PlayStation Media Briefing - Easy Allies Reactions - E3 2018

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but hello and welcome to the easy allies coverage of the Sony press conference III 2018 I'm Kyle Bosch man I'm joined by Ben Moore hello Michael Peterborough ah Bradley Ellis Oh Ian Han Chi over on the switcher Michael Damiani Oh how's it going we don't know how but by him enjoying a salad daniel Bloodworth there are about 45 minutes until the press conference begins we have a lot to talk about leading into it I have a list of big questions I want to ask you all question number one these are tough these are weird last year Sony presented 17 names six of which were VR would expect this year like how many dr.oz leaves and then how many of you are games how many games you think who they are I think you know I think fewer VR games to 19 on VR do montages count they didn't do a montage they didn't include extra games in their montage but if they did Microsoft counts it yes okay 11 the 11 games yeah do you think they'll scale back there's anything I'll show a few times last year yes I think for time with more time with games though that's yeah absolutely there's a lot other than the four deep dives sorry they're doing the four deep dives they're doing for sheep dive hard even for deep dives yes six hours three new VR games just so you think they're still gonna stick with VR and still show us new VR things I hope so can I tell you why I think Ben okay because they already announced Tetris to effect sure and so that would have been a really good one for the press conference vry if you were going to announce a new VR game why wouldn't it be that one do you think is drunken and so I think that kind of booted VR out of the press conference yeah I think they're putting a lot of the press cards to be honest with you I think so too so yeah cool that was a good big question my question the panel is there any more room for another triple a exclusive game to be announced tonight it's a pointer so uh sorry exclusive name-o what going to is it room for that yeah no yeah we just saw sick there's always room for yeah there's no way that Sonia showing all their cards right they've gotta have something oh is that for real birds Maria said that like a year and a half make sure we know runs secured oh and we know theoretically the other one could be chaos wolf whatever metal middle of chaos doesn't count as a gown that's absolutely no testing well whatever happened that the demon souls - rumor is that is that off the table for anything I think it'd be a remake yeah I mean I guess we could even call it triple a if it happens : world tendency with a question mark how could so many fail what's the worst version of this press conference that it is these four games plus the montages yeah like nothing else that's that's your no surprise maybe disappointed oh yeah it's it's I wouldn't be disappointed I would be surprised which would kind of lead into some disappointment I guess sure because the four games we know we're gonna be there isn't already a win those are four games that I want to take deep dives into yeah so technically it's already a win in that sense because we are seeing those four games but if it's just that it'll be like hmm you know because III is about surprises yep and reveals and that I would like to see something I do think Huber is right that e3 is about surprises but like he said it's already kind of a win to me and so we're talking about absolute failure like sure maybe it won't be as good as some press conferences have been in the past to us but I think the only way that it can be a failure to me is if they promise us deep dives for these games and even just one of them I walk about even being like that was a pretty shallow dive sure that's the deep dives have to be yea really wipe up the big looks no I want it to be meaningful I want to be different than what we've seen before I want you to make a case for the games like fallout 76 last night was not a deep dive that was a medium die yeah I'd say like 6 foot yeah I like we did a cannonball into like a regular sized pool right oh yeah that's gonna be out this year I agree with you if that if it was the same level of that with the last of us - I think that'd be a deep dive sure because I came seems like it's far away next-gen yeah do you think we'll hear about any new annoying exclusives and when I say annoying that to me is exclusive DLC exclusive content like Red Dead Redemption - as exclusive content do you think they'll have more new exclusive content announcements tonight I'm hoping not I'm hoping and I mean like they still got like a dozen t to deal like I'm expecting to see more like just need to like if you get this admit what about black ops for yeah cuz we haven't seen Call of Duty yet so right totally games you're leveling out they had exclusive content before and so it is a question because black ops for now all their new map packs and everything are free right it's like do I still get an early on PlayStation you get battle royale it could be like if you creator of PlayStation you get them map early like everybody's gonna get it but you just get it early for I don't know yeah isn't that wrong that's a study that's what you want it's right last big question will Sony mention a next-generation console tonight xbox did yes I think seems like they listen they watch the Xbox stuff and they adapt it will be alluded to yes very very easy so away Sean Layton's t-shirt will have a five but nothing on III he'll reveal I don't think it'll be subtle I think they will get out there and say yeah somewhere in a dark corner we're working on a new Playstation yeah that's all I have to say that's exactly what my moon base I kind of feel though that Microsoft was a dumb theory they brought it up because they expected Sony to mm-hmm right cuz I had nothing to say about there's what they say there they're deep in development on the next-generation console yeah seemed unnecessary to even bring it up sure but I would see it being necessary if Sony's about to say something I'd be like that Saku you I'm going first I would absolutely do that sure let's talk about games I just hope that Sony like that try to cut them sorry I hope that Sony like plants like false false rumors and Microsoft so that if you leave importantly said like hey we're not about to announce a new console and then like a month later they totally go oh yeah that was so funny okay so the four games we're promised to see I expect to see more than these four games but these are the four of deadlocks deaths [ __ ] yeah getting played uh straining gotta be now I got it like apparent like obvious gameplay not like hey that water stuff was game play it's like I would love that to be in the corner of the screen obvious key yeah like a weird hug pops up and it sounds like squiggly lines it's like I know that's nothing jump roping yeah yeah yeah I would love to see a demo I'd love to see just like here is what five minutes of this game looks like yeah rolling here I'm oh man yes yeah what is this a four hour press conference thirty hour per loop in here yeah yeah I'll be in I'll be glued in yeah yeah I mean duh stirring is a huge game Hideo Kojima's been working on it for I just think only three years now yeah and so it's not likely to me that it's coming soon next yeah baby yeah but like to me is I'm shocked that it's in even like a showable version mm-hmm I was shocked how quickly a trailer came out the first trailer was before they even picked an engine and so now we are here not that much long much time after that and we're already hoping to see gameplay of this game seems silly what is it 33 yes this will be its first 33 I think I've had three trailers and one of them was that game Awards do you think it will be something where they'll have a cinematic trailer and then they'll have a separate thing that'll be a break and then we'll see gameplay will it go right into gameplay will be seamless cinematic trailers a lock because Koji has been tweeting out his timelines because if he's been editing I really loved how could you mad at a fan a frame trailer so let's go yeah yeah it's funny he was like chillin like picking out music it showed him like playing some keyboard like it's like just get an idea of the kind of music he wants really yeah Kojima dude yeah so yeah well we're for sure going to get a trailer I truly expect to see gameplay I'm not sure why I expect that because it's so unlikely to have because exactly say it's it to say that the other three games will have gameplay mmm that's a very very safe assumption yeah so yeah I would be a little weird if deaths training didn't I feel like if des training wasn't going to have gameplay they wouldn't have included it in this suite of games sure yeah yeah yeah what you said other games in this suite of games listen to sweet yeah like all them are good it was hard for me to forties a little bit don't trust this was just talking about the Last of Us part two let's to long trailers for this game yeah we have a good idea of what it will look like graphically mm-hmm but we don't gameplay-wise hmm if we see game sure what game play that too maybe that's their play maybe that's their players game extended gameplay of all four of these games that's what I expect yeah yeah yeah I would love a mention of multiplayer as well because Last of Us has a really awesome multiplayer it does I would love to to for that to just be acknowledged but also yeah I want to I want to see just a uncut segment drop us into the world yeah how has this improved since last of us one since uncharted 4 let it speak for itself yeah go ahead like searches and roars crafts yes I'm going to watch I'm willing to watch an extra chance as long as normally she doesn't have to make shifts why because she didn't before Oh in the DLC yeah menace well he had infinite ships her shoot because she was a weaker character no he's gonna have weapons you're gonna have to crash shows again yeah crafting ships yeah I just like I think it's fair coz they're basically one-hit kill yeah yeah the clickers a knife that's like a two hit kill different you know Cleo's gonna grab you after you want to see some hammer kills over under six hammer kills hammer a big sledgehammer no they were hammered oh yeah okay okay you're gonna see both sides you're gonna see the smash the staff that you can be specific with your weapons and so I'm gonna make sure I was I called a nail Ripper that side of the hammer yeah what's that side of the hammer I like a ripper oh that's great - dude maybe yo also great - I could see the hammer having more utility it just kills what if a hammer can like like open uh like grated up windows or crates or something that the hammer is like really a part of it I would love if she just smashes a clicker in the face then goes right into in one motion like setting up a board yeah she's very handy and just like fixes some things yeah yeah yeah I mean do you expect me go out geeks like me walk by that game after today yeah if you're gonna date III I expect to be one yes okay I drum every Wow Druckman has been tweeting so many teases just like counting down just like one week away you know six days like counting down the days some quotes okay he would like tweet some quotes just uh from characters in the game I think yeah no contest no no there are some people that you see in real life and you can just you can almost smell the passion on them I remember when we were in the like Sony press area and he came up to us he's like hey he's really cool he was just so excited to talk about anything yeah she's not you know like stuff like you just love get yeah we're talking Evo ever yes which is really cool third game we're gonna talk about guaranteed deadlock is spider-man just a game called spider-man it's a spider web it's an exclusive bite of a game from insomniac developing a game in which you're spider-man in New York City so all oh it deaths trainings not exclusive well we see but the other is so weird I think it might be it's so because we use Amy at launch the what's it called decima engine um which is owned by gorilla which is won by Sony so like I think it might be exclusive forever it's it's always been unclear to me I think what are they originally in Latin launch announced it is like first on PlayStation but I think over time it's become like just the PlayStation exclusive that game crate chat please correct us because that is one that we do want to get right sir knees working on it too it me sir knee was involved with engine stuff yeah yeah exclusive yeah that's nuts these four these four games being exclusive to the PlayStation is huge yeah they're like incredible game it's it is weird that all four of these are gonna be in one III it's like they should have been stretched out over four years but instead they're all in one spider-man is the only one of these that we have seen an extended gameplay trailer of I won't even call it trailer like last year we saw a gameplay demo of spider-man yeah we saw it stealth enough we saw him doing that some characters streaking some guys up fighting a boss so we wouldn't even have to show that you're Parker what I want it what's he gonna go Peter partners yes close yeah working working to deliver its delivery job no isn't a dull alright I don't want to see I want to see some like photography mechanic mechanic yes yes what are we talking about that word as Peter Parker yeah but if you see a crime you have a choice between taking pictures Peter Parker's earn money or stopping the situation as spider-man to earn like status as spider-man want the grading criteria for photos to be extremely well your framing is a little odd well it's where everybody else does does he like he attaches his crying Roger sets it up for himself and he's like he's that good and superhero to know like where he's gonna be in focus in front of the lens to make sure the action happens right there early and when you leave his office you hear from your playstation controller that's pretty good but I can't let it go to his head spider-man I expect to see Shara tog Rafi yeah cool maybe some new villains I hope I look goblin dude I don't want to see more of this you're negative yes yeah yes I always loved and romantic photos still at dressed as spider-man like he kind of like moved bang up and likes an interview I always like I get a kick out of it do you think we'll see alternate costumes in action ooh no I think we will see like maybe at the end like a series but I don't think we'll see it in the trailer despite it might have a date a hard date or you guys still tweet you know it does september 4th 4th or 14 i think is after dragon okay then it's the seventh Dragon Quest is the fourth and then spider-man is the seventh again chat let us know it's right now September 7th September 7 so then yeah they're gonna show up they're gonna don't want us they're gonna show us this constant yeah I guess done yeah who's polish yeah just polishing it up yeah they get very cagey when you mention miles they showed it like that was the tag of last year's track as like what was that about Easter Egg of course yeah so cursor orb don't wearing there for sure yeah they're like no leg there make a court doll or something yeah yeah you know an uncharted where you have that scene with a very famous musician oh so I'm okay with some if somebody else does that yeah it's a whole world is lastly last of the four ghosts of Tsushima this is from Sucker Punch who traditionally makes infamous games and Sly Cooper before that in tourism India um this game looks crazy again we have not seen gameplay of this I think hints of gameplay in the darkness like flashes down stab mm-hmm so like more more than the Last of Us part 2 is shown anyway but again I would just like we just love to see some yeah demo of the scene walking around explore in Japan stuff like that yeah stuffing around get some kills yeah yeah I want to see if it's gonna be just right open-world action or there's gonna be like some kind of town mechanic or like civilian NPCs how threatening is this world is more than neo type thing where it's