Plan With Me | Pen Only (Almost) | Erin Condren Vertical Neutral Planner

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hello welcome back to my channel thank you so much for joining me today today I am here to plan out Monday August 12th through Sunday August 18th and my Erin Condren a vertical life planner spoiler alert it's actually Monday August 12th when I'm filming this plan with me I was out of town over the weekend and usually when I go out of town I will try to film the plan with me before I even leave that way when I come home my planner is all ready to go the videos already filmed and we can just start the week off fresh but last week was just crazy there was so much going on so I decided to push it to today which I have done before planned on Monday night it's not my favorite thing to do but it is what it is however I will say I am really tired I feel like I'm a lot more tired than I normally am when I come home I flew home this morning and then went straight to work but I mean I got a decent amount of sleep and then I slept on the plane and then I slept in the uber to the office but I I still am exhausted and so I was sort of thinking about it and I'm going to do a almost pen only week I've had requests before to do a completely pen only week and I just got a new package of these tool pens actually a friend sent these to me and I took some of the mountain kept them at the office and then brought the entire pack home and so I thought I'm gonna use my new pens and I'm gonna do a very simple week I'm still gonna pull in a couple of things which you'll see but for the most part it's gonna be just these tool pens and these are the medium ones and they're sort of like a silver barrel so this is the one that I have been using that I love that I got from the Office Depot booth at go wild and it doesn't say anything about the thickness that it is and it's completely black but a couple of people messaged me and told me to go with these medium gel one so that is what I went with and so far the ones I've used at work have been great I haven't tried it actually in the planner yet but you can see that this one these are from Amazon have it has like a kind of a silver barrel and it actually says medium on the barrel there unlike my other one so so we'll see if they write the same I mean I'm just gonna stick with the new ones I'm not gonna use the old one but I'm excited to play with these I mean they're literally brand new they still have the little like plastic thing protecting the tip okay so the first thing I'm going to do actually is the sidebar and the kit i was gonna use this week had great in it so I actually made my habit tracker for this week in gray which is just perfect so I'm going to still use it like I said it's not completely pen only but I like that it's gray so it's very simplistic so what I'm gonna do is actually white out this thing at the top because I know you'd be able to see it through I know that some of you have had commented and I also message with Kate from planner Kate and she made these hexagons for like this particular space however the stickers that she made are meant to cover the colorful hexagons so they are whiter than like a normal habit sticker so she actually she did make some to cover the neutral hexagons um she didn't make hexagons she made rectangles I just haven't gotten around to purchasing them yet but I do want to so that I don't have to whiteout just to cover this up normally I will put a quote sticker over that that hexagons in the corner okay I don't think that's perfectly straight but it'll do and then I'm just gonna put some of my weekly tasks here on the side I have not even started to think about what things I'm gonna do this week I just want to get the plans that I have and in the planner so normally what I'll do is I'll put a half box at the top of each day and that's how I spend my morning time before I go to the office and then the half box base below that is how I spend my lunch hour so instead of using half box stickers I'm actually just going to draw a line between the two let's make sure it's half way so it looks like these are pretty much exactly two inches these boxes these vertical boxes so I'm just going to do one inch down on either side here and then I'm going to draw a line across to mark to have split it basically split it up okay I decided to do a dotted line I've seen sir a from sir a plans on Instagram do this before she has very simplistic spreads will she wear she will do dotted lines and it just looks so nice so I really like the way that turned out and then before we flip it over because I want that to dry before I try and flip it cuz these pens are super juicy so I do want to use washi to mark while I'm at work and I had originally grabbed this gray sort of plaid washi it came in a set of a bunch of colored plaid wah she's from Michaels and I still I'm gonna use this gray washi but I'm gonna use it down here at the bottom and said and then I grabbed a bunch of skinny gray washi I'm gonna figure out which one matches the best and I'm gonna use that to mark the time that I'm at work I think wow I thought I was gonna get away with that white out take white outing I don't think I'm gonna be able to get away with not white outing the hexagon but I am gonna leave all the lines and stuff I was hoping that by doing a simple leaf with very little stickers very little washi that it was gonna be a lot faster and hopefully once I get kind of the basics down it will be a lot faster but right now it's taking just as long as a normal plan with me okay I don't really remember what I was saying you say I'm gotten home earlier than I thought he was going to so I had to stop for a quick second but now we are back on track finishing the washi at the bottom again hopefully once I have this down since I'm just doing a pen for the rest of it it should be pretty quick also I'm totally converted to the exacto knife method of cutting washi it has changed my life oh it's