Plasticity 1.2 Is Becoming The Best 3D Modeling Software

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hey guys plasticity 1.2 just launched a few days ago and it's just completely blowing my mind and I want to show you some crazy features yes so before we start check out here Glenn Patterson so he has some really cool videos about the new functions in plasticity 1.2 and I just want to show you yeah my favorite ones so first of all yeah here this is a little concept I've been working on so now if you pick a point here on the cursor and you rotate you rotate only around that so now for example the lip and you see you rotate around the rip lip and not anymore in the middle of this whole world and some people like it some nuts and if you don't like it just go ahead to the preferences and here you have some navigation settings and you can play around with them but now it's absolutely perfect alright so let's first start with Bridge curve command and this is so cool so first of all you have here just a basic cylinder and we will just copy it and just bring it to some random other position and we will just rotate it so before that if you wanted to connect it in a nice static way you had to do so much of pivoting around and adjusting the points but now you just have here Bridge curves and you can go here to the center and here to the center and Bam you have an absolute perfect curve and you can even adjust it here with the tension or just press D and play around and how this could be or is crazy useful so if we delete all that so I have here a pipe right in the neck and yeah I just love that kind of stuff and man that was a hassle to create the scarf and all that stuff but now again go here to your Bridge curve snap it here for example and also here at the bottom and Bam it's perfect now you can just press p and just create your pipe and you have a perfectly aligned pipe and that's just amazing or except for on a pixel fondue so what you could do so your pipe is created and a way to create a corrugated tube is if you go here to the top view and create a sphere and go here to the middle Center and drag it around and press bead okay it's not an Insider but anyway to create a sphere and now if you press alt Z so you're in x-ray mode and it's a little bit confusing but if you select the sphere and press s and press V to Pivot here to the middle so it's following this pipe and you scale it just a little bit flatter and Aussie to go out of the X-ray and now you can select this body press F and curve array and array it here along that curve and you see already what's happening and yeah here it has to be a little bit adjusted but yeah I'm just showing you here some techniques and you create can create this kind of curve so press OK press Q and Q again to Boolean that press OK and let's have a look and yeah that just looks so so cool and amazing so now you can extend curves along the curvature for example I want to create here some detail but you see we have this curve here but then it's breaking here and but maybe I want to extend it just to create some details I don't know we have to figure that out how we can implement it in our workflow but for example select this curve here or both of them shift d so you have it separate and press J so we just have one curve and now you can select for example just this point here so go up to one in points mode and press F and extend curve and then you see it doesn't work and if it doesn't work go back select this curve here again and just rebuild it and then it should work so you see it's still everything the same but now again go to this endpoint press F and extend curve and now you can drag it out and see it just follows this curvature along so let's do also the same for this end point so again selected F and again select this point here f extend curve and let's extend it and you have here some some some other shapes but yeah this natural one looks uh the best in my opinion so now you see you have a cool curvature which is following this curvature that it had I don't know and now for example you can just press p and give it a little bit Yeah of a pipe or something and now just let's select this pipe and just bring it a little bit outwards and now you can select here this breast piece or chest piece and this here and Boolean that and we have a cool really nice aesthetic little detail so let me show you here so yeah you see you could just paint a little bit around make some some patterns and all that stuff so this is really really cool again we have to figure out how we can use it in our workflow so let's go to the next cool feature so yeah this is also a grenade from my new plasticity sci-fi and product design course check it out first link in the description but for example you can now just select any AD let's take this one and this one and now you can just Bridge them by selecting them and just f for we are searching the commands and Bridge Edge and bomb you see they're instantly like bridge then you have here on the bottom left a lot of commands so press D for example to adjust the tension and I don't know maybe you want to create some kind of an arc or maybe you want to bring it here to the bottom so then you have here some side controls so yeah this looks crazy but just untick them both and then it's just here at the bottom so really cool and you can also play here with the tangent with the tensions or curvature values so yeah right click and you have then here this extra Edge so really cool new feature that I finally love so much so for example now if you just create a rectangle press C something like that so now if you Bevel it you can fill it and champ for that and man this this is so cool because you don't have to cut anymore so much to to create the chamfer so let me