Play Pals - Is the Sequel Easier? - The Room 2 (Part 1)

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you know what makes me sick people spying on my data fortunately let's play is sponsored by expressvpn your data is your business protect it at let's play [Music] it's almost midnight it approaches the room too the re-rumening the rib it's been ages since we've ruined it has been literal ages um this is the room to now oh the toot this is the toot oreo um if you haven't seen it we've played the first room um we're now continuing in the sequel the room two i played the first game now gavin you are playing this one so how clearly can you see this oh it looks great oh cool if my calculations are correct then this is where you will emerge i'm gonna be honest i was i'm a little lost on what happened in the first one we went into another dimension or something and then got trapped there essentially and i remember this this is pause [Laughter] i wants me to click the the eyepiece oh this was very important yeah one of the few things you can do in this game is look through that and it like completely changes all of physics yes yes okay all right let's delve further to view the rest of the room okay there's a whole other table there dimly lit double click the round box um florida from what i've heard you know the first game is like the simplest not just as far as difficulty but i guess how involved it is so we'll see we'll see what the room two has to offer that was expert level what you just did it was this is a speed run oh dude oh the lens let's put that in there oh that makes sense because it was broken dude 3d oh click it click it what it's someone's thumb oh oh you just oh okay it was just telling you it was a door or something i thought i was like okay how do you scan the thumbprint take that off you didn't even need the tutorial uh am i gonna oh no the words at the top of the screen that told you what to do anyway i'm scared it's over oh it looks like something should fit damn it are you going to the wrong side of the screen it doesn't fit there why did we need to go back to the other it's possible that shape doesn't seem to fit either okay well we're stuck what i do remember about the room oh oh right there there you go is solving something and being like we got it we know everything and then one second later being confused by six different things yeah um okay so you're probably done with that circle box what the hell there's a lot of words um in this game and that's cool but unfortunately never really has anything to do with the puzzle and that takes us long enough already you know like we are on a schedule here what's up says something oh demon what does it say oh it does say semen oh that means it's very close southeast south west north south east southwest north sick but you can't do it yet you probably need to put the thing in the middle go back around with the spin that around there was the thing that maybe was a button on the side near the envelope down near the envelope see on the edge of the table down there yeah that what's that good eyes dude bloody good eye it helps though when you're not playing right like i'm not doing anything and i'm just looking i'm sure you had that a lot when i was playing and you're like idiot i mean you would have been like idiot what's an absolute all right cool get the ball out get the ball out it is nice having played the first one at least to kind of have an idea of like what to look for like edge of the tables and tap the wood and yeah okay drop the ball in it's good it's a good thing that that thing said it looks like it belongs somewhere south east south wait west west north north semen who is this more puzzles oh no okay i was like how do you click this oh okay um we'll take a closer look now that goes somewhere the medallion oh snap it's a puzzle oh dude i i i miss the fact i say that we don't live anymore i don't think it was ever a thing but that crazy like mechanical world that i don't think ever really existed where everything's on gears you know what i mean you touch it i feel like that's a thing in movies but uh it's very cool looking all right you got a record player oh it's it's projecting something oh okay see hey there you go ah it's scary it's getting scary michael oh up there hourglass yeah we're ace in this tutorial we're so smart maybe just someone stood there it's really gonna creep me out it's like a man with his hands over his head looking down that's like almost the um the uh what's that card game what's the what's the card game with the with the oh no the people on it oh boy oh well like the jack and the queen and the king people like i take three coins i'm this guy oh you're talking about the one with the the duke yeah what is that why is that cool i don't know i played it like 70 times on camera love that game anyway do you remember jeremy's thing where you go you make the triangle over your head that's what that symbol was yeah it's i just i just did it for the camera yeah i did it too wasted so much time trying to think about it and we couldn't even name it it's called no it's not called yeah you yeah you bailed on it before you finished the word we're done see you later i guess we're not done okay now that was um i'm okay with that i feel like now that it's a real game we're gonna get held up yeah i feel like we run