Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville disappointed me

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I've been waiting for new plans for the zombies game for a solid two years I made a whole video about the franchise because I hold it so close to my heart plants vs. zombies 1 & 2 garden warfare 1 & 2 they are all great games I even still go back to garden warfare 2 here and there because I enjoy playing it so much the amount of hours I put in this game is it's a lot the only reason why I have an Xbox is just to play garden warfare 2 and that's it I don't use it for anything else I love this game and a lot of other people do too servers are still quite active to this day they are still bringing out new game modes every week or so the game feels refined fresh unique and simple so when they tweeted out they are working on another third-person shooter I was stoked I got really excited the first two were amazing so the third one must be amazing as well it's gonna have new characters new maps more variants I was really looking forward to it a few months later and it got revealed battle for neighbor hill not - garden warfare 3 the game looked really good in the trailer so I got it on day one I download it I played a few games and hoboing I did not enjoy it fellow for neighbor view is not a garden warfare game this isn't a bad thing on paper at all but I just don't like how this place and oh I actually really really dislike it everything has changed and nothing has stayed the same it's a completely different game the original format worked amazingly so I really don't understand the reason why they changed everything it feels like they wanted to innovate for the reason to innovate that's a really bad reason to innovate and I'm not the only one who thinks this way a lot of people are on the fence with this game it just feels really off for some reason it isn't as crisp as garden warfare the way how battle for neighbor field plays reminds me a lot of how overwatch plays in the way that each character is good at a specific thing and if you try to do something else with a character you are sure to lose by by my brain literally doesn't want to accept any of these changes it's actually suppressing them from my memory I'll sum these two games up the garden warfare games are pretty fast paced third-person shooters where if you position yourself better than the enemy you would win a gunfight battle for neighbor who is who can hit the most shots who are bunny hopping around like a [ __ ] lunatic just stay on the ground Jesus Christ is it fun to play and it just feels like they added a bunch of garbage into a working functional and fun game and now it has just become [ __ ] and this isn't even the thing that annoys me the most the best feature from garden warfare which were the character variants they completely remove them instead you have this really lame upgrade system can tweak to get more XP on kill homing shots faster is this [ __ ] stupid they really did it they replace this with this that's a downgrade character variants on the other hand were amazing they gave the game so much replayability now it's just meaningless upgrades this doesn't sound exciting at all I know that I'm just viewing negativity on this gamer right but there are still some things I really like about it first of all the game looks absolutely stunning and just gorgeous you can't buy loot cases or sticker packs with real-life money the fact that that is a positive is kind of sad the lobby is pretty cool the rest just feels really rushed and unpolished take this running animation for example it looks like he's running on ice there are some weird graphical errors here and there it's just such a mixed bag there are some parts of the game I enjoy but others I just hate and it just ends up not being extremely fun I'm sorry it's a shame I was going into it with an extreme amount of excitement but came out the other side as a set crying emoji every time I play this game I just say to myself man I wish there was a better version of this game and then I realized that garden warfare 2 exists so I'll play that because I actually enjoy that game I have a small brain so please don't dislike my video because in my opinion please please god damn it alright fine ten out of ten great game no flaws [ __ ] you [Music]
Channel: Foekoe
Views: 803,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foekoe, foekoe gaming, pvz, plants vs zombies, garden warfare, gw, garden warfare 2, bfn, battle for neighborville, plants vs zombies 1, pvz 2, pvz heroes, pvz review, garden warfare vs battle for neighborville, gw vs bfn, all pvz classes, battle for neighborville review, bfn review, pvz bfn review, original pvz, pvz shooter, ea
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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