathering requirements in defining the scope of front and based on that scope that we have defined we come up with the schedule how much time this project would take take to complete and accordingly. We also derived the cost that is required to complete a project. So that means all these activities we do a front and therefore it's a predictive way of working. So the best example is the waterfall life cycle where we do a front planning and then we have these different phases through which we actually go through in order to build that software product. So there are various phases that we talked about as a part of water for life cycle like starting with we initiate a project. Then we spend good amount of time in gathering requirements. Then we do analysis of those requirements and based on the analysis. We start working on design part and on design again, we create high level design low level design Etc. And then we start actually built activities and then we test the software and then it is deployed for use. So that means all these activities are actually planned well in advance because we create a front document for requirements. Nations similarly based on that we do a front analysis and planning Etc. So it's absolutely a predictive way of working or developing that software product. And therefore it's pretty clear of life cycle water for life cycle. The another type of life cycle that we can talk about is deductive life cycle. So this is going to be definitely different than the predictive way of working. So here the detail scope is defined but that's defined typically for a particular iteration. Ian now this iteration is nothing but a specific duration that we are talking about. The duration of iteration could be anywhere between one to four weeks. So you may Define that in the beginning of your project itself. So let's say in your project you all agreed as a team that you would like to have iteration duration of two weeks. So what you will do essentially is that in adaptive life cycle, you will Define the scope of the product that you're building for that two weeks. So whatever that you think you could Within two weeks you identify that as a scope and then you agree to that. So that means you built those features within two weeks in the iteration that is agreed upon. And again the next iteration you will pick up next set up requirements or features. So by this way, you will actually go on building the software now the advantage over here is that we have got multiple feedback Cycles Because by the end of every iteration we go back to the customer and ask, you know, what is good in it. What could be Improved Etc. So that means we get to adapt as per the requirements or as per the changes that are given by the customers. And therefore this is change Driven Life Cycle or adapt to life cycle. And this is typically used even on the agile project as well. Now there is also a hybrid way of working where and we do a bit up of front planning and we also respond to the changes that are coming on the project. So it's a combination of predictive life cycle. Where in we are doing bit of planning, maybe four. It is one year project. Then you are doing better for planning for three months. And then you are also building iteratively incrementally at the same time. We are showing the demo to the customer taking feedback and then building or responding to the changes that are suggested by the customers in the upcoming iteration. So this way what is happening essentially is that you are not only doing The Upfront planning, but also you are responding to the changes or suggestions given by the customer. So this is truly a hybrid way of working and therefore it's a Hybrid life cycle now one of the example of hybrid life cycle could be framework, you know or disciplined agile is one of the way wherein it actually covers about bit of a predictive planning at the same time. We also adapt to the changes that are shared by the customers so that could be one of the example of the Frameworks or the life cycle point of view the disciplined child now moving on to the next to life cycles first is iterative out of those to the iterative life cycle again here. Also, as far as the project scope is concerned we determine the project scope early in the Project Life Cycle itself. And what typically happens in iterative lifecycle is that we have these iterations so development happens within the iterations and then we go and building the product in chunks small chunks. We pick up a small chunk of the product we built that in iteration. And again, we move on to the next iteration again, we build the next set of features. So this is how we kind of, you know, go on building. Over the increments that are produced out of these iteration in a successive fashion incrementally when we work in incremental life cycle. What happens is basically again deliverables here are produced through series of iteration. So in both the cases, you will find one thing in common is iterations. So iterative life cycle, we built it in Cycles. However, in incremental life cycle, we built on the previous chunk or we built on the previous increment of the product. So, of course, we'll take an example probably. I think I'll should take you to this. Sample is very nicely explained the iterative and incremental way of working and how we combine these ways of working when we start working in an agile way. So I came across this blog and I found this very useful and this block which is written by Stephen Thompson, and he has nicely explained about iterative and incremental way of working. So for example, if you have to paint Mona Lisa picture in an incremental way if you go so typically what happens in incremental As we just saw we built it in small chunks. So you just pick up a small chunk, which is in this case. Let's say just a phase and then you paint it in this iteration. All right. So if there are three iterations out of these three iterations you have basically painted just a phase then on the top of that now this is my first increment that I produced out of this iteration now in the second iteration, I am going to build on that increment and then I'll extend the picture. All right and in Third iteration I will built on my previous increment that I've created and this is how I complete the picture. So in the third iteration I built the remaining part of the picture. So this is how I actually go and building on the previous increment that I have created and incrementally I complete if it is a software product then you just go on building the features or depending on the kind of product that you're working on. So this is incremental way of working. Now what happens in iterations again a front you have decided Added that you will be building this picture in three two relations. And then one by one you just go on enhancing in each and every iteration. So maybe in the first iteration you have just created a high-level architecture and design in the second iteration. You sort of try to start working on few features. And then you again enhance those features As you move ahead in the third iteration. So in iterative way we built it cyclically, okay, and then we just go on of course we go and getting the feedback and then we go on improving. I found that as well. So that's how within these three tradition in an iterative way. I could complete this picture as well. So just by changing the approach the way you work changes definitely drastically and when you combine both these approaches then I think this is the best way I would say because this is what we do in agile in a child we built incrementally and iteratively and therefore the biggest Advantage is that at a particular iteration we can also think of deploying that product in production or maybe we can start using those features as well. So as you can now see in incremental and iterative way, we not only are talking about the features that we would like to focus pound. But also we are also considering the high level design and the architecture and then from there I have started at the same time. I have also built certain features in the first iteration in the second iteration again, I'm going to built on the increment that I've created at the same time. I am also able to prove my target level architecture. Early during this life cycle, which certainly helps me which gives me better confidence when I move ahead through this iterations in the third iteration. If you see actually I'm even better in terms of my design and architecture overall at the same time. I could complete my feature as well suppose if tomorrow I decide to put this just a face paintings then I should be able to even do that because that is ready. So this is how I go on just building it in iterative and incremental way and with continuous feedback. It's going to only help me in responding to the changes that are coming through the customers or the stakeholders. So this is how incremental and iterative way of working helps. So if you see the predictive life cycle, if you just remove at this point in time, then rest of this life cycle, you'll find with definitely use it in an agile way the up to hybrid incremental iterative and some part of predictable. So we use as I mentioned especially when we work then hybrid way, so this is about The development life cycles now, we're moving to the next topic which is about phase gate. Now. If you see phase gate what is a phase gate? We typically work in phases. We are talking about a project. Right? So project will happen through various phases of the project phases. And as a part of the phase gate what typically happens is that the project performance is always compared with what's documented in various project documents. You will come across documents like business case or project. Under the project management plan or benefits management plan. And we created certain things there. We may have put up Milestones of the project over there or we may have put up half. The benefits would be realized on this project. Once we deploy it in production. Once my customers started or start using it. So I need to then compare the performance of the project with what is mentioned in these documents. So as a part of the phase, that's what I do typically and these things actually helps me in taking certain decisions. Which of course take the example, but for now, what we'll do is that let's take a quick example of project Charter or project management plan. So you may have put up there as a part of the project management plan that you would be completing your requirements Gathering the start date and the end date and what you will get as an output is requirement specification document. So this is what you have agreed as a part of your project management plan under scope management activities. So when you proceed working on the Project. We look back and check as a part of the project performance whether we completed the requirement phase or not. And when we completed the requirement phase whether my requirement specification document has it been created has it been approved by the stakeholder or not and based on the overall progress. Then we make certain decisions like for example, whether to continue to the next phase so if in case depending upon again in which phase you're working, so if it is a feasibility phase that you are at so you just Right some project idea and then you started working on it and you're doing the feasibility whether can we convert this idea into some product which we can then sell it in the market. So at the feasibility stage itself you realize that this can be materialized maybe because of certain reasons. So then you may decide to not to continue ahead of it. Right? So these decisions are taken based on the phase Gates another decision could be continued to the next phase. So if your idea is going to work if it is feasible to be implemented then you might just Just work on a business case and they will just start working on a project. So you've just decided that let just continue working on it and let's move on to the next phase where we actually create a business case and the benefits management plan and then the sponsor will create that and then we'll hand it over to the project manager who will then work on the project Charter or sometimes this year could be to end the project. So at the middle of the project at times if the business objective itself has changed then at times it could also be I did to end the project then and there itself. So for example, there was some regulation you do which we started working on a project. However, we realize that that regulation itself is no more now valid and we don't need to now book on any changes which were triggered as a part of that regulation or maybe the compliance activity so we could just end the project then and there itself or we could just remain in the face and we could extend it. So if you are in requirements, and if you're behind the schedule or if you're not able to To achieve what you have put up as a part of the plan. Then you might need to then extend it or might you agree to extend that plan as well or you could also repeat the phase or elements of it. You could extend it. You could repeat it. So these kind of decisions are taken based on the phase Gates that we agreed and that we have put them in these documents. These are the project documents and these are definitely important. So moving on to then the project management processes. So let's try Understand first what is a process and sure you must have worked on N number of processes and if you actually see the typical whenever we work on a process, we always come across there are some series of activities that are mentioned in a process and we have to perform those activities one by one and these activities are interdependent on each other whenever we work on any process there is always a predefined objective that we try to achieve. So if it is a requirements Gathering process, there is a predefined. Active that by the end of this process I should be able to produce a requirement specification document which will then be analyzed further in order to create a design of the product which I'm working on. So there is always some predefined objective like whenever we even start working on a project there is some objective that you have on mind. It could be that product service or result as an outcome that we talked about. So that's a process you take any process. You would always find these care. Two sticks of a process. So whenever we work on any process, we always have few things that we need to really take into consideration. Like they would always be some inputs to the process where we work on a process. We need to refer to some of those inputs. Then we always use certain tools and certain techniques which actually helps us in working through that process efficiently and we always have some outcome, you know, so which is certain outputs that we get at the end of the process when we Beat that let's take a quick example. For example, you are working on a process which is the scope management. So as a part of the scope management process, for example, you would refer to certain inputs which could be the project Charter or project management plan or quality management plan or project lifecycle descriptions that are given the development approach Etc. All this is given as a part of your project management plan. You would also refer to the Enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets. So that you can get ready made templates as part of the OPA or organizational process assets. So these are the inputs that I would refer to when I will start working on the scope management. Now what kind of person techniques can I use one of the tool and technique that I can start using is the expert judgment so I can identify those people who have gathered scope or where worked on the scope before and who are kind of subject matter expert or who have got good number of years of experience into that and I I'll try to take their judgment and I'll try to take their views on this. I'll try to take their inputs on this. So the expert judgment could be a very simple and yet very useful and something which we can do quickly as well. As a part of the technique. The another thing that we could do is the alternative analysis so I can always look for what are the different Alternatives that I have in front of me and then what I could do. All right, the another simple tool I could use is conducting meetings so I could conduct meetings with my stakeholders to Find out what are their expectations out of the product that we are busy and even I could run surveys I could and questionnaires. So there are so many different techniques and tools I could use in order to gather requirements as a part of the scope management and what I would get by the end of it, what output can I expect at the end of this process is of course the scope management plan, so I would have a scope management plan, which I can refer to in order to understand the overall approach to the scope Management in the That I'm working on what I would also get is the requirements management plan. How am I going to manage requirements overall? So it could be even requirements which keeps coming even after we kick start working on the project. So, how am I going to manage them? What is the approach that overall? I have agreed or we have agreed as a team on this project. So this is just one quick example. So whenever we come across a process always remember, you're always find certain inputs which needs to be used in order to get started on that process. We'll always need to use certain tools and techniques which will help and make our life easier and make that process efficient at the same time. There is always going to be something that is expected by the end of that process, which is nothing but your outputs. So what is that output that I'm expecting by the end of this process? I should be knowing that upfront. So that's about process. And of course we are going to learn more about process as we proceed. We are going to cover 49 processes which are part of the pmbok guide. 6 Edition and as a part of the examination we should be aware about all these 14 and processes and what happens Within These processes, what are the different inputs outputs tools techniques that we use and at times it might sound confusing but once you understand the context then you'll be able to relate it very easy. So from there we are going to actually move on to a bit of different topic which is tailoring. Now. This topic has been introduced as a part of the sixth edition of pmbok guide it. Not there earlier, but and I completely appreciate the fact that PMI has decided to put this topic as a part of the sixth edition. The reason is that as a project manager specially this is very very important. This is where we get an opportunity through Implement and practice the Knowledge and Skills that we have learned over the period of time telling what do we do typically in this tailoring? So this is the area where we actually select an appropriate process tools inputs/outputs. Meek's life cycle based on the kind of project that I'm working on. So it could also depend on the kind of project constraints. I will be coming across or kind of governance expectations on the project the culture right or for that matter the customers I'm catering to so project manager is the one who will be ultimately doing this and for that project manager need to collaborate with multiple stakeholders in order to ensure that the process is tailored based on these factors that Just discussed. So every organization will have their own project management methods to suit them and provide additional tailoring guidelines for individual projects and bigger the organization. I have seen the complexity goes up and specially there is lot of demand there is a lot of need from the governance point of view. So if you do not manage or if you do not tell her your process, well, you might land up getting into a trouble. So it's very important that you need to alert the process based on the kind of project that you're working on. And of constraints that you are handling and kind of Governors requirement that you would have on your project. So to give you an example, let's say we were working on a project where in the complexity is very very high because there are multiple stakeholders involved. Not only that they will stakeholders involved from different different time zones as well. So we had to use certain tools which will help us in ensuring that all the stakeholders are collaborating well because that was our biggest challenge and hence we started using a tool. it which is actually a Confluence and jira and that helped us in ensuring that even though our team members and the stakeholders actually are distributed but still we were able to perform the task smoothly and we had to make use of also the various tools as I mentioned from jira and Confluence as far as the collaboration is concerned we have to use of course the video conferencing movie and you know some of these tools which actually helped us in coming together during the Eating's and the discussions at the same time. Even if you are working out of some time zone wherein there is no overlap happening, but still whatever the activities that you have completed are always updated so that when the other person start working the other person would know what all things that person is supposed to start working on. So this kind of a tailoring really helped us ensuring that we sell smoothly even the complexity in the project was bit on the tight side, especially with respect to the Tributed themes and distributed stakeholders. This is just a quick example. But as we go ahead in this training, we have taken some more example and based on the context. We have actually discussed out some scenarios as well and what we could use work could work better Etc. We have discussed as part of this training as well. So let's move on to what we discussed sometimes for go about the process. Now, let's understand about the project management process and its crew so as I mentioned The project management as far as the PMI is concerned and the PMP is concerned. So there are certain process groups that you may have read somewhere or if in case you have already started reading about ombak. I then probably you may have already read about these five different process groups and these are nothing but initiating planning executing monitoring and controlling and closing. These are the five process groups that we have as a part of the pmbok guide and this process group would Encompass there are almost four. The Mind processes and these are like map to the 14 and processes as I said. So for example initiating would have two processes planning 24 executing n monitoring and controlling 12 processes and closing has only one process one important Point here, which we need to really remember and understand is these are not the phases. Sometimes it seems as if these are the faces. So for example, we initiate a project then we do planning and we execute and then we monitoring control. And we close but remember that these are not the phases. They are also called as domains of project management from the PMI or from the pmbok. I point of view, but actually these process groups will be a part of each and every phase. So for example, if you take a phase let's see requirement Gathering is a phase so we initiate requirement Gathering then we do planning about how are we going to do or how are we going to gather requirements? Then we execute that means we actually go and maybe do interviews or We run surveys or we have focus group exercises Etc. So that execution part of it and throughout this. We also Monitor and control because we have a requirements management plan, right or we have a scope management plan. And then we see how whether we are performing as per the plan or not. So we have a monitoring and controlling happening as well. And once we completed then we close which is nothing but we actually look for what output. Did we get as a part of the requirement management process. So maybe you've got a Fireman specification document you got a requirement management plan Etc. So then you are good to close the process. So this is just a quick example, but you must have realized that all these process group can fit into each of these processes each of the phases. I mean to say so these are not phases but these are just the domains and this fits into various phases of the project apart from the process groups. We also have knowledge areas. So initially there were nine, but now we have embarked guide the In fact, the previous Edition itself added the new knowledge area which is stakeholder management. So now we've got ten knowledge areas. So starting with integration management is one of the biggest in fact amongst these 10 knowledge areas. Then we have scope Management schedule management cost management quality management Resource Management Communications management, risk management procurement and stakeholder management. So as you can see here the various processes belong to these knowledge areas and I'll give you another view which which will also help you in getting a fear idea about how this knowledge areas and the process groups and the different processes are fits. And this will gives us a large picture about the knowledge areas process groups and the various processes. So as you can see here, these are the process once that you see here in the column leftmost column is nothing but the different knowledge areas and the ones that you see at the top are nothing but the different processes that we have so in Getting planning executing monitoring and controlling and closing and then there are these 49 processes. So just to give you one example. So for example project integration management would cut across all the process groups because when it comes to integration, we are integrating the activities that we are performing right or the processes that we are performing as a part of these various process groups. That means project integration management is definitely one of the biggest knowledge areas then scope management would have mainly planning part. And bit of a monitoring and controlling as I mentioned schedule management have you ever will be mostly planning and beautiful monitoring and controlling but if you see closing is the smallest one, so it has only one process in that. All right. So this is how the 49 processes are mapped across this process groups and the different knowledge areas. So I am sure this must have given you a fear idea about what will we have to study as a part of the exam. So as part of the examination we have to study how these process. Have this technology areas and 49 processes. They are interlinked and we need to also go through all of these processes and we need to understand them one by one as far as this training is concerned. This training is organized by knowledge areas. So you will find each and every model in this training is based on the knowledge area. So we'll be starting with for example module on integration management, right then we'll be moving on to scope management likewise. There are various modules on this training. In which are based on the knowledge areas. So from there, so we've just saw a bit on process groups then knowledge areas. Now, let's talk a bit on processes the various processes that we just saw there are 49 of them. Now. There are few things that are just wanted to highlight about them. So you will find these processes which sometimes they're used only once or at a predefined point kind of in the project example could be project Charter or close project or phase so if you see the project So once you create a project Charter in the beginning of the project, then you just keep on referring to that. You don't have to unless there is impact you don't modify it. But of course you go on modifying it if in case there is an impact, but once you have it you have it for the whole project and that is something which kind of empowers you as a project manager and bolts to gives you an authority to use all the resources that are required on the project now similarly, even the crows project if you see there is only one process. That's it. So it Just used during the last phase which is nothing but closing similarly. You will find there are certain processes, which are performed periodically. One of the example could be acquiring resources now resources are required on the project throughout. So whenever we acquire resources, we need to refer to this process or for that matter conduct procurement. We need to work on conduct procurement activities as and when we need to engage for example vendors or as and when we need to procure certain machineries, or You to buy some licenses from some Williams or some vendors. So that means we need to keep on performing procurement related activities throughout the project. So these are periodically performed processes on the other hand. There are certain processes which are to be performed on a continuous basis throughout the project like define activities. So you'll find we need to keep on defining activities as a part of each and every process you'll always have activities because if you see process process will have different activities which are Link so that's one example. Another one is monitoring and controlling activities again these activities you will find if I just go back here and you'll find monitoring and controlling activities are part of almost all the knowledge areas. So these activities will need to be performed on a continuous basis. So this is a bit on the processes that we're going to cover as part of this training. Anyways, all right from there. We are going to move on to project management data and information because while working on Project you will be gathering lots of data. See you should be knowing you should have some strategy in place in terms of how are you going to deal with that data? What kind of information what kind of metric should I be preparing? So let's take a look at this. How does this work? Most of the times I have seen that on Project unless you are a very small company. There is always some p.m. Is that is used which is project management information system. It could be for example, the one that you may be using already from Microsoft, which is MS. Act or it could be from CA Technologies Clarity. So whichever the tool that you are using or it could be simply excel-based p.m. Is tool that you are using currently in your project. So whichever the tool that you are using typically what happens all the work performance related data, it's captured as a part of the tool. So right from the planning activities to executing the activities and capturing the actuals and maybe completion of tasks Etc. All this information is captured. This tool which is p.m. Is to whatever the tool that you're using actually now based on that data will have to actually come up with the work performance information. And that what what's typically done is that the data is collected from various controlling processes. It's analyzed context and it's integrated based on the relationships across areas. So you'll find that data is gathered. Let's say from cost point of view from schedule point of view if I have to give you a quick two examples. So, how are we doing? Doing in terms of cost. How are we doing in terms of schedule? So we also take into consideration the cost performance index schedule performance index. So are we ahead of the schedule or are we behind the schedule are we overspending or are we under spending? So typically all this information is kind of analyzed based on the data that is gathered and then we create different work performance reports. These reports are then shared with the team with the stakeholders. Now these reports there are certain standard report formats. Also again, the reports will have information about against the project management plan. How are we performing? So that's what typically the report information would have. So again from the scale point of view from the cost point of view from the scope point of view risk Etc. So all these constraints typically we need to represent in a very concise and succinct manner in report, which is then shared with the team as well as with the mechanical. Management now if you see this particular diagram, you will find that we gather all the data through the PM is then we work on the performance information rights, which I gave us a few examples and then we create reports these reports are then shared with the team. All right with team members as well as the stakeholders through the project communication management. Now whenever there is any project change that is introduced. It goes through the project Change Control. Now the project is change whatever the change that is incorporated. rated at any point in time in Project either it is approved or rejected so if the change is approved again it will go back to executing process and the same thing will happen and all this information is again shared with the team member and the stakeholders so this is what typically happens with respect to data and information on the project because it is lots of data there is lots of information that's available and we need to analyze it we need to ensure that we are making use of it effectively and we are communicating it to the right people at the right time and most importantly currently we are also taking certain decisions in order to take some preventive and corrective actions so that's the most important thing from the data point of view from there we are now going to talk about project management documents now especially from the business side you will find couple of documents as I mentioned earlier as well the project business case and the project benefits management plan these couple of documents which are developed by the sponsor and where the project managers responsibility will come into picture Is aligning project plan or business case or Benefit Management plan tractor, even for that matter the project success measures organizational goal and most importantly tailored some of these documents. So as to align to the program business case and that's where the project manager come into picture in order to establish that overall alignment to the business case because ultimately that business case and the benefit management plan is the most important document. And from the business point of view, so whatever the activities that are performed on the project needs to be aligned to that so that in turn it will help you achieve the ultimate objective of the business and that's where the project manager come into picture. Now, we'll also take a look at the interrelationships of how the need is assessed and some of the critical business project documents. Now, this is important from a high-level point of view as a project manager. Sometimes I have seen that not everybody has this view but Good to have this view. So as I mentioned some need assessment may have done based on which business case gets triggered and then business management plan is created. So if you take a simple example, let's say you are working in some service line or some line of business and suddenly you decide strategically that you want to move digital. Okay. So there is some need assessment that must have done that all the competitors. They are digital and it's important that we also need to move on the digital platform. So that's A needs assessment that is done then You create a business case. So if you have to move digital, what kind of a business is how much what are the options? What are the various Alternatives that are available? And what is the best possible alternative and what kind of benefits would we get? Once we implement the solution that we have chosen can be then captured as part of the benefit management plan. So once this is agreed at a business side, then these two documents are prepared by business sponsor. The sponsor will work on the business case and the benefit management plan and Give it to the project manager. The project Charter is also prepared and given it to the project manager because then project manager is authorized to use different resources on the project at the same time. He is then formally engaged on the project. So actual project activities will kick start from Once the project Charter is in place on words. So before that whatever the activities that happen are basically categorized under the project work activities. So right from that idea generation or submit assessment to coming up The business case or for that matter then writing business Benefit Plan Etc. All these are nothing but the pre-project work. Now these three Project work is important because ultimately this is the one that will trigger the project and then once we have a project Charter in place, then we kick start the project activities. So then you will come across various the preparation part of the project. So you would also work on the project management plan based on the project Charter and then you would typically carry out your execution of the Project management plan activities and once you complete all the phases, then you will close it. So this is how typically some of the key documents would fall in through these various phases and through this Project Life Cycle. Now, what we'll do is as an example, we will take some of these documents and we'll just try to learn about them. What all these documents usually contains. So starting with the project business case. So if you see project business case, what would it have? Of course, I'm going to show you the actual business case. So that you will get a fair idea. Now then moving on to the project business case. So this is what we were talking about. So business case will typically have again need assessment which we just refer to there are various evaluations criteria. It would have even some pre Project work activities. Most importantly is project success how it's going to be measured at the same time. How can we maintain it throughout the project? And of course the recommendations go /no-go various business need what are the various problem areas? Why this project? Good or would need to be triggered. Ultimately what are some of the goals or root causes Etc and recommendations X. So the best thing that I'm going to do is that I would rather take you through very quickly the business case itself so that you would get to know exactly what all things are covered as part of the business case. So this is just the example of the business case for some project and I'm just going to read through this not everything of course, but only the key thing so that you can understand and you can relate to what We just spoke about the business case the key points. So talking about executive summary. So for this business case, so for example, this business is outlines how the way platform project will address current business concerns the benefits of the project recommendations and justification of the project the business case also discusses detailed project goal formance measure assumptions constraints alternative options. So that means I come to know that this project is about web platform project. So what was the issue? The business was facing due to which this project is initiated because of an expanding client base Smith Consulting has moved to a decentralized business model over the last two years as we continue to support more clients in more locations. The administration of our Workforce has become more difficult until how many of our internal requirements such as reporting payroll activities Resources management have been done via agency Legacy Mainframe systems. So in a way this gives us an idea. Idea about why this project was initiated. So basically they were a lot of decentralized activities that are performed. But now they want to do centralized it. Obviously there is a cost benefit as well. So what are the anticipated outcomes moving to a centralized web-based administer the platform which will not only give ease of operation but also will save cost what are the recommendations? Of course, there are various options and Alternatives were analyzed to determine the best way to leverage technology to improve the business process and reduce the Of cost within Smith Consulting the approach described here allows us to meet our corporate objectives of continuously improving efficiency. This is very important. What is objective ultimately. All right objective here at a corporate level in this case Smith Consulting has this objective of improving efficiency reduce cost and capitalize on technology. So there is some technology already in place. So can we capitalize on that technology and achieve some of these business objectives? So I'm sure this must have given When you zest of idea about the problem area why this particular project is initiated Smith consulting's overall objective and how this is aligned to that justification, the migration of payroll and other administrative function from the Legacy mainframe system to the web-based platform will result in Greater efficiency with regards to company resources and business process. So here we are talking about mainly efficiency. And if you see you must have noticed here this particular project. Straightaway aligning to the organizational goals and objectives. So in this case, one of the goal is of course efficiency gains and cost saving and this project of moving on to the web-based platform is completely aligning to that another important thing that here we need to really focus on is the what exactly are we expecting? What kind of benefits are we expecting? So here very objectively it is mentioned 15 percent reduction in over it cost in the first 12 months. That's 10 percent decrease in employee turnover in the first 12 months 50% immediate decrease in time to generate weekly and monthly Financial reports Etc. So very objectively we need to capture this data so that we can start measuring it. So this would also then be a part of my business benefits management plan when we'll talk about it. Then I'm sure you'll be able to relate to this as well business case analysis team. So who are going to be involved then what is the problem statement? I'm sure now we are clear with that and high-level. What will be the Conditional impact. So for example, this is another area which will give us an idea about with this project. What kind of changes would happen what kind of impact it would create on technology on people on structure Etc. So let's take a quick example here WP project will impact Smith Consulting in several ways. The following provides a high-level explanations of how the organization tools processes rules responsibilities will be affected as a result of WP project implementation. Okay. So for example process with the WPA project comes more efficient and streamlined administrative and payroll process. This improved efficiency will lessen the burden on managers and provide autonomy to employees in managing their administrative and payroll tasks and actions. So that means there is a change in process earlier. This was done by the managers. Now, it's going to be done by the employees themselves. So there is an impact clear-cut on the process the so just one example is going to be impact on roles and responsibilities even technology Point of View Hardware software Etc that have the technology migration will be done. So Put