Pluto in Astrology: Meaning and Significations

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I’m gonna pass out

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/pglendi56 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

great episode chris, thank you. i really appreciate how you guys went into detail about the sort of relationship pluto can have with each planet in aspect in the natal chart. this has been an awesome deep dive i’ll probably listen to several more times. this and the jupiter episode have been my favorites from this series. you and all your hard work and the generosity of inviting us to learn for free is so valued. thanks.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/ruledbypluto 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/ruledbypluto 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

Exciting! I’m watching it now :)

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Gabrinth- 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

i've really enjoyed making my way through this series

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/calkates 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/velvetvagine 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

I've been waiting for this one, seeing it show up in my podcast feed feels a little like Christmas.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/animalflowers 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

What a treat this episode will be! Happy to know it’s out.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/gcolquhoun 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

Finally!!! I’ve been waiting so patiently for them to get to Pluto.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SquirrelAkl 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2022 🗫︎ replies
CHRIS BRENNAN: Hey, my name is Chris Brennan and  you're listening to the Astrology Podcast. This is   Episode 336, where I talk with astrologer Richard  Tarnas about the significations and the meaning   of the planet Pluto in astrology. Richard is the  author of one of my favorite books on astrology   titled Cosmos and Psyche which was published in  2006. This ended up being a pretty wide-ranging   discussion where we covered a lot of different  things related to Pluto and occasionally went on   some digressions about other interesting topics  in astrology. Early on at the beginning of the   episode, we did have a bit of a digression about  the recent Saturn-Pluto conjunction that occurred   at the beginning of 2020 and how that  coincided with the onset of the pandemic.   I wanted to talk with him about this a little bit  at the top of the episode because he was one of   the few astrologers who had done the historical  research in order to demonstrate how Saturn Pluto   alignments had coincided with some pretty major  turning points in world history in the past,   including pandemics and other major events. So I  thought it was worth it to go on this digression   at the beginning of the episode to check in with  him to see how he felt about some of his work   in retrospect on that topic and how things had  actually played out over the past couple of years.   The last time he was on the podcast was in  Episode 84 in 2016 in order to mark the 10 year   anniversary of Cosmos and Psyche. So, that did  give us some insight into Pluto going through that   digression and then eventually we get straight  into our topic and start talking in more detail   about the broader significations of the planet  Pluto, including not just the super negative ones   related to pandemics but also some of the more  positive ones in order to balance things out.   I did want to let people know that if they want  to jump straight to that point, I did create   timestamps for this episode which are available  both in the video version in the description below   this video on YouTube or in the audio version you  can find the timestamps on the description page   on the podcast website at  I'll also put links to my previous interview with   Richard harness and other relevant website links  in the description below this episode. All right,   with that introduction out of the way,  let's get started with the interview.  Hi, my name is Chris Brennan and you're listening  to the Astrology Podcast. In this episode,   I'm going to be talking with Richard Tarnas  about the meaning of Pluto in astrology   and what it signifies, and how astrologers  developed an understanding of this planet   or dwarf planet historically. Today is Tuesday,  December 28th 2021 starting at 1:59 pm in Denver,   Colorado, and this is the 333rd episode of  the show. So hey Richard, welcome back to the   podcast. Thanks for joining me today. RICHARD TARNAS: It's my pleasure,   Chris. Good to see you again. CB: So this is your second appearance on   the show. You previously appeared in Episode 84  in 2016 to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of   your book, Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New  World View, and I can't believe it's been almost   five/six years since that time at this point. RT: Yeah, time is really flying these days   at least at least for some of  us. I know also depending on   the lockdown experience, it can be both  moving almost at a glacial pace and also   moving so fast as if the day starts and ends  in about a quarter the time when it needs.  CB: Yeah, especially last year going through  the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and then the   Saturn-Uranus square sort of alternating  between those two. It seemed like   at different points. So you recently took part  in a new documentary series that's coming out   in January called Changing of The Gods, which  is a 10-part series directed by Kenny Ausubel.  RT: -Ausubel. CB: Ausubel.   Yeah, whenever I read his name I always want  to ask if he's related to the seventh century   Assyrian king Ashurbanipal but it's probably not  related in any way. So, this is coming out. This   has been a long time coming. I think they've been  working on it since 2013 or 2014 or so, right?  RT: That's right. Yeah. Certainly a full seven  years in production. It started just at the kind   of central period of the Uranus-Pluto square  and was focusing on the Uranus-Pluto cycle   that I had basically focused one part of Cosmos  and Psyche on that cycle historically, the big   world transit cycles; the conjunctions, the  oppositions, and the squares in particular. And   Ausubel who is the Co-founder of Bioneers,  they wanted to do a film that basically   focused particularly on this big Uranus-Pluto  square that was more beginning when they first   conceived the film. And then it became such a big  project moving from a feature film to a 10-part   documentary series that it went the  entire period of the Uranus-Pluto square   in making it. But the advantage of doing it that  way is that you really got a big overview of that   alignment and the cultural correlations  that took place, the archetypal   phenomenon that is so evocative of the  Uranus-Pluto energies and have been played   out so dramatically over the last decade or so. CB: Yeah, I watched the first half of the series   already and I felt felt especially that episodes  four and five were really compelling, where they   were tying it on the one hand, the women's rights  movements and some of the developments that   happened in the 1960s and how those tied in with  previous cycles and then how we saw continuation   of some of those themes in the past decade at  the Uranus Pluto square. But then also the Civil   Rights Movement, which was also a key defining  moment in the 1960s with the conjunction, and then   how that was tied into broader cycles as well. RT: Exactly. Right. Going back earlier to the   beginnings of the abolitionist movement and going  right up through the most recent square with Black   Lives Matter, for example, just huge. There always  seems to be a kind of intensified constellating of   the archetypal energies around both Uranus  and Pluto, those kind of complexes of meanings   and impulses that we've experienced in human  life. And they seem to track very precisely,   as you look through the centuries, every time  Uranus and Pluto for example come into conjunction   or opposition or square, there's a bit more  in a decade where you see whether it's the   women's suffrage, women's feminism,  women's liberation, those movements just   really get activated in new ways that  build on what's happened before but   clearly come into cultural focus and intensified  activism and so forth, and awareness. And then   the same thing with the civil rights movement. I  should say civil rights movements because there's   many forms. Same thing with gay liberation,  and also as a socio-political revolutionary   phenomenon more generally. Also, technological  revolutions, scientific revolutions, etc,   seems to have something. Obviously, the planet  Uranus astrologically has so much to do with   change and revolution and the impulse  to rebel and to overthrow the present   status quo on behalf of greater freedom,  greater advance of knowledge, technological   and scientific breakthroughs and so forth,  artistic innovations... And then the Plutonic   energy which I know is what our focus is going to  be today. The Plutonic seems to intensify whatever   other archetype it's coming into contact with. And  it often does this on a kind of mass level, almost   to overwhelming proportions. When that happens and  you combine it with the Uranian Promethean impulse   towards change and rebellion and originality  and innovation and freedom, there is a massive   intensification both in frequency and in kind of  mass phenomena that reflect Promethean Uranian   qualities. The other way it works, of course, is  that whatever Uranus touches, it activates in a   kind of sudden unexpected way with unpredictable  consequences. And it tends to be rather creative   in its implications or consequences, and there can  be a kind of genius level to it or an originality   to how it expresses itself. When that's combined  with, say Venus, it would more come through,   you know, the arts or through romantic or social  awakenings of some kind or changes, disruptions,   or artistic creativity is stimulated. But when  Uranus is sitting Pluto, it liberates the Plutonic   archetype in so many ways. That's one of the  things I think we'll probably focus on today.  CB: Yeah, for sure. And watching that series  gave me some new insights into Pluto and   the meaning of Pluto in the way they were  taking your work from Cosmos and Psyche and   just focusing on certain pieces of it in an  easy-to-digest and more presentable form of what   was otherwise a really dense book that you spent  a long time working on. Speaking of that, despite   all of the terrible things that have happened over  the past two years since the pandemic, has it been   interesting for you to see how the  Saturn-Pluto conjunction ended up working out,   and how literally how much some of your previous  research tied into and made sense of what happened   over the past couple of years? I mean, a lot  of people-- a lot of astrologers at least--   looked to your work when the  pandemic happened in order to   help contextualise what was happening and felt  like the pandemic to some extent was a little   bit of a fulfilment of some of the things you had  have written back in 2006 in terms of how you had   articulated some of those energies. What was your  feeling about that over the past couple of years?  RT: On the one hand, the flow of life is always  unpredictable in a concrete way. You don't know   how the specifics are going to unfold. So much  depends on human agency and the unpredictable   interactions of multiple factors. But astrologers  have this remarkable gift from the cosmos   that allows us to get a glimpse into what are the  Archetypal energies that are going to be activated   at a given time because it's been so consistent  with/and so visible once you know how to   read the cosmic symbolism and have a decent  sense of symbol and archetype and so forth.   It's what Stan Grof calls a Rosetta  Stone, it really kind of gives us a   remarkable translation device like  a telescope to see into the deeper   energies and meanings that are activated  at a given point. So I certainly wasn't   being clairvoyant in thinking that when the  Saturn-Pluto conjunction comes there would   be major phenomena of a certain character, I  was just being kind of empirical. If you look   every time Saturn and Pluto come into hard  aspect like the conjunctions and the opposition's   as well as the squares, you see very decisive  turning points in history where there   tend to be quite challenging. And if we just  looked at the conjunctions and oppositions   of our lifetime-- my lifetime now, seven decades--  it's quite striking how- Or let's just look at the   20th century. The Saturn-Pluto cycle, its  first conjunction of the 20th century is   1914 and basically, particularly from 14 to 16,  very tight conjunction. And that's World War One.   And then the Great Depression comes  in under the the next opposition.   And then World War Two begins right as Saturn and  Pluto come into the square in 1939. Then the Cold   War begins under the conjunction of 46-48 where  you've got the world kind of held in this great   conflict that has nuclear intensity. And then most  recently, I mean, 911 is what happened of course   under the most recent Saturn-Pluto opposition. CB: Did you mention the AIDS epidemic of   81 conjunction? RT: That's right, AIDS epidemic under the   preceding one. And of course in Cosmos and Psyche,  I go back to earlier centuries and talk about the   correlations with the Black Death  or the enormous plague that swept   through Europe and much of the world under the  Saturn-Pluto cycle of the mid 14th century. So   because Saturn has to do with  that which contracts and limits,   Pluto intensifies that so it's often a  kind of contraction moment in history. And   there can be, you know, the Saturn-Pluto  combination is often one of confinement.   I mean, there's many good things that are also  characteristic of Saturn-Pluto; the discipline,   the capacity for courage under great pressure,  of facing evil or facing extremely dangerous   circumstances, tremendous powers of organization  and ordering and extremely hard labour being   focused on a particular purpose that is sustained  day after day with great intensity... All those   are classic Saturn-Pluto virtues and people often  are able to kind of restructure their life in   a certain way because they're accessing these  deeper capacities for Plutonic transformation   but with a Saturnian discipline and foundation  that will endure. And often the things that   happen under the Saturn-Pluto alignments tend to  endure in their consequences. It's also a period,   Saturn and Pluto, of much greater  awareness of environmental issues,   ecology, you know, with more of an apocalyptic  potential in the atmosphere. Somebody like   Greta Thunberg who is born under the preceding  Saturn-Pluto opposition right during the 2001   to 2004 period, then she comes into prominence as  a great spokeswoman on behalf of the awareness of   the tremendous gravity of our global ecological  situation. Because Saturn relates to gravity   and Pluto intensifies whatever it touches,  Saturn-Pluto periods tend to have a quality of   great gravity. Gravitas like, "This is morally  serious, we really have to focus. This is   life and death. Issues are at stake, etc," but  also gravity even in the literal Newtonian sense.   Saturn relates to the Saturn Pluto heaviness  of like a great iron safe or a Titanic   ship that weighs countless tonnes  of steel and concrete, those are   very Saturn-Pluto. The whole 911 Twin Towers  started under Saturn-Pluto in the mid 60s and   fell under the next opposition in 2001. One last thing about the Saturn-Pluto,   you've got that tendency towards confinement  and suddenly with the Saturn-Pluto,   everyone's confined to their homes  and we're separated from each other,   and there's a tremendous sense of isolation. And  those who aren't able to seclude and separate   have to be out on the front lines as healthcare  workers or as people who are carrying the needed   infrastructure of the deliveries. All the  things that have to happen just to keep   people fed and warm and so forth during this  crisis. All these people were being exposed to   COVID of the way the social inequalities are  hierarchically established in our society,   and on they're facing the Saturn-Pluto more at  that level of facing death, facing mortality,   risking themselves with very hard labor. While  others are experiencing it through solitude   and loneliness and feeling cut off; grandparents  and grandchildren not able to hug each other and   couples separated and so forth. We are also all  very familiar with the hyper intensification   of the Saturn archetype these last two  to three years. Two years in particular.  CB: I have this really distinct memory during the  early part of the pandemic, because so many such   a generation of astrologers have come in  over the past 10 years and everyone has   read your book at this point, and the emphasis on  the Saturn-Pluto cycle was very clear because you   wrote your book partially in the aftermath of  911 so you actually spent quite a bit of time   talking about the Saturn Pluto opposition that  happened that was very close at the time. So,   did you see that meme of where somebody had  changed the title of your book at some point   during the pandemic? I think an astrologer  named Ursula posted this in like March of 2020   or something like that. I don't know if you ever- RT: Yeah. My daughter, Becca Tarnas who's an   astrologer, she sent it over to me. [laughs]  She said, "You know your book's a success   when it's been turned into a meme." [laughs] CB: Yeah, when you've been memed. So for the   audio listeners, instead of the title, it says,  "I Fucking Warned You. I Fucking Told You, Bro.   Intimations of a New World View, Richard Tarnas." RT: And because the cover which I had designed had   basically a god and a goddess both pointing at the  surface of the Earth and there was a sense of the   gods both being at odds with each other and also  letting the Earthlings know that they'd really   screwed up and that actually the warnings had been  out there as in Cosmos and Psyche. [laughs] Yeah,   that was a very clever meme. CB: Yeah. Despite the hardships,   and obviously, nobody revels in that. It  seemed like, you know, to the extent that   you had covered that so much and archetypal way  that you described those alignments worked out   pretty well when the next major one came about. It  seemed like a successful prediction or should have   been somewhat fulfilling in terms of to whatever  extent you might have been striving to anticipate   what certain upcoming cycles might bring. RT: Well, I think I experienced that more when I   was younger because, you know, at this point I've  been studying astrology and kind of had a handle   on the larger both the archetypal meanings but  the big cycles starting pretty clearly by the   late 70s. So, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of the  early 80s was the first one where I was seeing   things that I kind of would have anticipated  archetypically and astrologically seeing come to   bear with, again, I spend a bit of time in Cosmos  and Psyche discussing that particular conjunction.   You brought up the AIDS epidemic as being one  kind of mass encounter with mortality. Those who   are older will remember that that was the period  when the Cold War had reached such an intensity   of where the nuclear that was called the Sword  of Damocles was hovering over humanity with such   dangerous precariousness. And Ronald Reagan was  calling the Soviet Union the evil empire, and this   was before Gorbachev. And so the last premiers  and the Kremlin leaders were in there. There   were so many nuclear missiles placed in Europe  to obliterate most of the world within seconds   and any little mistake could have triggered it,  that this catalyzed such an awareness of our   nuclear danger that mass demonstrations-- the  biggest there had ever been seen-- happened   all around the world at that time particularly  under the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction there.   