like I figured everyone is sketchy supernatural I think it's not supernatural is very yeah that's a reaction but I want to series I wanna see how it how it like in-between combat how that plays out yeah yeah watching watching the trailer I really do think that there's either going to be you're gonna pick a class and focus on a specific role like more of a samurai type character or more of a ninja type character or what would also be really cool is if you could easily switch between them depending on what your objective was it got to go inside of a manner to assassinate somebody you could be a ninja up if you had to go out to the field of battle you could be a samurai whatever dude yeah it's the same thing they just like that good morality choice is tied to your character class yeah yeah I'm gonna story cuz like full evil my feeling on the story is like your town probably gets burned by angles and then you go on a quest like it's at revenge mission we know that it's pretty much confirmed yeah and he's the ghost the ghost Association yeah we left there for samurai samurai ways behind because it's not worth it for us anymore we just want revenge let's play a fun game among those four games which are you most excited about and then I want to check in after the press conference so again des training last was partnered with spider-man goes to sushi mother already are we ordering them like doing I just want your number one they're all for very close yeah and ghosts of Tsushima is extra close but death stranding for me okay and ice been here I picked last of us without hesitation no hesitation bread go sushi nice good good righty Ian I think I'm I'm kind of with Ben I think go sushis Tsushima and destiny are almost tied but for me I think it goes des training goes cool I don't know what has to go notice this issue blood you want to get them on this sure the four games sony has confirmed stranding spider-man Tsushima Last of Us Josef's Aegina my boy bulletproof tell me honey we got suppose we see gameplay varieties I would have picked spider-man with this training okay can you like no troll why are you so excited as you and Jones are like out of your mind for spider-man my name is my favorite superhero okay and so to have a game just called spider-man just simply spider-man nice play around web of shadows just like just did like be in this world where they just wanted to make a spider-man game is so exciting to me yeah just pedigree the developer at great day over there there are a lot of superheroes I think you can make a game out of where if somebody asked you why are you excited about this game it wouldn't be I want to see him interact with all the characters because it's really funny and Woody it and and cool with spider-man like yes you get to have the awesome superpowers you get to do incredible things you get to swear around the sweet city but this is also just a really funny witty character that's fun to watch him interact and that's awesome so we we asked each other I asked the panel how how this presentation could fail to me if we don't see Resident Evil 2 it's a failure we probably walk out yeah we'll just leave those thanks for watching I haven't seen Resident Evil we'll walk we won't do a show yes we'll say 0 out of 10 they may stop this dream yes I will be devastated yes either will not have been all it could've I am so thirsty I am wandering in the desert with no water I'm so thirsty that a single screenshot would say she ate me they say this is all we have yeah Hubert this is all guys literally when one screenshot is all I'm asking for if it's a title screen not a title speech really every tweet that they tweet people spam residue to stuff yeah yeah everyone is Loughran motifs where there's no title screen there's no screen shot but a man in a liquor costume on all fours just runs across the stage and that's all weekend it's like weird maybe arresting you you see images all over there all the board's ambushed completely ignore like something just comes out yeah I mean here I expect to see more than a screenshot I expect to see some Resident Evil to remake it's for some I expect a shadow drop I am NOT a bat of something but I mean like why not where the hell is it why have they been served why I sent him for it resemble seven did it resin will - had a demo dating back to resin evil director's cut it's been about three years now listen a demo shadowed yeah demo yeah been over three years now and there hasn't been any concrete information now is the time great out now is the time a demo for sure I think I mean reso seven did so really obscene on oh yeah that crazy to ask Capcom that's what they like to do and I love that resin evil seven was also like hey and it's February of next year yeah yes yes yes close window plus windows lower our shadow drop conversation when it first started with these yellows was like yeah shadow ops are really cool and it's awesome talk about black ops for it's something again I think it's almost like that yeah I'd love to see the Battle Royale oh yeah I went to do I know but sometimes it sounds gruesome get it first their time yeah it's impossible right and this would be cool thing to show off in a press conference I guess this is like a half troll but we were talking before but if playstation allstars would ever come back we didn't mention the possibility of a PlayStation all-stars battle royale oh I had a pitch for Henry it was an episode after because it was a lot of it while I was driving right it's a hundred different Sony characters so you just randomly get a parabola or you randomly get some Killzone guy and you just gotta roll with it you have those abilities of that character I'm so i running yeah they have like abilities yeah and it's like not balanced at all so not bad don't like parappa just gets plastered yeah my goodness Dead Redemption - is not a lot better rail or or let us know what the the single-player operator think is gonna be they said you know expect to see stories about the operators but I still think it's multiplayer all those stories happen within the multiplayer I thought it was gonna be like a separate little challenge mode type thing or then I hope they show it to us yeah exactly yeah I want to know what it is great um yeah makes sense to me humor that's a big troll account thanks for the verified before I said there was actually anything that didn't see this chat didn't see we're getting don't worry you didn't see that chad wolf i think it might happen i think i might have to think it's red alert about to yeah you'd be pretty rad you got these missions you get him on stage gameplay gameplay this time it's time for the deep dive it's time over we haven't seen like we've seen more of other games that come out after october than we've seen of that game three story trailers last story trailer kinda had some hints of gameplay hmm it's time uh and GTA 5 showed up the remaster showed up at e3 yeah so let's get trailer yeah I love that Charlie the music yeah the song was really cool and there goes the first person it showed the wildlife and the extra traffic yeah you know everyone says a rockstar doesn't show up but the fact that GTA 5 showed up yeah kind of set you know was that held the door open that was the most recent race it was a trios for the remaster this argument that could be made that kind of they're the little things that they've done in III over the years means that maybe they were warming back up to it yeah or is that is that reaching a little bit too much no I but I think it's I think it's back to our shady deals yeah sure I think it's Sony just like hey be really nice if we could have a trailer for our press conference and tell me I feel like with that game in particular is in a position where they would pay up big time because it's going to play best on xbox honestly so they need to now is the time for them to be like hey PlayStation exclusive stuff exclusive missions see it here you know yeah that is why I expect to see more annoying exclusive is because they have a disadvantage for the next door at least yeah yeah so they shadow drop the PS 5 tonight yeah I can't buy that right now yeah credit cards maybe okay anyone okay and so those are the ones that I'm like pretty sure we'll see I want to move into like things that are kind of unlikely and if you have them kind of spit them out as we do so we're like 19 minutes and there's one really important so for real let's talk about Splinter Cell we didn't see that Ubisoft we totally expected to see it they're like Walmart Canada League yeah yeah I still think they know what it's a Loch Ness a lot every other game on that Walmart Canada yeah came is gonna happen this means you've got you ever had a really good idea Ubisoft is like hey since it got leaked you know let's try to rebuild this surprise and the excitement by not having our own press conference will show it at Sony and then people will still be surprised let's go brutal I did so writing notes yeah running to done like it like that's yeah yeah I do I think Huber I totally forgot about the leak cuz I was wondering like why that's such a lock in her like what it was the DLC for it was all over Canada thing yes unless it got really cute and started putting out like fake leaks after they felt bad I mean most of them came true make up one because Purcell I guess it's a possibility but yeah I'd love to see the trailer for that I'd love to see what actual Sprinter cell is I don't expect it this year anymore because Assassin's Creed is this here yeah so I expect all of your 2019 whereas previously I thought that might be one of the old Ubisoft same year release I don't expect that anymore do we think we'll see gameplay of Devil May Cry 5 so they actually showed off some gameplay it's a day they wear if they had like an Xbox thing and I believe they were showing off some games like well I want to be careful here I haven't watched it myself it's just people were messaging me Damiani people have had it said that apparently they came out and said that it would be playable at Gamescom that messaging and if they did show or any show at earlier today I don't expect it I'm not ready to be played so yeah even be this press conference which is a bummer there's two other big let Ben go because he's someone that he really want oh yeah oh the the one that I really liked on there yeah I guess you for likely the Mortal Kombat anytime Liu Kang is III it's just Charlie vibes Liu Kang's and that been out for a while yeah coming back like you know what we've we've done scorpion sub-zero Lucas yep Shaolin monk is just there by himself no you just fighting someone yeah who's he fighting with Shang Tsung we revived the other rivalry you know Luque Shang Tsung yeah I'm ready for it i'm ready for Mortal Kombat's it's just like it's kind of me like a perfect kind of III game or it's just like it's not something we have to like quietly pay attention to just like no sheesh we're just shouting the whole time you know yes do it they make their own veal trailers that way you don't you don't need to sit and have a long conversation just be like oh that's a show we'll do something like oh he's a Mortal Kombat yeah yeah yeah yeah there's not much news me said but it's a a lot needs to be felt I just yeah I Mortal Kombat please feel the kill keeper what's your other one you got to there's uh two studios that have been quiet for a little while hmm one of them is a big one and you know we're going with this let's get into it Rocksteady what so much about - what are they up to yes what are they doing 2015 was Arkham night 2016 was Batman VR yes or is it a Justice League game is it a Suicide Squad game is it a Superman game nobody knows yes now it's the time me three yes you are like I'm thinking like through the scenario of it being a Superman game and I'm gonna frown at first because if it's Superman it's like okay yeah why like Rocksteady gets the benefit of the doubt for sure of course so I'm not out immediately but like you have to prove why you wanted to make a superman game who are you how do you envision that it's so hard to envision a Superman game that's why there aren't a lot of them with their space and planet yeah yeah like like like I saw a tweet that said an open universe Superman game right and just flying through that's what I wanted to touch on because I think if you just show Superman beating up thug that's interesting because obviously it's not very advantageous if you could have an action game a superhero action game where you see Superman fighting constantly people that are on the same level and you're hopping from planet to planet getting an even bigger challenge that you go on wait because isn't he powered by the Earth's Sun yeah that's that's a way the positive thing to look at it suicide squad man you got again you got a lot to prove if you do Harley Quinn with pink and blue again like No pump the brakes black and red please I would love for them to do a Batman Beyond game that's my dream oh but if they don't go down that route I would love for I would love for them to start out with Batman and then it goes to somebody else and it's like you know it's actually this person's game you know yes we know it's Rocksteady we see Batman will call another our commune other Batman game and it's like nope no we're he's like he's like watches the bad guy go off into space what's the other studios remedy yes has been mi a since quantum break yes they are rumored to be working on something and who knows what with I see honestly my ideal remedy appearance is there showing the DES training trailer and you see Kojima Productions a little flash and then it fades and you see that's what I would want yeah I think that it's not gonna happen this is nonsense yeah but I just I like remedies right yeah yeah what are you like what would you say remedy is good at storytelling mmm like single-player narrative-driven action is their thing they always have a really great action you know quantum break was it extremely well received but the action and the mechanics in there were so sound and so great I also think remedies good at cheekiness and humor that cheekiness and humor really yeah is always like the radio's yeah in Alan Wake you you meet these guys that are like this this like Viking metal band and they're like over the hill dudes and they're just a lot of fun to hang around and they have goofy characters that's really let in the load I think a lot of times you don't you picked a bad point to take a set the dreams I expect to see I see some oh yes oh yeah maybe a release date for dreams it's it's that was erected in three dreams right we're not there yeah like final five minutes dream yes dreams is a big weird experimental creative video game with like Ableton Live built into it yeah everything built into it it's insanity the best way to show off this game is a long demo I'm just kind of scared it's gonna get booted because it's not like of that caliber of the other games sure I'm imagining that dreams might get cut tonight it's the thing or hmm dreams gets released it's not ready not ready sorry it's a good shadow drop I mean here's the deal though with dreams like you're right it's it's really hard to demo because you need an hour-long live stream to demo it yeah the way to demo it is to get people playing here's what a demo that they release or the game just comes out I don't know here's what I think wait there's actually a pretty good chance that we see dreams is if you look at the lineup that we have right now just ranting bus was part to Spider Man ago Tsushima at least three of those are very very serious and I do think just for the sake of the show dreams his dreams is kind of like a fun thing to include oh yeah lighten things up a bit shooting blood-borne two a little sec here oh yeah like I like concrete jungle I like I don't expect to see concrete jungle here that was the game announced at PS X and while they announced in like the weirdest way right it was a weirdest way to announce that for show yeah it's just like the poor game had to shoulder a lot of weight but it probably should have been have been in on his shoulders mom there was