PLEASE reset your Wii before selling it...

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I drove 400 Mi to buy a truckload of untested consoles from Goodwill and in this video we're going to test and explore about 10 of the consoles and see if we can turn a profit guys welcome to the Hampton home I'm still trying to save up for this limited edition 360 so my profit goal today is 200 bucks and we're going to start with this fat PS3 right here which is extremely scratched up uh we do still have the warranty seal intact though which is always a good sign and then flipping to the back we have a model C L1 which is not backwards compatible and we have what is ew dude that is disgusting it almost looks like snake skin attached to the oh man that's gross okay let's plug it in and see if it works oh no man let me just show this to you guys back on come on show the audience there you go all right so we got the yellow light of death which is unfortunate and you know the real way to fix this is to solder some wires to the board get your error code and figure out what the exact issue is but we're going to put this to the side move on to the next console and maybe come back to it later so next up we'll hit it with the old trusty uh 360 Slim because these things just seem to never die but we got a matte version which of course always looks pretty good and uh let's check out the hard drive bay here see if you have a hard drive nope but hopefully we have 4 gigs built in now flipping to the back we do still have the warranty seal intact and we have a manufacturer dat of 2011 um let's plug it in and see if it works oh oh let's go dude I do this way too often where I'm trying to hold the console in place while I plug an HDMI cable or a power cable in and I accidentally press the the sensitive button and look what we get guys we got a free game Red Dead Redemption and it's a bit scratch up but but not too bad but man that's it's a quality game let's go ahead and plug a controller in and see if this bad boy works so I put the disc back in and of course it boots up automatically and the game is working now I got to get my glasses back on for this bad boy but let's go back to the main profile or the main screen here check out the profiles and see if we can find some interesting stuff all right so we got bin nice all caps dip is life T dude you can't make these profiles up man Jay dog uh player one Chris James all pretty oh we got 20,000 gamer score he man that's pretty good but dude dip is life that's that's hilarious we got to pull this up and check it out I'm 22 years old and currently serving in the US Army uh but of course the last game played Red Dead Redemption no surprise there considering the game is in the console let's go ahead and check out the next profile here which is Chris James of course he's got an Xbox live profile so he might have some some like a cool bio or whatever let's go ahead and check that out and yeah no surprise there his message is Never Back Down that just seems approp appropriate for Chris right here I'm a wrestler friend gamer and a fighter that's actually a pretty pretty wholesome bio right there most of them are pretty dirty or just like you know you know what I mean um but actually played Spider-Man 3 last in 2018 that's so random but that's pretty recent for a 360 and now this guy's got a pretty long play history let's see the let's try to find the first time this goty played 2011 okay so 2011 to 2018 these 360s man these these slims are just super reliable fingers crossed but let's move on to the next console now and remember guys this console will be for sale Down Below on my website uh you can see it it's number 98 so if you want to find that specific console check it out number 98 and uh let's move on to the next one so next up we'll test out this black Wii which is actually GameCube compatible which is you don't see those very often um but indeed it is and we got tons of scratches all over this thing and flip into the back we have our number there uh actually let me check is there SD card nope no SD card but let's plug it in and see if it works all right let's turn the bad boy on 3 2 1 and O baby we got a free game in here all right guys guess down below what free game do you think is inside I'm going Mario Kart really Skylanders come on man all right well it's a free game can't complain but uh I was hoping for some Mario Kart there let's see if this console works all right so booing up we got a pretty standard Wii I don't see any special channels here we got of course the Netflix Channel and check me out Channel my favorite of all time let's go ahead and check out this game just make sure it boots up and then we'll go back and check out some other stuff so I got skyers booted up and of course I can't even do anything because I don't have the like the little base or whatever you call it I don't know anything about Skylanders except that you need that base to even play so this disc is basically useless um let's go back to the main menu and see when this thing was last played oh hold up September 2020 dude I feel like I'm finding a lot of Wiis that are actually played fairly recently 2020 for a Wii is really recent um play just a bunch of random games for like 5 minutes each that's funny and get a ton of messages discontinuation of Wi-Fi YouTube on Wii this is this almost feels like this person booted up their Wii on this date for the first time in like in years and got all these messages because they were