Planer blade sharpener

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hi I'm going to show you a demonstration that I have here on a new patent-pending device for sharpening planer blades now I personally have to do all play note here and for those of you that are familiar with either Dewalt the Rio B's what they sell on these this particular model is a three blade planer blades that these three blades cost 54 bucks apiece the downfall to these blades is that there's really not a really good sharpening device out there to resharpen them so what normally happens is people like me people like you you buy a set $54 within a month period of time they're shot they go onto the shelf so I just invented over here I'm going to show you a new device that sharpens the planer blades and in this kit you will note over here that I have a holding fixture come in closer and let's show this real closure in this kit comes with the fixture itself this is a laser burned blank by laser burning I mean this is three millimeters thick it is seven inches in diameter with a perfectly laughed out 625 hole which is actually made by PTM corporation it's a laser burn blank that is concentric within to ten thousandths of an inch what I have here is a abrasive clock so when you get this kit these four pieces will be inside of it here how actually I'm going to show you right now how simple it is to sharpen up a set of planer blades this paper is self-adhesive that all you do is when you receive it you move this piece here and install this right directly onto your your laser burn blank now it should be noted that this steel blank it's in the middle of December here right now and I'm out in my garage and it's a little bit on a cold side here but you shouldn't hear this abrasive cloth in room temperature to make it easier and it bonds easier and sticks now I'm going to be attaching this right now to my default table soft now this blank will fit directly on your table saw and I'm going to just install it here real quick bear with me one minute will I attach this on just like so put your guard back on now zoom in here close Cherie you'll notice on this fixture itself there's a 30 degree angle here on this here now on your planer blades these Dewalt blades are actually on a 45 degree angle so to sharpen a blade all you have to do is install this now mind you this is 15 inches these are 12-inch blades but I made this fixture so it will handle up to a 50 inch planer bling you now take your pressure device and set that right on top of it here and then all you do is start with your Center secure it down and what that does is it locates the blade perfectly square and parallel to the back edge now this blade is only right now on 30 degrees so with the tilting Arbor on your saw this blade is cut at 45 degrees all we're going to do is add 15 degrees onto the Arbor now this is what is actually the important part for all you old-timers out there like myself if you remember going to the barber shop and getting a shave and a haircut the barber would take that straight edge razor and all you would do is burnish that edge and when you had a shave it was like shaving with the Naraka five blade today they stayed chart just by burnishing and what we want to do with this blade is we don't really want to grind excessive amount ah we just want to burnish the edge so the secret to doing this you should take your fixture come over here Cherie and all I'm all I want to do with this is as I spin the wheel just tap this in until I slightly scratched that blade and then I secure my fence now like turning on my saw now this blade has two sides so all I merely have to do is take it turn it around put it back into the fixture set my pressure plant bar move back on the saw at the other side sherry if you can zoom in here onto this edge if you can you'll note that this edge on these blades these are razor razor sharp perfectly square now in this particular case with the DeWalt we have three blades that go on to one set so all you would have to do is utilizing the same exact settings put another blade in just like we did this is part of your three-piece set clamp it down beat it true it's that simple now in your kit you will note that it comes with 180 grit blade and the abrasive cloth now what I want to show you here is I'm not actually trying to sell the abrasive cloths any of you guys that go to the Home Depot's and you go into the rental centers um they sell these sheets which is the Diablo made in Switzerland sanding abrasive sheets these happen to be the best sandpaper I've ever used in 40 years anything that's out there on the market this sandpaper will all last it ten times to one what you merely do is I'm not trying to sell extra or charge excessive amounts of money for these round blades you go in and you buy a sheet of this strictly by yourself they come in in 36 80 60 grit 120 and 220 grit I'm utilizing the 80 grit here um but if you have as an example of blade that you might have planed accidentally that had a nail in it that takes a chunk out of it you would want to go in and buy the 36 grit because it's it's very abrasive and it'll allow you to grind that that little notch out of your blade easily but you can go in just lay your template on it with a pencil and put your center hole in and you cut them yourself and it's by far the cheapest way to go now with any of your excess material that you get um they actually work fantastic on your hand Sanders and your little triangle pieces um I've used them and bought them from Home Depot and they sell a variety pack um for like 6 bucks if you go in and buy one sheet will give you 10 times the amount of sanding at by just cutting out the little diamond shapes yourself and they last ten times longer um as I stated right in the beginning I have been doing woodworking now for over thirty years I'm like one of the old-timers that got one foot to grave and the other on a banana peel and I basically built this strictly because there was nothing quick easy and accurate on the market for sale so this this device when I came up with it I sharpen these blades at least ten times and as long as you just take the Phantom cut just to put the burnished sharp edge on you can get about fifteen sharpening x' off of a set of blades and at $50 a piece it's quite the savings thanks for watching
Channel: steve simmons
Views: 156,763
Rating: 4.6679635 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2013
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