But it was the Saturn-Pluto gravity of the danger  that was really pushing that awareness. You know,   the apocalyptic intensity comes in more from  the Pluto. In fact, there were conferences   on "what is the meaning of Apocalypse?" Depth  psychologists like James Hillman were speaking   at conferences where they were examining  the symbol of the Apocalypse, there was an   extremely popular television film called  The Day After that just was all about   what would happen the day after a  nuclear holocaust, you know, and   it was very vivid bringing home to many people  what was at stake. The Fate of the Earth   was a big book at that point by Jonathan  Schell who interestingly, first made his-   Where he's bringing the attention to this nuclear  danger with vivid prose, and he is the person who,   let's see... Jonathan Schell wrote that. Then  John Hersey under the preceding Saturn-Pluto   conjunction wrote the book on Hiroshima that had  such an impact. Anyway, I didn't take too much   pleasure in seeing the cycle fulfilled  particularly when some of the things that were   happening were just so- Some things are avoidable.  The pandemic didn't have to be this bad. You know,   China could have acted in a different way. The  United States, Trump's government could have   acted in a different way. There were all sorts  of ways that didn't have to get to this level.   Or under the last Saturn-Pluto opposition, the  war against terror was started and the invasion   of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq against  tremendous opposition, popular opposition here   in the US and around the world to that invasion.  And all during this Saturn-Pluto conjunction,   a lot of the consequences of those decisions  have come home to roost; in the Middle East and   Iraq and Afghanistan because this was such  a duplication of what had happened under the   Vietnam Saturn-Pluto opposition in the mid  60s, which also was an unnecessary war.   So it's hard to take pleasure in how  planetary alignments are manifested   in perfect conformity to their meanings, but it's  in conformity to a certain range of those meanings   up in their shadow side that didn't have to be  constellated if there had been a more conscious   relationship to those archetypes. And this  is something I hope we go into today, is   how we can take-- in this case we're talking  about the Saturn-Pluto energies, but we could also   talk about it in terms of Pluto just generally, or  just the degree to which we enter into the deeper   realms of the plutonic archetype and become  conscious of them inside ourselves and   in the world, and come into a more   reflective and skillful way of enacting them.  Because they're going to come through, the gods   express themselves. But to an extraordinary  extent, human beings have the capacity to   inflect the direction or the quality to a higher  or lower or a more, you know, problematic or more   life-enhancing range of the spectrum of  archetypal possibilities that each planet and   planetary complex represents. And the Plutonic  is in some ways the one that requires the most   consciousness to come into relationship  to because when we don't, we're   driven by it like puppets. It's such raw,  instinctual energy. It's coming from the depths   of nature. It's coming from what Freud called the  ID or the Darwinian struggle for life or nature's   will to power. All of which are both healthy  and have problematic potentials when they are   acted out unconsciously. And part of our  human challenge is to bring a kind of   psychological reflectiveness, a thoughtfulness,  being able to kind of come into a   collaborative relationship with these powerful  archetypes rather than just being possessed by   them or trying to suppress them. Either  one of which is a bad bet, you know,   in terms of how that archetype will manifest. CB: Yeah, maybe due to that tendency for Pluto   to go to extremes. Maybe that's part of the  reason why the need for conscious reflection   of and being careful is most important in  some ways when dealing with that planet.   All right, so let's let's segue into our  main topic. I couldn't help but take the   opportunity to just check in and ask you how  that had been going over the past few years.  Let's start talking about Pluto. This is the  final quote unquote "planet" in my series on   the planets that I've been doing this year where  I went through each of the planets and did a deep   dive into their significations and meaning. We've  covered Uranus already and covered Neptune. Pluto   was discovered on February 18th 1930 by the  astronomer Clyde Tombaugh working at the Lowell   Observatory, who was an astronomer who  had previously initiated the search   for Pluto a decade or two earlier. And so  it was the third large new body found in   our solar system after Uranus and Neptune. One of  the issues that all of the discoveries of the new   planets has raised for me is how do astrologers  establish the meaning of newly discovered planets?   Pluto is one that I struggled with  the most because I get the sense that   the mythology of Pluto, after it was named  by astronomers, became the primary access   point that astrologers started using to develop  its significations and meanings and astrology   because it was named after the the Roman god  of the underworld. But with some of the earlier   planets like Uranus, there are these stories  about, for example, John Varley and Uranus. They   have almost a more empirical tone in terms of how  the astrologers of the time perhaps were actually   first putting them in charts or looking at them  in transits and trying to find out their meaning.   I wasn't sure then if there's been a shift when  it comes to Pluto, and how much of the meanings of   Pluto are empirically derived versus derived from  the mythology or the archetype. That's one of the   reasons I wanted to talk to you today because I  know you blend both of those approaches, but your   work definitely takes that archetypal, oh sorry,  the historical approach or the empirical approach   into account so that it's not all just sort  of abstract but you have concrete reasons for   developing certain meanings of Pluto. RT: Yes. Well, this is a very rich   and complex topic. I'm glad you're  wanting to address it. I've tried to   emphasise how we- Well, the the mythic names  that are given to the planets or the asteroids or   other celestial bodies are, I think, should  be considered as potential clues to take into   account. We also need to look empirically and  of course, one of the things that has been most   reliable with certainly the outer three planets  discovered in the modern period; Uranus 1781,   first one by telescope as well. And then  Neptune 1846, and then Pluto in 1930 as you just   mentioned. One of the things about those three is  that, as Dane Roger pointed out quite eloquently,   he pointed out the synchronistic phenomena that  happened around the time of the discoveries of   those particular planets. So, you know, Uranus is  discovered 1781 which is right at the very heart   of the periods of great revolutionary  phenomenon; the American Revolution, the   French Revolution both happened within a decade  of the discovery. But also it's the height of the   emancipatory enlightenment period. It's also  when the birth of romanticism happens. It's   when kings are being toppled and forces of  democratic emancipation are really being being   activated. The first rebellion by  enslaved people happens. It seems as if   for about 15 years or so on each side of that year  of discovery, that's the kind of orb within which   phenomena happen that give us a clue  to the nature of that planet's meaning   astrologically. Because of course in the modern  period, the outer planets and all the other   planets and all the other solar system bodies  are being named by astronomers who necessarily   don't have an archetypal astrological  orientation and instead, they are more-   Let's just take Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Uranus  was named Ouranos the sky god. One, because it was   the father of Kronos Saturn who was the father  of Jupiter, Zeus, and who was the father of   Mercury, Venus, and Mars or Hermes Aphrodite and  Eris, going in that sequence, it's a patrilineal   sequence. It's a patriarchal mythology  that the Greek or Greco Romannes   provide us with those figures.  Astronomers don't have as the uppermost   motive in their mind for choice of the planet's  name, they don't have an archetypal meaning and   astrological meaning in mind. Mercury,  Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, these were   all known to the ancients, they're visible to  all of us with our naked eye. And it's pretty   early in the records of where there is, you know,  astronomy and astrology going back into those   earlier millennia are so undifferentiated. They're  one science. The great passion to understand   the movements of the stars and  the planets, the Sun and the Moon,   had a lot to do with the fact that they were  seen as gods and goddesses, as great powers   whether it was they were the gods and goddesses  or whether that was the celestial realm,   the abode of the gods and as Plato's eponym is  the last dialogue that many Platonic scholars   Platanus scholars attribute to Plato written  after the laws, that dialogue, Plato calls   each of those planets Kronos, Zeus, Aphrodite...  This is the planet that is sacred to Zeus, this is   the planet that is sacred to Kronos. So, right up  through that period, they are always all seen as   being somehow related to or expressive of the gods  and goddesses. This is not part of the rationalist   astronomical mentality in the late 18th century  when Uranus is discovered or Neptune. Instead,   they just are seeing while Uranus is the next  planet out from Saturn, it's twice as far from   Saturn, twice as far from the Earth as Saturn is,  it tremendously expands our sense of the Solar   system, let's call it Ouranos who is the father  of Saturn or Kronos. And Ouranos is the god of   the starry sky, which really fits the fact that  it was so deep into the starry sky where it was   developed. But as astrologers, we're focusing  on Uranus and then Neptune and then Pluto.   They were also just looking empirically.  And it's pretty clear that a lot of the-   Let me just say in general terms. I think the  astronomers who named Uranus, Neptune and Pluto,   they had some kind of intuitive, you know,  there's a synchronistic- You don't have to   believe in astrology to maybe come up with  a name that has a relationship to the actual   archetype that may prove out astrologically.  And I think it's pretty clear that Uranus   as an astrological planet, has a lot to do with  the heavens, with the sky, you know, with space   travel, with air travel, with the interest in  astronomy and astrology and the cosmic view,   and so forth. So there's something to be  said for Uranus's relationship to the sky,   Neptune certainly to the water. Every astrologer  has a sense of fluidity and dissolving energies   of Neptune and its connection to rivers and  oceans and the stream of consciousness, and the   oceanic feeling of the mystical and so forth,  or metaphors that are connected to the Neptune   astrological archetype tend to be quite  appropriately, you know, oceanic or watery.   So it makes sense that they were onto something  even though they weren't thinking astrologically.   And Pluto, when it was named, a  couple of different factors came in.   A number of names were being considered. You may  know the story, the quite young daughter of one of   the people in England who was on the committee  to name the planet strongly suggested Pluto.   And P L, the first two letters of Pluto, also  fit Percival Lowell, who was the man who first   set in motion the discovery of Pluto. So there  was a kind of honouring of the astronomer that   way. You can see it in the astronomical cliff  there that has been used so often for Pluto.   In addition, even the Disney cartoon figure of  Pluto seems to have played a role in the girl's   thoughts about it, but I think she  had more in mind than just that.  CB: Yeah, what I was reading is that she did have  some background in Greek mythology or interest in   mythology and that was part of what motivated her? RT: That's right. Basically, you know, like   Zeus and Poseidon and Hades were each  given a different realm, you know? So   Poseidon Neptune was given the realm  of the oceans and of the sea, and   Pluto was given the realm of the underworld,  Zeus, of the overworld; Mount Olympus, the sky, et   cetera. And so there was that as well. CB: Yeah, I think Pluto in mythology had   the ability to become invisible or to cloak  himself and I think part of her rationale she   said was that because Pluto is so distant and you  could barely see it and it was very difficult to   even get a glimpse of with telescopes,  that was part of the reason why she   thought that Pluto would be a good name for it. RT: Yes. So on the one hand I want to honor the   way in which even a non-astrologically aware  astronomer or astronomical committee could come   up with a name. They went through several names  for Uranus before they came up with Ouranos.   Herschel, who discovered it, named it Georgium  Sidus, Georgia star after the patron King George.   His friends didn't like that idea. [crosstalk] CB: I still think we missed out on not having   it called George, because like where the planet  George would be by your horoscope or transits   would be much more entertaining in some level. RT: I think we discussed this in   our other interview, but so many of the qualities  that we recognize as being distinctly Uranian   have to do with, you know, rebelliousness  and unpredictability and change and   originality and genius and creative  innovation and the trickster and so forth.   All of these are not particularly characteristic  of Ouranos, the myth of Ouranos, but are very   characteristic of the myth of Prometheus. CB: Right. So part of it is that you,   on the one hand, recognize and acknowledge that  there's some-- as most astrologers now this   has become their main line of thought-- that  there's some synchronistic connection between   the name that is given to a new celestial body  and its astrological meaning just through some   sort of coincidence, just through that that in  some ways the correct name will be picked and   that will have some meaning. But then on the one  hand, before you wrote Cosmos and Psyche in 1998,   some newer astrologers may not know that you wrote  a separate book called Prometheus the Awakener,   where you kind of argued that the mythology  of Prometheus actually matched many of the   significations that astrologers give to Uranus  empirically, the planet Uranus more empirically,   than the myth of Ouranos does on its own? RT: Right. This was a point that Stephen   Arroyo made very briefly just a single sentence  in Astrology, Karma & Transformation back in 78.   I think one or two other astrologers  in earlier decades also, just briefly   co mentioned that there's a Promethean  quality there. I think there was a Frenchman--   I think it was Barbault. But it's been hard to  nail down a particular text where this was done.   I think what it allowed me to do was to start  differentiating, like not every single thing   about a myth is going to tell us about that  astrological archetype, there's going to be   lots of details in a myth of a particular figure  like Zeus that is not particularly Jupiterian.   For example, Zeus can act in a very Saturnian  way, when he's being punitive or he's being   the principle of order where he's restrictive,  etc. But Zeus was also a rebel at one point   overthrowing his father Kronos. And who did  he get the help of? Prometheus. To overthrow   Kronos in that battle. And of course,  Zeus can be very Plutonic. He's constantly   engaging in sexual conquests and so forth. So,  Jupiter- and this is true of each of the planets   or each of the mythic figures associated with the  planets-- is that there are details that are more   relevant to an unfolding of a particular  inflection, a particular mythic and cultural   manifestation that goes beyond what the pure  archetype is. One of the reasons it's pretty   obvious that this would be the case is, there's  nothing about, I mean, the Greeks were an   incredible culture. The Romans were an incredible  culture in many ways. Both of them had huge   shadow qualities as well. But what the Greeks and  Romans tuned into in their mythologies doesn't   necessarily become the way of understanding all of  human experience and all other cultures who have   nothing to do with Greek and Roman mythology,  yet they share the same planets out there.   And presumably, the astrological meanings of  the planets are not radically different for that   culture just because they have a different  mythology. In addition, certainly in the   Greco Roman tradition, they're very patriarchal  mythologies. And the names of the planets are so   overwhelmingly male and yet I think every  good astrologer recognises that every single   planet including Venus and Mars, has  both feminine and masculine expressions,   ways of expressing themselves. Same thing with  the Sun and Moon. It's only in a patriarchally   constructed mode of understanding  that one reduces Saturn or Mars or   Venus or the Moon just to a masculine  or feminine expression. And I think   there's so many signs right now in our society  that we're kind of breaking out of that   confining binary of male/female being  radically separate from each other and also   the patriarchal hierarchy. And instead, I think  if we can recognise the archetypes as being these   kind of primordial transcending  principles, they're forces, they're gods,   they're gods' goddesses, they're  psychological impulses, they're complexes,   they're platonic archetypes, they're Jungian  archetypes, they're [plumeric] figures in myths,   but they go across all the different cultures.  And each of these kind of pure transcendent,   archetypal principles that we can glimpse through  our studies of the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter,   Saturn, etc, each of those can be expressed  differently in different mythologies. Like Pele,   the volcano goddess in Hawaii is pretty clearly  a Plutonic being, a Plutonic manifestation.   In order to understand Neptune, you pretty much  have to-- while you can get some understanding of   it through Greek mythology, you really have to go  to India to get a lot of its meanings. You know,   in terms of Maya, in terms of Leela, in terms of  Vishnu's dream, in terms of the oceanic mystical   unity of all things that is so emphasized  in the Hindu and Buddhist context.   And there's trickster figures, that Uranian  trickster that's kind of a creative principle is   in so many different cultures. Same thing with the  god or goddess of love, of beauty, etc, of war.   These are transcultural archetypes,  they're both masculine and feminine,   they can be understood as cosmic principles in  a more platonic Pythagorean way, but also as   interior psychological drives and realities  in a more Jungian and even psychoanalytic or   Hillmanian way, archetypal psychology. So I think it's helpful for us to   not just take the name of a planet  that's been given and automatically   assume that that exhausts the meaning of  that planet, but instead we have to draw   from an interaction between the name of the  planet that it’s synchronistically been given,   the qualities and features of that mythic being  as it's played out in myth, and then look at the   period that it's been discovered in and get  a feeling for what is the cultural zeitgeist   that is dominant at that period, which we can  talk about now with Pluto. And then finally,   look very very carefully at well, "What  do we see when people are born with Pluto   on their Sun, or Pluto on their Moon, or Pluto on  their Venus? How does that shape their particular   Sun or Moon or Venus or Mercury or whatever it  is' expression? What's particularly distinctive   about the expression of love?" Let's say, with  Pluto-Venus which we have right now in the sky,   the Pluto Venus conjunction as we're  speaking here. Mercury's there too   and the Moon square Pluto as well so we've  got a nice full activation of the Plutonic   archetype there. All right up at the Midheaven. CB: Yeah, here's the chart for right about   when we started with late Taurus rising  and that triple conjunction of Mercury,   Venus and Pluto in Capricorn. Today is actually  the day Jupiter's ingressing into Pisces as well.   