so backed up uh but let's go ahead and check out last but not least the Mi Channel okay not terrible but only five Miis we got schb Lyle Genie and Def defi demon d this console is working it'll be listed down below for sale and let's move on to the next one we already got the cords out so we're going to do another Wii next up we got a white Wii this time with one one flap on top which is just awesome this console actually doesn't look too bad for we and no SD card but it ooh no never mind it does look pretty bad it's got some like sticky stuff on the front gross uh H well let's plug it in and see if it works now judging by the outside I'm going to assume this console probably has a disc drive issue and probably does have a free game inside and sure enough it does I just heard the the little buzz there Mario Kart maybe and oh no Mario Kart but it is Wii Sports let's go baby another $20 game I love how many Wii consoles just have old copies of Wii Sports inside uh this pretty scratched up but let's check and see if it works all right guys we booted up wi Sports is loading up now I don't know if you noticed but the disc drive is pretty dang slow here like that's a little slow but then watch when I put it in it's just like yeah that's a that's not just a little slow that's like way too slow now if it's coming in slow I I imagine the the rollers are just dirty so we'll open this console up and see if we can clean those off and get it working better but for now let's go ahead and explore this console a bit first of all I'm just going to check out the last time this thing was played oh there we go all right November 2013 an hour plate of arcade Zone what is what is arcade Zone this looks like another case of somebody booting up their their Wii for their first time and connecting to the internet for the first time in forever and getting a bunch of messages um but if you go back a couple days they played some Wii Sports here which makes sense considering we have wi Sports in the console here yeah a bunch of Wii Sports that's like that's classic but still 2013 was 10 years ago so in reality not that recent let's go a and check out the save data oh wow uh not much arcade Zone I still don't know what arcade zone is but we got we Sports Resort Deca Sports Wii Sports and NBA live9 so not much going on there all right so console nickname is B and G will that almost makes me think of Goodwill because of the G and the will but I don't know uh let me leave a guess down below what you think that means um let's go ahead and last but not least check out the Mi channel oh we got some Miis here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 anyways console Works uh let's go ahead and eject the disc put that to the side we'll move on to the next one and actually before that let's open this thing up and see if we can get the disc the disc drive working a little bit smoother so I have this wi apart and I'm I'm going to clean it out a little bit so we can try to get the disc drive a little bit smoother and the first thing I want to comment on is where did this rubber band come from like after we disassembled it we didn't even notice serber band until a minute ago and I I don't know if it started over here or if it was like in the disc drive or something but we found it right here and yeah that's uh pretty sketch maybe that was causing our issue with the disc drive being kind of wonky let's go and put a game in just see what it looks like with the console all the way apart yeah so still like a little bit jumpy but that actually looks a little better um let's go ahead to eject now if I can press that let's see if this is slow okay it's perfectly fine now honestly maybe it's like the dis Drive piece that's on the outer case that was causing it to open slowly so the we is back together let's go ahead and see what this dis Drive does now it is still a little bit slow going in we'll see what it does when it comes out so yeah it's ejecting fine but pulling it in it's just kind of slow like it works fine but it's it's slow so I'm going to take this thing apart one more more time and just see if we can clean the rollers or something and get it working a little better all right guys we're looking down on the Wii right now this is the back of the Wii and inside here is a dis drive that's kind of disassembled now and you can kind of see right up there at the top there those are the rollers and you can see they're pretty dusty pretty dirty so what I'm going to do is actually just take a Q-tip with some ice prob alcohol and kind of clean along it and then uh simultaneously roll the rollers so that I can clean all sides and we're going to see if that fixes the issue and yeah by the way these is what the Q-tips looked like very dirty on both sides so you know I got some grime off of there all right guys Moment of Truth see if this fixed it boom let's go baby yeah perfect all right so all we had to do is clean the rollers and we're good to go now so guys uh this console will be listed for sale down below check it out and let's go aead and move on to the next console all right guys so next up we actually have an Xbox one uh one of the few in this lot and I'm pretty excited to test this out cuz I haven't tested out in untested Xbox one ever I don't think U but it's very beat up very scratched up flip into the back let's see if their warranty seal is still intact and it is is it actually it looks like it's been peeled up and then put back maybe um but other than that