🔥 Tips for Oxy-Fuel Cutting Radius Edges & Holes

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welcome to weld Kampf I need to go through a couple of things here I'm gonna do one later on on some thicker material some 3/4 inch and even thicker than that but I want to go through some torch operations we've had numerous people ask about torch operations so I really want to simply just go through just the torch itself I had this dream about doing like a silent video where I put got one out of the box and put it all together on the cylinders and got everything going probably one of those high speed films or whatever but anyway just some basics here in the shop I always run quick disconnects on our torch bodies for the simple fact that I like to keep the weekend warriors out of my out of my shop sorry about that in that Arnold but I always just like if I take the torch off the cylinders bleed everything I'll go put this away then I keeps people from coming in the shop here and hacking up material that doesn't even belong to them but it happens in any event when we go to put together a torch never ever ever put a wrench on this just nut right here there are machine seats and a rings in here and you can destroy them by putting a crescent wrench on them if your torch is popping either in the with the tip on there or back in through here somewhere over tightening and it's not the that's not going to solve anything it's worse you need to take it apart send it in get it serviced if you have dropped this and ding this on the end and it doesn't see you need to get it receded again if you're not qualified to work on them don't mmm I hand tighten all these I also you know and you'll see people operate these all different ways is a personal preference but I I guess I grew up and I learned how to do this with the valves facing away from me it seems like when I'm operating the torch and these valves are up here on top I ended up bumping one and I reject my flame and I'm part of it so I always just turn mine to the bottom side I take less of a chance of getting into it so this is a combination torch we could put a welding nozzle or a heating nozzle on this right now we have the cutting torch at attachment to it which means the oxygen valve down here opens all the way all the way the acetylene valve and this valve adjust your flame and this is your cutting oxygen okay I have an aunt tip I'm sorry I have a double aught tip of this series this is like the the super range size of Victor torch I like these small detailed torches for cutting thin material when I get into some thicker stuff well I'll use the journeyman size so a double hot tip and I have the pressure set at 5 and 20 and the reason I set them a little low is I want to demonstrate this I wish I had a brand new or a nice triple lock tip I think all my tips are at home and here at the college when we're detailing material time is of the essence so we tend to use a little bit bigger of a torch tip we'll oversize the tip a little bit so that we can get some speed like on 3/8 plate we'll go ahead and cut with number 1 we get a good preheat we can get a good bevel I see a lot of people run extreme pressures and I want to experiment with that because I recently I've been seeing some there's some good torch hands out there we feel good torch hands and they do some amazing work by hand and they run their pressures up real high and I really have never done that because I've personally just not gotten that good of quality cuts out of it I want to show you something here when I light up this towards always lighted torch where you're not getting a lot of sit bones and everything you turn this way down and you get this black suit you can also turn it way up where the flame is separated from the torch tip as you add oxygen you're probably going to snuff your flame out so I always reconnect my flame and ease the oxygen on there's three flames associated with oxyfuel cutting and welding there is a carburizing flame which is indicated come on which is indicated by the turquoise flip feather in here there is a neutral flame of which would be 99% of our cutting width or should and there is also an oxidizing flame where the inner towns become extremely sharp and you can hear that that hissing sound that is actually a very useful flame all three of them are very useful but for cutting just plain carbon steel it is the neutral flame I have cut on certain alloys blocks a little bit of hardened steel like knife blades in a plywood mill this carburizing flame does the trick it looks weird it looks a little black but it gives you a really really nice cut cutting on some rusting material sometimes this is a better flame because it doesn't react with the rust that's why it's strange because it's not you're not used to looking at it I want you to listen to this sound here and if the camera guy can zoom in here I want him to see if he can catch this dark blue line coming through here actually I'm going to make it better yet [Applause] that ripping raspy sound and another [Music] knew of it this tip is not completely good I'm getting the good ripping raspy sound which means I can make some quality cuts and not have a lot of cleanup slag and stuff but when this oxygen jet is concentrated right down through the center of that flame and you can hear that good rip it doesn't get any better than that I worked with a buddy of mine that could take remember actually the triple lot tips are a lot easier to do this with and I used to do a demonstration where when I pulled the trigger on this oxygen and it was ripping out here and come out here about three feet it was real long I could take my hand and close my fingers around it and not getting burned on the other side gloved hand I think I tried it barehanded one time that's pretty good condition right there so five and twenty on the five on the acetylene twenty on the on the oxygen so to cut with this I've got prepared some some quarter-inch material and one of the viewer comments was how do you cut circles what do you do with circles well I'm lazy so I use a circle burner and it's homemade and there's a lot of cool tools on the market the best ones