just show you something so if you go hit to the front view so if we yeah create some really cool I don't know just a random sci-fi shape here so something like that and we just bring this point here and now for example if you wanted before that to create here a chamfer because maybe it's a little bit too sharp we had to create here a new curve and and trim that away and that this yeah was too crazy so now just select this point here and you can just give it here a nice little chamfer yeah to break a little bit here the sharpness or the same here just chamfer or fill it as you want but chamfer and definitely also here give it a nice cool little chamfer and you see you have a really cool shape and yeah you can extrude it and then play a little bit around with that so yeah just a little thing so now let's come to the really interesting new features you can Bridge surfaces and this is already crazy so let me just show you create shift F just hear a random curve so something like that select this curve press e to extrude it so we have something like that select the surface shift d to duplicate it and let's just yeah rotate it and G just bring it here and just rotate it just this way and let's just extrude those here a little bit so yeah we have something like that so if you press F and Bridge surfaces select this face and this face and you see now you can just Bridge them and you also have here some so you can adjust the width how smooth you want to have it and also here you have sensors so you can connect or select the different intersections so you remember you can select this one here so it's connecting or this on the left so again Bridge surface this face and this face and just play around here with the sensors and also you can even give it a chamfer and yeah again we have to figure out how we can implement it but let me show you something for example if you just take the surface and shift d and let's just bring it out and again shift d and I don't know let's just randomly rotate it a little bit and just I don't know bring it here and now let's just try to connect them so F Bridge surface and select this one and this one and Batman and and you see here you can just create really crazy stuff like look at this and I can imagine you can create so cool organic cool little shapes like look at this it could be I don't know like some armor plate or something you know and yeah so we just have to play around and see how we can implement this all right so let's check out something new about the curves before we come to lofting and patching what completely will blow your mind so let's have a look here so this drone again from my new Sci-Fi and product design course so check it out for example we have here some cage curves which we built that around and we have a lot of Curves as you see but now what we can do we can just adjust colors to our curves so for example we have here this um so we have this cage curves that we built that main shape so if we select all of them for example and we just press M for material so it's the same as you would give a color to a surface or body and just go to color and let's make that here something something like that right click and you see now we can differentiate all of those curves so I think this is really handy or for example we selected that curves to create here those design Cuts again press M and maybe those ones begins a red one so now it just makes a little bit more sense if we have too much curves ongoing but yeah always good to put them all into separate groups so also what we can do now now we can trim curve curve so before it was only possible so if we have something like that on the planar surface we could only trim with tea this here when it's planar on a face right so now it's everything um planar so but now it's possible through trim cars with 3D and this is just so so cool so let me just pick this surface here and shift d to duplicate it and shift H so now you see it's a yeah 3D surface so now let's do something interesting just create here a line and we will just rectangular array it with a few more times so we have something like that and let's create also one line this way and again rectangular array and just a few more so we have something like that alt click to all of those curves bring them to the front and just f for imprint curve command really cool to this body here so right click and now we can just select all of those with alt click and delete and now yeah I don't know we have a kind of polygons here so Edge mode select all of them and shift d so now we have all of those curves extra and let's delete the surface so now you see I don't know it's so cool we we built kind of a wireframe I don't know we have to figure out what we can do with that but now if we press T so we are in the trim command yeah do whatever you want so you can just here trim everything around even if it's a yeah a curved surface so really really cool and I think that will give us a lot of interesting possibilities but now let's check out lofting and surfacing and when I saw that is just what the hell is happening here so let's create a new file so the other day I was here practicing this shape here and before 1.2 that was yeah pretty Advanced but but now let's just recreate the JP very simple to show you just a few new features and yeah this is absolutely crazy so let's go to plasticity and yeah if you want to learn how to create this kind of shapes I will do a lot of tutorials on that so subscribe so you don't miss them so let's build it like very very simple let's go to the top view create a circle shift d just bring it here it doesn't has to be in the middle and stuff and shift a and snap it to the tangent and tangents of the circles press T to trim that around so now let's select all