PMP Exam Practice Question and Answer -129 : Variance in Target Velocity

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you have developed a release plan assuming an estimated velocity of 25 story points per iteration with a project team of six members okay the release is slated to cover five iterations okay however during the first iteration your team actual velocity was only 15 story points and it further declined to 12 story points in the second iteration as the project manager what should be your first action to address this situation okay so five Sprints or five iterations two are already done 15 story points I'm missing 10 story points already in the first iteration as per my original forecast in the release planning and the second iteration the 10 became missing became 13 so overall I'm already behind 10 + 13 23 story points what should I do yeah because this is a situation in the the question let's see the option option A continue with the current plan assuming that team will naturally improve and meet the initial velocity estimate in the coming iterations it is possible but as a project manager I need to be proactive at least when I'm looking at the questions I can't just say okay let's wait yeah in this particular situation especially because you are more or less 40% done with your estimated duration yeah you just left with the 60 percent duration you need to do something about it you probably need to talk to stakeholders you need to probably communicate the delays which might happen or you may need to adjust the scope or you need to improve the the velocity by somehow some Factor has to be done yeah you can't just hope things will become better they may become better because it was a first two iterations only but we can't just hope they will get better option b reassess the team capacity and revise the release plan based on actual velocities recorded in the first two iteration potentially extending the timeline or reducing the scope so this seems to be a nice idea until unless we get a better idea out of it I will say Okay based on the current two iterations I take an average probably I can say my average velocity is coming around 15 now rather than 25 now if I make based on 15 velocity how many Sprints I will take or how many iterations I will take I calculate that and I work with the stakeholders and say if you stick to the the original scope which was there with the Assumption of 25 story points and five five iteration then we are going to take more iterations probably three more iterations as per the calculation and then I propose and and probably ask them if they can adjust the scope or other things now you might be wondering should not this shop be done by the product owner the answer is yes if I have a question which is saying product owner can do all this job I will prefer that option as well but here the question is showing the project manager is leading this discussion so in the hybrid project management we can believe some part of product own owner role might be done by a project manager for a project duration because the question is not showing the corrector call product owner so I can follow the project manager doing these facilitation and collaboration with the stakeholder so option b looks good if you have a choice I should select product owner doing it but since the question is not giving me that choice I stick to the project manager role as well so option b looks good let's see if we have other better option option C increase the pressure on the team to meet the initially estimated velocity implement over time if necessary to catch up to the pl schedule now you might see in the your real world this is the option which people take all the time or most of the time yeah that's what they do but the whole idea here is in the agile way of working we believe the team is already doing best and if I put the pressure they won't be creative the quality will get suffered and I want to have a good quality product I'm looking for long-term relationship with my team members so I'm not going to speed up the process by just making people work over over time so it's a little dysfunctional uh option so I avoid definitely this option C option D add two more Engineers to your team for the remaining three iterations to make up the Gap and reach the goal now this could put you in a trouble so I would say the b and d to me at least looks pretty close I can say why to revise why do I don't I add to more people and then just speed up looks like I already have a 16 members I'm little bit slow if I make them eight team members more or less I'm adding the desired capacity and probably we can catch up the previous iteration lackness and we can also demonstrate good velocity as we go along that seems to be a thing which comes in your mind in general we need to remember the tuckman letter also especially when we are working in the agile way of working we understand if we disturb the team it may go through the forming storming stage again their productivity may go down rather than going up and adding people not necessarily equate to increase in velocity so until unless I have a clear indication the work is separable and you just need to add people to crash the project crashing doesn't seems to work all the time especially when we are focusing on a child way of working because we focus on consistency because we focus on self organizing team and if you keep disturbing the team composition the self-organizing matter will get Disturbed and that results into reduce in the velocity and I can't just make a calculation that just two people will help me in doing it it could be a feasible case yeah probably when we look at the details and we understand what kind of task or what kind of work we are missing we can do retrospective about it it could be a possible solution which may come out but without having all those information I can't jump to this particular solution so replanning looks like a good idea reestimating the revisiting the release plan having collaboration with the state stakeholders and that is also talking about potentially so revising the release plan and involving the right people in the release plan seems to be a better idea rather than just as a project manager I add two more people and hope that we can catch up with the lack in the velocity so that's why we go with option b EO it's all about task six of your process domain plan and manage schedule it's about a child scheding focusing on release planning uh updates topics is release planning you need to have a fair understanding of velocity and you also need to have a fair understanding of Team development because you know adding people not necessarily always produce more velocity uh and especially from the first or second uh iteration itself after they get added they may take few iterations before they start producing benefi in the velocity
Channel: iZenBridge Consultancy Pvt Ltd.
Views: 140
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Id: PccSJTmMnv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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