Planting a New Flowerbed // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going today i'm working on a new project i'm going to be remaking this flower bed area so i kind of want to show it to you in stages because i don't know about you guys but sometimes i get an area that just kind of overwhelms me like i don't really know exactly what i want to do with it what i want this overall style to look like in the end and that's okay sometimes you just have to fly into a project and start it in order to kind of have everything fall into place so i thought i would show you kind of the steps that i take when i'm redoing an area so first of all i want to show you what i've got going and that's the first thing i do i assess the area so right behind me this is the back of my potting shed so there's some things that i just want to make sure not to cover up i love this old window this window actually flips out so i can have it open in the summertime last year i had a real pretty flower arrangement in the on the windowsill it was really cute i also have this which you might remember from last year we did a video on building a branch like trellis a trellis out of branches and that's what i put here along with a happy jack clematis so i've since replaced the um willow trellis because i was given this as a gift this really pretty iron trellis and i didn't really know where else to put it so i just put this one in its place but the clematis is doing fantastic you guys last year it was like this tall and just you know it was small it was a one gallon size plant and this year it's just grown like crazy there's buds all over it so this is another thing i don't want to cover up so i want to be careful when i'm building forward to keep that in mind i also have this right here which this area is super dark at night if i didn't have a lamp post aaron got me a pair of these for christmas years and years ago this company doesn't make these anymore and i love them it's one of my favorite gifts i've ever received also to the left of me here is a giant elm tree this is the last of the elm trees that's going to come out but it's not going to happen probably this year maybe next year so i have to keep that in mind so i have to think okay the plants i put in this area right now they're getting pretty good filtered shade through the day are they going to still get shade once this tree is gone even though i do plan on coming in with a big tree and replacing it as soon as this one's gone i'll put another tree in its place but still it won't be this big but you guys i don't know if you can see all of the dead in this tree there's tons of dead branches it makes me really nervous during windstorms because elm trees just do not do well in my area i mean they do well enough to get going they grow and they grow fast they grow like weeds but then eventually they start dying out like this one here and it also throws seeds everywhere which i mean if you've watched our videos you know how i feel about elm trees so that's one issue right here i've got a row of day lilies and kind of this random row of blocks in here there's blocks on that side and on this side right here and it may have served a purpose at some point but it doesn't really make sense to me anymore also i don't even know what color these day lilies bloom so i think what i'm going to do dexter's in a really playful mood right now i think what i'm going to do is dig these out i might leave these front ones but this clump right here i'm going to dig out and re-home somewhere else in the garden also you can see my beehive is right here there's a little bit of activity it's actually cooler and like gray today which is beautiful for garden work so the bees aren't quite as active as they are on a hot day this is the side of the bed i probably will not be tackling in this project so that's the other thing you do not have to do everything at once i rarely do everything at once i just take a little chunk try to tackle it get it done and then move on to the next area so at one time this little pathway may have led all the way through this arbor but this part of the pathway leads right here like like right into the evergreen and i love this arch these are cypress that have been trained into an arbor but they are starting to die out it looks like they've been here for a really long time so that's something i'll probably take out and put rose climbing roses in something that provides some color and there's actually an iron trellis that's beautiful inside this little archway but like i said this is an area i will tackle later and i'm going to be making sure to put in lots of bee friendly plants i want lots of flowering perennials that my bees will like also the last thing in this area i wanted to talk about was this mound so i've been asked quite a bit in videos when this is in the background you guys are like what is that big pile of green or in the winter it looks like a big pile of sticks this is actually the roof to our root cellar so underneath our potting shed there's a set of stairs in there it goes down and there's a little root cellar and then that little concrete pipe right there that's the air access to it so this is basically a mound of dirt for the roof and then there's silver lace vine planted on the top just to cover it and make it look soft and green all right so the first thing i'm going to do the first thing i always tackle after i look at my area is the lines do i like the lines of the front of the bed does the shape make sense it looks like it comes out really nicely here but then right about this block it takes off in a really sharp line and i think i would like to just bring these out slightly just like kind of follow my foot here like kind of bring them out slightly to where it's a little bit more of a gradual swooping bed i'd like to bring them out about to here and i'll also come around and i'll do this section in another video but i actually want to landscape around the front of the potting shed there are no flower beds around the front so today i'll probably just go to about here and just tackle this area so i guess at this point all i need to do then is just start moving stuff around i'm going to redefine the front of the bed and then we'll talk plants [Music] real quick before i start in on the plants i just want to explain what i've done so far so first of all i took the bricks little blocks here and i bumped them out and i went out you know as far as like maybe a foot and a half in some areas and just made it more of a gentle curve i really like the new line of it and you guys i'm not like a huge huge fan of these but i need to keep something in there that creates a barrier between the flower bed and the driveway i think eventually i'd like to come in with some little flat gray rocks and make a little like stone wall i think that'd be really pretty but this is great for now this will work and then i took out the bricks that were right along here and along there i dug out the daylilies that were here and then there is an existing drip system but it wasn't obviously since i moved these blocks it wasn't going far enough forward so i just added a couple of teas and added a little swoop of drip and then added this little drip to fill kind of this little hole here so now before i plant i'm going to kind of fill up this area with planting compost kind of level it out a little bit then it'll be ready to go [Music] got the planting compost in and all kind of leveled out and i'm really enjoying the way this looks just having the blocks redone it makes me feel completely different about this space so now i can tackle the planting aspect so this area has kind of a natural back to it which is nice so i'm planning on planting in layers so i'll start taller and kind of work my way down toward the edge where i'll have my shortest layer in there and the first thing i look at is bone structure or winter