are the ones that that this operates independently man you can move super smooth this one I made up just so I could have something quick I put a small nut down here I Clinton I'll just slide that on there and that's for the super range torch I've turned it around to the other end and it goes right on to the journeyman size it's just something I've always carried in my tube tool bag so you know I try to make stuff that works for me and it's quick and simple and accurate so I can get repeatable results I've laid this out so that we can radius the corners of these like we were making the lifting load and you know it's a little too much to grind so why not just go ahead and cut it I also tend to take mill scale off both sides of my cut because it cuts a lot smoother and faster and it doesn't take very long to clean up I've also laid out a hole and when we get ready to cut the hole I will probably come on the inside of this quite a ways in Pierce and move over to the edge and then we're going to start our hole so let me set up over here on a piece of pipe over the floor so I can get off of this table here and we'll be right back welcome back I've moved over here so I can so I can dump this on the floor it's high enough up off the floor that I'm not gonna damage the floor or make it explode or anything so [Applause] [Applause] feels pretty quick I'm telling you cleaning your steel make good quality cuts you won't be doing a lot of cleanup a bit of slag stuck on there and come right off okay here's where it gets fun this is this is where it's real cool to have this deal that goes around okay I don't have one yet so here's what I have to do I come over here come over here and get a good preheat going here's about the time that I tell you I have a real good torture condition right now and if I was on mill scale I've been doing preheating and then I'll check this right before I get ready to cut and it's ruined it heats the meal scale flipped off and went right up into my totem I got up into my flame Steph stop run a wire through there then go right back to cutting okay so for me to operate this rascal I got to get completely upside down and what I do is when I Pierce this I go away from me [Applause] this parts easy this little dance moves pirouette thing I'm doing is a little hard and then so that I don't Jam the torch down in there I always operate it two hands at the very end so let me bring this up off the table and we'll take a look at it I won't knocking the slag off I'll be right back so here's a finished part two radiuses out on the corner that were too big to grind and then a hole cut in the middle of it I said I wasn't going to touch anything so I mean that comes off pretty easy and you're gonna touch them with a grinder or sander anyway those are hot those are also pretty smooth I just found that to be really easy useful accurate I want to do some other torch demonstrations with using a straight edge maybe challenge the line burner over here this thing here I brought out because this was hand cut I've always kept this around over on the burn table kind of as a counterweight that we actually hadn't cut that with the burn bar so we I think we challenged the line burner on so you could make the biggest cut on the best cut on inch-thick plate and believe me there's guys that can cut some incredibly heavy metal with really good accuracy some of the stuff I've seen on Instagram good learning community good folks out there this is it's pretty good hull again by cleaning by cleaning mill scale things cut for me pretty quick and pretty smooth going to touch it with the grinder but at least it's not heavy heavy grinding I've seen people to operate a torch and their pressures are all off and their part doesn't fall off and they'll turn this over and beat the daylights out of it this has my name no this one is belongs to the college my name is engraved in my torch and it's only been to the repair shop once in 30 years long time ago and I'm his contract and I bought two sets of tips triple lot through number three thinking that I would go through him I was still on set number one about 15 18 years later the only reason I'll ding a tip up is if I take it out of the torch and I set it down because it's too hot I put one in my pocket one day that was fun to watch it was a little hot but if I set them down they roll off the table and they ding this is soft copper alloys so you ding this face right here and you put it in your torch and you'll be cutting along and all the sudden you got a little blowout little farting thing going around these threads here well that's because you're tipping and seated so naturally everybody goes over and starts reaching it down and that's not the right thing to do take this tip out and inspect it and if it's got a ding in the seat you may be able to flat file it with a mil file and get it back to shape if not get a seating tool or if not you're you're done and that's the sad part about it but I've made these last a really really long time just running a wire through em set correct pressures make quality cuts it saves me a lot of time I've also worked in a lot of people's shops where I take my personal tools in I'll do all my layout take their tip out of their torch put mine in make my cuts take my tip out put theirs back in and I I just save so much time it I know it kind of sounds like real meticulous and real anal about things that I'm telling you it is so much faster I hate to grind and I've seen people cut and then they spend the next 20 minutes cleaning up their cuts with a grinder and I'm not into that I just seemed make the cut and you know quality lay out quality cuts we fit your webs look a lot better hey I hope this helps and if you got some comments which I'm sure you will make them I can good ones please but I hope this helps and if you have questions or anything we can help you with let us know thanks for watching well calm
Channel: Weld.com
Views: 112,506
Rating: 4.9456944 out of 5
Keywords: welding, weld.com, mig monday, tig time, how to weld, learn how to weld
Id: Oo3RhhBGIxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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