Plugin Doctor Results: SSL Analog Vs Plugin

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all right this is a quick addendum to the ssl fusion vintage drug plugin versus the hardware that we did uh some days ago i opened up plug-in doctor because i was doing the videos for the violet eq and the stereo image modules versus the plug-in i decided to check out the vintage drive as well and let me start by saying i don't necessarily trust doctor 100 sometimes the measurements are a little bit off i noticed some weird measurements in past when i did a few tests but taken with a grain of salt this is the result so as you can see from my screen here is the fusion ssl plugin right and here's the hardware in front of me so you can see they are both being analyzed at the same time okay and of course you can also tell very well which one is the plugin is this line here this solid pink line here that does not move at all while this other two lines we can see left and right constantly changing slightly that's also the noise that is being analyzed by plug-in doctor is of course the hardware so that's the very first uh difference that we see other than the noise we see all the non-linearities that the vintage drive hardware causes but what it's interesting here and you can see they both are basically a zero okay just engaged by a zero both of them and both of them are unity gain and you see again that the plug-in is clipping is in the red okay and the hardware is not what's interesting to see is the slight roll-off at the top here from 10k and above and the roll-off at the bottom which is a lot higher on the plug-in it starts basically at 50 hertz all right and it's down to minus db minus 10 db excuse me at around 23 hertz while the hardware is still going basically to zero right and it starts going down at around 29 30 and we are at 19 hertz here with probably one db and a half actually not probably precisely one db and a half and it goes down to where the plug-in is at nine hertz so the plug-in cuts off quite some sub-energy compared to the hardware here's the interesting thing we put the hardware at let's say nine o'clock for both and we see you know it's still pretty linear if i do the same with a plug-in we see this weird curve all right and and that curve increases even more as i drive it harder now i'm going to lower the input a little bit on the plug-in see it doesn't change anything other than the level okay the car doesn't change so i'm just gonna lower it down for the sake of like efficiency here so we can see better and i turn the density up again and this curve is pretty weird to the point that i do not hear at all what i'm seeing here in plug-in doctor that's why i made the premise at the beginning i'm not sure if i trust it because sure as hell when i uh when we tested the plug-in and uh and we we put it in these settings so 12 o'clock for both we did not hear a boost from 100 hertz uh up to 33 hertz by almost by 7 db so i don't know what's going on with the measurements but definitely it's it doesn't look right but anyway if we turn the hardware the same amount you can see the curve of the hardware right if we go three o'clock with the hardware see see the hardware how mellow are the changes like that subtle boost at the bottom and then it goes in total overdrive so it goes back it's fairly linear with this bump here at around 20. if we do the same with this this curve gets even crazier and it looks like this all right and then we go all the way down it's it's a really weird measurement and we're not clipping we're all in the red if you do that with the hardware there's your there's your response so i'm not sure the plug-in doctor can be trusted in this case um i don't know it's a weird measurements like i said i did see things like this in the past but um yeah at least a unity i can i can i can say like we could trust that that um the measurements here and uh here's the harmonic uh analysis for them of course the one moving is the hardware the one that is not moving is the plug-in this is just an addendum to the um to the video if you missed the video the first video when we compared how it actually sounds the hardware with the vintage drive plug-in i'll put the link here or in the info box down below and then now we go on with the series and we test plugins versus each module thank you for watching subscribe if you haven't already stay safe see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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