the overall approach what phases we would follow what is overall project overview again, you will put that description Etc and most importantly again the cost what kind of cost your project would incur and even from the performance point of view. This is another area where I would like to just spend a few seconds. So this talks about some of the key resources like reporting time shoots software and system maintenance and staff resources. So this is where the performance enhancements will come into picture. And so these are the areas areas of focus that the team has identified what kind of assumptions now as I'm Shinzo and constraint we need to also highlight very clearly assumption is all staff and employees will be trained accordingly in their respective data entry time sheets and Reporting tasks because this involves employee performing these activities which were performed earlier by the managers. So that means we need to train the employees. So the assumption is that training would happen on the platform that is being created project constraint will be Are limited it resources available to support developing project and other ongoing it initiatives. So that means there is a very clear-cut impact on the resources which could hit the another constrain could be caused or could be, you know quality if it's not managed effectively then project Milestones. What are the Milestones again? You can mention about the various phases completion of these phases and maybe some of the key outputs that were expecting. What is the Strategic alignment? We already covered this. So this project is strategically aligned in terms of as you can see here improve the record-keeping new technology. So gain from technology point of view and from even the workforce retention Pond of you cost-benefit analysis of the solution is done and you have to recommend the best solution so it could be migration on to the new platform so by or built it in house, whatever the option that you decide Etc. Okay. So this was just one example of the business case now, there is also a business Benefit Management plan now again, I would like to relate it to the business. And some of the pointers that were given in the business case, we can certainly relate even this to but you may use whichever the template that is available in your company because every company would have their own. Oh PS as I mentioned earlier organizational process assets. So one of the things under Opa is the organizational standard templates for benefit management plan. One thing that we need to remember under this is even though you create plan well in advance, but The benefits will start coming once your product is introduced in the market or once it is live and used by the users Etc. That means the real Benefit Management plan will be active. First of all, even though the project is completed still the plan will be active because once the project is live the product is life or it's in the market, you will start measuring the benefits and start comparing the performance against what's captured as a part of this plan. So what typically it would contain it would contain I'll get benefits. So what are the benefits that I mentioned for example, 20 percent cost reduction by the first 12 month or employee staff reduction of 15% in the first two years. Excetera. What is the Strategic alignment? In this case? We just saw the Strategic alignment to the cost saving benefit or efficiency gain time frame. So what are the timeframe? So again, very clear. It was mentioned within 12 months within two years being 3 Etc, which is a benefit owners. So for each of these benefits that were mentioned, so we need to identify who is going to owe this benefits and how those those will be then tracked. So what is a metric track those benefits again within that also we can mention if you come across any assumptions or risks likewise, you can create this plan and the project manager will ensure that the project activities are also aligned towards this plan. Alright, so these were the two documents mainly from the business side now once these documents are in place, then project sponsor will hand over the project Charter to the project manager. So project Charter will typically include your High-level scope items the background the context behind why this project is initiated bit on a business case Etc who is a sponsor who are some of the key stakeholders. What are the phases that are involved on the project Etc some of that information including what is acceptance criteria apart from that you would also have in the project Charter things like what is my start date and the end date for each of the key Milestones that have agreed to or with the stakeholders Etc. Then who are My Signing authorities who is going to give? Give me sign off on some of the key Milestones when I go on achieving them then a bit on you know, cost whatever is mentioned as part of the business case, but stay tuned. I'm going to show the project Charter example the actual project Charter as part of this training and I'm sure you will be able to then relate it to the project Charter better and that example is definitely good. That's the pressure of the actual project. Then project management plan is another document which I'm going to show you which actually contains various subsidy management plans like scope management. Risk management quality management part from that. How are we going to manage these schedule stakeholders, etc, etc. So the project management plan is nothing but the I would say it's comprises of all the different subsidy management plans, which I just now mentioned. So in short this will also have how the project is executed how it is monitored and controlled Etc. So all that is going to be a part of your project management plan. Now how the Project's success is going to be measured ultimately because Cuz you're doing that project so that you will get some benefit out of it. Now. How are you going to measure those benefits there are various ways which we can use. So one of the way could be the project success could be measured if you complete the project within constraints like you achieved all the scope or you completed project within schedule or within the given budget or whatever the quality parameters that are agreed with the stakeholders or you optimally use the resources on the project or you manage risk effect. So that means one of the way to measure the success of the project is how well did you perform on some of this project constraints? And if in fact I did mention that earlier as well if I have to measure how successful is the project manager or what is the performance of the project manager? How do I measure that one of the ways through which I'll measure it is how well the project manager is managing this project constraints. So one of the ways through which we can measure the project success is is whether I'm able to deliver the project whatever the commitments that I have made to my clients or customer whether I have delivered those within the budget schedule at minimal risks, okay and issues, etc, etc. So that is one way of doing it. The other way of doing it is of course achievement of the project objectives in itself. So for example, the project objective is it could be some benefits that we are committing to so benefit would come once that project or product whatever the outcome of Project we talked about either product or service or some result. Once that product is out in the market. The benefits will start coming by selling that product or ones that service is out in the market that service will enhance the customer satisfaction. So that's objective with which we started working on the project. So it could be Financial. It could be non-financial for example, achieving better customer satisfaction could be non-financial because it's difficult to really measure. It not be a hundred percent tangible. Really. I mean there are ways through which we try to quantify but It's not fully tangible. Also, if we move to the desired State, maybe you're working on a change project. And then you are let's say you had a traditional mindset and then you are moving from that to the agile mind says no to the mindset of responding to the changes which customer is demanding so that we can perform better in the market. So if that was a project and then if you achieve that objective then that is your success or contract fulfillment. Okay, so you are obliged to some Track to the government. Sometimes that there are commitments which are made to the government's that out of the findings could be non-compliance issues or whatever depending on the scenario that you are in and then you initiated at project as a result of that and you could achieve the benefit such that your now confident that you have started complying to those non-compliance things that you have identified. Okay apart from that. There are also other things that are mentioned in terms of quality or all that project could be governance compliance that project is initiated as a result of some Regulatory Compliance activities and then you successfully completed that and it was done well with in time so that now you don't have to pay a fine. Okay, so whatever the fines or regulatory fines that we talked about you have avoided that so that's a cost avoidance which is one of the objective that you achieve what is defined by the stakeholder? So sometimes as I mentioned in the project Charter we also put what is the acceptance criteria? For this project. So when this project would be successfully completed. So what's the success criteria is being agreed between you and the business and have you decided to measure it. So all this you mention anyways, as a part of the project Charter itself and what can be the impact if you don't do that. So whatever is defined against that you could measure it. Another thing is how to link to the organizational strategy and business results. So as we took this example of the wp Smith consulting's project that we were talking about DWP platform, so in that case that project was completely aligned to the organizational objectives of achieving the cost reduction or gaining efficiency or for that matter the employee retention Etc. So even that is another success criteria of the project continues business alignment. Okay is definitely the most important thing. So I have seen that many times whenever we talk about the project success measurement. We always revolve around scope cost and time, but it's definitely beyond all that. We need to also factor in a lot of other things that we just mentioned over here in today's tutorial. We are going to talk about some of the basic aspects about the project management. I'm sure you must have few questions. Like what is a project. What is project management? What are some of the advantages of project management? What skills are required for project manager project management phases project? Knowledge areas and processes and of course some of the p.m. Methodologies. So in today's session, we're going to talk about all these agenda items one by one. What is a project? I'm sure you'll agree and you must have read it that project is nothing but a temporary ND were that we have undertaken or that we undertake in order to achieve output and that particular output is nothing but a product or a service or we get some result by the end of that. Chipped so project will definitely have a fixed time lines. So whenever you undertake any project, you will have a fixed start date and a fix ended. I still remember during my early experience into project management. I was working on a market research project for one of the pharmaceutical companies. So the project was conducted in a particular region and with the course team of people going into the market collecting the data, so that project was spread across four six. A month so it had a start date and ended and of course, it had a predefined objective. So project always have some timelines associated with it apart from that project will always consume certain resources. Now when we talk about resources on Project the project will consume resources not just about the human resources that we talk about here, but also the other material resources or for that matter any other resources that are associated It the project it could be even for that matter the money. It could be the human resources. It could be material resources depending upon the type of project the kind of project that you're working on. The resources will be involved. For example, in this case on our project. Of course, we've had a team of six people working on the market research project. So definitely material resources were involved as well as the human resources were involved apart from that. There was also involvement. Out of the money so budget was associated with for those six people to travel across multiple locations within the region and reach out to different target audience in order to gather the data. So that is just one small example project also uses certain tools because project involves n number of activities in order to perform those activities. It's important for us to use certain tools at times. It depends on the complexity of the project as well. As the presence of the team across regions, if you have team members spread across regions, then it's also very very important for us to use certain tools which will help us in collaboration of these team members. So there are certain special tools and techniques that are required to be used on the project if the project is small if the team is small even I have seen projects are performed by using simple tool like Microsoft Excel or for that matter. Can also use certain templates can be created even on the Microsoft Word and of course we can use email as one of the media to communicate apart from of course, the most important communication should be the verbal communication. So we need to use definitely certain tools. But if we talk about a complex project, then definitely a lot of things needs to be also involved into executing a complex project because number of activities will be more number of stakeholders will be more and that project could be a Of some program in turn some portfolio and it is strategically aligned to the organizational objective. So considering that it's important then use the relevant Tools in order to be more effective and more efficient as well. Obviously when you will execute the project you will always have team of people working with you. Now, when we talk about team of people working on a project we talk about a team which is truly a cross-functional team. I don't expect only people From the same function to be a part of the project obviously, like if you're working on an IT project and you're forming a team, obviously, you would need people who can perform various activities as a part of that project. So you will have people who can do the analysis who can work on requirements. You can do the system analysis. You can do coding testing deployment. So all these functions needs to be integrated and then we need to form a team which is truly a diverse team. Is truly a cross-functional team which will help you in fulfilling and completing all the project activities. Whatever is relevant based on the kind of project that you're working on. So definitely to summarize if you talk about a project as I mentioned project will always have certain timelines start date and end date project will consume resources material resources human resources, and the other resources project will use certain tools depending on the complexity of the project. And number of people involved and obviously project is executed with team of people and even with different stakeholders. So if you talk about projects, why do project get started and I'm sure that was the question which was I can see here in the question panel put up by Ram that what are some of the reasons in order to initiate any project activity, or why should we be initiating any project activity? So thanks Ram. In fact for asking that question. So let's I understand some of these reasons one reason could be demand in Market as I give you example of the market research project. So it could be decided that a certain to analyze the demand in a particular market. And once you analyze the demand in a particular market, then you would launch a product. So the example that I was scooting was basically a market research project that was undertaken for a pharmaceutical company so that they can launch a pharmaceutical product into the market. So team of people was basically working in that region in order to ascertain in order to analyze the demand for a particular pharmaceutical product. And once there is a demand then obviously you would go ahead and launch that product into that market. So project could get initiated as a result of demand in the market. Sometimes you would manufacture certain products because the demand for that product is increasing in the market, for example, it could be the in Market you may have come across the cars which are more affordable in the range of anywhere between two to five lakhs. So certainly you will find that the market for such cars is rising reason is obviously the demand for these small Vehicles. These hatchback Vehicles is certainly increasing as a result of which you may undertake a project to manufacture or to come up with or to launch a new car all together in the market it could It'd be a strategic opportunity as well. So you could strategically decide at a company level. You may be working in a healthcare sector and now you want to expand into pharmaceutical sector and launch certain pharmaceutical products in the market. So you could seek that as an strategic opportunity as well and put money and obviously then you would convert that resource into something which is tangible and you will tap that opportunity in the market. So you are basically entering. Into a completely new line of business and that was the Strategic decision that you have taken. It could be due to the customer requirements. Typically you will find in IT projects. Once you launch a certain applications and once customers start using that applications, you will get a lot of requests in order to enhance that application based on the current usage and then you undertake enhancement projects and those enhancement projects are essentially conducted or essentially completed or done so that we can incorporate those features which have come as a result of customer requirements. So those are like additional requirements that customer would like to see in the current product products are also undertaken if there is any change in technology or if there is an advancement in the technology and you may have seen it a lot like typically in IT project. I have seen teams this changing the entire technical landscape from One technology architecture to the other technology architecture maybe because then it becomes much more easy to maintain it becomes easy to scale. It becomes easy to stabilize. Like I have seen many projects are moving on to cloud based platform or projects using the analytics or projects which are undertaken so that they can move to the new technology which is more intuitive to use so technology advancement could be all also another reason why projects are undertaken or it could be legal requirement. I worked on many projects which were initiated as a result of the legal requirement compliance requirement. Like there was a project we were basically working on certain reports to be furnished as a bank to the regulators and those reports needs to be furnished every year every six month every month every quarter. So the project was initiated in order to create an application through which we can gather. All the data from the input systems and analyze the data create the reports and then submit it to The Regulators. So project could be also initiated as a result of some legal requirements. These are some of the reasons definitely why do we initiate the projects now why project ends as we discussed earlier in the previous slide that projects will always have a start date and end it so why would project end certainly couple of reasons you would find and here one is of course project objectives are achieved. So for example, if I have undertaken that project for some legal requirement now, I have completed that project its launch and that legal requirement was only for one time or maybe twice in a year and now it's no more required. So that means that particular projects objective is achieved now we can end that project or objective won't be or can be met. Sometimes I have seen projects are initiated, but they Like scrapped in the middle itself because those are no more required. The objective is sort of may be challenged by the organization. It could be obsolete. It's no more required. You could come across such a scenarios as well. I came across very big program wherein it was aspirational program in one of the big and a complex organization. The idea was to integrate many applications together and see everything at one place it started but at the scale of the program was so high that it couldn't sustain longer and that whole program had to be stopped. So even though we started with some Vision, but we couldn't achieve that and precisely due to which we had to really stop working on the programs. You will find you will come across such a reasons. Why sometimes we need to just stop working on a particular project the another confusion that people might have is to understand the difference between project and some of the operation DVDs, let's quickly take a look at the difference between projects and operations. So some of these things we have already covered like projects are temporary. It has a start date it has ended so it's a temporary Endeavor, which is undertaken as I mentioned in order to produce some product result or to provide some service projects have defined started and ended that's another thing which we already spoke about tasks are unique to a project so every project Come that we get is a unique. So when you undertake a project you are basically creating an outcome, which is a unique product unique service or some unique result that you're producing by the end of the project project is also undertaken in order to have achieved a unique goal. So there should be some unique goal, which is actually drafted in the beginning of project. It's predefined as I mentioned the goal could be to identify the potential in Market goal could be to fulfill the Clients or a regulatory requirement of a bank for which you have undertaken a project. So you will always have some predefined goal and then you undertake Project based on the goal. So these are typical characteristic of a project. So when we undertake a project you will definitely be able to relate some of these characteristics to those projects. However, if you look at the operation activities, they are completely different the operation activities are more routine in nature. Those are more ongoing activities and the assesses that needs to be performed and mostly they are repetitive their cyclical you'll have to perform those activities maybe every week or every month or you know, every year sort of that. Those are cyclical activities and the whole objective of undertaking or doing the operational activities is to sustain in the market is to sustain the business. Let's take a quick example. You are working on it application or it product now you have created the product and you launched it in the market. Once you launch in the market people start using it customers are start using it and then you have to also kick off the operations activities so that you can start supporting the product which is being used by your customers. And then your operation activities will begin when customers start using the product. I'm sure they might come across certain incidences, you know, you might come across certain issues. They might come across certain problems while using the product then they will raise those problems those shoes as an incident and it will be assigned to you to the operations team and then it's investigated and then it's fixed. So those are like operation related activities which are going to be part of the product. Once the product is launched. Then the operation activities will begin have your project activities will stop once you accomplish a project to launch that it product. So then project is ended what will start is the operation activities so key here is to make sure Sure that there is a proper hand over between the project activities and the operation activities. And therefore you will find that the operations team work very very closely towards the end of the project. Not only that these days we ensure that the operation activities or operation team members or operation team is involved very early in the project activity itself so that they would know what project are we working on? And what product are we creating? So both activities are certainly important? Portent project as well as operations, but they certainly differ in terms of why they are performed as well as the certain characteristics that they possess from there. Let's move on to project management. I'm sure you must have questions. What is project management? We saw what is Project we saw the difference between project and operations project management is nothing but application of the processes methods. it skills your experience to achieve objective of unique project whatever the project that you're working on so once you start applying that knowledge then that particular process is called as project management so possessing that knowledge is not certainly enough you mean PMP certified or you may be aspiring to become a PMP certified or for that matter you may have experience of 10 years or 15 years and you have gained quite a lot of knowledge over the period of time but if you are not applying that knowledge then it's of non-use and that's where the project management comes into picture because it gives you some framework in order to apply that knowledge effectively and that will then gives us a lot of benefits which we are going to talk about very soon so it helps in properly carrying out all processes that are involved starting from the conception till the completion of project any project when you undertake if you are developing a product For the market and you are undertaking a project to manufacture that product or to come up with that new product there obviously will have to conceptualize the idea. So you may be doing your hypothesis testing. You may be doing your idea Generations. You may be doing your finalization of the ideas. So you are basically conceptualizing about that product. You're trying to come up with some Concepts some idea. So from there till the time you complete the project successfully all these gametes. Of activities are carried out with n number of processes and this requires you to know about how to perform project management. And then once you start understanding that and once you start applying that knowledge, then that whole thing will then becomes a project management. There are six pieces of project management. I'm sure you may be aware that we also say the six PS of presentation. So similarly, there are six piece of project management. So proper planning. Events Port project performance made a few will agree with me. That planning is one of the most important stage in Project. Now planning could be done a front the whole project planning could be done afferent or it could also be done in adaptive fashion planning is also done in a rolling Wave fashion. So there are different ways to do the planning definitely traditionally people used to do planning afferent and they used to try to stick to their plan but these days with agile and With lot of changes that happen on the project. It makes all the more sense for us to do the Adaptive planning. So we have to do adaptive planning and we have to do a friend planning as well. So that proper mix of it is certainly very very important but many times I have seen that people mentioning that planning is a waste of time but trust me when you do the planning properly, you will actually save time when you go ahead with your project. So make sure that you have a proper plan in place and all the stakeholders are That plan it's very well communicated. It's thoroughly revealed and it's approved by the sponsor and the key stakeholders and I'm sure that will certainly help you in preventing the poor performance because once you have a plan, then you will be able to do the monitoring and controlling active this effectively, but if you don't have a plan then what are you going to monitor on the project? So it's very important and crucial for any project manager to make sure that there Is a plan available on project that the person is working on let's move ahead and talk about the other aspect on the project. So many times you'll find that you must have heard about this word constraint a lot on project. So traditionally we should talk about these four constraints. It started with triple constraint and we talked about now the four constraints but I actually add a few more let's talk about what are those bit later, but for now, let's talk about Is four constraints that you see here now, what is the constraint constraint is nothing, but if you change one thing at least one other thing will get affected. So for example time, so as we saw just now that project has a fixed started and a fix ended so there is some duration through which we execute that project. But what about the duration if it gets affected if the duration has been reduced suddenly what will happen if there is change in time or schedule obviously at least one other? Constrain of the project will get affected if cost might go up because you have to put more people or your quality will get affected because now we have less time to deliver more or you will not be able to complete all the scoop which is being agreed with your customer. So constrain is nothing but if one constraint changed then at least one other will get affected. So we started with this four constraints triple constraints initially and then we have added one more so time scope and cost was there with Added quality as well. But if you actually see there are few other constraints as well on the project, which we should be aware about and that's nothing but the expectations so if you see the project management Diamond, so we started with triple constraints on project and now we talk about diamond and I would also prefer to add few more here. So what are the things could be risk risk is also a constraint. So for example, if your budget is reduced and the scoop items are the same they're obviously risk will go up. Up because you will not have the budget left to take care of the risk on project. So risk is another constraint that we talk about apart from that resource is also constrained. If you don't get enough resources to work on Project then obviously you may not be able to complete all the scoop item or you may not be able to work efficiently in order to achieve your project within schedule. So resource could be another constraint as well. We can look at so it's time cost quality scope. Horse risk and I also look at customer satisfaction as one of the constrain as well because customer satisfaction is not achieved. If you will not be able to deliver project within schedule and within budget, so it's very important for us to also make sure that we achieve the customer satisfaction. So if any of these constraints are not achieved then obviously your customers will not be happy and therefore it's important to also look at customer satisfaction as one of the constraints. So if you ask me how effective is the project manager, I would judge I would rather see how effectively the project manager is managing the constraints of the project and based on which the effectiveness of the project manager would easily be in the mind. All right. So with this now, let's move on to advantages of the project management. There are certain advantages of the project management and we'll talk. Some of the advantages to begin with when you will do the project management in a proper way that proper planning are following the proper phases by following proper processes Etc. You will certainly get these advantages. The first one is better efficiency when you will work by using the proper framework of the project you will be able to produce the outcome with better efficiency. That means you know how to effectively use Use the resources of the project and how to optimally utilize those resources in order to get better outcome and more outcome. That means you are efficiency will certainly go up because you have done the proper planning you have planned for the resource utilization properly and that is what is covered as a part of the project management. So project management will in turn help you in enhancing efficiency. If it is a construction project and if you're utilizing certain machineries, and if you do not have plan in place to utilize those missionaries when and how and how much they're obviously will not be able to optimally utilize that but you will be able to utilize those machineries and have a better efficiency on the project provided that you have a better plan and provided that you are executing it effectively and you know how this whole project management activities works so certainly better project management will help in better efficiency gain as well it will help improve customer satisfaction need place to say as I mentioned just now that if you are able to manage the project constraints effectively imagine if I am a project manager and if I managed everything effectively in terms of the scope of project at delivered what my customer was looking for at delivered that within the schedule and deliver that within the scope the quality was not compromised that was my customer got what he or she was looking for so if I managed all these constraints effectively then obviously they will be a Customer satisfaction as well. Ultimately customers will be happy when they get what they're looking for and when they get that within time within budget and the risks are effectively managed on the projects as well. They will be enhanced efficacy as well. So efficacy we talk about Effectiveness when you are applying the project management principles and processes. I'm sure you'll be able to work effectively on the project. So Effectiveness is what you will be able to enhance by having the the better project management application of knowledge skills processes principles Etc. So if you talk about Effectiveness, you know, what exactly does that mean to you? So whatever you're doing you will be able to do that effectively on the project because you know how to do that because you have a framework with you because you have created a plan because you know how to for example monitor budget. So your Effectiveness will be better when you have created a proper plan and you have also To be able to monitor your budget properly you're using certain tools for that and you are tracking the actual expenses. You're also using certain tools. Like for example, the cost performance index the schedule performance index Etc. In order to take preventive and the corrective decisions based on how your indexes are performing. So obviously your effectiveness of executing the project will also go up better Teamwork because you have a framework in place you will be able to mobilize it. Resources effectively and we'll be able to achieve what's the goal of the project because what will happen as a result of having a everything documented you'll be able to align the goal of each and every team member to the ultimate goal of the project. So if the goal of the project is to manufacture a car which is costing less than a lakh rupees then obviously we'll be able to align the goal of each and every team member working on that project to that ultimate vision and the goal that Have seen for yourself. So you'll have a better team teamwork as well greater competitive Advantage. So the biggest Advantage with effective project management is that you will be able to produce what you have producing much earlier than your competition because you are controlling your activities well, and that will certainly give you a Competitive Edge and if you go to the market early obviously will be able to tap market early if you take example of let's say research and Current projects and I have seen research and development projects. They goes year-on-year. They are very long duration projects. But the key is how can we complete that project early by effectively using project management practices and launch that product as a less possible in the market so that you can reap on the benefit of being early in the market. So for that obviously project management practices will help us service expansion. You will be able to expand your services into various areas as well buy it. To project management increased flexibility what will happen by better planning will be able to also have proper buffers in place. You'll be able to also bring in that flexibility in the plan in place so that if there is any change will be able to accommodate that change so you can offer that better flexibility to your customers by doing the better project management risk management will be done much much better way because you will have a risk register. You'll have risk owners. You have done the qualitative risk analysis. Quantitative risk analysis, you are able to prioritize the risk, you're able to calculate the monetary value of the risk and Associate the budgets if required to the risk will be able to decide the risk response strategies when to transfer the risk when to avoid risk when to accept it etcetera. So you'll be able to do risk management effectively quality will be enhanced it will be improved. So when you will do project management obviously the outcome They're producing whatever the product result or that process that you're producing will be able to deliver what your customer is looking for most importantly to be fit for the purpose. Whatever the purpose for which you have designed or you are creating that outcome. I'm sure it will be definitely be able to meet the quality expectation of the customers. So from there, we now move on to the next. Next important part which is understanding what skills are required for project manager if project managers will have to effectively implement the project management processes that what are some of the skills that the project manager should possess the most important one definitely is communication over 90% of the time you'll find project manager communicating through some tools. It could be just by sending emails. It could be pushed communication pull communication. It could be Latest reports it could be attending meetings communicating about the risks prioritization negotiating of course collaborating with the stakeholders. So communication is certainly very very important skill that is required in a project manager. Another thing is of course leadership now, whichever the structure that you have in your organization be the Matrix structure or be it typical hierarchical structure that we see or a functional structure. You will always have leadership is definitely definitely required. So even your team members who are working on your project with you whether they report you or not, but still you need a leadership leadership doesn't mean that you need to have always report e and then only will be a leader know. Everybody can be a leader in themselves because we need to influence other people, right? So you need to inspire them to perform to do the job at for that. We need certainly a leadership. You need to direct them. You need to also ensure that everybody's vision. Is ultimately aligned to the product Vision or the project Vision that you working on Team Management effective team management is important. So project manager should be a people person so that he should be able to empathize with the theme effectively you should be able to understand what team needs these days. For example, we talked about servant leadership. So we expect the project manager to be a servant leader to the team so that whatever the team needs and if that is required to be there obviously. IE the project manager is the one who is supporting the team in getting necessary resources at the right time. Negotiation skill is very important because you're negotiating with your stakeholders. You're negotiating with your customers. You're negotiating with your team. So everybody it's really important to have a good negotiation skill so that we'll be able to create a win-win situation. It should happen that you are too submissive or you're too aggressive you'll be assertive and whatever the decisions that you're Ultimately, they are helping and they are basically supporting in achieving the project goals and objectives personal organization. So that's another important thing. You should be able to also understand as a project manager. You should be able to understand yourself. Well, you should be able to have a emotional intelligence right you should be able to manage risk effectively at the same time. You should be a good risk manager some of the points. I just now mentioned about risk management as well. Now these skills are certainly required from the soft side and from the heart skill side. Obviously, you need to have the relevant domain knowledge technology knowledge that will be an added Advantage even if it is not mandatory, but if you have the relevant domain knowledge and Technology knowledge that will give you certainly an edge over others when you are discussing when you are solving problems when you're interacting with your stakeholders Etc. OK, so let's undergo It's just quickly understand about the various project phases whenever we undertake a project obviously will have to execute the project in a structured Manner and to bring in that structure. What will also help us is the project management phases. So we begin with initiation activities. Once we are clear with that. We do a planning. Once that plan is approved. We start working on the plan to execute through it while plan is under execution. It's important to continuously monitor. ER and control and once all the Key activities are performed then we need to close the project phase. So these are the typical phases but your project phases could also depend on your domain you're working in for example, if you're working in research and development your phases could be bit different if you're working in software. Then you have phases could be a bit different like typical sdlc or software development life cycle as we talked about. So we begin by, you know initiation then we have got requirements Gathering we have design Before design we do analysis and then after design then we do coding testing Etc. So those are the typical phases that we talked about if it is agile, then it's totally different. We do in iterative and incremental fashion. You may be following scrum or it may be following some other scaled agile framework Etc. So phase is could differ which is fine which of the phases that to decide and agree a pound within your organization or within your team. That should be fine. As long as everybody is a verb out. What are those phases? What are some of the key Milestones that we are going to