Space Blast Off! | PJ Masks Official

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ultimate disasters and emergencies only [Music] HQ no boom you'll only found the rocket function because of me using my tablet it's okay I'll let but this doesn't look good we have to do something and I know what I'm going after that rocket myself without the tablet but even you can't find that fast oh yes I can be a hero [Music] okay boy hold on to one of my feet and when I show fly gecko you got the other okay here comes supersonic ready [Music] [Music] you keep an eye on Romeo and Robart well I quietly flight deco to the PJ picture player and drop them in right then I deactivate the rocket in super Gekko camouflage [Music] can tears sounds like someone's using a microphone [Music] [Music] [Music] the golden microphone for her own concert so her moths can sing with her well I'm getting it back and if one of you does something really amazing to help maybe I'll know who to give that extra ticket to I'm coming with you that's what best friends are for what super Gekko camouflage [Music] [Music] that looks like that loopy lizard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for being a wonderful leader birdbrain oh he's right I wasn't any better than he is now my outlet teenies don't like me the chariots gone and it's all my fault it's okay they like being out Latinas at first and they were definitely mad at night ninja so maybe they could still help us but help us get the job done not just help me have fun no way it's mine now just like these ninjalinos they'll never do as you say ninjalinos I'm sorry I really am I'm not sure leader I'm just someone who needs your help Oh boohoo there's the sob story birdy pay no attention to her I'm your leader [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was what your car back wriggling reptiles I will [Music] you wouldn't eat you again [Music] Oh looks like you've got me trapped little forts under the car leave my Luna board at home [Music] [Music] rawrr [Music] oh I have to stop blaming you this isn't your fault it's mine it's time to be a hero and heroes take the blame for what they've done and fix it [Music] it's my fault that Luna girl has Cameron's car I left it out online it's okay gecko will help you get it back girls getting the party started let's go are those a school outs you borrowed our school's dance stuff I didn't borrow it I stole it you're welcome PJ pests that's no way to talk to your guests yes no yes can leave anytime they want but you guys well you'll know what I mean when you see I thought you wanted to make up nope sorry oh I'm miss dumb it goes round you over you and down a long way too and while you're trapped I'll take everything else from the school dance what I don't want anyone else having dance fun it's going to be just me at my party muttering feathers the dance-off will be canceled as she steals all the stuff we'll never get to do our cool moves gasping geckos I really wanted to do my robot there's no way we're going to let Luna girl ruin everyone's fun we have to get out of here I've got this I can't buy out and she said that dorm goes way down so we can't go under unless you do a super fast spin you could tunnel it's a great idea he would be like the spinning tornado dance move cowboy I guess it is a bit like that it would just take some practice no way am i messing up again that was embarrassing let's think of another idea you'll be fine we'll see you again come on stand on your tippy toes lift a leg and now sweep sorry guys I should have put the rock in HQ like you said but I didn't and the rock ended up nearly getting you it's okay we got away and HQ is fixed but you were in danger everyone's in danger as long as that rocks around you might be right about that prepare for shock and awe if we use this the rock will hit even harder no way it's time to be a hero we've had enough trouble with that rock there's no stopping me lizard boy the medallion will be much here [Music] Wow that was a really super strong move yeah I don't know what got into me suddenly I felt stronger than ever that's because he wanted to save us from danger deco and it brought every bit of super strength out of you you're right you've got medallion back it's mine no way is that yours night ninja but I broke the rock I threw it at your HQ you through it but Gekko was the one who broke it with his super strength whoa what that makes no sense I'm gonna lizard be stronger than I am it's cuz true strength comes from caring and helping your friends where's the fun in that fine you peewee masks can keep it but I'll be back when you least expect me I'm sending you back to that ancient mountain temple for more training than Joey knows you definitely deserve that medallion Gekko thanks but it's from far away and there's a legend all about it who knows the medallion anyways I'm giving it to the museum so everyone can see it cool and maybe there's another way you can prove your strength before we're done PJ masks all shout hooray [Music] wait I'll let the marks from the missing train tracks are here remember so if we follow them we'll find the tree was that Romeo's lap it looked like he'd get go but it was all over the place maybe there's I nevermind Romeo if he's in his lap he can't be driving that train and we need to find how who is go go go okay [Music] no more tracks how are we gonna dream now how alive I see something up ahead I told you it was fast now let's see who's driving [Music] but we just saw you driving your lap that wasn't me no one's driving my lap up by itself good thing I've got this super fast Romeo took every single book I'll fix it with the flossy flash it's a bit more crash than flash outlet what's wrong with your own amazing moves you're ok but a flash flip