Placemat Pouch Version 12! - Drawstring Project Bag - Beginner Sewing Friendly

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hi everyone and thanks for joining me today i have another placemat pouch for you if you're not familiar with the placemat pouch series we have several placemat pouches that are made out of none other than placemats i kind of feature the pioneer woman placemats from walmart and there are a ton of different projects i'll try to pop up a few right here but i have a brand new one for you today and i am super thrilled with how this turned out i think these turned out so cute this is sort of a or it isn't sort of it is a project pouch there are two different versions one has handles one does not and either way i think they are equally cute they are totally finished on the inside there aren't any raw edges so let me show you how that works so here's the inside and again they're made out of the quilted placemats so super cute inside so the beauty of the placement pouch is that this one will because of this sturdy placemat it stands up on its own so if you are working on a project you can open it up like this and you have this wide open area to create to put your yarn in or your project and you can work right out of it and then when you're done you can simply lift it up draw the string and you can either carry it like this or if you make the one with the handles you can carry it like this and all of this just pops right inside just like that so super cute really easy to make these these are so beginner friendly if you're new to sewing this is a great project any of the placemat projects are great for new sewist they're super easy there's not any zipper in this there's nothing scary about it it's got this nice box corner you're going to learn some really basic uh sewing ideas and this is a really simple pouch to make i know when i've made them in the past that the embroidery groups enjoyed the placemat pouches because they're really easy to embroider on and i just did a simple monogram you could put knitting on it you could put a name these make great great gifts so really really cute so let's get started i am going to show you i'm going to walk you through making this version first it's just a little bit easier because it has one less step if you want to make the one with the handles you're going to need two pioneer woman napkins or two extra pieces of fabric um if you're going to make this version you just need one placemat one napkin but both just take one placemat two napkins for this one one napkin for this one and that's really all you need besides your string so let's get started so this is what you're going to need this is a pioneer woman placemat i get these at walmart it is double-sided they have different designs this is the one that i'm going to use and you can use either side as the outside or the inside however you want to do it this is the one i'm using you're going to want some pens or clips your rotary cutter you're going to need something for your drawstring i'm going to use this t-shirt rope that i have you could also use some actual corded rope whatever you want i just i have this and i want to get rid of it so i'm going to use that and then i pick up a pack of the matching pioneer woman napkins and you're going to need just one you can use whatever color you want going to need a ruler and then of course your regular sewing machine um and notions so let's get started so the first thing we're going to do is set our placemat aside we're going to work on the napkin we need to make this napkin which is let's see it tells the size on either 18 by 18. we need to cut this to 15 inches wide so we're going to cut three inches off of one side it doesn't really matter which side i'm going to try to get this as straight as i can using my ruler i'm going to cut off three inches all right so we can get rid of that now the next thing we want to do is take that raw edge and we're going to fold it over by about a half an inch or a quarter of an inch and then fold it over again and our end goal is to get this napkin to be 14 inches wide so we want to put this way i want this to be 14 inches wide so there's 14. so i need to fold it over this much and then i'm going to fold this side in so that i have a nice border just like it was but we're making a finished edge you're going to press that and then you're going to stitch that down right along the edge on the folded side so let me go ahead and again we want to 14 inches from the side i'm going to take that over to my iron and i'm going to press it like that so it'll be pressed down like that and then i'm going to take that raw edge and just tuck it in and give it another press like that and then we're going to stitch right down the folded edge okay so i have folded it in just like that so this now measures 14 inches across just like that and i don't have any raw edge so now what i'm going to do is take this over to the sewing machine and i'm going to stitch right along that folded edge just to secure that into place if you want to get rid of some of this bulk right here you can go ahead and give a trim to that little corner just so that you have a little less bulk in the corner so again i'm just trimming off the extreme corner just like that all right so that makes sense so now we have it's 18 by 14. okay so i've stitched that down now we've got a nice border all the way around all right so you want to orient it so the 14 inch side is across the top and we're going to fold it in half and establish our center point you can also just measure it if you want but i'm just going to line this up because this has a plaid stripe to it it's pretty easy to establish that center and keep it straight all right so we're going to open it up and now we have that center point we're going to cut this in half okay so now we have two pieces that measure 14 inches by nine inches and they have each have a raw edge what i want you to do now is to take your ruler and you're going to let me get this one out of the way i'm going to measure up we're looking at the side with the seams and this is the raw edge we're going to measure up two and a half inches from the bottom so two one two and a half and then you're going to use a fabric marker or a pen whatever you want and you're just going to mark where that two and a half inch mark is all right then you're going to take this over the iron and you're going to fold