achieve by the end of the phase? For example initiation phase is where basically a decision making will happen. So this is where we identify a project to work a pound and we do some of the initial activities as a part of this phase. Of course, we'll talk about some of these activities with later as well during planning. Essentially. What is done is we basically create a plan. We create a plan not only the point of view of the active. These Milestones but also we see to it that how are we going to stick around the budget stick around the schedule Etc. So all of that we factored in and then we start executing it and that's where we break down. The scope items into tasks, and then we start picking up the task and we start executing those tasks then comes monitoring and controlling phase and this is where we just compare it with the plan that we have created. So if it is a one-year project, and if you are already a third month, then we compare it with the plan. So bye. A third month where we should be ideally and where we are. So if there is any gaps, then we try to identify that and then we take corrective actions closing phase is where we basically essentially we close some of the project activities that we are working on when I say some of the project activities in the sense some activities where we may have involved vendors some activities may have been, you know done by some third party. So way to identify everything all the activities that we need to close. And then formally we also do the contract closing Etc. Let's get on to it. In fact, and let's just go through one by one and try to see what are some of the Key activities that we perform as a part of each of these phases starting with initiation phase. So as you can see on the screen, the first thing is, of course well defined scope statement as part of the initiation phase we need to First understand. What am I supposed to working on? So if you are working on a project wherein you are producing some it product and that it product is let's say for digitizing the customer experience. So let's say it's a bank and you're working on a digital project wherein whoever comes to a branch they have to fill out the application form and you want to convert that application form into the digital experience. We're in it's not only going to save your paper. But also your customers doesn't have to be visit the branch and they can just Out this application form and submit it by sitting at their home. So it's basically nothing but digitizing the whole experience to the customer. So what's the actual scope statement? So we're providing the digital experience to the customer so that we are going or and we are moving towards a paperless banking and we're trying to capitalize on the technology that's available today. So your understanding the scope statement very well what is expected which forms this to be digitized. Is it just the home loan personal and forms? Or are we also digitizing some other forms that customer needs to furnish or submit it and then we identify the stakeholders who are my stakeholders? Okay, so it depends on again if it is a multinational bank then obviously it's going to be different than if it is the bank which is operating only within one country. So depending upon whether the project is a regional project. It's a national project or it's done globally based on that your stakeholder list me very you need to start working on that then we'll To ensure the resource availability now once you understand the scope of work, if you have decided that even if it is a global project, but you would like to do the pilot in a particular region and once their pirate is successful. Then you will roll it out across if that is the understanding then obviously resource availability would be accordingly taken care of or would be accordingly placed now as a part of the initiation phase what's also important is to have a proper goal. What is my goal ultimately? Now gold. There are several ways through which we write a goal and we always say that goal should be smart. Not only should be smart, but also should be clear now many of you may have already heard about smart goal. It should be specific measurable attainable or achievable. It should be realistic. It should be time-bound or it should be timely similarly when you work on a goal. It should also be collaborative. It shouldn't happen that there is gold but you know people can't really relate to that we should be able to Get along everybody all the team limited emotional appreciable definable. Let's take a couple of examples that will be able to relate it to this. There are certain examples here. These are like bit specific examples to increase the net income by 10 percent by the end of 3rd quarter 2018. For example, so by this goal, I would get a better Clarity in terms of what is the expectation. So in this goal, it's very clearly mentioned that we have to focus. On increasing the net income by how much is by 10% by when is by the third quarter which year is 2018 so we could be a bit more specific over here, right? They are the example could be to decrease Auto claims cycle time from an average 12 days to eight days by the March thirty first two thousand maybe 19. So this is another good example, where in we're very clear about. What do we want to achieve by the end of that project? So if you want to reduce the cycle time, but cycle Time by how many days and by when do we want to reduce the cycle time Etc. So if the goal is clear and smart, then it becomes much more easier to relate to like as we say clear C is for collaborative. So it should encourage your employees to work together in a collaborative fashion. So if I know if there is a Clarity that I have to increase income by 10% then I believe this will give lot of insights for The people to why we should be working collaboratively because there is a goal we can relate to that. There is a good Clarity over there limited goal should be limited in both scope and duration. So here also as you see scoop is very clear now, they want to just reduce the cycle time. Okay. So scope is definitely very very clear and limited and there is also a duration attached to that. It should be emotional. So people should be able to establish the emotional connection and that will also help us in Capitalizing on the employees energy and passion with which they work. So emotional angle is equally important here appreciable large goals should be broken down into smaller ones. So if you come across any goal, which is complex and which is large maybe you would like to break it down into the smaller goals as I was mentioning some times ago about digitizing the entire banking experience. That's a very big Vision. So if you just start applying lying or if you start executing or start working on this it will be very difficult to execute. But if you just break it down that I want to digitize the customer experience for the retail banking. So all the retail banking customers who comes to the branch and visit the branch and may fill out certain forms in a physical way now, I would like to use maybe the tablets or maybe some maybe the computers by putting up there in the branches so that people can come and fill up that I can. If on paper and it will also give a lot of convenience because same thing could be done even by sitting at home. So I'm trying to break off some of the complex things into bit simple ones which are easy to execute and analyze. It should be a refined table. That means set goal with head strong and steadfast objective. So it's very important for us to ensure that if required I should be able to refine my goal. I should be able to change my goal. I should be able to ended in a modify it if something which we can't amend or modify then it's very difficult to stick around. So that's another characteristics of the good written goal is what we talked about. So we just now spoke about the phases as part of planning a course we talked about all of these things. The goose will come as part of the planning. So once we have an initiation activities once we have got the clearly defined scope and then we get into the planning and that's where we agree to what exactly we want to achieve. And by when do we want to achieve and we have got everything documented in the form of plan and then we start executing it and this is where your actual team will come into picture because now it's time for us to start working on some of the key tasks as part of the plan that we've all agreed to execute then we have to do assignment of the task to the resources. So we have got resources will assign the task to the resources and they will then start executing those tasks. At times we might need to also reach out to some of the other Enterprise teams. The Enterprise teams could be procurement team. It could be a finance team. It could be human resource team. And why do we need to reach out to them is because if I want to procure something on the project, I can reach out to the procurement team the finance team and you know try to procure things for my project in the digital project example, I might need to procure maybe I need to onboard certain vendors because It's going to be a new experience to me and I don't have that expertise. I would like to onboard few vendors who can provide us that expertise. It could be even the new technology. So I want to explore the new technology. It could be Google cloud or it could be the Amazon cloud or it could be even for that matter the Azure platform, which is another from micro soft. So it depends on what exactly I would like to do. So for that I need to also engage the procurement and then what's most important is Is as a project manager I should be able to direct my team. I should be able to manage the execution effectively by continuous monitoring and that's where you're tracking system will come into picture these days. I've seen mostly we use Tunes so it could be Ms. Projects or it could be Clarity from CA or it could be even simple Excel sheet or it could be if it is agile project. Then you could be using certain workflow management tools jira or for that matter. You know, whichever the tool version 1 rally Etc, which you would be using and that's where the task assignments we come into picture The Continuous tracking will come into picture because these tools will actually help you in continuously tracking as well on an ongoing basis. We have to also organize certain status meetings. Now though status meetings could be organized with the team on a weekly basis and maybe again with the at a program level and a portfolio level. It could be done at the fortnightly. These may be initially the frequency could be more but as we go ahead it could even reduce and then we'll have to also based on the progress go on updating the project schedule and if required will it also modify the plan so your plan should be flexible enough to be able to amend it as per the current progress. So that's where we need to also engage some of the stakeholders you might need to take certain approvals in order to amend your plans or update your plans moving to the next phase which talks about String and controlling and this is where some of the key matrices will come into picture and these are the key performance indicators or kpi is as we talked about from the point of view of project objectives. So are we really close to achieving the project objectives are not so is the digitization happening in the retail banking now with maybe those five forms or those ten forms that we identified or not. What is the quality deliverables? So are we meeting the quality standards? So if If it is the IT projects and you're working on the applications, what about the defects are we identifying defects and how frequently are we identifying defects during the development cycle? So is it being identified during the development or is it being identified at a later stage during testing phase or the unit testing phase or user acceptance testing phase so even that will certainly matter a lot cost tracking so you would also need to do the cost tracking on a regular basis. So this is Are you will be able to also use some of the techniques like earned value management or evm so you will come up with the schedule performance index cost performance index and we'll be able to manage the cost and schedule right and effort tracking. So again how much effort was committed by the team members and how much effort is actually booked on the project. So even certain tools can be used in order to track the efforts on the project. And of course the performance of the Project's overall. How are we faring with respect to the budget with respect to the schedule with respect to the risks that are there on the project the issue handling. So all of these aspects will certainly be looked into when it comes to measuring and monitoring the key performance indicators. Then we move to the last phase which is a closing phase and this is a phase where we of course we make sure that whatever we produced is verified by the customer and is greed is accepted by the Because each of the requirement that we work on will always have some acceptance criteria. So we'll have to ensure that the customer is involved into proper verification. And once it is verified, you know, that means we are good good to go ahead and close the project then we'll have to also look out for if there is any contract with any of the vendors. So how can we close those contracts based on the terms and conditions that we agreed and some other activities with respect to project closure needs to be performed. Like completing certain documents arranging the pi r which is post-implementation review. So some of those activities would also be a part of your typical project closure activities that we do so these are just high level activities, but we of course perform lot of processes as a part of some of these phases and we'll go through them at a very high level today the knowledge area and processes now, since you all are aspired to become the certified project managers, By completing your PMP certification successfully. So it's important to learn about knowledge areas and the processes that are being put up or that are being published through pmbok, which is official guide by the PMI. So in pmbok, you'll find there are 10 different knowledge areas and there are 49 different processes. So if you count these processes, there are 49 of them and there are ten knowledge areas. And of course there are process groups. So this process groups will be you're initiating planning executing monitoring and controlling closing. So these are the process groups and all these knowledge areas and processes. They are actually going to be a part of this process groups and the knowledge areas. So maybe I would like to just very quickly show you this this is where all of the process groups and the processes will come into picture. So there are total 49 of them as I mentioned and there are Knowledge areas and these are the process groups and you'll find each of these process groups and the knowledge areas. There are various processes which are cut across into multiple knowledge areas from each of these process groups. Okay. So let's take a look at this very quickly will not be able to really go through this in detail. Of course, we have limited time, but certainly will be able to just take a glance of some of these knowledge areas and processes. So let's start with the in Integration so project integration is one of the biggest knowledge areas because this is where we perform some of the Key activities like developing a project Charter because project Charter empowers the project manager. So it's important to have a project Charter in place. We start working on the project management plan because project management plan will also contains lot of other subsidy management plan from scope point of view skill point of view quality point of view risk point of view. So that's another important one then once we have a plan in place. Start executing the plan and that is where the directing and managing Project work will come into picture because this is the process wherein we start executing the plan that we have agreed. And once we are into execution, it's important to continuously Monitor and control some of the project work. Why control is required because if we are deviating from the plan then we need to obviously take corrective actions. So if you are overspending then we need to see how we can reduce the spend by taking certain. Certain corrective actions form integrated Change Control while working on Project you will also be given a lot of other things than you agreed initially in the form of scope and those things are those changes could be due to what's going on currently on the project based on the customer initial understanding of the overall progress or it could be involvement of the customer into maybe prototype revives or demos Etc. It's all that put together will certainly lead to certain New changes and how to manage that is covered as part of this as well and integration management will also cover closing the project activities. So as you can see here integration management is a big piece because it cut across all the process groups then scope management. This is where we'll do the planning of scope management how to collect requirements how to define School based on that and then break down the scope items into smaller smaller items as a part of the work breakdown structure, which is WB Yes, and once we have that in place, we need to also ensure that we validate scope right? So we need to have that press ability in place. So that what we are building is in line with what is being agreed between you and customer and how we can control the scope as well. So that scope creep should not occur and you have got a any change that comes in is managed effectively then moving to the time management. So this is where we again start working on planning schedule management activities. So once we have a schedule management plan So we then Define the activities so activities are derived out of the scope items that we have worked a pound. Once we have activities that you are going to perform on the project. You have to sequence them. Right? So without sequencing the activities you would not be able to understand what needs to be done first what needs to be done second Etc. So it's very important to sequence those activities and then you will estimate for each of the activity how many resources are required as well as you will estimate. How long would that actively Take and then based on all this information. You will come up with a schedule and that Scholars develop schedule process. And once we have a schedule in place, then what's important is to control that schedule. So all this happened as a part of the time management as a knowledge area moving to the cost management. This is where we learn about planning cost management suppose. We create a plan for that and then we go on estimating cost. So how do we estimate cost for each of these activities that we have listed down? How much would it be? Cost for that so it could be the bottom of estimation that you could do and based on the cost that you have estimated for each of the activities. What you would then do is you will determine the budget you will just roll it up. You will calculate how much would it take and based on that you will determine the budget and then you'll have to then control that budget. Once we have it in place. The quality management will take care of the quality management plan. Whatever is being agreed between you and customer in terms of quality and whatever is your Leti commitment needs to be captured over there and then we'll have to also perform certain processes like performing quality assurance activities. So that is like what you have builting is better quality. So that's very important quality assurance will make sure that you are building the quality in the product and then of course, you will control quality. So for example, if the software project you will make sure that you will follow the coding standards so that the code quality is better you will follow Like refactoring so that you are removing the duplicate lines of code or unnecessary lines of code Etc. So all that will make sure that what you're producing is a good quality code, which is bare minimum required to execute that program and in turn into and develop that functionality human resource management will cover your planning aspect. First of creating a human resource management plan. And of course, the other things is how to acquire human resources on the project how We can develop then providing them training and then how we can manage them throughout so that we can retain them and obviously how we can make sure that people are happy on the project. They're motivated Etc communication management plan will talk about of course creating the plan in itself what to communicate when to communicate whom to communicate what to communicate and what's the media to communicate? So is it going to be a meeting is going to be our email? Is it going to be a push or pull communication? So what are the communication channels that we are? Use so all this data will be captured there. Once we have the plan in place then we need to manage and control it effectively. Then comes a procurement management. So this is where again we'll be able to come up with the procurement management plan a front and then we just execute that plan. So what have you decided to Outsource to the vendor how much of it and then which vendors how to select them. So all of that will come into picture then you start conducting the procurement activities and of course, you will control it and once the project is Is over then you will do the closing of procurement, which is nothing but contact closing risk is another important knowledge area. This is where we understand about course. We create the risk management plan and then most importantly we affront Define. How are you going to identify the risks? How are we going to do qualitative and quantitative analysis of the risks again, whatever is the organizational process assets as a part of that you may have already defined the quantitative and qualitative. If doing the risks analysis and there must have been some template already in the organization. So the same template could be used here. And then you do the risk response planning. So for each of the risks that are identified you to the prioritization and then you do planning which risks you need to mitigate which risk you need to transfer. Which one is you need to accept because there is litigation could cost you more than accepting the risk and then periodically just go on reviewing that plan so that you can control risk effect. Tivoli and the most important the last but most important one is the stakeholder management. This is where we capture about. How are we going to identify stakeholders? Right? And how are we going to manage the stakeholders effectively. So different stakeholder management strategies needs to be captured over here in terms of stakeholder engagement from the point of view of power and interest right? So from the point of view of influence of the stakeholder, and how much is the power to the stakeholder Etc. So you Create those grids and you try to control your stakeholders through those grids some stakeholders. You need to manage closely some stakeholders. You need to just keep them informed about what's happening. Right? So depending on the influence and the power of the stakeholder, you need to take those decisions. And then of course this way you should be able to control it. So this cover all the ten knowledge areas and 14 and processes that we are going to study in detail as a part of the PMP certification. Training program. So this brings us to the next slide and this talks about methodologies. So what are some of the methodologies that we can think of in the project management since we are talking about the project management need to have a proper governance in place. You need to have a proper processes in place. There are certain methodologies, which actually helps us ensuring that all this is being followed effectively and you will come across many of them now. This is not really Ranking or anything of that sort. This is just kind of a list. So starting with agile because these days we talk about agile a lot because a child will certainly help in delivering better business value and it will also help in identifying issues and defect very early in the cycle and then it in turn it gives a lot of opportunity and time for us to fix those defects and you know work through those so agile is definitely one of the most popular mythology is these days what if all was there once upon a time and even it is still there? R it's not bad wherever things are clear up front. No changes are expected. Not too many changes. I expected our feedback loops are not required to frequently. I think even waterfall also gives you good results may be provided that you know, all these things are there but typically in software projects. We have seen that many times with work on the complex adaptive systems and where things are like from technology point of view from requirements point of view. There is a lot of uncertainty and that leads to your change. Being introduced in the project scrum is one of the agile methodologies and it's very very lightweight. It's described only in 18 pages and scrum is such a methodology where in actually helps us in bringing in good governance within team because it has got fixed time boxed iterations as well as there are certain fixed ceremonies that we do so scram is definitely one of the most popular agile methodologies, and then we had rapid application development. During early 90s, it was introduced in fact rapid application development involves or are ad involves lot of prototyping and taking early feedbacks and building on that. So definitely it was very very effective at that point in time. And in fact agile evolved out of Rapid application development was definitely one of the inputs. I would say new product integration. So again how to integrate new product specific attention is given over there prince2 is the methodology again, there is also a certification that's available for Prince to for those who are interested. So certainly that's also available. So this talks about projects in a controlled environment. It's another structured project management method, right and this will certainly give lot of emphasis on managing and controlling the various project stages. So there is a proper training on Prince to really so I don't think so right now we need to go through all of that kanban is and Mythology within a child but carbon is definitely very old. It was tried first time in Toyota production system. And from there. It has become so much popular these days that it's used in even portfolio management sand even scaled agile Frameworks and it's very simple yet very powerful mythology. The whole objective of this methodology is to make things visible and, you know, create the flow of work and make it visible and control the work in progress. And that actually helps us in identifying the bottlenecks and you know, try to reduce the cycle time or lead time Etc. Six Sigma is definitely another methodology and it's more statistical in nature. It's heavily used in the industries where things are tangible. We can measure it and apply the statistical tools and this way we'll be able to then understand the as state and we can certainly move on to the to be state that could be enhancing the productivity or Cost or for that matter maybe the depending upon for example if it is all Center. So how can we reduce the average call handling time Etc. So Six Sigma is definitely old and a popular one. Dmaic is one of the methodologies within Six Sigma which is defined measure analyze improve and control. So these are the phases within DMACC Scholars DMACC cycle and very follow Six Sigma project. You actually implement the Cycle so you would then understand. How does this whole thing work and outcome mapping is another one. So I would come back napping actually focuses a bit more on of course planning monitoring and evaluating some of these are important activities and mainly from the social change point of view. This is where the outcome mapping would come into picture really so these are several of them methodologies which are available out in the you know available to all of us to use and of course each one of it has Advantages and disadvantages welcome to PMP integration management webinar. So the agenda of this webinar is to understand what is Project integration management is all about and having the overview about integration management and the processes which are part of integration management. So project integration management. Project integration management is one of the knowledge areas in the PMP project management framework. So project management practices project management framework where PMP being a best practice well accepted across the globe has ten knowledge areas defined five process groups defined and 49 processes defined in the latest edition of pmbok. So project integration management being one of the knowledge areas includes the process. Us and activities to identify Define combined unify and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within the project management process groups project manager is also called as project integrator reason being project manager should have a full end-to-end view of the project and do necessary activities required to manage the project by having end-to-end visibility at any given point in the project project. Management should able to connect in terms of what needs to be done as defined is the project is progressing or not that needs to be very much visible to the project manager and that happens in Project integration management. So integration management basically includes various Trends and emerging practices which involves use of automated tools use of visual management tools project and Knowledge Management expanding the Jack manages responsibility and many hybrid methodologies. So television considerations required while adopting the PMP project management best practice Frameworks requires understanding the project life cycle of a specific project, which is being done the entire life cycle in terms of activities involved. It may be a product which is being developed. We should remember in a specific product life cycle in a A specific service lifecycle or in a specific results what we are creating which will be becoming a result of a specific project. That itself will have a life cycle. So introducing that product or service you will have a project while hansung while adding a module or modifying the capabilities of the product. You may require to initiate a project to retire the product or Services. You may require to initiate a project again. So basically what we are Trying to indicate is in a given product life cycle or service lifecycle. There will be many project life cycles. When we say life cycle. There will be beginning means a start date. There will be end means end date finish date. So beginning to end of a project is Project Life Cycle where multiple such project life cycles can be there in a single product life cycle or in a single service lifecycle. So throw out that life cycle you will come up. Across many approaches required like quality management approach risk management approach scope management required cost management required schedule management procurement management. So for all these there should be specific approach defined as part of the planning which will get integrated in integration management. So Knowledge Management plays a very important role in every project. So knowledge may be related to the project which are already done. Already completed. So those knowledge can be used for the project which is currently running and use that knowledge which is captured their ear in the current project. So that current project you need not reinvent things or redefine something similarly while doing project currently. You were required to capture the details of this project. Whatever the learning you have. What went wrong? What went well, what are those processes? What are those challenges? Is what are those issues which has come across and how they were resolved. So in a way project management itself is a change management. So I am saying this for a reason every project which is being producing a specific product or service will bring the change to an environment menu. So means project management introduces any project introduces a change to the environment and project management should ensure these changes are done. Properly considering the project environment and all those various different Dynamics in Project environment. Secondly when I say change we should also think about the change to the baselines defined to the project which will happen while doing the projects so we should not get confused between these two changes the project which is bringing a change to a norment versus the change which is happening to those bass lines, which is defined within the project. So both needs to be will very carefully and both are not same then every initiative every investment which is being done by an organization that needs to be justified. So similarly project will also have an investment which needs to be justified and every project investment happens with the specific directions set by organization. So there will be a governing body which looks at a project to see whether this particular project is aligning to that directions. What organization governance is set. So to ensure that there should be a project governance every project as it produce outputs outputs in terms of products output in terms of services. Definitely will have an outcomes creating the benefits or value in the absence of this benefit realization in the absence of not understanding the specific benefits realization of the value. If that doesn't happen investment on the project doesn't make any sense, so this needs to be conformed while taking A up the project these needs to be confirmed while project is being delivered these needs to be confirmed in the post-project stage as well the product or service which have been created as part of this project should work should perform in such a way that benefits realization should happen integration management processes. So project integration management as around seven processes defined in pmbok 6th edition, which is the last one this involves develop project Charter which is part of initiation process group initiating process group defined in PMP framework similarly develop project management plan is a process which is defined as part of the planning process direct and manage Project work manage project knowledge these two processes are defined as part of executing process group Monitor and control project work for form rated Change Control these two processes are defined as part of monitoring and Control process group but as close project or phase is a process which is defined as part of closing process group defined in PMP so develop project Charter as I mentioned earlier develop project Charter is a process which is in initiating process group so the aim of this process is to develop the project Charter so which basically mean creation of a Document a formal document which has to be developed which should be helpful in authorizing the existence of the project which means assignment of a project manager will happen as part of this particular process project Charter will be handed over to the project manager and formal Declaration of assignment of the project manager will happen. It is very important to create a project Charter before starting the project implementation as the charter would provide a step-by-step High. evil plan for the project with the development of project project manager gains authority over various resources that are applied to the project activities by developing the project Charter One will be able to establish a direct link between the organization objectives and the undertaken projects develop project Charter process the inputs to the process includes business case benefits management plan agreements to Define the initial intention for the Object then Enterprise environmental factors, which are very important because project is happen in that environment the legal regulatory market conditions organization's culture environmental conditions. Social stakeholders expectations their behaviors, then organization processes. It's so organization processes its includes all the processes policies standards templates methods historical information. Ation, the lessons learned from the previous project which is captured. So all these are required while creating a project Charter. So tools used to develop project Charter would be expert judgment which mean involvement of those experts who are domain experts or who are very thorough about the specific topic or specific subject on which project is being done. So taking their inputs taking their opinion and then including those points whichever makes sense and Covid are required as per the situation into a charter then data Gathering data Gathering from all those inputs what we mentioned and also the details of the projects what is mentioned relating to that specific data Gathering then interpersonal and steam skills. This requires meeting with many different individuals of different capabilities and understanding will be stakeholders. If I say at the moment who have also over the stakeholder one knows about connecting with them and ensuring the Al's of that particular project relating to that project are captured using interpersonal and team skills and meetings can also be done to collect those details outputs of this process develop project Charter would be project Charter itself is an output and secondly assumptions long. So what are the assumptions made considerations made while developing the project Charter which has to be articulated. So next process develop project management plan. Develop project management plan is a process in a planning process group. So this is the second process where the idea is to have a comprehensive project management plan. So as defined in pmbok project management body of knowledge 6th edition, which is the latest version there are ten knowledge areas as I mentioned. So each knowledge area creates a plan develops a plan relating to that knowledge area like scope management. We'll have scope management Plan cost management will have cost management plan like with each of those knowledge areas will have specific plans develop but however, these plans are called as subsidiary plans. So all these subsidiary plans will get Consolidated in integration value. So develop project management plan is a process in integration management knowledge area which consolidates all of these subsidiary plans. So This is the process of developing a project management plan which includes defining preparing and coordinating other plan components to finally integrate them into project management plan. The key advantage of developing a project management plan is that it acts as a road map of all the team members. So this can become an ultimate reference while executing the project this would provide the required directions and set the objectives clear. And the plan which is made initially would become a baseline. So this also provide a specific Direction which helps a project to move towards the goal which is defined and with that unified goal a project delivery can become successful. So inputs to develop project management process would be project Charter which is an output of develop project Charter process, which we just discussed. So develop project Charter process is part of the integration management. Egeria the output of the process comes as an input to develop project management. So outputs from other processes as I mentioned every knowledge area rest of the knowledge areas out of ten knowledge areas create subsidiary plans. So those subsidiary plans will come as an input to develop project management plan. Then as I mentioned earlier Enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets will also work as an input to develop project management. So the tool used as part of develop project management plan or expert judgment data-gathering interpersonal team skills, right meetings outputs of develop project management plan would be number one project management plan, which is a consolidation of all the subsidiary plans and detailing out on connecting those together to have a execution of the project becomes smoother and easier. This would be an ultimate Baseline then next process is direct and manage. Look so direct and manage Project work is part of executing process group in integration management knowledge area. So as part of this process project management Direction manage Project work and this is an integrated process which will provide that visibility in entirety. So execution of work will be done by the team who are assigned to do that work but project manager himself or herself will not go and do the activity there so direct and manage Project / process helps in directing and manage the project work and making required changes to meet the promised goals with the correct direction and the management of the project the probability of the Project's success increases while elevating the deliverables quality. So this process is followed throughout the Project Life Cycle. So inputs to direct and manage Project work our project management plan, which is the output of develop project management plan process within the Same knowledge area project documents like changelog Lessons Learned register Milestone list project Communications. Then project schedule requirements traceability Matrix risk register and risk metrics risk report approaching request. So now you may ask the question you may have the questions various disapproved change requests coming from when I am into direct and manage Project work, which is the next process. I'm looking at after develop project management plan. And so if you visualize the project in entirety in some part of the project sometime, there may be some deviation which is identified by monitoring and Control process while assessing or while doing an auditing while testing there may be some deviation which is found so that needs to be corrected to correct it a corrective action has to be taken to do the correction. There may be change with needs to be done and that will go as a change request to integrated change management process, which is Monitoring and Control process group. Once that change request is evaluated that change request will be approved and that will come as an input to directin manage Project work to take necessary corrective action. So prevent you actions can also be in the scenario of proactive measurements, which is being done or forcing certain things happens. So addressing the root cause you Marik will do some changes. So like corrective actions prevent the action defective repair these These are happening through change approval. So those needs to be implemented as that as a input coming from integrated change management process. This has to be executed that executions has to be directed and managed by project manager. Enterprise environmental factors will also come as an