into scheduling anyway of like oh this went a little long and it's never worse than in puzzle games you know with sarah or someone will go why aren't you done yet and i go cause we're not smart okay yeah our iq is too low for this calendar inviting i need more time [Laughter] for must okay i know what that means the top that's the little bucket at the top of the ship yeah top bucket it gun deck run out for the cannons so we on a ship looking at a ship ship section crow's nest would be that that'd be the the front one right i imagine cause there's like a net and people like to hang off of that right they're like ship's hella dark i'll tell you that it's darkest dicks i don't see anything um mine doesn't help uh well we're stuck dead game so i'm guessing it's like uh you know cannons uh masked whatever the hell it just said um it looks like you can put something there right those are two little hooks and it probably weighs it down [Music] okay so so that would probably be the mast the the little one of the big one can you click the big mast in the middle like pull it down double click you can get close camera mode so i can't affect it until i oops you've gone backwards from where we want to go okay that's um oh there you go there you go there we go something's happening seems pretty limited on design that mast is killing me it's like bright green and blue like yank it down is this telling me that it needs to be like that like the diamonds oh that's a good call but like does it have to be at a certain angle oh that might be it hey hey it's a key that was lucky okay all right now we're moving i guess you can't zoom in over there huh i see you struggling oh you can go back there okay that's the wheel well it's where the wheel would go the wheel is missing okay the wheel is not a key the only thing i saw which i it'd be weird if you put the key there because it's not key related just weight related well that's interesting you probably put something at the end right that's usually where like the statue goes there's some mermaid head yeah um go back to the side of the ship like near the front like right there yeah yeah yeah can you put the key on that thing that looks like you put something on it and it weighs it down yeah it would go like yeah it just would be weird if it was a key well um well there's those cannons they look like they slide you call okay oh watch out that's where you're pointing that thing pointed right hell yeah hell yeah there you go oh my god hey what do you think you do there maybe you're blowing it or something you put your eye up to it and then it shoots you in the face right oh dude it's like a polly pocket you know i like this one so far uh yeah the little thing you open up and the tiny woman is yeah yeah okay um yeah mighty max mighty max littlest pet shop there's another one just tiny things yeah anyway you're saying you like this because what another key because it all seems like tangible so far it all seems like this could be a real item you did like that about the last i once had a mighty max pencil and i lent it to a girl in my class and she freaking chewed on it oh no and gave it back all chewed up and i was like i don't want this now that was my birthday present you got a pencil as a birthday present that's well it was a part of your mighty max and it came with uh now was the pencil tiny like was it for max was it like an inch big oh oh oh see you solved all that and that just turned a light on that let you see this okay that's gonna do some pulling and sliding yep okay keyhole shape doesn't match what's the shape of this key ah okay looks like uh look no look at the side the triforce is on the key that that that yeah yeah look at the thing you gotta like put that at the bottom probably i don't know where i don't know where it's going i don't know something i'm putting it in the uh or no you probably got to put them oh no yeah you're right that that that is what it look it's like hmm hey maybe the thing on the on the handle of the key was just letting us know it threw me off i thought you'd have to like replicate that but you got it oh there's something there what the uh okay oh there's a yeah yup you saw i was gonna say i oh there's another thing so many gears oh what haven't i done i just need to put something in that now um it i mean it's possible you didn't do everything on the ship but i feel like there you go you're pretty good because it like sucked you over here another k the key is small that's this thing again there was no keyhole over there yeah you never did anything with the mast but you like couldn't so what's down here oh good catch what are you does something what the what can i turn this [Music] what the the socket on top of the chest something must fit inside it oh you're using clues uh that was unintentional i have now taken a clue i feel like i've been validated this round didn't we do that already is there something on top of the chest like well that's like i guess in the chest is that a clue i'll be honest something goes in there no oh no now i know everything let me just pop back over here it's worth a pop does that he offer any information let me try hanging the key on there again look something's going on there that's true maybe you could get your you could get your mighty max pencil put that on there that seems like it would weigh it down