Play Soccer with Ryan! Kaji Family Fun Sports and Games!

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waa but do it yourself fball table this is super cool I'm going to call Emily and Kate to play with me Emily and katei [Music] family today is my first day at soccer practice that's right he got his Shinu and his soccer shoes cool yeah all right Ryan has his soccer shirt on yeah and his team this season is yeah Seattle that's your favorite color green that's cool what you doing wo oh Daddy's blocking Ryan [Music] oh get [Music] in [Music] W oh let's see if I can get it all right see if Mommy can get it Go ah mommy scored the other way way Ry go Ryan keep [Music] [Applause] going again again again up hurry up you play your game look [Music] [Applause] look right right [Music] there [Music] you [Music] [Applause] more 1 2 3 [Applause] [Music] that one's mine and this one is Daddy oh that's far oh a that was close go they're racing oh R's winning [Music] good job good job way okay good J look it's right there it's right there it's right there it's right there right here good good job come back good [Music] back back yellow get on the ball on the ball he go green L go go goore score score practice some socer are you ready mhm all right woohoo can you make it in who you missed uhoh maybe he can make it now make it now make it now woohoo good going to be the goalie let's see if Ryan can score I'm blocking I'm going to go over [Music] here W score and it went went all the way in the back okay now ry's the goalie let's see if we can kick HOH uhoh Mommy's coming Mommy's coming you ready hi oh nice block wa all right all right number [Applause] [Music] two oh the net the net caught [Music] Ryan there you go there you go there you go nice nice wooo w woo better watch out goalie Mommy's coming Mommy's [Music] coming [Applause] nice a score R's practicing nice guess what Ryan's super excited because I'm going to practice soccer yeah soccer season starting now Ryan's going to go to the big kids League the seven to eight-year-old League are you ready yeah let's go there's a soccer field if you guys noticed over there a whole bunch of kids are you ready let's go play soccer how's it going so far good you dribble like that yeah why you got to go chase the soccer ball [Music] it is [Music] good oh you're cleaning up now oh okay practice was over how was it super long super long he's super sweaty 1 hour right yeah it was 1 hour of practice mommy was standing up one I know I was watching you and it was a little bit hard this time because Ryan was playing with the older kids right and they were super good too huh one person was nine one person was nine wow he was super good I see him score but you did really great too right good job I'm so proud of you all right let's go home he we just came back oh and Emma Kate's tired they're ready to go to bed look at they running welcome home hey W look your Che t-shirt poon trainer yeah so mommy was not being a good mom and uh I forgot his shinard and soccer ball so pretty much everything you need I know I'm sorry but it's okay it was just practice today so his tennis match is in 2 weeks tennis match yeah sorry I mean soccer match sorry soccer first game is so he'd been practicing today all day and it was a little bit tough because he was playing against like older kids good job old almost scored I know he was super good I didn't let him ran and the twins are getting ready for bed they're brushing their teeth yeah yeah oh yeah yeah I hope you brush teeth yeah of course let's brush teeth and go for bed all right so I'll let them practice brushing first and then we'll brush them for real you want toothpaste there you go there you go yeah you brush teeth good job Kate good job Kate did it guys I'm just practicing my soccer skills uh-oh I actually kicked him into the pool I should go in and get it but let me just check oh it's cold I'm going to try to get it with this w i don't it's far enough [Music] I don't think I'm strong enough for this and it's getting really cold [Music] outside it's getting really cold I wonder if combo is having any better luck with this extreme weather I'm going to go inside hey combo combo are you there hey buddy what's up hi what was that sound I was playing soccer inside and uh things got a little crazy well I was playing outside and it was freezing and I kind of lost my ball can you figure out a way for us to play inside without getting in trouble I'm on it Ryan comound kick watch out a soccer ball where did this come from free sorry I lost control of the ball again combo don't you know you're not supposed to play soccer indoors yeah I've been hearing that a lot today well we could always make a foosball table which is basically like playing soccer on a tabletop I've got an idea [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] H what does this button do well stop how do I stop the music so we are going to start by gluing on our sidewalls now remember kids when using things like hot glue make sure to ask an adult for help now we have to make sure it's lined up nice and straight and that it dries perfectly straight now we're going to put our second one in place once again making sure it dries nice and straight and one more Corner o careful just like that perfect next up we're going to make our players so the body of our player is going to be made by two trapezoids