PMDG 737 CONFIG for the HONEYCOMB BRAVO TQ | Microsoft Flight Simulator

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[Applause] welcome to the sim hanger my name's mark thanks for watching and let's get started if you're following along you can of course modify any of your existing profiles to suit or if you're fairly new to the bravo throttle quadrant we're going to be starting with the default profile which is the twin prop so step one change your handles from the ga handles to represent what's shown on screen with the commercial handles a twin engine jet suitable for the boeing 737 step two from the world map let's select the pmdg boeing 737 i've selected the november 737 bravo whiskey but this config will carry across all variants then select any airport that you want doesn't really matter which one i'm gonna choose gibraltar runway zero nine and then let's get into the sim to make things simpler make sure your aircraft is in the runway configuration hit exit and let's head to the control options make sure your bravo throttle quadrant is highlighted in the top menu then change the active profile to the default profile or the one that you've selected to modify i take it as read you've installed the honeycomb drivers the default profile can't be overwritten so let's head to the preset manager and we're going to choose the second icon along duplicate so we can create a copy of this profile and this is the profile we're going to dedicate to this 737 give it an appropriate name and then click ok the new profile that you've created should be showing as the active profile the next step is to clean up this profile and get rid of the things we don't want with the filter on assigned let's head to power management click on that this is a jet so we don't need mixture or prop we need to delete these items so starting at the top and working down mixture to access click in the box we're going to clear current input and then validate and it's gone check in the box again for the second item clear current input and validate go ahead and do this for all bindings mapped in the mixture and propeller categories remaining under power management let's go to throttle and here we're going to get rid of throttle 2 decrease and throttle 1 decrease go ahead and do that do not delete the throttle 1 and throttle 2 axis assignments we won't be deleting these we'll be changing them remember this is a copy of the default config we'll need to change which access controls which engine currently engine 1 is on axis 1 and we'll need to change it to axis 3 which is where our throttle 1 lever is now we'll start with throttle 2 as it's at the top click in the box when we do the assignment will disappear and it's waiting for input move throttle 2 through its full axis joystick r axis y is recorded and validate now let's do the same full throttle one click in the box so it starts scanning move throttle one through the full axis joystick r access zulu and validate we can now do a quick check by moving the throttles and making sure they're moving through the axis as expected and they are that all looks good let's move on time to set up our reverses our filter on the right hand menu is currently set to assigned change that to all the reverses on the bowing are the small white handles attached to the throttles with the filter on assigned and in the throttle category scroll down until you find throttle 1 decrease there it is you know what to do now click in the box and then click in the start scanning box being careful not to move the throttle axis throttle one reverser we move it through the full range up and down joystick button 10 that's correct and validate we're not done with throttle one yet when we pull the lever up it'll go into reverse but when we push the lever down we want it to go to idle we do this by selecting throttle one cut select that and now for an important step change the action type to on release default is on press start scanning we're going to move the same lever joystick button 10 through its full range we get a warning this is already assigned but we know that we're happy with that we can validate there's a bug in this configurator go back to throttle one cut and you'll see it's on press change it again to on release for on release you always have to do it twice validate again and we should be good to go but it's worth a check throttle one decrease on press that's right throttle one cut on release validate we're happy always always check now scroll up to throttle 2 and we're looking for throttle to decrease decreases on press move the lever through the full range joystick button 11 and we can validate once we've done that just below is throttle to cut change it to on release scan once again and then move the lever and validate the expected warning message comes up that's okay we can validate but we know the on press would not have held due to the bug go back change it to on release and validate and once again a quick check throttle to decrease on press throttle to cut on release that's right we're good to go one last action to complete our throttle setup with the filter on all collapse all the menus then choose autopilot and then scroll all the way down it's a big menu we're looking for auto throttle to ga go around this is our toga button select the box start scanning and we're going to press the small red toga button on our throttle 1 and it should come up as joystick button 30. validate toge set we can give that a quick test that's working fine the throttle is now done time to set up our air brake or spoiler let's collapse all our menus again and once again make sure that the filter remains on all and the easiest way to find it is in the search by name box let's type in spoiler there it is and we're looking for spoiler access select that start scanning and then move the air brake or spoiler through the full access joystick l axis y we can now validate and do a quick test to make sure it's working please note do not use spoiler access zero to one hundred percent it won't work with the boeing 737 back to our search by name and time to set up our flaps type in flaps and we're looking for flap axis select that don't choose the zero to hundred percent option once the configurator is scanning we're going to move the flap lever through the whole axis joystick l axis z and once again we can validate and we're done on the flaps quick and easy collapse some menus again to make it easier to find what we're looking for and the next item on our agenda is the gear select the bottom item in the menu