Playstation 2 Slim / PS2 to HDMI Dongle "No Signal Fix"

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all right guys so you have the places to slim and you have bought this place into hdmi dongle but you don't have any signal there are a couple of solutions for this or better set there can be a lot of problems like places 2 is not working at all or the dongle is broken but otherwise most of the time it's a different problem so let's cover these before you're going to say hey i'm going to throw it away and it would be a shame because most of the time this is going to be a different problem with the signal input and output okay take consideration to subscribe to the channel hit the well because family and let's go with the show [Music] okay so the first thing that is possible that you're going to get the playstation 2 dongle but you didn't get the usb cable that you just forgot to send you on and yeah this is going to be a problem because yeah that is the reason why it doesn't work because here at the side you can see we're having the connection that you need to connect if you don't do this you have a problem and you will have no signal whatsoever so the first thing you always need to do is check out if this cable is connected like this and you can use your usb at the front so if you still tried it and you still have no let's say you have still have no juice i would say it's not really likely possible that this will be the problem and it's maybe something else but you can also do is remove this one and just use a phone charger so phone charger can be something like this this is just for my mo-q i7s it's a very good one three amps if i'm saying it correctly nevertheless you can use it like this and you're just going to use a different power source you can also get it from your television if you have a smart television so if you use this you just need to make sure that you're having some juice and if this doesn't work you can always get yourself a different cable this is a high quality cable sometimes you're going to get these very short low quality cables maybe something is broken inside so you need to make sure that everything is just getting juice so we also would say get yourself a good cable get yourself a good power supply so you know 100 sure that this this is not a problem okay so this product has an option to send out analog and digital signal so the first one is the old-school cable that we're going to do we're going to connect it with the old-school cable first on the television i hope you have the possibility to do so and then we're going to switch in the software to the component because basically the hdmi uses this signal and therefore is it set up on this cable connection yeah that's the reason why you don't have any signal because it doesn't recognize the dongle alright so as we connected with the original cable it's on the scart connection let's boot it up and let's change out the connection method so we can use the hdmi connection okay so let's do some old school capturing from the television so what you can see over here we're now in the menu go down press x as you can see we're going to into the menu itself go all the way down not the screen size what we're going to do is set the component video out select it put it on this selection and that's the only thing that you need to do okay go back i'm going to shut it down i'm going to replace with a different monitor and hdmi alright so everything has been connected let's boot it up and if you did it right you're going to have now signal okay so this is the way how you need to do it this is the way how you can fix your problem with the hdmi dongle if you don't have any signal or it works for me okay guys so i hope this video helped you out consider subscribing to the channel hit that little bell so if you have still some questions you can always drop it in the comments and i can see if it can help you out or maybe somebody else it would be great to have you in the wicked family and i hope i can help you out with this video see you next time bye you
Channel: Wicked Gamer & Collector
Views: 99,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wicked gamer, wicked gamer & collector, pandora's box, pandora games 3d, handheld, portable, retro gaming, retro console, video game, video games, how to, no signal, solution, tutorial, ps2, playstation 2, Slim
Id: PX3jeHSJvXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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