Plasma Cutting & Oxy Fuel Cutting

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esra Jody with welding tips and tricks' calm this is our labor day video I got to thinking a little bit about Labor Day what Labor Day means one of the coolest pictures I've ever seen is that picture of the iron workers on the beam building Rockefeller Center 1932 just happen to have a print right here the reason I got this print was years ago I got a really cush job cush metallurgical lab air conditioned failure analysis microstructure materials characterization hardness testing all that stuff learnt a ton all this and a paycheck - so I figure I'm gonna put that on the wall every time I start to get the least bit disgruntled or dissatisfied with my job I look at this picture it'll make me more thankful well it didn't work it did not work it didn't work not because of the work the work was great not because of the guys I work with they were great the guy I worked for not so much so you know it doesn't really matter what what kind of work I can enjoy pretty much any kind of work if I'm working for good people so anyway I'd share that little tidbit with you in today's just that that's my labor day that's my labor day message hats off to everybody that works for a living and be especially thankful if you got a good if you work for a good person I wondered if he would ever quit talking so there's a stack of metal all pre-cut found a really good deal at a place in Chattanooga that cuts stuff like this flame cuts and saw cuts and everything so made sense just order it like that now I'm using this little downdraft table gear that I made some time ago I did three or four videos on the on the making of it because things got in the way I didn't just start and never stop start to finish but I'm gonna include a few little clips on on that and also on the web page where this will be on my website welding tips and tricks calm there'll be a PDF set of drawings if anybody's interested in making something like so it's just basically got a little funnel inside of it a duct that directs all the debris and sparks down into a tray and then a attachment that this little scoop here where the fume extractor will look on not everybody has a fume extractor I know but I happen to I happen to but I'm sure there's plenty of ways also that you could just hook up a blower motor and then get to stuff outside not so much with oxy fuel and steel but when your plasma cut and stainless and things like that it makes some fumes and if you can just blow them out and get away from your breathing zone it's a big deal helps a lot so I got this little telescoping handle here that goes out probably need some gussets on it but again it's kind of like a prototype stage here and I hook the the scoop on there for the fume extractor and you can see it drawn there's no smoke coming up at all from this paper tower burning you can't smell it no smoke so it's got a really good draw on it from the from the Miller fume extractor there and there's the Miller spectrum 625 extreme a really good little plasma cutter but for cutting little quick cuts like this little put all a piece of round stock up there and snip it off or piece of bar stock this thing is extremely handy you know like I said I got the little telescoping thing there that I can put a sheet on and not flop all around so it turns out to be one of the most useful things I ever built back to the rest of the project here this is 4 inch tubing so what I'm doing here I'm going to get a quick dimension off this four inch tubing I want to see if it's a little over how many of them are running a little over 4 inches and I'm gonna lay it lay out some cut lines on this 3 by 6 here because that notch is right in here it kind of Nestle's in the end of it this is the wide base square it's called the lusk where it's from legette products calm and is a little pricey and some sometimes the shipping seems a little pricey but it is so useful so I'm really happy I got it so I'm laying it out here it's really good for square tubing that you can carry the line over the radius like that whereas tough to do on a on a narrow base square and by trading cut here so we're firing up the cutting torch adjust acetylene until the smoke pretty much goes away right before it's about ready to jump off the tip so I can get the most out of the tip and making a decent cut is you it has a lot to do with using the right sized tip you can use one that's too big and you can just go a little faster get a little bit wider kerf and everything but it usually does not does not do as good a job make a square cut and everything is as the proper size tip so you can see me the way I'm propping here this is just I'm kind of making do ideally I'd have another piece of metal or a block or something up through the same height that's what I'm cutting but I couldn't find one so I'm just improvising here and so you see how far I've got those cones off of the line a lot of guys will use a lot more stand off than that I've seen guys like experts and welding shows hold it like an inch away and make a make a beautiful cut but that's under pristine conditions and everything is just right and brand-new and this tip could use a little cleaning and whatnot so I generally tend to hold them fairly close so it needs a little grinding not a perfect cut but just a little bit of grinding and it's gonna be good to go I'll do a little fit check here with that four inch in just a second I'll throw a straightedge up on the top and see how close we are and we're within maybe 50,000 s or so so close enough though throw that one off and throw another one on and we'll do a little plasma