will really surprise Romeo once they get it right ok let's figure out where Romeo will go next where are there lots of books [Music] wriggling reptiles it's got some of the most precious books in the world we have to stop him come on Romeo might steal off the flossy flash books from the library too [Music] every book in the city will be about me you're one of my best inventions yes thank you faster I love Romeo Romeo is a genius [Music] [Music] excellent the door still locked Romeo isn't here yet Gekko you climb up high once I tie up his feet you jump down and knock over the robot ok catboy owlette use your allies to warn us when they're near it's really important don't worry cat boy I'm on it ok I'll wait for your signal flossy flash scan the city there was no way she'd missing that villain and he was no match for her flash blip [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] let Romeo breakthrough just in time to see me get my jet pack the jet pack what do you want that fool do you think I'm just gonna walk around when I've ruled the world no way I'll be flying Oh ed pumps stinky smells down everyone's chimneys with my incredible sniffle with everyone will be so that'll be a catastrophe PJ masks we need to stop those boxing gloves super and now stop Romeo from seeing what we're doing Hey what are you doing up there you'll know soon enough Romeo [Music] and now I'll finish you off with a bit of a redesign [Music] [Applause] [Music] this piece of Romeo's bulldozer makes a great pogo stick [Music] [Applause] no I'll get my pterodactyl back and catch myself some flying pussycat too [Music] [Music] what are you doing I'm stuck I took the pterodactyl to catch up with you to make sure we're still friends but now Romeo's in control again of course we're still friends oh look it's all my fault I should have made up with you before [Music] I'm sorry no one messes with my friend [Music] [Music] Dancing's okay but it's not as funny without a tiny cat boy hey maybe I should shrink you ninjalinos - you don't even know well you can't point the shrinkie oh yes I can - your time is up hand over that shrink hijos villain that better Blaine [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so keep your eyes out for a big wave while sucking up toys it can be anywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by my cat's whiskers what are you doing Luna girl PJ masks every fun daytime toy so I can keep them all to myself in the night not if we stop you first taught me my mud ball doesn't just suck up fun things [Music] how come the moon ball didn't suck ah see maybe it's because we hit it yes it's like a massive soccer ball sorry but what a shock [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] way to go I knew you'd get the hang of it see you just had to give it a try yeah let me go you PG pen it's over Luna girl yeah we've got your Luna board so you can't steal any more presents I'm just here by myself what do you mean you're all alone at Christmas that's really sad hey why don't you spend the rest of Christmas Eve with us with you yeah we've got to put all these presents and decorations back any way you can help then we'll all have Christmas together what do you say okay I guess then hop on we're going to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now for the last one excellent and you're getting so good at riding the Luna board gecko Thanks now that I have the hang of it I love it you really helped us out Luna girls so you can have your board magnet back why would Luna girl take butterflies why not something cool and tough like a lion [Music] [Applause] a butterfly it must have escaped from bloomer girl let's try and get it to follow us hey butterfly want to fly with me come on welcome home huh great colors little butterfly would you mind do you like this one or this one this is taking too long what we need is some super cat [Music] what you were really rough cat boy cut it out you're making it unhappy but this is the best way to get at home and there are more to catch look okay but let us try and help these ones come on I over here yeah come on do you like red what Tapley can't you be gentle you're making those butterflies really miserable but I'm helping them now where's Luna girl with the others Hey look aren't these your moss [Music] [Music] [Music] now what do we do you change the plan let's wait for the moths at the toy shop and solve them there and whoever uses the coolest superhero moves to get their way another competition we don't want to oh come on not afraid to lose are you who me no maybe yaku is hey no I'm not I've got some amazing superhero moves but are they better than mine maybe we'd better find out or my body whines but my super girl whose will be both of you ready ready then let the best superhero [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] time to let the cat out of the bag now that's how to win hi superhero bows were definitely the best no way - were way cooler so I went I'd say my superhero moves to the best so I win again oh I hadn't kept trying to beat them then we'd still be together [Music] time to drop it [Music] [Music] don't worry I'm okay hmm tired of only having one PJ masks voice time to get all three never be able to work together to defeat him Oh boys back when we could think it's time to be a human do with these voices [Music] [Music] big TV show there won't be tickets for PJ masks statues who can't clap you won't get away with this freely but here I am getting away right now bye-bye I'll get you unstuck yeah stay cool like master Feng he never gets angry yeah well that's because nobody ever stole a sword before I bet he's just as angry as I am right now [Music] it's the place where he teaches his kung-fu classes and does a TV show he saw gloomy haze