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all right what do we got today in our Minecraft world what am I gonna record today unfair what you told me there's another unfair unspeakable are you serious oh you know what happened last time I think I'm gonna get trolled okay now I'll start the game oh look at that look at that look at that oh there's a button okay that's not how we start hi get rid of it sobbing okay what what what what what what just happened well I'm blocked but it kills you oh this map is so savage okay we're on a brand new map are you serious right now she pible says you see that shapeable says mind the diamond block what alright let's go ahead and play whatever whatever whatever I'll play your games I'll play the unfair unspeakable world you know I will say this is a nice texture pack this is kinda nice I like it is this button gonna kill me how much you want to bet I bet all of you watching $1,000 that this button is gonna kill me if it's unfair and speakable it's gonna kill me okay you know what I take it back I don't have $1,000 I was crossing my toes okay I was crossing my toes and if 500,000 people watch this video I owe like five hundred million dollars yeah I was crossing my toes really a try again a ragequit I'm gonna I'm gonna rage quit I'm gonna rage quit all right I'm done okay okay I actually want to see what this map is come on let's do this what do we got try again okay I'll try again okay all right the zombies are gone or that unspeakable guys whatever Nathan for three six one five two seven three to the thousand emerald blocks are automatic checkpoints okay don't use slash spawn point don't cheat in general I might have to must give Nathan four three six one five a shout-out and put my youtube and website links in the description of your video if you're recording failure to give proper credit will result in your video getting report okay.i well I got you bro I got you subscribe to Nathan four three six one five an inspector becaming all right open the chest what I saw that coming honestly you know what I'm gonna take your head okay I can't do that alright well let's start with some simple Parker okay there's barrier block of course there is of course is very good luck what is there not a barrier block alright let's hop around let's hop around this boat oh no what what this man is about to make a lot of nonsense I don't trust any of these jumps I do not trust em I'm gonna die any second I swear oh my gosh how am I not dead yet this doesn't make any sense how am I not dead yet oh my gosh what is this okay oh look do you even make it through that oh well I don't have speed I don't have some it's not fair I didn't get the speed how does that even make any sense I'm like in a block right now that doesn't make any sense ladies and gentlemen I would love for you to leave a like on this video if you want to see me play more maps like this play more mass like this actually da but leave it like I want to play more mass like this please but I think if I go in the unspeakable there we go ready set go oh I made it okay okay okay is the red gonna kill me I wouldn't be surprised it's probably gonna kill me oh it's not gonna kill me oh we're good okay I'm still scared I'm still gonna avoid the red okay Oh what are you serious I already hate this map and I just run a crap okay it does kill you eeny meeny miny moe whoa what what Oh what [Applause] honey way to flip am I going alright okay do i dis oh wait what the flip oh my gosh the holes are painting of me flip do you make it across this it's not possible right when you touch the grey blocks it just okay I way I got a look at this painting yeah oh okay that's pretty flippin sick alright let's see is there oh flip do you get past this maybe there's like barrier blocks what oh snap oh snap okay now we have okay I'm gonna I'm gonna die I'm gonna die just wait for it I'm gonna die Oh up yep see I I was honestly not expecting that all right let's try this again where's the where's the troll I feel it there it is there it is there it is what they're just our barrier blocks the thing that stinks is I have to start completely over I have to literally start all the way from the beginning every single what all right we got this we got this I hope we got this maybe we don't got this okay when I start jumping over to this corner maybe oh okay we're good we're good okay wait is this gonna happen again it's probably gonna be another one oh there's not okay I really don't want to open chest because i okay flip it Otto drop you need to chill look at the background it's all my face that's great I love you guys I I'm not oh I love how the chest has my face on it I'm not opening that chest there's no way okay maybe I have to open the chest what would I do oh okay literally the signs have my face on it yes you are supposed to jump around lol oh why I made it through anyways oh you can literally oh my gosh I'm so done okay grab on it and don't look down you grab on it of rail do you grab up ha Oh what how is that even I'm not gonna question it I don't know how this is possible no no this is possible oh my gosh this is very nerve-wracking because I don't know how much room I have ah there's gonna be a troll somewhere along it please don't be a troll this is so cool you can't troll me on something that's brand new to me unless I have like a certain amount of time to make it to the other side then that would be a pretty good show I don't really know how this is possible I still don't understand it I have a rail going through my forehead right now it's very uncomfortable I didn't know my head was going to be used as a rail system I did not prepare for this okay that was flippin cool please don't kill me now or what's meme time ah when Preston gets called a hacker this guy literally put memes and his Minecraft map when you drink too much milk it's the best mother ever play oh my gosh really you had to put that one in there let me look at that again hold on I think I see something that looks familiar there something just looks really familiar about that photo I just can't seem to get and I don't know what looks familiar about that flip alright what's the next meme what is this when blank doesn't do Oh when unspeakable gaming doesn't do click bait [Music] okay all right all right on to the next one where did they get that picture I don't even have