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ate or died ladies and gentlemen as the game says apparently you have to eat or you shall die Briana how do you play this game you gotta get chubby I feel like oh my god why am i why am I getting faster as I'm eating more junk food this is the oh I am wider than a toucan sam right now I don't think oh my gosh because the junk food is so small we can't eat it anymore we have to eat bigger food I'm pretty sure that's yeah yeah I got a cheeseburger oh my gosh Brianna Brianna Brianna I see jobs Bri I'm about V I'm bout to be all my mouth means thank you already say the pizza pie Oh Brianna Brianna Brianna chubs is behind us choice is behind us I repeat there's a chubs behind us just fried no I'm seeing jobs jobs don't eat your brain watch out jump this is gonna eat you chubs is gonna eat you be careful brietta be careful we don't want jobs oh I think what it is is the food you can only eat it like at certain times okay planta there's three left three left he's alive yeah I'm so low my god jump stay away from me please stay away from me oh my god she killed me I don't even know how she killed me but I died I have to stay alive for fifty five seconds oh dear oh my dear be careful okay she's going that way she's coming for you she's coming for you her happiest sneak asaurus rex this is the only time where you can call people fat and it's okay all Brigitte's coming for you she's throwing exploding hamburgers Brianna you better eat or you are going to die if you don't eat if you don't eat you're gonna die fifteen seconds left [Music] Bree I think you're gonna win I think you wait your three-putt what you're older than me branded or you literally just ran into chubs failure Bree you didn't what is it the one time I win a game that you don't is it involves eating food I don't know really like we're not gonna get into that we're not gonna get into that if I if I say anything about this I'm gonna get in trouble guys so I'm not gonna mention anything about chubs Oh bigot president make you president make your present maybe I bought chubs maybe I bought chubs I might have bought chef's wife spent so much row bugs wait forever oh my gosh Brenna please take it easy on me you throw exploding hamburgers Brianna I'm not even getting giant exploding hamburgers I don't know just stay away from me he's stay away from me it's because you're so fast yes you got like three people just now take it easy woman take it easy there chubs I'm running away I'm running away I'm not looking behind you I am I see you Bree you're bald you're literally bald oh no you're Bree Bree Bree Bree Bree Bree Bree Bree Bree Bree stay away from me chubs stay away from me chubs [Music] you're such a silly jumps thrusted never call your wife chubs by the way guys I do not recommend it it's going to be you're not ever gonna get me Breanna I'm on it I'm sorry I'm I'm gonna call you Breanna anymore we gotta call Breanna chubbs chubbs McGee you'll never get to me I see you Jem's McGee oh my gosh you are literally chub button McGee holy moly I don't think there is a side of yourself right now you're circumference is quite large side of myself forever you know nobody was supposed to see I didn't realize how much you like junk food I'll be completely honest with you I'm just as surprised as you are you've been putting on the weight lately baby that's all I could say right now [Music] what do you mean I gotta be careful I'm just saying you're putting on format' weight right now God think everybody in the comments agrees that you're putting on some weight you look I'm being as careful as a toupee in Sam right now for you know you're not even gonna come near me I'm putting my glasses on this is how confident I am guys I'm taking time to put on my gamer glasses all right my gamer glasses are just three people I don't think Raina can see me I think she's too dumb to see me oh don't call your wife fat and dumb in one video you're fun but you're fun but hey breathe and what are you doing I'm literally watching you right now and you're I am do you no but what I'm alive I'm not spectating oh oh I just realized something bad guys if you don't consistently eat you get small and slow yeah it's a really good thing Breanna doesn't know how to look around the map and find me free look behind you you goofball I'm up here on top of the ice cream cone on top of the house I'm on the ice cream come on top of the house Preston I think it's time to eat since you're my wife I might have to go for you first I'm gonna be completely I yeah Breanna I'm coming for you oh my gosh I'm about to throw some explode Oh Briana I see you [Music] that's Donna Donna Donna Donna Donna Donna come here girl yargh just got another one I just got another one oh my god thank you I'm on it I'm unstoppable oh no what do you think you're going women why do you think you're going she's kalaiy man I gotta give her props for that one she's oh I think I just got right think I just got her I don't see Stella oh my gosh there's more of them eight exploding and burgers yeah Breanna guess what there's a hundred and twenty seconds left and you're the last one alive oh hey Breanna Hey hey do you like exploding hamburgers hey do you like exploding burgers why'd you go Breanna you can't run away from your job semester no no what you go no no Rianna I actually let you go and I regret that heavily