awesome look at all those beautiful jewels on it yeah this one for every year of his training [Music] [Music] so what's the plan cowboy okay why don't you get night dances attention you camouflage and sneak up on him I'll swoop in and I can't stand the music master Fang sword what can we do quick let's go cowboy music I must have lost it somewhere don't you oh sure I had it in my pocket mommio why are you done with my friends there hear me now what get away from me o- we will only obey Romeo now something weirds going on oh yeah let's shine some light on this mystery we were all outside it was easy without their superpowers but if you're in those cages who are they wait the picture player said robots that's all gecko an outlet at all no but you thought it was copies lost my circuit board you would have been one of them - a circuit board you mean this my circuit board don't be too confident kitty cat suit my bubble I'll put you in a cage too [Music] cat-boy yes so we can help you not without your powers don't worry I'll get your pajamas oh yes you pajamas are mine to build a supercomputer to power them but now my robots are unstoppable [Music] whoa looks like a girl doesn't want any of this stuff anymore I don't know why anyone wouldn't want this cat let's just get it all back to class and everyone will be happy again except me my giving out was not here I'm going in to get it back there's some kind of force field here I'm going to need your help getting my statue are you sure you don't want to give it away Luna girl stole my statue she doesn't deserve to keep it okay you make her come out I'll see if I can force my way inside Hey you're interrupting me enjoying my beautiful moon sculpture it's an owl sculpture and you stole it no I was sure you gave it to me no way it's mine but it suits me better so I should have it go on say it's mine okay super Gekko muscles [Music] boys had a taste of my force field freeze no one gets it my little era and no one takes my moon sculpture from me because it's mine you're not going to have it for long Luna girl you in the statutes yours we're leaving I need come to your senses in the end what about Gekko we'll get him free and get my statue back too you just need to run down the fire escape and then back up the inside stairs to come out that door okay if you think that'll work okay boys showing what you can do [Music] nice going lizard boy huh okay here's the plan gecko gecko are you okay yeah forget the puppets PJ masks to the rescue good job PJ masks are the puppets okay yeah but Cameron's not we left him because we thought you were in danger Cameron I was just trying to get the puppets back what's Cameron doing here is Cameron he's sleepwalking whose camera I have to help him get home yeah she needs our help more than the puppets I bet he'd make a great puppet she's going to wake him let's suffer don't throw all the puppets on the floor look how great they are that's it puppets do a little dance then wave to my friends stay back Luna girl you shouldn't wake a sleepwalker maybe I won't wake him but I will play with him we need you I'll be right there guys come on puppets I have to go and help my friends he's mine now [Music] too bad you're too late wash as I carve into the moon [Music] you're right distracting you is just part one of my plan part two is my backup don't expect this sitting with Luna girl she wants to stop you as much as we did Romeo looks like it's time for part three of the plan Luna girl you got it [Music] affirmative Tomas Luna girl Romeo and the robot are all busy now for the next step of my plan I commute cannot compute [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she used to be so nice Romeo said he hadn't worked out all the bugs when I hit her I must have scrambled her circuits and turned her bad sorry guys no we are sorry this is our fault if we had let you join us while we were master Fang and kick Magee this wouldn't have happened Kapil is right if you still feel like playing flossy flash we'd be happy to have you on our team see you now let's go stop Robeck stay from you and get the playground equipment back I am coming I thought you guys were brothers anymore mega dude I was just jealous he was spending all his time with the unit he calls pro bet so that's why you took the equipment you were jealous if we help you save Romeo will you put it back affirmative great because I have a plan or should I say [Music] by my cat's whiskers stop right there robots master Fang II kick Magee are on the case now drop Romeo why didn't you just drop it by my cat's whiskers she's up to something or maybe she's just clumsy come on let's return it then I can get back to birdie whoa your pet's really made a mess of HQ Outlets birdie why did you do this maybe because you left her alone Lionel always makes a mess when I don't pay enough attention to him he thought pets were supposed to be fun they are fun but they need exercise and training it's Luna girl again [Music] I know shake it up - she'll get lots of exercise and I'll treat her as we go you can't keep a pet on a mission she'll be fine won't you Bertie [Music] girl those butterflies go home weird she isn't usually that easy to scare off come on you can go back now you're scaring them go in wait for me in the owl-glider Bertie only wants some attention does that mean ll that keeps leaving you alone well you pulled off phase one of my plan I think you're ready for Phase two [Music] but even our Latin geckos room so I can take control of HQ don't let me down bird home sweet home little butterflies what goodbye tire bridge [Music] [Applause] [Music] no now he can cross the tire bridge this is all my fault I think ninjas fortresses all these new things and when I saw them I wanted them to you guys were right we