interest what in this spot will still be beautiful to look at when there's snow on the ground there's nothing else green what will be pretty so i decided since the only real real evergreen element i have in this space is that evergreen arch which is probably going to end up going i needed to add an evergreen element so i decided to add this eisley festivite columnar blue spruce these are a great plant and i actually plan on putting together more of a highlight video just about this plant it'll come out after this landscape kind of makeover video so if you're interested in learning a little bit more about this spruce stay tuned for that video so i'm just going to get it planted so we can move on to the next plant [Music] the evergreen is planted i love it i think it's the perfect anchor piece the perfect winter structure for this space so now i'm going to start working on the next layer down i'm going to go grab three hydrangeas and place them in here and see how they look so these are called little quickfire and you guys i wish these had blooms on them right now because they are absolutely gorgeous but it's a really good time to plant it's still early it's not even early summer it's late spring still so it's still cool out so it's a better time to plants less shock on the plant and it's kind of faith in planting you know you don't want to just go to the garden center and only buy the things that are in bloom right now you want to plan your space out to where you have blooms all the time you want to be able to enjoy color throughout the whole season the good thing about the little quick fire is that they actually start blooming about a month before all the other hydrangeas do so you get to enjoy them for a month longer than the rest of the hydrangeas and there's another plant called quickfire so there's the quickfire and the little quickfire quickfires get really good size the little quickfire is just a dwarf version so these get between three and five feet tall and wide and i'll probably keep them on the three foot side of things just because i don't want to cover up the window or the evergreen or the lamp post because this is something i think is really pretty back here especially when this forms kind of a little ring around it i think it's going to be really really gorgeous the other good thing about this plant they're a hydrangea paniculata which means that they're in the group of hydrangeas that bloom on new wood so i can go in and prune them late winter or early spring and i know they'll still bloom for me every single year if i prune them at that time so the blooms start out white and then they start aging to a pink and kind of a deeper rosy pink red so they have a beautiful progression of color and i think that pinkish red is going to look really pretty with this blue evergreen in the background so i'm just going to get them all planted and then we'll start working on the next layer [Music] so hydrangeas are in and i think that they look really great so now i'm going to start working on my perennial layers so my shorter layers and i think i know what i'm going to do but i'm not positive let me show you what i'm thinking so i've got several of both of these kinds of perennials and so i think that this is what i'm going to use these are all white ones and veronica which i'm so glad they still have a little bit of color on them they're almost bloomed out but honeybees love this plant and this happens to be really close to my beehive so i thought it'd be really great if i could incorporate some of these and then i have some primo wild rose hooker which will be available next spring they're absolutely gorgeous and i think even more so when you pair them with the color of the blooms on the hydrangea so what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab a few of these kind of set them around in this area maybe move them a little bit and get an arrangement that i like [Music] all right guys i think i've got it the way i like it i think it's going to be a perfect stair step of height these hookers will get about eight to ten inches tall then the veronica get about 14 to 16 inches and then of course we'll have the hydrangeas back behind all of it which these are small now but they will be bigger and then the evergreen and i think that this area gets just enough sun and just enough shade to keep everything happy it's kind of one of those odd spots and i don't know if you guys have one of those in your garden where like this side gets a lot more sun than this side over here but it's still filtered i don't know so i couldn't do like 100 shade but i didn't really want to do 100 sun either so you know sometimes we put in a new area and we need to adjust a little bit it happens so i'm going to put all this stuff in and we'll see how it does i'll keep an eye on it i may need to shift some of these veronica's over that's totally fine i'm good with that but i really like the placement of them because i didn't really want everything in a straight line you know i mean i did do the front just because i thought it was striking actually aaron especially likes the front being just a uniform color but then back here i kind of did kind of an undulating wave so that it's not like soldiers lined up straight in a row so i'm going to get them all planted and then we'll see kind of the finished product [Music] all right guys check it out i love how it turned out i cannot wait for the hydrangeas to grow up because i think with those you know kind of filling in that background area it's gonna be perfect um i didn't really mention a lot about these perennials that i put in here so i thought i would share just a few stats with you so the white ones veronica is a zone four through eight so a nice tough perennial will survive winter temperatures down to negative 30. and then like i mentioned earlier if you remember to shear them back right after their first bloom they will rebloom again and the honeybees love them they just were thick on them when they were in full bloom and they're still i can see honeybees still on them and then this primo wild roast hooker is a zone four through nine and i think the contrast between this beautiful deep purple foliage and the green foliage with the bright white blooms is really really pretty and then the bloom stalks on these are gorgeous they have these rosy pink blooms i just think this whole area is going to be gorgeous with the white hydrangea blooms that turn pink throughout the season and then we've got the white and then the beautiful pink blooms here and the purple foliage i don't know i just really love it i think it's really pretty area so i really just hope that this video was an encouragement to you guys if you have an area in your yard you just don't know what to do with or that overwhelms you i hope that kind of seeing the thought process behind how i tackle an area like this was helpful so like first off reassessing your lines deciding whether or not you like the way it looks if it needs to be smaller or bigger or you know if things need to be removed and then starting with your bone structure your winter interest and then kind of stair stepping down with some other beautiful things and then something else to keep in mind this area is not done because i don't have anything for spring interest in this spot yet so that is something i'll be fixing this fall once like tulips and daffodil bulbs start showing up at the garden center i will be tucking some in this area so that i'll have all seasons of interest i'll have spring with the bulbs i'll have summer i'll have fall with the beautiful foliage then of course i'll still have something here in the winter time so that's it guys thanks so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 939,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: cQm2hczF7l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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