that picture no seriously what the flip are you what how many memes all right here minecraft I finally finished my diamond brick house oh that's good one that's a classic honestly that's classic up okay on to the next one That moment when you feel the sneeze but it doesn't happen hello that's because you swallowed it hey Tyler where did you get your memes the toilet store another thing this is Preston plays second cousin cousin okay okay I get it it's fine when you see your grandma dabbing oh oh oh oh okay on to the next one how many memes are there when your friend does something embarrassing and you're just like how did I get here beautiful this is this minecraft video turned into a meme er how many more memes is okay there's like two more oh my gosh there's so many when you know someone licked your toast I thought I said toe for a second I was like this kind of weird when you lose two moose craft a penny cheese all the time alright well okay let's get back to the map okay am I gonna get trolled dear of course I am of course I am oh wait well maybe this is just the actual level is it the actual level maybe this is the actual level okay wait hold on alright alright we're coming back up okay Oh flip Oh flip I don't want to touch the red okay okay how could I possibly be controlled on the ladder I don't know but it's probably gonna happen this is a really tall ladder I'm probably gonna get yep there it is yep I saw it coming how did the flip did you even manage to do that what is this what what that market whoo okay yeah that's a savage I don't like it I absolutely hate this mapping thank you don't I me are you no no no what what what stop okay okay I get it Oh flip oh my gosh go on yourself this is so difficult like I don't understand there we go there we go we're good we're good okay I'm good I'm gonna go I'm good I'm sure this is the best man I've ever played I love these kind of maps I don't know it's just so cool I just I I don't know what's next I have no idea what since for me next and I'm honestly scared it looks like there's another troll up here where I'm gonna get thrown out of the loop okay here we go get ready here we go and a three and a two and whatnot I haven't gotten trolled yet hey you yeah you try out my shrink-ray I'm scared no you can't get a high yeah what what it just shrunk me look how big the sign is now but I still got my face on it that's pretty cool okay I guess we're climbing up another flippin ladder are you serious why don't just call this ladder parkour unspeakable whatever welp we are now a mini unspeakable going up a ladder and [Music] oh yeah by the way if you have taken the time to look around you would have found the button behind the giant ladder that teleports you to the top of here whatever what is do no you can't get a high yeah no high yeah what the flip how am i floating right now oh that's really sketchy what am i standing on oh it's a ladder what what that's so crazy that's what I was just what okay I'm gonna have to fly back up here cuz I'm not about to do that again I'm sorry okay alright that's flippin cool alright what is this okay there's no way that's what are you serious no no no no I'm not doing this again I'm not doing this again where where did he say the button was where's the flipping button oh is that it oh oh no one's getting any hi guys today okay alright I don't understand this jump but um we might jump is this all like barrier blocks what okay wait if this is all variable Occident shouldn't I just be able to oh my gosh it's really that easy it's really that easy okay what is this how do you even complete this okay I feel like there's there's definitely gonna be a trick to this it does kill me oh it doesn't kill me oh I thought every single one of these was gonna kill me in some different way shape or form but I think we're okay we're gonna make it to the top wow this thing really never ends oh there's my big painting over there okay and speakable don't mess it up don't mess it up we got oh of course the last block is oh my gosh wait what oh I guess I was supposed to happen I'm super confused ah I don't know what to go I got I'm just running down a what is that oh we got some unspeakable pressure plates oh that's it we beat it okay that wasn't too hard look down is this the giant face hey that's so sick that is so sick like what leave a detail that is in there oh my gosh okay if you are in speak we'll press this button unspeakable thanks for playing my map you have actually played one of my other fan maps called the search for in speed war gaming I remember that so I'd know why did you only link to my website in the description of your videos of my previous map I said to link both my website and my youtube check out do it this time I'm sorry anyways I have been a fan of your YouTube channel since about three million subscribers and you are what inspired me to start a YouTube channel if you could do a video with me well my life will be complete we'll see about that please send me an email at the address in the book below with your discord or Skype username or seriously please do a video anyways thanks again for playing don't forget to leave my website and youtube links in the description well dude alright I gave you a follow on Twitter by the way I found you Twitter so will definitely connect wait these cakes have my fate home guys I want to thank you all so much for watching I want you guys all to leave a like on this video for the Matt Creator I think the map creator was awesome for making an awesome map like this and yes I did link your YouTube and your websites down in the description below now guys I want to thank you all so much for watching and if I should record a video with the map creator you should leave a like maybe I'll record a video with him he told me pretty hard this map let me know if I should order a video with the map creator by commenting down in the comment section below but guys I want to thank you all so much for watching I hope you guys have a safe and fantastic rest of your day and I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow in a brand new Minecraft video let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 5,931,486
Rating: 4.9186316 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: zewXNBPrlTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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