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I've been playing Minecraft for nearly eight years now and I've seen some crazy things and I've also seen some crazy rollercoasters some of the biggest and most detailed roller coasters in the world ladies gentlemen I've never seen a roller coaster like this this I think has to be the world's biggest minecraft roller coaster this roller coaster is approximately 35 minutes long that's how long it takes to finish the ride and there is so much detail and so many different things we're about to see this is gonna be crazy and I am so so excited for this we're riding in the world's most insane minecraft roller coaster period before this video starts I need you guys to click that subscribe button and slap the belt never miss another video what are we waiting on let's go ahead and press for a minecart here and let's up in the roller-coaster let's do this out we're going the right way what if we like what if we go backwards that'd be so awkward roller coasters that is that what it's called just really we got stuck are you flippin serious you know what let's try this again there we go I think it's because we were supposed to go faster we didn't press the button there barometer couch steering that do this goth roller coaster there's no special name and while we're underwater this is so cool we're gonna see a bunch of different things throughout this roller coaster we're gonna see a bunch of different shapes illusions we're gonna go up that crazy thing this is just gonna be wild and I'm super super excited looks like we're going all the way up this spiral right now what is this oh we're falling oh we are falling oh my gosh dad - dad - dad - dad dad dad dad - dad - dad - dad dad dad - dad - dad - dad dad dad - all right we're on the ground right now where are we going that's the real question oh yes a giant tunnel full of stone the best roller coaster in the world I'm sorry really coaster I'm not making fun of you please don't break down honking me again whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa just give me a headache just give me a headache whoa what is this Oh baby so sick but it's so sick whoa what the flip is this this is weird but it's kind of cool there's there's so many hills oh my gosh she's giving me a headache look at that that is so cool oh my gosh where we going where are we going where we going I'm getting a headache oh we're going all the way up here oh snap it's like a giant wrap Oh oh my gosh do we actually live lip what Oh looks like we're going down a little spiral here this is gonna take a second but if we're slowly but surely going all the way down the middle and you no no no no no no no no no and eventually into here oh oh oh what if I press one of those levers I press one I don't know what it does what's like the whole roller coaster explode Oh what is this by the time you read this you will be gone oh okay yeah oh wait I flicked one of those levers Oh oh my gosh it got me stuck are you serious are you flippin serious let's go hey look there's a house all the way over there oh my gosh we're gonna go over there one point hey what boy and I'm in this 35 minute roller coaster ride we will go oh my gosh we're gonna what do you call these things again thank you ocean monument I remember that so I sneezed Oh for those of you they said bless you thank you wow this is pretty cool that's pretty cool I'm gonna flick one of those leavers again I got ya I got God you think oh come on I'm just trying to have some fun I didn't mean to do it you know what I'm not touching any levers anymore it's it's not gonna happen I like these underwater ones like I think minecraft just got a new update and the glass was updated cuz I don't have a texture pack on right now and the glass looks super good Oh jump scares what is this oh that's cool whoa that's actually sick oh my gosh I didn't know there's jump scares that actually freaked me out I had no idea that was jump scares in this map you know I thought I thought this roller coaster was gonna be out peaceful and nice and it is don't get me wrong but I know there's jump scares no one ever told me that well well whoa where we go win do this like a classical roller coaster up right here just up bend down whoa wait we're about to go underwater it doesn't make any sense watch what what this is like defying like Minecraft physics right now top of these moves that this rollercoasters make it isn't definitely crazy and I also never thought that I'd ride a roller coaster for 35 minutes in Minecraft but you know there's got to be a new day for everything right okay okay okay oh that's pretty cool that's I like that that that's satisfying that's very satisfying what is this ah ah we just wrapped oh my gosh go go go oh this is weird I can't see my feet I don't like this this is so weird oh my gosh these roller coasters insane and we've only been riding it for eight minutes so far oh we're going to a private island now by giant roller coaster island you were fun time for a different one what do you use what is it Oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there's so many tracks what's going on here oh my gosh it's like the creator of this map ran out of room in the Minecraft world for the roller coaster usually the Minecraft world has plenty of room but now now the Minecraft world does have enough room for this roller coaster that's why we're having to do all these crazy stuff like what is this apparently it's like this map creator years to build this map and I completely believe it I mean the amount of detail that is in this I mean we haven't even seen half of the map yet just think about not only the building of this map but think about all the testing and think about like where to put all the redstone tracks like how would he know to not put any redstone tracks here like you would have to test that and see how long