another like Sony game that I don't expect to see o days gone yeah I expect a quick trailer in there somewhere after a big for I think after a big deep dive you know if we have a big conversation with the developer from one of the big four yeah little days gone trailer okay boom next big dive kind of somewhere in there cuz it's weird I mean like we have these four huge exclusives days gone is a huge exclusive what it's like not part of the club yeah you give me a game informer the week the month before but now like crazy to me you know maybe three moments true to e3 yeah last year was a pretty big gameplay demo actually so yeah you're right they've had their chance and their debut they like open and closed the show right or like yeah it was like here's more days but here's a trailer and then a gameplay thing you know what I think that right there humor is a lot of why I have bad feelings about days gone was just that disappointment of and here's more days gone that was such a bad way to end a press combination hasn't left me since then it's very funny Final Fantasy 7 remake are we seeing that I'm choosing to believe you are choosing you plot I'll never give up see there's no way I'm never giving up now at e3 baby maybe it's here is energy rubbing off and it's before this press conference every dream is a reality yes yeah yeah okay all right oh yes like gameplay though right oh yeah yeah we got a square-enix pre-show we're like here's exactly what to show exactly that I said earlier this is me that it's gonna be there what's the smile of the man in front of the monitor it's his face it's I know it's coming that's what it is wait who's the man remember that cheeky like the there at the workplace you could see told me with his eyes yes that it is going to be he's like just wait yeah it's marvelous yeah it's marble if you have no idea how marvelous this is while ian is doing some research why not bring up such easy allies you see allies we actually talk about video games all year long not just during e3 we do this all year long we do podcast we do reviews let's review have you check out the YouTube channel we do lots of streaming right here on slash easy eyes but it all exists because of our patreon so you could help us out if you go to thing we do and you'll see how you can help us cool let us we're gonna transition into dreams it's it's nuts go baby is it too early to see the last one is it too early to see anything from guerrilla game so this is not a dream no it is so last year we saw they had a big trailer for the DLC frozen wild yeah yeah that's next year dude so yes five is there any chance or more DLC or do they come out and save frozen wilds is gonna be it I think we're done I think they've done am I ready to pick up after that okay well actually like it's weird frozen wild doesn't really change the ending of we have such a good relationship with Kojima right now I wonder if they're working on their next game and also kind of just lending a hand to death stranding you know I like to see that that studio cross-collaboration but for sure they are not yeah oh man and here it does happen a lot where you're surprised are like oh they're making two games right now that happens all the time so okay maybe gorilla can announce a game would you be bummed if it's kills him no I like Killzone I think it's too early to go back yeah shadow fall was my least favorite of the kill zones I would like to see a new IP or more horizon so waiting up the inner horizon man we got more horizon see ya bang give me a dream give me like a best-case scenario this is the thing that I would just love to see tonight honestly it's caught between two mortal kombat is definitely one that I would love to see yeah but now the idea is planning the brain finally I see seven riemeck that's what I want that's my dream do you see what do you see what are you envisioning when you think of like this is what I want to see out of Final Fantasy 7 remake what are you looking at right now um I imagine we see more of the beginning of the game okay right at the start of the trailer I'm hopping off the train and it's like yeah we're having of the Train we'll say we're seeing more of what we've already seen oh no a sudden a minute passes uh-huh and we jump forward disc 2 Oh then just Surrey yeah sit we were like we're hanging out said right now that ship is launching yes okay yes the crater we should plot in a wheelchair for a brief second past a brief second and then we see a release day yeah I mean this was Damiani dream that it's all it's not gonna be shot or blu-rays I love that oh this is funny this is just a hot scoop from Damiani if we want to see photos of inside the venue yeah I think rise now honey I have heard it's weird I have heard it's gonna be very unusual this year okay I think it's white Damiani this better not be couches on that stage I think the couches yeah I think I think it's gonna be weirder than couches with you or hit me with the between baby hammocks so it's resonable - yes it it's on it it's still a dream at this point you know it's been years and years and years the ultimate ultimate dream to spice it up would be a demo shadow drop that nothing dream big nothing could get me more excited than playing Resident Evil 2 remake tonight no play it was so big right now so if we get if we will demo tonight we'll play alive on on stream yes I could have met Hubert I can imagine them like announcing a demo for Ezio to remake and you like rip off jumps on the table yeah we could go nuts yeah Bradley is your dream I have the obvious phone at 7:00 Oh give you one more yeah give me a bonus dream I'll give you both dreams since we don't know what he's doing or if he's doing a game I want to see what you wait his next project would be yeah I don't think I said in the reason Baldry that's why I want to see Mike you like a hint or dance dude looks like we're starting don't you - Shirley did we get a last-minute dream or second-row blood work - Tommy and I left in a dream Genna brothers last-minute dream Shenmue 3 babies game oh good Dreamcast max volume please don't not maximum this baby yeah that's a human being of the playing dreams so what does she have in her hands what's she doing past robot bones hmm oh well begin short oh okay cool I think they do yeah we call it press conference press event I mean I could watch these guys for three more minutes actually I'm gonna play them on some eye drops drop I need eye drops I need eye drops do it I think there was a name for a bit later see I did possible I named them give these guys names motion lady I did I'm gonna call the guy with guitar TWiki with all the little circle thing on the left fumble oh I like that a lot donal and the left one is bumble I'm gonna cover right I'm gonna collapse or acne zorak Zora Bumble and Zora sure his face ghost bags thank you fumble left oh yeah what's that one called Ian keys keys I love it and he's looking for his key he lost his keys playing the key hmm Damiani I'm good to go I one can be sure to meet in the middle Ruby to be I was thinking too me too oh then deadly and then last one is to be to be to be to be just name one oh no he's totally just on this little rocking chair tapping his foot what do we name phone girl I called the compulsion I can't remember the name of that game though don't that compulsion contra contrary I like calling her compulsion waiting memories like she can't fight her compulsion yeah I gotta say this is starting the event off in a weird tone there's a hard cut graphic material that's us rated R everybody Courte Oreilles miss attacks is the best against the best every season coming oh yeah that's is this viruses this this fulfilled your obligation for the coming Sunday for those of you need to know that but thank you nervous think my amount of its service it's great to see the congregation as large as it is tonight under this single tent and for those of you who may be a bit apprehensive because you remember that movie Kingsman huh like I know the color seems awesome in that way yeah so again thank you and as you can see here again at PlayStation we've decided to mix it up a little bit and the way that we're doing our e3 presentation this year you know we look at what the stories have we tell to tell and and the things that we want to impart to our fans here with us and their fans on the live feed worldwide and that changes our design design ideas around what we can do for this show so tonight we're going to have rather than a bombardment of new creative we're going to take all of you on a journey deeper into some of the key titles we've talked about they're horrible we'll talk about them in wait tonight a deeper way so you can learn about what's going on with these games and what's coming up in the future you know what we looked at here at worldwide studios with inside Sony interactive entertainment we really want to take our love for gaming and make it sing and make it sing very loudly it's a gaming industry at some times called but certainly inside our studios we see gaming as a vocation it's a calling it's what we do it's what we have to do our teams our creatives and Studios and designers they have stories to tell and things they want to show you in places they like to take you that's what we're trying to do here at PlayStation this coming year is going to be all about those kind of games that we can deliver to you in a way that's going to blow your minds and tonight we beginning here in this tent we've this church time we've created here in Los Angeles to let you start that journey with us and let us tell you our stories for the next hour or so so without further ado it is my persona I think it's only four years by a unique privilege I'm to invite to this terrified Gustavo son 3000 possible soon what's going down right now the candles man what a weird so it literally is a church that they built inside of ten feeling the notes [Music] [Music] to take chances man I do yeah I really do I think I'm mad I think he could start with this but then Sean Linden comes out and says we want to tell you how much we love games now how much we want to tell stories [Music] it's good music yeah just settle in d-does she could give another game exposure this woman to me is if they are short or it's what they said they were going to do I don't like it when the press conferences are just for this the same time I also think they're trying to be honest [Music] it's very weird this is a weird business is setting the tone for a slow and methodical press conference just settle in yeah do you think those people making cell phone videos will ever watch it again no no so put it down get down fellows [Music] [Music] yeah it's cool use a banjo right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when back home jumped into bed okay Wow got you they got us that's so funny imagine being in the building looks like oh I get it good faces I'm looking nothing bad will happen oh yeah just a happy hoedown better be happy see they're filling in on characters they should already know your old man no I wasn't sure okay what happened another big lecture about my patrols don't go here don't go there funny how the world gets one of your schedule go well yeah she's a but not quite the show hey guys cheese that's good I'm not gonna happen she say something make it one week le yeah what took you so long I'm here aren't I you know Jessie don't forget we leave at first light so get some rest yes sir such a come on would you start with me okay I have a very serious question for you how bad do I smell like a hot pile of garbage oh okay [Music] every guy in this room is staring at here right now [Music] maybe they're staring at you or not [Music] maybe they're jealous of you and just a girl Mothra [Music] I think they should be terrified [Music] [Music] I think this is you terrified of you it's a good cut [Music] HUD's up baby [Music] seems like I'm chatting for bushes was that us whistling too [Music] [Music] [Music] spread out so maybe these guys just go for the stomach that's a thing like they're hanging up yeah it definitely seems religious yeah one arrow [Applause] do you think it was a Dodge booth yeah that's cool yeah we got a donkey here that's a hammer kill yes my hammer kill me [Music] this is how I play yeah just breakaway yeah well she came through here yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love you mistakes this players making it's so cool we're out of everything right now if that Arrowhead you can see that the gun is machete time yep oh that is a big axe this is a Sig man pickaxe we're gonna use that for to kill with that right now antara I love that you don't just immediately pick it up yeah it's really nice animation I hope that the sound of pulling it out can trigger enemies do that yeah I agree four kids in here now [Music] [Music] so yeah what's like a Chevy can be used like seven times can you repair it [Music] Wow these are cute animations bejust yeah the pain in his face man we're picking that up [Music] you think me transition to cutscene there I think for the sake of the deep dive we did that yeah it's lead to flawless right he should be terrified you [Music] and you got a smile after all that so much detail yeah so since that was about 15 minutes I'm gonna say we gotta lock in our expectations of only seeing three more games oh yeah because then we're going to talk to director for a while the animations are sorry Ari - Wow yeah it was impressive oh it's like one that's like weird like watching frame by frame oh my gosh yeah like I've just never seen like place like that just like no case from that begin and everything a guy and he's just like what he's on the ground and it's like moving through the blood that was a new look at the last of us a helper - were here alive in Los Angeles at the PlayStation III showcase we're taking a quick intermission while folks move along to the next part of the experience we'll have a little bit more mr. Shue yeah I'm good it's such a pleasure to be here at the place to showcase resumes and guests for joining us about world mr. Shawn Layden powerful start with Naughty Dog these guys need no introduction indeed and I'm curious from your perspective where is their head at when it comes to the skin whether Chris are headed I mean they are they're everywhere they're looking at them we can do the next iteration over the last of a series and I think we saw a temptation content was so that's powerful I mean the whole thing going into their play all the stops over no I'm gonna have a very broad and ranging game that's not gonna make you only only work at it as a player but you're gonna have to just think as a person which way you're coming up against I can't wait to see more of that was first game played we saw their car - looking obviously incredible and speaking of incredible I mean worldwide studios lately has just been unbelievable horizon had gone war which needs no introduction in Detroit become human I mean what is the secret and what are you doing over there at worldwide studios what's going on there the rule number one is do no harm a lot of ways my job is just to move the boulders out of the road to make sure that creative talent can get where they need to go you know provides backup provide scope you know provide generalized you know advice about where we can take this as an industry and as honestly we've got 13 sunshine alive we try to give them as much studios I think right now certainly yeah that's great to hear that and it has to do with God of War you know it's a celebrated game it's sold extremely well it has a huge legion of fans and one of the things I wanted to mention was you know I get a lot of tweets about new game+ real-time feedback alright from the fans in the cavity take it all seriously and New Game+ was something that came through really strong really hard - that kind of feedback loop and I'm happy to say today that the teams are working on it and we should have some more updates on that we'll put that through the blog but it's gonna happen all right that someone is someone who miraculously Finbar God of War right when I rolled at home that makes me very happy I