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hi it's nell and today i am going to be showing you how to plant lavender in a pot so stick around for that so i upload videos on a regular basis here on youtube and i have a lot in the archives for you to go back and peruse so i would love to have you subscribe and also come back so i am here in tucson it is the end of may it's going to be over a hundred this week so i think that this will be the last of my repotting videos for the season because it's going to be too hot for me to be dragging all the soil mixes out here and all that but i wanted to get this one done because lavender is a very popular landscape plant it also does great in containers now this is about planting lavender in a pot to grow outdoors but um i will touch on a few things about growing lavender indoors or planting lavender indoors in a pot towards the end right around the soil right around the soil portion of the video and as usual there is a blog post to go along with this video there'll be more details more details on the soil mix more details on everything the soil makes alternatives in the blog post you can find it in the first couple lines of the description box down below or on my website now this whole process is not complicated at all and i told you the first thing to consider that is the timing and the second thing is the plant choice and the pot choice or the more specifically the pot size um this is lavender munstead it is one of the dwarf or compact english english and lavenders and it gets um about 18 inches by 18 inches ken state a bit smaller you know can get a little bit bigger depending on where you are but it is one of the smaller ones so i have this pot that's only 12 inches wide and it's about 10 inches high it is suited to a plant this size i could use a little bigger pot maybe one that was 14 or 16 inches would have been okay too but um the previous owner left this pot behind and i don't know something happened to something in it last year so um i had it in the garage and i thought well i could use it for my dwarf lavender and there are many species of lavender the lavender genus is a there are many species and there's many varieties of it this is lavender augusta folia munstead there's all different english ones there's you know different french and spanish so like the english in a lavender the larger one gets 36 inches by 36 inches so you would need a much bigger pot for that and my i think what my favorite lavender is is provence it is they're really fragrant well you know they're all fragrant but this one is extremely fragrant and that one gets about 36 by 36 maybe maybe a little bit more so there are some of them that get pretty good size because 36 inches is is you know a good size plant so for a larger lavender like that i would want to go with like a 22 to 24 inch pot because you want to give it a good size base because those roots are really going to grow and you also want it to be in scale with the plant because if i put this plant in a 24 inch pot it would look you know like ah you know what's wrong but uh there's a trick that i used to do when i was a professional gardener if i was planting a a perennial or a shrub bin that was small and it was in a larger pot that it was going to grow in i would plant annuals in the front or annuals around it so it didn't look so lonely in the pot or like what's going on there's just a little plant in there but the annuals grow fast you know they provide some color and then they're gone after the season so for the soil mix this is important it needs to be very well drained lavender isn't really particular about soil it just needs to be it needs to be well drained it needs to have some kind of grit in it to amend the drainage and to help it drain out because it is extremely subject to root rot so i am going to show you the soil components that i am going to use right now and talk a little bit about each one and here are the components i'm using for the soil mix i'm using pumice nice big chunks of pumice here's the clay pebbles and then this is the potting soil and it's a really good it's a really good potting soil but it doesn't have quite enough in it to add to the drainage factor so i'm adding these elements in so here's what it looks like mixed together as you can see it's nice and chunky it's also very light because the clay pebbles don't have any weight to them and the pumice is just like air the clay pebbles are very light and they really aerate and amend the drainage that's great pumice too i like to use them combined and then the potting soil adds some you know rich to richness to it because it does like to be i'd say like maybe moderately fertile so i'm going to throw in a maybe maybe a handful of compost when i'm planting also too i'm in a very hot climate so i can throw in a little compost because compost does tend to hold you know some moisture in and the other thing about the compost you know me i'm the queen of top dressing with worm compost and compost and i am going to use a little bit of compost to top dress this maybe like a quarter of an inch just to add a little bit of richness but if you're in a humid or a wetter climate do not use the compost on the top it doesn't you know it doesn't like it in that kind of a situation all right close up on the lavender flowers and foliage that are so popular so what i did uh when i'm planting up a smaller plant i will mix up the mix in a pail like the blue pail on the right there and i took a six inch grow pot and i put in two grow pots of potting soil and then i did one grow pot that was half uh clay pebbles and half in a pumice so that was the mixture that i used so um and i use more than three but but you know that's that is that is just you know that you know the ratio and i know that a lot of people like to use sand when planting lavender that's fine horticultural sand is good so another mix might be either two parts two or three parts potting soil two uh one part sand and perlite or pumice you could do it half and half again it just makes it nice and uh well drained and you could amend that ratio a little bit depending on what your climate zone is so here's when i'll give um a couple tips about growing lavender indoors i've never actually grown it indoors but i know some people bring it indoors you know for the winter so my first tip would be to get a smaller lavender like this because it is just easier to bring indoors and outdoors and unless you happen to have a you know a conservatory green house room a lot of room for it then a larger pot is fine and you would definitely want a uh and the other tip would be you would definitely