Playing Mario Party But its Roblox..

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yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo no kind of getting slow with it [Music] bro yeah I don't what teamate you talking to the red team we got to put oh oh yeah I already know that I already know that I'm just saying like who you talking to though bro oh my God cuz I can't I I can't I can't let you in I'm sorry bro I'm sorry bro I got I got to do what I got to do bro I got to do what I got to do bro no this is crazy yeah yeah yeah I know I know I know I'm going I'm going blue I'm going blue was hakari hard harder uh harder cards got me B Jo hey R hey hey that's Micky Hot Potato what what what no M you claim that you claim that claim that wasn't even close bro I was that close to me even do that Ying n bro that's Mickey nah bro that was not Mickey yes that was was the last time well today's video is probably going to be on the longer side um if you haven't guessed by the title yes it is Mario party but in Roblox now I'm not going to lie these games get kind of hectic and uh yeah it gets pretty toxic near the end so uh I probably stick around uh this probably one of the longer videos and if not it is what it is um but if you are new here hey my name's was Sagi I'm trying to hit 1,000 Subs I appreciate it if you know what I'm saying hit that like And subscribe button all enough stuff let's get on with the video cuz you're not here to see [Music] me hell [ __ ] me a I had a eight bro yeah Manny please oh I forgot you're bro you said that was a bigger bro he said that was a bigger how did y say that I said Ain that a b word no bro just stop just stop just stop it's over all right what we doing here what we doing the jump rope the jump rope one this one lowkey like okay oh I thought I got this game Lord I thought I my slam hul bro just trip on the Rope already man yeah yeah yeah already don't like bro or like a remix I'm have to like like bro man you about to make this actually bad I be forget bro I don't barely be in the videos no more that's why I be forg again it's John lowkey going okay all right that was something okay me sced you hey that didn't bring my me hey that didn't bring my memories y'all like how you had to be running from the uh whip I want what what you talking about bro yeah no no no no you can't say that no you can't say that talk about oh yeah yeah that took a fat minute to realize I don't know the last time I wrote a above a five in this game mean to say how how do you not mean it but you say it bro I was just freestyling bro you know how my ADHD said it slipped out nah don't blame no ADHD bro what that's crazy oh yeah bro I'm in a server full of crash dummies bro yo bro said car bro oh no yeah I'm cutting that I'm cutting actually me c BR bro just bleep that out bleep yeah no [Laughter] cap yeah that's probably the craziest thing I heard all night Ain know I just got one right bro you you'll be all right you'll be all right let be a sport where am I apparently because I need to lock in okay so that's okay okay you're here where's here merang wish just go to the straight a little bit more so you can jump off that big I'm far from the crown I'm a little hike see if I go this way oh oh put your money in me bro yeah put your money in me bro can I tell you can I tell you what I say bro hold on bro I'm trying to lock in bro let's see no not going that way don't go that don't go to the right I know bro I know what I'm doing hold on okay I'm going this way oh yeah going to the dungeon let me get a Mickey Crown let me get a Mickey Crown oh okay I'll take that you thought it was Mickey Crown is absolutely outlandish bro y'all be saying the same [Music] thing mini game again all right which one we getting I oh I me to can't for real now what if I just left this all in bro you know I quick iwear I swear this YouTube can't take that down you be said some CRA oh yes oh you already know the jokes that's about to come with this one you can't a you know the jokes that's Yoo oh bro yeah don't even try it bro you're not a catching me what H hey hey I Ain G lie yo that my [ __ ] [Applause] oh he R hey hey that's potato what what what no M you claim that you claim that claim that even close you got bro I was that close to even do that n yall tripping bro nah bro that's Mickey nah bro that was not Mickey yes that was was the last as long as I don't lose no money bro I think I'll be okay I hope that fox rob you for all your money what type of BS damn oh bro stole from me damn they stole from from you though what they mean you talking about why you keep talking abouto bro welcome to the train buddy welcome to the train I got think you got sh the function I'm really watching everybody go around the board and I've moved like a total of 12 spes did you oh no you you lowkey sold that one I didn't know how many no I didn't know how many had it's cool bro it's cool H bro everybody getting random items and [ __ ] yeah this video about to take me like at least a week to finish especially if I want to be like enjoyable just have some stuff with me for two minutes yeah okay thank you number okay let's just act so CH let's just act like I'm chat right then I can proceed and say what I want after the two mat that's not what that mean that's not what that mean if you say something wild if you say something wild they they still count that about TP oh that's TP you near stop near Crown yo call this [ __ ] my landlord why does he keep taking everything from me what I do Min game time oh my gosh please tell me I can get the bomb again I'mma blow this bro you good [Music] bro peace peace snowball bounce where my mil where my Milkman at H H I think that's slime I think that's slime anyways how you play this G white oh no no he's mixed yo y I'm