perfect every time okay so now let's see which one of these matches the best that's pretty good I don't remember all of these are from to be honest that one doesn't really match what I mean it's all grey so I mean it does match let's be honest let's see here mmm that one's not quite the same shade actually you know what I think these three are all from a set of skinny like varying shades of gray and black and white that I got in my go wild swag and I Oh Oh or maybe it was the Chicago thing our conference the darker ones don't don't have the same tone that one definitely doesn't go okay so I'm torn between the light gray one and the striped one I think I'm just gonna do light grey I think I'm gonna keep it simple so normally what I will put in this center box is some sort a full box sticker or quote sticker to mark the time that I met work and so when I first thought about doing a pen only week I thought oh I'm just gonna write the word work and then draw an arrow but then I had a flashback to a time that I tried to do that once before and the arrows were not straight and then it like I didn't even want to look at my planner because it was so messed up just from that one like trying to draw arrows straight down yes I could have used a ruler but they weren't they weren't even evenly spaced it wasn't even about using a ruler so that's when I decided to just use washi in this space and then I'm just gonna write the word work next to the washi yes it's a little bit extra and adds a little bit of unnecessary time but as I've mentioned before the decorative aspect or the visually appealing aspect of my planner makes me want to use it it makes me want to look at it which in turn makes my week more successful versus if I didn't like the way that my planner turned out I won't look at it all week and then I don't get anything done I don't I don't look at what I wrote down that I was gonna do that day I don't care about not checking off the workout stickers and have it tracker and so on and so forth okay the last thing we need to set up is just those dotted lines on the side of the planner and then I think they can actually start writing down some plans okay so let's start with Monday so this morning I flew back that was how I spent my morning time before work I'm gonna go look up what my flight number was I know it doesn't matter but it's not all look nice and then for lunch today we had a team lunch it was actually kind of a cool idea so we have a mixer as what they called it with another team and you had to come up with your job in a tweet so you had 140 characters to come up with your job description not just your title like basically they were sort of poking fun at when you go to a work event and you say oh I'm so-and-so and I work in this department but what does that mean will you actually do for your department what like what does your day-to-day kind of look like and so you had to come up with the tweet and then you went around the room and if you understood someone's tweet you have to give them a heart sticker it was like giving them a like and then whoever had the most likes at the end got a prize truthfully there wasn't anybody I didn't give a like to I feel like that would have been kind of weird so really it was a matter of how quickly you could go around the room and meet new people but it was still a fun idea and to sort of have to think about your a job description and and condense it down into 140 characters was kind of cool so and then the rest of this it's just gonna be work and then tonight I want to try to decide if I want to do check boxes with the stuff I'm doing tonight or if I just want to write it in no I think I'm gonna put check boxes cuz checking things off is the best so I'm filming this plan with me it's the big thing I needed to do and then I'm gonna write unpack but let's be honest that might not end up happening because I'm tired okay and then the to-do list down here I'm not really sure I'm gonna fill this in I didn't really do anything else today I might just use it as extra to dues from Tuesday and Wednesday when I'm trying to catch up a little bit let me flip this around okay so tomorrow morning I'm just going to write sleep and I need to catch up on some sleep I am just tired so that's what I'm gonna do and then tomorrow during lunch I have another lunch thing okay and then work again mmm those don't look the same and that might bother me I did this I made this of course I just and I just got a pen mark on it good Chablis good this one I didn't spread out as much like well that's okay and then tomorrow evening I think I'm gonna go to the grocery store but to be honest with you I'm not ready to break that down on the planner yet because I need to chat with Sam and see if that's the what I actually need to do and then I also need to edit but I will fill that out after I have a conversation with him Wednesday morning I need to film Friday's video and then Wednesday during lunch I definitely I'm gonna work out I can't remember if I have a meeting that conflicts with bootcamp can I go to boot camp or do I I might go into the Pilates class so I'm just gonna put a sticky note that says work out and I will determine that on Wednesday or tomorrow when I get to work and look at my calendar okay Wednesday evening I have a call with somebody at 7:00 and then I am probably gonna edit that video I'm gonna put edit first even though I probably won't finish editing before the call I'm gonna start it and then stop have the call and then go back to editing it's also just really hard to write with the coil and have it look nice but that's good enough Thursday morning I don't know yet about Thursday morning Thursday during lunch I'm gonna go to the total strength class mmm I kind of lost lettering chicken a little bit there and had to smash it up and then work Thursday evening we have our family fantasy football draft and before that I need to research it I have not been paying as much attention to the offseason and