input and finally organization processes it so tools used as part of direct and manage Project work our expert judgment then project management information system. Meetings outputs of direct and manage Project work our deliverables actual deliverables, which is coming out each deliverables with as per the plant shedule then work performance data actual work performance data how the project is working how the project is executed. What is the status of it? What is being created? What is in progress at any given point in time is Sherlocks issue logs are the one which used to capture all those deviations? It's corrective measures which needs to be taken and this is managed by project manager at tracker which is maintained by project manager to track those issue logs during the execution then change requests which are raised during the execution. Some deviations are found. Some corrections are to be made to do the corrections. There may be change request released for the deviation. Then project management plan updates based on those changes are based on the performance which are identified project document updates and Sharon process assets updates. So yeop updates our organization processes set up dates reason being there may be a learning there will be a template defined that needs to go and sit in Opa. So this can be referred in any other project later or within this project as the project progresses. It can be reused referring to Opa repository. So next process manage project knowledge. So manage project knowledge is a process which is included as part of 60. Addition of pmbok so earlier there was no specific process to manage project knowledge in the earlier editions of pmbok. So this is a new process which is include from the sixth edition of pmbok defined by PMI. So when I say knowledge one has to keep in mind it's all about know how so when we say some people as I observed they say knowledge is equal to information, which is not true informations basically gives you the message whereas knowledge provides. The actions the steps to do something no house. So in a project you may require to Define no house. You may require to understand for resolution of something. What are the steps involved for implementing something what are the steps involved? So those are defined so that should not be tampered. The Integrity of that has to be ensured someone cannot just go and change those steps without any proper approval. So those needs to be correctly ensured a acknowledge, which is being created for the project remains. So managing that project knowledge is very essential so that achieving the project objective as discussed defined and agreed would be easier so that there is no ambiguity while executing so this can also be used in the future learning and references. So it is primarily done by using historical or existing organization data and updating correcting the current knowledge. Which over The so that needs to be updated on a regular basis it majorly helps in liberating the organization knowledge and improving the project results. So as we discussed about there will be something which is done during this project which are defined that means to maintain or hollowing there will be something which we learnt that also need to be captured and ensured that is not tampered. It is available whenever it is required in the current project as well as future projects, which is being done in the organization so inputs To manage project knowledge process will be project management plan project documents. Like Lessons Learned register project team assignments resource breakdown structure stakeholder register and the deliverables deliverables, which are happening during the execution of the project unique deliverable throughout the Project Life. Cycle may be a milestone deliverable then Enterprise environmental factor and organization process asset. Tools used as part of manage project knowledge or expert judgement Knowledge Management tools interpersonal and team skills Information Management outputs of manage project knowledge process would be Lessons Learned register the creation of what are the lessons which are captured and reference to those then project management plan updates based on those learnings then OPM dates for future reference. Monitor and control project work. So the Monitor and control project work process is part of monitoring and controlling process group in an integration management knowledge area. So this process helps in order to achieve the performance objectives as defined in the project management plan. This process is implemented to ensure all those deliverables which are being done in the project are according to what is defined. So in this model Ring and controlling process. The project is tracked reviewed projects overall progress is reported which enables stakeholders to get the exact idea of the project status. So this process is performed throughout the Project Life Cycle and it acts as guide or the project manager to ensure that the project is on schedule within the budget right and also the resources it'll ization according to what is defined identified risks are monitored managed. Owing to what is agreed similarly stakeholder engagement procurement communication scope. So in all perspective the nine knowledge areas, which we spoke about. So to reiterate on those nine knowledge areas, we can remember as scope management cost Management schedule management Resource Management quality management risk management procurement management communication management and stakeholder management. So monitoring and control project work will have the processes in all of these knowledge areas. So this process which is an integration management consolidates every control activities so that everything which is defined in all these nine knowledge areas are noted monitored checked whether are they are happening as defined in push to this process would be project management plan project documents like assumptions log basis of estimates cost for guests and She logs Lessons Learned register Milestone list and quality reports risk register and Report schedule forecast work performance information work performance data was input. Whereas here. We are seeing work performance information, which basically a processed data to in a specific context of that particular monitoring and controlling Project work activity. So other inputs maybe agreements Enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets tools used in monitoring and control project work our expert judgment decision-making data analysis meetings. It is very essential to collect those data process the data see how this particular project is being progressing. What is the current state? What was the actual one what says what is planned? So these needs to be understood so that necessary actions can be taken. And moving forward in the project. Whether should we do some corrections so that we can bring back the project to the track or should we continue the way it is running outputs of monitoring and control project work will be work performance reports change requests project management plan updates and project document updates. So work performance reports are created with a specific objective and context is this report is used to discuss with the team. Is this report is you To update the management is this report used to update the customer for review? So based on those context work performance reports are created and templates of those are defined as part of the plan. So change request is an output reason being there may be a deviation which is found while monitoring and controlling the project work. So to do the necessary correction of that particular deviations, which is found change request would be raised the process 6 is perform integrated change. Troll which is a process which takes a change request as an input and checks whether this change makes sense. So there is something called seven hours of change which we discuss while doing the service management. So that is poor is the change. What is the reason for the change? What is the return from the change risks of change responsibilities of change likewise, we defined seven hours. There should be answer to those seminars. So this process is performed to control the various change. Received throughout the Project Life Cycle. All the change request approved changes modification of final deliverable project documents project management plan Etc reviewed performing this process helps in keeping an integrated document containing the list of changes while assessing the overall risks, which might arise due to the new changes. So inputs to the process would be project management plan, which is basically change management plan configuration management plan scope Baseline. On schedule Baseline and cost Baseline project documents which is basis of estimates requirements traceability Matrix risk report then work performance reports like resource availability schedule and cost data and value reports burn up or burn down charts then change request which is required for corrective action preventive action defect reports or any updates, then Enterprise environmental factors and organization. Sussex the tools used as part of perform integrated Change Control be expert judgment Change Control tools decision-making and meetings so and lastly data analysis. So the outputs of perform integrated Change Control would be approved change requests project management plan updates project documents updates. If you look at the outputs very closely the input was change request whereas approve A change request is an output which means all those requests which are raised are checked. And if you recall approved change request was input to direct and manage Project work, which I explain from where that particular approach change request will come as an input to direct and manage Project work. So once it is approved implementation has to happen. That is the reason approaching request will go back to execution process group direct and manage Project work and then execution happens implementation of In happens close project or phase process which is in closing process group where the various project activities phases and contracts are finalized. It provides a control environment where project can be successfully wrapped up the closing process includes the activities like preservation of the project information completion of planned work the release of involved resources Etc, but we should remember when we say close. It is not about project closure alone. So it's about pays as well a project will have many phases. So closing that phases while closing that phases close project phase the same process is triggered the inputs to this process would be project Charter project management plan project documents and accept the deliverables other inputs should be business documents like business case benefits management plan agreements then procurement documents. And organizational process assets the tools used during close project or phase process should be expert judgment meetings and data analysis outputs of close project or phase project would be project document updates final product service or result transition final report and Opie updates. If we closely observe these lists of outputs. You don't see an accepted deliverable as an output You Don't See The results of project as an output. It is a final product service or result transition, meaning the acceptance of this particular product or service or results, which is created as part of the project is already shown to customer to the stakeholders and necessary sign of required is obtained in terms of acceptance. So only then close project or phase process will be triggered to complete all those necessary activities required to formally declare. The phase of a project or project in entirety is complete. So that's hot the integration management knowledge area defined in pmis pmbok 6th edition, which is part of project management professional certification program. Project scope management, as you know project scope management is one of the important knowledge areas of detained knowledge areas that we have in pmbok 6th edition. If you compare the project scope management with the pmbok 5th edition, the previous one there hasn't been much of a change in this particular knowledge area except tradition of few tools and techniques which we will talk about and of course there are certain tailoring considerations that are added which we will also be touching upon As a part of this webinar in today's webinar, I'm sure I'll be able to give you overview on the scope management and what are the different processes that are associated with the scope management? So with this agenda, let's get started with project scope management. So project scope management is one of the knowledge areas that we have out of the ten knowledge areas that we cover as a part of the ombak when you prepare for PMP examination. Definitely you will be referring to the latest edition of which is pin. Bach sixth edition and today's webinar and the training is based on the latest pmbok, which is 6th edition itself. There are total forty nine processes. There are total 5 different process groups that we talked about and ten knowledge areas. So when you appear for the exam and when you prepare for the PMP certification, you basically study all of these you will study ten knowledge areas 49 processes and five different process groups one of the knowledge areas today. That we're covering as a part of this webinar in terms of giving you the high level overview is the scope management as a part of scope management. I'm sure you may have a lot of basic questions fundamental questions around this knowledge area, which I'm sure you will be able to get an answer to some of those largely as you would know and you would agree that the scope management process covers about how we Define the scope on the project how we go about controlling it and it's more from the point of view of of the kind of output that we are trying to deliver by the end of the project. What outcomes are we trying to achieve for our stakeholders and what benefits of the project that we are trying to help our stakeholder achieve or the result or the outcome that we are working for if you really look at whenever we work on any project as a result of the project what we get by the end of the project is some deliverable the deliverable could be in the form of some physical product that you're launching in the market. Are the deliverable could be in the form of some service or some result that you have producing and that result or the product is going to ultimately help your stakeholders achieve the outcomes that they want to achieve through that there could be various outcomes that they want to achieve by the way, for example, if you are launching some product in the market for your stakeholders through which they might want to achieve the customer satisfaction, so that is outcome of the product that you are trying to work for your stay. Beholders outcomes are defined by stakeholders deliverables are booked a pound by the team and the ensure that the produce the deliverables in line with the expectations that are agreed upon between the team and the stakeholders and obviously as a team, we should also be knowing the kind of benefits that the project offers to the stakeholders. That's how these three things are interlinked with each other now when we talk about scope, obviously we have to look into the product scope and Project scope now. There is a product life cycle and there is a Project Life Cycle and just to give you an idea about the product life cycle, which is definitely much much bigger much much lengthier than the Project Life Cycle. But obviously when we produce any product, we basically undertake some project and the outcome of the project is your product. But once you start working on that product the product life cycle is much much longer and with in life cycle of a product. You might be undertaking multiple projects. So there is a project scope. So for example, you have a product which you have already launched in the market and now we have undertaken a small project to build some enhancement on the top of the project. So let's say you are introducing the CRM cells management software in the market. It's already there in the market. You have defined that scope of the product what are things that you want to cover as a part of the product offering in the market based on the category? It serves in For example, if it isn't a sales management, they're obviously you would like to build the capabilities which will help your customers utilize your product or use your product in such a way that they can fulfill their needs and requirements. So you'll ensure that your product is capable enough to fulfill all that scope from the customers point of view. Now when we talk about a project now project you could undertake for various purposes. One of the purpose is your product is already in the market and now you want to build some A small enhancement on the top of that so you might undertake a small project just to build that small enhancement and then you would complete that project within 2 months 3 months 6 months whatever the time period that is agreed between you and the customer so you have a project scope in this case it is whatever the enhancement that you have agreed and your product scope which is obviously based on the product that you're building to be launched in the market. Now if you talk about the scope management, it will obviously cover products group project scope. Depending on what for you're working on. Now. Let's talk about certain tailoring considerations from the scope management point of view. And this is what exactly PMI has done from the sixth edition. There are certain tillering considerations that are being considered for each of the knowledge areas from example of you as well. This is important to know what are the tailoring consideration under scope management. We always say that one size solution doesn't fit all so we'll have to tell her the Is that we are working on so if I have to work on a scope management, I might have to tailor the process based on the context. I am working in and that really differs if you're working in a banking industry. If you work in fmcg Industry fast moving consumer goods, if you are working in e-commerce industry pharmaceutical industry manufacturing. So in each of these industries the kind of work that you may be working on could differ the context is different you're dealing with different kinds of stakeholders. So it's very important for us to tailor the process based on the context that you're working in so knowledge and requirements management. How are you? Go to ensure that the knowledge is gathered is documented and based on that you would have to then think about the kind of requirements that they would like to work a pound. How are you going to validate and control your scope now depending on the kind of context that you work in you would decide in terms of defining the acceptance criteria in terms of agreeing a pound how and when when my customer would accept the deliverables by the end of each phase or by the end of whatever the Milestone that is agreed between you and the customers so we can certainly Taylor around this aspect as well. You would also need to define the development approach how would like to build this product or project or some result or service that you are trying to produce by the end of that project people might go by an agile way or you like to stick around the waterfall way or some project lifecycle or product line? Cycle that you would agree a pound between you and the stakeholders. So what's the development approach and that's going to differ if you're working in research and development the development approach could be completely different than if you're working on reducing some product to be launched in the market stability of requirements. If the changes that are expected in the product that you're developing are very high. Obviously, you might not be able to just go in a traditional way. You might need to have more interaction. Ins with customer more feedback loops so that you can pick up those changes. You can validate your requirements more frequently and you will be able to manage those changes in the requirements effectively. Otherwise, you would have a huge impact on the architecture on the design that you may have already created. If the change is come towards late in the cycle. And of course the governance the complexity of project would also Define the kind of governance framework that you want to establish on Project whether you would like To have got weekly meetings with your stakeholders fortnightly discussions escalation Matrix. What kind of a governance that you want to establish on the project that you're working on from school point of view. Definitely. It's important to know. How are you going to manage change on the project? We have to tailor the process based on these considerations. Now, once you've done the tailoring of the process, then you get onto the project scope management now under each of these knowledge areas, you will find various. Assesses, as a part of these knowledge areas talking about scope management. We start with plan scope management and this is where largely we focus on how to plan the scope management activities on Project correcting requirements is definitely one of the important process where we reach out to the stakeholders to identify their needs and requirements based on the project or product that we're working on then based on the requirements that we have gathered. We defined scope and we ensure that whatever is defined in the scope. You only work on those items and not something which is not part of scope creating WBS process certainly gives us an idea about what are the low level activities tasks packages work packages that we have to work a pound and decomposition is one of the techniques that is used while creating WBS. So creation of WBS is definitely one of the important processes within the scope management. Then we have to validate scope against the acceptance criteria that is defined between you and the customer for each deliverable that you're producing by the end of each phase in Project or product life cycle. It's important to Define very clearly the acceptance criteria. And then lastly we have got control scoop and this is where we basically see how do we control effectively the changes that might happen to the scope and how do we go about managing those changes? So these are the six processes that we have within scope management. Let's get onto each of these and we'll do bit of a deep dive into it. These processes in terms of understanding. What is it? First of all, what are some of the inputs that we have to consider what tools and techniques can we use on the process? And what kind of output can we expect out of it? So let's start with the first one which is about plan scope management. And as the name says plan scope management is all about we have to basically Define our approach. How are we going to go about managing scope on project? So it's largely about defining that approach like in terms of how are we going to To define the product scope. How are we going to validate it against the acceptance criteria how the scope is going to be controlled how changes on the or to the scope are going to be managed. So all of those approaches are basically covered as a part of the scope management plan. And certainly this is one of the important document from the point of view of if there is any confusion around like how we should manage change that I can just go and refer to this document. Even if I'm new on project and if I wouldn't know how to do that This document will certainly give me an idea about how I supposed to be validate scope against the acceptance criteria. So what is the overall approach that is being agreed between the team and customer so that guidance and the direction is what this provides so that's about the scope management. Now, how do we really create this kind of a document for that? We have to refer to certain inputs. The first is of course the project Charter since we are defining the approach. It's important for us to refer to the project Charter. In terms of understanding the high level scope that is mentioned there in the project Charter. We have to also refer to project management plan. The project management plan is a subsidiary management plan. So it encompasses various plans, like for example quality management plan. So largely we refer to the Quality Management plan when we work on the scope management plan because quality will give you inputs about kind of standards that you want to follow while working or creating on that product or service. Service or some result that you're working on through that project. So it's very important for us to refer to that or kind of Project Life Cycle that you would like to follow or the development approach that is being agreed to pound. So all of that would come from their organizational process assets. So this will give us an idea about what kind of internal standards that you like to follow what kind of templates that you would refer to Etc Enterprise environmental factors. You would refer to certain internal and external factors, like for example, if I'm building on the CR Sales management software. I would also like to look into some of the market product and see what is there in those products. And would there be any gap between what's their what's available already and what we would like to build so those Market factors or the products available in the market would also have an impact on the overall plan that you're creating for managing scope now, once you have a plan in place, certainly, you need to be using certain tools and techniques while creating this plan itself. The first is of course. Expert judgment, you can talk to the people who have been doing this for quite a while. These people will certainly give us an idea about how to do it meetings. We can organize various meetings in order to engage right stakeholders. We can also gather data and sort of to discussions around it. So this couple of techniques will certainly help us and what do we expect by the end of scope management plan? Really what we get ultimately is the scope management plan is what we get as output. So I would know how the scope is going to be managed on. Project by referring to this plan and I would also get requirement management plan. How am I going to manage requirements on the project right from Gathering requirements right from what kind of a techniques and tools am I going to use Etc who are the stakeholders? Am I going to engage? So all of those answers would come from the requirements management plan, including the traceability of the requirements. So that's about creating the plan. So once we have a plan in place, we know the approach on this project that's going to be followed when it comes to managing. Aging scope. Then I start working on the next process which is collect requirements as a part of collect requirement process. What do I have to do? Really? So this is a process where we basically ensure that we gather all the needs and requirements of customers, which will help in meeting the objectives of the project that we're working on. So, it could be manufacturing some product that you are working on or coming up with some result or some process or some service that you're trying. To launch in the market. So all of that could be a part of the collect requirements depending on the kind of objective that you have defined. So this will certainly give us an idea about how to define the scope of the product or project that we were working on before we Define the scope. It's important to gather requirements. And in order to do that. We'll have to use certain tools and techniques we have to refer to certain artifacts which are already created on the project by this time. So let's get on to it. What? Kind of tools and techniques should we be using so before we get on to the tools and techniques first of all, we need to refer to certain artifacts, which I was just now mentioning to you about like project Charter will help us knowing the high-level scope of the project. And of course, I would also know who are some of the stakeholders. I need to reach out to project management plan. Largely. As I said scope management plan requirements management plan stakeholder engagement plan. Some of these plants would be definitely useful to me while working on Acting requirements project documents. So I would also need to refer to certain project documents like maybe assumption log or lesson learned if there is any lesson previously learned and if I want to ensure that those mistakes wouldn't be occurring again. So that's very important. I would also need stakeholder register which is very important because that will give me the list of stakeholders whom I need to engage I would also need to refer to business documents and one of the most important document would be business case because business case will help me in understanding the background context how this project is going to give benefit to my customers Etc about investment impacts all of that. Now most of the times there is always the vendor engagement on the project something on the other hand. So I would need to know the agreements and those agreements will also give me an idea about either the kind of scope impact that would have on this project what kind of contribution the vendor would have on this and stakeholders as well Enterprise environment. Factors and organizational process assets would be here as well pertaining to collect requirements. What kind of a templates do I need to use? What kind of techniques do I need to use? So all of that would come from here when I work on collect requirements. So these are some of the inputs that I would need to refer to now what kind of tools and techniques would help me when I start Gathering requirements on the project. What are the important tools would be expert judgment. So I would reach out to people who have done this in the past. I would talk to them I would try to First and their perspectives your learnings and I will definitely engage them in order to gather scoop. So maybe for example business analyst would be one of the best examples. So we have people who have been working in business analysis for few years and they know how to conduct certain workshops facilitated group workshops or conduct surveys or interviews Etc. So I would reach out to them in terms of gathering data again, there are various ways through which I do that one of the way could be brainstorming. Actions, I would conduct face-to-face interviews and the other way could be also benchmarking. So as I said if I'm working on a CRM software for Sales Management, I would Benchmark it against some well-known product in the market reputed product in the market and to then try to find out gaps and that will help me in analyzing the data and obviously gather more data decision-making is definitely one of the important tools that we use and they could be be very small techniques that are used in decision-making like simple voting technique just so that everybody is engaged everybody's involved. There could be multi-criteria decision analysis based on the various criterias how those criterias would impact the decision cost quality resource availability. So many of these criterias would be available for us to refer to while making decisions definitely team skills and interpersonal skills, like for example, whether do we have skills in the team to conducting workshops like Nominal group technique or observations and conversations with some senior folks and even do we have the facilitation skills within our team members. So that facilitated workshops could be conducted and all of these would have certainly an impact data representations. Like Affinity diagram could be one of the examples in data representation context diagrams prototype. So these are some of the techniques which will definitely help you in engaging your stakeholders from whom you we'll be gathering data and of course requirements related requirements on the project. All right. So what do we get by the end of collect requirement process in the form of output you will get requirements documentation requirement documentation would have whatever the template which is used in your organization. You would have that and requirements traceability Matrix. These are the couple of outputs that we can think of getting out of this process. So requirement documentation is where all the requirements are captured and we have traceability Matrix and that's where we try to see. How do we Establish stress ability of that requirement through the project lifecycle so they could be a backward press ability or forward disability. We see to it that once we pick up the requirement from the requirement specification document. We are analyzing it we're designing it coding is happening testing is happening. And then it's a part of the implementation plan and it's deployed successfully. So that's the forward stress ability. Similarly. We can do the backward accessibility as well. Let's move on to Define scope. This is so once we have defined the requirement or scope management plan. Once we've gathered requirements then based on the requirements. We have to Define scope. So how do we do that? And what happens largely as part of this? So as one of the defining scope you would see that basically we're trying to describe what we are going to build what we are going to create as part of this project and product. So whatever the product outcome or result that you're trying to achieve here. Now you're going to Define them together with stakeholders and you're going to be on the same page about what it is like and this is where you'll also be capturing about the in scope and how scope items what is in scope. As a part of this project. What is not part of this project? So for example, if you are producing some software and that software is supporting only one language, which is English. So we need to be explicitly mentioning about that or if it is. Two languages, so we have to mention explicitly about that and it doesn't support Beyond these two languages or three languages which is being agreed between you and the customer acceptance criteria for each of the deliverables that we produced by the end of each phase needs to be also explicitly captured. For example, when we talk about as part of the acceptance criteria, when you come up with the requirement specification document as one of the deliverables so then has to be some acceptance criteria agreed between when the I will sign off that document when it fulfills certain acceptance criterias. So those needs to be explicitly put down here as a part of defining scope. What do we use really when it comes to the input to defining scope process. We refer to the project Charter project management plan certain documents Enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets. So in terms of project management plan will refer to scope management plan in particular and in terms of certain project documents whew. Numbers that I gave like assumption log if there is any assumption around when we try to Define scope will have to explicitly mention about that assumption and that really helps us and we can also refer to requirements documentation things like Risk register Etc. So those are also very useful to refer to while working on this process what kind of tools and techniques can we use expert judgment is one such a technique which is used in most of the processes that we work on. It's very useful we can use decision-making like few things that I mentioned earlier as well multi-criteria decision analysis kind of a thing data analysis again, trying to find out what are the options that we have and how we can choose the best possible option. So sorry for alternative analysis interpersonal and team skills. So this is where your facilitation skills will come into picture. Even if you want to run the meeting you need those skills without which you won't be able to do that and product analysis in order to find out what is in scope. Out of the scope of the product and one that we are building so we have to do the analysis of the product. What do we expect by the end of this process by the end of this process? We should have project scope statement with us. So project scope statement. Will Define ultimately about the product or a project that you're working on and largely what we want to achieve or what we want to build in that product or the project and certain project documents will get updated as well. Like for example during your Experience of defining scope if you come across any assumption you would like to log that you want to also update requirement documentation. If in case there has been any change that you observed you need to also go back and do that requirements traceability Matrix needs to be updated because now you have identified all the requirements put it into disability. So you can update that if there is impact at all and stakeholder register based on your interaction with stakeholder if you come across any Inch then you would need to also did that. So now we have defined the scope management plan. We have started Gathering requirements based on requirements. We have also created sort of a scoop for that product or the project that we're working on. It's time now for us to break down that into smaller packages, which will make our life easy to work on and that's the part of your create WBS. So w is is your work breakdown structure and as a part of work breakdown structure What you try to achieve really when we break down work into something which is more manageable something which is easy to estimate something which is easy to plan and most importantly based on this work breakdown structure. We actually come up with dependencies. We come up with schedule we come up with an estimate. So it's definitely very important for us to work about so work breakdown structure is one of the important processes within the project management and we need Make sure each work package that we create is broken down at such a level that we can estimate it. It's not a large chunk of requirement. It's a small chunk of requirement. So if you're working on hardware part, then you should be able to break it down into the smaller smaller component smaller smaller deliverables so that you can estimate in terms of networking requirements in terms of Hardware server requirements in terms of the other middlewares that you would need to build that so those needs to be very clearly defined. And so that we can estimate for each of these things. What's the time required? What's the money required and then we can derive the schedule and budget out of it. So to do that we need to certainly refer to certain inputs project management plan project document some of the documents which I mentioned earlier as well Enterprise environmental factors and the OPA is or organizational process assets. Like for example, when we create WBS there are various ways of creating WBS so you can Well phased way you can divide your entire project into various phases and you can just go on like for example requirement as a phase design as a phase development as a phase and within each of these phases you try to break down your scope items into the smaller more manageable packages. So if it is requirement, then you would basically come up with how are you going to manage your requirements requirements specification document. So that is one of the deliverables. How are you going to collect? Like requirements, what are the various techniques which go to work on each of these so you try to Define these deliverables as small as possible which we can then assign to people later on in the form of tasks. And then obviously you will be also useful when we estimate things as well. What kind of tools and techniques can be used. I think when it comes to create WBS, there are a couple of things that we can do most important technique here is decomposition. Now as the name itself says the composition is all about Come down your larger piece of requirement into the small ones. So whatever the scope item that you're working on. Just try to break it off into the small pieces, which is like we call it as a work package and that work package is small enough to be completed within maybe around 40 hours or so. So that's the rule of 40 that they follow but it could vary so it could be 40 hours to 80 hours something which we can estimate something which is you know, easy to learn about and which will also help us in the form of inputs when it comes to estimation of schedule and the budget expert judgment. We can certainly engage certain smes into this and take the views as well what we get by the end of this we'll get scope Baseline. And what we will get is the project documents Edition. So project documents will get updated score Baseline is something which is very important because you would Baseline your scope now we use a lot of different tools on the project. You might be using Ms. Projects, you might Be using for example Clarity there are certain tools are available or simple people might be doing it in the Excel spreadsheets as well. So once we defeat Baseline the scope that any change over and above would be considered as a new requirement and it has to go through the Change Control Board Etc. Whatever the process that is being agreed between you and the customer and the project documents again, some of the documents that I've already mentioned to you could be assumption log or could be Stakeholder list so those will get updated as a result of this. So if I have to just quickly summarize what we've covered we started off with scope management plan as one of the processes we defined it and we created that now we know the approach on the project about managing scope then we started off with how are we going to collect requirements on the project? What kind of inputs we can refer to what kind of tools and techniques can refer to excetera based on that? We Define scope of the project, so I have a scope. Right now and I also have a disability metrics Etc. Now all this information is going to be really useful when I do the next process which is about validating scope. So validating scope is all about understanding whatever the deliverables are have completed whether those deliverables meet acceptance criteria or not. So there is something called as the acceptance process and this acceptance process will certainly help us in increasing the probability of final product. Service or result acceptance and this is clearly defined between you and the customers for each deliverable that we are producing what is acceptance criteria. So if it is a high level design document that I'm producing on the project, when would my customer accept that or when with my customer approved that high level design document? So I move on to the low level design document if you're working in a waterfall way so while its scope is important process from that point of view. What we can use as part of input, of course, we need to refer to project management plan, especially scope requirement and the scope Baseline these three things are important from validate scoop on a view. So I would refer to the requirement management plan and the school