it actually doesn't look too bad let's plug it in and uh see if it works I had to go digging around but I found a Xbox One power supply let's go ahead and try to boot this thing up though and see if it even loads up uh so 3 2 1 power's not plugged in let's try this again uh oh yeah there we go any games no free games man nobody released free games in newer consoles man come on oh wait hold on okay so I went to go find a controller and we booted up here we got games all right let's uh let's just check out these games and apps here see what we got on here so we got five games Black Ops 4 FIFA 19 for of horizon 4 uh Kingdom com Deliverance never heard of that Richard 3 let's try to boot up one of these games and see if it'll work oh I need to be online okay you know what first first hold on let's take a step back here let's go check out what uh what firmware update we're on so we can see how old this thing is and then we'll try to update the OS version is 10.0.1 19041 let me just see if I can can find when this thing is from okay so it's actually from 2020 which I guess makes sense now that you look at it and it says 2020 Microsoft on the side um so that's actually fairly recent in terms of the Xbox One Life uh life cycle but let's go ahead and see if we can connect to the internet and actually play these games that are on here this person's Wi-Fi name was FBI tactical assault Bravo Tango it's actually pretty funny because my Wi-Fi name is FBI surveillance fan so it's pretty close all right so no surprise there we got an update um I'll just go take a nap for a few hours and we'll come back when it's done all right guys so hours later we're finally finish with the update let's go ahead and try to sign in now and see if we can actually play any of these games oh wait hold on we got more than one profile I didn't not not even notice this we got wow raggedy U6 showcase that's actually pretty funny name showcase uh little worm eight these are not even what holy crap these are not even names they're just random emails linked here let's start with the first profile and see if we can play these games oh oh okay this person's got a pin I guess I'll try to guess it I guess I did actually guess the the pen correctly but now it wants my password as well which obviously I don't have because this is not my account all right well uh I guess we won't be able to play these games unfortunately let me just try it anyway and yeah nope I can't really see much on this console since I can't sign in uh but let's go ahead and try to put a game in and just make sure it actually works well uh the Xbox seems like it's doing nothing when I put a game in it goes in perfectly fine and I hear it lock into place and it sounds like it's it tries to spin but then does nothing but the Xbox is also kind of freezing and trying to install a bunch of stuff so I don't know if that's an Xbox issue or if the disc drive is just straight up not working let's try one more time well Assassin's Creed is not working so I'm going to put that to the side and try out a couple other Xbox One games see if those work and if they don't I'll probably just factory reset this console and see if that fixes the issue okay so that that game also went in without an issue and actually started spinning up and then just stopped last but not least we'll try Anthem here and see if that works well now this game's working what I don't know man let's just go ahead and Factor reset this console and see what happens okay this is funny so I decided not to factor reset and I decided to actually put Assassin's Creed back in and now it's working fine I guess this driver just needed to warm up that was strange let's try an Xbox 360 game as well yeah so I put MW2 in it's giving me the install file now without an issue so I don't know what was going on uh I'll do some more testing before I list it Down Below on my website but we'll call this console good for now and let's move on to the next console all right so next up we're going back to the PS3 got a PS3 Slim here and this one I mean honestly looks pretty good flipping to the bottom we have of course only three of the four over feet as per usual the warranty sticker is still intact so let's plug it in and uh see if it works and actually you know what I just noticed is that the this side of the PS3 is actually misaligned the top and bottom piece which is strange because the console is still fully intact I don't know I've seen that on a few PS3s before but let's turn it on and no free game inside but it is booting up yes no yellow light of death let's go baby all right uh system of course as per usual system was not turned off properly last time it was used there we go baby all right we're booted up let's go ahead and check out these profiles first see how many how many we got on here we get Ross 31 3 exclamation .13 okay and uh first of all we got to of course check how much storage space we have here all right so we got a 120 gig hard drive we're on version 4.86 so this is actually played I'd say fairly recently let's go ahead and check out the save data and see if you can see the last piece of data saved here we got GTA San Andreas back in 2020 dude so many consoles in this lot played in 2020 uh but that's that's it J GTA San Andreas that's that's all not a single message sent or received so this person clearly didn't play a whole lot just uh I saw a Hulu update so they played Hulu played GTA San Andreas not much else let's go and put a game in though and