this up a quarter of an inch press it and then fold it up to that line and press it i've already done this one at the iron so it's going to be like this and then you're going to fold it up to that line once you've done that you're going to take it back over to the sewing machine and you're going to stitch right along this folded edge close to the edge make sure you're backstitching at the beginning and the end of all your stitches so one more time you're going to take your raw edge you're going to measure two and a half inches make a mark then you're going to take it to the iron and you're going to fold in a quarter of an inch press it and then fold this up to that two and a half inch mark and press it so i have both of mine pressed into place and you just want to make sure before you stitch them down that both of them are the same size so they should be the same height once you're in you're sure that they're both the same go ahead and take it over to the sewing machine and you're going to stitch right along this edge securing that down on both pieces okay when you're done you should have something that looks sort of like this you've got a big margin and a small one on the bottom on both pieces all right so let's grab our placemat and you need to decide which side you want to be the inside which side you want to be the outside i'm going to do this on the outside so i'm going to look at the side that i want to be the outside i'm going to take one of my pieces the side with the seams i'm going to put it so that that wide seam that we just stitched is facing down and the side is facing up so here's that little big cuff that we just made so now you're going to take your clips or whatever and just clip this into place just like so and it should be the exact same length as your placemat then you're going to flip it around and do the same thing here so we're going to take the wide seam put it towards us towards the middle of the place mat and we're going to line this up and pin or clip that into place whatever works for you so that's the basic bag now if you want to add handles i'll show you how to do that so if you want to do handles what you're going to do is cut the seam off of one side and then you're going to cut two strips of another napkin that are four inches there we go so two strips four inches the entire length there's one let's get rid of that and two all right so what you're going to do with these um again you can cut these seams off the ends that would probably be the easiest just to give you a little bit less bulk so i'm going to cut the seams off the ends alright so you've got two pieces of just raw edge fabric you're going to take it over to the iron and you're going to fold it in half and then press it once you establish that center point you're going to open it up you're going to fold this into the center press it like that fold this side into the center press it and then fold this in half press it so that you end up with pretty much a binding piece you're going to do that to both of your pieces so once you've pressed those into place it looks like this so the inside's pressed in and then you fold it in half and you pressed it and then you're going to take it over the sewing machine and you're going to stitch with a top stitch right along this edge and right along this edge and that's going to be your finished handle okay then you're going to take your placemat and you're going to measure in one two three four inches and place your handle go ahead and flip that same thing on this side make sure that it's not twisted one two three four inches just like so then this one we don't have to measure we can just match it up that one or you can measure whatever works for you it's how you should do it all right so you're going to take it over the sewing machine and you're just going to stitch on the binding part right along this edge just to secure those in place on both the front and the back of your placemat so if you want the handle version this is how your placemats going to look and then the rest of the tutorial will be exactly the same so i just wanted to throw this segment in there so that you understand if you're making the version with the handles how your sandwich goes together so you'll have the placemat face down your handles are on the top and then your drawstring pieces that we just made are going to go on top of that with the wide seam facing the center so it'll be something like this your place mat and your hand will be in the middle make sure that handle stays down you might want to tape it or pin it down just so that you don't accidentally stitch that where you don't want it and then you're going to do the same on the other side you're going to put that wide seam towards the middle with your sandwich in the middle or your handles in the middle and the assembly for the rest of the bag is the same whether you have the handles or not so either version you can pick up right here so once you have that into place you're going to take it over to the sewing machine and you're going to stitch right along this edge back stitching at the beginning and the end same thing on this end stitch from edge to edge down both of the sides back stitching at the beginning and the end so when you're stitching it down you want to stitch right inside those seam lines on the side there is a line on the napkins and they have a another stitch line that we want to make sure that is um covered so when you stitch it down stitch right inside that fold line use that as your guideline for your seam allowance once you have that stitch into place it's going to look like this if you open it up so you can open it up and then give it a little press if you want and then we're just going to do a top stitch just to give it a finished look right along this edge on the napkin side and right along this edge on the napkin side so go ahead and top stitch your napkins down all right once you have it done it should look like this on the back you're looking at your seams you're looking at your back side the front side looks something like this so we just ran that top stitch right along that edge right there so this is the front this is the back this is going to be the inside of our project so we're going to turn it over so that we're looking at the front and we're going to fold it in half so we should be looking at these seams and looking at this sticking out and we want to match up the