Plasma Material Tutorial | Unreal Engine 5

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hello everyone in this video I'll show you how to create this plasma material just by using the material node in AR Engine 5 to do that I'm going to create a new material call that M plasma I'm going to open it the first thing I'm going to do is change the settings to go from opaque to translucent then I'm going to create a new constant 3 so constant 3 VOR going to right click on it and convert it to a parameter which I'm going to name Corner then from there I'm going to get a multiply node and from that multiply Lo I'm going to look for a constant one vector but instead of just looking for constant I'm just going to press one on my keyboard and click I connect that to the multiply node and I will convert this into a parameter which I'm going to call emission those two nodes are allowing us to create the color of the material and in this and in this case we want something that is emissive so I'm going to plug that directly into the mive color by default I'm going to change the color into red and the emission to 30 here we go so we can see that here the material is already emissive so now what I want to do is to create the actual texture I'm going to look for a node called noise click on it in the settings of this node I'm going to change the function from Simplex to verono now I'm going to change the scale from 1 to 30 I'm going to look for a new node in this case I want a rotator node what I want to do is to move the texture around so right now we don't see the texture yet but if I go from the noise and plug that into the opacity we can see our texture working it's a bunch of small dots that we can't really see to try something bigger what I'm going to do is from the Rotator I'm going to look for an aen node so up Vector this will allow me to connect the Rotator into the noise node right now there is an error because there's no B value so I'm going to press one on my keyboard left click get a value here and this doesn't need to be a parameter or at least not now but I'm going to change this value into one what I'm doing here is that if I was connecting the Rotator directly into the position of the nose I would get an error saying that you cannot cast from a smaller type float two into a larger type float 3 the Rotator Works usually with textes and is a float two but the type of nose value is float three so what we need to do is we need to change the Rotator value into a readable Vector in this case a float three so this is what the up node is for and this is why we are multiplying that by a value in this case just skipping one to have a default value so by doing that we can already see the texture working now we can see the movement and this is because of the Rotator if I change the center of X to Zero can see that the movement is changing completely same for Center y if I put that to zero can see that the movement is completely different I think it's good to just skip those values to 0.5 but changing the speed so I want a speed that is almost zero but we still want some movement so in this case 0.1 so now we have a bit of movement but we do not have the warping that we can see on plasma texture and to do that what we're going to do is look for a node called wind and it's going to be simple grass wind usually this is used for a grass mesh where you would create a grass material for it but this kind of works nicely for this type of material I'm going to press one on my keyboard create a new value here press one again and another time and I'm going to connect the first node we created the first constant we created into the wind intensity the second one into the wind weight and the third one into the additional W position offset and the result of this will be connected into the world position offset by doing that we see that nothing is changing is because all of my values here are set to zero but I'm going to change the first one to 0.7 and the second one to 0.3 and the moment I do that we can see there's a bit of warping happening what is happening actually here with this node is that we're creating this wind illusion that there's some movement on the material when there's not and this movement is defined by those two values the wind intensity and the wind weight if you want you can also have the additional W position ofet value here to be something greater than zero and it's kind of creating the illusion that the mesh is moving telling that there is some wind and we connect that to the world position offset in the material saying that every second pretty much the movement there is some movement with the material so what is very nice with unre engine is that you don't really have to think about applying time multiplying that with values we just have a node that does all of that but what's going on behind is that you have a Time Value every frame is multiplied by some other values and so on and so on we have different parameters in this case win intensity and win weight that we apply to create this different type of movement now what I'm going to do is change the emission to actually something higher let's say 100 going to save that and in my scene I'm going to add a new object in this case I'm going to look for shapes I want a sphere because this is what works the best for a plasma material and I can just drag and drop my M my plasma material on the sphere and we can see we have we have it working and the sphere is not moving but because we Define the wall position offset we have the illusion that it's actually bouncing around when it's not and if you want to create variations of that material just simply right click on the material create a material instance not going to rename that but I'm going to open it and here we can change its color and the emission this is where we Define them as parameters in this case I'm going to say I want something that's 200 something extremely bright but you know what I want it to be purple and I'm going to save this material instance and just simply drag and drop on here and so you can create as many different materials you want that will have this plasma texture so this is it for this video and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Morrigan
Views: 78
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine, ue, unreal engine 5, ue5, plasma, material, vfx, tutorial, material tutorial, plasma material, video game, video game asset, unreal assets
Id: tEIDbS5xxWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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