see if it works oh no come on okay there it goes all right the disc drive was super slow at first but it is booting up let's make sure it works all the way though all right well game is working console's working uh last but not least we need to eject the disc here and make sure it actually ejects all the way cuz the last game I played on a PS3 we had issues ejecting so oh oh come on man I mean at least it's ejecting but it's like ejecting half oh come on dude what is it with these PS3 disc drives man so it it it works if you grab it at the end and pull it all the way out let's try to put it back in and see if it does that consistently okay well now it's now it's working so I tried it five or six times in a row and the disc is ejecting and pulling in just fine now I will still open it up and try to clean it out and see if it just becomes more consistent all right guys I have this PS3 apart we're going to try to fix the slow disc drive issue um it appears to be pretty dusty and dirty so I'm going to first start by just blowing out the disc drive and then the next thing I'll do is take an isopropyl uh take a Q-tip and put some iprop alcohol on it and just clean these little these little rollers right here one two three four rollers and just see if that will uh fix the disc issue um so let's try that out and see what happens I got those rollers cleaned and put the console partially back together and in all honesty I not sure it's going to work because those rollers really weren't that dirty but we'll try it anyway it's worth a try let's go ahead and see what happens when we put it in I believe when we went in it didn't have an issue I think it was just coming out it was kind of slow so now is the Moment of Truth yeah it's definitely smoother than it was all right now for our final test we got this piece back on let's go ahead and see what it does definitely going in there I just don't like I don't like how it pulls it in but yeah it's definitely coming out it's definitely not as smooth as I'd like it to be but I think that's just PS3 Slim thing so we're going to go to here it'll be listed down below for sale let's go ahead and move on to the next console so next up we'll test out this Xbox 360 and of course Very scratched up let's check the back there and see if the warranty seal is intact it is then of course next we want to check the hard drive by Bay and yep we do have a 250 gig hard drive which is awesome sweet let's go ahead and plug this in and see if it works and dude I I didn't realize how creaky the Xbox 360e is I just listen to that every time I just like touch it it's like I guess it's their latest cheapest model so I'm not too surprised but interesting all right 3 two 1 we got life oh there's definitely a gaming inside dude I could have sworn I heard a game in there it definitely made some sort of weird noise when I booted it up I guess maybe that's just the noise that the 360e makes when it boots up and tries to see if there's a game immediately we got one profile here a auu auu aoni I not pronouncing that right probably not pronouncing that right let's go and see if there's any other other profiles here as well nope just uh one profile it is an Xbox live profile so we might have some message or something I don't know let's check it check it out and no message no bio and eight games played Sports just stand 2015 back in 2017 and yeah just it's a very random mix of games World of Tanks for Horizon connect adventures all right so be it uh okay let's put a game in see if it works we're going to say our Red Dead Redemption from earlier put that game in all right guys well this game's working without an issue console is working kind of honestly a waste of the 250 gig hard drive just nothing on this console at all let's go ahead and just uh move on to the next console so next up we got a white Wii which is GameCube compatible of course it is missing a flap uh SD card nope no SD card let's go and plug it in and see if it works all right turn the console on I'm still hoping for a free Mario Kart copy no disc at all come on man oh crap dude we got some games all right guys so we got no free game but we got other free games if you know what I'm saying we got of course the classic stuff News Channel and stuff we also got World of Goo Critter Roundup Tiki Tower Super Mario Bros how do you even say that D dangeresque 3 uh I don't what is this looks like a warrior Weare game or something we also got the O the we fit Channel I love checking out the we fit channel to see when people last played that okay okay let's start here guys uh let's just start with the Mi Channel actually this time we're going to flip the script and uh see if this person person got some mes oh okay here we go all right baby gotta love seeing some Weis here some mes excuse me what kind of name is that okay um dude this is definitely one of the people that just made a bunch of random mes and Ed gibberish as the as the names all right so first of all I actually put a game inside to see if it works and I don't have much hope just just listen to this oh man so as you guys saw the Wii dish drive is not working and I in my mind I have three options here the first option is to open this up and actually troubleshoot the specific issue replace a laser whatever but in my experience that's just not worth it for the Wii because of how much time that takes and the fact that you can buy a used Wii like this like console only for 25 bucks uh and then you can also buy a replacement