Plant Combinations for a Dry Shade Garden

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[Music] welcome back to another edition of our midwest garden pro series dry shade can be one of the most difficult planting sites for success today we're here to talk about dry shade gardening and some unique combinations to incorporate into your designs we're standing in midwest's very own dry shade garden that was designed by austin eyeshide and planted in early 2019. the idea to create this garden came directly from our customers our sales team is frequently asked for suggestions on what to plant in dry shade since most shady spots tend to be on the damp side we decided that having a garden on site to showcase some dry shade options could be a great resource for our customers the intention of this garden is to show different plant combinations allowing visitors to pick out a specific plant they like for their dry shady area or to replicate the combinations that austin created in 2019 five different combination blocks were planted in this garden and two more were added in 2020 each design takes into consideration cultural requirements seasonality texture and form being comprised of many woodland plants early spring is the peak flowering time for this garden but interest continues throughout the rest of the growing season from the various foliage colors textures and forms a serum canadensi and carrick's albicans were used as a way to separate out the pairings so you can see each combination individually each of these combinations was planted in a 10 by 10 area with plants spaced roughly 12 inches on center a signage key for each combination notates the plants that were used and what the percentage of the combination each plant encompasses to make it easy to scale up or down accordingly for the size of your planting plants that have higher percentages are often used as more of a ground layer planting or may not spread quite as vigorously plants with lower percentages can be more of an accent plant or may be more aggressive so using those in fewer quantities is ideal so they don't compete with other plants in the bed my personal favorite is the dry shade garden combo number four heuchera carnival watermelon is an employee favorite at midwest the red foliage takes on tones of green and white as the seasons change adding interest throughout the year and picking up the pink tones in the flowers of geranium biocovo the grouping of polygonatum odoratum varia gatum carrick's albicans and pallisticum acrosticoides adds an array of foliage textures to the garden the growing season is bookended by the flowering of brunera macrophylla and flax divericata in spring and anemone honorine jo bear in fall it should be noted that if you use the plant search tool on our website to search for dry shade options you likely won't find many of the specific plants we have planted here while many of these varieties prefer to be planted in areas that have more moist well-drained soils they will also tolerate dry shade we encourage you to come visit our dry shade garden to draw inspiration for your designs the main entry point for the dry shade garden is accessible through our u-pick yard you can also find a detailed plant list for each of our display gardens on our website to help find other new additions to your garden happy planting [Music]
Channel: Midwest Groundcovers LLC
Views: 3,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dry shade garden, shade plants, austin eischeid
Id: 6z6lB8z3j1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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