Playing 1v1s after RLCS is actually OP!

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all right so as you've probably seen or heard I've been to our LCS in Madrid over the weekend and had a great time meeting the community and also watching the incredibly high level gameplay in person and there's something about watching our LCS that mentally ranks you up in every playlist all of a sudden you feel used to the high paced gameplay even though you haven't lifted a finger yourself it's a weird thing to try and explain but that is exactly what I tried taking advantage of coming back from Madrid and I didn't leave it at that either while I was there I noticed that none of the pro players were using camera settings quite like mine so going into the 1v1 playlist I copied none other than scrupulous camera settings you know he already gave me tips on how to become a better one we want players so with my newfound motivation I was ready to play my first place in matches in the most intense playlist of the game but before we start I want to officially announce that sunless and I have signed with space station gaming as content creators and soon-to-be pro players yeah he better watch out boys so to celebrate our signing with space station Salas and I have released a collaborative jacket with champion that is available now until the end of the year December 31st 2019 additionally one buyer will also receive a golden ticket which will include an SSG care package an in-game decal and the chance to join me and solace on our Twitter stream as a thank you for your support I honestly don't know how we managed to get champion jackets with custom printing for only $40 but believe me you will not find a better deal on merch anytime soon so if you ever wanted merge this is the time to get one so with that said let's jump into the first game of the video here we are Neo Tokyo we are playing against luminix frenzy champion I don't know what that is I think that's champion through 1100 MMR good kickoff so I have learned a few things from scrub it's a good shot that's a good safety though good good good good persistent although I have done that one thing that scrub mentioned in our 1v1 that I was like turning like stopping and going a lot I'm gonna try to keep that in mind and I'm actually gonna and for the kickoffs go for the center I'm actually gonna like try to use scrubs coaching here just a little bit I still do have 27 boost dad it's not good yeah I I think I could have saved that I was just done man sign me please let's scientist dude we're not impersonating Musti anymore so I can actually sign the people they say no problem oh my god let's go dude I actually like wanted to bump him away but I kind of bumped him into the ball so that were super me look I should I bumping him out but he like kind of flipped into it do it all I want is just to play smart how am I did that Bob's ramen thing kept kept being visible there for whatever reason get the boost we have the momentum and that's a go 3-1 details a good recovery man I mean there was no way for him to get back anyway but that's just like the small details that I'm doing right now kind of proved to me that I may have learned one or two things of the only ones with scrub and to be honest it was actually like pretty sick to see him on the main stage in Madrid and I was like dude like this weekend the very same time a video is gonna go live where I play him can we nah we can't haha I went all-in no don't do this to me bruh alright he's going for that boost pop it up good good 50 man good 15 alright so that was a pretty predictable he might say that's lucky but after he like flipped back I knew he'd fake so you can see me like lining up for that exact fifty-fifty there I'm feeling good man you should punish that yeah yeah I don't know why I was just jumping around like a frog I wanted to demo and more bumped him r.i.p brazil could have done the could have done the 7-1 just get that away and brah don't do this to me now man don't do this to me now don't actually lose we are so lucky that he just didn't score that for whatever reason it was an empty net this could be bad though alright I'm being very dumb right now but I think we should be fine yes get rid of that s quirk perfect 7/3 one more second can we keep it up nope and that's game ball plate like going into game number 2 and it is in snowy dfh Stadium dude I haven't played here for a while trap the base and today I was like scrubs scrubs camera settings are feeling pretty good not gonna lie can we we can do that was so risky of me like to just fully commit because I had no boost but it worked out in the end it was so bad that was just offensively bad at this point much English Masshole Chris this guy's flakes are as good as mine right now oh my god I thought he'd boom that this is good yeah all right the shakiest game of all time it's just so scrappy that was the worst safe I could have probably done what was my brain think in there Jesus that's a bad save don't do that there we go be like a little snake man that's what I'm saying you fake once and then the second one you don't fake like people always for some reason expect the double fake but nobody does that nobody does a double fake ah he's giving me a goal here to double commit so you know what we actually get rid of the weather effects here I don't know if is if it's looking good like I'm sorry if you enjoyed the little snow effects there on the map but I feel like that's gonna hurt the bitrate Todd let's go that is a terrible kick off let's kick off 101 and he's just passed it he goes for everything I should have probably liked a modem yeah there we go he thought he boost started me there like his focus there was the booster yeah thinking he just like didn't realize that I did have something in the bag so he was like oh you doesn't have boots I'm just gonna challege now and have all the boots in the world to it follow it up just like a job man whatever that's our second win in a row let's try one more season eight Grand Champion our third game against what looks like a Playstation or Xbox player or a switch player could be anything really but pretty much just cross-platform sake the boost I didn't actually get that boost that's not is actually gonna he actually just completely went all in there that I did not expect him to do this after this I was like yeah there's no way like he keeps jumping and whatever but I just didn't expect his like commitment there good save decent save there try to go back because this is a counter-attack it's a good play that's a good play he's on me to nil already but hey I'm not giving up he has a high ping as well month is this guy's probably might be from like Saudi Arabia or something because that's usually