Baseline, of course project documents. Like there are certain documents that we can refer to Here For example Lessons Learned document or if I have got a quality reports or certain requirement documentation and most importantly traceability Matrix. So I'll refer to the traceability Matrix as well. Then I would have verified deliverable which is the one that you have actually produced and verified and work performance data. So work performance data would have the actual progress of the work that you're making on the project typically work performance data is captured in the tool that you're using. So if you're using Ms projects, or if you're using Clarity, whichever the tool that you're using your actual work forms data is captured. So what's your plan? Activities and what's your actual activities that you have completed? So all this data is captured as part of that what kind of tools and techniques can be used here, especially in validating scope. You would have few things couple of things at least that you can use when it's about inspection. So you are actually inspecting that okay, there are certain acceptance criteria that are given by the customer and I have already produced a deliverable. So does it really meet the acceptance criteria or not? So I'm doing these regular inspections which will actually help me in getting closer and closer to the acceptance criteria of the deliverable that I'm producing and obviously decision-making techniques would certainly help in terms of getting opinion from people as well. What do I get out of this? I would get the accepted deliverable by the end of this process. I would know whether my customers have already accepted it considering that this meets acceptance criteria or not work performance information. So work performance information will be one of the output as I mentioned. It will come from the tool if there is any change at all during the raviv during the inspection. Typically what happens you're showing the deliverable to the customer and you're trying to show that have it meets acceptance criteria, but they could be changed. They could be like based on what you have shown to the customer customer might just suggest you few changes. So that might be a part of a change request which will follow the change request cycle and certain project documents will get updated like Lessons Learned document or requirements document. Or even for that matter requirement traceability document would also get updated if required. So this is what we can expect out of validate scope process. So now that we have done like we've come up with a plan. We have gathered requirements. We've defined the scope. We also validated requirements. It's important now for us to control that so that the score creep can be avoided scope creep avoidance is very important. And that's where the project managers role comes into picture ensuring that The scope is defined. So well that there is no need or scope creep doesn't happen. So let's talk about last and the most important process which is about control scope as part of control scope will look into first of all, what is it really? This comes as part of the monitoring process and this is where we try to monitor status of the project and product scope and whatever the changes are there needs to be incorporated to the scope Baseline, which is maintained throughout the project as we Discussed already that once we have defined the scope. We have to also come up with the scope Baseline, right? So once it is Baseline, once it is agreed or an above if there is any change it has to go through a change process. So that's the part of your control scope and monitoring what kind of inputs I need to refer to for this I would need. Of course the project management plan. I would need project documents work performance data and Opie is so all of these we have already discussed earlier as well. Well, so like for example in this case project documents, like I would need Lessons Learned documents which will be very useful to me and that's all the tools and techniques which will be useful like data analysis. I would do the trend analysis. For example, I would also be able to do the alternative analysis Etc and based on that what I will get as a part of the control scope is the work performance. So work performance. This is where I will come to know about. What's the kind of progress are making on the project. Is it in line? What I have planned or is it like I'm behind the schedule or ahead of the schedule or how am I doing since we're talking about scope then how am I doing with respect to the scope change requests if there is any new change that the customer would like to introduce so that will definitely be the output which will go to the process where the change is going to be processed project management plan will get updated if you acquired project documents might get updated stakeholder register or for that matter assumption log traceability Matrix. So any of these documents wherever there is impact as a result of the control scope process would need to be updated. So this covers all the processes that we have to cover as a part of the project scope management project schedule management. We have to talk about some of the important topics associated with project schedule Management. In fact, one of the important change that the PMI has done as a part of the pmbok 6th edition. Involves We Now call it as schedule management and not just the time management. So it's important for us to understand why schedule management and what are some of the important processes within this knowledge area that we need to understand not only just from exam point of view, but also from the implementation from this project schedule management point of view. So today's webinar is basically a very high level overview on Project schedule management. We will be talking about about the project schedule the various processes within that and how to manage the project schedule effectively. So let's get started with the project schedule management webinar. Now, as you all know project schedule is very very important, especially from the point of view of the project manager because project manager is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the project is delivered within the schedule and hence as I And earlier that the schedule management is one of the most important knowledge areas that we have within the ten knowledge areas that we talked about. So apart from the other knowledge areas that we cover as a part of the project management trainings like Risk Management or for that matter stakeholder management Resource Management Etc. One of the important one is definitely the project schedule Management in this webinar today. What we will talk about is basically within the schedule management. What are some of of the important tools and the techniques that we can use in order to manage the schedule effectively in order to derive and develop the skill of the project effectively. So we will take a look at those skills tools and techniques that are required and apart from that. We will also look into the monitoring and controlling aspects of the project because as I mentioned that once we get started with the project activities, it's very very important for us to ensure that we control and manage those activities. In order to deliver the project within the agreed schedule, we will definitely talk about how to do the monitoring and controlling of the scheduling activities. Not only that. We are also understand the importance of timely completion of the project. And in order to achieve that how we can approach the schedule management activities in an organized manner so that we will have a better control over the schedule that we have derived. So we are going to actually go through all the processes Within. In the schedule management at a high level so talking about the project schedule. Now, it's important for us to understand few aspects around the schedule management. First is of course the scheduling methods there are various scheduling methods that we use now when we talk about scheduling as you know that we approach the project scheduling in a very systematic manner when we refer to the pmbok while working on the projects because pmbok has prescribed and has given the various guidelines and Given various principles for doing the effective schedule management. There are certain scheduling methods which are also being given to us and they are available to us which we can refer to while working and deriving the project schedule. So project information will definitely is going to be one of the important factors while deriving the project schedule because that's going to be the input for us when we arrived at the project schedule. So if you look at this information, whatever you see on the slide like this the project. Information is input based on which we can derive the schedule using the scheduling tools and with the right set of skills that you possess as a project manager or as a part of the project that you're working on. Then you will be able to derive the project schedule effectively. So there are these aspects there are these components when we work on the schedule management. We need to have enough information about the activities about the phases about the Milestones about the project background context Etc. And then once we have That we can apply the right scheduling tools which we are going to talk about very soon and there are certain scheduling methods which we can use as well in order to approach the deriving of the schedule in a very very organized manner. So that's how it typically happens on the project what we get at the end is basically the plan so when we actually begin working on the schedule management activities, one of the important part is coming up with the schedule model, so that's where we essentially capture. ER the various dates of the key Milestones of the Key activities and we come up with a schedule model which can be then tracked across the Project Life Cycle. So all these things are very very important from schedule management point of view. And if these things are in place, then you will be able to effectively manage the schedule of the project. So let's talk about the tailoring aspect of the schedule management. Now if you see the pmbok sixth edition, it definitely focuses more on the tailoring aspect. The process and that's definitely very important as a consultant when we go to the organization's and when we try to work with those teams, one of the important responsibilities that we have is how we can tailor the existing process in order to make it more effective in order to make it in such a way Taylor it in such a way that the project teams can find it very easy to implement. So some of the tailoring aspects we will talk about so when we talk about the scheduling process particularly one of the We need to take into consideration is the life cycle approach. So there are various life cycles of the project that we talk about it could be adaptive life cycle predictive life cycle or hybrid life cycles, or we have the iterative and incremental life cycle. So which Project Life Cycle typically you are going to adopt to or you're going to basically apply or which is that approach of the or for the project lifecycle. Have you really chosen or have you agreed as a team? So that's one of the important inputs which needs to be considered availability of Sources will actually help us in tailoring the process especially with respect to the schedule because we need to come up with we need to have the resource calendar in place. We need to do the resource smoothening activities. We also need to do the resource leveling activities. So for that all you need to know what is the resource availability Technology support also has important role to play. So if you have a better technology in place, they're obviously while doing the estimation of the activities you would factor that in so if you're working on an it For example, and if you have the right set up automation Tools in place, if you have a continuous integration continuous delivery pipeline in place, then obviously that will make that much easier doing those activities with respect to release management or with respect to deployment of the software package from one environment to the other environment. So that will have an impact on the duration of the activities and various project Dimensions, which could be from the customers point of view. It could be from the scope point of view or it could be other Angles of the project or dimensions of the projects that we talked about. So these things needs to be taken into consideration, especially with respect to coming up with the project schedule now talking about the various processes on the schedule part of the project. Let's just first understand the various processes that are involved as a part of the schedule management. It starts with planning and that's how typically it happens if you pick up any knowledge area one of the The important things that we should be doing is the planning and once we have a plan in place that will make it that much easier for us to then just stick to the plan or just refer to the plan and execute the schedule management activities. So once we have a plan in place, we try to understand what activities are involved into this project. So whichever the project that you are working on, it could be research and development project. It could be an IT product development project or it could be any manufacturing project that you're working on. So what are some of the activities that are involved into the project so you come up with the list of those activities once we have a list of activities, we need to understand the sequencing of those activities and this is where we take into consideration the dependencies. What is the dependency of one activity over other and for that at times we need to factor in various assumptions and all that needs to be also documented. So hence, the next process is sequence activities followed with which once we have a list of activities. These once we know the sequencing of the activities, then we can certainly come up with the duration that is required to complete that activity. So if it is requirement Gathering as a phase within the IT project and we have activity of conducting the requirement Gathering Workshop. So once we know the sequencing of this activity, then we can certainly be able to estimate the duration that is required to perform the requirement of gathering Workshop. So that's how quickly it happens and then once we put together All the activities and we estimate activity duration of each of the activities that we have listed down. We just put it together and we can just roll it up or we can just totally top in order to come up with the project schedule. Once we have a schedule in place. It's important for us then to continuously Monitor and control that schedule. So it's a very very logical sequence of the schedule management processes. We start with planning and we end with trolling the plan controlling the schedule that we come up with. So now what we'll do is we will understand these processes bit in more detail. Now, we have a training program on PMP. That's where we discuss all these processes in depth and we spend hours together on just understanding the screed management activities. So as I said, this is one of the important knowledge areas and definitely this knowledge area consumes good amount of time within the PMP training program as well. So on this webinar, we may not be able to achieve or cover. These topics with the same depth of knowledge, but we will certainly be able to cover in terms of width and what all is there at a high level from the basic fundamentals perspective. So starting with the planning part whenever we come up with the planning aspect of the schedule management the way this whole thing is organized. I'm sure by now some of you may be knowing that we have certain inputs that we consider for each of the processes that we work on. There are always certain inputs that we consider and then there are certain tools and techniques That we need to use and what we get by the end of the process is some output. So we have also organized these slides in the similar manner. So for each of these processes, we will be understanding what are some of the key inputs for the process. What are some of the tools and techniques that we can use in order to effectively work on the process and what we can expect by the end of that process. So let's just get started with the first process within the schedule management, which is planned schedule manage. Starting with the planning aspect just understanding the background of this process. So this is the process where we will be coming up with the plan for schedule management. So what will activities we should be performing as a part of the schedule management is what is documented here? What are the procedures with respect to those activities What policies we should be adhering to what kind of a schedule model for example, we should be following what kind of estimation Technique we should be a following. So all those things needs to be certainly Third as a part of this plan, so we will definitely be able to do the effective planning will be able to develop manage execute and control the project schedule if all those things are documented effectively, like for example, what is going to be my Approach when it comes to the sequencing of activities, right so I can document that approach. What is going to be the estimation technique that I should be using. Is it the port technique that I will be using or is it the bottom of estimation that I will be using or should we be using on the project estimation? And the analogous estimation or should we be using the expert judgement Etc. So collectively as a team, we actually agree to that and we document it we put it together in the plan. Now this also gives guidance. This also gives Direction on the project while working throughout the project. We need to refer to the plan wherever we are stuck or if in case the project manager is not available if team wants to refer to the plan and get going I think this is the document that we can look forward. To so plan is very important not to starting with the inputs for each of these processes. As I mentioned. Let's understand for planning part. What kind of input that we can look forward to certainly when we do the project management as part of the scheduling part. It's important for us to know the scope now. We are coming up with the schedule. Remember that we're working on the project and we're coming up with the project schedule. Now in order to do that. We need to know the list of activities. We need to know the sequencing of the activities. We need to estimate those activities. Now for that we need to obviously know what is the project scope and any other information which you might get from the various documents on the project could be the project Charter is one of the important input that we can refer to that law. Also, give us an idea about some of the key Milestones suppose. When am I supposed to be completing the requirements specification document? When am I supposed to be completing the high level design or the low level design or the built activities? What is the date by which when I should be taking yup, the uat sign off or the business acceptance testing or user acceptance testing sign of Etc. So those are some of the key Milestones on the project that I should be aware about which will come from the project Charter now apart from that. There are also a few more things that we need to be aware about while working on the scheduling aspect of the project the other area of the input that we talked about is Enterprise environmental factors. So there are certain factors as an organization. There are certain internal and external factors, which will How an impact one of the examples could be the cultural aspects of the organization? How is the overall culture and the structure of the organization? Is it to hierarchical structure? How is the general culture? Is it to inclusive or is it too much process-oriented? Is it autocratic? So what kind of leadership style generally this followed so some of these aspects will also have an impact resource availability. What kind of project management software are you using there are various example of the p.m. Software's some of you maybe already use Seeing softwares, like maybe there are software is from the Microsoft. So MS project could be one of the example or there is prime Vera or clarities there from CA so there are various such a software's which are there for managing the project for managing the schedule. So which one are you using or the commercial aspects that are published on the project? So some of these things will have an impact as well as inputs to the planning part apart from that there is something called as oh PS which is nothing but or It has a tional process assets. Now, you will find the Enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets will have an impact or will be the input factors in many processes almost in all the processes. So if you talk about o PS o PS will give us a lot of data about the historical information about the project so very very useful, especially if you are implementing the techniques like analog is estimation historically estimation or parametric estimation. These data will be be very useful to refer to or if you want to refer to the plan. What kind of a template are we going to use for schedule management plan? So that template will come from the Opie's. So these are some of the inputs that we can look forward to what kind of tools and techniques can be used on this expert judgment so we can engage people who have got previous experience of doing the schedule management and take their inputs. We can analyze the data we can analyze the data and this data could be basically the alternative analysis. So for example make By decisions. So if we have the problem statement, if you have the context of the project then obviously the kind of solution that is being agreed that will also have an impact on the planning that you're doing for the schedule management. So we have to analyze the data or reserves analysis would be one example so management reserves. How would those be put into the plan or for that matter certain buffers that we come up with? So how do we go about doing or putting that while working on the plan? So we have to analyze the data? And that actually helps meetings could be very simple yet very very important tool that we use on the project and meetings. We need to know when to conduct the meetings whom to invite for the meetings and how we can engage all the stakeholders effectively in order to come up with the plan for doing the schedule management. Now, what do we get at the end of this process is obviously will get the schedule management plan. So schedule management plan will essentially have some of the important aspects like the schedule model. What is my project schedule? So as I mentioned the project schedule model is nothing but my project schedule with some of the key date some of the key Milestones some of the Key activities included into that level of accuracy. What kind of level of accuracy should I consider? So is it like and that's something which needs to be agreed by everybody all the stakeholders. So when I am I doing the estimation would it be okay with the 10% plus or minus as far as the estimation of the activity duration is concerned or should it be 20% or should it be just five percent. So depending on the the project depending on the stakeholder agreement you come up with the level of accuracy that's required unit of measurement. What are we doing in the estimation? Is it in ours? Is it in person days? What is that unit that you're going to use control threshold? So as I said that when we come up with the estimation, so we need to know that how much should be the threshold how much should be the upper limit or the lower limit which we can still withstand with which we can still lose weight, you know in the variations so we should be knowing that like in level of accuracy. We say what Confidence level with which we are planning this activity similarly control threshold will have the positive and negative in terms of plus or minus control threshold for the schedule of the project so it could be maybe plus 10 and the minus 10% scale variations are allowed. Okay or is fine basically something which you know, everybody is agreed that control threshold or five percent plus or minus or 10 percent plus or minus is something that could be absorbed. Then the project schedule model maintenance of This is where we talk about the monitoring part of it. So how we can monitor the schedule how we can come up with the variances and monitor it effectively and organizational procedures links. So that will come from your oh PS and that will be a part of oh PS later as well rules of performance measurements. How are you going to do the performance measurement on the project? However, we go to from where this data will come release an iteration length. So if you are working in small iterations so we can also agree upon whether iteration should be three weeks or four weeks or what should be the duration. Reporting formats if you are using any tool, so should it be automated or how it should be so that talks about the planning aspect of the project. So that is the first process now, we are moving to the next process which is about defining activity. So once we have the plan in place, how are we going to approach the schedule management and what's their plan for doing that then I can get started with the first activity which is my defining activities. That's another important process that we need to work about. So, this is the process. Is where we come up with the various activities by referring to the scope of the project. So once I have a scope in place, obviously, what I would be doing is referring to the scope. I will come up with some of the key deliverables of the project. I will break them down into the smaller work packages and those will be then broken further down into the activities then each of these activities can be then estimated. So if it is the requirements then requirements will be broken down into the various smaller activities. So I Certainly be able to share with you a very quick example, which will help us in relating it better as well. So as you can see on the screen here, so if it is a project management as one of the phase that we are working on so we could be performing various activities. It could be identifying the focus group targets or perform the focus group meetings or conduct surveys. So these are some of the activities that we have agreed upon. So I have a work package by the name project requirements a project requirement is for the the broken into various activities. This is what essentially this talks about defining activities. So one of the thing that we use here the technique that we use here is a decomposition. We decompose these work packages into these smaller activities, which will then help us in estimating better. What input can be use in terms of defining activities. First is a post. We refer to the project management plan in order to understand the approach that we are going to use on defining activities. We will also be able To refer to some of the internal and external factors like if there is some commercial information available, which is published and I can refer to that information in order to come up with the estimation. So that could be one factor. It could be the PM is which is project management information system. So it could be Ms projects or it could be prime Vera or it could be Clarity whichever the tool that you are using under. Oh PS I can refer to some of the processes how we can do the activity decomposition for Apple or how I can refer to some of the past knowledge on this project so they could be the knowledge repositories, which I can refer to which will give me some insights into doing the activity definitions as well as some planning informal planning activities could also be scheduled. So that's the input what kind of tools and techniques I can think of when I Define the activities I can certainly take opinions of the exports who can give us idea about how we should be breaking down these work packages into a Wood is how I can Define the work Packages Etc decomposition is a technique which I told you about so I can break down this work package into the various activities. So requirement is broken down into various activities as I took this example similarly, we can also use the technique called as rolling wave planning now rolling with planning and something called as a progressive elaboration goes hand in hand. So as we go ahead working on the project think starts unfolding and we keep on getting more and more information. About the phase is about the Milestones about the requirements scope Etc. So ruling we have planned is nothing but like whatever the information that I have today based on that I do a bit of a detailed planning for next one month or two month and the information that I may not be having in detail, maybe after two months or after three months or four next three months. I would do the high level planning. So the detailed planning for one month or two months or maybe a three months. Okay, or could be just For 15 days and then high level planning for rest of the time period so that's the thing but by Rolling wave planning so that another technique which we can use meetings again something which is very useful always what we expect by the end of defining activities process. The first thing is, of course, we will come up with a list of activities like the one that I showed you. So if I have a requirement as a work package that I can break down that into various activities what I would get by the end of this process is the list of Activities the another thing is activity attributes. Every activity will have its own attributes. So for example, if it is identify focus group targets is an activity. Then I would need to put some attributes around this it could be assumptions for this activity start date end date dependencies of succeeding proceeding activity Etc. So those things will be a part of the attributes of the activities and those attributes will certainly help us in estimating the duration as well as we go Milestone list for each of these projects will have key Milestones like by the end of the project requirement phase. What I will get is Project requirement finalized or signed off or requirement specification document. So that's my Milestone. So when I prepare this document that is going to be my Milestone, so I need to know the list of Milestones the change request. So since I am referring to the scope, I am decomposing the scope. I am getting into the scope in a very detailed manner so that means While interacting with the stakeholders and the customers I would also be able to sometimes get the change requests whatever is missing to be added. So that might come as change request which we need to deal with project management plan will also get updated with respect to if there is anything that needs to be changed if there is any specific learning we just go back and update the plan as well. So that's the defining activity. So just to quickly summarize we started with the project schedule management as one of the important knowledge area. So I told you that schedule management starts with planning the Skrill management for the project. Once we have a plan in place. That's where we Define the approach of doing the schedule management. Then we come up with the list of activities as a part of the defined activity process. So once we have a list of activities, then the next logical thing will be sequencing them. And that is what is done as a part of sequence activities process. So let's get into the sequence activity process correctly. So in this process as the name says Process is all about just putting together the activities and just sequencing them. So we need to understand the dependencies and relation between the activities. So sometimes as I mentioned we need to factor in the constraints around activities. We need to factor in the assumptions. So all of that will be a part of your sequence in activities now while doing this while sequencing the activities, what should I refer to as input the first thing of course the plan so that will give me the approach about how am I going to sequence activated? Beauty's so that's why I plan is important. We also need to refer to the school Baseline obviously because ultimately these activities are broken down based on the kind of scope that we are working on Project documents like activity attributes. So when I'm a sequencing activities, I need to understand the various aspects about the activity. So those are nothing but the attributes so I need to know the Assumption for each of the activity. I need to know the complexity of each of the activity. Okay. I need to know the preceding and succeeding activity. I need to know the other. Related to that activity so that I can sequence them as well. So activity list obviously is important assumption log as I mentioned around the activities and the Milestone so that I can sequence activity accordingly to achieve that Milestone under EF or Enterprise environmental factors. We can also use p.m. Is tools as I mentioned like Clarity or workbench could be another one or again sequencing activities scheduling tool could be used specifically there are certain scheduling tools like workbench could be one of the all and organizational work authorization system. So that will give you an idea about who is going to work on what so that's another area which we can explore and rops we can refer to some of the templates for sequencing activities if they're already defined and we can also get access to various project files which will give you a lot of inputs while working through this and what kind of tools and techniques can we use while sequencing activities the most important one here is precedence diagramming method. So as a part of The students diagramming method we should be able to put this activities into sequence by using the activity on node or activity on Arrow kind of a methods and I can just quickly show you how the Precedence diagramming method looks like just for you to get an idea. So as you can see here the Precedence diagramming method this is where we basically put the activities on node and we just sequence them and we put it in a diagrammatic manner so that we would know how the activity flu. This one by one and the overall flow of the activities the flow of the work and at the same time that actually helps us in understanding dependencies and sequencing them better dependency determination. So that's another important aspect and leads and lags so leads and lags are nothing. But if I am saying that I have got a lead over the activity that means I can actually start the activity by three days or two days early, but sometimes there are lags. So that means I have to wait for that activity to start so for activity to start so Take a very quick example of let's say painting a house. So when you paint the house, you need to First remove the flakes of the old paint and and stay cool at is removed. You can't really start the pending activity. So can I say that in order to remove those flakes? I would need three days. So I can't start the painting activity. At least we need to wait for 3 days there. So there is a lag for painting which is a succeeding activity in order to start that succeeding activity. I need to wait for At least three days so that is my lag and sometimes there are activities which we can start in parallel as well. So one of the quick example could be you're working on a high level design and the low level design so you have high level design in hand, but I'm sure you know, you can also start working on the low level design. So that means you have got a lead and you can actually start three days early or two days early. So those things also actually helps later on when we decide about fast-tracking and crashing of the project and I'm going to talk about that as we proceed what if we get By the end of it, obviously we should be getting the desktop activities which are sequenced. So project schedule Network diagram is what we should be getting and as a result of any changes or as a result of any new learning, even we update the project documents. So that's what we can certainly expect. So I'm just going to show you very quickly the project Network diagram so that you will get a fair idea about how the network diagram looks like and yeah, in fact, this could be one of the example of the way Network diagram is drawn, so You will get it from the tool itself these days because there are effective tools which can give you the network diagram, which will then help us in calculating the critical path Etc. So that was about sequencing part of the activities, which we can do by using the PDM or precedence diagram method. So that is something which is very very useful Method All right, so moving to the next process which talks about estimate activity duration. So when we estimate the activity duration now, we have a list of activities we have also sequence those a DVDs and created the network diagram. That's where we are. And now we have to estimate the activity duration. So this is where essentially we come up with the time period required for each of the activities. So if I have this list of activities that I can easily come up with the time period that is required for conducting surveys or for preparing the market research findings. I would need maybe 12 hours or for consolidate analyze data. I would need maybe 18 hours so I would be Able to come up with the estimation for each of these activities in whatever the unit that's agreed and that's basically agreed and put and captured in the plan and therefore as a part of the inputs. One of the things that is required is the project management plan which will give us an idea about schedule management plan movie to the next part, which is another input is of course some of the documents which we need to refer to like activity attributes because when I'm doing the estimation, I need to refer to the characteristics attributes of the a DVDs list of activities any assumption around the activity will help any past lessons will help while estimating the duration, of course the rest of Milestones which will help us, right? So if I know this particular Milestone has to be completed by this particular date and I need to then find out whether I can fit that into the schedule or not project team will be actually doing the estimation as well and apart from that under the Enterprise environmental factors. I'm just going to give you some of the examples could be productivity metric which Which we can certainly refer to productivity metric will help us in coming up with the estimation for the activities. So if I know that the market research data analysis previously took us maybe 18 hours now on this project also, it could took 18 hours at least right? So that kind of a productivity analysis or the productivity metrics actually helps us in understanding the productivity of the employees of the team members and that will certainly give give us input while doing this to Mission. Another thing could be the location. One of the team members so it could also have an impact the location of the team members the time zone differences would also be having an impact and rops project calendar needs to be referred to scheduling methodologies. We also need to refer to what is this grilling methodology that we're going to use really and there are various methodologies that we are going to touch a pound very soon. So that time you will be able to cover those in terms of technique tools and technique for doing the estimation. One of the important tool is of course expert judgment, which is very very simple yet very powerful tool. Tool that we can use another is analog is estimation. This is where we compare it with the previous project and we estimate the ongoing project parametric estimation is based on the various parameters of the project and a very quick example of the parametric estimation if we have to take like let's say you're working on a software project and there are certain parameters that we can think of one other thing could be database connections or input validations. So if I know that input validation is a medium complex tasks and for that usually It takes 1 hour if it is medium complex. So if I have three such a task to perform I can easily say that that will take three hours. So based on these parameters. I can actually come up with the estimation three point estimation is also called as the program evaluation and review technique or put so this is where we factor in the most likely pessimistic and the optimistic estimation. So all these three estimations are put together and the activity duration is derived out of that and then of course the meetings that's where we engage all the stakeholders data analysis also helps us the previous data analysis or for that matter even factoring in various constraints of the project and analyzing the data. So those things also really gives us an idea about the various aspect of the scheduling decision making techniques. So there are various options that are explored when we are doing the scheduling we can actually think of the various decision. So make or buy decision could be one such example, so if I have to buy this solution as it is, how long would it take And if I have to build this completely, how long will it take? So make an by decision bottom-up estimation is what we have been talking about here when we decompose they were packaged into smaller activities and we estimate each of the activity. We just totally Turf from the bottom up and then we derive the project schedule. Now, what do we expect by the end of the activity duration? So obviously we should be expecting the duration estimates for each of these activities rolled it up at a project level. We get a duration of the Project based. Is of estimates so why are we estimating what we are estimating? So what is the basics of the estimations? We can certainly document as much as possible. When am I saying that the data analysis of the market research would take 18 hours so why is it so what is the basis for that? So maybe I have factored some resources with some skills. Maybe I have factored. Maybe I've assumed probably that all the data is available and there is no dependence or anybody. So what are those assumptions one of those considerations for estimating? So that's my base. the best Dimension then in almost all the processes you will find Project documents getting updated based on the new information or based on the changes that you might be receiving as part of the project so just to connect your back what are we covered so far so we started with the schedule management plan we created a plan then we started with coming up with the list of activities then we sequenced those activities we created the network diagram Etc and then we started estimating the activity duration for each of these activities he's so once we do that then obviously we can come up with the schedule so let's understand how to come up with schedule as a part of the developed