Planes Trains and Metal Detectors

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this is young joe and old man papa and we are treasure hunters hi guys [Applause] i didn't have this here that's really cool got a nice 21 20 21 josiah kind of found that so let me go ahead and try to dig this out first penny of the day okay clean it up a little bit see what it looks like okay it's a lincoln memorial okay okay that's a good sign what day i think you're telling us what kind of day is it it is uh can you use your cleaning solution no tell me what you got i got a 21 24 25 okay so bouncing around a little bit but go ahead and walk around it see if we can pinpoint it right there okay it's not really far from where the we found the penny so good did you notice the depth of that of that go and swing it again oh you lost it back towards you more back up there dirty oop that's just that's a six inch okay you know what i think there might be something else over here too a little bit but let's go ahead and get this this 20 that one okay it's not that okay okay okay you have a white right there so like see all right what do you got so we got a dime oh you were all excited a second ago it fell back in the hole we were like we were trying to check that dirt clog but it fell back into the hole yeah i was like oh there it is oh there it is it's a it's a dime yeah i love it good job well i want to see what day i want to see 2010 that's okay all right 11 cents okay we walked like a whole two feet yeah and we got a nice we actually got two readings one was a 21 and then next to it we got a 24 25 i think yeah so hopefully it's another dime so if we've got a white yep so can i dig never saw it i am back and forth okay now pull back on it towards you it's good enough now now go to the neck now pull it out and then go that way and then do the same thing okay keep getting in my way i can't film you look at that okay next one okay one more one more one more go go one more go one more around there saw it it's just gonna be hard to flip that because it's still got a lot of it's still attached to the edges that's good that's good okay pinpoint okay i dug it up um white you want to go through the [Applause] towels it's a coin yes another dime another dime i told you man that was a that was about what would i say 24 25 yeah so we're we're pretty much pin got that zeroed in if it's a 24-25 it's probably going to be a dime at least out in the parks good job yep i'm doing good now what year we got um we got a pizza silver i don't know 2018. not a silver but that's okay more money 21 cents denver again okay kind of got a little bit of of a messy symbol or a signal there it is but it's right under the right under the dirt um it's at least at least a 20. so it could be what we don't know what it is so here you go here we go [Applause] do you have to go too deep with it just just that's good enough that's good enough now pop it pop it there we go okay it's like i said it's going to be super shallow because it's it only rang up one one little bar that's good enough okay let's pinpoint it check the clod oh it's in here yeah that's what i thought that might be because it would that might be why it was so sketchy because it's it's two different things [Applause] okay put put that clot in your hand put that cloud in your hand and then take the pin pointer and kind of poke around with it nothing put it down okay now pick up the next claw what's in here i'm holding it okay and it's right there getting a nice white reading [Applause] a coin yes another one get the oh got it okay [Applause] okay okay pull it back there we go and then around around around okay you want a nice clean plug like this so it's easier to put back [Applause] okay one more one more one more do at least three [Applause] good pull it out and [Applause] flip it what is it [Applause] yes clean it up clean it up clean it up see what we got okay [Applause] we gotta fight with that one a little bit because what was the reading on that one i forgot you were doing it i didn't 1920. okay so it's probably gonna be a penny yeah so i think this is new i think because yeah you know it's funny the newer ones they end up they get up they get older faster yeah you know yeah it looks like a shield back as far as i mean if i could i don't know if i can really see it all that well but i think it's a shield back just clad but that's okay another penny yep that's that that's like soak we're finding like a lot of pens today yep and a lot of dimes yeah and then we've just been this little tiny little area right here we haven't even haven't even gone into the main park yet so so we got another hit well you know josiah it's an earring it's an earring what that's why it was such a sketchy read it's a it's a hoop earring i don't think it's gold or anything it's probably copper yeah it's not too it's not too uh what do you call it um rusted yeah it's a hoop bearing hand it's isn't that cool our first jewelry at the day look at that guys cool yeah that ring up is a sketchy 1920. yeah this is copper to go with it because it wasn't that deep it wasn't like too much of a sacrifice to go ahead and get it and it worked for us yep so that's good yep okay let's keep going wait see what's cool okay okay look at the river so beautiful yeah okay i'm gonna meet you with papa i'm gonna meet me with lava so we got a good hit we got a 30. it's very repeatable might be silver it might be that oh never mind might be earring it's very small okay it's another one oh i thought there's another one that was the imprint of it let's go 24 hey quarter yep it is a it's a newer one but still it's a quarter ring it up ring up is a a 30. so look at that can't complain about that we're doing pretty good i'm losing track about how much money we found yeah so on the next one so we got a sloppy reading right i think it was a i think it was a it was a 20 of ugly yeah a little crazy about it but i said you know what it's not too far from the surface [Music] oh it's already in there brother pray that it's gonna be a coin it's a penny i