being glued to a rectangle after we get those glued together we're going to make our head by tracing two circles and cutting them out just like that next we're going to use a/2 in piece of cardboard and strip off one of the sides this is going to allow for our cardboard to be nice and flexible which will let us glue it in a circle and create our head pieces now we're going to glue on the last piece of our head and Bam we have the head of our Foos ball player now it's time to glue them together and looking good the final step to making our players is to paint them up to look like a team and we need an opposing team [Music] too so we have some leftover strips of cardboard we're going to build a base for our fos ball table to sit on top of but first we got to glue it all in place nice and straight off to a great start so we have our base all glued together it's nice and sturdy now let's glue it on to our game board we are going to be nice and careful with this hot glue now remember kids when using things like hot glue make sure to ask an adult for help all right now we got to make sure we get it nice and Center nice and straight we'll only have a little bit of time to make adjustments so let's see that looks pretty good now we just wait for it to dry now we have our entire frame built and it's good and strong the next step is going to be to punch out the holes where our Dows where our Dows with our players are going to go and to decorate our field and when we're finished with it it's going to look something like [Music] this a the next step in our build is one of the most important parts which is to build our goal and our net I think it's going to be a lot of work so we better get to it of course I can't get the high score if there aren't any goals so first up we're going to glue our side post onto our base once that's dry we're going to use small strips of cardboard to block off the front and the back so that our ball doesn't fall out of our goal next up we're going to work on our net now we are using teeny tiny dowels as our frame this is going to be the base to build our net off of Step One building our net is going to be gluing strips of twine vertically down our frame now after we have these all glued in place then we're going to weave them the other way in kind of a basket weave pattern weave weave weave weave your foosball net so we just finished our net and it's time to glue it in place lots of glue lots of lots of lots of glue oh no oh no maybe too much glue that's okay that's okay all right there we go everything looks lined up then we just wait for it to dry so what we did for one side we did for the other now the final step in our build is to put our players on the field using these dowels so we have all of our players laid out on the field where they're going to be we're going to start with our goalie for the red team taada ready to defend my goal so we're going to take our rod and go through the holes through our goalie and back out the other side now we're going to glue him in place so that he can swivel and protect the gou now that our goalie is in place we're going to add the rest of our players we are going to stagger them and offset them so that we have some good offense versus defense team versus team red versus blue who will [Music] win so we just added little spacers on our players so that they don't bump against the wall and we've added handles so that it's easier to play and our very last thing to do is put a handle on our goalie so we're going to start with some corrugated cardboard and we're going to make our inside of our hand handle first hold it nice and tight until it dries so now that that's dry we're going to use another piece of corrugated cardboard but this time we're going to leave The Ridges to the outside so let's glue that in place lots of glue to make sure it doesn't go anywhere and gives us a good strong grip just like that and now we hold that in place until that dries so our handles are all dry which which means our foosball table is done the only thing left is the most important step which is to test it out let's [Music] try no no no no no no oh no oh no oh yes oh no you don't oh yes I do oh no you don't well I guess all that's left is to find two contestants to battle it out in an epic foosball match who are we going to get we all know who player one is me combo Panda you're on combo huh how did you time for me to use my secret technique Spain strike oh no hey combo not bad take [Music] this oh she's already got the ball at the goal but now it's my turn wa but do it yourself who's ball table this is super cool I'm going to call Emily and Kate to play with me Emily and Kate sister's here hello hello and I'm going to be on the red team but we're team up on the blue team okay are you guys ready yeah three two one where's the three wins no no no get not going through my wow yes I kicked it no you got it w oh no no no [Music] hey hey hey hey we got this ball no [Applause] no one point round's not over ready three two [Music] one w w w w yes one for Ryan one for us congratulations Ryan the last round see who's going to score I think I a new strategy [Music] [Applause] oh we're at the mall here look at at our view this is the Nickelodeon theme park at the mall it looks pretty awesome we're going to go to the Moose Adventure Golf you ready to play golf yes yeah do you know how to use one I'm