standing on the corner stre o dummy oh [Music] dummy oh ohy yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo W yo yo yo yo no what what yo what hello the snowball doing tricks on it what the hell yo yo what oh we we letting this dude win too many min games bro let me cook bro ah man let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go I ain't going to lie I don't know how that oneall ain't hit me I I think I jumped over it man bro man I need coins bro let's get something over five this time okay never mind that's cool go right go left I mean go left Dam you're not white he's mix bro no bro what does race got to do with it anyway bro yeah wait what yeah Manny if you watching this video Manny I'm talking to you bro you are a professional crash dummy bro stop it you know realize I have to go through all this bro I ain't trying to S here for 30 minutes got got to bleep all of them out Dam bro oh look me the map wait pay attention to this platform okay no way no way no way no way I just F the [ __ ] oh okay I get it oh it's about to go dummy fast in a second h I already know it's all yall fault cuz yall trusted in M what you mean I literally okay we watched it oh oh I I hope you fall off again buddy I ain't going to lie you talking too much I hope I come back and kick you off yeah bro what happened you just walked off I know right I don't know what happened I thought it was like a barrier yeah you were about to die whisper you are about to get mixed bro I'm not going to lie I'm going just watch the one ahead of this maybe we should wait wait maybe we should wait like last second to go to that one that one that one that one [Music] that it's the top left top left top left Stop left Stop left stop trying to screw us over bro what's up with you what I swear I was tracking it I swear I was tracking it though your eyesight is garbage bro it is it is it is what easy simple simple [Music] and now he got a crown okay MH um well that was fun all right do you guys think I can roll over [Music] five you get something going you get something going this is my first time oh I was farther than I thought I was oh I'm so happy that that happened sticky feet for one turn that's tough bro I'll be getting crappy rolls all game yeah you you have been getting a little old look okay no items bro straight miname work only only reason I'm at first get no items bro can't catch a break he can't catch a break for nothing now I'm about to get nerfed for one turn and the and the crow about to get moved oh oh o that's going to stab you Manny can get it though if he if he locks in yep if if he gets a 10 yo bro how about you stop eating that curry goat and lock in yeah he's he's gone yo do you got on fake headless you know he got that fake headless bro M please don't tell me y'all [ __ ] are Dicky in my head while I was gone oh my goodness bro nobody nobody are you mad cuz you don't have it he doesn't even have headless he you bro you want to know how many times people can really have Valkyrie right now bro bro could have been had a valkyrie bro if I was really saving up my Robux bro come on oh that's what crowns to I see this is so Mickey oh my God yo he about to you better not turn around I don't think he can he can only go left or straight well I got hold um I'm I'm about to just do this to a random opponent I ain't going to lie so whoever get mixed mixed no what what does that do that's that do Nerf Nerf your dice R ohus oh hold on hold on hold on keyow I don't know the exact Min is but I just know it Nerf is can we get that oneall gun stingy that one fall gun I no time again Ice Cream Drop on the dummies my favorite ice cream is NE me bro like the one that's in the picture yeah I like I just like combination bro you know what I'm saying pick I just choose him all you call me dumb what bro what's up with the insults yeah oh we oh oh oh stop taking my ice cream we're making neolan okay okay lucky lucky this this kind of tripping me up a little bit there's no way I have zero right there's no way I have [ __ ] zero right there's no way I have zero y finish on y [ __ ] own I a going lie what he left what he left n was getting he left he didn't he didn't get a single one oh Dam wow how did I L I don't know but you got hold we TI yeah uh we tied you got hold well well well okay sure yeah sure oh yes I would love to buy a crown mhm barely y wait bro the CR right in front of my face oh shoot it's up there hold on oh dang doesn't mean you need to get land on the black pad oh that mean that friend is all me that's what that mean it might be it might be all me yeah GG's yeah I'm going right to that Crown I don't blame him I'll do the same thing I'll do the same thing watch this SP right in front of me though for um heat bro not that FL jump four go yeah he paid he paid the deaths what you mean what you mean he he bought the new mini game bro lock in bro it's this one bro just lock in this easy yeah this light work bro we got this Y no this this my least favorite game mode my least favorite one is that act the Flaming rope bro I ain't going to lie yo yo T it's pink it's pink it's pink I bet I'll go pink next something I'm color blind actually so man it's SP oh do the lights change colors bro I've been reacting this whole time I just been reacting to I thought you knew I thought you knew no bro I've been reacting to this [ __ ] the entire time bro I'm glad you locked in say you was kind of getting slow with it bro oh oh I didn't even know them I didn't know they Chang Colors oh okay we good we B oh yeah M actually better win hold on I need to lock in we all need to lock in chill bro I'm about to move chill ly he deserved us though he deserved this little Mickey right here bro that work here bro I I I earned this after all them [ __ ] fives and fours and threes