think it's a newer one it looks like it's got chopped off by a lawnmower but it's okay it's still i mean it's still one cent but good yep okay they plugged this one up and then you said the detector went off over next to you right right there that i just had a pinpointer did so let's just check that real quick see i got a white light it could be junk because i didn't really hit that with the okay i'm just gonna oh what the heck is that it might be a can or something oh wait a second oh i don't know oh it's a carabiner hey you know what carabiner is yeah it looks like you put your keys on us it still works this probably doesn't work that good but we can clean it up yep there you go got two stuff yeah twofer yep two for tuesday here let me just monday yep wait what a two for tuesday but it's only monday yeah but that's it's not tuesday and that's what i said it's only one day okay see on the next hit bye do the next one sure we got a 33 in the three we figured we might as well try this in the water yep and we got a 25 30 or whatever so we're going to try this and see if we actually pull something out of the water is a metal detector work great wait it might be a silver rain here let me just put you guys on my neck okay i know this is pretty bad okay okay papa you have to be very careful because it might like you know okay i'm in the water oh look i think we're gonna find something very good guys i bet what is it is it still in there [Applause] pretty broken [Applause] huh it might be a silver ring or it might be a coin that's that's the best guess i can i can think of and as you think it looks pretty grippy but it's actually give me a shoulder yeah okay huh i told you not to go [Applause] oh little toy look it's a toy airplane yeah [Applause] yeah wow and again that's this is the first this is the meat this is the first time we've tried this in the water so we got a 30 30 25 kind of skipping around but it turned out to be a little toy airplane this is stainless steel that bad boy [Applause] that's cool though really cool me and my mama's gonna go swimming soon why we already went swimming okay guys we got something very good [Applause] my old power's gone sometimes people like to call me young joe and i am young because that's my name and his name is old man papa because he's old man yeah what did you say what's a shovel young joe asks inches it's in there yay filming activated yeah it's another penny oh wait i take it back it's a dime yes it's a dime came back as a pretty solid well whoa uh 23. i want to see that penny because it looks good oh yeah i want to see this dime it looks cool look at that guys let's go oh it's a liquid memorial and it's here let me just i'm gonna make you film papa there's more yeah oh here it is another one let's go we found another one with it i knew that's why i was getting all that really sketchy readings over here because there were more than one coin out so we got another hit 25 you can run but you can't not hide from young joe and old man papa oh what is this can you feel no i can't film i'm sticking finding this okay when you take over the metal detectors duties then you you're the one that filmed well i'm the one that filmed i have to film and it was set coin it is so it's a little bit older 1980. 1085 or something like that nice one how deep is it just like six inches back up okay did a nice what was that a 21 20. and we got another honey another penny awesome killing it with the change [Applause] it's stick we're on to the next one right yeah thumbs up and keeps turning itself off found uh an earring and an airplane yeah so the coins yep so now we're going to take a train home [Applause] ready [Applause] [Music] but what is this [Applause] you have to give it to the person right what if this was real gold [Applause] okay so after a successful trip we're gonna be sharing some water pumps let's do it and take our train all right everybody can do a really good day and you can get off on either side of the train um and do please exit to the rear of the train because it'll probably be people on the platform waiting the board now if you get off on both sides it's a lot less congested over here okay after i count to three and everybody say all aboard one [Applause] no we're on the train [Music] [Applause] that's a treat that's the tree um look at the kids oh look at that beach right there [Applause] swimsuits [Applause] oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no crazy hunting down there man i'm telling you [Applause] oh are you what if we got sure in the tunnel and had to live there forever oh [Applause] ready oh [Music] so let's see what we got got a carabiner yep we found an earring you found an earring i think it's just junk earring but it's still nice i found that this is the very first thing we ever found in water i i pulled that out of the creek yeah so that's cool yeah let me see it hold it up terrible hold it up like turn it upside down oops oh ns3 but then we found 50 60 seventy eighty eighty one eighty two eighty three forty five eighty six eighty seven change yeah so we're definitely gonna go back to that park again because we didn't search that much of it there's just a very little bit of a corner of it yeah so and it's just a great park and we had a great train ride and it was a good place to go so anyway please like please subscribe and we'll see on the next one yeah yeah yeah just subscribe please bye bye bye if you don't subscribe you're gonna get back bye bye good job young girl thanks [Music]
Channel: Young Joe and Old Man Papa--Treasure Hunters
Views: 45
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: best metal detecting finds, best metal detector, coins, colorado parks, colorado trains, dr otek, finding coins, jewelry, kids activities, metal detecting, metal detecting finds, metal detecting videos, metal detector, metal detectors, minelab, minelab 540 vanquish, old coins, silver coins, train rides, treasure hunting
Id: y6g3cD-b1y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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