where like European players that have high ping play this guy could be the next khalid for all i know three-nil already right this is not looking good not even a minute played good I did read that fake jump and once he jumped he like already committed to like falling down because gravity of course so I was like yeah let me try and get a piece of that good kick off but he's gonna get that boost I don't know what he's gonna do with this actually he did go for that boost for whatever reason so I'm back in a game we got one more goal to score here that's I hate when people do that it's just a double jump row it's just a double jump it always works so plenty of time to recover from this madness and this is gonna be one goal back here just act like that last goal didn't happen we are winning the kickoffs now like back-to-back he's gonna go for that understand I did see that coming see prediction man let's go sometimes you want to bet on black and it works good that was a ghost hit but I'm thinking like here's the theory I think on his screen he actually hit that because of his high ping it fit like ghost hit on my screen you know what happened on is you know what I mean so I kind of feel bad for that one dangerous as long as we get rid of that though should be good oh my god how the hell did we get out of that situation is so bad oh I kind of hate myself for that one ah so close nope hey Vsauce no dude what to say what a game this is dude my god next goal wins it's gonna be a kick off goal isn't it [Music] yeah how would it get an M g88 blueprint oh that makes it so much better so let's get into our last match here dfh stadium again once again the very same scenario here and we are playing against hedge or Haj let's see good kickoff he's kind of he's trying to take a possession here right off the get-go it's not gonna go in good touch good good counter-attack I feel like he could have maybe challenged at and I don't know we'll take that though we'll take that maybe a demo now wasn't there oh my god is that in of course not good I saw him challenge there we go it is to nil just a little under 4 minutes left please Wow like what is happening what is this game anymore haha dude this game is so wild what is happening I feel like you should be like one nil or something you know the goal just didn't make sense oh man if I could have like squeeze that right past him there what is this game what is this game why are all my last matches for videos like super weird last time we did this we have the toxic guy who wouldn't shut up wouldn't stop water-saving and now we have this game where literally all the goals have been super awkward and weird and now he's channel like switch up his tactics like trying new new kickoffs I don't know if that's the way to go like what oh my god five no I mean he did say wow when he when I first joined so he might know me and be like a little nervous he has no booster thing to to be a massive threat although that is a massive threat and he has scored it is 5-1 now he needs to score more goals in order to to come back I'm gonna definitely try our best to not let that happen but damn it that is a terrible kickoff brother that is just that is just off the charts bad good oh my god I just guys I don't know how to commentate right how do you make a game like this any insightful I do you want to like read into my head is it's a monkey playing with like a freaking guitar I'll just uh I'll just cool what's here that was good well played well played what is even happening anymore go back dude we cannot lose this we cannot be losing this I swear to God if I lose this I would be very very displeased only two more goals but hey you know what don't panic we got this ah one more goal 40 seconds oh my god there's no way you can do anything tried trying to bump me it's not gonna work get this up alright alright just for a second just for a split second I was like god this might actually slip away but I think we got it there's no way in hell I'm letting this guy scored twice in 13 seconds it's not really gonna matter good 15 yeah again just kill the game there we go and that is our third win in four matches that it's going pretty well let's play one more though and now we were playing in champions field against up but he's higher rank than me but keep in mind I am stole like ranking up because of the placement matches I hear him struggling yeah like I didn't hear him go back so I was like yo and I might just like go for it you know the kickoffs have been like pretty split like that that's a terrible shot what what was that what was that he's doing his weird kick off again but no not enough power not what how is that him I mean yeah that's exactly what I wanted yeah a powerful shot nothing he can do let's move on let's move on ha ha it's keep with this ball here I don't want to give him space I might get demoed alright he overcommitted how did I not get that boost what is happening what are these games people just keep getting tripped over there like own flips it's a weird um go get it I'm leaving in so much time once again alright this time like I looked at the at the opponent that's exactly what scrub mentioned to do as well in that situation so I didn't want to like get tripped again Oh beautiful beautiful Jed that's just disgusting yeah I don't know I didn't think he'd just commit that hard yeah it's a good shot act like guy Cole never happened five - just wicked when he comes there we go he took a white angle there for a pretty clear like really preparing to go for this I look at that all committed all right speed ladies and gentlemen and that's the fifth game that we played and we have four wins and that's all I have for today if you want a Part C of my remaining games on video rather than on stream let me know in the comments down below don't forget to check out the new Sambas collab merch in the description down below and with that said make sure to subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the video follow me on other social media as well and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MERTZY
Views: 1,048,727
Rating: 4.9472799 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league funny, rocket league funny compilation, rocket league funny moments, rocket league freestyle, rocket league fails, rocket league 1v1, rocket league challenge, rlcs, rocket league random car, random, skyline, toxic teammate, salty opponent, toxic player, toxic opponent, randomizing, tornado flick, ballchaser, tryhard, tournament, flick, rlrs, jessie, 2v2, 2v2 tournament, rlcs qualifier, 3v3, 1v1, random car, best car, salty, salt mine, toxic, toxicity, flame, mad
Id: xB6eTdiGRJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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