and one gets a negative one somehow yeah I can I can smell the ho I can smell the [Laughter] ho yeah yeah it's about to be straight up um negative dice spam hold on who's that close to okay hold on what hello I'm 22 away I'm 22 away D I'm far o you you still got enough of them but yeah be a oh you getting give me got he he got his little three coins back B is not giving you no like what oh his dice again okay okay okay sure game I mean he you somewhere different got Ro and Whisper trying to win that boy is oh you close you ate away damn tragic I Ain going to hold you ch right place right time no I'm not trying to view no shot oh oh no no no no no yeah you a have enough of the crown anyway actually ah I know but I know but like if I would have got this mini game done though M yeah man man that's that's tough I ain't going to lie damn so Four Corners though I was right there though GRE you already know Green okay um I have a feeling I like this game I'm going to Red I know I know it's not going back bro I have a feeling it's not watched to me last time oh no that happened to me last time oh my goodness bro I think I think you just like sit in between two yo you got tode quick oh wow yo I I I I I can't I can't I think win know this man getting lucky BR not fa bro I've been manifesting this hakari look bro I told youi bro you ain't no aari after the last you know what I'm saying slowly but surely no i'mi no no bro points oh yeah that's yeah yeah that's a problem that's a problem all right why you trying to hold okay okay game look I need some a crazy roll get a ah man it's not that bad ain't that bad watch watch him get a yellow you could just you could really just I don't know what this one does actually I yikes hey you teleport to another person oh pretty much hopefully we we got balls to Dodge I hope y know if I win this game mini game I just win yeah I know so that's what I'm saying yo yo we got to lock in Bro Team on this yo so who's ever on this team I feel like you should just hold that's crazy that's crazy yo all right so you just push him you just push to the side matter of fact oh yeah yeah let me help help you with that no no yeah yeah oh wait am I you see CH you see CH stop that stop CH stop CH stop CH yo what's oh wait oh we got to push to Y side this sorry game mode this sorry game mode oh we got push it to our RIT bro um yo Mill yeah I don't what teamate you talking to the red team we got to put oh oh yeah I already know I already know that I'm just saying like who you talking to though bro oh my God cuz I can't I can't I can't let you in I'm sorry bro I'm sorry bro I got I gotta do what I got to do bro I gotta do what I got to do bro no this is crazy yeah yeah yeah I know I know I know that's why I was saying what team do what I got to do is crazy I need I need a chance to win bro hey hey we all we all want to win bro was the king of the frauds no no no no I am the king of games I'm the king of cheating buddy yeah y like you said bro the embodiment of Yumi the I'm the embodiment of Tim whisper about to run off of the game actually hold on wait cuz away he one curent away low key low key hey I rather still have the game keep going then you win automatically you know what I'm saying oh I got a I got a purple a basic purple nice bro that item they might have to limit it from the shop bro I ain't going to lie imagine go right oh my God two never mind they don't count this I the C can is a spot oh yeah yeah it does it does you are you he need to win One Mini Game Crazy One Mini game bro who's that close to who cl to all y'all well pum going to get it way o I wasn't locked that one do I he can I think he can shoot his r or something like that I hold on let me let me actually see oh y all got him I need oh just we watch your back pockets okay six bro no no they been they was at the shop bro imag the shop the shop is so Mick bro yeah peep I ain't been to the shop not once actually I I I get it get it how you live it but the shop actually Mickey bro I ain't going to lie shop is crazy the shop is Mickey oo where's that at where's that at that's in front of M I can't get to it oh I was about to say game let me cook let me cook low keido can he just okay hold on if you get a team game you kind of hold but if you get a Sol one you you actually have a chance um yeah this this this is actually a pretty close game right here I ain't going to lie for what it is we keep up this pace anyways that's that's a little too close and he's about to win no way right and he's about to win no way yeah he's seven away he close he wins next turn that [ __ ] told me you better win this mini game hold on what does this do say say s hold on hold on C hold on hold on o c come on C okay oh okay wait why this sh say 19 away damn never mind wait go right you got it oh there you go oh yeah oh yeah here we go this a close game for what it is I'm not going to lie wow Crown's kind of you joke no actual [Music] joke no no no oh my gosh game low key bro if I if I could pick the mini game bro you can that's 30 Robux [Music] yes how did I not die how did I okay yeah I don't think the laser actually anyway so yeah that's okay GG well no bro run it back run it back always better no no no it run it back run it back I I would run it back that's the crazy part I would and the better where you're un sure who will be the Victor always bet on meow no no no [Music] well here we go L up though up though I I'm getting Bank what yeah I just got mad uh gems I wouldn't run that back bro I'm not going to lie run that back
Channel: Lusagi
Views: 65
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #robloxparty, #marioparty, #anime, #funny, #fyp, #roblox
Id: FBwIyXHn7xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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