not good at no that which ball would you want Ryan look all the color balls blue blue balls and I got and you got the blue stick that's right this is number one so this should be easy right you start here and then you just go all the way around to there you got it danger there you go woo so that's one daddy's not using thaty he just go straight over here uh hello Daddy you're off course he mommy's turn all right so let see if I can do this I'm going to bounce in off that danger side oh M's pretty good yay see ran can beat oh there you go wow that was close that was close try to bounce it yeah that was good let's see if Ryan can do it ah okay that's Ryan took three shots too soft that's two and that's three three and that's four so Daddy took four turns oh close so that's three one more Ryan really slow oh one more time it's okay it's his first round so he's he's just really close you can do this yay only took six times see if I can make it B too no okay three I'm not good also took five times five times wow look at this contraption over there that's crazy I don't think I can do it wow what happened is it going to come out oh it came out Daddy's turn WAOW it goes Oh Daddy I think to hit it harder that's embarrassing that's super embarrassing how did I do it I know much oh it went in but where is it going to go out that's the question coming out this way wo too far wow all right mommy [Music] turn really it's going to come back I know I'm sorry no strong enough it I did it I don't know which one let's see coming out oh yeah yay all right two three you're hitting so hard [Music] four five after five you're done you have zero points for this round Daddy's turn let's see oh two that's three four one more chance daddy five a you didn't make it either and two already this is three make it my four yeah take that okay so number three we're in this little hole here go ahead Ryan whoa that's pretty good yeah so Ryan's talking about there's two little Dynamite bomb here and that's the end don't touch it w woo that's pretty close W well this is going to be a little bit difficult wow what is going on it got got caught by my foot too keep going yeah three four all right that's it Daddy's [Music] turn did it nice let's see Mommy can do this [Music] three number four small cage or something oh wow oh wow that's cool small cage okay Ryan go ahead take a swing into the hall I guess you have to swing [Music] harder did it work it work Yay good job Ryan W what Ryan you can do this just finish it just go super slow super slow please two one more one more good job go Daddy I want to meet you on the other [Music] side well be careful be careful be careful what no way oh that was so close too look like definitely two yeah two good job wa oh no way no way ah don't there I even cheated a little bit I think Daddy's winning so now this one it starts here and then you can either put it in this hole or if you are good you can turn it around and go here go ahead and there's a big axe wow wait a minute wait a minute [Music] oh it five good job got it your turn do it one shot your hands in the way one shot wow where'd it go oh hey that's good oh oh oh oh two two yes three nice can you take it out P it let me try too ready Ryan I'm 1 2 3 it doesn't work it's coming back it's coming back to where she was over ah again coming back to the back to the beginning why you always hitting to the same direction oh this time oh I think it's it's good it's good M nope this one has a little giant log in the way w y good job good job daddy says he can do one shot through this giant tree trunk what happened got stuck inside it's stuck inside oh yeah shot wa W that's pretty good two two shots Daddy can you make it in three Ryan's blocking good job at least you made it mommy [Music] turn I'm trying to go through that log can't you do it oh it's in there oh oh so close Mommy you're going to get it on your good job I'm going to get it on the third try hopefully let's see good job now mommy's mommy's with I thought I was through out this one we have to go through the tunnel and in that hole there you got this go ahead who Ryan two good good good good one more one more [Music] it's okay just keep going it's okay yay seven dad's going to do one good daddy so close it was almost there okay this one I'm going to make it nice oh oh oh [Music] oh two make my three right yeah three oh nice good job even though it went off both of you went off you and Mommy last hole we're number 18 and all we have to do is make it through that hole right there do you see the hole W ah you didn't make it Ryan how do we get our ball back you don't that's it it's the end of the game Daddy can you make it through the hole yep you made it you made it wait it say what happened it says it says achieve a hole in one of the 18th hole and you'll tee up to a free round of golf yay all right mommy's turn let's see did he go a we found this cool truck thing it's super huge Ryan's pretending to drive where are you taking us Los Angeles Los Angeles you want to go to Disney again yeah we're done now thank you for watching by
Channel: Kaji Family
Views: 125,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaji family, ryan's world, play soccer with ryan, play mini golf, family fun, sports and games
Id: Nkl58NDHOEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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