But yeah, that was a pretty good chart we picked.  RT: Yeah, and just after Saturn has just  moved out of the conjunction to Pluto,   it's been closer like 5/10 now and just past  the 15 degree. Or of the conjunction to Pluto.   Even Mars and Pluto are in a tight semi-square  for those who pay attention as I do to   the so-called minor aspects. As Rob Han  likes to say, "When is a minor aspect   not a minor aspect? When it's really  tight." [laughs] And then it's quite   major indeed. So, should we talk a  little bit about the discovery of Pluto's   zeitgeist and what's going on at that period? CB: Yeah. Briefly, I wanted to mention the   mythology thing as a new interpretive principle  complicates things. The meaning of Pluto is   also complicated by the debates about astrologers  immediately wanted to start figuring out what sign   to assign it to because by then there'd started to  be some agreement of assigning Uranus to Aquarius   as a new ruler of Aquarius instead of Saturn,  or as a co-ruler in some instances of Aquarius,   and then Neptune to the zodiacal sign of  Pisces as a co-ruler in addition to Jupiter.   So there started to be debates about assigning it  to a sign of the zodiac and different rationales   for that, and eventually those who assigned  it to Scorpio ended up winning out or becoming   the majority. And the tendency to conflate  or interchange the meaning of the planets'   signs and houses that increased and became more  normalized in 20th century astrology also resulted   in drawing some significations from Scorpio in  the eighth house and assigning those to Pluto.   That's an additional complicating factor. But one  of the things I've done in this series is to try   to give it some historical context about how the  current meaning of the planet has developed is   I've looked at some historical sources, and one  of the ones that really seems to have influenced   the Western and especially the English  tradition is Reinhold Ebertin and his 1940 book,   A Combination of Stellar Influences. Was that a  direct or indirect source for you in some ways?  RT: It was definitely one of them. You mean  in terms of how I came to understand Pluto   in charts and transits and world transits and  so forth? Is that what you're referring to?  CB: Yeah. I mean, it seems like Ebertin wrote  in 1940 and then his text influenced Rob Hand   who wrote Planets in Transit in 1976. And some  of Hand’s treatment of Pluto ended up seeming   kind of seminal in terms of influencing  the generation of astrologers that came   in in the 60s and 70s. So I thought about maybe  reading excerpts from those two really quickly,   and then going to your book. RT: Sure. I would say,   I think Dane Rudhyar was extremely influential  as well in that early period. Ebertin   was quite remarkable, you know, the German  astrologer. I think he had a good intuition of   certain dimensions of Pluto, for sure, and  particularly reflecting the period that he lived   in. I mean, living through Nazi Germany, World War  Two, etc. He lived through World War One too, as   well, but in his mature years, World War Two. And  then Charles Harvey in the astrology world, helped   bring Ebertin into, you know, he translated part  of Combinations of Stellar Influence that we use.   And Rob Hand certainly was an admirer of Ebertin.  But Dane Rudhyar, I think he had quite an   intuitive grasp of many things, and one  of them was of Pluto and recognising this   quality of death and rebirth, destruction  and regeneration, and seeing it at a very   collective level. He wasn't in tune with it in  terms of reading birth charts, individual charts.   I'd love to see more-- if there's any  Rudhyar scholars out there-- I would be very   interested in knowing if there's literature or  personal things he left behind that give us an   indication for where he started getting his first  intimations of the meaning of Pluto, but I suspect   a lot had to do with his grasp of the periods  immediately surrounding Pluto's discovery in 1930,   which I can talk about in a couple minutes, but  let's go along with what you had set out there.  CB: Sure. So here's the excerpt from just  the Pluto delineation from Ebertin in 1940s.   So he's writing in 1940's Germany, so that  sets a pretty distinct historical context.   He says, "The principle of Pluto is force  majeure or providence, invisible forces or   powers. Psychological correspondences, positive  ones are the will or the wish to exercise power,   the manifestation of unconscious powers,  ruthless frankness or candidness, the urge to   influence the masses, propagandist aspirations and  objectives, understanding the masses. The negative   psychological correspondences are ruthless use  of force or coercion, inclination to incite,   a fanatical zeal to state one's own doctrinal  principles, to agitate, convulsions and spasms.   Biological correspondence he gives is the  collective unconscious and regeneration,   sociological correspondences, persons  who can be said to exercise a magical   influence over the masses such as propagandist  actors, public speakers, and politicians."   So it's like we can recognize some of the  later common themes of Pluto in there.   And there's also some in there that are  different or ones that I don't think you   hear repeated as much in contemporary sources. RT: Yeah, but he's got the will to power there,   he's got the force majeure, which has to do  with-- like when a hurricane comes through,   an earthquake, that's force majeure. It's large  impersonal forces. He's also got the sense of the   urge to have power, including through influence,  through changing people's minds towards   leading them in a particular direction through  the exercise of power, propaganda, etc.   And he's got a sense of the mass quality too.  I think of the collective, the mass quality,   that's why during the periods when Pluto's  activated by one of the outer planets like Uranus,   things tend to happen on a more mass  level, you have mobs acting, we have   large demonstrations and riots and so forth.  So he's got a number of those things quite...   Ebertin generally has a tendency towards... He  lived through a very dark period of history, and   he has a tendency to at times to single out the  more problematic sides of the archetypes. And   this is where I think some of the great  depth psychological work that's been done   over the last half century, particularly  by somebody like Stan Grof, where there is   a willingness to enter into that plutonic  domain and become basically through   going through kind of whether it's  shamanic rituals, sacred medicine   ceremony, LSD therapy, holotropic  breathwork, anything, Kundalini yoga,   these where there's a capacity to become a  vessel of these very powerful energies and   come into a more conscious relationship to  them and also release them so they're not   driving us from the depths without any agency on  our part, without any kind of moral consciousness   informing our expression of it. I think  depth psychology has gone a long ways towards   becoming friends with Pluto, so to speak.  And that's why it's so important to do   our inner work as astrologers, because if we  don't, we tend to either just be afraid of like,   "Pluto, oh no, too bad you got a Pluto transit or  you've got this Saturn transit." If you haven't   come to terms with that archetype in yourself  and in your own life, there's a tendency to   pass on a negative view to your client  and a fearful one, etc. And that can be   wounding unnecessarily. So I think it's  important for us to do our own inner work in   relationship to Pluto perhaps in particular. CB: Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I want to circle   back around to the emergence of psychology  and depth psychology as well as a possible   thing that happened and became more prominent,  especially after Pluto's discovery. But let's   jump forward historically a few decades to 1976  to Robert Hand's seminal book, Planets in Transit,   where he went through and provided delineations  for all major planetary transits, which was kind   of a major and novel thing at the time. And since  this book came out, what 40, almost 50 years ago,   it's become one of those books that I think  every astrologer reads at some point and is on   every astrologer's short list. So as a  result of that, I think his formulation of   Pluto was really important or the way he  formulated it. So he says, "The significance of   transiting Pluto, the nature of Pluto is similar  to that of the Hindu god Shiva, the creator and   destroyer. Pluto usually begins by breaking down a  structure, then it creates a new one in its place.   This entire cycle of death, destruction, and  renovation is accompanied by tremendous powers for   Pluto is not a mild or even very subtle planetary  influence. You can always see its effects very   clearly ranging from machines breaking down and  needing repair to full scale destruction or death.   Decay at one level or another followed by new life  from the old is the typical Plutonian process.   Characteristically, Plutonian people are those  who seek to change, transform and take control of   everything around them. Often a Pluto transit will  signify the arrival of a person who transforms   your life either for good or for evil or it can  symbolize an event or circumstance that has the   same effect. Pluto also rules those energies  inside of you that lead inexorably to change.   It rules the death and regeneration of the  self as old aspects of your life pass away and   are replaced by new ones that could  not otherwise have come into being.   Pluto does not signify death in the literal  sense, instead it refers to a metaphorical death,   something that ceases to be." And it actually  goes on. Sorry, this is kind of long, but   worth reading the full passage. So he goes on  and he says, "The energies of the planet that   Pluto is transiting become a source of change and  transformation in your life. You may get involved   in serious power struggles with other people and  changes in the areas of your life associated with   that planet. As Pluto transits your houses,  it signifies the areas of your life that are   due for radical transformation in the area ruled  by the transiting house structures in your life   that have built up to the point that it is no  longer possible to patch up whatever is wrong.   It is time for a full scale reconstruction  proceeded if necessary by destruction of   the old change-resistant patterns. It's extremely  important that you recognize the inevitability of   Plutonian change, which is built into the very  structure of things and cannot be prevented.   And you should not try to prevent it because  it is a necessary stage in your evolution.   All that you will do is force the energies  to build up until they're explosive,   then the inevitable changes will come about  disastrously. Not only should you go along   with the Plutonian energy of destruction  by letting go of whatever must depart,   you should also assist in the rebuilding process  that follows for this is the equally inevitable   consequence of the Plutonian breakdown." And  then finally says, "For reasons that are not   entirely understood, Pluto also has to do with  secretive and subversive elements of society,   revolutionary groups, organized crime, and  the like. A Pluto transit may bring such   elements into your life, although it's often quite  dangerous to allow this during a Pluto transit."   So that's kind of his introduction to this  whole transit section, and then he goes through   and delineates specific transits of Pluto to  different planets and different combinations.   But there, I think we can see sort of the  full establishment pretty close of most of   the modern take of Pluto for the most part, right? RT: Yeah, quite a bit there. I mean he mentioned   Shiva, for example, the destroyer and creator, he  could also have brought in Kali, again, there's a   masculine and feminine. Kali is the great goddess  of death and rebirth and is another very potent   mythic or goddess figure that expresses Pluto.  I should just say by way of historical accuracy,   when Rob came out in 1976 with Planets in  Transit with those kind of detailed delineations,   he did have before him Frances  Sakoian and Louis Acker had written   full delineations of all the planets and their  both natal aspects and transits in a couple of   books. Actually, they used to be in booklets,  individual, the planets transits of the Sun,   transits of Neptune, transits of Pluto,  etc, each one had its own little booklet.   And then later those were combined into a  single volume called Predictive Astrology.   And then of course they had the Astrologer's  Handbook. And Rob knew Frances Sakoian,   they were both in New England, but she was  older and was a teacher there in that area.   And then he's got Ebertin behind him. He's  also got... There's a lot of Dane Rudhyar's   characterization in what he's setting out  there. Also, Charles Carter, Marc Edmund Jones,   the early Marc Edmund Jones from the 1930s and  '40s, they wrote a bit about it. But Rudhyar,   I think, was the one who most was tuning  into its depths. And so he's recognizing how   in the same way that the 18th  century and the discovery of Uranus   brought this great period of revolution  and breakthroughs and liberation and the   technological advances and so forth, industrial  revolution, the 19th century and the discovery of   Neptune coincided with many romanticism,  transcendentalism, the incoming of the   Asian mystical traditions into the west, also  the birth of chemistry particularly in the   industrial, like pharmaceuticals and  anesthetics coming into being at that point. But   overall, the great focus in the mid 19th century  on compassion, the society for the prevention of   cruelty to animals, the Geneva war conventions,  the red cross, the nursing profession,   many forms of the child labor  laws, Charles Dickens bringing in   such a more empathic, socially compassionate  view through his novels, those are all   deep Neptunian phenomena that were coming in at  that point. And when Pluto comes in 1930, I mean,   if you look at the... That's the midpoint of the  30-year period of the 30 years war, basically,   that encompass World War I and World War II. So  if you look at 15 years before to 15 years after,   you've basically got both world wars, you've got  the coming of the atomic bomb, you've got... I   think I wrote up in Cosmos and Psyche a little... CB: Yeah, here's the passage if you want to   go ahead and do the honors of reading it. RT: Oh yeah, sure. So this is right during   that period that we're talking about. Pluto's  discovered, you've got the splitting of the atom,   the unleashing of nuclear power, the  Titanic, technological empowerment of   modern industrial civilization and military force,  the rise of fascism and other mass movements.   Remember I talked about that kind of mob energy  or mass movements, thinking about the Nuremberg   rallies that the Nazis held, just massive. That's  so plutonic. Yes, there's other things going on   there too, Mars, Saturn, etc. But the plutonic  was so visible. The widespread cultural influence   of evolutionary theory and psychoanalysis  with their focus on the biological instincts   at depth quality, what's below the surface of  the veneer of civilization. What's below is the   Plutonic, which is also the underworld,  which getting back to Rob Hand's point,   he says it's not quite understood why this has  to do with the criminal underworld and things   like that, but Pluto's the underworld. So it's the  criminal underworld, it's the sexual underworld,   the urban underworld, the psychological  underworld, and the mythic underworld.   But getting back to my description from Cosmos and  Psyche, increased sexual and erotic expression in   social mores in the arts. So the plutonic  is all the instincts. It's aggression, it's   survival instincts, it's reproductive instincts,  sexual energies, destructive energies, intensified   activity and public awareness of the criminal  underworld. Think about the thirties with all the   criminal, the gangster movies that became very  prominent at that point, tangible intensification   of instinctually-driven mass violence  and catastrophic historical developments   evident in the world wars, the Holocaust,  the threat of nuclear annihilation,   and ecological devastation. And here if  you take the broad view as Rudhyar did,   that it's a 20th century phenomenon surrounding  the discovery of Pluto, here also can be mentioned   the intensified politicization and power  struggles characteristic of 20th-century life,   the development of powerful forms of depth  psychological transformation and catharsis, and   the scientific recognition of the entire cosmos as  a vast evolutionary phenomenon from the primordial   fireball to the still evolving present. So in many  ways, even our view of the cosmos it's right then   in just a couple years before Pluto's discovered  that astronomers particularly through the work of   Harlow Shapley and Hubble, and they're recognizing  that the cosmos is expanding and is huge as many   galaxies and is evolving. It's a whole different  view that comes in compared to the more static   Newtonian universe that scientific revolution  had established, much more plutonic. So   I think I may have also... So those are the  correlations with that I think Rudhyar's   picking up on, and then they get played out.  But Rob Hand and Sakoian and Acker and Ebertin,   they're starting to differentiate Pluto  with the Sun, Pluto with Moon, Pluto   with the different planets, Pluto with different  signs and houses, and those are very important   advances in our understanding of Pluto. CB: Right. So that brings us eventually,   and we'll circle back to some of the things  that occurred around the time of the discovery,   but I just wanted to provide some context  before we go into discussing those in detail.   Your next passage, which is when you summarized   basically the significations of Pluto very  broadly about what the archetype of Pluto is,   do you feel like reading this passage? RT: So Pluto is associated with the   principle of elemental power, depth, and  intensity with that which compels, empowers,   and intensifies whatever it touches sometimes  to overwhelming and catastrophic extremes.   It's associated with the primordial instincts,  libidinal and aggressive, destructive   and regenerative, volcanic and cathartic,  eliminative, transformative, ever evolving   with the biological processes of birth, sex,  and death, the cycle of death and rebirth.   Let me just take a bracket here. We think of  Saturn as related to death and the endings of   things, while Pluto is death and rebirth. It's got  the whole cycle in it. And in fact, it goes birth,   sex, and death and rebirth, it's the whole big  [unintelligible] cycle of life and death. Getting   back to the description here from Cosmos and  Psyche, it's associated with upheaval, breakdown,   decay and fertilization, violent purgatorial  discharge of pent up energies, purifying fire.   