schedule process so this is where we actually derive the project schedule based on whatever the work that we have done so far and by referring to the schedule model as well what kind of input can we think of the first thing is of course the plan because plan always gives us the approach for each of these processes what is the approach that's decided on the Project and that's why we need to keep referring to the plan. And since we are deriving the schedule we need to refer to the scope Baseline as well. The other documents the project documents like the attributes of the activity assumption log biased only successor has to those documents will be very useful here agreements. Now, we are talking about developing a schedule. So if you are engaging any third party, we have certain agreements with them. So we need to also take them into consideration. So that will factor in those contractual. Commitments while developing the schedule now, let's move on to the other factors like Enterprise environmental factors. So we also need to refer to some of the communication channels or scheduling tools, which will actually help us in doing these things maybe in a bit professional way with swiftly as well. So I did mention some of the examples of the scheduling tools as well communication channels. So for example, if you are engaging the third party vendors, if you are engaging the various stakeholders, how are you going to communicate to them? What is The communication Channel which is agreed upon. So that's another thing also the scheduling mythology some of them which we already covered what kind of tools and techniques can we use while developing schedule the first is of course the network analysis. So we do the schedule network analysis. I also showed you the network diagram. So once we do the network analysis, we actually come up with the schedule. That's the minimum time that is required to complete this project. What are some of the critical tasks that needs to be performed and that's also a part of your critical. Well path method so critical part method as I mentioned to you that if the network diagram is created. The critical path is nothing but the path of the activities which we need to complete one by one where there is no float. So you will not get any extra time to perform those activities. So all those activities instead we perform based on the estimated time that you have estimated for those activities. So that is also the minimum time that is required for you to complete the project. So that's your critical path. They could be Then when critical path and it's important for us to know those critical paths on the project data analysis. So again, we we did speak about data analysis as a technique resource optimization. So how I can utilize the resources effectively in order to be productive on the project. The another technique could be p.m. Is use of the project management information systems. If you are not using it already leads and lags, I did mention about and schedule compression at times we might need to use the schedule compression techniques like Fast tracking and crashing so fast tracking is a technique where we actually start working on the activities in parallel. So if you are bit of behind the schedule and you want to fast-track, what you do is that you identify the activities which you can start working in parallel. So you do that crashing on the other hand puts more people on the activities crashing might increase the risk on the project. So we need to do need to monitor it very very closely. But those are some of the skills compression activities which will Discuss in detail in the PMP training program Agile Release plan. So if you are working in an agile way, we can also come up with the lease plan. It could be quarterly release or monthly release or you may even deploy it or release it in production by the end of every Sprint depending on your technical Readiness, depending on your technical Excellence as well as the kind of team members that you have on the project. What do we expect by the end up develop schedule? Obviously, we should be expecting the project schedule. So, let's take a quick look at what do we expect? Like the first thing is going to be schedule Baseline. So we come up with the project schedule. This project would need maybe six months to complete or one year to complete or whatever the schedule that you have come up with and whatever the unit that you have agreed in which you have to present. The another thing is the schedule data. So you have a date of the Milestones. You have a basis of estimation you have the sequencing of activities. So all this is nothing but your scheduling data that you have the project calendar so you would know the key milestones and the key dates, too. Referred to track project management plan updates on a regular basis with any change requests if with any new learning we need to do that. Yeah, so we just spoke about the change requests as well. So once we have the project schedule in place now, it's very important for us to control that and this is what is covered as part of the control schedule as a process. So control schedule talks about now since we have the list of activities we have sequence them. We also came up with the duration for each of these activities we have also Also come up with the resources that are going to work on those activities. We also factored in various things like skill constraints. We have done the analysis Etc of those things and we come up with even the schedule model which is giving us an idea about various important dates and key Milestones as well. So how we can control that. So in order to control the project schedule it's important for us to First refer to some of the things like the project schedule management plan itself as well as the scope base. The other thing that we need to refer to is the list of project documents, so what are some of those documents so it could be the activity list it could be assumption log, it could be Milestone least to some of these documents will be very important for us to refer to another area is the OPA. So Opa will give you an idea about monitoring and Reporting methods. So what are those monitoring reporting method are you going to do with the any statistical analysis or quantitative analysis of the data or is it going to be just the qualitative analysis by taking the feedback? Back the formal and informal ways of doing the controlling as well. So that could be another quick example work performance data is very important because once you start performing or working on those activities, then you need to come up with the data which will give you an idea about what was planned and what is achieved. So that's planned versus actual data is nothing but your work performance data, what kind of tools and techniques can be used data analysis, which we did discuss critical path method which we did Cover as well PM is which is project management. Mission system which will give you some of the ready-made mattresses in order to monitor the schedule effectively resource optimization for ensuring that the schedule is managed effectively Skrill compression. So again skills compression we've covered bit on that as well and lead in lags. So again lead and lacks we can certainly factor in and what we get by the end of the control schedule activity is the work performance information, which is nothing but what was my planned schedule? What is my actual skin? A jewel which will help me in deriving whether I am ahead of the schedule with ramp behind the schedule of the project or how am I performing schedule forecast of based on the trend, then I can actually forecast weather. Would we be able to complete this project within the given schedule or would we go ahead of the schedule or would we go behind the school? What would be the case so we can forecast it for next 6 months or three months or whatever the time period that you have to forecast change requests. So how we can factor in those change requests? Maybe as a part of the change request system management process project management plan will also get updated as a result of that and certain documents like assumption log, the Lessons Learned Exeter will also get update today. We are going to look at Cost management knowledge area defined in pmbok of PMI. So as part of cost management knowledge area we are going to understand. What is Project cost management. Is all about overview on cost management and cost management processes. So now let us look at what is Project cost management is all about. So when we say project cost management, we need to understand it basically includes about the cost which gets incurred the expanding value of the monetary investment, which is being done by the organization. So project cost management basically includes the processes involved in planning estimating budgeting. Dancing funding managing and controlling costs. So the project can be completed within approved budget. So this requires a detailed cost management plan where the cost of the resources which is required to be used in the project as to bassist and understood estimated and budgeted which provides the details of how to plan manage and control the project cost in relation to the cost base line and the cost variances. So project cost management plan is one of the subsidiary plan. In project management plan. So techniques like earned value management. Sorry used to check how the cost performance is happening throughout the project. So primarily project cost management is concerned with cost of resources needed to complete the project activities and it will consider the effects of project decisions on the subsequent recurring cost of using maintaining and supporting the product service or results of the project. So no further to understand what is cost management is all about The overview of it so we need to look at what are the tailoring considerations made while doing the project cost management. So the tailoring considerations includes Knowledge Management, estimating and budgeting earned value management use of hir approach and governance when as in Knowledge Management, so it is very important for an organization to have a formal Knowledge Management and financial data base repositories that project manager. Is required to use that is readily accessible so that right decisions can be made taken at the right time when I say estimating and budgeting it requires to look at understanding approximating. What is the amount of money which is going to incur in that particular project and accordingly the money the monetary resources has to be allocated to the Project based on that project will be delivered and project manager should ensure the project will be delivered within that budgeted value monetary value, which is allocated. The project so on value management is a technique. What is used to check how the project management relating to cost Management in specific schedule management has been less scope management how it is performing comparison with the baselines of these triple constraints defined in the baselines of the project using agile approach which means depending on what kind of approach is required for the project scenario. So use of agile approach will be considered accordingly. Not necessarily that Agile approach should be applicable to all the projects which is being done. So governess governance when we say it's all about an authority one which sets the directions and it is very essential to have such directions set. So that necessary controls are established through policies procedures and guidelines. So next type of cost we come across involves fixed cost variable cost direct costs indirect cost and sunk cost when I say fixed. So these are the cost that do not change throughout the Project Life Cycle. For example, if a construction of a road is happening the excavators and bulldozers are fixed cost. Whereas when I say variable cost. So the cost of this varies throughout the project, for example how early labor cost of material could vary as the project progresses. So indirect cost and direct cost if you look at that direct and indirect costs direct cost refers to the That cost which clearly assigned to the project on the labor materials, which are directly involved in the project when I say indirect cost. It is basically speaks about the cost involved in administration basically overhead cost like indirect materials utilities tax Insurance property repairs Etc. So sunk cost basically refers to that cost which cannot be recovered after incurring it for example cost which is been incurred while paying rent for the Jake facility what is being utilized for doing the project that cannot come back that is called sunk cost. So analyzing various different types of cost will become very essential so that estimation approximation and allocation of budget and also this understanding of the cost will also help in making right decisions justify whether we need to include such costs or not in the projects further. Let us go and look at understanding cost management processes. So cost management processes. Includes basically four processes Plan cost management estimate cost vitamin budget and control cost when I say Plan cost management Plan cost management estimate cost management and determine budget are part of planning process group. Whereas control cost false in the monitoring and controlling process group. Now, let us look at Plan cost management. So plan cost management is the process of defining how the Project's cost will be estimated. Deterred managed Monitor and control. So it is the initial process of cost management where one has to Define how the cost of the project will be looked at after estimation that needs to be monitored. How are we going to monitor and control? What is that particular cost? It goes and incurs for a given project. So generally the techniques like WBS work breakdown structure, which is basically done in scope management is considered and when you do work breakdown structure, basically the technique of decomposition is used to Break down the product into multiple levels and cost will be allocated from the bottom level of the WPS and it is bottom up estimating mu consolidate upwards. So many techniques are used to do that, like expert judgments analogous estimation parametric estimation, three point estimation participation. So these estimations includes basically the labor it lies the materialize the equipment what is used as part of the project all this will become a Costco. potent so this process Plan cost management process gives a rough outline of the number of resources involved and shows the optimum path to the manage the project cost throughout the Project Life Cycle inputs to this process includes project Charter project management plan, basically schedule management plan and risk management plan Enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets the tools and techniques, which are used for Plan cost management process should be expert Aunt data analysis and meetings the output of this process would be cost management plan. So cost management plan is one of the subsidiary plans where this particular plan will go and get consolidate into a bigger plan along with other subsidiary plans. So when I say other subsidiary plans we need to think about the scope management plan should yield management plan quality management plan likewise. We have a nine knowledge areas means nine subsidiary plants and all of these are So related in integration management knowledge area and you'll have a full plan Consolidated. So next process is estimate cost when I say estimate cost. It is a process of developing an approximation of cost of resources needed to complete the project work. So this is the second process in the project cost management after the cost management plan that helps in estimating the cost of the resources required for the project completion since cost is an important variable that ensures projects. Access one has to be very careful while producing the estimated amount of total project cost. So throughout the Project Life Cycle. This process is performed at periodical intervals. A project manager uses various methods to estimate cost depending on amount of information available. So inputs to this process is project management plan, like cost management plan quality management plan scope Baseline project scope statement work. Breakdown structure WBS dictionary project. Friends, like Lessons Learned register project schedule resource requirement risk register, then Enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets. The tools used as part of this particular process estimate cost would be expert judgment where involvement of the experts mainly Financial experts experts who understand that particular project domain and the cost of it. So analog is estimation where consideration of historical information in terms of what was the estimation in early. ER project how much it took to deliver this or do this activity or to acquire some resources based on that? You would do the estimation parametric estimation extension of analog is estimation where the parameter of current scenario is considered along with historical information and estimation is done bottom-up estimation. As I mentioned earlier, you will have a work breakdown structure at the bottom of the work breakdown structure. You are going to look at what are the resources required to accomplish that particular feature. Functionality or output at the same time looking at what activities are involved what effort is involved and estimating based on that then once it is done at the lower level of WBS that will be Consolidated upwards. Once it is Consolidated at the higher level of the wb's one will have a entire estimation for the project. So next is three point estimation where the estimation of optimistic pessimistic sand most likely estimates are taken and average of that is obtained. So this requires a lot of discussion with then experts the one who think that without any issues what could be the estimation considering what are the issues which would occur and what is that optimally? I can accomplish so pessimistic optimistic and most likely we were taken while taking the average of it. So data analysis checking on all the data what is available relating to this project and resources of this project deliverables of this project and analyzing to estimate it then project management information system. So this helps to provide a lot of informations and also a It's and approaches which would help in terms of estimating the cost. So decision making means decision-making techniques involves a lot of exercise in terms of involving various different experts or maybe the people who are involved in the delivery people o understands the technology people who understand the Dynamics associated with the project and facilitate that discussions and make the decision. So output of this process includes cost estimates basis of estimates when we say basis of estimates, why are we saying it is so much. Much. So if your estimated cost for certain particular activity to be completed, why are we seeing so much of estimate? What is the reason so justifying that so basis of estimate provides to the details then project documents updates. So next process would be determine budget. So determine budget is the process of aggregating the estimated cost of individual activities or work packages and establishing the authorized cost base line. So this is a third process in cost management. Egeria, so this involves the activities or tasks summed up to identify. What is that particular? Cause Baseline would be so cost base line of the budget include all the authorized funds that are essential for project execution. So the budget basically includes various reserves of contingency Vanessa contingency. We're speaking about the risks or risk identification has to happen. So which happens in Risk Management knowledge area, so risk identification assessing and analyzing the risk and also, Defining the risk responses. Once that is done what cost it incurs while doing it that will be put as the contingency reserve along with all the efforts cost or material cost which is been Consolidated upwards and WBA structure and then adding contingency reserve to it will become cost base line. So I Above This there will be management Reserve where project manager cannot replace the management Reserve based on the willingness, but it is kept with certain calculation then by the management to see to that project will go The way it is blank. So any unforeseen circumstances, which is not even identified unknown risk management reserves would be used. So including contingency reserve and all the project cost Consolidated cost base line. So this cost base line is authorized. So it is an authorized time face budget that is used as the initial point for monitoring and calculating the project performance and progress. So this is done through and value management. So this process is executed at specific points in the project which are generally predefined the inputs to this project would be project management plan. Basically cost management plan Resource Management plan scope Baseline project documents that is basis of estimates cost estimates project schedule risk register then business documents, which is business case benefits management plan. Then agreements is basically that agreement which is done with the suppliers or which is done with any of the customers. So those are considered because you may be acquiring a Take product service or you are producing a specific product or services for your consumer. So these needs to be understood in what terms the project is being worked then Enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets. So the tools used for this particular process determine budget is expert judgment historical information review data analysis cost aggregation funding limit reconciliations on as a cost segregation and funding limit reconciliations one has to ensure all the funds flow. How is that happening? What is the current condition of this one flow in the organization that needs to be understood and also based on the schedules of the project money needs to be organized the incoming money flow outgoing money flow in the name of cost and revenue that means to be checked so that necessary investment, which is required for project is available or not. He's understood. So this requires working with Finance in specific. So financing means the allocation of the budget at the same time. In the flow happens the money which is allocated comes in outputs of determined budget process would be the cost base line, then Project funding requirements and project documents updates. So next process would be controlled cost. So control cost is a process of monitoring the status of project to update the project cost and managing changes to the cost base claim. So this is the final process which is in monitoring and Control process group. So this is primarily concerned with measurement of variances. Is of the actual cost from the proposed Baseline so various methods and procedures are implemented here to track the project performance and expenses against this progress rate mean why all the variances are recorded and compared with with actual base can see if any necessary Corrections are required. Those will be done through Rising change request. So control cost process will be responsible for explaining the reasons for variance and further assist the project manager in taking corrective actions to incur minimum cost or cost according What is budgeted or plant so inputs to this process involves project management plan? That is cost management Plan cost Baseline performance measurement Baseline project documents. Then Project funding requirements what performance data and then organizational process assets the tools used for control cost processes by expert judgment data analysis to complete performance index and project management information system. The output of this process should be work performance information cost forecasts change request project documents updates and project management plan updates. So that's all about cost management knowledge area defending pmbok, and it's process. As you know quality management is definitely one of the most important processes that we have out of the different knowledge areas. Like there are 10 knowledge areas within the PMP or pmbok 6th edition and there are 49 processes. So one of the important knowledge areas that we talked about is the quality management. So quality management consists of various processes within it and today's topic is around. And quality management, let's get started with quality management. So quality is always at the center of the constraint triangle that we talked about. So apart from the cost schedule the resources Etc quality is one of the important constraints of the project and ultimately quality is the responsibility of all the team members working on the project, but the project manager is ultimately responsible for Quality. We will talk about what are the various aspects as Project manager you need to ensure that you take care of while managing quality on your project. So in today's topic and the discussion that we have we are going to talk about the project quality management quality management overview and quality management processes that are involved into managing the quality on the project and this particular webinar is aligned to the pmbok 6th edition. So this is definitely in line with the latest changes that have been done by the p.m. Pie. In ombak, so let's get started with project quality management as a topic under this topic as we were talking about. We will be discussing about various processes that are involved in to manage quality on the project. But before get onto the processes that we have, let's quickly understand about quality management. Now as we all know quality is all about whether we are producing the outcome of the project in the form of product or result or the service that we Do you think by the end of that project is it fit for use or not? Is it fit for purpose or not? Does it meet the customer requirements or not? So ultimately we need to make sure that we check on that. So whether that project meets the needs it was originally created to meet and that is what is insured by the quality management. It also ensures that all project activities that are necessary for Designing planning implementing a project are effective and efficient. And that is ensured by following the quality management as one of the important plans that we create on the project. So let's understand bit more around quality management as a concept when we work on the project. So there are few things that we need to definitely make sure we are doing as a part of the quality one is of course, the verification continues verification is what is expected by the team and the project manager, like for example, a simple verification could be a traceability matrix. We insure to have a traceability matrix on the project so that we verify the requirements that we have gathered from the customers. Are we incorporating those while doing designing while doing coding while doing testing while deploying Etc so that simple verification really helps us and it's just not the backwards disability, but also the forwards the stability that we ensure that we are doing. So that's a quick example of the verification Precision. Now whenever we talk about quality we also Ensure that it should be precise Precision is all about doing it consistently and when we do consistently, right, it actually ensures the Precision now, we must have heard about these terms like precision and accuracy. So accuracy is when we actually hit the target where accurate but when we hit the target 10 times consistently we are not only accurate but also we are precise and that is what reflects in the quality. So whatever the outcome that we are producing in the form of their This or even for that matter the result or a service that we are producing we need to make sure that it's not only accurate but also it is precisely so that we are consistently producing the same outcome in the form of product service or result that we are committing to the customer so accuracy and precision definitely are two important facets that we talked about always under quality tolerance. There is something called as a tolerance and we set the tolerance limits and we come up with sort of a control chart. It's in order to understand the outcome that we are producing. Does it fit into the tolerance limits or not? So we have upper specification limits and we have lower specification limits and the product that we are producing in the form of outcome of the process or a project. We make sure that it fits into the tolerance limit anything above that my customer wouldn't accept and if there are too many such a things that I'm producing which are not accepted by the customer obviously, it's going to cost me and that's going to the cost of quality which we will talk about. As well validation so continues validation and verification as we were talking about is something which is integral part of the maintaining quality and ensuring quality while we're working on any project. So whatever the requirements that customer has given us once we build that feature we need to make sure that that feature is validated as per the acceptance criteria given by the customer and we'll talk more about some of these aspects around quality. So quality management overview is what we're going to start with at the A moment now when we talk about the overview in terms of understanding the quality. We also need to understand the various Trends and emerging practices that we talked about in quality these days starting with the customer satisfaction. Now customer satisfaction is ultimately one of the goals that every organization would strive to achieve through the product service or results that are getting produced as an outcome of the project that we work on. So even we talked about as a part of Project constraints these days apart from quality schedule and the other constraints like Risk resources. One of the important thing is also around customer satisfaction are my customer satisfied with the outcome that I'm producing or not? And if they're not satisfied then we need to really find out the reasons for customer satisfaction. First of all, whether I'm really checking my customers are happy or not. Am I conducting the customer surveys feedbacks and interviews my incorporating? The feedback that I'm getting back into the process of developing that product service or result or not. So there are various things that we need to ask to ourselves as a team continual Improvement continued Improvement should be always at the heart of the quality. The reason being it's about the consistently improving the way we are doing things right the way the process is running or for that matter. Are we challenging the status quo, how am I improving on a daily basis there? Be various ways through which we can do that. It could be implementation of a Kaizen methodology or a Six Sigma or lean way of working Etc. But continual Improvement is definitely one of the important things that teams is to ensure that we do management responsibility. Now as we just mentioned that quality is everyone's responsibility. So how come we miss on management ultimately management is the one who is going to empower. The project teams management is the one who is To ensure that the teams have got enough resources to build the product. So if that is not done properly then obviously it's going to have an impact over quality management should also help teams in removing. The impediments bottlenecks that are there within what we are producing and not achieving the quality. So that is where management would come into picture mutually beneficial partnership with suppliers when we talk about producing any product, I guess without having the partnership with Pliers it's just not possible. Now when we partner with our suppliers. We need to make sure that it's a mutually beneficial partnership. We need to make them partner into what we have producing and not just treat them as some third-party vendors. So that's the change in the mindset that we need to bring out in order to get maximum out of this partnership and the relations. So let's keep talking about some of the tailoring considerations that we should be taking into consideration while working on the quality management. Now all the processes of quality management, they needs to be applied in a tailored or a customized way in order to make them unique to the project that you're working on because as we know project is unique Endeavor, we produce a product or service or result out of that project and its unique in itself. So let's talk about how and where can we do this kind of customization or process tailoring pin box 6th edition specifically talks a lot about Distillery let's take few examples for example policy compliance and auditing now whichever the project that you're working on you have to do the customization or tailoring around the way you're working considering the compliance requirements or audit requirements. Like for example, I still remember when I was working on a project where we had to comply with Sox compliance. That means the requirements were completely different over there like we had to take the could freeze approval. Owls at least 14 days before we put code into production environment. That was something very unique to that compliance requirement and that was audited as well. So we had to really retain those audit trails and had to retain those evidences which we can then produce when the order is conducted. So that's a very quick example, which may not be required again on all the projects. The second aspect is around standards and Regulatory Compliance. Sometimes there are certain mandatory standards. That had to be followed. So we need to ensure that we are adhering to those mandatory standards. If we haven't already considered as a part of the project continuous Improvement challenging the status quo various methodologies. These days are popular when it comes to continuous Improvement and I'm sure some of those methodologies you may have already used yourself agile is a best example agile really helps us improve on a continuous basis because we do retrospection We Gather Lessons Learned And implement the improvements out of that five us is rather. Mythology Six Sigma is another one lean is there so many of them are simple. Kanban. We have working also helps us in continuously improve ourselves stakeholder engagement since we talked about quality and ultimately all these requirements that we work on any project comes from the stakeholders. So we have to engage them throughout the project and not just at the beginning of the project or towards the end of the project. So tailoring around Aspect would really help us gain a competitive advantage or would gain in terms of getting the better outcome of the project. Now, let's talk about the quality management process so far. I just introduced you the topic we just spoke about what is quality. What are the different aspects around quality? We also spoke about why the tailoring is required when we work on the quality Etc. Now, let's actually get into the process part as I mentioned to you. There are 49 different. Processes within pin box 6th edition and there are 10 different knowledge areas. We also have five different process groups. We are picking up quality management processes for you in today's training. So let's talk about now the process there are three processes as part of quality management. It starts with planning part. We have to plan quality. We can't just ignore that. We have to manage quality. Once we put your plan in place. That's where we decide high-level approach. What's my To manage quality on my project and once I give that commitment through this plan, then I have to execute that plan and that execution is about managing quality. And once I start executing I have to also check whether I am executing it as per the plan or not. And that's where the control aspect comes into picture. So we have planning quality management managing quality and control quality three processes that are embedded as a part of the quality management. Let's start with the first one which is planned quality. Judgment now as like any other knowledge areas wherever we covered we always talk about what are the inputs to that process? What are the tools and techniques that we use and what output do you expect out of that? Similarly? We will also be talking about what are the inputs. So before we getting out of the input part, let's just talk about a bit. What is plan so planning quality management is all about identifying. What are the key requirements in terms of the quality know it could be with respect to the Standards that we're going to follow it could be with respect to the commitments that we're giving. How are we going to maintain quality marriage quality on the project. What's the approach that we're going to follow in terms of ensuring quality is built in this product. So in general this is going to really provide you with some guidance and this will give some Direction. So even if the project manager is not there one fine day and if somebody wants to look into what is the quality that we're going to maintain on this project so they can easily refer to this plan and About this approach. So how are we going to manage the quality verify the quality throughout the project is what is maintained and mentioned in this plan. Typically, we create the plan at the beginning of the project itself and quality management plan would then become a part of your project plan when we actually begin working. Let's now get started off with some of the inputs to the quality management and we will go one by one probably starting off with of course the project Charter so when we start talking about the Planning part we need to refer to the project Charter because project Charter will certainly give us an idea about those initial high-level requirements that will come from the project Charter and as we just now understood about quality that it's about fit for use fit for purpose and it's about ensuring that we deliver the requirements that we have agreed a pound with customers. So this initial requirements will certainly come from the project Charter. We would also know which are those stakeholders whom I need to engage while creating the Yannick cetera, the other is project management plan itself few things. We have already captured over there. And anyways quality management plan is a subsidiary plan of project management plan. That means we have to refer to that for short project documents. We need to also refer to different project documents while working on quality part and the project documents. Obviously we need to make sure that these project documents that we are referring to are something like for example assumption log, so I need to know what are some of the assumptions But I need to factor in while working on the planning quality aspects then we also need to know how are we go to establish traceability Matrix on the project. How are we going to capture risks? For example, what about the stakeholder registered? Can I have access to that so that I can update if required. So those are some of the examples of the documents that we talk about here and apart from that there are two inputs always we talk about almost all processes and that's Enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets. They could be like for example as part of assets they could be certain templates that I need to use. They could be certain in terms of Enterprise environmental factors. I would also compare the quality with that comes out of the commitment that I'm going to give as a company in the market. So there are certain General guidelines that are available that I would refer to as well. So these are some of the inputs that we talked about let's now talk about some of the tools and techniques when we plan quality into the project. So starting with expert judgment expert It is one of the tools and techniques that we talked about here. And as you would agree expert judgment is all about engaging by smes into getting inputs from them. And probably we need to also take into consideration. The tailoring aspects on this project based on the experience of these people. What do I need to do? So something which is very easy to do as well as very valuable data Gathering data Gathering is definitely another tool which is very useful. We can gather data through various ways. Or of the example could be benchmarking. I can compare the quality with what's published in the market. It could be through various Publications or something, which is even for that matter the standards that are there so I can compare it with the past. I can compare it with the standards or the competition as well. So that's kind of a benchmarking right? I need to be right up to the competition in the market. So if it is not there then how I can improve ourselves in terms of the quality outcomes that we're producing brainstorming is a simple Regarding technique that helps us in generating the data and ideas Etc. I can also conduct interviews with few people in order to gather data. So there are some of the examples data analysis. So once we gather data while putting the plan for Quality, I need to also ensure that I do analysis of the data that I've gathered for that I might have to use different techniques like simple could be cost-benefit analysis. Can I just check the cost of quality? What is the benefit of my going to get out of that at the same time? What is it? Cost of implementation of the quality requirements against the benefit as I just mentioned or cost of quality in itself, which will cover your cost of conformance cost of non-conformance. Now as we know cost of conformance is all about in order to make sure the quality is built in what is the cost that is required. So for that quality assurance or the or deeds or different things that I'm going to use on the project, it could be reveals excetera. What's the cost that is required for that and non-conformance cost could be very high. One of the best examples could be the folks wagon scam of the emission that we know the kind of amount that the folks wagon had to fear is like huge that's cost of nonconformist. I would say because it not only affects the cost but also it affect the reputation of the company as a whole so that could be another example and we will talk many more such example in our training decision-making is another thing so as a part of decision-making again, it's pretty straightforward. Right, we have to make decisions between the options that are available. So we'll also look into some tools that we can use in order to make decision as well in the actual training data representation. So once we gather data, we can actually represent their data through various ways. Like for example, we can create a simple flow chart of the data that I've gathered. So let's say I've gathered some data from the process I can just put together in a flow chart or I can create some sort of a logical data model or even for that matter some Matrix. Amps all of that really helps us in visualizing things. I think mind map would be one of the simplest example, we just put together. What's there on