Planting a MASSIVE In-Ground Bed (Why Did I Do This?)

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(Kevin and Jacques laughing) - What do we got here? - A big new bed. - Oh yeah, that's, - What do you got? What are you rocking? - I'm rocking a little hori hori and a trowel. - I'm rocking a rake. (sword sliding from scabbard) And the Plant Daddy Katana. (Jacques laughing) (electronic beep) - We've got a big naked bed to plant. And this is the transplant throw down. (metal tools swishing) (upbeat music) - All right. First we need to assess, right? We've got a lot of garden beds that have been basically, completely demolished and moved into this large bed. You can see where they used to be. - Yeah. - And we kind of need to see what we're working with here. So we got our celery. - Definitely have some celery here, but it looks like it's actually starting to bolt. - Wow. - There's that central stalk. - There's only one way to deal with this Jacques. - Clear the area. I'm gonna step back. (Katana swooshing) (expectant music) - All right, here we go. (knees creaking) This is the, don't judge my form. - All right. - Don't judge my form. - Let's, let's see it. (sword swooshing) (Kevin laughing) - Dude. That just dropped! - Look at that! - Dude. I was surprising that actually - I got the whole thing . - Popped right off. - I literally got the whole thing. - There it is. - Wow. Look at that. - Smells pretty good. - Smells pretty damned good. Look. So you can tell that this celery, particularly right here, Jacques, - Yeah. - Does not have a lot of water, but honestly these ones did. Wow. - Just to finish this up one last time, how about I toss you a celery, quick chop, and you hit it? - All right, let's do it. - Three, two, (sword swooshing) (Jacques laughing) - You gave me a rotated toss. (Jacques laughing) - It was bad, too. - But honestly, how crazy is it? - It's pretty crazy. - Cleaved it across the stem like that. (Jacques laughing) - Wow! - Let's put this away. Let's stop horsing around, (Jacques laughing) and let's actually plan this garden out. All right, Jacques, we have like a million things in the greenhouse right now. - Yeah, let's get them right now. - Let's raid the greenhouse. That's what it's for. It's been one of the best seed starting seasons yet. I, to be honest, confession. I, my seed starting process is good. It's not great. And now it's absolutely great. - I was gonna say, I am now jealous cuz once we go in there you'll see how dramatically good these seedlings look. - Alright. So the greenhouse, Jacques, has just been exploding. Where's the one you found, though? - This one here - Where's the six cell squash? This is the one that got me good - Look at that. Look at that. And that, like I, so for me, but what I'll struggle with, let's say in squash. - Yeah. - In the amount of soil that you're getting in the six cell, right? I haven't seen that good of results. - It looks like a nursery plug. - When grown outside. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? And it looks like a nursery plug. And usually when nursery plugs look like that it's because it's fertilized. - I know. - Right? And this is not, - That's crazy. - And so to me that's what I'm excited about. But okay, what do we want to grow? Cause there's a lot. - I see at least one flower over here. - I think it's time we start rolling out some zinnias. - Yeah, I think so, too. - I think we got the Fireball blend? - So I really want, Jacques, just to, to set the expectations. - Okay. - I really want this area here to be a, it's a garden, obviously. - Yes. - But it's a little bit more like, bip, bop, bop. You know? - Oh. Okay. - A little more of a dance. - Little loose. - A little more of a play. - A little loose, like my style. (Jacques laughing) - A little jazz, right? Little jazz. Not, not classic piano. (Jacques laughing) - Well, let's see what we have here. So I have a little borage, a little - I'd like Shishitos to go in. - Some dressing there. - Borage I think is okay, but I'm a little worried because of how readily it spreads. (Jacques laughing) You know what I mean? - That is true. - I think, you know what, how about this? Given that, let's do borage as a border, like a border breaker. - I like that. So it's easy to, - So then at least if it's gonna throw, it's gonna throw into the mulch where it won't self seed as readily. - Cool. - That's my logic. - That size. - So we've got, I've got Shishitos here. I do want to take this amaranth. - Oh yeah. - So this is amaranth and zinnias here. What's your thinking on a current tomato? - I've never tried them. - Solanum pimpinellifolium. I, I, I mean it's annoying. I'll tell you this, it's, it's not like the most fun to harvest and there's gonna be so many, there's no way we're gonna use them all. - But they're like smaller than a pea, or like a pea? - It's about a pea size. - That's crazy. - maybe a little bigger. And so I've seen 'em, I actually ate 'em in the trial fields once - Oh, okay. - and it was fantastic. It's like, cuz it sort of pops. It's almost like one of those, like gel bobas, not the chewy