want a soil mix that had a lot to amend the drainage in it because when you when you bring it indoors you do not want to over water it at all and that will help it from staying you know waterlogged okay so now it is time to get started on the planting and i sort of give the mix or i do not sort of i give the mix a stir every now and then to make sure it's good and mixed up i have some on the bottom to about here i might need to add more depending on what goes on when you know i take the root ball out and what i do is i just gently press on the sides and this usually works for smaller plants just fine and then that sort of and then you can just tip it like that and as you can see there is the root ball there it has some roots at the bottom but they're pretty fine so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to just kind of massage the root ball gently just to break the roots apart a lit a little bit because it's been growing in this pot for a while so i just want to give them a uh one two and get them broken up a little bit so let's see if i need to put some in i'm gonna put just a little bit more in the pot all right it's in the in the pot just gonna go in fill in oh i'm just gonna take this because it'll be easier [Applause] ah this is the scoop i use for my compost and worm compost my favorite amendments i'm not gonna use any worm compost on this i i'm going to see how it goes because i've actually never grown lavender here in tucson i'm still relatively new here and i honestly have not seen any lavender growing in town although it sold at a lot of the nurseries here so i'm gonna see i thought i'd start with a small one and see how it goes so um i i grew i grew a lot of lavender in the bay area when i was a professional gardener i did a lot for my clients in the warmer parts of the bay area down on the peninsula and up in marin county and then my mom lived in sonoma and i planted quite a few lavender plants at her house so i'll see how it goes here because it is so hot that's a one thing is lavender is not crazy about a coastal fog or coolness and it's not it's not supposed to like these intense even though it loves heat it doesn't love the the the desert heat i don't think where it can get to be like 110. so i'm going to grow this in in almost all shade it's going to be the bright shade and we'll see how it does oh and by the way i just added a few a few uh like one bowl of compost in there i don't want to overdo it but i think in this dry climate where things grow and dry out so fast a little bit of compost will be just fine because it'll it it'll feed it so now i just need to top this off and we are done with the planting okay and what i should have said for the first step to all this planting was that i watered the plant thoroughly thoroughly yesterday afternoon because it was dry so you don't want to plant a plant that is dry because it'll be all stressed out and you don't want your plant to have that kind of a start unless of course it's a succulent or you know a cacti then it can go dry but i'm talking plants here okay and it's got that nice chunky rock in it that i actually bought to to uh to repop my dracina lisa and now i'm gonna do just a little bit of compost on the top because as i said you know i'm in this crazy climate here so it's just a just just just a little bit and the soil is so well drained too so i i want to feed it now i would normally do a nice big layer of compost and worm a compost but not for lavender alrighty there we go i'm gonna press it down a bit because it's leaning forward a bit you can do that to just give it a press anyway to get it to stand up and this one munstead is on its way so as for aftercare i am going to take this lavender and put it under the pink grapefruit tree and i'm going to give it a good watering this evening because even though the root ball was wet the soil is dry so it's going to be hot starting in a couple days we're going to go over a hundred for two or three days so i don't want it to go into any kind of a stress so this this mix and this process applies to any size you know lavender whether it be a compact one a mid-size one or a large one you're going to use the same mix and you're going to use the same process the same steps and you're going to do the same aftercare alrighty it's a couple weeks later here's the lavender in its place it didn't go through any shock at all so that's good it's in this nice filtered shade as you can see i have deadheaded quite a bit of the flowers and there are more coming on but there was one thing that i forgot to mention in the video and that is the time of year to plant it now i planted this in may which is not the optimum time in tucson because it's very hot as i said it hasn't gone through any shock but if you're in a very hot climate like mine uh tucson arizona it's early fall is really the best time to plant one but because this is in a pot and it's easy to move it's in this filtered shade over there otherwise if you're someplace like where i used to live along the coast of california or a cooler climate then spring and summer are fine but just know that if you're in a warm warm warm climate a hot climate early fall is optimum but in pots i think it's a little bit more you know forgiving because you can move them around if it looks like it is going through any kind of a transplant shock you can move it into a shadier area so i just touch on things here i don't go into great detail so if you are really interested in planting lavender in a pot be sure to check the blog post it'll be in the the link to it'll be in the first two lines of the description box and also on my website so as you can see planting a lavender plant in a pot is not complicated at all it's very easy so i hope you found this to be helpful i have a lot more videos coming your way so stay tuned for those i thank you for all your likes and your subscribes you know i appreciate them now let's get out in our gardens because it is late spring and make our worlds a more beautiful place as always i thank you so much for watching and i'll catch you in the next video bye you
Channel: JoyUsGarden
Views: 115,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can lavender grow in pots, how to plant lavender in a pot, how to plant lavender in pots tips, lavender in containers, lavender in pots, lavender in pots patio, plant lavender, plant lavender outdoor tips, plant lavender tips, planting lavender in containers, planting lavender in pots, planting lavender in pots outdoors, when to plant lavender in pots
Id: tW2-SJ5yZgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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