Planning for the Literacy Block - Kaurna Plains School

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[Music] so I plan using the gradual release model and it makes it my planning a lot easier because I don't have to sit there and copy and paste from the curriculum and make it really strict on what I'm doing I can allow the kids to drive what concept we're looking at week to week so we start with our reading block in the morning with our read aloud and this particular week we were looking at predictions basing them on the strategies that we had and then into the mini lesson where we're using the tally chart to really keep track of what strategies were using and then build up predictions about how characters will developed as the as the book goes on then we moved into our independent reading which is about students and using those strategies in their own reading and developing that and during that time that's normally when I get around and do the reading conferences if there's a small focus group that needs to work with the sso that can happen as well during all that time and then I guess the most important part about all of that is the reflection on what we do and sharing that with everybody whether it's from our reading journals or a turnin talk or as a whole class discussion it's about sharing what we've done and celebrating that then we move into our spelling which is linked directly with our reading because it's the words that we pull from our reading so whether it's the read aloud or their independent reading whatever words they've come across that they don't know or they're interesting they haven't heard them before they then become their spelling words for that week and then that's about looking at those words looking at patterns within those words the sounds the meanings building up everything around the word itself to improve their meaning meaning when they read and then moving into our writing which depending on what text type we're looking at that term so for this term we were looking at expositions and we came up with three points of evidence as to why teachers should wear our school uniform and as we wrote that then started morphing into a different thing like staff should wear a school uniform and building on top of those ideas as well the previous term was probably a better connection with the text because it was a fantasy narrative and we were reading a fantasy narrative at the same time so they were able to really make more connections into their writing there because they were able to use the language features the vocabulary from what they have read then transferring that into their writing so it was all it's all connected and then of course again sharing what we've done whether we've done it as a class or independently it's always about going back and then reflecting and sharing on what we've done so it's all connected from the morning we start our reading to the afternoon of finishing up our writing everything we've done in that literacy block is connected it's it's good because then it gives context to what they're what they're doing if we were just to simply hand them a list of 10 words and and tell them to learn how to spell that there's no context there's no reasoning there's no no connection for them they don't know why they don't know when they're going to use this word whereas if they're pulling words out of their own reading it's helping them to make meaning they have a context for that word it then sort of I guess gives them a better foundation of how to use the word as well and then seeing that transfer into their writing that they're using the words that they're reading that they've learned how to spell that they they've learned how to like they're defined to then use it in their their writing their is just showing improvement across all three yeah.well behavior during the literacy block it's perfect because they're engaged in what they're doing they're enjoying what they're doing and so and it's their own because they're leading the storyline basically they tell me where they want to go and that's the way we go with our reading with our writing with our spelling so because they have such a student voice in the classroom it's their own that they make they just connect to that so easy so there is no behavior issues in the classroom it is about the biggest issue in the classroom is is time we just don't have enough time to get through everything someday so it's sort of like I have to wrap them up because need to get on to the next thing and then there's other days where I can just step back and and they run everything because they know what they're doing and they enjoy it since reading wonder especially towards the end that they talk about whether or not kids with disabilities should be allowed to go to a school that isn't an inclusive school and sort of reflecting back on that I thought and I know my students are very inclusive so I sort of know what they would say but I can easily have connected it to that should mainstream schools be allowed to accept students with disabilities and things like that and then there is certainly a way to connect to wonder with an exposition it's just that I didn't quite get on that quick enough and my packs like I'm trying now as a teacher to sort of make packs about reading so after doing Spiderwick I've got The Spiderwick book in there what we've done in the reading journals in the pack and and where where I could have changed what I could have edited and having all the plans together so the next time I pick Spiderwick up for then you know 10 to 3 10 years down the track I can pick that up and go oh yeah this is what I want to do with this same with one day having wonder in there the movie the all the different bits and pieces that I've used in my planning to then be able to pick that up in a few years time and say yep I'm ready to do this book again but this is how I do it this time yeah literature and read aloud are really driving you know a big drivers for your literacy blog yes yep and like I said I just can't get over how engagement in reading has changed because I've been here four years now and over those four years to see kids that the library wasn't a cherished space it was just a place where books lived and then over time slowly it's beginning to morph into this magical world where we can go in and be different places whenever we wanted to be and and there's still a way to go like I think the kids that are coming up are their mindsets about reading has definitely changed and so it's just continuing that now into the future that they do come in and they they want to read that they enjoy reading they go home reading to their parents even you know like yeah and even myself as a adult reading like I was always into true crime book so I was happy to read them but I sort of other than Harry Potter I didn't connect with any other books since doing read Aloud's I am reading every school holidays I'm reading every day with the kids and it's sort of I don't realize how much reading for fun I'm now doing I've got past the days of reading you need journals and articles and whatnot but actually picking up a book and reading it for fun and then Leddy my daughter of course is benefitting from that as well because she picks up a book and she reads and it's just that whole culture everywhere from school to home is completely changed and that's truth that absolutely [Music] [Music]
Channel: Teachific: K-8 Teaching Resources
Views: 1,974
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Id: LeaaFfL3z5M
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Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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