bobas more - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know what you mean. - poppers? - Yeah. Yeah. - So I think maybe let's consider, - We could throw that somewhere. - because you could throw that in. We could use one of our trellises, and we can kind of keep it contained and throw it as like, not our, not our classic tomatoes for the season, but like a rando, it just - Kinda a little corn snacker. - Yeah. Yeah. Right here we've got, oh you know what? We've got a couple beans. - Okay. We do have, - We got a little direct seeding, too. - We've got some Gold Rush bush beans. I do want to do a line, like a bean border, so to speak. - Yeah. - I think that's a good idea. - Yeah. - What do we got over here? So this is all herbs, - We got spinach. - We actually have a decent amount of watermelons that are sized up. - Hmm. I think we should probably toss - Okay, - Why not? - It's, to me, I think it's a little early, because our season has been slower to start and obviously watermelons, you want that nice hot season. But - Yeah. - I don't know. I think it might be worth, - It might be worth a shot. So I'm gonna put in homemade pickles, cucumbers. I'm big on the pickling train this year. You know, we've been doing these Kev's Kitchen episodes. I've been kind of clowning around in the kitchen. Trust me. In a year's time you're gonna look at those episodes. You're gonna be like, Did I see an early Gordon Ramsey? - What are you? (electronic beep) - By the way, I actually really like these spring colors. - Yeah. - I think the blue one - That's sold out. - And, oh well. - Yeah, that one's sold out. - And the almond is my second favorite. - Daisy and almond are, I think still in stock. Maybe by the time you watch this. So, I'm stealing the Marketmore cuke, as well. Little classic. Over here, Jacque, this is in the four cells. That's like our gold right there. - Yeah. - It is. Now let's take a look at our golden stuff. - I'm gonna look for a, determinate. - So I've got Marzanos here. I'll, I'll tell you this, Jacque, - Um hm. - This year I'm very excited about the canning and saucing of tomatoes. Very excited. So I want to put a lot of pastes in the ground, and I got four classic Marzanos here. I don't think I have an Amish Paste started unless I forgot. - There's one Midnight Roma. - Okay. - Actually two. So those are actually like a nice paste tomato. - I really want to go as heavy on the Marzanos as I can. To be honest with you. - All right. - As many as I can get. Let's take every pepper and make a clustered pepper bed. Cuz actually right here, Jacques, this is all these random peppers. - Oh yeah, yeah. - So these are all starting and I just realized that these are tomatoes, not peppers. You know, we could, what we could do is take some of these random annuals that we got. - Oh okay. Yeah. - Throw these in. - Little pops of color here and there. - I'm gonna take these, and just throw 'em in. Why not? You know what I'm gonna do, Jacques, is I'm gonna get some trellises out. I'm gonna get some fertilizer out, some tools, et cetera. So, I'm gonna take these trellises. So these are a heavy duty trellis that we're working on here at Epic. But we're gonna put this, what I'm thinking right now is that that current tomato. - Oh okay. - Just like, let's put it somewhere, you know. - Sure. - Now remember this used to be eight separate beds. So I want to - Right. force the pattern to break and force the soil to sort of get used to growing in those pathways. Which we did till up. - Yes. - By like maybe making a statement, like going like this. - Oh. Okay. - You know what I mean? - Pop it right in there. - And get it in there. - Sure. - So what we did is, we extended these legs here 10 inches, so it's quite a bit deeper. And then the gauge of the steel is actually quite a bit heavier than anything else you'll get out there. And then look, you've got, like a pretty damned sturdy - Yeah. That's gonna hold. - trellis here. I know you have a thing that you like to do. You sort of have your, your recipe, Jacques, - Yeah, for, for tomatoes. - I usually like to do the worm castings, but then I'll also throw in a sprinkle of extra , like rock dust or Azomite. - Yeah. - But this brand actually does mix some of that already in there. - Yeah. - So I try not to go too heavy on the ferts because my soil test says that I have plenty of potassium and phosphorus. - You're good to go. - Forever. - Where'd to go? Let me go find it. - Okay, so then, tomato will go there. And then we'll throw a cucumber on one of those A frames. - Where'd the current go? - It's right here. - Oh, you found it? - Yeah. - All right. This guy, I'm such a fool. And then borage, do you want it on the back half? - Just lay him out. Just lay him out wherever you think. Freeform, artistic, wild. (Jacques laughing) - That's my only style so, - I know. So why ask? Why ask the questions? (Jacques laughing) You know how to do it. (trellises clanking) So I'm gonna try to pick the biggest current. Man, It's crazy. Look how compact these are. - Yeah, they really do seem compact. - Look how small they