side right where the placemat is and clip that turn it around do the same thing on this side match up the placemat give that a clip and then you can go ahead and clip the rest of it on the sides you want to make sure that that top matches if things have shifted a little bit it's okay just make sure that the top here matches if your sides are shifted a little bit just make sure they're nice and flat it's okay just make sure you've got everything clipped it looks like mine's shifted a little bit and again everything's flat make sure clip that together clip that together okay so now you want to take this over to the sewing machine and you're going to stitch right inside this binding so you're going to be stitching right here right inside this blue binding all the way up stopping when you get to this cuff at the top same thing here you're going to back stitch stitch all the way up along that binding keeping that same seam allowance go all the way up and stop at that cuff make sure that you back stitch forward and backwards a couple times up here because this is going to take the most stress if your placemat has shifted a little bit or your napkins just make sure that you catch both pieces of fabric i don't have mine clipped together very well there we go so just make sure that you're totally closing up these side seams all the way up all the way down okay so when you're done it should look something like this so if you have the box corner templates that i used to have on my website you can use those now or if you don't just use a ruler and you're going to measure two inches from your seam line so find your seam line and put your this edge on the seam measure two inches in and two inches up and we're just going to box this out just like that if you're using a ruler you're just going to do it like this we're measuring two inches from that seam line over make a line two inches up from the bottom make a line so again i'm measuring from the seam line not the edge two inches two inches all right now you want to cut those squares out and try not to overshoot it cut it exactly just like that all right once you have those corners cut out you're just going to go to the corner and you're going to open it up and you're going to match this bottom right here where the fold is with this side so you're going to open it up match that up and then get everything straight across and pin or clip that into place i prefer to split this seam you can push it one way or the other but i'm just going to split it i'm going to pin it pin this side so it looks like that same thing over here we're going to open this up we're going to match that bottom with the top get everything straight open that seam clip that into place all right now you're going to take it over to the sewing machine and you are going to stitch with a quarter inch seam allowance from one edge to the other on both of these and then if you have a serger you can assert that edge to finish it off if you don't have a serger follow it up with a zigzag stitch so that you don't have fraying edges so again a quarter inch seam allowance and then follow it with a zigzag stitch or a serger on both seams okay so you can see i stitched it and then i used my serger and just finished off that edge on both sides all right so now we're going to turn this right side out helps if you give it a nice press around that boxed edge all right so now all we need to do is add our drawstrings so again i'm going to use this t-shirt yarn just because i want to get rid of it so what i like to do is kind of double it the length of the bag and then i give myself plenty of extra but you can do whatever you want if you're tight i've got an extra one two three four five six inches and then you're going to need two pieces like that all right so then you're going to need a safety pin or a bodkin if you have it i'm going to use a bodkin just because that's what i've got but if you have a safety pin that works just fine so you just put this around it tighten it up and then we're just going to go in one of these sides out the other and then flip it over and go right back through the other side all right so we've got one in and then i like to pull it so it's straight get these even and then i'm just going to tie a knot just like that and then we're going to do the same thing with this one we're going to go in on the opposite side so right back in i kind of just pushed the other one down to the bottom of the channel try to go on the top but it doesn't really matter and one side out the other and back through and there you have it how cute is that now this is the perfect spot for embroidery if you want to do embroidery on it i would suggest you do the embroidery prior to and you're just going to center it on the the first half of your placemat because this never changes its size so you could put embroidery here you could put embroidery here so here's a look at the embroidery that i did i just wanted for those of you who are interested in adding embroidery you can see i put mine about two inches from the top and my monogram at the largest point is about three and a half inches tall and that worked out pretty well i could have maybe raised it a little bit but two inches down three and a half inch monogram worked pretty well for me so that's it that's the latest placemat pouch i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do if you make these i would love it if you tag me on social media whether it be instagram a facebook pinterest whatever i want to see your version it makes me so happy when i see these being made and gifted to others if you enjoyed this video please like subscribe and share don't forget to click that bell so that you're notified every time there is a new video as always never stop making see you guys bye-bye you
Channel: Lorrie Nunemaker
Views: 33,978
Rating: 4.9641256 out of 5
Keywords: Placemat Pouch, Pioneer Woman, Placemat Lorrie Nunemaker, lorrie nunemaker, #lorrienunemaker, placemat drawstring bag, placemat, project pouch, with handles, placemats tutorial, placemat crafts, beginner sewing, placemat pouch, easy sewing, tote bag, gift ideas, beginner sewing ideas, easy sewing gift ideas, placemats diy, pioneer woman placemat bag, placemat bags and purses, placemat tote, placemat wallet, project bag, placemat bag, version 12
Id: 03X3y5tm4hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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