This is what Stan Grof calls pyrocatharsis, that  part of a very powerful experiential therapy where   you go through pyrocatharsis, where there's a  great release kind of fiery burst from the depths   that releases the repressed energies from one  in a way that is not destructive but actually   puts you in touch with the life force and is  healing. Situations of life and death extremes,   power struggles, all that is titanic, potent  and massive, Pluto represents the underworld   and underground in all senses, elemental,  geological like an earthquake, instinctual,   political, social, sexual, urban, criminal,  mythological, demonic, it is the dark mysterious   taboo and often terrifying reality that lurks  beneath the surface of things, beneath the ego,   societal conventions, and the veneer of  civilization. Beneath the surface of the earth   that is periodically unleashed with destructive  and transformative force. Pluto impels,   burns, consumes, transfigures, resurrects. In  mythic and religious terms, it is associated   with all myths of dissent and transformation and  with all deities of destruction and regeneration,   death and rebirth. Dionysus,  Hades, and Persephone, Pan,   Medusa, Lilith, Inanna, Isis and  Osiris, the volcano goddess, Pele,   [unintelligible], the serpent power,  Kundalini, Shiva, Kali, Shakti. So these,   I think, it was quite helpful when Rob Hand  made the connection to Shiva with Pluto,   and in doing so, it helps us recognize that these  goes to many different cultural mythologies and   also feminine, not just masculine that  we should include. And in certain ways,   certain elements of the Pluto archetype  have a particularly feminine quality,   that is the goddess. If you have birth, you have a  goddess present. You have a mother energy is what   makes birth possible. And that also involves  the kind of elemental energies of the birth   process as any mother who has given birth could  say. It's just, these are titanic energies that   take over the body to bring forth the infant  from the womb into the world. Let me just tell   you one thing about Rob. I invited Rob to come to  Esalen Institute back in the seventies right after   Planets in Transit came out, cuz I was director of  programs there. And both Stan Grof and I when we   saw Rob's book come out, up until that point, we'd  been using more Ebertin and Sakoian and Acker's   work. And so Rob along with Liz Greene and  Stephen Arroyo about the same time were coming out   with their works, but Rob's systematic work was  quite something. And he had Neptune... The whole   time he wrote that book, he told me he was  in a kind of almost like hypnotic state of   almost like channeling. He could hardly remember  in retrospect consciously writing it. Neptune was   transiting his Sun, Venus, Mercury conjunction.  So Neptune was conjoined Sun, Venus, and Mercury,   which in his case opposes both his Uranus and  Saturn. He's got a Uranus-Saturn conjunction   born 1942, opposite Sun and Mercury and  Venus. Yeah, you see it there with the...  CB: Yeah, here's his chart. So he has  Sun at 13 Sagittarius, Mercury at 15,   and Venus at 17 Sagittarius, and in the mid  to late seventies, Neptune was transiting   right through all of those points in Sagittarius. RT: Yeah. So he was basically in this kind of...   When he came to Esalen, had him come in a number  of times, it was great to have him. And he'd sit   there in the living room in a kind of Buddha pose.  He'd put his legs into a lotus position cuz we all   were on cushions in those days. There were  no chairs in the meeting rooms at Esalen.   And it was in the big house living room, and  he would almost in a kind of trance state be   talking about what each of the planets meant,  what each of the houses, each of the signs,   etc. But I remember he was particularly... Because  Stan Grof and I were doing all this work with   the death, rebirth process, LSD therapy, and  powerful forms of experiential therapy there   at Esalen, he called us the Jupiter-Pluto  club because both Stan and I had that. But he   quite memorably described the process kind  of ego, death and transformation in terms of   moving in his discussion of when he would  describe each of the planets starting from the   Sun and Moon moving out through Mercury's  role and Venus' role, Mars' role   in the psychological development of the  individual, which is what he was particularly   focused on. And then when he got  to Saturn's reality principle,   it's also the ego structure that we kind  of define our identity according to,   and he said, "But then when you get to the  transpersonal planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto,   that challenges the ego structure and the reality  structure of your life." And the way he put it   was Uranus breaks that, it comes in and kind of  disrupts it, breaks it like breaking the ice,   so to speak. And then Neptune dissolves it, and  then Pluto comes in for the kill. That's how he   memorably put it describing people who've gone  through powerful death rebirth experiences.   Stan Grof has a great description of it in  one of his books, where there's this just   when the plutonic energy fully comes in  and first you're working through all the   pyrocatharsis and the fiery energies, the  titanic destructive powers coming through   and the sexual, the orgiastic, the aggressive,  then demonic energies can come through,   scatological, etc. It's a real journey through  the underworld. But then there's this, he said   the last stages involve a kind of annihilation.  And he said many people experience...   He said, "First Kali comes in and requires  total surrender to the feminine principle   in all her power and terrifying quality."  And then with that surrender, he then said,   "And then Shiva comes in and just completely  does the final destruction, destroying the ego   what's left." And he said, "Then at that  moment, there's this kind of opening up to   the incredible grandeur of the cosmic pantheon  of gods and goddesses as far as you can see   and kind of the golden light of spiritual healing  that just can kind of pour in at that moment and   go on and on from there." When I had an experience  along that line, that was actually when astrology   deeply came in through that kind of golden  white light, like coming in through the top   of my head and many other insights, biographical,  psychological and so forth. But the recognition   of how suddenly how the planetary archetypes,  how they worked, how they were expressing   themselves in our lives, the power of transits,  the significance of the birth chart and one's own   birth and as well as facing death, all those  things were kind of coming in at that time.   So this deep inner journeying that so many  people are engaging now is so helpful in   breaking out of the constricted worldview in  which you think that you live in a kind of random   materialistic universe with astrology as the gold  standard of superstition as I like to call it.   And instead, suddenly realizing that you live in  an unsold cosmos of incredible depth and moral and   aesthetic majesty, and that we're participating  in a great mystery that's unfolding through us.   And Pluto plays a big role in that.  So that's why Pluto can go from being   solely seen as this terrifying will to power or  some something that's just purely destructive and   to really grasp it's transformational and  redemptive quality. But it is a dangerous   principle. It's almost like the principle of  danger. So this is where guidance, mentors,   teachers, wise elders, therapists,  healers, shamans are so important to help   navigate that guide, navigate in a guiding way  that deep descent into the underworld. So people   like Jung, for example, has a lot of wisdom on  this. Stan Grof has a lot of wisdom on it. Tolkein   had Gandalf playing that role for  Frodo and engaging a life that he,   Frodo, wished that he hadn't been born to deal  with such a fraught time as he was born into. And   my daughter, Becca, who's a Tolkein scholar  kind of particularly called to my attention   that beautiful passage where when Frodo says,  "I wish I wasn't born at such a time." And   Gandalf says, I'm paraphrasing, Gandalf says,  "None of us wish to be born at such a time, but   it's what we do with when we find ourselves in  such a time, then it's how we respond to it,   it's what we do to in this circumstance that  is where it's all at. That's where we become   a soul, that's where we become an identity. This  is where you kind of have to be true to the hero   in your own soul, even at the very moment that  you're going into the depths and feeling your   identity being devastated. That's part of the  heroism of that transformational journey." So   anyway, we have guides, we have elders that  are very important for dealing with these   extremely powerful energies which probably  are as activated now on a global level as   ever, because we both have the rise of  authoritarianism and violent populism,   massive power struggles in the world in quite  destructive ways, very similar to the period   when Pluto was discovered in the thirties. CB: Yeah, let's actually dwell on that point   because that's something I've been  thinking about a lot recently with   the United States experiencing its first exact  Pluto return this year with three exact hits. But   certainly, it's been pretty close to that for  several years now as Pluto's been moving through   the later stages of Capricorn. But one  of the things that really always sticks   out to me when we think of that principle the  astrologers have been using for a while now,   that when a new planetary body is discovered, that  some of the events happening in the world at that   time that are defining world events will give  you some insight into the nature of that planet.   And discovering Pluto in 1930 and just what  was happening in the world in the 1930s,   one of the things that always jumps out is the  rise of fascism, not just in Europe, which had   been building up for a little while up to that  point, the sort of explosion of it in Europe,   but also how that kind of got exported to  different parts of the world where fascism   started being imitated in different countries.  And maybe if you could, I don't know, explain that   point or what that means to people a little bit,  because I think this is often mentioned as a note   in passing like an obvious thing, but it's really  only to historians or people that study the period   that that becomes really a striking point. RT: And the striking point--  CB: Just in the sense of how do you define  fascism and what was unique about the emergence   of fascism in the 1930s in its relationship  to Pluto or what can that tell us about Pluto?  RT: Right. Yeah, that activation  of mass will to power,   people identifying with a collective suppressing  their individuality and even the so-called leader,   fuhrer, the strong man, the dictator,  whether it was Musolini or Hitler or Stalin,   the psycho historian Lloyd deMause and Stan  Grof often used the phrase that the strong man,   dictator, tyrant, who's leading  fascist movement, they're not really-   Underneath they're a small person in certain  ways with kind of a titanic compensatory persona.   And he said really what makes them so powerful is  the fact that they're channels of the collective   [ed], and the term that both Lloyd deMause and  Stan Grof use is that they're garbage collectors   of the collective psyche, of the shadow that  is erupting. I mean, America, the United States   has just went through a four-year period really  kind of more like five years where it's almost   as if the soul of America like Persephone  got swallowed by Hades, by the underworld,   and we suddenly found ourselves in a kind of a  world in which a kind of violent, massive, titanic   and often criminal will to power was at work. And  the people representing it or forwarding it, they   almost represented the shadow version of the  UnAmerican or the shadow version of what it would   be to be male or shadow version of wealth or the  shadow version of whiteness and so forth. And the   United States birth chart at that point was being  transited 2016 you got Pluto was opposite the Sun,   and then now Pluto's returning now and has been,  I mean, the Pluto return like a Saturn return   is a big, long transit. It doesn't just activate  the year that it's exact, this is the end of an   enormous 248-year cycle. And even as it gets to  within 10, 15 degrees before exact, it's cooking   much as a Saturn return does in a personal chart.   Saturn return doesn't just  happen when you're 29 and a half,   from 28 to 30, you can pretty much depend from  your 28th birthday to your 31st birthday, those   three years are going to be pretty characteristic  of a Saturn return. And the Pluto return has been   approached here. You can see how tight it is  right now, just one degree from exact. And   prior to that, back five years ago, Pluto was  opposite Sun. And you often get the Pluto opposite   Sun energy when you are a very powerful  solar individual with plutonic qualities   will kind of massively influence the, in  this case, the United States, whose birth   chart we're looking at that, where Pluto's  transiting it. And of course that's when Trump   came down the escalator and started his ascent  to power. And now we're deep in the Pluto return,   which suggests... I mean, this isn't just  a Trumpian phenomenon, it's an American   phenomenon. Just think about the degree to which  the United States has during these last few years   really been entering into the underworld of its  own shadow-like facing... This is how racist   we've been and not owning it, not recognizing  it. This is how we've treated Native Americans   since the beginning, the great expansion of the  west, the manifest destiny and so forth. Look   at it from the other side of the people that were  here. How does that look? How emancipatory is the   American experiment for African Americans, blacks  who fought in the world war and then come back to   lynchings and disenfranchisement and not  being able to make a living and not being   allowed to live in many neighborhoods and  so forth. It's just the shadow side, Pluto   is having to be faced at many different levels.  Facing the shadow is an extremely important part   of a spiritual growth and of a psychological  transformation, and we're having to do it   right now. But part of a Pluto return of  any powerful Pluto transit is a kind of   going through a destruction, going through a  loss, a transformation, a kind of purgation of the   [unintelligible], of the refuse, the suppressed  shadowy parts of ourselves that we don't want to   look at. It has to be brought to the surface and  then released, but it has to come to consciousness   before it can be released. That's why this time as  painful as it is is so important for the potential   of a rebirth the United States, which has a  noble side. Somebody like Martin Luther King   deeply, deeply believed in an American ideal that  hadn't been fulfilled that he's drawing on Lincoln   before him and on Frederick Douglass and so  forth and Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman.   These are potentials within the American brave  experiment that can only be realized through   going through this plutonic crucible  of death and rebirth, this plutonic   underworld of transformation.  And that's how rebirth can   take place. You have to go through the  deep night sea journey, you have to   risk everything, you have to experience  yourself burning to ashes before you can be   revivified through the mysterious grace of the  life process. This is why the Greeks recognize,   I think, quite accurately that Pluto, Hades,  were also united with Dionysus, that Dionysus,   Pluto, and Hades were three  names for the same god.   Heraclides said this, the great Greek  philosopher, but also Euripides, the playwright.   And this points out how life and death,  dying and rebirth are curiously interlinked,   because Dionysus is so much the god of life, even  as he is the one who goes through dismemberment.   And Pluto, Hades, the god of the underworld and  the being of the underworld itself, they are also   deeply tied to the giving of life, even  as they are what swallow us in death.   And these are in turn conveyed so powerfully  in the Indian renderings of the plutonic   principle in Kali, in Shiva, in the Kundalini  serpent energy, and in the Shakti energy. So   I think we have resources, the question is  whether, and we have wisdom traditions and we have   ritual means that are available to  us to go through these, wilderness,   vision quests and so forth. So many people  are carrying keys to our transformation,   but we need to have the collective, wake up to  these enough, and it's quite possible that the   Pluto return that the US is going through and  the very powerful Pluto transits that we've   been going through, generally world transits,  Uranus square Pluto, the Saturn conjunct Pluto,   now we're just starting to move into the trine  of Uranus to Pluto for later into the twenties,   quite promising. There's a real possibility,  I think, with this great intensification of   plutonic energy, that we will be obliged as  a civilization, as a species, to undergo the   dying in order to realize ourselves. Goethe  said, "Until you know this deep secret,   die and become, you'll be a stranger on this dark  earth." And in some ways modern civilization has   been a stranger on this dark earth. It has  been separated from, alienated from nature   as if that was something to conquer and control,  exploit, understand in order to use its resources.   And in doing so, it's like it's suppressed  the plutonic nature which was not invited   to the birthday party as it were, and  it becomes the being who comes back   with a vengeance which we're experiencing  with global climate change and many other   expressions of it, the return of the repressed.  And the only way we will wake up to the full   beauty and power of the earth community  that we belong to and its richness and   realizing that our species and our civilization  are a part of something much bigger that we're   participating in, the only way we'll wake up  out of our strangerhood to the dark earth is   through dying and then becoming then actualizing  our deeper roots in the earth and in the cosmos   and not a random mechanistic, materialistic,  meaningless cosmos, but an unsouled one of   great intelligence and great spiritual  mystery. So that's kind of how I see   the mystery of Pluto, whether it's in birth charts  or in personal transits or in world transits or   what we're talking about as well, the Pluto  return for the United States which plays such   a crucial role in world history. At this point,  the American experiment is still looked to   as an important one by people around the world,  even as we have gone through such failures   morally and so forth. I think this is  the essence of what I think Pluto is   asking us to be aware of to be able to live a more  skillful, compassionate, participatory life in the   life of the earth and the cosmos. CB: Right. So perhaps one of the   main core significations of Pluto that  seems to come with Pluto transits is the   dredging up of the darker parts of one's  history and then the subsequent struggle   to confront and recognize them and deal with  them in some way. And that can happen either   collectively in the instance that you're talking  about or personally in some instances. And that's   one of the interesting things about the emergence  of depth psychology in the 20th century, that   might be very much relevant to Pluto as well. RT: Yeah. I think   whenever you have a depth dimension, deep is a  Pluto word. And Jupiter, Uranus, they're high,   they move towards the heights, even Neptune with  its emphasis towards the celestial, the heavenly,   has that impulse towards the above, up and out  each of those in their own way. But Pluto is   into depth, and depth psychology was born in the  late 19th century. I think Nietzsche was probably   in many ways the key figure. He's born with  Pluto opposite the Sun. If one wants to get   a sense for Pluto in eloquent, philosophical  expression, read Friedrich Nietzsche Thus Spoke   Zarathustra, and one really can get the sense  of it. He even signed his last letters Dionysus,   and some of his key phrases were... Yeah, see that  Sun opposite Pluto, could hardly be more vivid.  CB: For the audio listeners, his Sun is  at 22, 7 Libra, and his Pluto is at 22,   57 Aries. It's a very close opposition. RT: Yeah. I have a whole section on Nietzsche   later in Cosmos and Psyche, where I kind of go  over a number of his major alignments in including   that Sun-Pluto. And so much of his key ideas like  to the discerning person, all instincts are holy,   that's one. Or he has another one, "What  is the secret of living a fruitful life   lived dangerously? Build your homes on the side of  Vesuvius. Send your ships out unto uncharted seas.   