you don't chew a borrowed pencil let's just bang out of order no i mean i wouldn't chew a pencil at all oh wait you didn't come here did you oh oh oh oh do you think that maybe goes on top remember the clue it's not the right shape it doesn't look like it's three no but i bet you like pull it out or something can you play with the bottom yeah yeah now it's the right shape now it's either for this chest or it's a a corkscrew time for somebody imagine having that piece and not knowing what to do and you check that clue and you go oh dude are we playing battleship what's this about okay it's north for two miles oh god okay north to up two left two south two down two or three sorry it's a three not down three i said it you repeated it okay so north to west to south to okay we're left four up four left two up um how do you go left are we in the place now what the what's that little key symbol bottom of the note something oh have i gotta spin this oh oh this looks like hell oh i see oh making the keyhole how do i can the key hole big pig have i turn in the wrong holder oh yeah i think yeah you need to put that i can't do that one first never been good at slide puzzles and crap nailed it oh and it just got sucked in whoops right here we go okay excellent all right so four north for west two holy there's a mast it's down six hours six down do right you're right one up one i've got to be able to do something here oh am i driving the ship oh yeah you gotta turn it into there's probably like a symbol in the background or something this is in the realm of uh now physics don't matter [Music] so is this something that you like because you can still do it for real or no that goes into the realm of the supernatural that's a different realm now okay we're out i feel like we've already been there whoa it's a hole the money hole yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh in front of the it's a lady head it's a lady head it's a lady head see this is like again that's the exciting part where you're like i know where that lady head goes and then we put the lady head in and then six more puzzles open up and you go oh yeah it's nice when you know when you're waiting for something to show up and then damn it oh oh that lady's lost yeah she's got no arms she's got a lot of another whoa she's huge [Laughter] the wheel wheel oh man we're gonna sail right on through this chapter baby i hope we uh shut our boat flap before we take to the seas otherwise we'll sink oh my god it's all happening it's all happening oh i'll pull it yeah dude that's a mast we can read i'm gonna be oh oh my god oh my god so much going on there's so much slurl demon uh beyonce okay where the hell is that yeah smart ah damn not smart turn and view rose rose it's been 80 for years rose oh is this new yes but is it important no this video is brought to you by doordash now stop and think about it do you ever crave something so much that you wish it would just show up at your front door like magic it would just appear there okay well as far as i know teleportation and magic don't exist yet they will eventually but when it comes to getting your favorite food drinks snacks and even household essentials doordash makes that possible that's right all you have to do is open the app choose what you want from where you 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that's 25 off up to a 10 value and zero delivery fees on your first order when you download the doordash app in the app store and enter the code ah livestream2021 don't forget that's code ah livestream2021 for 25 off your first order with doordash subject to change terms apply thank you doordash now back to the video like magic i wish you would write more useful things [Laughter] uh up there you go that you all it's a red jewel like the beginning of aladdin except not a scarab oh where's the genie diamond you put that together and that made a baby cry oh that's good timing oh wait this is a completely new table yeah what's this oh wait some gaba all right [Music] oh no what i don't know my camera turned gavin i can record on my phone can't i hey you've done it before okay back at it we're back we don't know how cameron you were gone probably a long time oh the entire time oh a set of scales we got to wait yeah this was the thing i got really excited when you started tearing through that ship and thought this is the end of the chapter and then the game went nope all right let me read this okay talking about the spirals of the vortex you know what i mean i say the scene these have to be aligned okay let's plop a weight on this shall we it's nice that they they kind of follow that rule right imagine if these puzzles were like just willy-nilly right like there was a circle but to solve it you didn't match the picture at all be insanity you know oh i just i i'm more of an abstract puzzle creator can you open that box the top no damn you can you yeah those definitely look like where you put the weight so i'm a little confused by that it must go somewhere it's is it specifically yeah it's a specific shape that's what it is hey we got it slowly yeah very slowly but we got it i can't feel great about that one hey you didn't check the the hint oh that's the thing that needs that round socket okay and then that's thing the button hey that's a round thing the round socket it's got to give us