Playing to Win in Solos in Dark and Darker | A Longsword Fighter Guide

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hey welcome back everyone today's video is going to be a combat guide for the long sword specifically on fighter playing solo and Goblin caves I've got some clips lined up that I want to go through talk about why I took certain actions in them and use them to highlight things that you guys should be doing as well when you're playing long sword fighter especially you know fighter has many many tools at their disposal crossbow Longbow and stuff with uh weapon Mastery Frank axes throwing knives there's a lot of things that you should be doing with your spacing and manipulating fights as we get further into EA and less and less new players come in you'll start getting a lot more a lot more fights with people that are Gamers that can that can manipulate themselves too around your weapon that they know has the one shot repost right that gimmicky one shot reposted everyone's like Ah that's all long sword has but we can play to win rather than play to Parry by using the other tools around us manipulating our spacing we'll start off looking at another long sword fight because because you know the most important thing in these fights is knowing the matchup knowing what people are going to do and anticipating it ahead of time right baiting them into doing something because you know that that's what they think is optimal blocking the Crouch attack and turning it into a win easy right that happens all the time with a lot of weapons all right you need to bait people into doing things you want like this falion player can kill us in two head shot probably maybe three he aims low the whole time and we see it he's toe tickling so we start spacing and jumping right because he's going for our toes and if you're Crouch jumping he's going to miss your toes so make use of your space make use of your Crouch jump when people toe tickle and just DPS trade another important thing to keep in mind when you're playing long sword especially because the weapon is wide has crazy horizontal swings you need to relocate right do not take fights in tight corridors while you lose get back into safe spots where it's open that you can space and trade your repost damage because that is still where the strength of the weapon is so make use of Sprint find the right spot to take the fight bait people back in here easy like I said about more and more better players coming around people are getting good at blocking it's just natural progression right it's just natural progression so as they get better at blocking you got to start utilizing your jump attacks while you're tra in your post right you'll come across it more and more often a good player is going to be able to actually block shielding does work despite what rdit and Discord says a good player can land plenty of blocks that they need to land all right so utilize jump attacks around these shields all right time it jump over the top because of the nice horizontal attack pattern you can win easily don't forget when you take the advantage if you hit a repost you have an HP Advantage you can start DPS trading with the left click it works just as often just as easily so when you have the advantage in HP after repost make sure you use your left click DPS to finish up trades and win fights one thing I tested out was perfect block and uh it's not very usable right now makes the repost timing way too tight you can see how we block this guy it's doesn't matter about the desync or where we pared him the impact resistance increase and the difference between the impact power the falion makes the timing as tight as if you're pairing another repost on every weapon so it's become pretty unusable for me at least in my opinion for now I have to change that before I think it has value because making the timing that tight it's just not worth it even if it didn't erupts weapons something I've started doing when I have good position with crossbows is using Sprint to Gap close before shooting them Gap closing on a ranger or someone squishy and guaranteeing your shot is super beneficial one thing you need to make sure you're not doing is chasing with the wrong weapon in the wrong situation now I get lucky that I dodged and more that he missed that last shot but I should have been chasing him that whole time with the throwing axis that I have in my utility we re-engage later on and how do we take the fight we don't chase with the long sword we use like throwing axes our others source of damage all right make sure you're using every source of damage for the right situation throwing axes or chasing people down crossbows for trading damage across rooms and holding positions and keeping people locked out now this next clip is a bit of an extended fight I wanted to show to you guys because I have quite a few things in this clip that I think are valuable so we started off by pushing the guy who's spacing us he's a Slayer fighter he has to move speed Advantage he's throwing his throwing axes and missing we get into melee and he's trying to manipulate his spacing as well trying to Bob and weave to poke and Retreat he makes a misplay here trying to get a crossbow reload and takes damage in the zone so he gives up the position that he had and gives us an advantageous position holding the door as the Zone's pushing him now even with us taking a bad play here taking two crossbow bolts where we try and close the door we're still in a good spot to hold him in the zone and space him out all right what's important though is that we don't just play for the melee fight here we play to win right so rather than taking the long sword out we're going to switch the crossbow and apply damage and pressure while he's Gap closing through the Zone on us because we have this tiny little area to fight even as a even as a Slayer fighter using Sprint we have time for two reloads we space and then we go in and trade because we have the advantage cuz we just hit two crossbow shots right so don't just play around trying to get a melee fight and a melee Victory if you're playing to win get that crossbow out apply pressure force them to come to you if you're in a good spot lay out the damage and then lay out left click DPS rather than trying to bait Repose all right and really the best thing you can learn to do is make sure you're using your throwing axes barbarians aren't the only people that should be buying 400 of these every match they are so beneficial to us so this next clip I just included cuz I wanted to highlight how I'm using character movement to try and manipulate my way across the open areas the Gap close on certain types of characters obviously it's easiest against crossbows right because of their slow reload time their low DPS there's not six arrows coming at you in 4 seconds and stuff and I know probably a lot of you already know to do this you've had people do it against you you've done it against others but I just want to make sure that I point it out because it's super important right now once you trade damage and you find an advantage you need to push it right we hit him in the head he pops second win he's got a few ticks that have come back so far but we still have a massive HP Advantage so we go in and we DPS trade we have adrenaline rush on this time don't use it it's not optimal it's not great use it for fun I guess but it's probably going to lose you fights when you don't have second win in this case I think we win this fight even without it so it doesn't really matter right but we got a nice low come up and made some money off oh boy so this clip here shows the value I think in using the left click even with this guy trying to drag and go for our toes and hit us with the Viking sword perfect block denies us our post even though we were anticipating it we end up having the left click and trade damage right and then as he's running away and fleeing trying to reset we end up taking him down with a Frank axe but even though we got denied our repost despite hitting the Parry because of perfect block we still take a fight against a Barb that had a pretty decent upper M kit you know he's not B by any means but he definitely had an advantage in the kit on us right and on top of that we missed our repost because perfect block was well denying us cuz it sucks so make sure you're using the left click all right don't just be a little Perry Gremlin use that left click and win the fights when you need to if you're struggling with the crossbow pull out the Longbow just run weapon Mastery it's okay there's nothing wrong with it run a recurve bow because sometimes it's going to clutch up as people run if you can hit your shots it's going to do things like this all right and don't forget long sword is very desync and server Reliant sometimes it's just not going to line up so when you get the long sword out and stuff like this happen Shake It Off laugh it off run it back in the next one and just play for fun that's all I got for you guys and I'll see you guys next time take care be safe
Channel: Oggieson
Views: 11,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker longsword, dark and darker longsword block, dark and darker longsword parry, dark and darker parry, dark and darker blocking, dark and darker blocking guide, dark and darker parry guide, dark and darker longsword fighter, dark and darker blocking tips, dark and darker parrying tips, dark and darker fighter guide, dark and darker longsword guide, dark and darker longsword fighter guide, dark and darker how to win more fights, dark and darker how to extract more
Id: FF4K29jR1gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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