will somehow kind of scary I will find he wasn't watching ok let's sleep but yeah thank you so much on and it's great to hear that you and the amazing team at Santa Monica studio are making that if we can create functionality and features I love people spend more time in the worlds we build that's by definition a good thing excellent fantastic is a New Game+ that is confirmed that is coming to Ghana for have full details on PlayStation Blog shortly we have a lot more to talk about - yeah and actually Sean I wanted to ask you about that about a month ago a little bit's wondering what the process was tell and the way it's going to be expressed and what they got of it it's a really wide range of titles there anything from plan was to just right now through des trending and in spider-man and ghost so wait this year I wanted people to what in the world to have some wonderful and we in the showcase later tonight do you have any personal games that you're most excited about well they're all fabulous and I think the teams are really crushing it right across the board better now but one thing I would say is there's one of the games that we're having out today that will be playable in three months and available in stores and that's our favorite webslinger of course spider-man so we're gonna see a lot of that tonight and I think the folks at home should be happy with what they're gonna get awesome Thank You Sean Sean thank you so much for dropping by continues few min in the meantime we have to have some other updates for you while we wait don't pick it off with a look at the latest from the world of Call of Duty okay what okay Charlie Joe let's hype yeah cool cuz this trailer and nothing else gonna happen I don't think so okay I haven't seen take a core music video right here one of the greatest lumps all right this is unrealistic penetrating pioneering just chaotic how many firing ranges are the equivalent duty black ops 3 only when you pre-order call of duty black ops for the showcase making their way to Call of Duty for this October on launch day but what we just learned here is that those maps those classic maps are coming to black ops 3 as well for those who pre-order black ops forum PlayStation Store doing a surprise PlayStation Plus game drop and that is going to be black ops 3 black ops 3 is coming a PlayStation Plus later tonight span of five days a lot of great stuff announced that take a quick look back at the highlights yeah here it's funny that like cards and people are gonna be able to see that weird story for the first time yeah don't don't skip it Android's Sony Tetris [Music] right now yeah this is yo Kyle this game yeah do you think Waze will play this no he only likes game boy he's not he's alive he's good they put that video on they're always so yeah see ya yeah [Music] Samer how dumb though I don't know like hey it's a little too stacked so we have to make these announcements during the week few minutes away from the e3 PlayStation showcase I mean oh and we could see the crowd is seated okay so this next franchise boasts a huge loyal community of nearly 6 billion hours incredible staff yeah they play that intentional leg that won't panic the wrong pattern I think it's on Twitch I do my heart attack I mean better now no it's gonna keep happening oh wait one of you two is well yeah we love you what are they talking about was any alien ours yeah fortnight fortnight yeah we haven't seen fortnight [ __ ] she doesn't need to be seen of course there we go loyal community of nearly six hours right now everyone in chat if there are some things that machine please don't leak it to them why is this stupid particular this destination invest yeah I like the idea but this is a prison dummy school the Corolla he's trying to different screen just a couple victims of this mini destiny trailer totally nice next time so these like this is all these famous criminals are busting out of here promise thank you was the name of the name in the expansion she did he's dead tell us you know what he'll be back I'll be funny he's a Roman [Music] that woman is I got a time to explain light enough time [Music] you'll see her in destiny - yeah it looks really good there's a lot of buzz and guess what if you're ready we are really seconds away from the rest of Playstations III showcase thank you so much for watching we've got a lot more in store tonight but for now I think it's almost time it's almost time should we get to it I think why keep people waiting let's get to we have so much great cover okay oh my gosh seriously mm again it'll be so fun I appreciate appreciate it why not because we would miss this let's skip ahead we don't know what else we don't know we have no idea let's give it a use more music if we're gonna do a dream I'll get twitch and see if it switches hey this is d3 write it out a little bit I just appreciate it did let's go see sushi we figured no this is a different room next time they cut to the desk to this game [Music] yeah true connected to everyone interconnected I probably would've been there two boys I'm ready you ready for this Marco probably felt were any more of this instrument [Music] yeah man it doesn't look like a ps4 to me [Music] at least one there okay it's an algorithm how funny maybe if they drop illegally I'll leaves on the audience like my girl okay let's go walk nein nein goodness ing dust that gets me yeah I do you think it's day/night cycle like you have a time limit I don't my god if there if there was risk of time yeah lightning returns oh let's go I looked at two times like mistakes are raising as you play through the game it's like things aren't getting better things it might not be like a time limit though it might just be like it's daytime still yeah I'd like that oh yeah I'm just hanging out it's obscene grasslands I'm just just having lunch yep go on wow this compression no I want to see this I know okay come we have blazing fast enough I mean it's gonna be yeah you think they'll be an option for Japanese yeah yeah I knew your what are you doing that you say what no don't you say I do circle brother sorry this is what I've handled slow start get on our horse go and do some missions with you too dude yeah let's shout a colossus a goal I'm gonna pay with this being a slow game no I got to see some kills oh yeah you whispers intimate to the guy he's killing take those Mongols [Music] this is Israel right now that is the [Music] yes you're late you're impatient oh the bastards beat me to him now they're torturing him at the temple come on quest marker they're here just go so it's clear we need to dig maybe they just turn the hut off I hope not but you're right here with a toy put on the game will be like go rescue the month with no noise yeah no remember cycle bridge they killed him I'm starting to think being insanely boring between demos was intentional damn just sheathing a samurai sword [Music] [Music] oh yeah Arkham Knight stuff yeah yeah that's what we wanted to do in this video game stab someone throw paper wall right there every time Moscow stand aside Jin what's Loreen my family what if you die mom we fight Mongols win no quarrel they already won No [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] do macam yes these close out this game looks so good give me [Music] while the leaves [Music] looks like maybe there's like a high-low yeah yeah right yeah looks like I'd like a tech in Camarillo [Music] they're coming that's our enemy well [Music] [Music] [Music] Anakin Skywalker right here yes [Music] together good damn Wow yeah yes yes I guess we just don't put dates on these if they're not sure yet I think that's just what we do now I want to know more a little more a chain casualty oh thanks hey thanks drink your hands go get those made in dreams that's a smart way to incorporate your insolence who are you yeah who are you is this an actual first time what is this yeah yeah I think that's I think you're right you might think so one of the guns is high-tech it's a shifting place this looks sweet yeah rules and rituals [Music] this is something this is something [Music] section remedy yep datura he sniffed it well done Bloodworth yes the Bloodhound yeah that sense of smell has to be it does it's one a million percent remedy this is like quantum break second chance addition oh you messed up this Sid come back control control yeah people are stoked up - they trick my lawn boys some sort of rats game or tiny Oh was that a skirt how does that work mine is in my account and don't make my mistake Oh if you see one of those things uniform or not you do not hesitate Wow you surprised you made it this far lean in for my extraction [Music] my god will you course Wow my flawless execution that is insanely the hit shows a modernization yeah I was like Hubert gotta let you pick it up first come on sing [ __ ] dogs and the co-creator of Morty hey what's up everybody I'm bathtub guy we're here at e3 to take some look dawg this is ours I'm the bathtub guy I'm always in my bathtub Parkin Facebook updates oh my god somebody call seven-11 because that's that emergency dial number for this in this weird get part of the galaxy because this is a sci-fi inside thing because we're talking to you [Music] my voice I can get the face of artists [Applause] to be pirates again like this that Brad swirl shame we don't have a bigger ship Oh pirates three oh wow looks so good [Music] yes it does [Music] [Music] [Music] Cygnet this for last it's a good costume to underwater Wow [Music] somebody isn't running at like 15 frames yeah so they got that delay yeah you back in the organization yes Jack don't you give this creep the time of day [Laughter] offers fabulous [Music] children a gap between evil and one package wow I was a good trailer good this conference turned around yeah the were playing they went from like totally really good good job the industry Oh reaches the manhandle eaters cheers counsel Sergey so you have to like me towards our doctor level I've got the extinction factor but I think you got me beat you can see them right no but I can sense I'm gonna come work for me must be tough out here on your own I'm in the circus I'll help you with that I make deliveries that's all [Music] [Music] that looks larger yeah [Music] Oh it's more beautiful than I thought it'd be yeah [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] get the handprints on it Wow it makes deliveries and I think we just like that's the total at the end of the day get this hands all over you it small huh cool [Music] this is your hands alert there [Music] we got a heavy load here the good place yeah [Music] I just have a different hair yeah he would pins it back sometimes I will give you mine and death no I like allergic reaction there's the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's so cool [Music] headed into town but yourself those things never stay gone for them the time for fast-forwards whatever it touches but it can't wash everything away the pastor's won't they go I'll see you around Sambora bridges just honest my status is [ __ ] there's possible and you stopped the light no they're closing in on my position I have to move before they realize I'm in here [Music] I got an idea [Music] [Music] sorry those are the babies become [Music] [Music] what I would say this game is I know [Music] come on his mouth again and attention oh yeah [Music] No [Music] dang he says I have an idea just wanders off and it's nap time fold away I get it just showing off his faces there you still don't know who I am do you who are you who's Lindsay Wagner colonizer it's face tech dude it's funny to see the whales which is like weird s training comes from [Music] Wow Wow Oh inspiring yeah that was dead or alive or something else Oh [Music] is this Anil - yeah yeah well it's going ours did you guys do what go back yeah why why why why we can't see anything oh we got a shot these when you come that beast that's so cool music defy death I know what back into me oh yeah oh my gosh I think the seat will be much better I think they kind of recycled stuff near the end because a budget yeah now they got a hit no no your or anything on that though I would have liked that boys off okay that time oh my god he was a surprise for me scoop the showcase yeah is ramping up temper eats it's ramping up January 24th City 2019 oh yeah correct that's the marvel cinematic universe science uh spider-man Coco already here yeah great Electra we're doing well let's go maybe it's not as experienced it looks bad it's usually worse [Music] using your eye good hug safety was shocker electro electro shockers I want to get the arms okay yeah welcome to the park why is he letting everyone out I'll head for the main control center and see how bad the situation got it I'll go join the party everyone just quietly go back into yourselves we got a meter that fills - okay - right now I wonder why he's got like Ultimates that look super [Music] I think it's right it is yeah new prison break by those talking about what yes me just trapped in a prison with every criminal I put away in the last eight years yeah this must be the cursor six neared let's go whose voice is five minutes Yuri Lowenthal all right our meters full it's glowing we're ready to be something cool let's say that for the right moment no we already did oh all right Spidey could have saved it spend it simpler boss I'm guessing there's like a button you press every time is striking yeah swinging into the trap spider-man huh such a trap this is finger that movement yeah speed it what you move I can't play game is fast [Music] you're off dude video game I want to go back in time and show this to like a three year old bank and you ain't listen man it's like 60 yeah I'm just kind of rest of the game put them back I like that premise on a lot yeah me too and item now is not out of question or maybe if it's intersex we need Doctor Octopus still like all the guys that show the tennis mistakes I guess but communion [Music] one day cool you be nice could you play them in any water after this right [Music] but like whatever choice you make and maybe the others will attack something and there's an opportunity and yeah maybe not next ah yeah something will change how do you like my new suit dashing where'd you get it it's an exclusive club it's doctor yeah yeah Oscorp he mainly suits Oh all of this protect the benefactor yo kill him yeah do this at all you don't want to [Music] this looks so good video game I couldn't imagine a thing then John sighs the stain oh my god whispering in a marital bed is coming out every it's like miles this is something he's gonna have basically kills my brother is mine what Artie no better not be hired oh you mine it's spider-man is who shows up that's my god excellent that's it that probably is it that's probably good yeah that's it Wow Wow all right come on Jim's had a presence there to move on there's a good book coq au vin back I say give me the best cards the Shenmue sorry got a little more to share here coming right up we're gonna have first live gameplay of Marvel's spider-man right here just a couple of minutes see that's a bad game to announce we have some other stuff to talk about okay we'll bring up the volume when anything good shows up you have the volume on that but we have a lot to disseminate there from that very strange press conference super don't be normal by the end yeah I don't know how I feel right now yeah it turned out to be like almost no reason to do that thing to be right and then we shock the audience you're in the movies yeah once we get past that hump though what a hump it was it was a big hump I agree it was a large after the flute they all seemed it didn't get over it before we go into each game let's go back to our little game that we played before we start the song at Prescott how do we do which of the four games are you most excited about then between death stranding the last of us part two spider-man and ghost of Tsushima which are you most excited about oh my god uh I thought all of them showed really well mm-hmm however I think spider-man looked better to me than it ever looked and it's coming out the soonest and so I