disc drive for like less than 20 bucks so what I'm going to do here is just buy some replacement dis drives off eBay and if we come across any more of these they just don't work I'll just swap out the disc drive which is actually pretty easy to do let's go and test out the rest of these games and make sure these other uh pre-downloaded games actually work o so I got this danger s game booted up and you can actually see save data dates here so we got the last auto save was back in 2015 and then the save before that was save game two back in in 20 2008 so this person actually has a pretty um Extended play history of this we need to check the last time this console was played so let's go ahead and scroll through here and and uh find it all right September 20110 is the last time I see a message here and not even any play data it's just a message okay nice great how does this happen we got a new personal best here but there's no play data I didn't even know that was possible okay here we go finally we got some Bunch wow eight hours on this day of random games Toy Story man Mania that's actually a pretty fun game Warrior Weare this is back in July 2010 so I couldn't find any play data in 2015 even though I scrolled through it and I saw that save data from 2015 earlier but oh well whatever console is working mostly minus the dis Drive let's go a and move on to the next console all right guys so next up we got another Wii here it is GameCube compatible and no SD card but this one this one actually looks really clean let's go and plug it in and see if it works all right free game please o I hear one all right Mario Kart I'm looking for Mario Kart guys please Mario Kart please pleas oh man it's one of the one of the wi that has upside down game and it's oh Home Alone dude jackpot oh that is perfect it's Christmas time home alone oh let's go dude I actually I'm going to take this home and keep this uh now the funny there's a couple funny things going on here first of all you can't play DVDs on weed they just don't work second of all it was upside down now I'm curious did this person get rid of their Wii because they thought it was broken I don't know but let's check what's on here all right so boild up looks pretty standard got all the normal channels no hidden channels over here uh let's go ahead and make sure our game actually works though yeah so we Sports is loading up uh this personally this person definitely got rid of their Wii because Home Alone was not working that's that's that's hilarious let's let's check the last time this thing was played oh there we go I almost missed it we got July 2011 and hey there it is we got Wei party we party and we Sports so oh man how do they I really wish they left be Sports in here instead of home alone but we we'll take it yeah they just added this person butched here okay cool so 2011 12 years ago wild that 2011 was 12 years ago let's go and speaking of me let's go and check out the Mi Channel and see what's on it okay okay we got a few here got Michael Jackson that's hilarious got Dad okay yeah looks like a dad Melanie Lexi got Jacob nice egg egg food okay yep but anyways this console is working it'll be listed Down Below on my website for sale let's go ahead and move on to the next one so next I'll be a glossy 360 and I don't know why but this thing just feels way heavier than it should okay yeah it's got a lot of scratches of course warranty seal is still intact and let's go and see if we have a hard drive here I would guess we do based on the weight yeah we definitely do 250 and dude for for how heavy this thing is it's got to have maybe a handful of games in the disc drive I I don't know why it feels so heavy but let's turn it on see if it works all right three two one we got life definitely a game inside okay apparently I just don't know what noise I'm listening to when I when I when I put up 360s cuz there's clearly not a game inside all right let's see if this thing works oh we got cheesy go okay Millie Marie Draven or Draven I don't know not a whole lot going on here but let's go and boot up cheesy go see what's up and nothing in BIO Minecraft dance Masters Evolution what is that never heard of that in my life uh last played in 2014 all right uh how about the other guy all right Draven uh he's definitely got a customized Avatar which is cool to see no Xbox Live profile so he doesn't have any of that that history there uh Need for Speed the Run was the last game played Halo 3 ODST Lego Batman 2 and then just a handful of random games like uh assum but in your shape Fe 2012 whatever that is so game's working consol's good to go be again it'll be listed down below for sale and uh yeah pretty good lot of consoles here I'll I'll throw the full profit on the screen I think we have enough now to buy the limited edition console I want to buy uh so we should hopefully see that in a future videos soon guys thanks for watching make sure to tune in for the rest of the Texas the Texas low the rest of the Hampton Hall videos which will be on Wednesday Friday and Sunday throughout December and again guys thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Jacob R
Views: 279,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacob r, jrob gaming, jrob0021, nintendo wii, wii console, should i buy a wii, wii from goodwill, the hampton haul, hampton haul, texas load, the texas load
Id: ghkeXNEHa54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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