because I have no idea where you went to good good Brianna what are you doing inside of that gingerbread house Breana I'm gonna sit on you I think that's how I'm gonna get you hamburger Brianna I can't get you at any time I could get you at any moment in time right now I jumped on you I squished you I think it's safe to say guys I might be the best chubbs McGee in the history of chubbs McGee players I I don't think being a brag a bragger is very nice yeah yeah you don't think being a brag Brianna you need some help dude some help with that English of yours I'm not being a bragger I'm just stating facts oh please let me be Oh again you guys are done you better press ENTER I'm coming for your victim I've already found my first victim hey I got another one there's only three of you left I know some of you want to use it the gingerbread tower at the top I see you up there big boy come here boy Breanna there's only two left a la a likely story I would say Preston hey yes ma'am there what are you talking about I'm just punching down this I just punched it's about it I'm doing my job I'm being a construction worker yeah how do you know there's not anybody in here I don't believe you Oh who's this I just saw somebody somebody's at a gingerbread house Breanna god oh you're thought you were sneaking values watch I'm gonna get over the exploding hamburger and oh that house isn't gonna save you ma'am I'll say you ought to save you from the president that won't even save you either girl I'm gonna get it with a hamburger just you wait just you wait and wait for it hamburger toss oh oh my gosh you almost got her and almost got her I'm gonna get her with the hamburger I'm gonna get it with a hamburger the Big Mac and here comes the Big Mac with extra cheese ladies and gentlemen big Mick get in there businessman well I found ya there's a moaning McDonald's I'm not promoting McDonald's but I do like their stuff hold on I'm not that this girl the Big Mac she gonna get the Big Mac of justice no I'm gonna be playing with her Brianna do you see me don't ya odds gonna get it with a Big Mac let's do it to it ladies and gentlemen Oh crazy girl boss 3 3 4 is chubbs it's ok Breanna get ready eat all the candy it on Halloween can doze I'm eating as much candy as I can I'm eating so much candy this cannot be good I'm gonna have to go to see the dentist soon oh boy I need to die I need big didn't die oh my gosh this is actually a good chubbs Bree this is a good chubbs whoa whoa she killed me this job's already killed me read this shops is really good I underestimate yes you are Breanna oh you're so lucky breaking breathy breathe this chubs knows how to play the game be very careful traitor seriously she's throw like a hamburger she killed me with a hamburger I don't blame you for dying this chubs was the ultimate chubs of chubs champions of the chubbiest how do you feel about getting to be chubs Breanna oh my gosh I'm here uh I know I know but don't think that you're gonna get me I'm sorry I'm not gonna let it happen I'm gonna get you no you're not no you're not yeah what do you mean you can't run fads [Music] cheeseburgers you're never gonna get beyond the ultimate speed runner I'm already in a safe area you'll never find me yes I do I would see a blonde woman from a mile away eh Breanna why haven't you got anybody yet why haven't you got anybody yet okay okay just making sure you gotta keep you on your toes oh I see pro-ana I see Breanna guys and she's looking fierce oh no Brianna Brianna we could talk about things we could talk about things we could talk yeah we can't we can you know I've always loved you I love you oh my gosh banner you're being a savage you're just killing everybody I tried I'm gonna let you win no I'm not girl ng1 yes ma'am you're never gonna get me with a cheeseburger I'm not gonna let that happen [Music] I see you Brianna Oh Brianna 3 3 anybody all right I got a big wipe off my hand ladies and gentlemen running away from the big wife oh that's not meant to be offensive it just it just a factual statement oh I'm safe I'm safe I'm safe from chubs [Music] why you have atomic farts I want atomic spark I'm really jealous right now which I get atomically fart Breanna how did you lose side of me why Evan I don't know you were literally just a goofball you know that brie I deliver what are you doing all the way over there in Africa I don't know what you're doing right now briefer there's still three people alive oh oh oh chubbs McGee is here boys she got some atomic farts whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this Wayman is going crazy ladies and gentlemen Oh where did she go Wow brain let's talk about this we're married right remarried we we have a lot to talk about we're married you're my wife under husband you know what I'm saying um Briana you're going the wrong way you're going the wrong way chubbs McGee pinch ups what up there I escaped the chubbs McGee ladies and gentlemen if you want to play the funniest game in roblox check it out down below in the description eat or die super fun amazing game check out marina channel down below in the description and we'll see you guys next have
Channel: PrestonGamez
Views: 6,663,695
Rating: 4.8465905 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, kids, funny
Id: PCcMLBqgWuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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