Lavender DYING OFF | Problems with LAVENDER

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hello everyone welcome to this channel I'm Anna and I help you grow beautiful and healthy plants in this video today we are going to talk about one of the most popular and beautiful plants in our Gardens and at home lavender however as beautiful as Lavender is it can sometimes be tricky to grow it and I've received so many comments from you about your challenges growing lavender be it at home or Outdoors that's why in this video I want to discuss with you some of the most common problems you might face while growing lavender and of course how to solve them well one of the most common problems with growing Lavender is yellowing leaves if you notice yellowing leaves on your lavender plant this can be a sign of over watering or poor drainage while poor drainage can of course lead to over watering and over watering leaves to the root rot and stem rot so the first thing that you will notice is yellowing leaves so if the leaves are yellow or brown at the bottom of the plant then it's normal it's a normal life cycle of the plant because with the time the stems will get wooden and will lose some leaves but if you notice yellowing leaves in the middle of the plant or on the top of the plant or yellow leaves are just abundant then this means that there is a problem and most probably it's over watering check the soil check your frequency of watering and water only when the plant needs it and to fix this problem make sure that your Lavender is planted in well-draining soil or you can also add sand or perlite to improve the drainage but of course first of all choose a part that will have a lot of drainage hole or if it's Clay Pot which is better for lavender then please choose a clay pot that will have of course drainage holes and also avoid over watering in terms of frequency but also the amount of water that you use to water your lavender only water it when the soil is dry to the touch and make sure that the pot or soil is dry enough before watering so the top layer may seem to be dry but at the bottom or inside of the pot the soil can still be moist and contain a lot of humidity so maybe you can have a look at the bottom of the plant if it's a pot and with many holes you can check the holes and see if the bottom is still humid you don't need to water your plant or if you grow your Lavender in the garden and you had a lot of rain or you know that you have watered it a lot in the previous days then wait until the soil will be really dry and only then water your lavender so make sure that your lavender stays dry for you know couple of days even two three days until before you water it this will help prevent over watering another common problem with lavender is brown stems and this can be caused by several things including root rot again fungal infections but also of course this is the most common issue that you write me in your comments in your messages that actually you buy a lavender that is so healthy blooming looking so Lush you bring it home after two days it is already all brown or you repot your lavender and again in two days you see brown stems brown leaves the plant is dying to prevent this make sure your Lavender is planted again in well-draining soil avoid over watering as I have said already but also make sure that your lavender has enough sunlight and air circulation this is very crucial for lavender air circulation will help the soil get dry quicker and this will prevent again root root another thing is that when you bring your lavender home from a store Greenhouse do not repot it immediately wait for a couple of weeks maybe two three weeks only when you notice New Growth this means that the plant has already adapted to your conditions your climate even in different rooms in our own places in one flat in different rooms you can have different conditions so make sure that your plant is already accustomed acclimated adjusted to your con to your conditions and only then repots and when you repot do not really mess a lot with the roots because you don't really need to remove all soil from The Roots this can actually damage the roots but try to maybe untangle The Roots a little bit so that they do not continue growing in circles and only then repot and of course do not water a lot when you repot them just a little bit put in a bright place and wait until you will see uh growth if you notice Brown stems on your lavender plant you can also prune them pruning the rotten Parts immediately will help prevent the root rot or the stem Rod to continue this will help prevent the spread of disease and encourage new growth and one of the most disappointing problems that we face with lavender is when the plant doesn't produce flowers you can have lavender bushes forever for several years but it's not blooming and of course there are several reasons for this as well this can be due to a lack of sunlight or over fertilization to fix this problem make sure that your Lavender is getting enough sunlight so at least six hours of direct sunlight each day to produce lavender flowers I have noticed that some people say that my plant is growing in the brightest place in my area in my flat in my home and it's still not blooming that may be true however if it doesn't see six hours of direct sunlight and by direct sunlight I mean that the sun is touching the leaves the direct sun is basically is on your plant your plant is growing under the sunlight um this may not be enough you can put your plant in the brightest area in your garden in your home but if it's not sunny enough for them they will not flower and also avoid over fertilization you can just fertilize your lavender once a year and this should be already enough and of course the best time to do it is spring when the plant starts to grow revives from the winter and is ready to produce Buds and Flowers and new growth of course and another thing is that if you don't prune it if you don't prune your lavenders the stems will grow wooden with the thyme it your bush will get basically older and it will stop producing flowers so to help with this you can constantly prune your lavenders not too deep into the wooden part but just a little bit so that you encourage side growth bushier growth and this will also stimulate production of Buds and Flowers and of course you can of course always take the flowers save them store them because their some varieties are so fragrant and it's so nice to have the dry flowers at home that are still fragrant and are so beautiful by following these steps you can ensure that your lavender plant thrives and produces those very beautiful purple white flowers that we all love and by the way if you have any comments or questions please continue writing them in the comments and I will be so happy to discuss all the issues you may have growing lavenders if you like the video and think it will be useful for your friends and family of course please share the link with them subscribe and stay passionate about friends see you in the next one
Channel: Anna's Violets
Views: 15,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lavender plant, lavender plant care, lavender leaves drying out, lavender leaves oil, lavender leaves turning yellow, lavender leaves turning brown, lavender leaves curling down, lavender leaves curling, lavender leaves drooping, lavender dying after transplant, lavender dying from bottom up, lavender dying at base, lavender dying in middle, lavender dying off, lavender dying after pruning, lavender dying in heat
Id: oZzSIqUknHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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