Playing Guess Who in 2020

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see who we got oh man okay all right uh I'll go first yep uh okay sure is your person black what okay is is your person African-American okay wow I don't know where they're from it's in the best in your best guess is the person of is it are they African-American no Okay no Okay Jamaican they're from Haiti well there's a black Connor in this game with us that's how you know this is fancy okay your turn is your person a person of color see how easy that was yes yes they are thank you okay okay um is yours a chick a chick is my person a chick is it unbelievable is it a female I don't know how do I know I never met these people their bios on here I don't know their pronouns is the is the on the opposite side of that card that you have is it appear to be a female I'll say this okay Someone Like You would probably assume this person's a female does that help okay that's all you have to say your turn is your person happy you know are they glowing you know to quote the future president of the United States Oprah Winfrey are they living their truth sure great good for them okay uh is your chick hot is my chick hot are you kidding is my chick hot yes is your chick off I think my person is beautiful okay no how dare it this Lisa look at Lisa all right fine all right go is is your person genetically challenged what does that mean does their head get a little extra chilly in the wintertime not helping need a little bit more Direction here is there Cranium have a difficult time what are you trying to say are they bald wow dude in 2018 okay my turn I think is your person likely to vote for Trump how can I tell what my fake person's voting wreck absolutely yeah okay got it thank you okay all right I'm gonna solve is your person a tan demon with a blonde mullet is it Jess yes
Channel: johnbcrist
Views: 3,071,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Crist, Aaron Chewing, Guess who boardgame
Id: 0cjckG-NoIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 48sec (168 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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