Live at war with yourselves and with your equals,  no, with your equals and with yourselves. That   is the secret of living a fruit life." You can  just hear as Pluto, even the Pluto opposite Sun   at war with yourself too, he was into transcending  the self in order to come into the greater power,   redemptive power. He has another passage, "Behold,  I am that which must overcome itself again   and again," he was saying, "Nature told me  this deep secret. Behold, I am that which   must overcome itself again and again." Or he  has another beautiful passage where he says,   "One must have chaos inside oneself  in order to give birth to a star."   Well, the star is the Sun, that's our star,  the Sun. And the Sun is the symbol of our own   central principle of self-hood. And it's the hero  archetype, the solar hero, who can get caught in   an immature form of just being the John Wayne  hero or something like that. But there's a deep   hero that goes through the descent, that becomes a  servant of the whole in a great sacrifice. That's   true heroism. And so when he says one must  have chaos inside oneself, that's Pluto,   inside oneself, the Sun, in order to give birth  to a star that's the solar, then you become...   Another one of his phrases, become what thou  art, become what thou art. So there's many   ways in which he was carrying that Pluto-Sun, that  plutonic energy. And then he serves as a kind of   guide or precursor of the whole depth psychology  project that is carried forward by Freud,   by Jung, by Melanie Klein, by Marie-Louise von  Franz, by so many important depth psychologists,   James Hillman. I think Stan Grof's work becomes an  especially potent synthesis of the Freudian, the   Jungian, the spiritual, the instinctual, and it  partly is because he was working with the power of   LSD and the sacred vision plants, psilocybin,  mushrooms, peyote, mescaline and so forth. So   depth psychology, Jung once said, "We have not  yet recognized the extent to which the discovery   of the unconscious is a critical spiritual  discovery which we must integrate in order to   preserve our civilization." I would say in order  to transform us and preserve our civilization,   which I'm sure he meant too. The discovery of  the unconscious, yeah, there's Jung, look at that   Moon-Pluto conjunction near the base of his chart. CB: Yeah, that's really close right there next to   the IC at 29 Taurus and Pluto is at 23 Taurus  and the Moon is at 15, and then both are   squaring Saturn which is at 24 Aquarius. RT: That's right. And the Moon is tight   square Uranus as well. So he has  such a powerful anima, Jung does.   The Moon is so potent all three outer planets are  in some relationship, one degree square to Uranus,   the tight conjunction to Pluto  about eight degrees, and then   the Moon is right in between Neptune and Pluto in  the sky when he's born. So his whole childhood is   carrying those intensified Neptunian energies of  visions, dreams, etc, from the underworld and then   his understanding of the anima and why our  civilization and particularly men need to kind   of come into re-engagement with what he called the  feminine, but it's the lunar principle, which has   both masculine and feminine qualities. But his  anima had all three of the transpersonal planets   aspecting his Moon. And so he has a great  sentence in one of his letters where he said,   "The apprentice piece of psychological development  is the encounter with the shadow. The masterpiece   is the encounter with the anima." Now he's  talking about male psychology at that point, but   because our civilization has been so  patriarchal in many ways, you can apply this   to the collective psychology and the great gift  that depth psychology provides for the collective,   for our civilization, if it's willing to do this  deep work. And that is if first we have to face   the shadow, the things that we don't want to see,  the whole shadow side of Western civilization,   of modern civilization, of all the things we've  been talking about, the ecological devastation,   the effect on other species, the patriarchal,  Eurocentric, it's all the ways in which tremendous   suffering has been caused by what is also a  dynamic and noble civilization and species.   We contain both. And if we can first face the  shadow, as he called it, the apprentice piece, and   integrate that, he said, then we  can enter into the bigger task,   which is to come into relationship to  the anima, which is the whole of life,   which is the soul of life, which is the anima  mundi, the soul of the world, anima mundi the   soul of the world. This is what's been repressed.  This is James Hillman's great point in his   powerful paper called Anima Mundi:  The Return of the Soul to the World.   It's in a book called The Thought of  the Heart and the Soul of the World. And   the suppression of idea that the whole  world isn't souled, not just human beings,   that suppression has allowed a kind of destructive  alienation on the part of the modern mind,   whereby it tried to basically objectify the  entire universe and all the earth and all the   other species and even other human beings, very,  very, morally horrific side of our civilization.   Because of that view of an objectified  universe in which we are the only subjects,   and particularly a certain type of subject namely  the Western modern civilization, we have to lose,   in a sense have that identity overcome, destroyed  in order to wake up to the fact that we live in a   living universe that is imbued with profound,  spiritual mystery, intelligence, and soul.   And we're going through a kind of plutonic  transformational crucible right now that's giving   us both the opportunity but also the necessity  of doing that transformation cuz everything's   at stake now in a way that wasn't as visible  in the 1970s when Rob Hand was writing about   Pluto as Shiva in Planets in Transit. It wasn't  as visible in the sixties. It's very visible now   and it's probably going to get more visible. And I  think, fortunately, there are more and more people   in the world who are waking up to the nature  of our situation and are tuning into the great   gifts that depth psychology, indigenous  wisdom traditions, sacred medicine journeys,   social and ecological justice movements  and so forth, what all these provide   for us in terms of a potential radical  transformation. There's more and more people   on board for this great kind of heroic  quest of our time, but it could hardly   be a more dramatic period than we are in. CB: Right. I was just looking at the charts and I   pulled up... You were talking about Jung's chart  and his Moon-Pluto conjunction in mid-Taurus,   and it made me want to pull up Freud's  chart, who interestingly has a Sun...   It's a little wide but a Sun-Pluto conjunction  in mid-Taurus and also Venus-Pluto conjunction.  RT: Yeah, Venus-Pluto with his focus on the...  See, the Venus-Pluto right at his Descendant,   and his whole focus is on the pleasure  principle, Venus-Pluto, and on the importance of   sexual energy as he became a kind of... He had  made it into a mono explanation. The advantage of   Jung's work and Grof's work is that they expanded  our understanding of the plutonic. So it is the   sexual but it's more than the sexual. It's the  elemental, the instinctual, it's regenerative,   there's a sacred dimension to it. But yeah,  look at that. He's got a Pluto-dominated chart   in many ways. He's basically born with  the Sun in between Uranus and Pluto, and   Jung's born with the Sun tight square to Neptune  and the Moon in between Neptune and Pluto.  CB: It's interesting seeing their Sun, Moon  synastry. And it's funny, Jung of course   would've remarked on that. And I can't help  but thinking of his synchronicity experiment,   where he was comparing Sun, Moon, people in  relationships as a synastry. [crosstalk] That   must have been in the back of his mind somewhere. RT: I wouldn't be surprised because even though he   didn't work with Pluto at all for example, but  he definitely was working with Sun and Moon and   the planets out through Saturn and  in later years with Uranus as well.   But in many ways, Freud looked at Jung as being  his sun. And the crown prince of psychoanalysis is   how Freud described Jung with his Sun. So Freud’s  got Sun conjunct Jung's Moon and Freud has a   Sun-Uranus conjunction. Let's see. Freud's got the  Sun-Uranus conjunction and it's conjoining Jung's   Moon which is square Uranus. So they each have  a Jung’s Promethean principle of the solar,   Freud focused on the heroic conquistador  while Jung having his Moon right there on   the Sun Uranus of Freud's in the outer chart,  and Jung's Moon is tight square to Uranus   so he's got that… His followers tended to be  women and he was focused on the importance of the   liberation of the anima and the integration of  the anima and the feminine side of life in order   to become whole and not suppressing it the way  patriarchy does. And Jung was also more focused on   the Mother Goddess and Sophia and the Virgin Mary,  and the Great Mother archetypes, Magna Mater,   etc, while Freud was focused much more on solar  deities, Oedipus, and dealing with Yahweh and   God the Father and his Moses and monotheism, etc.  He was more interested on liberating the egoic   hero from the clutches the power of the Plutonic  while Jung was more on integrating the lunar   side of life as the way to get in contact with  our soul again for redemptive transformational   purposes. And what's interesting is it's right  when transiting Saturn transited across Jung's   and Freud's Sun-Moon conjunction, it's during that  transit that they went through their big break.  CB: That they had a falling out. Coz with that  synastry, they have a Plutonic synastry there.   One of the things with Pluto is its tendency to go  to extremes. So earlier you’re talking about Freud   treating Jung like the golden child that would  take psychology forward or what have you, but   one of the typical things of Plutonic synastry  is sometimes it can be extremely positive,   but when it goes negative, it can go the opposite  extreme and be extremely negative and have a   very painful falling out. RT: Yeah, yeah. Exactly.  CB: So it was 1910-1911 when  they had their falling out?  RT: Yes. It went through a series of stages. Even  1909 it was starting to occur, but 10-11 was very   quite decisive. I write about it in Prometheus  the Awakener, that little monograph I wrote back   in the late 70s. Yeah, in fact, then there's a  whole… If you look in the years after that with   the Jung’s transits, just unbelievable transits he  went through as he went through the whole period,   the descent into his unconscious that brought  forth The Red Book and really his entire life's   work is that basically Neptune as you can see and  Uranus were basically moving right across his-   Yeah, you can see Neptune right on his Sun there  in 1916. But prior to that, if you go back to   1914 you can see Uranus. Go back to 1913 actually  when it started. Uranus is opposing his Sun.   And then as the years go by, Uranus squares  Moon. And so that period from 1913 to 1917 or 18   is a period when he just went through  such a, as he put it, all the images   that flooded into his visions and his dreams  at that time and even destabilized his sense of   centered sanity and identity, it was so  powerful that that became the prima materia,   the prime matter of his whole life's work. CB: All right. We're going to jump through   because there's a bunch of points we wanted to get   through in the rest of this so we'll  do this a little bit more rapidly.   Something an astrologer friend of mine said that  always stuck with me that I thought was a good   interpretive principle for Pluto and I think is  consistent with one of the things that you're   saying the astrologer Alan White who passed away  about a decade ago. He was involved in Product   Hindsight. But something he always said was that  Pluto makes small things big and big things small.   And I think this is connected with this thing  of signification of magnifying things or taking   things too extreme or pushing them beyond their  normal limits. That is sometimes associated with   Pluto. What do you think about that? RT: Very true. Yeah, it magnifies   things. It intensifies them. It gives  titanic energy to it. For example, sometimes   back after the first three outer planets were  discovered, there was a typical comparison   that Uranus was the upper octave of Mercury  and Neptune was the higher octave of   Venus, like universal divine love compared  with human love or Mercury is the mind and   Uranus is the cosmic mind, just Mercury's  everyday mathematics and Uranus is Einsteinian   relativity theory or something like  that. And then with Pluto, it would be   Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, or one might  say deeper active. But in this case, if Mars   is like a fistfight, Pluto's like an earthquake.  It's just like it's a world war. It's much bigger   or even just a war that's Plutonic. So, it  greatly intent intensifies whatever phenomenon   that it is coming into relationship to. Now, what's interesting is Alan White's two sides   to that because you can see how that would make a  small thing big, the mouse into the elephant with,   but are the technological empowerment  that can happen in the titanic empowerment   super muscled. But the making the larger  smaller, I was thinking about that   and I have a feeling what he's getting at is the   ego death part of it, the death. Anything that's  inflated is ultimately going to get destroyed. And   so, it serves as a compensatory principle. It  makes larger and it can make smaller depending on   where you are in the journey. CB: Yeah, one of the tangible   examples of the first part that he always used  was the atom bomb and the development of the atom   bomb where you're taking something extremely  small an atom and then breaking it open and   then causing this huge explosion. There had been  explosions up to that point, which might have been   like Mars principle of dynamite or TNT or  something like that, but this was magnified   far beyond anything anybody had previously  imagined and taken to the utmost extreme.  RT: And did he say anything about what he meant  the other way around about making the large small?  CB: I'm trying to remember about one of his  things, I think was technology and just how   technology kept miniaturizing things like  huge computer the size of a house in one   decade suddenly becomes fitting in your mobile  phone the following decade or what have you.   Yeah, I think that was part of it. In terms of  that, I thought it was interesting apparently   in doing research for this episode, the element  Plutonium was actually named after the planet   Pluto in 1941 following a convention where  Uranian and Neptunian were also previously   named after planets when they were  discovered previously. But interestingly,   in terms of the significations of Pluto, even  though Plutonium was discovered in 1941 and named,   the wartime secrecy prevented them from  announcing it, or publishing about the   discovery until 1948 several years later. RT: Yeah, I don't know what they had in mind   with the connection between those  three elements and three planets.  CB: Yeah, but just, I don't know, in practical  terms, I think both of the bombs that ended up   being dropped in World War II ended up  having Plutonium cores so there's some   interesting things there. And just going back  to other significations and other core things,   we mentioned the intensification of anything that  it touches and being taken to the utmost extreme,   so sometimes that when combined with other  planets is where it really where that comes out.   So for example, combined with Venus and taking  elements of having to do with like relationships   to their utmost extreme, which on the one hand,  could be a positive manifestation of going to the   utmost extreme for love or what have you  and then on the other hand, it could be   a negative side of that of going too far or being  too obsessed or not letting go of somebody even   when it becomes inappropriate or what have you. RT: Yeah, yeah, that's a very good point.   One of the ways in my courses at CIIS, California  Institute of Integral Studies where I've taught   for this last better part of three decades, I've  taught a lot of courses that called Archetypes,   Art and Culture, where I will use works of  art, music, film, poetry, etc. to demonstrate   the nature of a particular archetype or  archetypal combination between let’s say two   planets by having the students we all listen to a  particular song or we see a film. So for example,   with the Venus-Pluto that we're just talking  about, I would typically among other things,   I would play something like Janis Joplin who's  born with Venus opposite Pluto, Venus and Sun and   Mercury in her case all opposite Pluto but that  Venus opposite Pluto and her signature song take   another little piece of my heart even though it's  causing me agony when you put me in your arms I   just say take another little piece of my heart. CB: Yeah, so her Venus is at 14 Aquarius and   Mercury at 9 Aquarius opposite Pluto at 6 Leo? RT: Right, right. And of course, Mercury being   there brings in the communication of it with  and even the screaming of it. Mercury-Pluto it   can intensify the voice as well as the mind  and the communication. And think of both   say John Lennon with his scream, he could scream  even when in the early Beatles like with the Twist   and Shout or something like that and he would  have to do that song last because it would just   make his voice so ragged at the end of  the night of singing. And when he did   the song Mother in his first solo  album, he had a Moon-Mercury-Pluto   T-square. You see the Moon opposite  Pluto quite tight and then the Mercury   is at 8 Scorpio in a T-square with Pluto and the  Moon. So he's got all the emotional tendency of   talking about whether it's betrayal or the  relationship to the mother or he’s losing   his mother, you had me but I never had you. And  then he goes into the primal screaming and that's   the Mercury coming in to express the intensity  of the emotion. And Janis Joplin did that with   her singing. Before Janis Joplin's singing  in like Piece of My Heart or her version of   Ball and Chain, she was bringing  such visceral intensity into her   voice that it could sound just like an animal  screaming in a trap or something like that in   Ball and Chain and that's the Mercury coming in.  But the Venus opposite Pluto is the part of her   where she, sometimes it can be as you put it  like even after you’re being obsessed with the   relationship like even though you aren't good for  me, I love you anyway and I don't want to leave   you or I don't want you to leave me even though  you're betraying me, even though you're causing   me agony. Even though you're out on the street  doing what you're not supposed to do, I still   want to be… It's passionate love but it can  also be obsessive love with the Venus-Pluto.  I often use the arts if I was going to  contrast her with the Venus-Neptune aspect   then I would bring in someone like Joni Mitchell  who has that much more almost ethereal voice,   angelic, the more lyrical quality of her singing  and melodies and so forth that are much more   Venus-Neptune compared with Venus-Pluto. It's  helpful to make archetypal distinctions that way.   And the beauty of using the arts, whether it's  film or comedy or sculpture or music is that you   can feel the archetype because these archetypes  aren't just keywords that you read about in a book   and then apply in a mentalistic way. Words are  helpful for getting us to the meaning. They're   really crucial for getting us to the meaning. But  the full feeling is much more readily conveyed   by artistic experience because music taps in very  deep into the human psyche even before complex   language, music is part of the evolutionary  inheritance or legacy of Homo sapiens.  