think that wins my most excited of the floor so Ben is moved from death straining to spiderman humor mm-hmm I mean like less of us is pretty much one of my favorite games of all time so it's gonna be really hard to overtake that yet but I will say that spider-man is making me question strange feelings of you [Applause] still goes absolutely adored it yeah we'll talk more about it in particular in death stranding was my number one before it went up ghosts of Tsushima went down this is about yeah for me now it's death stranding last of us ghosts of Tsushima and Spiderman went down Daniel Bloodworth you loved goes to Tsushima before the press conference where are you feeling now um it was really hard to pay ya back and death stranding are both really interesting yeah can only pick one blood I think I'll say Oh sister she man just taking with it yeah I mean it looks it looks super good and the combat looks like pretty tight as well so a trailer looks like we gotta listen to that yo its neck three [Music] aren't you excited you're going to be a fairy what you can worry what I don't know I play enough in the world where time stands still how dare you how dare you why nobody can see what you're up to ever again I'm terrified Who am I going what is this I'm there that's not new president should have to reorder some things what if anybody left to do you're fools what is this fraud what if we're just a man who did this I would've brought it up [Music] cause this rows of red or a red rose where his home yeah it might be that it looks like I'm getting the dull vibes from blood-borne [Music] because of the time list for the land where time stands still hi this is just a new year game yeah yeah from software you're branching out music is like I have an idea guys Garrus okay okay de cine that's it actually plays yeah though I am there so Damiani have you downloaded a trailer for us for last was part to keeping the exit they're still showing more oh you're strong spider-man now okay yeah we had it without seeing it yeah yeah you're really cool passionate guy by the way Brian in Sahara yeah so that's was part to open the show yeah we got some banjo first but then we finally opened up and it was not a violent scene it was not a high-tension scene we simply saw Ellie so I'm gonna talk to her what was it like oh I gotta do something at dawn yeah they had business and then what I think shirt I think he said that to her friend yeah yeah yeah that's a more romantic scene mmm-hmm and then uh game play some brutality yeah yeah yes lot of kill sure yeah yeah what I love about this gameplay demo is not just that it was long and it allowed the game to breathe it was the player making oh good new yeah we're gonna have to go big on this one holy moly like burn the steaks and ran outta my way to reduce cold we should audio up here you think so yeah okay what can we can audio yeah get people who attend III an opportunity to get I'm fearing that there you know I was a beginning it's a big serving within your committee and seeing that cell yeah you know Adam again he's just showing off some really awesome stuff that and you get better if the game obviously you know we wanted to have a pic of a play field at the same time since that we announced the game I'm digging this like stick and I think that's been really fun in these last you know I would say last the game home I'll be playing one night and then I'll come and say wow guys I didn't know he could do that so I think if there's a lot of that there's a sandbox nature to swell I'm so I mean obviously you know we have so combining all that stuff really allow for a lot different gameplay a lot of you know very very expressive character animation sorry these animations are just blowing my mind your studio Wow definitely one of the hallmarks of our of our company you know Spyro - ratchet - yeah you know I remember when the sunset overdrive reviews came out one person at you wrote it would be took that kind of mentality and so you know it was really great as I remember a year and the last year so nor an article about this stuff forcing you to go claim as much as it does a spider-man key and I love its traversal I mean just the fluidity of moving over great distances very quickly it looks like a lot of fun just moving around and that's when you know you've got a great game okay experimenting but like children sometimes you know I mean take a break and what I used to find myself doing was just swing around New York City it was almost like a therapeutic it's just kind of like oh I play other games I just walking or running or or even feel so more natural now it's definitely one of those things that has that again just like so Adam showed off I think he showed off the trip wire or space gadget you can either hold much you piece of geometry and enemies walk by they'll get like grabbed and sucked back but you can also attach it to you and an enemy and if one enemy walked by they kind of slam into each other that is amazing this is so cool what's this focus meter about yeah so the focus meters are basically as you built focus you can use it to heel sits having a religious this team works really really hard on it really really hard the idea it's the focus is kind of a way out you you can risk award like I said you can bang heal yourself or you can kind of um if you get built a certain way you can actually pull off a finishing show with this experience being under the mask for so many years now yes access to a lot of different techniques and technologies how do you balance out his experience with the fact that you don't want to overwhelm a player with options right you want to make it approachable you know I really that comes down to our combat team our traversal team okay you know kind of handy that stuff out over the course of the game you know finding the right spot okay we're gonna teach you how to punch and cut a kick and how to punch bags up in the air and use your West City but then we lay on layer on things like gadgets and then the suits in the suit powers and it just it's kind of given over time features oh you know one thing with some like rain I want you to feel great right but there's a lot to learn really quickly we find the spots in the game mechanics and then as the game goes on we want you to master those because the game's going to get harder yeah absolutely Sid what do you think I gotta say this game is final few months of development yeah you guys watch the press conference fast like sucker punch push you introductions just we are here there's a certain level holler step people of every single PlayStation game just your first word game so we want to be considered right up there quickly you know as we're starting to wind down here from a from a personal perspective I mean what's it like for you and for the team to kind of look up at the big screen and it takes a lot for me not to get choked up like right now they're playing the theme song to the game in the background as we're sitting here and ice I mean this is an amazing industry and to work on something that we do have a limited amount of time here I know this is a lifelong dream Spiderman was so awesome that it broke my mic and I have to use this yeah I just wanted to stand out a little bit but you know Syd actually I think a little late or a little earlier we were able to maybe get some footage of some of the investor experiential stuff that's going on with spider-man I mean there really is something incredible going on here at this PlayStation III showcase I mean it's on a scale in a school that we have just never seen before we have people here they're playing the game a lot of hands and just the game looks great but I just love the way but I mean it's just it's a great great event here and it's just I wish we could get everybody in here to try this out and to just see what has been sort of constructed with spider-man and with Nate Fox and get well Jason Connell to my left and Nate Foxx gentlemen welcome thank you so much for coming it's really good for you to be here and we were just talking about what the team from insomniac used to be able to kind of yeah really impressed by a video it's amazing see all the other projects and her but just play with this I think it's just an interview so yeah we do the dual that just changed over time the falling leaves the Sun setting the is this I might how many same just gorgeous I mean the art direction is really coming through way technical sophistication as well I mean we're gonna see here in a minute of combat we have some highlights from the show and maybe I don't know a nadir Jason who wants to take this but it seems like in these moments of gameplay there's small vignettes together take all these elements and in that opening attack that e.i attack it's about the drama and that's what makes it as well cool yeah now that we know it's near 2-minute going in and trying to figure it out yeah I bet they totally did yeah I hope they talk about this mechanic it's just a multi-step agility multi self kill like Arkham Knight right but do you think he's pegging or - but he totally is he's marketing them or got it yeah yeah and you just aim and attack a man detective I don't think any name I think when he was up in the rafters he marked each one he goes come on snap to him because it highlights him again - yeah and he chooses to go to them here I like the fast forwarding to the cutscenes - this is good for you if you tag them beforehand that's definitely something that might be limited by a meter or some sort of I don't think I was cuz it highlights them it highlighted them and then he went to them in there on the floor yeah that's why I think we get down on the floor he looked at the other guy and it highlighted him again in many went but the camera snapped to him so hard it did that again on the ground - you know that's what I mean on the ground like you that wasn't an analogue then he was on the ground yes so sick so he's doing when he's up on the round sander here's what I'm saying they should start burning yeah whoo you have to finish this fight by just throwing her or I think so I think like the final hit they just change the animation so yeah I mean I wonder yeah if you could not aggressively do that or kill her damn oh the mic there you go wireless mics yeah I miss you I never once yeah so many number ones they're all number ones okay yeah not too interesting the experience to be honest Tajima sward way yeah good I brought they said they had some more stuff so we're gonna keep this going yeah yeah I could see Capcom showing up seriously this little so there are two is evil two trailers oh why don't you show us the one we didn't see a clear one there's two good alright let's watch him back to back baby so to be clear on oh man if there's a glare one hey check it was Claire was enough yeah okay I'm just saying like more focus area got you [ __ ] still out of breath so Damiani if you could also mute YouTube are you still yes me too do you want to hear the trailer yeah yeah yeah you gotta stop stopping here this isn't a school music I have to kill this one oh sorry stop who are we talking yeah we should see where they're talking about Damiani yep I'm sorry oh yeah I'm gonna yeah cool nice um back in present day is it YouTube's annoying we should watch this watch this yes watching all this we have to watch 7:30 yeah early yeah get a sound down you cool who's that you're watching right now to perform 15 minute I don't think anyone knows about the season we're spoiling it folks at home the footage that the folks at home are seeing right now the the seamless nature of the kind of create in the play you know finality of dreams is it cannot be overstated then you can do this you can create your own you can upload and then you can share incredible levels in like 10 minutes we're doing a demo this week at e3 where we create gameplay to a whole level in like 20 minutes including music you can compose your music clarify sorry to interrupt whatever it is amazing yes the idea really it's been like what you're seeing is really this easy nature of just like picking and placing because I think one of the actually what I love about dreams is it's just this idea of just choice like everyday people make choices you put your clothes on you might choose where you put a poster in your on in your bedroom and dreams is very like bad all you're really doing is like here you're seeing like this Instagram effect you can take a scene and very quickly change it so that it looks really different in your area and then the PS resistance is all of this stuff which gets uploaded and if yous want to sit back on your sofa and enjoy an unending stream pictures to the team back home because you know people really put their hearts and souls into dreams to really get it to the point where you are moving between these different disciplines and right now we have a studio that jams together in a way they've never jumped together before we have like musicians actually just jamming with animators to actually make animation I think that's one of the things we're really starting to see is these different workflows and that just you know that's been one of the things we've really wanted to get that right so can't wait to see Liam a attention to detail of course last services is you know such a detailed game loved all the little things you know the way people reacted to being hit or now striking me dude it's so crazy the way she you know ripped the arrow out of that guy the way she was hiding under the car and then cocked her gun just that like pulling the hammer back some of that reminded me of Metal Gear Solid 2 seeing that game for the first time just like oh the details yeah yeah I feel like there's no there's no transition between states it's like okay now we're snapping into cover or now we're having that awkward stop before we evolve it doesn't happened yeah they kept running so good yeah just the refinement it felt like less of us one but better yeah which is awesome this is just a montage of psvr okay so that ended really well I thought it was bookended well do you remember last year I had such a hard time with the God of War trailer with the sea serpent because I start with a sea serpent in anyway the sea serpent but didn't really like change anything about how we feel about the sea serpent at the end obviously at the end of this that line they should be scared of you means so much more than just like they shouldn't be intimidated because you love me and I love you yeah yeah they should be scared of you because you're a nasty cool killer and so then this weird thing we had no idea this was coming said Shuman just says hey everybody hey I'm just here to talk to you while the people move out of that theater mission and yes so black ops for was the first trailer we saw which was actually reassuring it said oh they have more yeah all right it's not just the big four that they talk about yeah the weird thing too is that they said we're doing a deep dive on four of these games and they they did those are the longest demos but like that's not any different than any other press conference that such a good point it would have done that length of demo for those four games regard my Skyrim found it from Twain yeah well they all did wiggle then yeah it's real version yeah as a goof yeah that's apparently a real game yeah I'm sure it's a goof you know what I mean I'm sure you can't play it for too long so you have four maps returning to call of duty black ops for I still expected to see more black ops yeah it's so sad right now that game yeah sure does those are gonna black ops 3 yeah yeah oh yeah three and four but he's a pre-order for today you're gonna get them in three yeah and that reads on PS Plus no night yes so please check confirm if any of those details are wrong but yeah I think that how that works I wasn't sure those mats are gonna for but yeah wasn't imagine they're just in three it was computer ok please let us know Damiani please check chat in the meantime um yeah that's a stupid thing I'm just like hey we made some announcements this week here's the announcements that we made this week we were sad why