you can go without redstone and stuff very very interesting up we're going back in this thing we're back that's pretty cool I like it what is this what is this what is this Oh yeah honestly if I was actually on a roller coaster for this long it would give me the biggest headache ever it would probably make me sick could you imagine actually being on a roller coaster for 35 minutes the average roller coaster ride I think is about like three minutes and that's on even like a really big roller coaster I could imagine being on here for 35 minutes like in real life like that would be insane I would probably definitely throw up what is going on here is just like a roller coaster maze wait outs there's a roller coaster maze that is wild this dude made a maze with the rope oh my gosh it's a roller Wow Wow this is so sick I am so impressed right now this is so cool we have going down like every dead end like I love it I'm like nope that's not it nope that's not it I just want it nope that said it this is the easiest minecraft video I've ever filmed I don't haven't touch anything I just have to have talked I said be like hi my name is ed speak well that's about all you need to know oh my gosh we're going back through this thing again didn't we already go through this oh we're exiting we're going backward what this roller coaster so confusing but we're going a different way now oh my gosh it doesn't make any sense whoa that's insane okay that is pretty cool oh I see I see diamonds I'm sorry I had to touch him this is so sick how long did it take him to do this cuz there's no worldedit in Minecraft Pocket Edition that's the crazy thing is like he hand-built all of this because there's no worldedit in Minecraft Pocket Edition oh come on come on buddy there we go oh come on come on come on come on there we go there you go yeah times where I'm like is the roller coaster gonna stop and I'm I gonna have to push it but it makes it every time love the underwater roller coasters are so so cool this is minecraft video it's all about roller coasters I want you guys to let me know in the comment section below what is the craziest or most fun you've ever had on a roller coaster like in real life I think mine personally would have to be either the master-blaster roller coaster which it's not really roller coaster that's kind of a a water ride but I kind of consider it a mix between a water ride and a roller coaster or Superman yeah definitely definitely Superman that thing was crazy where are we going right now we're going so far to ground that I don't know what's happening I've been in this roller coaster for so long and my head is starting to hurt we're almost halfway through the map almost we're not we're not even halfway through yet we're still about five or so minutes away from being halfway through the roller coaster look at all those diamonds I saw a ton of diamonds up there look they're all right there whoa this is pretty cool purple blocks yeah we're waiting for some purple blocks it's been a while since I've seen purple well are we gonna make it I don't think we're gonna make it oh my gosh we made it what what this is wild wall rainbow all right Bob what's next food dye missile B eat him Oh flip okay well back in the ground this is the same like I've never seen a roller coaster like this in my life coaster in Minecraft Pocket Edition this is fun it's my favorite it's my favorite part of the roller coaster see this is what I would throw up on yeah I definitely throw up on this it's been doing this for like a solid minute now oh never mind we're going underground I love me a simple straight minecraft roller coaster straight through the jungle until we do something crazy and we're not doing anything crazy yet you know it's pretty simple just go into a forest you know not a big deal and we're in a house is on fire wait ever going into the end oh my gosh no way no you change dimensions in this rollercoaster there's no flipping way what building terrain what okay this is wild okay it's done all right cool oh my gosh what the heck the dragon is right there I mean it's not the actual in the dragon it's like a yeah it's like a little foam toy version of them but you know it's close enough why'd you got your face in the wall buddy that's not a good way to start your day well where we going now are we leaving the end I think we are walking back to the overworld Oh No Oh No what the heck what how does that make you how does that even make any sense I thought mine carts don't like flow or like when they land in water you like have to hop out of a but there's lava there's lava there's lava oh we're going back oh wait what I am so confused hey lava good thing I'm in creative mode right hey buddies hey dude how you doing oh we're going back up to grassland Oh trees what how did we just get a like a city oh my gosh where did this come from all of a sudden I was outside in grass now I'm in a city doesn't make any sense it really doesn't can I can we make like a pit stop here I kinda want to look around you know I want to I want to do some shopping you this looks nice oh my gosh this is this is a wild everything is this this rollercoaster does it only have a ton of detail illusions and all these crazy things but it's also like actually like a fun roller coaster to ride like the way he built all the tracks like you're flying things you're going around like crazy you're doing like really fun things like it's not like a boring roller coaster it's just a straight line speaking of a straight line now we're on a straight line you know what I mean it's like it's a it's really fun and awesome really coaster and I don't know what we're doing now but all of a sudden when I said straight line and it looks like we're now doing a bunch of straight lines in a roller coaster okay well if I say what I want in this roller coaster next can we go on that crazy thing up