CB: Right. Some of my other examples I was looking  at for Venus-Pluto are Frida Kahlo who had a   famously, both in terms of artistic style as  well as in her personal life and relationships-  RT: A perfect example. I often use Frida Kahlo  as well. You look at her art, it's just so vivid.   The colors are just coming right out with great  intensity. But she's also showing scenes of   crucifixion, bloodiness, real personal agony  at times. Just an amazing chart she has,   doesn't she? I love that chart. CB: It's a great chart example.   And she has a very close conjunction of  Venus at 24 Gemini and Pluto at 23 Gemini.  RT: Square to Saturn so it was… Yeah,  she really was experiencing it. And then   she had all that Sun, Jupiter, Neptune,  Uranus energy too. Her relationship to   the different men in her life like Diego Rivera  and great artists and also on Trotsky. I often   assign the film Frida that was quite well done, it  conveys it very well, her Venus-Pluto in action.  CB: Yeah. And then another example is Alan Turing  who had a Venus-Pluto conjunction and although   playing a major role in the war effort and helping  to break German codes through cryptographic,   he was a codebreaker basically. Despite that, he  ended up being persecuted after the war due to his   sexual orientation and ended up either dying or  committing suicide as a result of literally having   to receive chemical castration for that. RT: Yeah. The Plutonic is often what   is hidden or needs to be hidden or is taboo in  a particular society in that world’s conventions   and Venus-Pluto often can indicate that  hidden or secret or taboo form of love   that cannot be revealed lest one  be persecuted as he was. Also,   although Saturn has a lot to do with shame,  but Pluto can involve things because Pluto does   have a relationship to the shadow side of our  psyche that we don't admit to ourselves or that   we don't want to admit to polite society or that  we don't want to or that isn't allowed before the   puritanical conventions of one's particular  community, that you can be shamed about   you. And there's often wounding around  a Pluto aspect because of that element  CB: Yeah, that makes sense in the cultural  relativity of taboos or what is taboo at any   given time in a certain point in time in society  or what have you but the need to have things   that are hidden or suppressed or underground  about either one's own life or one’s psyche or   in this case, relationships or what have you. RT: That's right.  CB: Let's see one other example. Maurizio Gucci  who was the grandson of the founder of the Gucci   fashion empire had a Venus-Pluto conjunction  and he inherited the Gucci fashion empire in the   1980s, but he ended up leaving his wife  and his wife actually or his ex-wife ended   up having him murdered afterwards as a result  of that. And there's actually a movie I think   that just came out or is about to come  out where it's dramatized. I think Lady   Gaga is playing his ex-wife who had him murdered. RT: Yeah, I look forward to seeing it. You often   see Venus-Pluto sometimes Venus-Jupiter-Pluto  in the charts of people involved in high fashion   and where there's a lot of wealth,  a lot of power, a lot of intensity   focused on high fashion, on cosmetics,  on expensive clothes, design shoes, etc.   But those other qualities of the Venus-Pluto,  the betrayal, the murdering by the betrayed,   those can be themes as well. Yeah. I've seen  Venus-Pluto in a number of other charts often   mixed with Jupiter where there are people who  are involved in the very high echelon level of   fashion where there's often a lot of manipulation,   a lot of power struggle within families,  within the company and often, obsessive   erotic involvements and things like that. CB: Yeah, power struggles and power   plays seem to be major Pluto themes. RT: Yeah. And there can be, although Jupiter   particularly has to do with wealth and success  and money, etc., but there's an interesting   relationship that the Greeks recognized. There are  two different gods of Pluto, Pluton in Greek where   the O was long O omega and then that was the  Pluto the lord of the underworld. But there was a   Plutus where the O is short O. That's the omicron.  Notice that we now have the omicron variant,   that's the short O in Greek while the long O is  omega. Omega, right? Well, omicron is omicron.   Like, a micro O is omicron and omega is the mega O  and it's a long O. And the long O Pluto Pluton was   the one who was the lord of the underworld  while Plutus was actually a separate deity   originally involving the God of wealth, but wealth  and riches were often seen as being underground   where the minerals were and so forth or  the fertility of the land. And eventually,   there became a conflation of the two that  also was present right in the Greco-Roman   mythic lineage. So our word plutocracy ruled by  the wealthy also has, it's like the powerful,   wealthy plutocracy. You combine them there. CB: Yeah, I was going to put this off till later,   but two of my favorite charts for time some of  the richest men in the world are, for example,   Bill Gates who has a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in  the 2nd house in Leo. Here's Bill Gates’s chart   and his extreme wealth, because there's a normal  wealth of let's say generational wealth or what   have you, but then sometimes there's the wealth  taken to the utmost extreme of being literally the   richest person in the world at one point in time. RT: Yeah, that's right. You see Jupiter-Pluto   a lot in very wealthy charts. So J.P Morgan J.  Pierpont Morgan is another Jupiter-Pluto figure.  CB: I have one more. My other  famous one is Warren Buffett   has a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in the 8th house. RT: Yeah, yeah, that's a perfect example as well.   Now, all people who have  Jupiter-Pluto are not necessarily   going to be super wealthy figures as  I can speak from direct experience.   Stan Grof and I used to laugh at both of us  having the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in his   case and in my case, the opposition. CB: Do you mind me if I show you the chart?  RT: Oh no, not at all. CB: Okay, here we go.  RT: And while we both have the Jupiter-Pluto  pretty strong in our being, it comes through   in totally different ways, which I won't spell  out particularly, but enormous wealth is not   particularly our leading characteristic. CB: Yeah, wealth of information or wealth   of knowledge. I don't know what your stance  is on houses, but it's interesting that it's   falling in the 2nd house 8th house axis  in both Gates and Buffett whereas for you   it's falling in the 3rd house 9th house axis. RT: 9th house, yeah. Jupiter up there in the 9th   and Pluto in the 3rd for me. Yeah. When I write  books, they tend to be big books like the whole   history of Western thought, Cosmos and Psyche and  there's a tendency… Jupiter-Pluto has a drive to…   Again, Pluto intensifies whatever it touches.  Jupiter wants to get the big overview or it wants   to take in all the cultures of the world  or it wants to have a global perspective,   or you see it with people who are involved in  geopolitics. For example, Gorbachev for example,   or Kissinger shadow version of it. So yeah,  it can take many different forms. Also,   Pluto has a passionate drive towards whatever  it's touching. We're talking about Pluto-Venus   in terms of that drive towards passionate love  or expression of artistic beauty or whatever.   With a Pluto-Jupiter, it can be not just a  drive to wealth, but it also can be a drive   towards excellence, for example, striving  for excellence or striving for success.   But there's different ways of defining success.  Abraham Lincoln, he underwent such deep depression   even suicidal depression at certain points in his  life and he had some really difficult things in   his birth chart. He lost his mother when he  was quite young, great sense of loss there.  So there's Lincoln with that Saturn-Neptune  conjunction square to the Mercury and Pluto.   But look at that Jupiter-Pluto conjunction  with Mercury, what powerful language he had,   the Gettysburg Address. If you're just to  single out say two or three of the greatest   speeches that have ever been given  with great power to the moral power,   that's his Mercury-Pluto-Jupiter, you  would think of the Gettysburg Address,   you would think of the Second Inaugural Address,  that kind of quality. During one of his periods of   most suicidal space, he said, “I'm going to try  to live a life in which I do something significant   and that will make my life worthwhile and  so I won't leave it. I'll stay if I can   just do something significant.” And that's what  drove him into the realm of politics. Sometimes   Jupiter-Pluto likes to succeed in politics and  can be very political. Lincoln was very political.   And you see it with people who have leadership  qualities too. Jupiter has a leader quality,   Zeus there at the top. But Pluto drives that  because it empowers whatever it touches.  And so, the fact that George Washington,  Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt,   perhaps the three presidents that just had the  most influence in the first 150 years of our   nation's history, they all had Jupiter-Pluto  conjunctions. You see it where there is   real leadership potential as well. A lot  of the actors, the lead actors that had   Jupiter-Pluto, Richard Burton or Paul Newman or  those- Yeah, see that Jupiter-Pluto. With FDR,   in his case, he's got the Sun squaring Saturn and  Neptune and Jupiter so quite tightly Sun and Venus   very tight square Saturn that was the  distant relationship with Eleanor and   at the same time having to hide his love and/or  separate himself from who he was in love with.   But with that Sun square Saturn-Neptune, he had to  go through the great debilitating illness of polio   and dealing with fear and anxiety and so that's  why he could say the only thing we have to fear is   fear itself in his inaugural address that became  such a model for his long administration. That's   the fact that he stared it in the face, that  Saturn-Neptune potential for a nonspecific fear or   anxiety that was overcoming the entire Zeitgeist  of the 1930s during the Great Depression.  But with that Jupiter in there, the Sun square the  Jupiter-Neptune great faith in the possibility of   a better world, more empathic, compassionate,  taking care of the poor and the working class,   but then there's that Jupiter-Pluto which it's 11°  away but those of you who know my work know that   it's quite clear to me that we need to  expand our orbs if we are going to understand   how the planetary archetypes interact with each  other because they're not like on-again off-again   light switches. They’re aspects that just  turn on when they're 1° away or even 3°or 4°   away. They're archetypal waveforms as it's coming  into a big conjunction or a big opposition.   If you look at the full Moon when the Sun  is opposite the Moon, the Moon looks full   for right up to about 15° on each  side basically for two nights that   you're in a full Moon part of the cycle and the  same thing with the new Moon when it's invisible.  Empirically, I didn't start off with the  larger wave or with these larger orbs, but   it was empirically just looking, you look at that  Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the ‘60s for example,   Rob Hand and I have talked about it, and it's  just so clear empirically that you have to expand   it all the way from about 1960 to about 1972.  That particular Uranus-Pluto energy that's so   familiar to us was in evidence in the civil  rights movement, in the women's movement,   in the ecology movement, in the youth  movement, in the revolutions around the world,   African Independence Movements and so  forth. And even the late ‘60s after its   exact and going into the early ‘70s, those  of us who lived through the ‘60s and ‘70s   recognize that when we talk about the ‘60s, we're  also talking a bit about the early ‘70s. That   energy had flushed into the system so potently  that archetypal energy that it just doesn't   stop when the aspect is moved past  5°. It's really cooking at that point.   So anyway, that's also true with natal charts. CB: It's one of the reasons I like Archetypal   Explorer for the way that they visualize some  of these things as more of a graph as a wave   form like this illustration of the Saturn-Pluto  conjunction that went exact and peaked in early   2020, but still stayed in effect and came back  a little bit in orb when they retrograded back   into a range but it's like a range of influence  that lasts for, as you said, in the conjunction   up to 15° or 10° in the other hard aspects. RT: Yeah, exactly. That’s Kyle Leimetter’s work.   He was a student of mine in the Philosophy  Cosmology and Consciousness Program at CIIS   and I would sometimes draw those waveforms in  that way so that people even for their personal   transits so that they could see the way it is  intensifying and then there's a bell curve there.   The first person who started implying that  in an app was called the Archetypal Calendar.   Anyway, he was the first one. He  was focused on personal transits.   The Cosmic View was his original thing and then  he started using it. I gave him the basic program   and he worked out the program that started  using it and then Kyle for Archetypal Explorer   has employed it in a more comprehensive way. CB: Yeah. Well, it's been nice over the past   year in order to visualize some of these outer  planet transits and understanding the wider range   in which they’re in effect and also going back  and looking at some historical examples like the   pandemic in the earlier part of the 20th  century around 1918 and 1919 and how   the Jupiter Pluto conjunction which went exact  in 1918, but retrograded back and got very close   in 1919 that second that ended up coinciding  with what they call the deadly second wave   of the pandemic when the most deaths took place  after there was a mutation. And then similarly,   there were some interesting things in 2020 when  we comparing some of the different COVID graphs   to some of the Jupiter-Pluto alignments that  took place during the course of 2020 and when   the number of COVID cases would skyrocket  or when hospitalizations would go up,   and other things like that. It's been interesting  coming up with some of these new tools in order   to visualize some of these things. RT: Exactly. In that case, of course,   the Jupiter-Pluto was in a triple conjunction  with Saturn so it was quite complexified by that,   so you're getting Jupiter, Saturn and  Pluto all in that triple conjunction.   Early in the pandemic, I did a talk  called What's Happening in the Stars   Right Now because that was the question a  lot of people were asking. It was for CIIS   public programs. It was just called What's  Happening in the Stars Right Now. And I   use those graphs to show how and unpack more  the complex interaction between the Jupiter, the   Saturn, and the Pluto. In fact, there was a period  there where Mars was in there too right when the   pandemic was just really launching  there in February and March of 2020.  CB: Yeah, that pile-up of a lot of planets in  Capricorn and then a little bit in Aquarius.   That was really the lineup. And that was the  one that André Barbault… Because you were given   a lot of credit last year for the work you  did in Cosmos and Psyche which very clearly   in archetypal terms broadly pointed to that as  being an important alignment for a number of those   different reasons. But then Barbault had actually  done a study on pandemics and had identified   that time range as a potential for a major  pandemic specifically because he narrowly   focused on that question of when have pandemics  occurred historically in the past and what   alignments might indicate that in the future. RT: Yes. He particularly was looking at when   you get a clustering of several planets within  a very narrow range of degrees being a factor.   That wasn't the only thing he paid attention  to. He was really one of the really key figures   in the development of mundane astrology. And he  was an influence on Charles Harvey in England who   became the leading mundane astrologer in the  UK, and published with Nick Campion, and maybe   possibly one other person coauthored a book on  mundane astrology. It's been enough years that I’m   not remembering the third author,  which I should. But Charles was the   leading figure in that. André Barbault,  he goes back to the ‘40s and ‘50s, and   there's very interesting letters exchanged between  Carl Gustav Jung and Barbault about how astrology   how Jung was finding astrology’s value. CB: Right. Yeah. We talked a little bit   about this last year. I did an episode that  people can go back to if they want to study   more about that in both your statements as  well as Barbault’s statements in episode 254,   titled Misconceptions About Mundane Astrology in  the Media where it's like there was this article   by The New York Times in May of will Coronavirus  kill astrology and whether the pandemic was   completely missed by the astrologers. And our  whole discussion was actually about how Barbault   and you had done a pretty good job through  looking at historical cycles at identifying this   upcoming one as a difficult one. So going back to- RT: The Times is so valuable for a lot of things,   but I don't go to it for astrological  accuracy, sympathetic knowledge of the   astrological discipline. It's not its cup of tea. CB: Well, I meant to ask you about that as a   digression because it's been actually coming  up recently, and I'm a little bit nervous about   seeing some of the younger generation of  astrologers has just come into the field   in the past few years or the past decade. It's  been a period of astrology flourishing again   in a way that I don't think we've  seen since the 1960s or ‘70s.   But there's been weirdly also a drop off it seems  in the skeptical movement over the past decade.   And I remember in even the 2000s, the skeptic  movements were much stronger and had better   leadership and was much more antagonistic against  things like astrology, but it seems like that's   fallen by the wayside a little bit over the past  decade. But I was curious about you always make   that statement about how astrology is regarded  as the gold standard of pseudoscience and-  RT: Or superstition generally.  Yes, it's what you want to compare.   If you want to say something is really not worth  our intellectual serious engagement, you would   compare it to astrology if you're well educated. CB: So my question is what I wrote down is, how do   you deal with practicing a subject that is viewed  with such disdain by most of academia as well as   scientists? How does one deal with the place that  astrology holds relative to science presently?   How do you deal with skeptics in particular?  And is it possible to change somebody's mind   who is skeptical? And what does it actually really  take to do that in tangible terms? Can it be done   with an intellectual argument or demonstration?  Or does it only happen by having some personal   experience of astrology that is impressive? RT: Well, you packed a lot into that.  CB: Yeah, sorry. This is like  a full episode in itself.  RT: Yeah, it would be. Well, just  a couple headlines. First of all,   I've argued and I believe this is the case  that it's actually somewhat valuable for   those of us who are in touch with  the extraordinary value of astrology   what a gift it is. It gives insight whether  you're looking at the arts, whether you're   looking at history, whether you're looking at  this at psychology, whether you're looking at   virtually any field, astrology provides  insights that nothing else– even philosophy,   the nature of the importance of the nature of  archetypes for making sense of all sorts of   philosophical mysteries like nominalism  versus realism and so forth. So, astrology   is such a gift, it's such a privilege, such a  spiritual honor that those of us who have been   initiated into it have been bestowed. It would  be very easy to get inflated with that knowledge.   