yeah why why take them out of the press Congress to put them back in so again that was Tetris effect really cooled VR Tetris game that also is not VR days gone release date it's good February 22nd I believe saw some cool Birds blog was just an announcement twin mirror which he was excited about don't nod mystery game burger ghost giant another VR game where you're just poking little animals homes and then beat Sabre very cool the argument that's coming like psvr why don't we play why not instead of showing them as a brief montage and have already announced them instead hover a little longer on them do a video when they're moving theaters so that we at home don't even realize that that's happening we come back there in a whole new room and we're like whoa why did they do that what do we what did we learn from that interview with Shawn Layden what do we learn not lot of things yeah I mean I don't know if that's that's just like he had nothing that I can tell you you know I mean everything is a surprise that they spent so much money building that it's insanity you fools are they just terrified that they can't make it a montage or a collection of like move from one thing to the next with a little talking in between because they don't know exactly how long it's gonna say what I'm not sure what I mean like go to the movies once they have is to if you still need more time then go to Shawn Layden right like whatever but like just to me incredibly not worth it you had one functional few here it wasn't worth it they're trying to make it all oriental as they said now they're gonna reuse it I'm sure to have the if there's like a playable Last of Us demo it's in that room like I'm sure an area in your correct you're playing the games in immersed in these areas but yeah it's like why move the audience just to show it off so do you think it's only press do you think how I don't last of us is playable well you do I would highly doubt it okay I gave it to highly Macedo I think there's realism I think you might have a theater I think you might have a demo in there yeah yeah yeah maybe that where they're showing it off the perfect you're gonna have stations we don't live like them I think it looks like it's something you want to go audio up on this president evil cool [Music] we had two trailers so Merry Christmas Happy Birthday no break in your area I love that they did it again this looks better than seven it's like it's crazy how much they did for me tap Done yeah it explains how flights and so on I thought it was gonna be so cheap something's not right yo dynamic fix an account is anyone here Jesus yeah so good ah this is a great trailer to live this is one movie better honestly yeah I think it's Betty I agree I'm giving you an order Nikki show me again you saved yourself first he could perform his capture what in God's name there's definitely shots of fixed cameras yeah like I the way the news I think it's like Brazil for style but the camera will take liberties and shift and frame yeah every now and then no I want to let's watch it again okay should I be able to choose yeah the right one you got it yeah this is correct apparently it's confirmed 204 both tricks camera angle and over the shoulder you can choose to choose you can choose wow that's incredible I loved like that little tease of the PlayStation 1 yeah it's not exclusive either it's multi-platform yeah what oh yeah [Music] [Music] I mean I actually they show this one though there was the mixture like the virus out [Music] I think what Matthew Mercer is not reprising as well as the same with same with Claire that's what was the line don't make my mistake which one oh I see one of those things uniform or not I love this line changer here you do not hesitate you do not hesitate like just go go on get out of here assets because like the original version he's like Cynthia Peters oh man will you help me shows that horse Claire riders pressive display of streaks what's the deal with that little shot dude the police department the antigens [Music] it's coming it's coming back I can't when they pulled that off I think of all of these things that you could pull to reference in the trailer for a singles to and I feel like they picked up all the right ones yeah the line with when it shows the mirror can we it sounds like Wesker saying something yeah I hear it I actually was right what it shows the side mirror of the car Damiani the very last thing I'm where they have the face of mr. X I want to see this yeah yeah hey I want a freeze frame on that yes is this this part it starts like that though that's a grin for this song here yeah it's like from here watch that see me meet again though you want to three screaming on it no hear the audio hear the audio and well tell you about the face cream after this Jesus Christ that is chief iron scholar yeah she farts okay Bob he's the corrupt police chief that seen umbrellas pockets man yeah yeah you do not hesitate yeah surprised you made it this far yes this right there man that's old right there so it's a home talking I can air the extraction about getting extracted I left myself in the darkroom and watches the time soon it's impressive display of streaks dude mr. excellent [Music] it's come they did confirm that you're gonna have Leone entire campaign just nice it's right oh don't worry she's ready he's ready a freeze-frame at Madison mmhmm yeah that's mr. X so it's clear I've always never always liked mr. X yeah but now he's terrified yeah zombies now react in real time as they take instant visible damage making every bullet from the pleura count yeah chunks of flesh flying off that's something evil within two does very very well you know shooting like a freakin evil within part of the head I'm just pretty like hyped on that it's just seems like yeah yeah yeah you're doing the full playthrough I'll sit next to you yes [Music] yeah up to this yeah holy crap it's like over all of this magnitude there's so much unknown this is in their expanded role with like a helicopter going down again well I'm getting like the back leg so it is hard for me to pick up some details and any season you're gonna be more coming yeah yeah watch it like you're supposedly my feet right into lights or another trailer request after this if you'd be able to pull up control like see the camera computer screen yo look so similar yeah and then comes with Claire - yeah man cause she looks so young mm-hmm yeah that's funny that was what heavily rumored we were so confident in it we said we'd go home if it's not in the show still impressed comparison oh I don't want to have to kill Marvin he's a bot yeah Marvin wasn't injured in that so he wasn't bad you're on in the trailer he is oh yeah he is look they've really redid look how this redone this is humor yeah yeah desk is up front now in front of the statue and there's no like second floor going around anymore in the back you upstairs there's no like ladder anymore oh there's stairs yeah yeah holy crap it's a Resident Evil remake it's like they're just rethought everything to change any of the zombies or monsters like they did with let me interesting I mean I feel like a mr. X is the opportunity to question that give him some extra utilities some extra powers cuz yeah on spoiling but I get here right though I think that might be the new twist is with mr. X I think it's so smart yeah because they they kept that kind of close with resonable - you know as you go through like the the different scenarios like the B game mr. X kind of expands how that's gonna be played and Damiani while you're pulling up controller I often desperately want to re-watch Kingdom Hearts 3 I just really do it short just neo - oh yeah demon 4 so yeah we'll get dummy on you sometimes free watch well let's talks about some boring things while Dunham is pulling up those trailers yeah I'm sorry if I call your name is Frank but you know that's like they were clearly exciting things destiny to forsaking way I would say was not one of the exciting things pass it was at least a different take to me suggest that dusty to is like trying to bring people in and at that actually very good deep dive video last week when was that like he and I watched it and we were like yeah we're in the game or we were like we're back in well that's why they knew multiplayer yeah gambit then we fire was $40 and it was like a little bit racy it was really pricey especially especially when you're like out of the good graces of the majority of your player base being to win people back yeah you don't charge him $40 $40 that was a lot that was a lot of US dollars I mean more than 20 I just done on the sick hero conversation yesterday that's Activision yeah I feel like well a lot of what happens with destiny to we blame on Activision um it's so I feel like from software makes a game uh-huh they see who's gonna publish it and then that person comes economy yeah like I think that's how it works you know they go who wants this willing this who wants to buy any movie by yeah yeah they're salivating I'm like I don't see from soccer get pushed yeah yeah I know I don't first see you like any control you're creepy control control actually odd okay yes so I think the scene is how we just seen you thank you yeah I couldn't remember like the letters I remember she seems cool love a gun dude I thought this was clear for a second yes until the gun was ever controlled demos tomorrow - yeah Wow you be good Sam like Oh loving and parties information on this okay it just looks so nuts and they're absolutely using their quantum break time what did you call it Ben quantum break second chances yeah it kind of feels that way - like I'm glad that they get to still make a game that's not a second edition is not an insult this is a smart way to use the good stuff that you didn't want to break reinterpret it give it what do I see yeah definitely when you guys are done with the griller well you can just spit it out one sure the way that the guns like that's part of it they're shooting you know it's remedy does not mess around unexplainable welcome to the Federal Bureau of control players will take on the role of Jesse Faton the new director struggling to regain control the sandbox style gameplay driven experience built on the proprietary no.11 challenges players to master a combination of supernatural abilities modifiable loadouts and reactive environments while fighting through the deep and mysterious world remedy is known and loved for southern reach vibes you're like blood no it was a director trying to take off back but control that's awesome yeah I mean that was a good trailer that was a really good reveal super I gotta be honest I didn't think remedies next game would be that high level yeah what just cuz I wanna break uh yeah cuz quantum break happened and then over like hey we're just gonna we're not gonna work with Microsoft anymore I think they said our next game is gonna be triple-a and I'm like yeah right I'm glad 505 was like hey we'll publish your game we'll give you the money we'll give you the funding because you all have a vision you can all make a good game we know it yeah you can't make money and we want to be in on it and so yeah that was cool that was really encouraging to see like that action combat I just get a sticker yeah yeah pin yep are we getting the Japanese version of the trailer Damiani so still-lifes was like i noticed earlier on youtube things said they're still alive when the thing was done to okay and quantum break and evil with theme vibes all in one yeah I was hey did you ever figure out who that actress woman oh wow she's an older actress I think morning before yeah that's really address 1949 yeah it's coaching of a pool got the wrong person Lindsay Wagner I believe it was yeah yeah Bionic Woman six million dollar man yeah I thought I recognized her yeah do you want other than this one Oh Kingdom Arts yeah Audio love baby like she's familiar I don't like that's like our creepy new future those like actors are playing like younger versions of themselves I'm like yeah I'm amazed like leus I dunno I was like yep yes tomorrow we've got people seeing SEC Euro Smash Brothers mm-hmm rather than able to cyberpunk to the Shema huh yeah who's on that same hook train well tomorrow it's you and I know it's tomorrow me and Brad taste not playable but still however you guys have got it on Wednesday oh and so does Brandon so somebody is playing the Last of Us part two it'll be it'll be probably extremely similar to the way they did God of War and Uncharted The Lost Legacy you go inside a room very intimate or druckmann will probably be there take it you know either to a ps4 prop it'll either be like a one-on-one or like ten of us and they'll go through that segment probably extended yeah and talk about some of the changes and man that you ask questions at the end yeah I should Sofia I'd love for them to just casually be like hey we're gonna read em oh yeah you always did like this they don't we sees outside of the face inside this is so fun to me like bad movie I wouldn't want to re-watch but how does this environment and scenario it's just like oh actually that's kind of what looks like a fun thing to do take the good ideas from that movie yeah [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're following great I love this trailer bad score this is not just this haircut transform into like Kingdom Hearts shipment conversations what you got for been really just no yeah I do want that so I quickly going over some other things that we saw Oh what are we talking about leaks down having a crappy leak though it's just a black square trover saves the universe with some squash games who did amazing plus those ooh okay hard act Justin roiland yeah I have no details I wouldn't have seen the page surrounding it no no no I'm doing your best on you I understand the anticipation of this black scream there's one I hope for there's many it could be world time well but actually asked about this earlier today oh okay oh my god really I knew it what it is or we don't this is the league I guess this is totally Bahamut this is like world this is that meteor Damiani know what it is he miss mix all three it's German free update the crystal free update behemoth monster underworld don't hang out with the crystal that's a good call sir oh yeah baby thank you so we have to do 14 and at the same day yeah all right so is there anything left to say well Kingdom Hearts bred from what you saw just like yeah I mean that's a dude I mean these stories urops man the bombs yes cloning punches up and I just I love that uh so we saw the Monsters Inc world but there's a scene of like now we have all the children's screams they're trying that into the story and is so dumb but I love it okay that's what it is please before the resolutions of their respective movies that's normal it's can yeah it's like funny yeah it's the best way to do it probably but so I want to talk about death stranding which we haven't yet oh my god I think a pretty clear idea of how Jess training works now to me it seems like we're gonna have a base we go out we like pick up a thing or deliver a thing that we go back but like guys definite like weird time-travel stuff like she said something about if they touch things that's like fast forwards um and like time leaks and like whatever and if you dot if they get you your you'll come back what the whole area will be destroyed yeah or something like it's a crater thing like me have the trailers at the crater right so it's like so it's like yeah you don't died but it like vaporizes that area in that period of time or that multiverse reality or something that'll be leaping through time I love it when you fight for Hemus did they clear the floor amazing yes yeah it's kind of a long game play set which I loved this so much do you malam after 14 on spurt maybe just you know that's probably better idea bin or more likely oh yeah I mean it's all based off 40 F right I'm just even 14 references other things too heavily so so cool feeling of a journey yeah this game you know you're just traveling yeah they weren't all action shots no yeah I mean you mentioned to have washing