landing gear and it'll open up this sub menu and the default bindings are already there but they don't work correctly with the boeing 737 you'll get erratic behavior including just the main gear coming down with no nose wheel you may have also noticed a sound in the cockpit at certain times and as far as i can ascertain i believe that this is the gear once it's up still being pressurized and the motor is still running yes the pmdg systems are that accurate to put it bluntly this has been doing my head in but i think we have a workable solution and trying to sort this out has certainly been a challenge to get it to work we basically have to reverse functions so with the gear in the up position on your bravo click on the gear up box change the action type to on release and then start scanning and then move your gear down and back up again they should record as joystick button 32 and now you can validate before we check the assignments let's do the gear down and before clicking in the box make sure that your gear on your bravo is in the down position once that's done we're now ready to map the new assignment and we're gonna do exactly what we did with the gear up select the scanning box making sure the action type is on release move the gear fully up and back down again joystick button 31 and we can validate but we know the on release will not have held so go back into both gear up and gear down and change it and revalidate both of them it's always worthwhile just doing another quick check on both assignments that's good seriously microsoft you need to sort out these bugs they've been here for an age and makes configurating far more complicated than it needs to be don't forget to apply and save now let's jump into the sim and see how it works we're back in the cockpit and to kick off with let's test the spoilers make sure that the air brakes are working and they're moving through their full range also note with the bravo you can on the spoilers just move it forward slightly and it moves to the arm position so it looks like it's all good with the spoilers i've now deployed the flaps that's working okay and now moving it up one notch at a time that's good control on the flaps and working as expected now let's test the throttles as i advance them they'll probably shout at me because i'm not configured to take off but we can see on the engine readout that the engines are spooling up that was throttle one now throttle two that's also starting to spool up so throttle 1 and throttle 2 seem to be working fine now time to test the reverses firstly throttle one lift the lever up that moves into reverse and we can see the engine readout now flip the lever forward and it should cut back to idle which it does excellent now test the reverser on throttle number two now both reversers that's working fine and both throttles are returning to idle when pushed forward you can just test this with the external view we can see the reversers engaged on the engines all good with bottles and reverses time now to check the flaps and they're working well i've deployed the flaps fully down and now the spoilers and they're coming up exactly as they should we'll now set the flaps to fully up position but they do take an age to come up so we won't sit here and wait i can see they are starting to retract the default configuration for the trim wheel works perfectly fine we didn't change that as we didn't need to we've left that in the configuration now using my mouse i'm just pulling the gear into the lock position something i wasn't able to do with the default config now to move the lever down on the bravo throttle quadrant and the gear should come down which they have all good here the autopilot works fine with the 737 except on the bravo the lights don't come on the buttons the gear light however does show and the status indicator lights do show as well just adjusting the altitude here no problem pressing the autopilot button and the command light on the dashboard lights up as it should so the autopilot is engaging now change the switch to vertical speed and i'm able to adjust the vertical speed and the vertical speed light on the vs button is showing now change the selector to heading and i'm able to adjust my heading so that's working as well selector now to course and let's see if we can change the course now rotating the plus and minus style and yes we can change the course and you'll need the course setting for an ils approach change the selector dial now to ias and i should be able to adjust the speed which i can so that's operational all of these are the default honeycomb driver settings now hit the ias and it moves to flight level change which is correct quick external view just to double check that the gear is working gear lever up and the gear is starting to retract so looks all good here if you're wondering about the switches on the bravo throttle quadrant and also on the honeycomb alpha yoke well i just could not get them working with the boeing 737 i can get them to change position by switching them on and off and on and off each on and off is one movement of the switch and sim which is not very realistic so i've excluded it from this config and i hope pmdg or honeycomb will make some changes so the default switching works but right now it's got me beat if you've got them working please drop a note in the comments below i'd love to know how you got it working you will of course be able to use some third-party applications such as access and nose or spad next but this configurator is focused on the default well i hope this config has been of some help to you and at least get you up and going with the bravo throttle quadrant and pmdg 737-700 don't forget to like and subscribe if this was of some help to you thank you very much for joining me today take care look after yourselves i'll see you again soon on the next one bye for now you
Channel: SimHanger Flight Simulation
Views: 67,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pmdg 737, pmdg 737 msfs 2020, honeycomb bravo throttle quadrant, 737 config guide msfs, bravo config for 737, jet config for bravo tq, 737 throttle, 737 guide, honeycomb config for 737, bravo tq for msfs, flight simulator, microsoft flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator, bravo tq for 737, config bravo tq, throttle config for 737, pmdg 737-700 msfs, 737 msfs, bravo tq msfs 2020, throttle for msfs 737, throttle quadrant for flight simulator
Id: ocOBFH5rOqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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