some wins sometimes you know what i mean yeah maybe it looks at how long it takes you to get something and then it oh another way it uh yeah it's a it's a difficulty curve okay that's a big square yeah that goes right there all right yeah blam okay blam blah damn it oh it's just a twist job not much to that it's just kind of go nuts oh oh oh wait what that'd be a that's the thing you don't really see at the gym right you got all the weights it'd be it'd be interesting if like every like different pound was shaped different it's like don't grab the 30s go grab the circles all right now you're moving on to the star shape am i wrong is it not hexagon no it definitely is is it just a lot smaller i think it's it's the thing is it's impossible to tell its size like i wouldn't think it's huge but it must be right like it's got to go there you're probably just not placing it in the right spot like specifically i bet it's enormous where the else can it go it must go there what what's left there's the hexagon a tiny little circle a star and a triangle like it must go there unless you got to put it in like the grow machine it's i i'm confused it's gonna go on top of another one wait so the weight was in there right yes so we know it's not that because that's tiny oh that's a good car actually hmm can't drive boat anymore and this is how an entire day's schedule gets look we couldn't figure out the weight it was this it was a weird it was a shape that it was the right shape but it was too small we got to find the grow machine i'm telling you have i got to drive the boat again no um yeah i mean i suppose you could take a peep back at the second table just oh for god's sake you did me you're the best you made it grow into a triangle the damn grow ray oh my god that dude classic misdirect it was that shape but it was the triangle stunning when something shape changes it weighs a different amount yeah yeah yep um what's funny too is you check the first two weights too and i remember when you checked the second weight i was like what's the point why are you checking it clearly it's just a weight all right now where the is the disc oh what the when did that happen uh is this new i don't know or did you open it that way i don't know i don't remember did you you haven't touched the variables variables left and right so like the top is an arrow pointing down the left is an arrow pointing left the bottom is an arrow pointing up but there's no arrow on the right maybe maybe try putting it down like in the shapes and then just go willy on the other one but here's the other thing they're not they're diagonal on the same position they're not yeah they're not in the top i have no idea we're screwed oh this is the dumb zone because oh wait something there's this oh that's just this area oh oh oh a tiny drawer tiny drawer yank it oh what the hell what what oh i thought we had something um go back to the tiny drawer on the side teeny tiny drawer hang on oh letters corners the corners okay so oh that's what is michael that was the smartest thing you've done yet and that makes sense because they're corners uh i hope you paid attention i didn't you did no i was just uh okay um so flip 180 on the top left bottom right figure it out it's just like getting them in the pattern i put them in first so by fluke i had it and i didn't open the drawer are you serious yeah well i mean it's it's just like open in the middle sort of still wild all right yeah okay so we need to spin and suck the bottom one first then get the top smart that's it is that it does it matter yeah i don't know why the other one was an arrow but yeah that's a big honking weight yeah dude let's make it a funny shape now oh dude it's gonna stop it's gonna crawl you're not close enough now we're unstoppable look at that i feel like we could just sit on this thing just push yeah are we missing another one come on gavin i gave everything to find that one you you spent yourself why did they keep hiding these discs from us is there another hidden drawer oh bollocks that is a hard ball oh what are we missing damn you looks like the last one too yeah this could be it what is new last time these were new oh thank god nice thank god good speed feel good about that one good spin that one could have uh kept that could have been a while how do i get that one that way around oh i need to put it in first ah in and out in and out yeah grab it like that traffic jam collision there's a master at work what shape is this weird one reveal your secrets oh it needs to like spin maybe there's the thing up top yeah there we go um yeah that's the hex we were after yeah wait it's splitting off oh this one's a two piece it's for the circle as well weird what's the puzzle going to be in between uh and the final piece and the final piece [Laughter] oh big moves big moves whoo that's gonna weigh down the ship thing hey probably we're going back we have to go back a small anchor and then the metal clocks okay all right good thing that that whoops man you ran to that piece of paper good thing that was eating away at me that little uh okay a metal star we're not even close to being done what's next what do we do now i imagine we're done here right go to go to that box though yeah boy oh it's right there closer there we go i imagined we were done and we weren't as a club okay feel like i should