where's evil - in a dark room that's what I need to do for them I need to think about I need to watch sweetie you're saying so like yeah you know soon as you say kind of suggest to me like a like a rogue like oh god I hope yeah we're not randomized but like this idea we're like maybe more of Souls esque we're like you you die and you go back you go pick up where you died I think the vibe I'm getting is like there are different planes of existence or something and because like this world looks very different from that red one that we see a little later it's either the same place way in the future you know after all this like acid rain stuff like that gonna be the same location yeah just like blasted maybe because like we saw that in the the previous trailer like he was in that was a traitor and then all of a sudden he was under waters do you think like the strands like pop you up to some other yeah I don't know elodie or something man looks cool waterfall looks a little weird and it's weird like we just know we know the actors before we see them in the game you know and I mean we know and we know that they're like in this game then we know that they're gonna be doing lots of things it's to me what's encouraging about it if I didn't have these cutscenes where like there's dialogue or even just this one where I see this world impacting him I'd be a little less interest this body's like constantly falling apart yeah yeah where is the show back at home base we're taking everything back to home base which is gonna look sick and it's crazy relating this to the other trailers we've seen you know especially the first one with guillermo del toro the military yeah yeah exactly that that and this exists crazy it makes me wonder like is the reality of earth the place with all those other characters is that like where you actually are from and like these are just excursions into other whatever or is that the beginning of a game something goes horribly wrong and then you go off on your own for the rest of it like who knows yeah cuz we're orion she was in the letter bridges is his last name right that we establish she says yeah so we see reduce you different people we saw porter just there and so she has fragile written on her Oh weird I'm not sure outfit by the way is awesomely on spikes that come on her crazy umbrella and she's like invisible yeah oh my god oh my god race feels like a survival game sometimes yeah that's where his babies related I think it's his name and he's from the United States do you think you have access to a weapon most of the time I don't know we had a handgun in the West Oh trailer right I care about this is crazy skin a lot of time and you have to get through the environment without having access to anyone yeah I guess vibes big time big it's very Friday go ahead I just wanted to say from this it made me want like I'm ready to just settle in and then like take the three thousand yes so what were you like the first three hours you want to be able to like say hey I'm gonna sit in the couch for three hours you start that game yeah each other I mean he definitely does a Solid Snake Crouch walk and with the camera is very similar like we know this is from the personalized man in pain was just a test when I say hey don't make you run back just a sec yeah she's five seconds what is her name layout right here you know Lee aside is an actor no but yeah what is what is the character nowhere hook it up see what it says are sure the spikes are cool so yeah I don't think that's her name I think she's got a cool jacket and I think they're both like delivery people or something oh yeah that would make sense and what are they deliverance in the future yeah delivering pizza like you have to risk your life go survives to deliver a pizza and orbs freaky pizza yeah and she just works for a better company I think she just works for like a high income yeah suck seemed like our equipment he works really good I had a family business or somebody opens that box and there's a goddamn Kingston it seems possible she's from the future like way better than me anything is possible I feel like anything like she's gonna do Jerry loves you man that's cool does like barely around yeah you gotta play this I'm like HDR HD 4k in the dark or you're gonna miss so much this is the best trailer for that stranding so far oh yeah I think I agree bad I mean I really love the reveal okay feels like kind of iconic in a way I feel like I just care more now yeah mm-hmm it's a game now it's a game that you can play now hey that's what those in resident evil facts yeah dumb you're dumb Inez I'm ignoring you okay oh okay okay Ordonez deluxe weapons samurai says riot Chris does that mean it's a pistol my original version soundtrack swap excellent do fun and then deluxe edition comes with a lot of costumes are there things that you see what does the game look like you can you get it tonight symma edge Elbert model Wow not always when they throw up those pre-orders you can get the the theme theme right now let's go get that thing RPG load it up our beauty building it's like the same room thing to me Oh - this is crazy yeah Lindsey's kind of the radiance on hill - it's just some sort of like sound or visual probably these things coming yeah yeah I thought for a second it was like repelling them but I yeah I think it's just because it was like yeah it's interesting the trailer ends in failure it ends in a game over or does jima man yeah tell what I don't think his plan was to get capture it seems nearly impossible to get through this part I don't know what an amazing idea for a detection device though powered by an infinitely limited range of light the speed at which you increasing you're making you more anxious like that thing by the key design although it's weird cuz like clearly it's not noise or light that's attracting these right it's like life forever if you have a physical reaction to them yeah skin yeah that's a game over resi eco yeah yeah that's a good pool it's a good point man it's like a vision it's like like sci-fi movies is people were just futurists who just like figure out cool designs and yes yeah I mean they have that on that team kind of incredible who is the baby talk to you at any people go to you know the halfway through your going like bonkers and the baby starts talking to you normally reasons like I know you're not talking it's here we're gonna glad safe I'll do it for tonight yeah man we live in a time when you have those stretches recognized actors which just makes you more happy what we saw a Tomb Raider when they were shouting on that plane and it just it was just puppet jaws opening and closing this is a next-gen title so me right maybe that's not fair Harrison yeah at least cross cross yeah cross that's yeah long young Laurel Wagner cross I forgot it actually ended on her face yeah maybe uh maybe see her at different ages that's why you would cast her yeah maybe that makes sense we got our Neil to reveal trailer thanks Emmy this is me Ani OOP we got a little IGN on there but mess of Records what are you gonna do maybe a press conference so it's like no yeah you don't own this idea on this idea get your filthy water market trailer we're so cool I don't think out of nowhere I think gonna be up for a while yeah I just wasn't expecting Italy I suppose I thought I didn't think they would want to step on coast of susheela's toes in a way you know if it's one of their key this is a different I know they're so different but still like at first glance he no more samurais Oh Resident Evil 2 wipes my memory at this point so I had forgotten that we'd already seen dose of Tsushima so they go go some sushi girl weight just completely spitballing here top two things that I seeing in the trailer is I think the reason you can transform is you're in a you're in the demonic realm it was like yeah cool and by being in that realm you get access to this new form are you and the other thing that I think is interesting it's just done for the trailer but it seemed like they just because you're in this demon realm they just dropped from the sky and that would be really cool because a neo a lot of times you could see stuff before yeah - yeah you could see them in the distance you're like okay how do I approach this sometimes there were surprises or things to jump out at you but imagine just walking and being like boom five guys deal with it manageable - becoming a demon yeah I would kind of the strategy of cuz neo you think you have very measured encounters sometimes you but I feel even a t I don't think it's gonna be all the time I know these your access to this throughout the entire game I think that makes sense because the demon when they would appear the yokai or whatever when they would appear it was the the little shimmery thing and they would pop out man yeah there'll be strategy with like knowing when do you oh I think that it's great having just spots where you're unprepared that's really great last thing we got to talk about is the last game that was in this press conference spider-man spider-man dude yes my goodness yes I don't think I saw what you and Jones saw what you believed in until tonight and I am completely on board that was I mean uh when we saw just a bunch of QT stuff and I was worried it was going to be a lot of flash little substance I didn't this would be combat that I'd want to do over and over and over again sure I didn't think there'd be really fun meaningful challenges in the world and they showed me all of that yeah like I want to master knocking dudes up into the air I want to see how many things I can do with my web just the variety that I saw in there and how fluid and how fun it was how good the animations look cannot be understated they it's ridiculous like bouncing on the walls made combat and just like people the walls bouncing on the walls like throwing the other side throw them up in the air don't you punch Biogen it's just so much I'll tell you what I like about it big time is that it set up the scenario it set up jailbreak yes jailbreak with super villains I'll be like really early on immediately I hope it is yeah I hope this is like beginning early end of act 1 basically there was a part in this where you're like oh man I don't know if I can play something this fast it's whatever scaping the prison yeah think about how many times you have to do a sequence like that where you're chasing after a villain and it's like this is playing itself like who like you ever play those games do they have those sort of a nested like whoever fails this I love that you can say man I may not be able to get through this that excitement that rush yeah you don't get that with those sort of scripted scenes usually no QuickTime events Wow yeah no quick term of it they heard what everybody's complaining was the very beginning of the game I think we just really limited everything scaled back I'm QuickTime like really boss fight maybe like tweet probably tweet to couple to make them not well you know some of those may have been QuickTime events which part we don't knows we don't have HUD sure so I think what we saw up wurtzburg it was trial and circle together you're right with the Batman yeah so he like so when they played it like live on PlayStation they were is like a lot of stuff in the lower left-hand corner is what I mean that was like press r1 and r2 right now that was like it was a perch that's what that was yeah yeah what if the stuff that we saw last year 83 is how you opening introduced to mr. negative and then you go into here the villain to get out and then you open up to the rest of the game yeah you're right cos you try mr. negative in the other one don't make sense man yeah yeah so we don't have any cues about like controls and lower left is all I mean but there was a triangle triangle there if there's QTEs I think we would have seen him Brad I think you're totally right dude I mean do you think that they just picked apart without QTEs it's possible I'm sure there's probably some yeah they're still in the game yeah sure but I think they just totally I think yes a lot of dumb comments no I'm fine fine we'll take them out yeah which means they weren't uncommon say if you got a problem let them know I guess cuz we don't miss home right right no we don't miss them yeah no damn it yeah they're out of here I'm sure like we said though they'll be there you've scaled back I am totally okay with that yeah cut to black on who and actually having the audience care is like the best thing that you could do for yourself and I think we actually care who you is you you're right with you and you here sounds like something is sending up to meet spider-man yeah is there any clues that we can get from that sound I can go maxvill all your opera so there's like a mechanical noise yeah really cuz it's a little squishy sounding like a like a green Goblin's yeah I was thinking we gotta hide when we get there do don't listen yeah we'll listen hard I just feel like he would say you to someone he trusts yeah okay that's true so that mean hablen oh yeah oh yeah yeah but I mean he's 80 years he's eight years in they've already had that little tough that's like they are they're through that then huh God has one right what does it's ha thinking with records last year right it was but it was just like he was kind of like and I mean we beat up Kings Kings Doug's I think he's like a third party in this game I think he's not the main host I was low Hobgoblin it sounds freaky dude Green Goblin gets all the lovely let's go oh yeah he's a really cool or action figures orange yeah you know been singing through the second time I can kind of get a feeling for how we would play through that part yeah I think you would have to have a city first before you're prepared to do this yes oh my god explain it to me that's know wants to show chat that tweet but yeah that's a second sweetie show damn I mean we did ruin the punchline but that's on me for not knowing what was happening there you this is such a crazy game that dodge is so cool just that little pull away showing off their particles I don't know is it cynical or crazy me to worry that like you're not really all that much in control of that you just have to hit like this would have been when TV's last year mm-hmm what they were showing the city it felt like you had so much like during all those like chasing electro like these you know story sequences is very simple left and right but you hold up the wall so you're probably running up yeah I mean I bet it's pushing triangle the fallen against art stands a hundred dollars so hundred dollar one at all Kingdom Hearts on ps4 that bundle like everything through three like the eight one point five two point five two point eight and three is $99 is that a deal that's a terrible deal that seems pretty bad to me Brett is that good Kingdom Hearts 3 oh yeah yeah I feel very good both of those games for $20 right now want to get three to play you get one point five two point five yeah and three okay what 12.5 2.8 and one $60 so to the other three make up $39 right yeah I didn't think it was mr. negative looks cool yeah how it glows I'm just like if trainees like ah yes man you sounded up food to dude his venom spider-man's gonna die they don't he didn't want him dead he's got a plan for Spidey here we go here's open III get venom that's like an engine and that's gonna take a light on unto us here was that the lightning no there's no light on - it's a double blind I think that's venom venom is the best theory I would say firm so you do all those villains why would you not do that I just like Venom's not like a guy to like organize a team exactly works yeah there's one thing in gullibly okay yeah look at a nasty green goblin dude I would just note if that was his name in the game it's a nasty green guy so Lister scores that was it that was the entire PlayStation press conference of 2018 yeah and you look perplexed not really sorry then go off on a limb here what are you gonna score like I've done it first a couple of times and I have to do it first you know what I just cares twice today here we got a download that to me you don't see it nice it doesn't