don't need new things just because someone else has them that's ok Ola I'm sure there's something we already have that can stop them we'll get the school buses back here is something we can use to stop them a few something it's who has the best base you do night ninja we don't even have a base anymore ours got squished oh you're sure we only need to hit three of the buses on the bottom with fur balls just three and when we take them out of position [Music] [Music] [Music] you're putting a satellite dish on the lap Oh silly cat I'm not getting it for you yes you are now pussycat and birdbrain start building my satellite tower okay I've got a plane Romeo put the small remote in his backpack well I just tracked him you sneak up behind him and take it out not bad but with my idea we get the big remote you distract him and I'll sink into the lab grab it I think it's safer my way I'm sure I saw Romeo doing something to the lab doors earlier it could be a trap don't worry about that I'm team leader so I'm in control okay Romeo can you help me please what is it much better now get to work in fast-forward [Music] dare you scribble on my beautiful work of art go and wipe it off right now now are you finished hiding all the other art inside the museum good no get rid of it forever so that's his plan hide all the other art so all that's left is this statue of him not if I can help it after what he did to my sculpture messing with his will be the perfect way to get even [Music] [Music] why'd you do that I didn't do it on purpose but it serves him right that's what he did to my statue it's broken destroyed oh he's really upset like you were when your sculpture was broken I guess now he knows how you feel except seeing him upset does it make me feel better at all I thought it'd be fair to make him pay but two wrongs don't make right no they really don't night ninja I'm really sorry maybe we can fix it no ruin did so now I'm going to ruin everyone else's art I know this is all my fault but your sculpture still looks good yeah it really looks like you - the hand yeah you must have put a lot of work into it and it shows forget it it's only good for one thing now destroying the museum push it over too late oh yeah but I'm not using it as a shield I'm using it as a mirror hey Romeo you couldn't hit me if I was 10 feet tall [Music] time for things to get a little more [Music] [Music] on the ground now we just need to fix you cowboy no way I think it's time for this gadget to float away forever cowboy stop this a burr [Music] OUP tape has gonna be sorry you lost my amazing machine yeah well anyway you haven't seen the last of me maybe but we have seen the last of his antigravity machine let's take the cat car and go back to the park where is it let's check out the outliner no reveal okay how are we going to be heroes without our vehicles um maybe we could use our bikes our bikes it's worth a try you're good on yours my bikes OK for the daytime but heroes need super cars to stop crime I say we try it at least until we find out who's got our vehicles come on I can't believe we're gonna be heroes on bikes [Music] [Applause] [Music] on my bike I never worry about falling off you should try flying with your zealot okay [Music] that was the most graceful landing I've ever made he cat boy you should try your super skills on your bite - this is great I guess but it's not as cool as my cat car come on let's just get to the park if this weird wall of cars and there's a noise coming from inside okay let's check it out my cat car what are you up to Romeo how did you get our super vehicles out of HQ easy I was using my amazing electromagnet to get some of these daytime cars but then it's up your vehicle's way no to our vehicles weren't yours to take oh is that why you're stuck biting you silly little bikes what who me oh look Romeo you can't just steal cars and you certainly can't keep our super vehicles why do you mean o3 anyway I don't I'll try them all and keep the best one I [Music] can't believe he thinks he's a pop star he'll play a much nicer concert up on stage tomorrow did you try to all of the instruments uh I think so and I'll get gonna pull up [Music] stop messing around and get ready for my some mashing but now I'm so sorry I was thinking about tomorrow again and I must have tied the rope all wrong he'll be so proud you will never stop singing I have to stop worrying about playing in front of everyone I'm gonna choose an instrument it's time to be a hero I can't be a pop star without my band get over here It's Showtime ninjalinos [Music] [Music] let's practice the move then go get Romeo okay I'll let we're ready again I just don't get it let's try again maybe you'll get it right this time don't worry I've got it I just don't think we need that move don't need it but it could stop Romeo if he's got a big plan we need a big move I have big moves already super wingpower [Music] let's go till they have a lighter-weight this could be awesome too bad I can't do it [Music] look Romeo by my cat's whiskers it's his robot and his live organ his super train take us in for a landing outlet e come to watch me take over the world like you haven't tried that before not like this I've bought all my different machines for a giant attack not if we stop you first Romeo like you could stop all my machines at once my but what will stop you was a ghost slowly and then fill your HQ with sting and while you're busy with that mine the bargain will ice you me echoes no more pesky miss whatever no way Romeo I'm going to cover the city with huge sticky splat one for the school one for the museum and let's not forget the park people will be talking about it forever and cleaning it up forever - whittling reptiles those are big don't worry Gekko leave this to me so that's