there that that thing I really would like to go on that oh my gosh I'll be actually going on it no way you've got to be kidding me oh wait no we're not no there's no way oh my gosh that roller coasters on fire when are we gonna ride that one wait we're going back up oh my gosh please tell me we're actually gonna ride the fire roller coaster oh no no we're gonna drop down we'll get to it we'll get to it don't worry oh okay we got a bunch of circles to go on now oh my gosh it's gonna put us all the way in the middle and then we're gonna have to go all the way back out yep yep now we're going back out how does that even work that would give me so many headaches building that no no no no no no no no no my gosh okay I'm gonna admit that was pretty crazy I think we're about to go on the big roller coaster part maybe I don't know No No maybe dad I don't know oh my gosh this is this is wild oh we're going back down oh wait look at this what we're jumping every single one that is so okay see what I mean if there's a roller coaster out there that you guys think is cooler than this let me know in the comment section below I know there's one that's crazy crazy detailed I forgot what it's called it I think it's on Xbox it's a roller coaster that's on Xbox most of you guys might know what I'm talking about that one I would put it right up here with this roller coaster alright now this is just giving me a headache what what is going on here Beetlejuice that's what it's called Beetlejuice I would probably put that roller coaster right up here with this one cuz that one is just crazy as well and that's also like a classical one you know like you got you got it you got to stay to your roots with the classical roller coasters what the heck was that what is this parkour map thought we were doing roller coasters whoa this is super weird what it what is it is changing colleagues but what's with all these other blocks that are in here whoa what honey how do you even do that how do you make a real cooz who stopped and start going again without touching any like magic man absolute magic whoa okay that's super weird and we're back on a nice classical wooden roller coaster all right oh my gosh we still have like 15 minutes left this would you fake it's over you're like okay I've seen enough this thing's great oh we saw 15 minutes oh cool what else could there possibly be I want to ride that I want to do those I want to do that so bad that looks so sick I mean it's the tall and the rainbow one right all the way up there oh we're riding on diamond blocks that's pretty cool Wow hey look that is where we started right there in that building oh my gosh this thing really goes like all the way like around look it goes all the way back over there so we're gonna be on this thing for a second oh cool all right we're done whoa whoa whoa why wait what what what what what Super Mario Oh flappy bird favorite oh wait what enjoy the rest we just got teleported up here wait they got a minecart huh what'd we do oh my gosh okay so a teleport up here is that enjoy the rest okay all right let's do it wait what wait what I'm getting a headache am I being teleported to the same one or am I being teleported a different one I'm pretty sure it's a different one because I look I keep getting teleported to different locations look now I'm really really high up what in Planet Earth oh it's a rainbow boy that's what it is oh it's so cool that was super weird but this this was quick there ain't no I like it like it's like a dropper but like you don't die it's pretty rare oh yeah well it's cuz I'm in creative mode but alright what is this oh my god oh my gosh this looks really weird because I'm flying up but it looks like I'm flying sideways but I'm actually flying up but what is this okay so we got a mic alright let's try to do the rest of the rollercoaster here hopefully this is the rest of it up nope it just throws us right into the ocean alright we're in some other maze right now this is crazy this is absolutely crazy I think we have about seven or so seven or eight minutes left on the roller coaster so we're almost done boy I think this is the big part of the roller coaster oh no it's not nevermind it was just some crazy slime blocks that threw us what this is so sick this is so cool and then we're gonna land on the track and just keep going what in the world switch track oh geez guys which way should I go I'm gonna go it this way oh my god this way it's so cool you can choose the way you want to go I wonder if the other way would have sent me to like a totally different oh my gosh it's so crazy to think that wait where we're going now oh wait is this the big part oh no it's not the big part of the roller-coaster I see it it's over there but it's probably like it oh my gosh that is so cool see how long did it take the map here to position that block perfectly to where I would land on the track that's my question whoa what okay now we're getting we're basically in an elevator right now that's pretty cool bunch of slime blocks throwing us all the way back up to the top okay okay this this really curse just keeps blowing my mind away hoho way we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it this is the big section of that are you serious really really oh wait wait I think we're on top of it oh oh we are on top of it no way we start from the top and work our way down Oh that's so sick this is the big part of the roller coaster and that's that's pretty much it it's just a bunch of slime blocks that push you back and forth could you imagine doing this in real life imagine how scary that would be being in a roller coaster like cart getting flown off the track and then hit by something squishy throwing you back onto the track oh my gosh that would be terrifying this is actually really cool that's it's kind of peaceful you know it's like it's like ah you know that's nice