be a movie poster it's / PG let's read audio okay that's a music oh god oh yeah oh it's horrifying oh yeah oh yeah this is such a huge lever down go yep up flip up where's gonna have this on to help you sleep [Laughter] flip up that's how themes work you gotta flip up it's funny cuz like Beth can't handle horror movies but she watches netflix on my playstation so if I change it to that I want a poster of that yeah framed poster yeah opposite of safe room music yeah yeah yeah very unsafe yeah yeah so tense room humor will be downloading that tonight alright so Huber's gonna be the first one to grade it Oh Rizzy will to blast those four - mm-hmm Tatton don't at me well sorry don't at tabor do not at you don't have me to talk it's irrational yeah care i am so hyped right now yeah ten I said earlier it's all I wanted all I wanted from this press conference was resum to last of us gameplay 20 my gosh I got both 10 attend okay everything you asked sorry yeah like like that is what we're dream dream keeps like everybody wants different things from e3 you know if you get what you want isn't that a 10 I got exactly what I wanted yeah from this press conference there are even a couple surprise announcements like am two in there and that want like spider-man ghosts of Tsushima destiny they all looked insane yeah I'm going with the ten it's it may be irrational but yes I'm all your hard hard right it's a great it's a goofy score all right let's here's ten marks three was there too skimpy Brad what's your school yeah that's what I meant is oh okay he means scoring them at all right yeah series it's I would give it an 8 5 okay show amazing games but I cannot forgive that weird intermission break thing and just like the guy playing the instrument like the flute thing for like three minutes it's like that's fine but it was just way too long yeah but when they showed the games they've really delivered on no livid yeah good time yeah dude ah I don't know like the gate some of the games they showed were so good last of us to is amazing ghosts and Tsushima was very good that's stranding really blew my mind I love death stranding I want to live in that word not literal literally but like I wanna go to them right now yeah but yeah as a showcase it was bizarre like don't don't favor the local art like the live audience and make us waste our time for 10 minutes 15 minutes it's like insanity so like death stranding for me was like a 10 the presentation was like a 6 so I don't know like 8 5 cool average yeah all right Ben you feel ready now yeah I feel ready okay this is the hardest one out of all of them it's because when you think it out I agree with everything that Ian and Brad said but I also I'm like yeah okay you noticed that but do you care and I just don't like I just don't care sure but see stuff I don't care about the flutes I don't care about the banjo I think that was all pretty bad and awkward I think out on the stage it was a little awkward that's not like a visible or embarrassing or you know just not as good as it could have been but ghosts are Tsushima spider-man Last of Us part 2 Resident Evil 2 trailer spider-man 3 disturbingly pretty much every single one of those trailers made my mind race with possibility like I had so many moments and this is what I live for with e3 where I just go holy [ __ ] like we can do this now like this is what if the aliens are mad and and at no point in any of the other conferences that I have a strong of oh my god I'm just in awe that we can do this and it's it's not a ten I don't think I can give it a ten in good conscience but I'm gonna give it a nine three nice daniel Bloodworth what is your rating for this press conference yeah like everyone else said it's it's pretty tough with the weird presentation I actually like I think the musical influences would have been fine if it weren't for that giant delay yeah you don't have us wait around and then like okay like yeah Oh blah can you get a little more in the light you kind of like yeah oh and yeah the remedy was a great reveal yeah so yeah I think balancing it all that I think I was 8.9 nice Michael Damiani I just I was gonna get his larger but we're big should picture yes that's good enough we were to zoom didn't twist camera four yeah this was a I think Xbox and his conference out for me by just a little bit it was mostly the presentation factor for for this they everything in basically said like I agree with everyone else is saying but it still one actually showed games pretty much everything was really good and good surprises even in the stuff when you worry to be there so I technically I would give it the same as Xbox eight and I would probably bump Xbox up to eight point one just be like one doesn't like higher than this so very close like I enjoyed it but they definitely to work on them don't go back to this again yeah I think I forgot about Mike like what I gave Microsoft I think I need to adjust my curve you're allowed to yes oh well no like if I left Microsoft like nine point eight or whatever I can did you get it at nine point I'd have to make this one like a nine point four otherwise I would bump everything down to like like Microsoft would be like a ninth alright yeah like if you have to do a themed room they just make sure you can do everything in that themed room right why move people yeah move the room yeah so I'm given a nine basically those gameplay demo is again everything I asked for right just let the game bring it let the game be itself yeah and so doing that with those four games is like an automatic nine again I mean we don't need to trash on it more they're just decisions that were just abysmal but what's important about most of the reveals that we had I think neo2 is the exception is that a game was revealed if you compare it to other other things that are just like a title or just like a concept of a game it's a little weird but like control came out of nowhere and wasn't a teaser it was just here's the game Resident Evil 2 the same you know wasn't just like a little teaser it was like here's the game that we have and so I think there's something significant there in those types of reveals so it moved it back up to a nine after it got dragged down by whatever that first opening sequence was so they did the from software game like after in the post yeah yeah yeah because it's the newest VR game I think they did the right thing with it but they did like that Rick and Morty game or whatever right we could watch those suppose our game I just love that know what that is I love that it's like harpies it is risen it a hard swap of those two games you mentioned the neo 2 thing being the exception and I agree with you they didn't really announce a game there they just announced it was just basically a title really yeah but I think because it wasn't that one because it was so short and because it was a sequel so soon I think they got away with it sure yeah it wasn't like I something I made it bad but I think the other trailers were so strong a blue 2 trailer is really just a lot of control design you know what I mean like there's trailer design there's somebody keeping the audience in mind the whole time yeah it's just like how you're editing it's how you're like I mean it wasn't just editing it like somebody conceptually like said hey it should start either perspective of a rat you know what I mean it wrote that trailer right I just love stuff like that and it just it's a great reveal and like that doesn't happen in the game yeah but so it's pretty I mean like you pause you hit art does that yeah cool tonight go to Walmart or wherever buy two TVs okay don't hang them on your wall okay hey hang the TV's on the wall the only thing that can play on those televisions and you can never shut them off are those forever forever no what's the game comes out you can take the team yeah Burnham as we've just finished our ratings it is now time for the sweetest moment brought to you by sweet justice fam because this one easy or not this one's easy yeah so we're sweetest moments just like the most shocking surprises is that kind of what we give them to it's like the best thing our favorite I think my tradition is it's our favorite thing yeah so we're thinking wasn't evil too right yeah yeah for me like that stranding is a close one yeah last last was demo itself was very very good but you can't hide heat with a red head to you if it wasn't that great right yeah yeah it's funny I think there would be like if they can be more contentious if sweet justice wanted to do like the unsweet a smoker right actually have to fight about what was the worst part moving theaters yeah on sweetest moment brought to you by sweet justice the moving of the theaters the harsh cut like like a short line you could have warned us just like hey and after this you're gonna see Sid Schumann don't be alarmed I'm gonna go outside is daylight yeah but no what could reassured us yeah yeah and then the hard cut back to the flute yeah a white guy dressed in suit yeah shoutouts to angry goofy though also Swedish I was angry dude like never see no working I think media black we don't yeah yeah spider-man as well from all my red arrow is like okay we go until they know it's a ten yeah they get it yeah they don't asleep no more yeah yeah I feel like at this point when you're showing the game in this state I don't know if it allowed you just believe Man three think of Witcher 3 on PlayStation 4 that got better as right framing framing cut better Mormons got better sure as time went on so in 2020 1900 it comes out in 29 anyway like five years get worse yeah resume yeah five years later for you may come before you right five times right you're right boy time to time today we have a lot happening tomorrow we the day leads off with a Nintendo press conference like what in the morning 8 a.m. pre show then okay lots to that if there's a lot riding on that press conference like what what is Smash Bros yeah so like after at the speed when they did it with Zelda they like straight up said yeah I think they would get our expertise a head of time but I guess the thing blood here's the thing you you basically said all of everybody's appointments I don't think we have like unannounced Nintendo title that's not yeah so you have like a bronze Naomi those things they used to do no we want do you got to go with me one time or two times they don't those two like Tuesday I think after they're laying if they ever do do those that was fun I love doing that actually it's good cool all right then I'll have a little more hope that there is some other game coming out in 2018 for it this switch but aminals well later that night we're back live we're doing this again for three more days these three days of e3 yes we're hanging out as blood teased earlier we're gonna have hands-on impressions up let's roll through them blood yeah bean games we're I'm gonna see another presentation of course horizon for which I played yesterday so we'll talk about that all together with the footage it's converted now ok downscaled Brad and I are seeing a cyberpunk whatever they got their ring so okay tomorrow night we're gonna have two people talking about what cyberpunk the gameplays like yeah that's crazy there's three of us they're gonna be able and Brandon no it's not on the floor in their friend tomorrow we're like hitting big ones is yeah the casein kind of made a one yeah day one impressions are all huge they're just the biggest games of e3 we have at least one person checking those out I will be seeing Resident Evil 2 they told me earlier blood that they like it won't be playable to Gamescom oh don't like rice yeah okay so yeah make a medal oh yeah - who's in on that Huber's doing that the right man for the job my two favorite games of all time show tomorrow - yeah how you doing all this film I show in the morning okay have lunch see lots of us part - that's my dad no Resident Evil's max like the beginning that's how my day starts okay should probably be playing spider-man right now if not he is yeah Brad and Huber will all have chances to do that tomorrow if I can speak that into some point I was weeping yeah he was saying control I don't know if it's playable or not roll it doesn't need it looks playable gratis seeing ghosts is justina that's probably not playable no probably not Brandon is also seeing dying like to you and asked about the 1d ones I'm really curious about that oh the comment you should dude I'm gonna have so many questions yeah the dual samurai got many questions for them duels for honor I just will also be doing a live version of the easy guys podcast tomorrow night which will be much shorter than last these are metal that'll be Michael Huber and Michael Damiani Tommy dude so yeah like this year I want to do like the five top headlines first person or third person and fix cameras everybody wins Donny I mean maybe we should like promote that's you while we have people watching like the reason why you're suddenly a fan of Resident Evil 2 yeah yes sure you want to do a plugged it it's amazing save it till these days to the end oh you three stuff right now oh so you mean like you're gonna play it no definite game sleuth present evil to dummy only played a lot for isn't able to and it has become very familiar with it yeah yeah cool podcast tomorrow we easy allies are a patreon funded group of content producers I had a new kind of producers because I'm like every youtubers or restreamers where all of those things we just make videos we screen videos we do podcasts we do lots and lots of things we love talking about video games as you've just seen we don't have this global about us every day of the year I have to be honest but we still have the love you know what I mean we still love video games not everyday Resident Evil 2 we make looks perfect but yeah so please check on cz eyes please try to support us if you can see if you're interested in that that would be the URL you should visit to do that I want to thank our sponsor sweet justice want to thank all of our mods and chat helping us out tonight I'm sure it got nuts in there so thank you for being in the trenches want to thank Damiani for being so good at pulling up videos and being on the switcher i've obviously everybody at this table thank you all of you I think you've digging a Bloodworth over there posting the video doing the word yet while doing juggling two balls right now Brandon Jones thanks for doing stuff you were doing out there greasing your collage Grayson post plates quiet man thanks for playing spider-man interplays thank you to everybody everybody will watch you thank you it's we dude it was just us in a room and be a little weirder we're just all facing a team you screw I think we're eating like chips and salsa at somebody's house like sweatpants and salsa but yeah thank you for keeping us in suits everyone for watching of course yeah check it out tomorrow morning check out easy Ali's calm it's the easiest way to find our schedule in your timezone it just automatically shifts into wherever you live easy allies calm as our schedule and your timezone and that is just about it yeah I think I covered a thank you everybody this is a blast III has just begun three more days left it is going to be too much fun love and respect everyone and hope to see you tomorrow [Music] thank you for joining us for this year's e3 celebration we're thrilled to bring you our reactions and analysis of all the big announcements as well as impressions from as many games as we can get our hands on at the show if this is your first time tuning in easy allies is an independent group of experienced writers and producers covering games and having fun in a variety of ways we make a range of reviews previews podcasts 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Channel: Easy Allies
Views: 341,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Easy Allies, Videogames, PlayStation, gaming, Reactions, E3, conference, press conference
Id: YgyvCAu6Q_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 52sec (12952 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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