mind in a particular format in particular way and that really helps us in representing the data test and inspection planning would certainly involve our considerations about various testing things that we are going to do in order to of course inspect the product in order to ensure that we inspect the deliverable or a service that we are giving to our customers and and they're going to be various ways as we all know like Alpha and beta releases that we do in the market these days or the various inspections that we do or for that matter. The field test could be another simple example, and then we have meetings which is pretty straightforward to understand. So these inputs in terms of the different tools and techniques would certainly help us in putting together the plan obviously, what do we expect by the end of this? We certainly expect outcome of this process would be the quality management plan itself will also Able to gather some quality metric in terms of now we can certainly think of as part of the quality metric we can think of various things what kind of quality metric that you want to capture on your project and that quality metric would certainly help you in ensuring that you are tracking quality. So it could be for example the defect data, it could be difficult age. It could be the defects per release, etc. Etc. So that could be just one quick example project management plan will get updated with this out. Come and even the project documents. Like I have given you examples of assumption log or accessibility Matrix or stakeholder list that we're creating. So that might also get updated as a result of this. So This covers our plan quality management. We saw what are the inputs we saw tools and techniques and we also covered the outcomes that we can get in the form of different outputs of this process. Of course, let's now talk about manage quality. So as a part of quality management we have planned. And then the second part is about manage quality. It's all about execution. Now since we have a plan in place, it's time for us to execute their plan. Let's talk a bit about it. It's all about translating that plan into your executable quality activities. So whatever we have committed to through this plan now, we're to execute that. It will also help us in making sure that the quality policies are embedded into the project and that is certainly the responsibility of the management to make sure that all the teams are ensuring that embedding of the quality policies into their project plans Etc. It also helps us in improving the probability of meeting the quality objectives and not only that identifying the ineffective processes and cause a poor quality. So it's all about identifying those aspects and fixing those aspects act upon those gaps. So when we have started executing on the plants, we would certainly be able to come to know about these things. So let's do bit of a deep dive and starting with of course the inputs so let's start talking about inputs to manage quality and we will of course talk about the first input which is the project management plan in itself now what will come out of the project management plan is the quality management plan because quality management plan is the subsidiary management plan which is a part of your project management plan so that will come in Project document so as we've already spoke about the various examples of the project elements that we can think of and not only that the project documents I have already gave you a few examples like it could also include their consumption log I've told you or for that matter the traceability Matrix or the stakeholder list Etc and the next one is about the OPA sand eef is what we talked about but in this case specifically we'll be talking about the four Ps so what is organizational process assets so when we talk about the manage quality we would need to factor in a lot of different Assets that might have been created those needs to be used as I give you example of certain standards templates those we need to adhere to when we work on any of the organization. So we need to always refer to that usually the central team within the organization working for Quality ensures that these assets are being communicated across to all the teams so that the in start using them. So let's get started with the next aspect about managing quality which is tools and techniques. What kind of a tools can we Use starting with the tools for data Gathering which you already discuss about the kind of tools that we can use for Gathering data, like interviews and brainstorming sessions Etc. We can talk a bit on the data analysis tools. What kind of analysis can we do? So once we gather data now this data is about once we start executing your plan. Some data gets generated on the project that data needs to be captured that data needs to be then analyzed we could do alternative analysis. We could analyze various. Stutter there on the project we could do simple process analysis in order to find out the opportunities for us to improve that process or importantly we could also undertake a root cause analysis because now we are executing the plan we might come across certain issues to find out why that particular issue has occurred. Let's find out the root cause of the issue so that it will not occur again audits is another important thing that we always do as a part of the manage quality. I hope audits are pretty straightforward thing. It could be Internal audits, it could be external audits. So depending on the kind of audits are conducted in your organization decision making a something again pretty straightforward. We make decision based on the kind of data that we've gathered and the design for X design for X is all about designed for excellence or we call it as the FX. Now. This is basically a set of technical guidelines. Now those technical guidelines could be applied during the design phase while we build the And that really helps us in optimize few things around obviously the design like there are lots of things that are evolving around design. So design thinking could be one such example. So design for excellence is all about those technical guidelines all the practices, like one of the simple thing that we do is simple design we keep design simple so that we can evolve later now this will certainly help us to improve the characteristics of the product that we are working on like for example cost. Production or we talk about quality improvements or better performance, right or the customer satisfaction. Not of these things that we can think of so those could be achieved while ensuring that some of the technical guidelines are followed. For example, if you talk about the performance and if you do not incorporate the technical guidelines into the design itself, then how would you be able to expect a better performance of the product once you develop that application put it into production and Then if the performance is what is one of the expectation and that you miss to factor in into design. It's going to affect the performance data representation. Now, how do we represent data? We've already spoke about it various ways through which we can represent the data like flowcharts process diagrams Etc that we spoke about problem solving skills again various ways through which we can solve problems is what it covers about. So we'll be talking about in detail in the training when we conduct. How do We do that and the quality improvement methods there are various quality improvement methods, which I did mention to you some of them at for example plan-do-check-act something which was introduced by Deming and Six Sigma is another example or Kaizen for that matter or continuous Improvement. It's all those things really helps us in achieving better quality outcomes. Now since we talked about manage quality, what do we expect as the outcome of the manage quality process we would get D reports the quality reports again as we spoke a bit on it as far as the metric is concerned. But in this case, we basically talked about how we can put this data that we're getting during execution of the quality plan into some format. Now that format could be sort of a graphical format or some numerical or some qualitative stuff that we can put together that will actually help us in providing lots of information which we can refer and take corrective decisions and that corrective decision. Will in turn help us in meeting the quality expectations. So this would also include for that matter. Some of the quality management issues that get escalated to the next level or for that matter some of the improvements that are suggested the corrective actions that we have taken or for that matter the kind of pre-work that required to be done for that matter even few things that I mentioned to you earlier like defects data or the bug repair that has done the kind of inspection that is done and the outcome of that etcetera. And even you can summarize all the findings and put it together so that essentially includes your quality reports and there could be certain organizational process Assets in order to provide sort of templates how to produce this test evaluation documents test and evaluation document is all about like what are some of the achievements of the quality objectives that we can put together like for example checklist or detailed requirements traceability Matrix. Now those are like test and efficient documents right assimilated Matrix is one good example checklist is one of the best examples that we always talk about those really helps us in evaluating things change requests a change request might get initiated as a result of the progress that we are seeing and that change request then needs to be incorporated back into a project project documents will get updated the ones that I mentioned earlier and project management plan would also get updated if there is any change that we come across so Covers entire outcomes or the outputs that we expect out of the manage quality process. So we saw planning part of quality. That's where we give commitments to our customers by putting things into planning the approach Etc. And then we start executing on that through the manage quality process. And then we are going to talk about the next important process which is about controlling quality. This is the process where we basically talked about now, how can we make sure what we are doing is it? In line with the process of not so it's about monitoring and recording the results. So we've started executing the plan now, we started getting some outcomes. It's important for us to record the results of this outcomes. And we monitor it whether it is as per the quality management activities or not. If there is any Gap we need to act upon those Gap so in a way it is going to help us assessing the performance in order to ensure the project outcomes are complete correct and me. Customer expectations. Not only that. It also has verify that the project deliverables and work meet the requirements specified by key stakeholders for final acceptance. So there has to be a continuous verification validation that needs to be happening as a part of the control quality as well. Right? So let's get started with control quality aspects. Of course, we'll start with inputs. We can't miss the input project plan in itself and project plan would also give you the quality management plan for us to refer to that's where we have already mentioned about. How are you going to do control quality activities so we can refer to those project documents. The one that I've already mentioned to you some of those documents we need to refer to and also needs to update later approved change request. Again. We need to check whether that approved change request is incorporated or not. And if it is incorporated if there is any Gap Etc, so if at all there is any approved change requests deliverables now those deliverables could The ones that have already verified on the project. So those verify deliverables that means I have tested those deliverables. I have verified those deliverables as per the customer requirements. So that is what it covers and the work performance information. So what performance information will be nothing but the data that gets generated one once we start executing the plans. So, how are we performing against the plan? How are we with respect to the schedule or quality or for that matter budget Etc? Prize environmental factors and organizational process assets is something which is standard which will really help us in referring to certain things that are there at the organizational level and then we talk about certain tools and techniques which will help us in performing these tasks. So let's talk about what are those one is data Gathering we did speak about some of the examples of how do we gather data? So that's one thing testing product and evaluations. So since we're talking about controlling quality, we need to make sure that we Verify the deliverables against the customer specifications that are given so this verification and validation needs to be happening on a continuous basis. Not only that. We also need to make sure that including the approved change we have tested as per the expectations. So this is something which is an ongoing process as a part of the control quality. So ongoing activity data analysis. So once we gather data out of these techniques it's time for us to analyze that data and draw actions, which will help. Pus in of course taking the corrective and preventive actions, like for example, the outcome that we are producing. Is it within the control limits or not? What are the tolerance limits the upper specification lower specification limits and the outcomes that I'm getting are they falling within those or not. So lot of data that I'm generating out of the limitation of the quality commitments. Now, it's time for us to analyze the data inspections. I need to regularly go on inspecting and adapting as well. So various opportunities through which You can do the inspection. So for that whatever you have committed. How are you going to do the inspection? That would be a part of your plan. So you can refer to that and you would also represent that data again data representation. We already covered the various ways through which we do that and of course the meetings so those are the tools and techniques that we can use as part of control quality and let's let's move on to the outcomes. What do we expect by the end of this? We certainly expect quality control measurements. So we ensure that we've got The quality control measurements in place. We have verified deliverables. So whatever the deliverables that are committed at that phase or at that point in time on the project. We have verified those against the requirements that are given by the customers work performance information in itself. How are we performing against the plan change requests project management plan would get updated as a result of that including the project documents. So this is what we can expect in the form of outcome. So this covers the control quality. As well, so we started with the quality management plan. Then we looked into how we can manage quality overall. And then how would we control quality? So in today's webinar our Focus was around quality and how we can maintain quality on the project by implementing these three processes as a part of the quality management. So when we ensure that we are implementing this processes as a project manager as a team in a way we are assuring our customer that what we are. Building in the form of that product service or result is fit for your use and is as per the expectations that are given by U. So that confidence we can give it to the customer by implementing these quality management processes and that will certainly make the team give the results the team which can deliver repeatedly Not Just One X and some the team which is all so predictable. So that predictability and repeatability is something that is really important and that Gives lot of trust on the team as well. So this was just the list of quality management. We've covered it at a high level. We do a deep dive when we deliver the PMP training program. We get into each of these tools and techniques inputs and the outcomes much in more detail. In fact, and we also take a lot of different examples as a part of this but in this webinar, we have just given you the introduction to a quality management as a part of the quality management knowledge area within the MBA. Ox sixth edition So as part of resource management knowledge area, we are going to look at understanding. What is Project Resource Management knowledge area is all about Resource Management overview and Resource Management processes. So now before we get started subscribe to Eddie Rekha YouTube channel and hit the Bell icon to never miss an update from us on trending Technologies. Also, if you are looking for an online training certification and PMP check out the Link in the description given below so project Resource Management PMP defines 10 knowledge areas. One of the knowledge areas project Resource Management. When we say project Resource Management, we should look at understanding what are the resources required for managing the projects and then acquiring those resources and managing throughout the Project Life Cycle. So for this we need to understand what project resource management is all about when I say resource resource can be human resource resource. The technology resource resource can be any resource which is required for a project to be done. Now when we say scope, for example, you will Define a scope for a deliverable which will come as an output of a project similarly while defining the project. We should also Define the scope of those resources, which are required to deliver that result. So project Resource Management includes the processes to identify a choir and manage the resources needed for the successful completion of The project so Resource Management overview. This includes the trends and emerging practices when I say Resource Management methods so we know the Dynamics associated with various different resources. So we acquire the resources based on what kind of project we are doing in common the kind of resources Human Resources. We will have in every projects. For example, if you say it project you need human resource, if you say civil construction project unit resource, but the Dynamics This Human Resources changes based on the what kind of skills and capability and experiences that resource we have in a given project. Similarly. When is it project? You need to work on applications. You need to work on network devices infrastructure components. But when I say civil constructions, you're all not working with those 80 components instead. We are speaking about cement bricks and Etc. So even quantifying those resources and acquiring this resources and utilizing those resources in a given project is very essential. So dynamics of those resources has to be understood and accordingly. It has to be handled. So in specific when we say human resources emotional intelligence plays a very important role for project manager to have to use during the project management. So this requires an effort from project manager to pretend certain rules. For example, when we say leadership we speak about authoritarian leadership lazy failed leadership participative leadership. So when to be authoritarian when should you behave authoritative? When should a project manager be participative when should a project manager should become lazy for means delegate and allow team to work on it and then review it. So this requires a lot of influencing thoughts while engaging with the people, especially the project team members what we're speaking about while engaging with the customers will engaging with suppliers while engaging with sponsors. These transactions needs certain emotional influence as well for which emotional intelligence may be required. So self organizing team as a buzz word which comes across whenever we speak about agile mostly but however today with the changing needs of the business where the quick response is required to go to market at the same time. When you go to market quickly, the operations needs to respond to it manage it the way the user wants a user may have a queries ultimately the experience of the users make sense only then value realization happens. So because of that enablement across the Asian right from the teams who are in the project as well as who are managing that particular product or Services is required for that many organization is not about self organizing team where the team is owning the product or services in eternity rather than one individual or one specific specialist owning it then with the advancement of technology today movement of skills were distributed across various different regions may not be needed. So there may be what short teams had distributed teams will work together with the help of the Technologies. This also comes up with lot of challenges because teams are not in front of the project manager always so this requires a specific approach towards managing those resources, which the project manager should understand and deal with so tailoring considerations while doing resource management is to mainly understand the diversity of resources. As I mentioned based on the various different capabilities various different geographical locations. The physical question is another concentration. So because culture changes people come from different backgrounds. An industry specific resources Project Specific industry specific. So as per the industry as per the projects again the thought processes the Dynamics associated with the resources will change the management requirement of the resources itself redevelop acquisition of team members. So when you actually start a project when execution starts you may require to ramp up the team members so identification of the right skills and capabilities before that one has to define the clearly articulating roles and Ponce abilities in the project organization structure and accordingly team members has to be acquired so interestingly you cannot get a resource especially human resource who are tailor made to the project. So they need to be trained inducted educated about the project and make them to become ready for the project execution. So as the project progresses managing this team engaging with this team and making things delivered in time as defined in scheduled within the cost needs to be ensured. I engaging with the team so life cycle approaches as I already mentioned a product will have a life cycle. Similarly project itself will have a life cycle. So when I say product life cycle product life cycle is bigger than a Project Life Cycle. So we use a project to introduce a product. We initiate a project to bring in new features functionality to the existing product. We initiate a project to improve something. We initiate a project to retire a specific product or services. So we need to visualize As that lifecycle of a product at the same time. What would be the life cycle of this project which is going to introduce something to that environment. So in a way project itself is a big change management because it introduces a change to the environment. So project itself will have a life cycle when we say that a beginning and end temporary and over that what BMP says it has a specific start specific end from this start to end. There is a lifecycle for project which is part of a entirety of a product life cycle or Was epic. So according to what kind of products are we creating? What kind of projects we have taken is that Improvement project or creation of new product or services or to introduce a features and functionality to the existing product or services or to retire a product or Services depending on that which life cycle of the specific product or Services projects are initiated and accordingly. It has to be dealt with so Resource Management processes. So Resource Management processes are distributed across various. Process groups when I say plan Resource Management estimate activity resources, they false under planning process group acquire resources developed team and manage team are part of executing process group and control resources is a process which is part of managing and Control process group. So plan Resource Management the first process in planning process group in Resource Management knowledge area. So plan resource management is the first and the initial step of the project. Source management knowledge area while planning for resources one is to understand what kind of resources are required and how are we going to engage if it is human resource engage and manage if it is not a human resource any other resources about going to manage technology resources or the facilities resources in the facilities? So this involves various aspects like defining the process of estimating acquiring managing and using physical and Human Resources. So this process SS is usually performed only once or a few predefined points throughout the Project Life Cycle to help in establishing the way of approach and level of management required for managing resources. So every resource needs to be assessed understood, what kind of resources is required and how are we going to manage? This has to be clearly articulated to manage it as the project progresses. So these aspects are majorly influence whether type and complexity of the project so inputs to this process would be project. Project management plan project documents when I say project Charter, we know that project Charter is created in initiating process group. So which provides the basic details and that comes as an input to planning process group. One of that process wave project Charter is coming as an input is land resource management project management plan, which basically quality management plan scope bass lines, which comes from integration management and then project documents like project schedule requirements documentation risk. Ders stakeholder registers and further input can be Enterprise environmental factors and organizational processes assets. The tools used as part of plan resource management is expert at meant data representation organizational Theory and meetings when we say experts all those specialized people who are having the specific experience in terms of managing resources specific resource and various different data considerations. And since we are speaking about Resource Management page, Also, look at what kind of organization structure required for this project and they should be meetings engaging with the people discussion to happen outputs of plan resource management or Resource Management plan, then team charter and then project documents updates. When I say Resource Management plan. We are going to understand from it. What are the approaches we have to manage the resources and what kind of team structure we would have so what Dynamics are involved with it. So this particular Plan B. Go and get Consolidated into plan, which is integrated in integration management. This is one of the subsidiary plans so process estimate activity resources. So when I say estimate activity resources, the details of activities are already captured in schedule management. So when we say scope management, for example, so scope management provides scope Baseline while deriving the scope Baseline work breakdown structure is created as part of it further. You will identify an effort activities for those WBS elements and this happens in schedule management. So referring to that schedule management for the WBS element for which efforts are estimated here you need to look at what kind of resource and in what quantities required. So estimate activity resources will be doing the planning of estimating the activity resources based on the WPA structure defined. So in this process the resource required for the project. Checked along with the type and quantity of tools equipments raw materials and supplies are being estimated. This process is generally executed after specific time intervals throughout the Project Life Cycle with this one can pinpoint that what type of resources project needs and in what amounts means quantity and what should be their characteristics in order to finish the project successfully. So estimate activity resources. This can be done only after creation of WBS structure. and also schedule management sequences, which activity has to be done after what so because of this sequencing while estimating the resources one should also can able to know when is this resources required not just water source at what quantity and also when because of the schedule management, which is working parallel to Resource Management inputs to this process project management plan, which includes Resource Management plan and scope Baseline, then project documents which involves activities executes activity list assumptions log cost estimates resource calendars risk register Enterprise environmental factors resource locations resource availability because we should know what is available resource in the organization so that they can be allocated to the project. So team resource skills organization culture published estimating data Marketplace conditions, organizational process assets which includes policies and procedures and historical informations. So the tools used as part of estimate activity resources are expert judgment data representation organization Theory and meetings outputs. So outputs includes resource requirements PCS of estimates resource, breakdown structure and project document updates. So resource requirements against the activity which needs to be done and there should be an explanation why so much of resources estimated? At that is basis of estimation resource breakdown structure provides the details relating to the WBA structure what we have how the resources are connected how the resources are related because we need also link it to organization structure. So acquire resources. This is the process which happens in executing process group. So these process deals with collecting the various Human Resources facilities, tools equipment supplies and raw materials required to deliver the project so human Those are identified and on-boarded Facilities tools equipment and supplies are procured which are required to be used in the project. So this process helps in outlining and guiding the selection process of the project resources and then assigning them to this specific activities or tasks thus it is performed at periodic intervals throughout the Project Life Cycle and helps in preventing running out of resources. So appropriate number of resources has confide in estimating resources so inputs It's project management plan, which includes Resource Management plan procurement management Plan cost base line project document like project schedule resource calendars resource requirements stakeholder registers Enterprise environmental factors, which is existing information on organization resources, Marketplace conditions organization structure, then geographical locations where exactly one needs the resources. Where is the resource available Au Pas organization processes? which includes policies and procedures historical informations and Lessons Learned repository tools would be decision-making interpersonal and team skills pre-assessment and virtual teams when I say decision making so one is to finalize which resource with what features and functionality those needs to be identified before you acquire and confirm interpersonal team skills, because their needs certain discussions at an engagement required when you procure or own you on board human Source reassignment may be the one when the team in the organization with the specific skills, which are matching with organization or project required skills. So assigning those resources virtual teams, if teams are spread across various different locations, so output of this process should be physical resource assignment means the resources are acquired their on-boarded project team assignments. You have a team to work now so that the team is assigned the members are assigned to the given rule resource. Specifying where exactly the resources are available change requests. If any change required in the structure or the kind of resources, then project management plan updates project document updates EF updates and then OPM dates develop team process. So as you acquire a human resources, you may require to educate them in terms of what is that expected out of them in a given project. And what is their role an individual may have a specific skill Eels and capability. That's okay. That's about specific skills and capability. But what is expected out of that particular individual with that specific skills and capability in this project? What is the deliverable from that individual? So this process purely concentrates on the development of team bonding and assigning them with rewarding work which are opportunities and career development. So someone working in a project if that is not contributing to their further future career progression. They may not be very motivated because That so one needs to give that visibility as well as the member to the project is on-boarded. This will help in enhancing the overall team performance by improving team members competencies interactions and the environment. So this process is performed throughout the Project Life Cycle and intensifies teamwork improves interpersonal skills of the individuals motivates the team and reduces attractions. So this requires providing lot of insights toward the project. What is that? They are going to deliver / And how that will contribute to their progression in their career positive way so these visibility should be there so this requires an induction when team is on-boarded there is brainstorming which happens maybe team members may not know each other so one has to ensure a facilitation has to be done so that team will know each other so that they can start performing so inputs project management plan, which is basically Resource Management plan project documents like Lessons Learned Sister project team assignments resource calendars team charter EF Enterprise environmental factors, which is human resource management policies team member skills competencies and specialized knowledge geographical distribution of team members, but as Au Pas organizational process assets that is historical information and Lessons Learned deposit. The tools used as part of develop team would be colocation virtual teams communication. Elegy interpersonal and team skills recognition and rewards training individual and team assignments meetings. When we say colocation people exist in various different locations in the group. So they've needs lot of interactions. So formal communication should be increased their so that the transaction the clarity which needs to be provided to the team will be easier and more and more connects. Even when you work with the team which is sitting next to you, since you are present that effort to connect may not be required. So because It will be happening naturally. But whereas team doesn't exist in front of the project manager. It requires a lot of effort to connect to keep that communication channels open always so what should teams I mean similar Dynamics as we saw collocations, so communication technology using appropriate communication technology to connect with the teams. So interpersonal and team skills, which as we spoke about emotional intelligence as we spoke about lazy failure or authoritarian approaches or participating. Approaches required so while engaging with the team's it's very essential the project manager should possess that leadership traits leadership qualities to connect with the team and influence them. So recognition and rewards recognition and rewards helps to motivate. So this will also help in terms of showing the quick wins happening in the project. So providing the training whenever is required on the specific areas, maybe a soft skills, maybe technology specific maybe specific skill acquiring so training as to be given and enable the team Individual and team assessments then meetings outputs of develop team process would be team performance assessments change request project management plan updates project document updates EF updates and OPI updates manage team. So manage team is a process where each and every team member performance is monitored and tracked. It is very essential to understand how the individuals are performing how the resources are performing. And based on that necessary actions to be taken to correct if there is any deviations if things are going fine, there should be a motivation to the team and also tracking their problem areas which are identified and the issues are resolved and feedbacks are given on regular basis. So this process is generally performed throughout the Project Life Cycle and helps in influencing team Behavior managing the conflicts and resolving breathing issues very essential to engage with the team the team which is just given a task and left may not tend to accomplish the results what is required they need the directions every now and then one has to sit and evaluate those performances and give the necessary feedbacks and also platforms for them to acquire those skills and capabilities to perform better inputs to this process project management plan, which is Resource Management plan project documents that is issue log Lessons Learned register project team assessment team charter what performance report like physical or electronic representation of what performance information team performance assessments project management team makes ongoing formal or informal assessments of the project team's performance. So that one will get that visibility so that accordingly necessary changes can be done Enterprise environmental factors, which is basically Human Resource Management policies, then organizational process assets, like certificates of appreciation corporate apparels and other organization prerequisites tools used as part of the Process would be interpersonal and team skills project management information system. So pmis which captures all the details of the project resources details deliverables details skill details and then wave project is progressing. So these data can be utilized to give that insight to the project team and make them to progress further outputs of this process would be change request procurement management plan updates project document updates. And EF updates control resources. So control resources the process in monitoring and Control process group. So in this process the project managers ensures that the resources that are assigned and allocated for the project activities are available as needed. They also monitor their estimated usage versus actual usage. So you quantify the resources when you estimate these are the number of resources which are required at any given point in time because we took that estimating the Courses based on what activities are identified and how they are sequenced. So we refer to that scope and schedule accordingly estimation happen. So an actual scenario is that it'll ization is happening accordingly or is there any variations increase or decreased subsequently when it deviations found necessary corrective action has to be taken for that that corrective actions needs to be triggered. So control resource process is implemented throughout the Project Life Cycle and helps in ensuring that necessary project resources are deploy to the correct places and the correct time under released when the project comes to an end. So this is about control resources the inputs to process project management plan. Basically Resource Management plan project documents that is issue log Lessons Learned registered physical resource assignments project schedule resource breakdown structure resource requirements risk register what performance data which would contain the data on project status such as number and types of resources that have Used agreements made within the context of project which are basis for all resources or external to the organization who PA that is policies regarding resource control and assignment escalation procedures for handling issues within the Performing organizations Lessons Learned repository from previous similar projects tools data analysis problem solving interpersonal skills p.m. Is outputs of control resource process would be what performance in formation change request if any deviations found procurement management plan updates and then project document updates. So this concludes Resource Management knowledge area basic coverage in terms of what is resource management is all about and what are the various processes involved in Resource Management knowledge area defined in PMP framework. So as part of this webinar we are going To look at understanding. What is Project communication management is all about communication management overview and communication management processes. So let us move on relating to understanding project communication management. So project communication management when we say the word term the communication it's all about conveying certain message meaning passing message from one entity to another entity. So project communication management involves Center means is basically many stakeholders within the project many stakeholders outside. The project with home project manager has to communicate at the same time within the project project team will communicate so project communication the moment we say that we need to understand what are the communications requirements in the project and then communication s Tibetan complying to those communication management plans defined so project communication management focuses on that aspects the importance of Mission to make the project successful so project communication management is all about understanding. What is the project communication needs are and then communicating accordingly project communication management includes the processes necessary to ensure that the information needs of the projects and it's stakeholders are met through development of artifacts and implementation of activities designed to achieve effective information Exchange. So communication management overview. So while communicating when we say communication, there are a lot of ways the communications are done verbal communication written Communication in these two. You can also think about formal verbal formal written informal verbal in formal written. So these four type of communication for combination which we saw just now formal verbal informal verbal formal written informal. So what is formal verbal? What is Informer verbal? What is formal written? What is in formal written? This needs to be very clearly articulated and using the trends and emerging practices also is very important, which is inclusion of stakeholders in Project reviews inclusion of stakeholders in Project meetings increased use of social Computing social platforms multi-faceted approach to communication, so these Dynamics Has to bend the stood and as the practice has evolved as the need of the market changes as the Dynamics of the environment changes communication requirements also changes the way you communicate one communicates also changes. So one needs to understand those Dynamics and