Placing Text Around a Heart Shape (Cuttle Q&A)

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hi this is Federico and this short video is in response to a question that was asked on Facebook about how to place text around these specific shape so I'm going to show you how I would approach these using cuddle so the first thing to know is that what we're going to be doing is placing text along a path so use as a quick example I'm going to show you what that looks like so whenever you have a path I'm gonna draw a simple path here you can go ahead and apply a modifier here in the modify menu called text a long path and that's going to place the text along that and you can change any text that you want and you can adjust things like the size and the alignment and things like that and you can always go back and double click into the path and change the path the way you would change any other path you can make it curvy you can move it around and so forth so this is what we're going to be doing so I created an outline that's very much like the example that was given and then for these specific shape I would approach it like this I think I wanna I wanna heart shape pad that I can chop into the sections that are the different text so let's start by grabbing one of the existing shapes which is the heart so I can type it here and drag it in place and then I'm just going to scale it so it fits roughly where I think the text needs to go I think something like that looks good and now I actually want to go in and cut this one in different sections so in order to do that I need to go to edit and well that is selected go to edit and then convert it into paths what that lets me do is that when I double click into it I can actually see the different sections and anchors that it's that one is made of so I can also add other anchors which is what I'm going to do I'm going to select the places where I want to cut it so I think for this section I want to cut it here here to get rid of these and then for the bottom section I'm going to add a cut here and here and roughly on that side and I'm going to go back and select the select tool double click into the pad and zoom in a little bit to show you so I want to select that and then press delete to get rid of that section you can delete sections and anchors so all right also delete that section and then the V section right here as you can see that made it into a separate path so I need to click out of it and double click into this one so I can delete that section now I have the three different paths that I want so now it's a matter of applying textile and path and then tweaking it to make it look good so start with this one so I'm gonna go to modify text along path and then let's type the one in the example so as you can see it's super big and one option is to Simply press check this button called scale to fit and then we probably need to flip around there is an option for that so it's readable and I think that works really well um alternatively you can change the actual size to be very specific that also helps you like place it the way you want it I think something like this looks good let's go with that um so let's do the other one same operation so like the path apply textile on pad and then let's type the example let's see what changes we need to make so scale to fit let's use the same amount that I use for the other one and then we also need to flip it so it's readable I think it looks pretty good and now let's tackle the bottom one so once again I'm going to apply the text alone path let's type and let's see what scale to fit does to it um it looks alright um except for that g is a is a little bit twisted so there are a couple of ways to deal with that I think one way is to just use custom scaling I think that's gonna help us get it where we want it but the G is right in the center so what we can do is sort of change the alignment a little bit by adding spaces so if I add a space here you can see how it separates these two you can even it out a with some additional spaces on the right um and I think that looks about right uh maybe I would even change the size a little bit so with text there is not necessarily right or wrong there is always uh kind of your judgment on how it how it looks another way in which I would approach this one I think this looks good but another way which I would approach it is to maybe give it a little curve here so I can go ahead and edit that pad by click double clicking into it and if I curvy curve it a bit I might get it to wrap in an interesting way so I'm holding the option key to move the handles separately and that might give you as like curvature that also works but uh in general I'm just editing the pad I'm not sure if I like this one I think I like the the straight one better so I'm going to go back to it anyway I hope that I hope this is helpful and thank you for watching and keep those questions coming
Channel: Cuttle
Views: 339
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Id: 9M_UXkJ3J-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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