knowing like where everybody is going and who will I mean I know some of the big names I know like you know Oh BJ went to the Browns like I know some things but I don't know I don't know enough to feel confident to draft so I need to do a little bit of research before that happens and I think we settled on 9 p.m. Eastern but I'm not gonna write that down all right Friday same thing I'm not sure what's happening Friday morning yet and how I'm gonna spend that time depending on how late this draft goes which I think everybody is said they can go in person so usually I feel like when you do a draft everybody is there in person it goes a lot quicker it's when someone's Auto drafting and you have to wait that whole time is really frustrating but if that goes later and everybody's you know texting and whatever I might end up just sleeping in on Friday morning to be honest ok Friday during lunch I'm gonna put a sticky note that says work out right now I have a meeting that conflicts with the bootcamp class but I'm hoping that it gets canceled because it's an it's a meeting that we have every other Friday but the one that we had two Fridays ago got rescheduled took this like past Friday so I just don't think we would have one like again that one week later if you follow that so I'm hoping that I'm going to be able to go to boot camp and the meeting kids rescheduled but we'll find out and then Friday evening we're doing a sticky note again I had talked to my friend Allison about going to get drinks she started a new job this week and we talked about I'm going to get drinks to celebrate if I don't end up having drinks with her I'm gonna go to a yoga class that my friend is teaching so I'm doing one of those two things Friday not putting it down on the paper because I'm not sure yet okay and then and Sunday I am also going to just put it on sticky notes for now because I don't know well should I just write it in and if it if it has to get moved around it has to get move around yeah let's just write it let's just let's go for it Saturday night some friends of ours are having a movie night on their patio they're gonna put up like I don't forgetting a sheet or a screen but they're gonna have a projector and like play a movie which is really cool so that is we're doing Saturday night so I'm just I'm just going to fill that in okay and the other things that I need to do well okay I take it back I was gonna be bold and right go ahead and write it down on the planner but I'm taking it back so I'm going to need to edit obviously the weekly vlog and some other things that get filmed I'm gonna need to film the plan with me I know for sure I'm gonna do a little bit of decluttering when I talked about this in my power sheets I had originally planned to do it on the two half-day Fridays that I had in August but the last half day Friday ended up doing a bunch of other stuff including a youtube live and I just got a little bit distracted truthfully so I need to do I was gonna do two session so I'm gonna do one this weekend on one next weekend to get those in I'm also gonna put a sticky down to remind myself to look at the other monthly tasks that are part of my power sheets because I only have two weekends left in August I mean yes there are kind of three weekends left but I'm gonna be out of town the last weekend so I really only have two weekends left and I need to make sure I get whatever those other things are done and then I also signed up for workout classes both days I'm pretty sure what I was feeling motivated when I was with my mom she my mom has actually lost a bunch of weight and I was like oh I need to sign up for class pass next weekend so I signed up for them so I'm gonna look at the ones I signed up for and I might reschedule and move some things around it might also depend if I go to this yoga class on Friday then I won't go to one at the same studio but if I don't go to that I will probably go to one on Saturday or Sunday so I'm gonna put put that with a question mark so I think that it's gonna be it for now so I still have to fill in obviously some of these two do's and the two dues over here but at least I feel like my planner is going to work for me this week even though I didn't pull out a weekly kit and do a whole sticker session I really love these pens I talked about it in a favorites video and now I have more I really do love these pens I love how thick they are and they they soak into the paper the Erin Condren pay which is beautiful paper somebody actually mentioned that last week when I asked about writing on stickers versus writing on the paper somebody was like well the paper so beautiful and so it is nice to have a week where I get to really appreciate the nice erin condren paper so I think this is gonna be it for now I finally feel like I have my feet under me a little bit although I probably need to catch up on a little bit of sleep before I completely feel that way if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new here please click that subscribe button I upload new videos every Monday Wednesday and Friday thank you so much for watching happy planning more tired is that grammatically correct blue hole Monday my name of today oh my god a gang a duck and so far oh jeez I don't remember where all of these skinny washes skinny washes I have a call with somebody at 10 at 10 I think the only one close to right
Channel: PlanwithLaken
Views: 15,783
Rating: 4.9282513 out of 5
Keywords: planwithlaken, planner spread, planner community, plan with me, plan with laken, erin condren, erin condren life planner, life planner, planner stickers, erin condren plan with me, erin condren planner, planner setup, erin condren vertical, plan with me erin condren, plan with me youtube, planner supplies, vertical planner, weekly spread, planner girl, weekly planning, pre planning, planner decorating, chatty plan with me
Id: 0ffZSV9tt4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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