accordingly communication has to be done. So that communication requirements are fulfilled. So while communicating looking at those communication needs Someone needs to ensure the communication happens as needed by the stakeholders. So who are the stakeholders that needs to be identified? So if we look at the overall framework the 10 knowledge areas five process groups and 49 processes the way they are distributed BC in initiating process group. There are only two processes one process in integration management and other processing stakeholder management. So what happens there is an integration management process. S which is Project Charter which is getting created project manager assignment happens. Once the project manager is assigned and authorized the immediate next job. The first job to project manager is to go and meet stakeholders identify stakeholders. So once the stakeholders are identified stakeholders communication requirements has to be understood and identification of stakeholders is not the one time job. It has to happen throughout the Project Life Cycle and their communication requirement has to be understood. Location physical location of the stakeholder communication requirement of the stakeholder the technology which needs to be used for communication the platforms which needs to be used for communication the language the Knowledge Management required for communication has to be understood. So why do we need to have Knowledge Management when we do communication is because whenever there is a specific knowledge about a specific domain area the individual who is having The domain knowledge and the maturity of that individual in that domain may be high maybe medium or low. So while speaking with those individuals of specific maturity level in a specific domain area, the discussion should align to that so there cannot be a discussion which is happening the communication which is happening which would not make any sense. It should not look immature or it would not look like it is not even understood. So one needs to understand who is that Receiver of the communication. So based on that the articulation of the communication should happen based on that. The frequency of the communication should happen based on the vocabulary is used as to be chosen. So all this needs to be considered while tearing the communication during the project. So communication management processes. So communication management process. There are three processes defined in communication management knowledge area that is Land Communications management manage communication and monitor Communications, even though it looks like only three processes the Dynamics associated with communication management is not simple. It is not very objective always it is very subjective many times the communicator versus the person who is receiving the language the maturity the vocabularies the time of communication the template used the channel used all These plays important role during the communication similarly when we plan for communication management considerations to all of this should be there while managing communication. Yes, there is a defined approach defined template defined information with that communication carries. Even after that the Dynamics of the Situation's has to be understood while communicating and there should be room for Communicator to understand that and do that necessary modifications may be in language Maybe. Additional details which are being given maybe the tone in which if it is a verbal communication the selection of those specific words and vocabulary while doing a written communication and visit should be written in the camps or it's okay. If there is not caps that needs to be understood the way the flow of thoughts happens during the communication even that needs to be understood. So all these are individuals quality which has to be built now project manager will have a challenge in this regard if Object manager is not sensitive about these aspects now as the communication happen monitoring the communication should happen. But when you monitor the communication it doesn't mean all those additional aspects the qualities which are looked at when communication you don't have a scale to measure those but however, the frequency of communication the content of communication the objective of communication templates used for communication only those can be checked are these used as per the plan? Otherwise one would not even know what is being communicated is that communication management plan is complied with or not that will not be visible. So communication management is very important and 90% of the times project manager spends his or her time communicating throughout the Project Life Cycle. So by this itself one can understand how important the communication is during the project the first process in Project communication management. This plan communication management. So plan communication management process is the initial process of project communication management knowledge area in this process a systematic and effective way. The plan is developed for the activities involved in Project communication. It majorly makes use of information like the requirement of each and every stakeholders and teams organizational assets available and the project needs project communication management plan also involves. See the list of stakeholders their communication requirements and these communication requirements keeps changing as the project progresses the lot of stakeholders who will get added to whom the communications has to be made and at the same time the Dynamics of the communications will also change in terms of what kind of communication has to be sent at what part of the project during the starting in the initiating part of the project. The communication needs may be different while execution is a As the project progresses and Peaks communication requirements diverts, maybe frequency of communication will change number of stakeholders to be communicated will change and that's keeps varying. So communication management is very Dynamic. So those Dynamics has to be considered while planning Communications management. So creation of templates can also be done so that the more frequent Communications like weekly updates monthly updates Fortnight updates so that can have specific templates. To the specific set of stakeholders. So inputs to plan communication management includes project Charter project management plan, which includes Resource Management plan and stakeholder engagement plan project documents, like requirements documentation and stakeholder register Enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets. So tools used during project communication management our expert judgment communication requirement analysis while discussing mistake. This one needs to understand. What are the communication requirement that needs to be analyzed that needs to be checked then technology which are used for communication data representation communication models communication methods interpersonal and team skills then meetings. So looking at the number of tools which are looked at for communication management itself emphasizes on the point how important the communication will be many project May Fail. Just because of wrong Communications misunderstood Communications is very essential to ensure communication management is planned carefully and that is executed accordingly outputs of plan communication management would be communication management plan project management plan updates and project document updates manage communication is a process which happens while Communications happens throughout the Project Life Cycle. So this process VCS part of executing process group where this process manages the communication throughout means the communication happens throughout the Project Life Cycle, which mainly aims to collect create distribute store retrieve manage Monitor and finally disposed the information related to the project appropriately and timely manner. So it is performed throughout the Project Life Cycle in order to provide an effortless and efficient flow of information. From the project team to stakeholders and vice versa. So this process also help in identifying different aspects of effective communication along with the most suitable methodologies Technologies and techniques inputs to manage communication process should be project management plan, which is Resource Management plan communication management plan stakeholder engagement plan, then project documents like changelog issue log resonance learned registers quality report risk. Port stakeholder resistor work performance reports which can be presented as dashboards each reports stoplight charts or other representations EF and opa tools used to manage Communications would be project reporting communication technology project management information systems meetings communication skills communication methods interpersonal and team skills outputs of manage communication process. Be project Communications where project Communications are happening is that happening the way it is planned or not project management plan updates project document updates and opa updates. So next process should be monitor communication monitor communication is part of monitoring and controlling process group. So monitoring communication process is the final process of communication management knowledge area this process ensures that all the information needs and requirements of the Project and the involved stakeholders are met by its completion. It is performed throughout the Project Life Cycle and helps in optimizing the flow of the information as per the communication management plan and stakeholder engagement plan. So inputs to monitor communication will be project management plan. That is Resource Management plan communication management plan stakeholder engagement plan project documents like issue log Lessons Learned register project Communications are used work performance. Data on actual performance of the project EF and Opie tools used would be expert judgment data analysis project management information system interpersonal and team skills meetings where as outputs of monitor communication processor be work performance information about communication change request. If there is any deviation project management plan updates and project document updates. So that's all about project communication management. So we are going to discuss about risk management knowledge area defined in project management professional PMB walk 6th edition. The agenda of this webinar would be project risk management understanding. What is Project risk management knowledge area is all about overview on risk management and risk management processes now coming back to risk management before we get into risk management. We should understand what is risk. So every project every business every investment and by an organization will be having certain kind of risks. So those risks needs to be managed. So what is risk risk refers to an uncertainty uncertainty of an something may be positive or negative which resides in the future if that occurs, which becomes an issue to resolve. So the moment it occurs, there will be some impacts. If it is negative impact we call it as a threat if it is positive we call it as an opportunity. So negative risk, which has a negative impact with needs to be the impact of those needs to be reduced or that needs to be eliminated or reduce the probability of that occurrence by taking necessary actions or become ready. Yes. There is a risk. I cannot do anything about it to reduce the impact of that risk. I will become ready to do something when it occurs. So if it is positive risk, I will take the advantages of that. I exploit that risk by hence. So this is the kind of responses you will get into so project risk management. Judgment focuses on risk which are associated with the project which are undertaken. So project risk management as defined in PMP includes the processes of conducting risk management planning identification analysis response planning response implementation and monitoring risk of a project so identification of risk analyzing the risk managing the risk responding to the specific kind of risk is not a one-time job. This needs to happen throughout the The club circuit when we assess to take up a project. We identify risks when we initiate a project when you start the project. We identify risks when we progress as part of the Project Life Cycle. We identify risk. So new risks are identified and identified risks are kept analyzed at the various different part of the Project Life Cycle because the impact and probability of the risk, if not probability at least impact of the risk would vary as the project progresses based on in what part of Project Life Cycle we are assessing. Get at that given point in time. They would be variation of the risk. For example, when I begin a project a risk like a deliverables deliverables uncertainty is high when I start the project but as I progress I'm ending towards the same risk, the impact will be less because the deliverables are happened in various different phases and already those are checked and tested. There is no Associated risk with them in terms of a validation prospective accomplishing that result perspective because majority of the deliverables of already. Only few deliverables will be pending as you progress towards end of the project. So risk will be less at the end of the project middle of the project may be moderate. Maybe hi definitely not low. So likewise for any specific risk, we identify at a given point of a Project Life Cycle Associated risk, which were identified as and assess the impact of the dress code very positively means increases impact will increase or impact would decrease so risk management overview. Here we are. Going to look at Trends and emerging practices related to the risk. So risk can be looked at less click non-event risk project resilience integrated risk management. Now when I say risk of something which feels yes that is an event an event has occurred so that risk we associate as an event which is associated with risk a power failure risk event. A deliverable did not happen even risk. So then what is this non-event risk now if you say I I wanted to accomplish this results and these are all the benefits which has to be realized out of it. And that realization doesn't happen that is not an event. So because that benefit is not realized the investment is not making sense. Now. This is not an event which occurred so benefits realization happens as the product which comes as an output of a project should result should come as an outcome that is not happening. It is not an event. It is a non event risk people who has a specific skills and capabilities were unable to deliver. Her properly. It is not an event. The performance of the individuals is not happening the way it is required non-event risk. So likewise by generic statement of risk or the definition of risk. We say an uncertain event for a risk, but there are risks which exist which are known event risks as well with needs to be identified then projects resilience. Whenever a project Fields Whenever there is a degradation of performance. How will a project recover what is The ability project as a whole could able to recover from it and move on smoothly further to accomplish the ultimate results. So these needs to be planned very well integrated risk management. So as we know in PMP framework, we have integration management. So integration management provides an integrated view of the entire project where risk management will also go on get into that get integrated into ultimate project management plan. So risk management plan across the Project Life Cycle needs to be looked at and it should have a bigger picture. It is not one or two risk only positive or negative risk. It's about all the risks which are identified assessed throughout and managed together. There should be risk register to capture all of this. That is the reason there is a dedicated risk management knowledge area defined in PMP framework. So tillering concentration should be size of the project complexity of the project importance of the project and approaches for various different things which are adapted and adopted for the project so as the size and City of the project varies obviously the impact of the projects because of certain failures will be varying when I say importance of the project the deliverables of the project how important is for my business. If I am doing a project to Hennis the capability of the people in general then that is important to the business perspective, but it does not have a time Target. It is a continual access for organization, but I am getting into a specific new project and I need people's competency should be improved. Now I have a specific point in time before which I should have the capability. Otherwise, I will lose on that opportunity. So likewise my tailoring consideration in the projects in terms of what is that I am going to deliver. What is that benefits the people who are investing on this project? What is the return they would get unless that is visible. We cannot say how important the Project X then approaches defined based on what kind of technology is used. What kind of deliverables required what kind of environment we are into what are the outputs? Which would Out of a project. What would be the outcome of the project as you define all of this when the direction is set clearly accordingly one can take an approach. So people can adopt a predictive lifecycle project management adaptive lifecycle project management, which is basically a waterfall versus agile approaches to different approaches, which we can broadly mention about. So risk management processes. So risk management processes includes land risk management identify risks or form qualitative risk analysis perform quantitative risk analysis plan risk responses. So all the processes 1 to 5 or part of planning process group Implement risk responses will be part of executing process group and monitor risk will be part of monitoring and Control process group. So plan risk management, which is the first process in this knowledge area focuses on defining how to conduct risk management activities for a project this process helps in ensuring that the degree type and visibility of risk management or proportionate both risk and the importance of the project to the organization and other stakeholders. So it is performed once or at the predefined points in the Project Life Cycle, but however, even though it is defined in the planning process group here in the framework. Planning for the risks should be integrated one, which should be applicable to Any Given scenario of the project. But however, if there is any modification for this as we progress in the project required that can be done inputs to plan risk management process should be project Charter project management plan project documents Enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets tools would be expert judgment data-gathering meetings where as output should be risk management plan So identify risk identify a risk is a process which identifies the individual project risk as well as the sources of overall project risks. So when I say sources were speaking about the causes of that risk and documenting those risks and all the associated details describing. Why should I consider this as a risk? Why am I saying it is a risk that needs to be described. So this process helps in documenting and existing individual project risk and the sources of overall project risk it all. Selfsame bringing together the information using with the project team can respond appropriately to identified risk. This process is performed throughout the project. So one has to keep identifying the risk throughout the Project Life Cycle. So input of identify risk process should be project management plan project documents agreements procurement documentation. EF and opa whereas tools used as part of identify risk process would be expert judgment data Gathering. NG data analysis interpersonal team skills prompt less and meetings the outputs of identify risk process would be risk register risk report and project document updates. The next process for us is perform qualitative risk analysis support Forum qualitative risk analysis is the process of assessing and analyzing the identify dress qualitatively. So this helps in prioritizing the Project's risk for further analysis or action basis seeing their probability of occurrence and impact as well as other characteristics. So this process Riyadh is the individual projects risk, and also look at major benefits of this process that is Focus effort of I pre-ordered risks this process is performed regularly throughout the Project Life Cycle and inputs to this process includes project management plan project documents PDFs and opa the tools tools used are expert judgment interpersonal team skills data Gathering data analysis, risk categorisation data representation and meetings. So the output of this particular process perform qualitative risk analysis would be project documents updates So perform quantitative risk analysis so further as after doing qualitative risk analysis if risks also needs to be analyzed quantitatively so one can conduct quantitative risk analysis. So this process numerically analyzes the combined effect of identified individual project risk and other sources of uncertainty on overall project objectives, the main benefit of this process is that it quantifies overall project risk exposure. And it can also provide additional quantitative risk information to support risk response planning. This process is not required for every project. But where it is used. It is performed throughout the project. So where should we use this quantitative risk analysis wherever the project size is Big where the project is complex. So inputs to this particular process would be project management plan project documents like assumptions log basis of estimates cost estimates. Cost forecast duration estimates Milestone less resource requirement risk registers and schedule focused. So Enterprise environmental factors as well as Opa. So tools used as part of this particular process would be expert judgment data-gathering interpersonal team skills representation of uncertainty then data analysis the outputs project documents updates. Supply and risk responses. So as we identify the risk and then analyze them qualitatively and quantitatively so we know positive risk or negative R is what kind of impact each of those risks could have. So, how are we going to get benefit of positive risk? How are we going to reduce the impact of negative risk? So this requires planning risk responses. So this process helps in developing options selecting strategies and agreeing on actions to address overall project. Risk exposure as well as to treat individual project risk. This also identifies appropriate ways to address overall project risk and individual project risk, this process also allocates resources and inserts activities into project documents and the project management plans as needed. So this is performed throughout the Project Life Cycle. So now inputs to plan risk responses should be project management plan which involves Resource Management plan risk management plan and cost base line then Documents which is Lessons Learned register project schedule project team assignments resource calendars risk register risk report stakeholders. Mr. EF and opa tools tools in walls expert judgment data-gathering interpersonal and team skills strategies for threats strategies for opportunities, then contingency response strategies strategies for overall project risk data analysis, and And decision-making the outputs of this process would be change request PMB updates that is project management plan updates and project documents updates. So Implement risk responses. So as we plan for responses, it is very essential for us to look at implementation of that responses. So this process considers all those risk responses plan what is defined already and accordingly, it will Implement. So this process of implementing Read up on risk response plans provides the key benefit. So what is the key benefit of this process that is to ensure that agreed-upon responses are executed as planned in order to address overall project risk exposure minimizing the individual project threats and maximizing overall project opportunities. So process helps in implementing agreed-upon risk response as I mentioned earlier. So now once we are ready we are making ourselves ready to respond to the risk scenario some of the risks you cannot even able to To reduce by doing the response plan implemented if power going off in between while you're playing presentation or conducting a training so that will impact the training. So how will you ensure the power is available always so you will go for UPS that is a response plan what you made so UPS cannot give the back up more than two hours three hours. Let us assume that you will have a generator so that if power fails UPS will take here immediately. Then you go and switch on the generator which will generate the power and load on the place. Come down and your face is always in the loaded condition so that you one generator fails UPS will take care for some time, but there will be some scenarios where fuel will not available. So generator cannot run so such risks are called residual stress, which we will accept because we implemented this UPS as well as generator Discord OBS these two introduces additional risk risk associated with UPS itself the risk associated with generator itself. We covid as a second risk. So in this case what we did was before The occurrence of the risk, we implemented the risk responses, but there will be some scenario where you cannot implement the responses. You should yourself make ready to handle those scenarios. What if the building collapses what if the earthquake happens what if flooding happens? So you will have a contingency plan defined so contingency plan you can implement or else looking at the impact kind of thing. You will make yourself related go. I have other modes of operating my business and move forward or make my project successful so inputs to this. Particular process would be project management plan project documents and opa tools used as part of this particular processes expert judgment interpersonal and team skills project management information system output should be project document updates and change requests monitor risk process monitor risk process, which is part of monitoring and Control process group defined in PMP. This process mainly monitors the implementation of agree. Capone risk response plans tracking identified risk identifying analyzing new risk and evaluating risk process Effectiveness throughout the project. So this process helps in enabling the project decisions to be based on current information about overall project risk exposure and individual project risk. So this is performed throughout the Project Life Cycle. So input to this process would be project management plan project documents what performance data and work performance reports tools used as Part of this particular process would be data analysis audits as well as meetings outputs work performance information change request PMP updates that is project management plan updates project documents updates and OPM dates. Welcome to PMP procurement management knowledge area from Ed Eureka. Today. We are going to discuss about procurement Management in detail. So the agenda of this particular webinar would be understanding. What is Project procurement management is all about overview of project procurement management, then processes involved in Project procurement management. So firstly we need to understand when we say procurement management every project involves procurement. So when we take a project when organization decides we need to take up a project organization decides should we really invest on this or not? That is first decision organization. Make once the decision is made there are many things which are used as part of the project to deliver that output to create that output. To create that result. So while doing it within the project, there are a lot of things which are created at the same time creation is fine the deliverables which happens throughout the Project Life Cycle is fine. But at the same time organizations would also decide some of the deliverables which goes into output. I don't make instead. I will procure or maybe certain facilities required certain resources required organization will decide I will not make it myself. I will not manage it directly. I will give it to the supplier let the supplier give it to me. So a lot of procurements involved raw materials are procured the environment where project is being done that environment. I may not have so I may get into a place where I will lease it or I will have a resources on a time and material basis for a specific duration a specific tool specific instrument. So I procure another similar scenario is I as an organization don't do this project. So instead. And I give this project to the some of the experts the organization which has expertise in this area. So if my business is a retail I sell products, but I don't know anything about civil constructions. So I need to have a facility where I am going to have my particular retail office or retail store. Now, I need have this construction. So I am not expert in that so I will give it to an expert an organization which has an expertise in this so I will procure so any procurement involved in the Which is there any ways at various different levels procurement happens? So PMP considers the specific Focus, which is required and helps project manager to understand what is involved in procurement management. So procurement management is basically focuses on ensuring purchasing and requiring products or services and or the results required from outside the project team we are not creating this so we don't create because we do not want to focus on that area. Let us give it to someone else. Let me say I'm a car manufacturer and automobile Manufacturing Company who integrate various different parts of the car and then sell I don't manufacture engine because I do not want to have creating that facility creating that plant of manufacturing and I do not want to invest because I don't have an expertise instead however organization which is very good having good expertise and take that engine manufactured by them and integrate into my car. So I am procuring that engineering I've given that creation of that engine producing that engine to some organization and then procuring it that is one possibility. So procurement when I say we may also go for human resources for temporary period Human Resources, if you can think about civil construction project a concrete mixer can be a one which is outsourced to me and procuring on a Time on material basis. That is also another possibility raw material required for my project. I am procuring so it's all about identifying. Those resources the products or services for my project. And what is that? I am going to procure. What is that? I am going to make myself one has to decide on that. Once the decision is made then actual procurement happens. So we will see how what is that exactly PMP speaks about it. Now project procurement management has various different considerations to make before go on procuring. So this includes understanding the trends and emerging practices, so Advances in the various different tools. So which tool should I use as part of this project which makes sense to me which helps in terms of accomplishing the results required and what is the risks involved effectively, how am I going to do the risk management? What are the methodologies? What are the approaches we have? So when I procure is there any risk involved when I do it myself? Is there a risk involved when I compare both the risk which one is better? So we need to analyze that then changing Contracting. Isis as we know there is a changing demand in the market the mindset of the consumers are changing rapidly and the way we contract the way we established. The contract is also changing so that it should accommodate the changing need of the market condition then Logistics and Supply Chain management or the one which is there with me what says what needs to be established then technology and stakeholder relations. Now lot of transactions involved with the stakeholders the engagement which has to happen while procuring because decisions To roommate while procuring involvement of the stakeholders happens and involvement of technology today. So today we cannot imagine any specific industry or any specific organization or any specific operations our project which is happening in the absence of technology. So what would be the right technology which is appropriate to my project that needs to be considered and then engagements which happens while doing the procurements. So we need to have a tailoring considerations while doing document which includes complexity of Requirement complexity of a procurement maybe because of the technology involved because of the geography is various different geographies the team size the kind of project I am doing and the region where I am doing it. It may be a full legality of that particular geography the mandatory things which I need to comply with while I do the procurement in that region then physical location as I mentioned then governance and Regulatory environment, which I cannot miss which I cannot shy away from considering. I have to consider those and I should do within it. I should consider like tax structure can ignore it. No registration requirements. I cannot ignore which are the basic requirements to have before I do the procurement then availability of contractors. So in not every region you will have the resources in some of the cases you may require to bring it from the different region. All together may be from different state or different city or from different country altogether so many organizations outsources setup and A bit to set an organization as I was mentioning about cars in our EOC Outsourcing that engine manufacturing to some other manufacturing company or in it. Scenario Outsourcing like Outsourcing to different country so that they will do it for me remotely. They will do the work like organizations which are in the different country developing a specific application for me monitoring an application for me while I produce something here as part of the project. So a lot of such Outsourcing which would happen because of non availability. Certain skills capability another scenario would be the cost of resources in the local region versus cost of resources in different region. It would also become outsourced to different countries. The various different processes involved in procurement management would be Bland procurement management conduct documents and control procurements mainly three processes. So plan procurement management is the process in planning process group whereas conduct procurement is in executing. Process group and control procurement is in monitoring and control. So when I say plan procurement management this has to help in terms of planning my procurement. I need to make the decisions mainly any to provide the necessary guidelines set a directions to conduct the procurements and then based on that you will control so you Monitor and control the procurements the weight is conducted in reality versus what is being planned. So moving to plan procurement management, which is a process in planning process group. So in rocker management knowledge area in this process one will document the project procurement decision specifying the approach and identifying the potential sellers. So in this process you need to document various procurement decisions specifying procurement approach and identification of potential and quality sellers. So once this process is executed predefined points in Project Life Cycle will be understood visualized and that will help in deciding whether this needs to be acquiring goods or services from outside or not should be make or buy such decisions as to be made. It should provide the guidelines in case there is a need it also helps in identifying which resources has to be acquired. And when that Clarity should be provided in plan procurement management inputs to plan procurement management process is Project Charter Business documents, which is business case and Management plan which are mainly referred to then project management plan. That is scope management plan quality management plan Resource Management plan scope Baseline, which are already Consolidated in project management plan updated then project documents which involves Milestone list project team assignments requirements documentation requirements traceability Matrix resource requirements risk register then EF and opa now plan. Whatever Management's tools and techniques used involves expert judgment data Gathering data analysis Source selection criteria or Source selection analysis meetings, then output of this processor be procurement management plan, then procurement strategy bid documents procurement statement of work source selection criteria make or buy decisions so many gets confused. To see make or buy decision as an output of something they look that as an action, but basically the decisions what is made what should I procure what I should not something which I consider in the project. Should I buy or make myself? So these decisions are made that comes as an output then independent cost estimates change request project document updates and OBS organizational process assets updates. The next process is conducted. Procurement when we say conduct procurement, it's quite obvious. We need to understand it is an action which is happening in execution. So there is a plan which is set already. So to that plan, they should bend action which happens conduct procurement is the process of obtaining sellers responses selecting a seller and awarding the contract. So this is the process which is in executing process group. So when we say conduct procurement the actions required To identify a specific seller finalized. Okay. This is the seller and then establish the contract with that particular seller and then do the procurements. So selection of seller should happen agreements needs to be established, which is very essential to do the procurement. So the inputs to this process involves project management plan that is scope management plan requirements management plan communication management plan risk management plan to Cuban, man. Judgment plan configuration management Plan cost Base Line If You observe very closely procurement management plan is an output of a process within the same knowledge area is one of the inputs to conduct procurement then project documents which involves Lessons Learned register project schedule requirements documentation technical requirements relating to the seller risk register stakeholder register then procurement documents like bid documents for cure. Statement of work independent cost estimates Source selection criteria. So these are very essential when you go and identify seller and discuss engage clarify. If at all any doubts that particular seller probable seller a bidder would have then further the inputs list goes with like seller proposals, which actually comes as a response to request for proposal maybe organization would float in RFP request for proposal from sellers who are interested. Red cell is proposals which comes in then EF + O PS appropriate one for procurement like local laws and regulation economic environment Marketplace conditions information on relevant experience any agreement which are already in place consideration of that contract management system. Then OBS, like list of preferred sellers organizational policies organizational templates and guidelines Financial policies and procedures. So This as an input this process conducts the procurement by using the tools and techniques like expert judgment advertising advertising which is required to invite a probable seller to respond to the request for proposal then data analysis bidder conferences bidder conferences are held to clarify any doubts any clarifications which are there with a specific seller before they submit the response to the RFP F proposal before the submit. Then interpersonal and team skills which are essential while conducting procurement. So outputs of this process conduct procurement would be selected sellers identified sellers the finalized one then agreements which are established with those selected sellers the change request. So change request may be an output here not initially when you do the conduct procurement later as the project progresses, maybe some additional deliverables may be required from a specific seller. So We raised for a change request or maybe some Clauses has to be change in the agreement. You will raise a change request that is possible as this process happens throughout the Project Life Cycle, maybe change of acceleration the partner itself or the one who is supplying certain things change of that itself is required change request can be raised then PMP updates project document updates and OPM dates. Next process is control procurement. So control procurement is part of monitoring and Control knowledge area which is a process meant for ensuring the procured relations are managed as defined the contract performance as we defined in the contract what says the actual performance are checked then appropriate necessary modifications are made to bring it back to the required one. So this process is performed through the Project Life Cycle and it helps in ensuring that performance of both the involved parties that is buyers and sellers is up to the Requirement as stated in legal Arrangements legal agreement inputs to this process involves project management plan project documents agreements procurement documents. So now when I say project management plan, it's quite obvious. I need to see what was actually planned and how it is exactly done. So requirements management plan risk management plan change management plan shedule Baseline project documents when I say assumptions logs Lessons Learned register file. Stone list quality reports requirements documentation requirements traceability Matrix risk and stakeholder register and agreements which are established between the seller and buyer at any procurement documents which are decided along with them approved change requests, then work performance data organization processor set and Enterprise environmental factors. The tools used as part of control procurement process should be expert judgment Limbs and Illustration data analysis inspection and audits the outputs of this process is closed procurements work performance information procurement documentation updates change request. If at all any deviation is identified then update to project management plan project documents and opa organizational process assets. So this concludes the basic understanding one should have while doing management
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Length: 706min 58sec (42418 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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