Planes I True My Wood With | Paul Sellers

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i want to clear up some things i want to show you some things i feel like my woodworking is always evolving and i've got a massive planes on here and sometimes you'll hear me advocate you only need one plane and so on but i do know this that i true up all of my wood by hand using hand planes and this is my strategy i'm going to give it to you because it works perfectly and i've got a piece of wood it's cherry it's convex on the top here so it's rising like the center of the camber on a road and i want to true it up and i've got all these planes that i have to choose from or i can choose from i can just take a number four plane and through the whole thing up with that plane but when you've got a lot of wood to do it's a great idea if you might think about using a scrub plane or a plane that's been converted to be used as a scrub plane because you don't need to buy a scrub plane you can buy one of these this is a number 78 plane invented or made by stanley and what i've done to it instead of having just one iron for this i have my regular square across iron for rebating and things like that but in this case i've put a cambered iron i've taken the iron and i've rounded it quite a lot so when i come to a high spot like this in the middle of this board i just take the plane and i work across the grain across the high spot from side to side like this and i take it down all the way along like this working that mid section and that takes the camber down very rapidly it's a very quick method that we're all looking for because we want to get on with our woodworking and we don't want to spend a day just chewing up a single piece of wood i'm going across the grain here once i've got that down that mid section i can go along with it like this still working on the midsection and at some point i take a straight edge just like your your square and i look across here of course i've got bags and bags of undulation in there yet from this plane but i'm taking the mid section down like this across the width i'm taking that high bit down let's use a little bit of oil on the sole this is my rug in a can oiler and all of a sudden we've got these long strokes that are taking it down and i'm really happy that i use that because i've got rid of all the soaker from the bandsaw all the circular sauce once that's done i might reach for this one this is a basic number four i did the same with the iron i don't have to dedicate the plane to become a scrub plane i can just dedicate dedicate the iron to do that so this one is a much wider streak and a bit shallower sweep so now this is taking that wood down more evenly but still with hollows okay let's take a look and see what we got so i've got very steady undulation in there across the board now normally i would go for winding sticks and so on to get this where it needs to be but in this case i'm just showing you what i do to get my wood close to size so i'm going through a strategy of planes so i've got my number one scrub plane here which is the first one i use the second one is the number four now i might go with just a regular number four set this fairly deep and now i'm taking off the high spots and you can hear it kissing the surfaces at the surface as i go so it's taking off those high spots but i might go for something longer or i might go for something wider if i go for longer that's a number five now here's a number five and a half so this is kissing the surface on the high spot which is either end so i might use this just for that extra width i get from it and i keep working from end to end and this is not only straightening the longer length but it's taking out the hollows in actual fact it's taking off the high spots now when i reach a certain point with this one like i am now where i've got continuous shavings i might go for another wide plane this is number four and a half so this is the same length as a number four and this one is great because this will follow any hollow a little bit but not too much and that gets me down and i keep going until i get a more continuous shaving like i'm getting now and that as far as i'm concerned is about the best strategy that i can get for planing my wood true and flat and using those planes that system works really well [Music] you
Channel: Paul Sellers
Views: 94,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hand tools, paul sellers, woodworking, DIY, workshop, joiner, carpenter, craftsman, crafts, furniture, joinery
Id: wimMVbFfhHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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