very very relaxing and take it to the fire part of the roller coaster then it just kind of gets scary this thing is long I mean look how tall it is oh my gosh Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada do that that almost choked on my water oh my gosh we're still going underground you've got to be kidding me you got it look down oh my gosh this thing is so tall what I didn't know yeah you know wait for this long we've been going for almost a solid minute-and-a-half there we go where we going now where we are now what is this oh my gosh the roller coaster oh my gosh it's the other section oh this is the other section next to it Oh school about this has to be the finale or something because we've been on this roller coaster for over 30 minutes now so we're getting pretty close to the 35 minute mark oh my gosh we're mega minutes up all right what is this next section whoa we're a different Island right now once okay what work yeah where I complete different Island whoo diamond blacks oh yes where we go in today where we go in today where we go I like my minecraft when it's hot and spicy I like my minecraft when it's been warm in the microwave I don't know I don't know what I'm saying I'm sorry whoa whoa I didn't even know this was possible what you can roller coaster underwater yeah what's the point of all the glass than they had before oh my gosh since when has this benefits just been a thing in Minecraft for a while have I just been dumb probably I've probably just been dumb oh my gosh okay we're going into a giant ocean monument right now I don't think this is the same ocean monument that we were in before because the other one seemed to be a lot smaller but this looks crazy a bunch of tracks come on don't be snow on me go go go go go there you go what is this oh my gosh what wow that is so crazy okay and of course we're still gone the roller coaster is not over yet ladies gentlemen we have been on this roller coaster for officially 33 minutes now that's what my recording says 33 minutes and 13 seconds right now now the video that you are watching is probably shorter than that because it's been edited and cut it kind of crushed rapido baby is beautiful my graph oh oh my gosh you know we never went to visit that house yet I wonder if that second way that we picked would have taken us to go visit that house because look there's like that giant ramp that goes up or maybe he goes down so crazy or maybe we're about to go on to that adventure I don't know what is it is this train oh my gosh it's train it's a train here we go ready wait for it wait for it Giroux yay crazy the craziest roller coaster I've ever been on in my life guys let me know in the comment section below what you think of this roller coaster and if you guys have not clicked that subscribe button yet then you seriously seriously needs you otherwise you're gonna miss out on some crazy content I'm not just this channel but you guys gonna check out my other channels as well if you guys haven't subscribed to my vlog channel you guys have to go check that out I post three to four vlogs a week and they are crazy some really really awesome vlogs wait I think we're going straight to the house right now oh my gosh we're going straight to the house we're go straight spaz no way no way Oh train yep we are going straight to the house I love how it just said that and I was like you know we haven't been to the house yet I wonder if we're gonna go there and then we're literally on our way there this is why I don't have a random piece of glass my inventory here ocean you can have that good back the ocean is so pretty oh my gosh new minecraft update is just wait no wait wait I'm gonna go to a house what is this oh my gosh oh okay that was actually pretty cool okay we're in the under water cave system right now riding on a roller coaster also I just want to say this minecraft map is lied I've been in this roller coaster for 36 minutes now this roller coasters way longer than 35 minutes where we go in now take me because I'm getting a headache from this room to coaster we're going where we going where we going we're so underwater I don't know what's going on I've been on this roller coaster for almost 37 minutes now that's crazy that it that is crazy like how oh there's a pirate ship okay that's pretty cool hey guys doing please don't eat me oh we're going up that means we're gonna emerge for water shoot what we didn't even go to the house that's all I wanted to see I didn't care about anything else this minecraft world but that house it looks so pretty I'm kidding I'm kidding but you know I know I'm not kidding oh well whatever I think that is the end of the roller coaster I'm pretty sure considering we've been on the roller coaster for 38 minutes now and the roller coaster said it was 35 minutes ladies and gentlemen I wouldn't thank you all so much for watching this video this was by far a really really cool video to film if you guys want to see more roller coasters on the channel let me know by leaving a like and let me know in the comment section below your favorite roller coaster you've ever written on and also let me know what you think of this roller coaster is it good is it bad or is lame I don't know just let me know the end hope you enjoyed oh my gosh I'm not riding on another thing again what is this where does this take me it takes me all the way down to Oh back to the beginning we're sorry anyways guys thank you all so much for watching I wish y'all a safe and fantastic rest today and I'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new video stay awesome stay safe and of course stayin speakable [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,980,173
Rating: 4.8941326 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Id: KE-hsGimQrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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