The person who knows astrology well has an insight   vision, a vision into the interior dynamics  of the Anima Mundi, that the non-astrologer,   the average person, even the brilliant scientist  or man or woman of letters does not have available   to them. And that can lend itself to a hubris,  an inflated sense of superiority of spiritual   elite, and having the social reality  that astrology has been so widely   despised, not just relegated to second  class status, but really scorned or actively   opposed and in quite intensely shaming ways. In  some ways that acts as a humbling compensation for   the potential inflation that can come with this  special privilege that astrologers have. I think   that's helpful to keep in mind. It keeps us  humble, which is something we generally can use.  And then the second thing, I think  you're right that there has been…   I don't think there's been a dwindling among the  skeptics of a certain generation. The Richard   Dawkins of the world are still around, but they're  getting older. But there's new ones that are quite   ready to take their place. But I think there  has been, particularly with the millennials,   the generation born under the big long  Uranus-Neptune conjunction between the late ’80   and the ‘90s. They don't have the same what  I would call epistemological armoring. There   isn't such a rigid boundary between what's  truth and what's imagination. There's more   of a sense that this is… There's a  more mysterious relationship between   the imagination and reality and that we are  always seeing through our imagination, but   there's a requirement for a rigorous imagination.  You have to have rigor and imagination, not just   an undisciplined one. But even the most skeptical  scientist or philosophical reductive skeptic   is seeing things through his or her imagination  as just a reductive imagination. It's a filter.   It's only letting certain things through. And so, I think this is where there is   tremendous value in going through experiences  that will dissolve that armored epistemological   barrier and open oneself up to the possibility  that for example, consciousness pervades the   universe and is not just a function of  Homo sapiens or of the higher mammals   as they're called, but rather is say that we are  embedded in a conscious intelligent universe and   that our conscious intelligence is the cosmos  conscious intelligence universe in human form,   that we are cosmic expressions of the whole. It's  just that it looks like astrology suggests that   the universe has left quite valuable clues to  that part of itself that is Homo sapiens to be   able to read symbolically the movements of the  planets so as to live a better more aware life.  I think you're getting at the importance of  having some balance between skeptical rigor and   just a kind of undisciplined credulity where  you just think anything, anything goes.   That's why I am always encouraging serious  astrological students and researchers to…   There's ethics of being a good astrologer like  don't make generalizations on the basis of one or   two seemingly big correlations that you've noticed  and then just say, that's what Pluto in the 5th   house means or that's what a Chiron midpoint  signifies because I’ve seen this in my chart.   One should be able to give a dozen  compelling examples that other people   can assess from the public record, famous  individuals, important historical events,   significant cultural milestones and then you  look at where the planets were. And you don't   just ascribe something to your new favorite  astrological factor without first taking into   account the factors that have been most supported  by empirical evidence that many people have   come to a consensus about. For example,   there's pretty much a universal consensus  today among practicing astrologers who use   the outer three planets Uranus, Neptune,  and Pluto, as well as the classical   planets all through Saturn, there's pretty  much universal consensus about their meanings.   And you can see these meanings played out  whether you are looking at natal charts or   you're looking at personal transits or personal  progressions or whether you're looking at synastry   and relationships between individual chart or  if you're looking at world transits, the whole   mundane astrology and the collective cycles. If  we're going to be identifying the meaning of a   new planetary body or celestial body or if we're  going to be making a claim about what this factor   means in that chart, we need to be able to back  it up with compelling and substantial evidence.   This is where the mainstream modern educational  system in higher education particularly as you   go through college and graduate school and  so forth, it's built-up certain standards   of critical thinking and of bringing in evidence  and cogent argument that will support a position.  And so, when one is writing a Ph.D.  dissertation, you have to meet those standards   in order to pass and enter into the  community of fellow PhDs. Those are valuable   virtues and disciplines to cultivate as  a scholar and astrologers have often been   rather a little looser in doing so. I mean, a lot  of understandable reasons in earlier centuries and   earlier generations. But if we're going to make  that bridge to the mainstream educated world of   deep thinking morally and intellectually  sophisticated members of our society, we have to   use critical thinking and solid empirical evidence  and cogent argumentation in order to communicate   the principles and the convictions that we are  implementing in our practice. So that's basically   the way in which we can incorporate the skeptical  or the rigorous or the let's look at what's the   simplest, most compelling explanation for  this phenomenon without getting into some   arcane possible explanation. Well, we have  to incorporate that thinking in balance with   a disciplined imagination and a capacity for  symbolic insight and knowledge of the esoteric   traditions that are in the astrological world,  which you've done so much to help vivify for many   people. So I think it's that balance that we need. CB: As somebody whose life's work seems to have   been very much directed towards making  the single best case for astrology   to non-astrologers in Cosmos and Psyche, to what  extent though is it each astrologer’s job to   attempt to do that and make the case for astrology  or prove it to those who might be skeptical   versus sometimes there's been a tendency, it  seems like over the past few decades, to instead   pull back and become more insular and say, if  people don't believe astrology is legitimate,   that's fine, that's up to them but to the extent  that even no matter how rigorous Cosmos and Psyche   was that it doesn't meet up to, let's say, the  scientific definition of demonstrating something   statistically and therefore fall short of what  many scientists might consider to be scientific.   Will we ever be able to truly prove  astrology in a way that meets that?   And do we need to continue trying to? Should  we still be striving for that? Or is it   something that should just stay more insular? RT: Yeah, very good question. First of all,   I don't think everybody has the dharma  or the life calling to take on that   particular role. Some people- CB: Was that the goal? Was that   ultimately the goal though? I think it was, but- RT: Everybody would be trying to prove astrology.  CB: No, I was curious for you  personally, was that the goal with   Cosmos and Psyche all along, the primary one? RT: Well, it was basically to give some hint   of the power of the astrological  perspective and the empirical data.   Cosmos and Psyche has barely scratched the surface  of my research and of the data I've gotten.   But I just thought, “Okay, I'm just going to  do these four cycles and do it in a way that   will help and give a philosophical and  historical context so that people could   enter into the astrological perspective.” And  a lot of people who did not know astrology and   had only read my earlier book, The Passion of  the Western Mind, which was not an astrological   book but which is a history of Western thought.  And it was being used in a lot of universities,   it still is as a history of Western philosophy  or Western thought, that kind of thing.   But then they read Cosmos and Psyche, and  a good number of people who didn't know   astrology or had any reason to think astrology was  worth paying any attention to got opened up to it   by reading that in that sequence. And in some  sense, I wrote Passion of the Western Mind as an   entree to an astrological world view. I used The  Passion of the Western Mind as a way of giving   people an understanding of the evolution of our  cosmology and of archetypes from Plato to Jung   and so forth that would help people make, the  Copernican Revolution and so forth, that would   help people be prepared for when Cosmos and Psyche  came out, which was originally going to be one big   book and it turned into two rather large books. So yeah, that was to a certain extent the   intention, but I think it's very valuable for  whether it's a field or a person to go into an   insular mode for a while to protect something  that's growing that's not ready to be invaded   by skeptics. And I think that's what astrology did  for some years. There was a time there in the 70s   when some of the because of the Gauquelin research  coming out the 50s and 60s, and by the 70s   certain astrologers including John Addy in  particular in England, and Charles Harvey were   getting the sense that the statistical support for  astrology was going to make a big difference. And   some scientists who had no appreciation  of astrology at all, like Hans Eysenck   were very compelled by the statistics and felt  that we had to pay attention to it even if it   went against our basic beliefs, which it did  for [03:00:53]. But scientists are human beings   and sceptics are human beings, and human beings  have a genius for walling out certain data   that they would find challenging to their  most cherished belief system. Often,   that belief system is deeply intertwined  with their own sense of identity and what   their careers what their whole way of defining  themselves. So to let in this data as being   determinative would be so threatening to so  many things that it's easier to just say, "Oh,   this is faulty evidence or it's faulty  data." The problem with the statistical   research is that much of the research wasn't  sophisticated enough to either recognize   the patterns, although they did recognize the  patterns with the huge Gauquelin research data   basis. They recognized some patterns. But it  wasn't something that every astrologer would   just say, "Okay, what's Gauquelin saying about  this? Now I can use this in my next reading." The   readings were coming from the esoteric tradition  and from the astrologers’ own practice, it wasn't   coming from the statistical correlations which  were too approximate, too rough-edged. It was too   brute a tool, an instrument to get us to something  as nuanced as the astrological correlations.  CB: -was reductive? RT: Yeah, quite reductive.   Now, let me just say that there seems to have  been in the last few years, quite an increase   in interest in a more sophisticated approach  to astrological research. I should mention,   when Cosmos and Psyche came out, the Institute  of Noetic Sciences, its lead scientist,   Dean Radin called me up and asked if I would  do an interview with him. And he and he said,   "Well, I'm convinced," and when I talked to him  about it, I didn't think that statistics were a   nuanced, sophisticated enough, subtle  enough tool to be able to, you know-   You have to be able to take in multiple variables  at once. You also have to have a sense of   archetypal multivalence, that is any given  planetary principle can manifest in physical ways,   psychological ways, relational ways, but it also  can manifest in destructive or creative ways, in   trivial forms but also in  very profound or noble forms.   You can't tell just by looking at the  birth chart whether somebody is going to   become Hitler or Chaplin, you know, to give one  famous example. So Dean Radin said, you know,   there are forms of statistical analysis using what  technically are called fuzzy categories that could   encompass something like archetypal multivalence.  He was already thinking in 2006 that we could   increase the sophistication of the statistical  analysis. But my friend [Will Kippen]   who is a physicist and he deeply studied with Stan  Grof and with me as well, and has written about   astrology at times and given presentations to  science conferences about it, he is in touch with   a number of statistical researchers that are doing  quite remarkable work right now. He's writing a   paper that will summarise a lot of this that will  come out soon, I hope I can remember to send you a   copy when he's got one ready. Because even though  I myself find quantitative forms of analysis to be   too insufficient for registering the extraordinary  correlations that the symbolically attuned   kind of poetic in a disciplined way, but that kind  of poetic archetypal imagination that is also able   to be astronomically mathematically rigorous,  etc. Where you're not just fitting in anything   into the categories, but you have a good sense for  what is a true discernment. You really have to use   discernment and you have to use self-critical  rigor, I talked about this towards the end of   Cosmos and Psyche. So, I think statistics  may make may come in but will probably never   equal the human mind and the full  human faculties that in the same way,   statistics are never going to register why  Beethoven's Emperor Concerto is the amazing   work it is, it takes the whole human  being with all his or her faculties   including the emotions and the imagination and the  somatic experience in order to take in the meaning   of Beethoven's music. Beethoven's music is  visible archetypically in the birth chart,   you can see his birth chart and go,  "Wow, that's so much fits his music." But   statistically, you're not any more than you're  going to be able to register quantitatively the   physical manifestation of the music and what  the mathematical form of it is not going to   duplicate what the human being can experience with  their whole soul and body when they're listening   to the music. But that's how the archetypes speak,  it's to the whole soul and body and spirit and   mind, and not just to this quantitative form  of analysis which is very valuable in certain   respects but very limited and others. CB: Yeah, this was something I've been   thinking about lately about how much anyone  can ever be convinced of astrology being   something legitimate or worth looking into  through an intellectual argument versus how much   somebody who's truly skeptical about it  would have to have an experience of it   in seeing their own transits line up  and experiencing an event, and just   how notable that correlation can be in living  through it in order to truly have any sort of,   quote-unquote "belief" in astrology or  belief that it's somehow legitimate.   But that's a whole whole thing. So, bring it. RT: I might just quickly say   on that point that I think you do have to go  through some transformation of your epistemology--   that is how you know things and what you  regard as being true, a valid way of knowing--   you have to go through a transformation at the  epistemological level, and that means not just-   Most people open up to astrology or/and to  other more expanded forms of knowing through   going through some kind of a transformation  that's existential. Just as people go to an   astrologer or a therapist when they're in  crisis then they feel, "Okay, the current   tools that I have to live my life are not  adequate. I'm going to try to expand the range   of my tools in order to get some insight to live  a better life or look more skillfully and holy."   That often requires some kind of a crisis,  which our world is going through right now   and is therefore probably more likely to open up  to a wider range of perspectives, unfortunately,   also a wider range of fake news and  disinformation too and weird beliefs. But   the opening of what we and others have  called the epistemologies of the heart   that involve the empathic imagination, the  the somatic, the symbolic, and not just   a narrow version of rationalist empiricism  that views quantitative measurement as the only   measurement of what is real, I think most  sophisticated intellectuals today have gotten   past that. Yes, there's a good number of people  who are still stuck in the reductionist camp.   But most sophisticated intellectuals, I  mean, read something like Charles Taylor's   Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern  Identity. It's just written 30 years ago and he's   got such an embrace of the modern intellectual  and philosophical scene, and so recognizes the   need to transcend such a narrow reductionist  perspective as being determinative   of our worldview. It's a severely limited  worldview and to live within it is to live   in a kind of prison, a kind of iron cage. Also,  there's destructive consequences that come from   living in such an objectifying worldview  and we're seeing the results in our   social and ecological crisis of our time. CB: Yeah, part of the epistemological issue   you just mentioned, but maybe part of it is the  issue of the scientific world view that the human   senses are fundamentally flawed and untrustworthy  in terms of their ability to accurately perceive   the world around them. Whereas for astrologers  and in looking at astrology, they're actually   crucial or paramount in terms of accurately  being able to understand the correlations and the   symbolic importance of what's happening  in human life on a individual basis.  RT: Yeah, that's exactly right. And  the principle that the senses can't   be trusted, that our direct subjective human  experience can't be trusted, that we need to   transcend that with a mathematization of our  experience that can be registered on a machine,   you know, it comes out of John  Locke, Galileo, Descartes,   Bacon were all kind of moving in that  direction. The distinction between what's   called primary qualities and secondary  qualities was a big thing at that point.   Only primary qualities like mass, weight,   things that could be measured, those were  real. But everything else that people   experience are just subjective realities  that can't be seen as scientific. I think   what's happened is that there  was for quite a while a kind of   colonization by the reductive natural sciences,  a colonization of the human sciences and of the   humanities in higher education. And there's a  turn that's going on that's recognizing that   the natural sciences, and particularly  reductive natural sciences, are not a sufficient   methodological universe to encompass what the  humanities, philosophy, religion, psychology,   literature... They can't be subjected to what was  very useful in developing a mechanistic science.   There is a movement right now within higher  education to recognize the need to elevate   the importance of the humanities, of a  liberal education that includes the sciences   with the humanities, that includes philosophy,  literature, the arts and depth psychology not just   looking at psychology in terms of behaviorism,  genetics and pharmacology. So, yeah. Well,   I'm imagining we've probably carried our audience  long past their- Hopefully, they're listening to   this in segments rather than all in one sitting. CB: Yeah, I think it will be broken up into   chapters. Just to bring things back full circle.  Your book was published in 2006. Interestingly,   after the discovery of the dwarf planet Eris  in 2005, Pluto was actually demoted by the   International Astronomical Union in 2006  from planet status down to a new category   that they created of dwarf planet. This  created some arguments or questions among   astrologers of whether that had any significance  symbolically or had any relevance for astrologers,   or if astrologers should just keep on doing what  they had always done up to that point with Pluto.   