of those curves with alt click J and E to extrude them and what I don't like so alt click with face and just make them a little bit yeah something like that and yeah just drag that a little bit more outwards perfect and now let's go here to the right View and create a circle which is a little bit bigger so as in the example but of course it's not exactly now let's make it maybe a little bit bigger and shift d to bring it here and now just select the circle and the circle press l to Loft it let's delete that and now let's cut them in half I will show you how to connect that so create the line C cut this body here and the same for this body so selected C and just delete that so perfect we have something like that yeah before that so now so if we take our reference we have to yeah connect and everything in a smooth way and now you can do this with beautiful Lofts and patching so for example let's create me here a line and cut this body we don't need this top piece and now so if you select this face here Ctrl R and we can give here an edge and the same here and also let's snap one line here to the middle and select it face and delete it so now you see we have to connect very smoothly this thing here and how it's possible now it's just so easy and so beautiful and yeah it will just blow your mind so it's a little bit Advanced but so yeah oh my light is turned off but yeah we have this shape and let's connect this top piece with this bottom piece and there are one million different ways how we could do this but let me just show you the new patch tool so let's first of all select this face and control R just give it an extra edge here and the same here so something like that so now we can can connect this right piece the middle piece and the left piece and now we can just use our Bridge Edge command so F and Rich Edge so you see we get this really smooth line and the same let's do here F Bridge Edge and let's do here and let's do also here perfect so now you see we have this kind of smooth cage and now this new patch function is so amazing so now we can just select any edges so they don't have to be connected they don't have to be on one surface or one body we can just draw what we need and basically I can't see already that surface and you just select that and you just click here patch and bomb you have it but if you right click and you go here to this shading mode you see it's not smooth so we don't have continuity because you have to go back and when you patch it you have here g0 and you can just press tab then you go everywhere to G1 or you can um yeah adjust it here manually with the continuity that you want so if it's G1 this is the most important here then all of this surfaces will blend in smoothly and they will follow the curvature of the main surface so that one and that one so right click so if everything is G1 and we press ok you see it looks so so smooth and so so beautiful so let's do here the same so we select all of those edges patch holes press tabs so everything is G1 and okay and it's beautiful and we can do the same here and I had a few extra sheets here I don't know why so just delete them so again select those curves here patch holes press tab so you see G1 everywhere so it should be looking everything very smooth and it is it's not perfect but yeah you have to basically you have to adjust it a little bit and but yeah that was really cool but let's try something so if you go back and we have that at that so let's go back till we are here and just see if we can Bridge those surfaces I don't know maybe it's possible so let's select those three lines here and just bring them up and yeah so we don't have even to Loft or patch anything so let's press F and Bridge surface and let's just select this one and this one it's just possible what the when we can just bridge that how is that possible so let me 600 okay this that's too much but 400 okay it's it didn't work that way so again let's bridge that and we can just bridge that this is this is this is crazy and even with the chamfer but this enables to create such an interesting shape so easy so this is really really cool and yeah let's go one step further let's select those and bring them to the other side and press G so now let's try again F and Bridge surface and okay this is not working so if you do this kind of stuff it's always good if you just break it in half but yeah we have to experiment with that a little bit but the new lofting and Patch tool are just amazing so yeah this was just my little two cents for you and if you're interested check out my new flagship sci-fi and product design course where we create all of those models here first link in the description here a Sci-Fi prop a Sci-Fi grenade look all of the details and the design language and also the Drone and also that camera all in just one course check out first link in the description you have here some more information yeah so I'm super excited about this new plasticity version I will create a lot of tutorials on that and experiments and play around and figure out 1.2 with you together and so I think plasticity's future is really really bright so let's explore it together see you in my next tutorials check out the course bye
Channel: Nikita Kapustin
Views: 81,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plasticity, plasticity 1.2, plasticity 3d, plasticity 3d modeling, 3d modeling software, bets 3d modeling program, best 3d modeling software, bets cad modeling program, 3d modeling for artists, nikita, nick, kallen, cad modeling, 3d modeling, best update, 3d modeling tutorial, plasticity update, 3d tutorial, which 3d modeling program, industry standart 3d
Id: F4YxosBhCkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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