what you've been doing in your spare time being a villain is more than a hobby these sticky spots aren't just big my new formula makes them bouncy so they'll be even we'll see about that [Music] you guys go after the other two I have a much better idea wait my bestie pepper remember here it comes [Music] [Music] [Music] stopping a bunch of little balls isn't awesome but stopping one big one is this is totally going in the record books [Music] Oh Romeo's gone no one uses my powers but me I hope you have landing gear Romeo you're going down flying is my power I know how to use it and would have caught Romeo if you didn't get in the way just use your own powers but with double powers we'll be able to stop them in half the time yeah plus flying is so fun we've never been able to do this before you guys gonna chase me or what come on PJ masks let's find Romeo why don't I fly a new to look from the ground but we can see so much further from up here plus this is way more fun yeah anywhere are you using allies yeah but I call a cat I'd have my allies power to let me try how do you use our eyes to see things super close up if we free my copies there'll be enough of us to beat the robots any ideas out team I have a great one [Music] the PJ masks they're over by those trees behind you drop the Cowboys in get them shop ten kids okay Cowboys let's use your log invention [Music] [Music] sure comes the rest let's take our places [Music] [Music] but if I pull out the glowy thing you'll disappear we won't disappear we'll just be one couple together again now that's a team [Music] let's lock this thing up with the other one PJ masks all shout hooray who would play with you you are PJ masks or I'm turning your school into my very own well what happens if we win like you could but if you did win I'd leave your school if you lose though I stay here and get your HQ no way forget it you're on first capture the others flag and get it back to their base wins with my deku sense we're totally going to win this it'll be easy-peasy lizard squeezy are you sure about this Gekko sense you have lots of other really cool powers but they're not good for capture-the-flag not like super Gekko sense that's perfect ready to play capture the flag PJ losers then let the game one of us had better stay here to keep watching our flag with your amazing allies you'd be perfect for the job so who goes to the school you cat boy you're incredible cat ears can listen for night ninja which means your allies and my cat ears there's no way he can sneak pasta you're forgetting my super Gekko sense it'll tell me where night min-jae's he's inside the school planning how to get our flag but dad knows he isn't watching his so now's our time to breath I thought your super Gekko sense only told you when danger was near a near farm whatever it can sense pretty much anything okay come on let's get his flag you'd better stay here and guard our flag just in case we have a ninjalino school patrol to get past no night ninja my super Gekko sense was right I was inside time to grab that flag his religion gret we've been released and it's all my fault [Music] [Music] everywhere Luna girls granny had her moon garden it'll grow over the whole city and destroy all the other plants I couldn't have done it without you she's right I should have asked you to help but I wanted to show I knew about gardening even though I didn't go to that Club it's okay I will let any ideas now I'm listening I really am thinking thinking those seeds are everywhere oh they just go wherever the wind blows wait that's a great idea Gekko wherever the wind blows all we have to do is get the wind blowing in the right direction I know what to do but I'm going to need all the gardening help I can get what's the plan come with me it's time to be a hero [Music] ready Gekko it's time for operation wait Bend [Music] ready [Music] [Music] [Music] don't worry nothing's gonna distract me this time [Music] no distractions [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the god helmet I have to distract Romeo until gecko stops that clock I already caught her complaining again the important thing is that we slow down bird brain catch me if you can Romeo [Music] [Music] [Music] what did a gecko you are still slow I may be slow but by not getting distracted I was able to get here early [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] way better than you birdbrain what did he mean about being the only flyer on the sky huh maybe he's going to steal the hot-air balloon from the air show too and everything else in the city that flies I'll let chase him but the how will gliders broken you don't need the owl-glider you're a great flyer without it I can't what do you mean I mean he's too good I'm not as good a flyer as he is what you're an amazing flyer it's not your fault you wrecked the elevator with his splat grabber things yeah and we can help let's take the out glider back to HQ then make a trip to the museum [Music] hey that wasn't so hard it's lucky I remember the museum at this old plane cool huh whew you're doing great you'll definitely catch night ninja but you're the PJ masks flying expert so we'll follow your lead my lead tell us what to do we can't let night need to take anything else that flies I okay don't worry we'll try [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 15,769,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Mask, Cartoons for kids, Pj masks toys, catboy, Kids videos for kids, Cartoons, PJ Masks Live, Tj maxx, Pj max, Rescue, Heroes, Patrol, Pj masks song, Kids cartoons, superheroes, Disney Jr
Id: Ri5enVwyv1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 59sec (4619 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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