Do you have any feelings or thoughts about that? RT: Well, the first thing to point out is that   the decision to demote Pluto was made by  a group of astronomers. There's a lot of   planetary scientists who were in general quite  opposed to this decision and were very vocal about   it and still quite feel that it was not the right  decision. Even in the astronomical, the IEU that   made the decision, the particular committee  that came to the decision, the head of that   committee was Owen Gingerich. He was my professor  of astronomy back at Harvard in the late 1960s.   He's the world's expert on Copernicus  and Kepler, a great, great man.   He was the head of that committee and he  disagreed with the decision. He issued a   dissent on the decision. And a lot of  people feel that the addition of this   what had never been used before as a criterion  for deciding if something were a dwarf planet   is whether the planet can clear the neighbourhood  of other bodies that it has sufficient   gravitational power and mass to do that, and as  many planetary scientists said, "Well, if you   put the Earth out in the Kuiper belt where Pluto  is, it wouldn't clear the neighborhood either. So   one has to recognize that this decision is  probably temporary-- I just read an article within   the last couple of weeks in a science journal  about how this is seen as being a provisional   temporary and very possibly erroneous  categorization that will be rethought.   But the main thing to recognize, and this  is so characteristic of our postmodern   era, is to recognize that these are  human categories; planet, dwarf planet.   These are names that we come up with. I  mean, planets used to include the Sun and   Moon because with the Greeks, the word planet  meant that it wandered. Planetes meant it was   a wanderer. Which means that if you looked  out, all the stars each night stayed in the   same relationship to each other as they  moved across the sky. But the planets   like Mars and Mercury and Venus, but also the  Sun and the Moon, they gradually moved across   the ecliptic. They had different zodiacal signs  behind them at different times of the year   and over the years, and so they were seen as  wanderers, and therefore planets. Now, planets   mean something different than it did before. So  these are categories, and it certainly didn't   make a difference in terms of anything  that I or my fellow researchers in the   astrological community that I'm familiar with in  the archetypal research collective that's kind of   emerged out of CIS. Pluto is an extremely powerful  planetary influence and in fact it is the very   archetype of power and it didn't get diminished  by its categorization as a dwarf planet.   It probably carries very little  as to what human beings call it as   a dwarf planet It is smaller than the other  planets. But interestingly Eris, which was the   new body that helped trigger the recategorization,  they originally thought Eris was larger than Pluto   as well as more massive, but it turns out  that Pluto is slightly larger than Eris. Eris   has slightly more mass than Pluto, Pluto  has slightly more volume and size than Eris.   Because Eris and these other bodies that are  further out have such huge cycles and acentric   cycles, you can't get the same data. So far we  haven't been able to get the same quality of data   relative to the inner planets, relative  to world transits, that we have for all   the planets out through Pluto. But I think the  fact that we are discovering all these other   celestial bodies and these other circumstellar  discs like the Kuiper belt and the scattered discs   and the Oort cloud, we're basically recognizing  that our solar system is a permeable   body or system. We're recognising that it's got  a kind of permeable boundary with the rest of the   galaxy, we're opening up to the larger galaxy just  as we've recognized that our galaxy is one of many   many galaxies that it's in larger clusters and  superclusters. Part of our postmodern moment is   recognising how we subjectively categorize things  and there's nothing absolute about a term like   planet or dwarf planet, etc, or male and female,  that the masculine/feminine binary is not the   only way of understanding the richness of human  gender and sexuality, etc. We're recognising that   certain assumptions that seemed to be absolute  certitudes and built into the nature of the   cosmic reality are, in fact, human constructs and  are permeable and are culturally inflected, etc.   We're also recognizing that just as we  are not skin encapsulated Cartesian egos,   but we are in a permeable porous relationship  with all of life around us and in us, and in   relationship to each other, and in relationship  to the earth community animals, the air,   the water, the microbes, and so forth, and  the stars and planets. So, also, is our solar   system in a kind of permeable relationship  to the larger galactic hall and so forth.   I see these new discoveries and changes in naming  and so forth as all being part of a kind of   postmodern crucible of underworld descent where  the old identities and the old structures and   certainties are being dissolved  so that we can enter into a richer   engagement with the whole of life, and  not constrained by our assumptions and   the egoic bubble that has cut us off from  a greater immersion in the flow of life.  CB: Yeah. In terms of the downgrading, it's been  interesting in terms of the idea of making big   things small and small things big that when Pluto  was first discovered, they estimated that it must   be about the size of Earth. But then throughout  the 20th century, it was continually downgraded in   size and they realized it was smaller and smaller  and smaller. Then eventually we did have the   actual demotion of Pluto in 2006 by astronomers,  and Mike Brown the astronomer who discovered   Eris wrote a book later, ironically titled,  How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming.   But then eventually, the New Horizons space probe  was also launched in 2006, that very same year,   and that ended up doing a flyby of Pluto  in 2015, and catching some of the first   actual close-up photographs of it and scientific  readings of Pluto that ended up over the course of   the past several years, giving us much more  information about Pluto than we had before.   Interestingly, it turned out that Pluto  is much more interesting to scientists   than thought previously, because now they're  starting to think that it has a rock core   as well as a large deal of water underneath  the surface, which could then end up making   it one of the more interesting planets in the  solar system because it could be some of the   elements that could support life on Mars, some  sort of biological life or something like that. So   there may yet still be, you know, a re-examining  of Pluto or maybe its importance might be   magnified again at some point in the future with  some of these recent discoveries after it was   actually witnessed close by for the first time. RT: Yeah. It's very interesting you bring up that   correlation between 2005 and 2006 because  the planetary scientists who were doing   that mission were outraged when Pluto got  demoted by that group of astronomers and   there was quite a conflict between Mike Brown  and the head of the mission for the Horizon.   I have a nephew who is a planetary scientist  who works at the Jet Propulsion Laboratories   and he told me, "You know, among the actual  scientists who are doing this research,   they paid no attention to whether Pluto  is called a planet or dwarf planet."   He said Mike Brown is kind of like an aggressive  trickster who likes to push buttons and he likes   to upset that applecart. But he said, "Among  the people who are actually doing the research,   they're just doing the research and they kind  of stay outside of the conflict between the   ones in the scientific community who really  opposed the change and the ones who were in favor   of the change. I just don't actually give it a  lot of focus myself. I refer to Pluto as a planet,   which whether you call it a dwarf planet or not,  I mean, a dwarf human being is a human being   with just as much nobility and potential for high   achievement and value a big human  being. That's not a particular   feature that I think determines significance. I  don't pay that much attention to it so that's the   shorthand response to that. It looks like it'll  probably go through some changes in the future,   there could be many more planets fully called  planets, or they may be fewer depending on,   you know, what a particular community  of scientific interpreters decide at a   given moment. That's always in flux. CB: Yeah. Some of those distinctions   that astronomers make are not always  necessarily relevant for astrologers,   but it's just interesting symbolically some of  the things that are happening on Earth and some   of the things that are happening in terms of  our investigation of this planet as humanity,   as well as just, you know, now Mike Brown is  searching for and they think there is another   large planetary body somewhere out there  that may or may not be discovered in the   not too distant future, and then we'll see  what sort of things happen in humanity that   coincide with that discovery if it happens. RT: Yeah, which I'm very interested in. I think   Mike Brown's team is doing great work.  The discovery of Sedna, for example,   it's quite important. We don't know  exactly what all this is opening up to   but clearly our understanding, I mean, what's  happened in the last 100 years from the time   Hubble and Shapley and Clyde Tombaugh  and so forth were doing their research.   From that, the recognition of the many galaxies,  the expanding universe, expanding Cosmos, cosmic   background radiation, then recognizing exoplanets  and trans-Neptunian bodies, the Kuiper belt, the   likelihood of the Oort cloud, and  so forth... We have such a different   understanding of the universe than we  did before. Maybe what I'd like to end   on right now getting back to Pluto and the  discovery of the outer three planets which   Dane Rudhyar beautifully described that  they were the ambassadors of the galaxy.   And for 18th century, 19th century, and 20th  century, those three bodies were the ones that   basically pushed us past the Saturnian boundaries  of our reality principle and opened us to a much   bigger universe, a deeper one, and they were  the transpersonal planets as they've been called   and so forth. The discovery of those three  planets astronomically through the telescope,   the fact that as those are being discovered and  as the inner world was opening up through the   interior self explorations of whether it was  the romantics and then the depth psychologist   and William James and Jung and Anthony Wolfe  and Groff and so forth, by the time you get to   Groff and you get to recognize that these powerful  archetypal complexes that are associated with the   death-rebirth experience and the reliving  of our own birth, that these perinatal   stages are all so closely connected to the four  outer planets of Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus.   That the understanding of the inner meaning of  these planets and the discovery of the outer   meaning of the planet or the discovery  of the outer existence of the planets,   and that this is happening right at the time that  our civilization and our species and our planet   is going through a death-rebirth crucible of  transformation, seems to me of great significance.   It's as if the Cosmos is giving us, you know,  like the breadcrumbs to make our way out of the   dark forest to home. It's like it's giving us  the clues of insight that we require to help   mediate and navigate this tremendous  transformational moment that we are in as a   culture and as an Earth community. I think it's a  great gift and it shows the Cosmos in some senses   cares about the Earth and is paying attention  to it, and every time an astrologer sees   correlations between the movements  of the planets and a person's life or   their birth chart in their and  their biography and so forth,   every time they look at where the planets are  now and see something happening at the same time   and see the correlation, that's a sign of the  Earth being bathed by the cosmos with meaning.   Like, we are a moving centre of cosmic  meaning and therefore have significance   in the larger scheme of things even though  we're just this tiny, meaning-seeking planet.  So to me, astrology provides for those who have  the great grace to open up to it or to be opened   up to it by life, by circumstances, by opening  of their heart and mind, and some initiatory   experience. Anybody who has that gift, that grace,  is in a position to be able to feel that we are   embedded in a larger cosmos of love and of deep  meaning, and astrology is a kind of gift from   the goddess of the cosmos as beauty and love.  That's basically how I look at it. Cosmos seeks   a discerning partner who will love and glory  in the beauty that it's displaying in this way.  CB: That's a brilliant point to end on, and just  your point of humanity being such an important   turning point and shortly after the discovery of  Pluto having the development of the atomic bomb   and for the first time, the ability to wipe itself  out and completely destroy itself, but not yet.   And also being on the verge of such an important  turning point where it's also reaching outside of   the Earth and outside of its own solar system  and the potential for other really great more   positive things, but it clearly being an important  turning point. That's a great point to end on.  RT: Yes. Yeah. And Chris, you're a great  interviewer. I really appreciate the care   that you take in preparing for an interview and  then organizing it and bringing high quality both   to the technical and to the substantive parts of  the interview. I know you're giving great gifts   yourself to the astrological community month  after month, and it's been a pleasure to have   this very long afternoon conversation with you. CB: Thank you, I appreciate that. And I have   to apologize-- forgive me for my own Sun-Pluto  and Scorpio tendency to take things to the   utmost extreme, and having what was supposed  to be a very short two-hour conversation and   blowing it up into a four-hour one. But thank  you for bearing with me and thanks for joining   me for this today. Let's mention one more  time really briefly Changing of The Gods,   because that's really something that we'll go into  much more detail about some of your work on Uranus   and Pluto when it comes out in January. Right? RT: Right. Actually, it's February.   I think the full launch date is  February 22nd. Like, 2/22/22.  CB: Okay. RT: Yeah, there's a-  CB: There's a whole trailer on their  website, which is  RT: Yeah, and we can thank Kenny Ausubel  for conceiving the film. The film was very   much made in kind of collaboration between  him and Max DeArmon and Theo Badashi, and   also Louie Schwartzberg. It was quite a  collaborative effort and one thing to keep   in mind is that it's based on Cosmos and Psyche  that was finished and published before this   Uranus-Pluto square began. So everything that's  in the film is basically kind of examining, "Well,   given the patterns and the meanings that  Richard Tarnas set out in Cosmos and Psyche,   let's look at see when Uranus and Pluto next came  into alignment-- which is after the book after he   published it-- how does it bear out in terms of  the patterns? You know, in terms of civil rights,   in terms of the women's movement, in terms of  ecology, in terms of scientific and technological   breakthroughs and so forth. They've done a  really good job over the last seven years   and I appreciate they would come to me  for, you know, I'm interviewed a lot and   fortunately, two of my students; Max DeArmon and  Theo that I mentioned, played a major role in the   making of the film and they were very dedicated  to keeping the astrology accurate as well. Stan   Grof plays a role. Well, you'll see there's a lot  of major thinkers and visionaries and activists   of our time play a role in those 10 episodes. So I  think there's going to be like a pre-launch period   in February where each day one episode will be  shown for free, anybody can watch it. And then   I think February 22nd is when it gets launched  for everybody to be able to see the whole thing.  CB: Great, awesome. Well, people can check that  out at I'll be interviewing   the director, Kenny, very soon for an upcoming  episode of the astrology podcast. I think it just   does a great job of giving much more insight into  the meaning of Pluto by studying some of those   historical cycles. So people should check it out.  And yeah, I guess that's it. So thanks a lot for   joining me for this today, I really appreciate it. RT: Thank you Chris, and thank you all of you who   will listen to us. I hope we conversed  about things that you might find valuable.  CB: Definitely. All right. Thanks, everyone,  for watching or listening to this episode   of and  we'll see you again next time.  Special thanks to all the patrons that supported  the production of this episode of the podcast   through our page on In particular,  thanks to the patrons on our producers’ tier   including Thomas Miller, Catherine Conroy, Kristi  Moe, Ariana Amour, Mandi Rae, Angelic Nambo,   Sumo Coppock, Issah Sabah, Jake Otero,  Morgan MacKenzie, and Kristin Otero.   If you like the work that I'm doing here on  the podcast and you would like to find a way   to support it then please consider becoming  a patron through my page on   and in exchange you’ll get access to bonus  content such as early access to new episodes,   the ability to attend the live recording  of the month ahead forecast each month,   access to a private monthly auspicious elections  report that we put out each month, access to   exclusive episodes that are only available for  patrons, or you can also get your name listed in   the credits at the end of each episode. For more  information, go to   The main software we use here on the podcast  to look at astrological charts is called Solar   Fire for Windows which is available at,  and you can use the promo code AP15 to get a 15%   discount. For Mac users, we use a similar  set of software by the same programming team   called Astro Gold for Mac OS which  is available from,   and you can use the promo code ASTROPODCAST15  to get a 15% discount on that as well.   If you'd like to learn more about the approach  to astrology that I outlined on the podcast,   then you should check out my book titled  Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate   and Fortune, where I traced the origins of Western  astrology and reconstructed the original system   that was developed about 2000 years ago. In this  book, I outline basic concepts but also take you   into intermediate and advanced techniques  for reading a birth chart, including some   timing techniques. You can find more about  the book at   The book pairs very well with my online course on  ancient astrology called the Hellenistic Astrology   Course, which has over 100 hours of video lectures  where I go into detail about teaching you how to   read a birth chart, and showing hundreds of  example charts in order to really demonstrate   how the techniques work in practice. Find out more  information about that at  Also, special thanks to our sponsors including The  Mountain Astrologer magazine which is available   at, the Honeycomb  Collective Personal Astrological Almanacs   available at, and the Astro Gold  Astrology App which is available for both iPhone   and Android at There are also two  major astrology conferences happening this year.   The first is the Northwest Astrological Conference  happening May 26th through the 30th 2022 near   Seattle, Washington. Find out more information at And the second is the International   Society for Astrological Research conference,  which is taking place August 25th through the 29th   2022 in Westminster, Colorado. You can find out  more information about that at
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Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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