have looked to the clock first can i get the clock back oh oh oh was it i guess that was right what the oh no you nailed it the clock can you just open it yeah yep okay i at least appreciate the game like when you do something right you can't go back yeah it's like don't worry about it you got it um keyhole okay so that would probably go down there somewhere right oh hang on it just keeps going a winding key oh is there something to do with that's how we opened it okay oh no no weird maybe you gotta like set it and that turns it on line the bobbin up oh something that it won't wind up spinning something's missing okay so it's probably the wire right from that compartment how do you where the does this wire go it's got to go somewhere on here right i don't know where that doesn't do anything i'm assuming you need to like sort out oh when in doubt do the thingy yup okay so what the hell how can i affect that though can you not turn them what the um is there anything on the other side of the box and you zoom in like on the opposite side on this side yeah oh call oh it's like a whole mess or something what did that do maybe maybe move to the left now like and you can slide that other piece yeah like click the middle now or that that works there we go that worked hey oh a flatty between us we're getting uh look at these we cut out all the times we're stuck we'll look very smart quite good do you think that happens a lot in real life where you keep accidentally tightening the screw closure it's got to go in there there we go turn that sucker all right now that probably spins the things at the bottom or just does that and the whole oh the whole damn shebang huh oh it's not a time of what the oh hey 250 okay set it 250. uh how do i set it to fit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah glang-a-lang oh it's still going huh oh you got the key okay we weren't looking for one no where the hell does that get go oh oh um check the key see if it does anything magical are you a magic key pretty bog standard key by putting it in your brain but you're gonna say butt no i'm not that childish um so we're probably done with this although it didn't close that was cool by the way the only thing with the numbers that was wicked yeah it's it's great too when stuff turns into stuff right like it looked like just a bunch of gibberish and then it all spun into place the key just came right out of there that's is it just for the middle like i just plop it england say it all but i've been there michael i've been there too i think there was a bang and olefs in store maybe as many times as you we don't know for sure uh okay that was the front you put that in there it's a latch or a keyhole what about the very top of the box look at the top top right there oh holy good eye wow yo oh why couldn't we see that oh it's an inner lid okay all right let's make something think of england it's probably something from england oh is it broken what the oh i guess not if it looked it broke oh you did it i don't you did it oh that's for the thing that's that's isn't that shaped like the little things in the table oh for the back of this i guess i don't know somewhere maybe just put it in the middle oh there you go yeah probably just goes right in there that makes sense damn it can we make it grow grow right oh that's cool satisfying i want that does that in real life but inside it's just like my tv remote give it a spin oh did we just keep finding oh what was that it was an invisible nugget oh my god oh my god some sort of oh return the slab oh a shape must be made oh my god um uh we're making this i assume probably a good assumption i just don't know does that mean we're right oh that looks right that looks right there we go that was the oh oh it's like a disgusting door no uh it's like um what's that room what's that game where you're walking down the hall pt it's like a pt door dude i still got that on an old playstation i think i do as well we did it all right you know hour 17 of recording time cut that down to 25 minutes we're gonna look very smart a very crisp 16 minute video look what you have to take into account is we did the tutorial too and that was a whole baby chapter yeah we did two chapters okay that was fun this was fun how do you feel watching it instead of playing it more boring for you no it's not boring at all honestly it's less pressure i just realized this the real time it was like right before noon before yeah i'm late as that's when my coma test was right there well that is another place uh tune in next year for the next episode let us know in the comments if you want us to play the whole damn thing cause we'll do it we'll do it i looked at my camera that was off and then i had to look on my other one let's uh stop do we say that at the end of play palace i don't think we do whatever i'm leaving let's do it bye [Music] so you
Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 285,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, lets play, let's play, multiplayer, Play Pals, The Room, The Room 2, puzzle game, solve puzzles, first level, chapter 1, tutorial, how to beat, ship level, boat level, weights, walkthrough, walk through, how to, Duo, co-op, coop, indie, explained, lore
Id: JllJMS5hlAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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