are. I mean this is, this is one of the original wild tomatoes, right? So it kind of makes sense that it would be small and - Yeah. - And like sort of adapted for the wild. So because it's so small I'm not gonna bury it too deep. I'm just gonna try to flush it right there. I'm gonna have to keep an eye on this because again, it's pretty sensitive. It's a lot smaller than I would normally want to transplant my tomato out at. And make sure I compress that soil around it here. And I'll probably come back in like a week or so and throw some mulch on just to protect this guy. Because right now, there is no irrigation on this. this bed, except for overhead. I'm gonna leave this here. So I know that's the current tomato. So I think we need a decision. Where are we putting our cukes? - So - We got a couple of these A-frame trellis we're working on, right? - We could drop a cuke around this path right here. - I don't mind it. Man. That's solid though. - [Jacques] Yeah. - [Kevin] Look at that. - [Jacques] That's really nice. - That's really nice. Okay. - It's a lot thicker - Awesome. - than the other ones I've seen before. - What I like about this, Jacques, is, like, it frees my mind. - That is really nice. - It's just different from what we did last year. And also, it makes me go, oh, I can break the pattern a little bit. I can, you know, throw some height in here with random trellises kind of peppered around, you know - It is nice to change the textures. - So you got borage in already? - Yeah, I have a couple peppered throughout but I think, probably wanna add a little something Something labeled Fireball Blend zinnia will actually look pretty nice. - That' an easy popper. Now one thing I will say is like, I agree with wild. I like that idea ,Jacques. But like, let's say we were just being super wild, and we were like peppering beans here and there In all these random spots. You really gotta think like, am I gonna want to come out and have an Easter egg hunt for the beans? - Yeah. - Honestly, I really won't. - No! So I'm gonna try to make sure that I don't do that. - You have like a little block of beans somewhere. - Yeah, let's I, I like, that's why I like that border of beans idea. - Oh, like maybe you just come around the back or something and pick all the beans? - Yeah, yeah. Just pop 'em. - [Jacques] Sure. (trellises clanking) - You wanna tackle some beans while I deal with this? - Yeah. - And I think varieties wise, Jacques, just pepper in whatever and don't care about the labels. - Alright. - It's just, who cares. - So this is Blue Lake, but it's FM1K, which I guess is a further breed of it. They're very productive beans that do very well. But what I'm looking for here is the Contender bean. That guy killed for us last year. So these two beans, extremely productive, easy to grow. Highly recommend for somebody who's struggled with beans like myself here. - All right, so I'm gonna go amaranth, zinnia, amaranth, zinnia. That's kind of weird, (Jacques laughing) but see how it goes. - I actually decided we're gonna go green, yellow and then purple bean. - Oh hell yeah. All right, so I've got this little marigold, zinnia thing going on. What am I, what's my thinking now? Like do I want to go here with something, and then plant behind that some more like floral stuff maybe? - Yeah. I mean I got some Jimmy Nardello peppers that are pretty big. - Yeah. - Those are definitely ready to go in the, or they could go in the ground at least. - Yeah. - And I wonder, kind of weird, but you might be able to just plant a pepper on every corner. - I wouldn't even doubt it. - Yeah, cuz - Why don't we try it? Let's see what happens. - When they get closer together, I feel like they did better for me. - Let's take a look at the root system on the four cells. Yeah, it was a little early, right? Because you can tell it's starting to creep through. - Yeah. But it didn't penetrate low enough to, like, adhere all that soil. I think it'll still be fine though, honestly. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. So normally in the force-off, if you've given it the proper time, all this soil will come right out as one full chunk. But - I found that when the plants are too wet, also it's hard to get 'em out. - Yeah. - Cause they were just watered. - These are soaked. Yeah. - Earlier. So they're still a little bit wet. But if you give it that tap, tap, tap it definitely loosens things up. - Compacts it down. So what I'm gonna do is, I'm just gonna put the tag right in the middle. - There you go. - A little pro tip. If you can't get the tag into soil. Very minuscule tip for gardeners. - Yeah. I use that one a lot. - You do this. Slide it in the side like that, hold it and bring it out like that. And now it's in the ground. Sometimes you get that hard soil. (upbeat music) - You know what I'm looking forward to though. - What's that? - This guy. - The apricots? - I can't wait to come in. You know, sneak a couple little bites here and there. - Yeah. - I already see some forming. - Here's the thing. I'll allow you to eat as many as you want. If you eat 'em off