cutting in just a minute now for plasma cutting I'm going to go ahead and hook up the Miller fume extractor there to that little snout that I built onto this thing and then again this is the Miller spectrum 625 extreme about as big as a little lunch pail and yet rated for I think it'll cut 5/8 of an inch and it will do it conservatively I've got it maxed out it's a 40 amp machine I've got it up to 40 amps and I'm gonna just kind of try that using the drag tip and seeing a fellow you work okay on this 3/8 wall tubing and it's working I'm having to go along a little slow you can see there at the beginning it kind of blew back on me a little bit but still cut all the way through not a bad not a bad cut and generally I find that if he can hook you can clamp a straightedge it's going to be straighter then you can then you can cut freehand most of the time so I'm just using a little piece of aluminum T joint here for the straightedge it's working out pretty well again you can see that that fume extractor drawing all the sparks and smoke and everything downward again one of the handiest things I've ever built I built I built one a little over 20 years ago and it's it was still being used when I left the job that I built it on and it just super handy again let throw a little grinder on it knock the slag off but it's it's pretty close now again this is the drag tip this is on just eighth wall tubing with with a straight edge that usually works out pretty good you can also just freehand and use the freehand tip then you get a little bit more out of it a little bit more freedom and it's easier to see your stand off and your everything and one thing about plasma cutting that I didn't mention earlier this is a piece of stainless steel angle iron you're not limited to material type width with a plasma like you are with oxy-fuel here's the the other type tip it's not the drag tip that you use for free handing I'm putting a bevel on a piece of 3/8 plate here so it's it's essentially almost like cutting 5/8 or a little thicker and does that no problem but definitely choose to I definitely prefer this tip for beveling as opposed to the drag tip makes a nice clean cut now you do need dry air adequate air pressure and clean air and so the first thing I did when I got this thing is I installed this little Miller air dryer Deeley here and it's it's worked really well it's all about using good good quality air and good new new consumables when you can these are brand new right here the drag tip and I'm going to lay a straight edge up here and make just a really really narrow cut you can see how tight and narrow that kerf is with a brand new brand new tip and brand new a brand new electrode brand new nozzle and brand new everything same thing with the free-handing tip here you get more capacity as far as how thick you can cut with one of these tips and you can cut thicker with a brand new tip then you can with one that's old and kind of worn out a little bit you don't get as much as you don't get a stiffener core as pinpointed a plasma plume now I'm cutting different materials here that was chromoly this is stainless just to illustrate the different materials you can cut this is some nickel base inkle inconel these are all in the 30 to 40 thousands range it just zips through them like butter that's aluminum magnesium and here's a little piece of titanium with the bright white sparks so it just doesn't care what kind of material it is here's a piece of 3/16 that I had to rip a piece off of because it was it was a little too wide for the for the job that we're working on right now he's clamp I just clamped to Pete a straight edge on it and dragging nice and slow and it's gonna make a really nice cut just gonna take minimal dressing up before it's just good to go I'll show you that in just a second minimal slag and it comes off really easily with a good finish well that pretty much wraps it up for oxy-fuel cutting and plasma cutting I make a video like this every single week of the year and then in order to offset some of the costs for rods and Argonne and all that kind of stuff I put them all together on on DVD discs and offer them up for sale and that really helps a lot in offsetting some of those costs now they are up for sale a 12 monger store calm it's over seven hours worth of content it's for discs but there's also a fifth bonus disc which is a jump starter TIG welding basics DVD to get you start off on the right foot and what to practice on to get better TIG welding now why would anybody why would anybody buy DVDs of videos that are available for free on YouTube well I put that bonus disc in there too to add to the value like that plus some people have a slow connection if you're on a long flight you can put a pop of DVD in without Wi-Fi it's higher definition video easier to see the puddle and all that good stuff right now there's a deal going on for a t-shirt and a 2012 DVD disc set along with the bonus disc for considerable savings on what you would it would cost if you bought them individually so that's about all I got today hang around watch all these little Clips here so you can tell if this is something you'd be interested in if it is just just go to weld monger store com we'll send it just about anywhere in the world you
Channel: weldingtipsandtricks
Views: 189,922
Rating: 4.9317555 out of 5
Keywords: plasma cutting, plasma cutter, oxyfuel cutting, oxy fuel cutting, oxygen acetylene, cutting torch, gas torch, Oxy-fuel Welding And Cutting, oxy-acetylene cutting, how to use a cutting torch
Id: 84xB6ULeAUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2013
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