the tree. Like a deer. (Jacques laughing) - I'll do it! (Kevin laughing) Those are good. You know what? That's on camera. - All right. So I'm going in with two ramblers over here. This is the Mountain Sweet yellow watermelon. - Nice. I haven't grown that one before. - So I'm just going to assume that since the word mountain is in there, that it could probably take a little bit cooler temps. So that early spring. I just made that up. But you know, maybe. - Well, I mean dude. The names of plants are very much clues, right? - Yeah. - To it's care. - I mean, for me it makes sense. (upbeat music) - I wanted to formally invite you, Jacques, to my loquat party. - [Jacques] Oh! - Because it's the season. And loquat, one of my favorite fruits. Super high in pectin. Really easy to like, not pickle. Well you can, but - Oh, like in jams? - to jam and and jelly. And so the problem though, is like you gotta process them and it takes a long time. - They do have a lot of, - So you need, you need some friends. (Jacques laughing) - Yeah. - And then - I'll bring some Kalamatas and maybe we could do some sort of - Little - Marmalade. - Yeah. - Loquat, Kalamatas. - Yeah. Why not? Why not? That sounds good. All right. That took a while. But I'm in. Roughly 12 - 15 inch spacing between these. - Okay. This is a flower blend. - Okay. - The Hummingbird Haven flower mix. - I like it. So what we're missing, Jacques, I think is like roughly this area right here. Past the beans? - Yeah. - Or did you put anything in there? - Just the borage and the couple flowers back there. - I think we should, we should put some stuff in there. - Okay. - And maybe hit a little bit over there. - Sure. - And then we've solved this quadrant. - Yes. - You know? - Yeah. - Tell me if this is dumb. - All right. - Ready? You're ready to say yes immediately. I know that. What if you were to do, I mean, what's wrong with that? - I don't think there's anything wrong with that. - Just zip tie that. - And you could throw two staples right here. - Yeah. - That's not going anywhere. - What about you? I mean, you've got a lot going on in your place. - Pfft. (bag crinkling) I got a lot of planting I need to do as well. - Need a little weekend session? - I got a, yeah, I think so. Maybe a little off the books. - Yeah. - And they're recording. (both laughing) - No fan boys, no fan girls? - No. Not. I have like 96 tomatoes. - Oh, my God. - But I'm not gonna plant them all. I gotta get some peppers in the ground, some tomatoes in the ground. And I got some new raised beds I need to build, too. - Oh yeah. - Not much. - These are a gamble, to be honest. There's like, an inch of depth on this root. (Jacques laughing) So I'm just gonna have to really make sure we hit this every morning, guys. And if it's hot, I'm gonna keep an eye on it until it's established. - Yeah. - That's the thing. It's kinda like a baby. It's like, you you need to live next to that thing for a long time (Jacques laughing) and then it's five - and then you need to set it free - Throw it out to the wild. (Jacques laughing) You don't need it. Not, not parenting advice. (Jacques snorting) (trombone music) - So this is weighty. - It's, I mean it's a real ass Katana. (upbeat music) - Looking this guy up. (sword slashing) (Jacques laughing) - So for one of the first times we're doing some overhead watering at the homestead. Fantastic. It actually perfectly, near perfectly at least, covers this area. I'm gonna bias it more towards this side, Jacques, because this is the side we really planted out right now. - Yeah, that makes sense. - Probably bring it maybe about here or so. And here we go. We're gonna turn it on for about an hour or so. Watch out. It's coming right at you. - Oh yes. - Actually, I think this might literally hit me point blank. But we'll see. - I think it is. - Oh, dodged! Did it go back already? - Yeah. That was fast. - Let's, we gotta see if it hits the whole thing. - Oh, it might not be set to go the whole distance. - I think it is, but I think it might be just be the positioning. All right. Let's see how far it goes this time. There you go. - That's perfect. - That's perfect. - Perfect. - That actually looks really cool in the light here. - [Jacques] Yeah, it does. - Oh, from your view? - Yeah, check it out. - Oh, okay. - See how it's gonna land on that mustard? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That looks nice. - [Jacques] That mustard actually looks tasty right now. - It is, for the one time in its life. (Jacques laughing) Yeah, I know. Oh! Pfft! - Just got lasered. - All right, my friends. That's it for today's show. Good luck in the garden. Keep on growing. Shop some Botanical Interests seeds or shop Peace out. Subscribe to Jacques' channel. See ya. (both laughing) (Katana slashing)
Channel: Epic Homesteading
Views: 87,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic homesteading, epic gardening, garden tips, gardening vlog, homestead vlog, vegetable gardening, transplanting
Id: JkEryJafc4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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